"nl : H ilJi per4 evil 'wLn 'ffisacl j.Mf ler W4w im Mil itL i 3 Iras Mi w ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 I'tr Annum VOL. h WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, SKPTKMliKK Uli, .iHT.. NO. -1-2 i iii it rrzir j tt . . w SM mimjmMjmMuimiiiiMuiBWSftwswi m n .mm jmMuiwwnsi nuimMu z r BIA AVcijeialProparsllonKirAs similaHiirtihc Food and Promotes nideslinnfWnl m'ssar.rtlksifonlaintnpirtii' Opiufu.Mdi-phine nortenLj ."lOTISARCOTIC. JkaUttUtl- A bj lion, Sour Stumach.Dlarrlioei Worms jCoiMlstmisJwrisii iss and Loss or Sleep. Fac Smile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of A& Air .ItV li Use For Over Thirty Years tss WM L. 11 111 MM TMC IMTAUII aOMMNT, NIW VORB tITY, Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Slate of Nonh Carolina Depository.' 'J Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aud Surplus, $55,000. For over '.'1 yearn this institution ha provided haiikiutt facilities for tins section. linstock holders ami oilirtm are identitied Kith the busi ness interests of Halifax an.l Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the henelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savimrs Hank, hi this llepartmeut interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toreiiiuin llnee mouths m hunrer. pel cent Si nioutlis or lunger, S percent lurlve iiiuuthsoi lonirer, 4 percent. AnV information Bill he luiuid.ed on application to tlie I'lesidetitoUiHnei pbkhidknt : vV. K. DASIKL, VII K - I'UKSI i.kn r: W. It SMITH. L C. IIKU'KU, teller. IASH1KH: I tl liKAhK. UlKKCTOliS W. li. Smith, t . K. Iamel, .1. It. DiaLe. . .M. ( oheu, K. T. Daniel, .1. 1.. s,epher,l, W. A. IVive, i. It. Zolhcottei, .1 W. shde :a o MORNING AND EVENING. By Kx Uovernor bob Taylor, of Tennessee. "I saw the morning, with purple i quiver anil burnished bow, stand tiptoe on tlie horizon and shoot sunbeams at the vanishing dark-. ness of night, then reach up and j gather ihe stars and hide them in i her tvjsom, and then bend down and tickle the slumbering world j wiih Mraws of light till it woke i with laughter and with song. A ! thousand bugle- calls from rosy fires of the east heralded her coin ing; a thousand smiling meadows kissed her garments as she passed, and ten thousand laughing gardens unlurled their flower flags to greet her. The heart of the deep forest throbbed a tribute of birdsongs, and the bright waters rippled a melody of welcome. Young life and love, radiant with hope and sparkling with dew drops of exul tant joy, came hand in hand, trip ping and dancing in her shining train, and I wished that the heaven of the morning might last forever. "1 saw the evening hang her silver crescent on the sky and rival splendor of the dawn with the glory of the twilight. I saw her wrap the shadows around her, and with a lullaby on her lips.rock the weary world to rest; then 1 saw her with her dipper full of dew droDS and her basket lull of dreams, slip back to the horizon of the morning and steal the stars again. The gardens furled their flag flowers and the meadows fell asleep; the song of the forest fell into silence, and the melancholy water whispered a pensive good night to the drowsy birds and sleepy hollows. Life and love. with halo of parting day upon their brows and the starlight tingled in their hair walked arm inarm among the gathering shadows and wove all the sweet memories of the morning into their happy evening that it might never end. "Thus life steals us from the dust. We wake to think and sleep to dream. We love, and laugh, and weep, and sing, and sigh, un til death steals us back 10 dust again. CALOMEL IS MERCURY! IT SICKENS! ACTS ON LIVER LIKE DYNAMITE 'OodsoD's Llmr Tone" Starts Your Liner letter Thaa Calomel and Doesa't Salivate or Make You Sick. Listen to to I Take no more sick ening, salivating calomel when bilious or vutipatrd. Don't low a day's work! Calomel is mercury or quicksilver which cause necrosis of the hones. Calomel, when it comes into contact witli sour bile crashes into it. breaking it up. This is when you feel that awful nausea and cramping. If you are slus; gish and "all knocked out," if your liver is torpid and bowels constipated or you have headache, diuiness, coated tongue, if breath is bad or stouiach sour ust take a spoonful of harmless Dod um'a Liver Xoue on aiv guarantee. Here's my pmrantoe Trfi fr any ilruij store and get a Ml cent bottle of D,l sun's Liver Tone. Take a pM,iifut to. night and il it doesn't straighten yon right up and make you feel line and vigorous by morning I want you to go hack to the store and get your money. Dojuon'a Liver Tone is destroying tlie tali of calomel liceause it is real liver medicine; entirely vegetable, therefore it can not salivate or make you sick. - I guarantee that one spoonful of Ood son's Liver Tone will put your sluggish liver to work and clean your bowels of tliat sour bile and constipatiil war.te which is dogging your systun and milk ing you feel miserable. I guarantee that a bottle of Hudson's Liver Tone will keep your entire family feeling line for months, (live it to your children. It i harmless; doesa't gripe aid they like its leaa&nt taste. EXCUMOM $24.75 State Camp, Fla, Near Jacksonville) and return. National Rifle Tournament. Tick ets on sale October 3rd, 4th, M". 6th, 7th, 12th, I3ih and 1 4 ih. Cxic.ior. of final limit to Novem ber 29th may be extended by de posit of ticket with Agent Union Station, Jacksonville, not later than October 1 3th and payment oi fee of 50c. $8.50 Jacksonville. Fla $10.50 Tampa, Fla. And return, tickets on sale lor all trains September 2Stlt, 1915 Returning all tickets void alter mid night October 5th, 1915. $8.25 Washington, L. C. and return, tickets on sale Sep tember 25-227ih, reluming all tickets void after midnight October 1 5th. 1 5th. THESE WAR TIMES. Little Johnny was doing sentinel duty, wiih his new rille slung across his shoulder, when the irate lady next door bore down upon him. 'Did vou break mv window?" she demanded twaihfully, pointing to the damaged property. I he child boked Irom the win dow to her and back again before repyling. "Did you saw me "No. But-" "Then I didn't do il." And turning, he marched away. Tid Bits. Vi'iui u dimiye a wife can make in :i man and what a lot of change she requires while making it! The last word with all women. is the favorite FARMER'S WIFE TOO ILLTO WORK A Weak, Nervoui Sufferer Restored to Health by Ly dia E. Pinkham' Veg etable Compound. For rates, reservations or any information, phone or write the ATLANTIC COAST LINE, "The Standard Railroad of the South." C. E. CAKTEM, Agent. nmn hoof punt ' SOLD BY WEl.DON, N. C. Kaaota, Minn. " I am glad to lay that Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable uompouna nas uonn more for me than anvthinar else, and I weak and nervoua that I could liut do my work and suf fered with paint low down in my right side for a year or more. I took I.ydia V. Pinkham'a Vege table Compound, and now I feel like a j,tT. mi ru.ro,m I believe there it nothing like Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vege table Compounu tor weas. wwuru " young girls, and I would be glad if I CUUIU liiimciivc myw. - J cine, for I know it will do all and much more than it is claimed to uo. - mm. i'i ia Franks. R. F. D. No. 1, Maple- crest Farm, Kasota, Minn. Women who suffer from those dis tressing ills peculiar to their sex should be convinced of the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to re store their health by the many genuine and truthful testimonials we are con stantly publishing hi the newspapers. If you have the slightest doubt that Lydia. E. Pinkham'a Vegeta ble Compound wlU help you, write to Lydia E.PlnkhamMedlciuetio. (confidential) Lynn, Masnf or ad vice, Vour letter will be opaned, read and answered by a woman, and held in strict coofldence. : Di-iito,r,v5hinty o 1. A A r A . g fjt 'yf ( ' ' SJ I j!H ivil O X.-Ntd..ort..A.!l,c..,l,r-s.tt:.,N,v.'. O 1 , ' m'JStif--"fM Lj I lill'JiF 'La M l take vour nn aute and make Milt to .,t.l.-r on mv l.eti-h. fall aii-l W t!H4A&&K;&i WT4L t Yml Vmspect" Une line orpiwe goods and sampl.-s .at,sf,.-toM. guara.it .JM "1l1rlf T ''V, T i''lfllfe, ( c" OsWWMslMllsMslllllMIIM HHMIIIB wnmZM JTaTJt Ws.UI'HfA,TJff sKaTJWT laJBswaTsal AsBJjA'iiSsJJB' AV r(f ' iMjHrri fc S"'- ltfy J r v y !lV ;'IMffiL3K m m M ulW rM ciOLiM mm, 1 U) ! , Vl!?? ' MAXTON, N. C. $f IM m; VsJPS'M V.-L iX I'1 ''Ifntl&li I I- ! i;l! the u-ry li,-t in l.u'.l.liiij. e.,uii,i,,,-ot eiiineiilum J Sil l CSI m -V IV 1 .'I'l'n and t-aelnng fm m nirr ir cr dash "Whenit's90intheshadeldrink Pepsi-Cola and keep cool" When the sun rides high and the heat simmers up from the pavement, there's nothing you need more than a bracing glass of Pepsi-Cola. Brings to heat worried mind and body in the office or on the street the refreshed, invigorated feeling that makes you complete the day's worK witn a For All Thirsts Pepsi-Cola Drop around the corner to the fountain with your nickel, or to the dealer in bottled Pepsi. 4efc -t m l.u'.l.liru. 1 Musi moili'i ii yb:n of U-;un lu-at linirs. l-lifU u- liijlils. Imt un-l colli wutiT latli.-. suuiUii y tlMiikmif rt'imluiii-. liir luit-s a n 1 lite lidst' on rwiy Ih M) r. Amplf c.uip!tit':il I'm try fjj nu-1 u m ant lulitiiutuiy ti'trciitly inl;tllf I. ! uiniluii' m u, inthli'in anil tin wry fit-l. 'it in litis til' twenty acres ('uiiuutiinLr u forest of iiivtivtMiuk uihI other tree.-., 'renins cuuits ami basket 1'all. I'otit years' literary eciie lea-lini: t' A II. ilrree 'l liree years pii'i'aratory work. Nurmal (.'oiii'Sf cxaetly hi line with re'iuiie l tik I'M II i;; ii e!i(Mi .-late 't !i lifiiie. ' t!e::ilitl eourst' in I'ianu, Voice. Ilj'ie.-mii. I'liysieal Cnlriifc. Art, Jn rnotie Science. lonict ic Ail, liusmess leaMnu Talile 1.0.W1 lor yeai Him. 1,'ooim rent, uiohitliii-- Jieat, 1 it; I it , liot aii-l coM water IjuIIis, 'o tt ,s-. ( jui the year. Tuition in liter ary ilt'parlmenl, iiu-luiliiiir l.utm. I icneli. lu-iinuii anl l ice It ami iHawintr ."t fur the year. (Hit iailly LrroAinr patrun aire i a nuarantec that parent- are timlini: uliat thev ticsirt1. l-or catalog u.ltlress UK V. s. .. MKKCKK, A. K, Vresnleiit. ff( TO MY CUSTOMERS: ajEi AjLj w LOOK UP. BALLROOM PATHOS. Look up, not down I The skies are overhead, Where still are shining sun and stars and moon; What if today the clouds make dark the noon ? The sweet light will return w hen clouds have fled Look up in hope ? Above the watery waste God's spirit broods, and some day lite new earth Will find, out of the throes of this rebirth, it's Paradise, but God is not in haste. Look up and trust ! Above the wrath of man, Above the swirl of jealousies and hate, Unmoved the throne of God; just wait; Tomorrow you will see His perfect plan. I ook up ! The Right nitisi have ihe right of way; Might is but weakness when allied Willi Wrong; The powers of righteousness, when few, are strong, And in the conflict ever win the day. Look up, O soul, and fear not the ark ! The fl ighted dove her olive-leaf will bring; The waters will subside, and a new spring Will tell of bright days glowing from the dark. Tragedy oi the Yearning Heart That Was Left to Itself A UNIQUE ADDRESS, THIS PREACHER HAS A WAY OF HIS OWN. J. Whitcomb Brougher has never yet followed in the footsteps of a living soul. He has a way of bis own; he is different. After tall, there is nothing so interesting as a variety. The trouble with most preachers is that they are commonplace. They say w hat they are expected to say, and what others have said. If they have any originality they are afraid to show it. They dread sensationalism more than they do dull ness. No, we would not have preachers preach like Brougher, but we are glad that he preaches as he does. If he preaches as we preach he would preach to congregations "as small and select" as the congre gations to which we preach. At the Los Angeles Convention Dr. Brougher gave an address of welcome which was "Brougher classic." In this address he said : You are as welcome as the sunshine after a storm. You are as wel come as a summer after a winter in Chicago. You are as welcome as the first baby in a new home. You are as welcome as a baby at Methodist christening. You are as welcome as the whale was to Jonah when "all at sea." You are as welcome as a meal to a hobo. You are as welcome as a watermelon to a negro. You are as welcome as a sweetheart to an old maid. You are as welcome as a pretty girl to an old bachelor. You are as welcome as a moiher-m-law s departure on a long journey. You are as welcome as a vacation to a school kid You are as welcome as a base-ball game is to a fan. You are as wel come as a tip to a waiter. You are as welcome as a big salary to prcacheis. You arc as welcome as a successful election to a doubtful candidate. You are as welcome as prosperous times to a Democratic administration. You are as welcome as European peace would be to the world. If you can think of anything else that is more welcome than anything 1 have mentioned, then that is just how welcome you are. Watchman Examiner. A QUESTION OF TIME. The New Parson Well, I'm glad to hear you come to church twice every Sunday. Tommy Yes, I'm not old enough to stay away yet London Opinion. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Uto For Over 30 Years Always beat ttie Senator To The Public. "1 feel that I owe the manulaotuierg of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Lharihu-s Remedy a word of gratitude' writes Mrs. T. N. Witherall, Gowanda N. Y. "When I began taking this rued icine I was terribly sick, due to ao attack of summer complaint. After taking a dose of it had not long to wait for relief as it benefited mealmost immediately Obtainable everywhere. Advf'rsity is an egg from which experience is hatched. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTQR I A The fourth dunce was nearly over, and she was still sitting by the wall, her hands clasped in her lap and her blank program dang ling at her side. The expression of pleasure which had been spon taneous at the beginning of the evening had become fixed and strained through the long period of waiting. At last the music ceased, and ihe dancers Hushed and laughing, scattered about the hall. The girl rose stiffly and tried to mingle with the crowd. A few acquaintances, nodded absently, then moved away. Bold in her distress, she elbowed her way into a noisy group and laid her hand timidly upon the arm of one of the girls, "Thai's a pretty dress, Marie," she said, trying 10 smile. "Thank you. Are you having a good lime?" 'Lovely," she answered, with a brave attempt to smile. Her friend hesitated, then turned deliberately to her own coterie. The wall flower stood awkward ly outside the closed circle, then pushed toward another group. The music started up; there was mad confusion, and the girl was caught in a scurry of young men finding their partners. Left alone in the middle of the floor and buf feted by the dancers, there was nothing for her 10 do but seek the wall again. Her cheeks burned in confusion as she found herself again sur rounded by vacant chairs. She moved to the side of two girls sit ting farther down the hall. For a moment she felt less conspicuous, But both girls were claimed by their partners, and she was left alone against the wall. Pretty girls glanced at her with genuine pity; girls of uncertain popularity eyed her scornfully as they passed. At IumI, blinded tiy d I uaii uf liot tears, she arose and went from the music and merriment into the si lence of the deserted dressing room. ban hrancisco Kulleim. li ii ii Mi i h ii it ii 1 T HE Ice season is at hand and I earnestly (f me a liberal share oi take in consideration" furnished vou ice both ft have made it pos- -V any lime uuriite; the Ml The Next Best Thing To The Pine Forest for Colds Is In, Bell s nne-lar-Honey nlneh goes to the root of the cold troubles. It clears the throat and gives relief from that clogged and stuffed feeling. The pines have ever been the friend of man in driving away colds. Moreover, the pine-honey qualities are peculiarly elec tive in fighting children s colds. Ke member that a cold broken at the start greatly removes the possibility of com plications. 25c. When you want a woman to do what you want her to do ask her to do something else. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ask you to give your patronage I ueneve alter you the fact that I have winter and summer, and sible for you to get ice winter when otherwise it would have beenvi'i hard for you to obtain same, you will have T no hesitancy in giving me your support VI I have handled all the winter at a loss in order to supply my customers and others -k-that misrht want ice and I feel bv so doino-w that I am entitled to your patronage. Block shipments solicited Yours very truly, C. E. CARTER. i 0 ) li i N Anv lime mv men llotl 1 crive vnu nl eunr inn in both service and Ice, I will he glad if you will call it to my kl attention. Phone 318. 2?- 5 Y 5 '5 Instead aM 7tf . V, mm i I IK 3 Sfe Shindies " besides they i hi!i,: : wui Lists as lung as . Jf i;- LuiUi: , and in vcr needs repairs. Tli. ' won't I vn, n a.-k, curl or rot li'..' she,;;.;, imr ha.'c they the it.it weight tr hrii'deneis of stone slate; 1 I n better than either. J. S. TCRNCR. VVeldon, N. C. The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak ens the Nerves. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE, FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. 1 I tsTlar ,: : W, If JMXA 4 -llf-.'X ' th , W TUSK es W SBt SEVERE PAIU. ' I ua to suffer a great fleet with li,inliai;u In my slimildors and Ui.:k. A (rl-nd lnfluerd mo to try Dr. Mile1 Antl-1'ain Pills and 1 am only t"o Klaii to be nlile tn Hltcit to the relief that I pit fi mi these splendid pills. They furm a valuable meJlclne and do nit that it Is claimed thfy will d" " LEWIS J. CUTTER. Marietta, Ohio. FOLEY KIDNEY PILLS I FDLEY KIDNEY PILI ,0 8AeH""H6 l"-MEY8 ..'.3 BtAODCf 0.1 BACKACHE rllONtVS ANO BLAH I. "A. XJAIR OF SIXES" AT BACHELOR'S OPERA HOUSE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 24TH.

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