i flnjMHSHMRJif&I.! I CONOENSEO STAI I'MHNT OF THE CONDITION 01-Till. One Solid Year in New1 BailR Of Ellf iel(l, BATCHH'LOR'S OPERA I 1 V : ' SID, FHHDIT, SEPTT-" AIB'EIR. 24TH 191.5. YorK Fr.lieU. N. C, ai the close dl business June 2.1, It AST f "s - 3 f i PE; CT- S 50. 75 SLDER BUI STRINGER To be liealthy at seventy, prepare at forty, is sou ml advice, because ill the strength of middle life we toooften forget thtt neglected colds, or careless treat ment of slight aches and pains, simply undermine sttreiiKth ami bring chronic weakness for later years. To be Rtronger when older, keep your blood pure and rich and active with the Rtrirnifth-buiUling and blood-uourishitu,' properties of Scott's Umulsioa which ma food, a tonic ami a medicine to keep your blood rich, alleviate rheumatism and avoid sickness. No alcohol iu Scott's, Scott & Bovrue, Bloom field, N. J. "theIloanoke news, Thursday. Sept. 23, 1915. Published Every Thursday. 11TKB8D AT PUTomiB AT WELUUN AS BBfUND-CLASS MAHKH. KATES OF SUBSCKII'TKIN !N ADVANCE: Ooe Year, (by mail) postpaid, tl.50. Six Months, " " .75. A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and surrounding counties. Advertising rates reasonable and fur nished on application, i The New York World says: "The wrongs that Germany has committed against the United States are all matters of record. The refusal of the German Gov ernment to make adequate repara tion for those wrongs or to live up to its engagements is also a matter of record. In the circumstances, should not the United States recall Mr. Ger ard and give Count von BernstortT his passports? Does not the hon or uf the United States demand that we refuse longer to continue diplomatic relations with a Gov ernment which respects neither its pledges nor its agreements? Newspaper Man Recommends It If. H. Wentnuith, of the St. James. (Mo I Ni'v, wntff.: "Two luniilhs am 1 took a -.evert Cold whieh s.'tll.'d 111 Uiy luns and I had sueh pains in my luus 1 feared pueuinuuia. 1 tfot a hottle ul Foley's Honey and Tai and it sitaiirlit ened me up immediately. I can ree oiii'iiend it to lie a genuine eouifli aim lung medicine. '' Many mothers writ, this relialile remedy euied their children of croup. Hay fever aud asthma -ull'er ers say it gives relief. Sold by E. t'l.AKK A petition with a million names will be prepared urging Congress to make Sept. 6 a national holiday in memory of Lafayette. Many Complaints Heard. This summer seems to have produced an unusual amount of sickness. Many complaiu of headaches, lame hacks, rheumatism, biliousness aud of helm; "alvui'9 tired." Aches, pains and ills caused by the kidneys failing t.ido then work and throw the poisonous waste from the system yield quickly to 1-uley Kidney Pills, They help eliminalinn. give sound sleep and nuke you feel well aud strong. They are tonic in actum. Sold hv E. t'l.AKK. A convict at Sing Sing has re ceived a check for $50 from a film company for suggesting the best name for a moving picture show at the prison. Every home Needs a Faithful Cough and Cold Remedy W'heu seasons change and colds ap pear wtien you tirst detect a cold atlei sitting next to one who has sneeed, then it is that a tried and tested reme dy should be faithfully used. "I uevei wrote a testimonial before, hut, 1 know positively that for myself aud family Dr. King's New IHscovery is the best cough remedy we ever used and we haw tried them all " .".He. and fl. Another thing that is needed at this time is h board of scientists able and willing to advise the man ufacturers of automobiles how to make machines that will not turn bottom side up at 3 A. M. and kill all their occupants. HOW'S THIS ? We oiler One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured hy Hall's Catarrh Cure. F.J.CHENEY A CO., Toledo, Ohio. We, the undersigned, have known I'. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and be lieve him perfectly honorable in all bus iness transactions and tinanciallyableto eajry out any obligation made hy his fnn. NATIONAL BANK (IE COMMERCE, Toledo, 0. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken iuternally acting directly upon the Wood and mu cous surfaces uf the system. Testimonials lent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Hill's for Constipa Uon.-Adv ; s - JNJD Si. Society's Call for NhGKO Mt'SlClANS. TheTimes-i;paieh tills us that in New Yotk city there is a cry fur the negro who can sing or play on any instrument "He is in demand at the txclu .ive social functions, lie is pre ferred at the dance. It is.idniitt!. J in the metropolis that the ncvjro may not be as accomplished in the technique as ilie white iiuisiei.in, but he has the call, ncuTilidcss. " This being so, we h ue one or two in Weldon w ho could make a great hit, and, perhaps, ,n ihe same time line their rockets with gold. Plenty oh Fi n. The mana ger of Robinson's Famous Shows believes that the people like to he amused as well as startled. They have not only provided a w hole troupe of the best clow ns 10 be found, but other comedy featutes as well. There is old Hi I loose, the "original tanner from Houp pole Township," who keeps the audience laughing at the cor.inni.il mishaps that befall him. Joe Pent land, Rube and 'Rastus, with their comedy mules, are there, and the comical Barnells, with their funny trick house acrobatics, and numer ous comedy teal tires, so there is a laugh every minute. Thrills and laughter chase each other through out the whole performance. Don't miss this great show at Littleton, Sept. 29th. To Restore the Grove House. The Baltimore Ameri can Sunday, September the 1 2th. contained a full page devoted to the proposed plans of the John Paul Jones Association, to restore the Grove House, at one time the home of John Paul Jones, to its former beamy and to forever pre serve this historic spot. The American had excellent pic tures of Miss Ursula M. Daniel, of Halifax, and Mrs. 1:. C. Gregory, of Salisbury, w ho w ere the lead ing spirits in this organization, and other members of the A-oeianun, Mrs. Arthur Lee. Mrs. George Washington Hodges, Mrs. Robert ( i. Hag.ui, of MarvLinJ, and Mrs Donald McLean, the honoraiv pres. dent. The rage aUo had a picture of the old Masonic Temple it 1 lahlax, an excellent picture ot the Grove I louse, as it is to appear after it is restored and the tomb of John Paul Jones at Annapolis. 1; will be remembered that Vulhe Jones met the youthful Scotch sailor, John Paul, in Virginia, and took him to the Grove House at Halifax, where he added the name of Jones. To Miss Daniel and Mrs. Greg iry the people of Halifax are in debted for what they are doing to restore this famous home, and in this undertaking they have the co operation of the county commis sioners, the county attorney and other patriotic citizens of Halifax county. Advertised Letters. The fol lowing is a list of letters remaining 'uncalled for" in the Weldon post- office: Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv ing date of advertising. Olword Ames, Austin Andrews. C. A. Allen, Turner Brantley, Mrs. Hattie Clanton, Susie Curtis, Miss Kate Garner, Millie Hardt- son, Annie J mes, Dudley M C. Daniel, J. Willis Mae Mason, I I nora Whitaker. Sept. 20, pil 5. D. T. Cl.AKK. P. ,M, Weldon, N. ( . The race is not always to the swift. The fastest colors arc those that won t rim His West Was Hroken 0 U Wright, li.e.-li nil Nei, ,nl,-s "I-'or about six iiioiiil,, l n.u i,.,ti,t.P, with shouting un 1 e ml nual pains in the regions of my lidiie. s. I ad vised hy my do.-ior to try t'ol.y Kidney Fills and one ".n cent buttle made a well man of me 1 can alwavs recommend Fuley Kidney Fills for I know they are good." This splendid remedy for hackache, rheumatism, sore muscles and swollen joints contain no hahit forming drugs. Sold hy E. CLARK. (jRAPES. Scuppernong grapes now at their best. Come out to my vineyard any day or next Sun day. Two persons admitted for 25 cents. J. A. Hoi.dford. A blacksmith may shoe a mule, but it takes a woman to shoo a rooster. I ri U1U v BIG DRAMATIC SUCCESS. .Manager H H. I'raee's ".A I'air nf Sixes" Companies Are All No. I's It is only a lew ) eats ago w hen ii was the custom of then: :..o managers to keep their big dt am i lie successes in New Y irk, (':.;, i go and the other l.nge cities ' several se.ison 1 etore senJmg lliein "on ihe road" to the sm.ilii ; towns, when they were presented b companies of interior merit. Very often they had become hy this delay stale to the theatregoers (I ihe smaller towns before ihe pla s reached them Today all this is changed. In order lo reap the reward of success, the successful plays imiM be presented while llie interest is still strong and keen in the larger cities. The out side public is better informed of theatric il Itjppeitinss in New K-rk and other large centres, and wants the play while it is still in ihe heighi of its success. While it is naturally impossible to send out the original Company, the other companies must be of a high standard of ex cellence' to compel the interest of tlie smaller tow ns. No manager in the business today has been keener to respond to he demands of this public than I I.H Fraee, the fortunate producer ot "A Pair of Sixes," the biggest farce hit of the country, which will be seen at Batchelor's Opera House, Friday September 2-lih. SPECIAL LOW ROUNdTrII' RAILS 1 o Washington, I) c , Account Isith llncanipinent tirand Army of the k'epublic Sopt 27th- Oc toher 2nd S ia Seaboard Air l ine kailviay. Tickets will be on sale Irom ptinc:p.il sijuons in North ( .an-, lina September 25ih, .Y.1I1, ., final teuirn hum tickets be honored until October I ;-;h, ,-rp.r to midnight ol W ilieh date I , ill i! trip Ullisl 1'e Completed Sixth iinii;i! lAc'ursinn to .la. k sorville and Tampa, Florida i.i the Seaboard An I ine kail vv:n, Tuesday, Sept. 2,S, From Principal Stations in North Carolina and Virginia. l'ickeis on sale for all trams September 2Sth, good rtitming on any regular train, scliedule.l to stop, reaching original spirting point by midnight ufOctcbif . ih. Your opportunity to visit I'lor.d.i at exceeedingly low rates. Thti:gb coaches and Pullman Sleeping cars on regular trains For Pullman reservation.,, rates and detail information see your local agent or address J. T. Wrsr, Raleigh, N. C. New Skirts to P.e Km f llli-ll. -Madam, the l-'all fashions have arrived. In a very short time you will be garbed in a co..t with a huge coat collar thai ., ii; hide your face up as far as your nose, and you will w ear short, vol uminous skirts reaching but a very j few inches below your knees; you've got to show the tops of your boots this season and they're making the boots very high. If you want to be really cmnine il lait, you've got to purchase a rain bow pigeon and carry it on your wrist. Tins w ill entail net tins' rid of the taiiuly cat because ii is w ell known that pigeons don't associate wnli felines for any length ot tune It will also mean that, since it j would be rather awkward to ask j tne pigeon to move every time you wanted to consult your wrist watch, you will have to dispense with this ornament. Instead you will wear a watch strap about your ankle. It's rather a perilous procedure consulting an ankle watch while walking the avenue, so the kind Parisian dressmakers are sending over some divided skirts. They're something like the directoire, only more so. The slit is about three inches wide and starts at the hip. Pantalettes are worn under them and the trouserettes have little fur cufts at the knee which is the south ferry terminal. This makes it a bit easier lo gei the ankle in the strategic position necessary to consult the watch, but it is pro bable that a majority of the women will have to catch hold of a police man or a post to see what lime it is. - v 4"r 1 . . , DANGERS OF A COLD, W Jdon I'eople Will Do Well I o Heed Iheni Mail' i'l.i . .-.set kidney trouble! r. Milt fi a ,.-IJ or chill I'ott R.M..I U!:;es 1,11 behind in lilicr-Lit-,; ihe p is..-; l.iJcii H-ioJ ,inJ I'.ics. in .i.l.i. he, .!,ii;ess a::. I j dis-nile. . ,! I: Yc v .ic ii. hi lollow . D.m't u.'glici a cold Use loan's! K:.!;vv l1'"-' ' llie lust sign of! kid'i.v inuii'le. Follow this Wei j don resklcio's example: F. D. Piirt'.cll, printer, Wash ington avenue, Weldon, says: "I bed a diiii p.ii:i .ict'oss my back and at inncs 1 w as sore and lame I couldn't stoop or bend. The trou ble was caused by a strain, which left my kidneys weak. The least Cold setiled on my kidneys and made me worse. Do, id's Kidney Pills soon relieved me. (putting my back and kidneys in good condi tion." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask tor a kidney remedy get Do.m's Kidney Pills -the same that Mr. Purnell had. FOSTFIR-MILBUUN CO., Pro prietors, I'.uflalo, N. Y. Administrator's Notice. I ho i.ir ,ml:i! .1 I- llie el. -ik ol the -lipi liot mi! ..I II.J i';i. ,,.u HI i a-!t uiia:-.i oi t'..- e-:.Oo of i:.' I; Ii in s. a-.-d. I. ile ol the eoiiiily oi llama-., nut ei .- In i oy in n ii, at a pi i-i Hi I. :ii i ii o i' in ' 1 1. - ilea li-i -..in! ,- U , !,i,.n i o,';i ! Tired! Art ir.u t.n J .' run Ji.wu ? ncrveuir It, 9 t ft. it. loll tin ItU vftort;' V it i not Uim.?,,. uu nro ill. our title in fitv.lt .i I. 'tne. 1 mi r Summed, hiduc dJ I iwr bJ blirr.nrt up. .Nuihiiitf wilt Uu i belter tlin Electric Bitters SOe. ami $I.(HI All lirm'cilsi. M. J. Mi i;KI, ho e io i ol W. i:. Moms, dee.a- - I' tNII.'I . t!oin.'v I'm Fxir-it,, Oo to HARRISON'S l ot Inioinoliil,. K, pairs and SuppheH. .Ml Ic. in I-ol Machine mli .lone Ma tionaiy . inisohne. Marine and steam I niriiiis, onus and I'lstuU. Sulisfaetion I'lllUailtetd. fioODYFAR- Tiresand Supplies on hand for sale Shop east end of Second Street. Il W. ItAlcHISO.N, VSeldon, N. ('. "yr s i -aW-i' mmmm trmlf m.itki.ii! i t.ri'ii rwnirtd r.rno ft . s. o.l , fkt t tn or dt,.' anJ do p. in .t.on j .r FREE StAliCH m1 repoit oh imtnUi'illly Uit.L r. ! i, li.-. n PATENTS BUILO FOHTUNKi (or jrr.u. (Mr riw iKKiklvUt- it i-, hat lu urn-nt Kiwi Wivn Tlrtl moifT Wrftfl Uxiav- D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT Ltwvua. ?03 Si'vpnth St., Waslinijiton, D. C. No. 8l8 " : Thu ii preicription prepared especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS & FEVER. I-ive or m dotc will break any cae, and if taken then at a Ionic tha Fever will not return. Il acta on the liver better thnn Calomel and doc not gripe or eickta. 2it I .. '-WlA i m ii i ' m m . a. -mk w ' i i i ii i : La : jej1 -a w . w ,11 '"l '""' . ,1 ' -O'.ue., g i il in i iniiimmi "imnririrjl ! '- - ' r Notice to Creditor u(v . NAx-J i -; f 2 fc&h If M. i fi L I as tne ! entire J. : AT COHEN'S "7l'"" VTTe"msT?''T , , v-tSLanter Strons: and Durable Give steady, bright light Easy to light Easy to clean and rcwick. Don't smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't leak. At dealers everywhere ANDARD OIL COMPANY i. O. C New J.-U.-V v HAl.TIM' :-tF. .1 ...,e-i 4 vW 3 jl. Quality in the y;onils il "7TT" 1 2. Courteous trt'atnieiit.-IM.I'ASURI:. A complete stock.-I.AKUi; SHI.IX HON. jt. Prompt serice..SAVI;S TIAU-. IS. I.tiu m il e..SA US SOOTH WELDON PHARMACY, f t ' 1 1 i x.-'.x: 5?v w" K . Iu-:. v. - YOUR CRYSTAL CI.OSKT. M 0. N. Jeweler, : : : & SPECIAL S 'IV Ladies Mercerized Sateen Underskirt. ft ijeach, All colors. We -c-vrm need in iliililrpn'a j s. - - - - Violet Talcum Powder, Peroxide Soap il V) 'ft il) Vi. Boys Rompers ol Oalatea, Uoy Scout Play Suit . Stamped Pillow Cases Boyf Long Sleeve and Sport Shirts Undies Bleached Vests " Panta Shirt Waists, good walues, Baby Dresses, long or short,. 25c Clowns and Skirts, FINE, 25c Crochet Sacks 25c Pole Ties, all colors 0c Curtain Scrim, 5 and i(k Ladies Underskirts 25c Next Wednesday will sell lace and Embrold BERT'S 5. 10 & 25c. Store, Weldon, North Carolina. The : World's : Funniest ; Farce My personal guarantee uesu snow ui mc season. F. BATCHELOR. STORE .JTc Hi- ' , ,-, t: For Fishing, Y 3 tumping, una Hard Use under All Condition: , .ir.r inir.ii.i, vst.jjj-' Cli.,ri-,l,,n. W. Vsu Jet3 CI, i,! .tn, S. C. 'T'r'''V?S!" Five Reasons w n v miii slioiilil Ihiv your ilriiij,s at this Store ! mi jjet- VALl.'i;. MI)FV CUT GLASS mEi are the JIIWlll.S you need M for your table and ,jt Buffet I I hey catch the light at oV every point and ' Make the Sun Shine ; w j in the darkest dining room We have mnnv new niut I attractive designs besides $! an ample stock of the jV usual Conventional Styles Let us transfer some of them to RICKS, n : Weldon, N. C. f ! U t & have most any thing m iindpr.vuor .'. s. . . s. s. I ttvUI , -it) i) 9) it l 0 U i Mi l jq joc 25c 25c 10c 25c 25c 25c 25c ATBRDAT Resources Loan-and .li-'..i; 'il ; t;:- ; 1 ' 1 " v .7 J.-J 17.1- :ni..i:i I.I it ."..ir.uiM 1.I...H nil r:i; 1. 1 : m I, nl ni tin- iilniM ...... ... II... I . .. I, hit :lt ill . 1 ;l' ' !:t l;il, . ..; l .iinlilrl. ,ti ol Ihdihiv. Milie.-o'icd au-l --a I" I , loie me. tie- '.'lid i!:o ol .'.i's I'M ' r II ' il U I lll s. Noon, Put. I.e. Steadfast Shoe ! Now is the time to get your Fall ShoesNOW W- W.SI.KI.XiM Put the burden of Safeguarding : : : Your money on this Bank. An account here means absolute security. mil BASK t TRUST (!., JWELDON, N. C. 4 Interest on Saxings Deposits I J I Weldon Ice and Fuel Company NOW IN OPERATION. Delivery wagons under direct management of plant. We guar antee you the very best service to be had and Ice as good as can be manufactured. We solicit your liberal patronage. VI ELD 0 I ICE jfo FUEL CO., W. F. Joyner, Manager. WtiY SpEfiD fLL You 4U ? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for It You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know. You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ugs Accounts Bank of N. L. Stedman, t'reHhlent Back to School ! After a nng vacation your hoy will need a new suit, as the old Hummer suit he has nhi.ul out Krown. Let him start to school In a new MIGHTY GOOD SUIT We are showing some of the Latest Patterns and Styles For Boys. We have a complete line of school shoes for glrli and boy 3. FARBER & MEN'S ANDiEOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C. Liabilities t'apilalSlurk. , Suiplus I ii.livi.li-.l inolits y I I Mi u. .... ;. i ''Mini.,,,, I neiimed ihsi'iimils "m o I Ml. lest ,hle,hp..sll,s. .',ui'(i' i I'eposits, i Vi.T.ij .,3 i .l;it. j::'-'U-l!Ui9 Mult- nt' Nuiih ( aiolina. i Cnumy uf llulii'ax, I - nanii'il I'iink. ilo scilcninlv svn'iini... ,.l ..... L-.,,.,.l..,l,r ..,,.1 KK..-" IM.V VATm',. I on. ni - Attest : I. Ell. It. Cl'ltTIS, II. C. DFSN, C. I'.. MetiWIi; AN, liirectoi 0 THE- Halifax, HALIFAX, IST. O. 1;.C' "ref,ory. p. orttorr 1. e I'resident. Caahiar. Pfi JOSEPHSON, a- v. P it Jy J V