ESTABLISHED IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptionSi. 50 Per Annum VOL. L AVKLDON, N. C, TIIUllSDAY, ()( TOllKli 7, !!)!.". NO. li 1 TWINS AND MORE. NAILS IN0LD BOARDS ! Attention of Employea Is Called to tha Danger of Pieces of Boards With Projecting Naila. r lvv i The Tendencies to Produce More ! Than One Child at n Itirth Runs in f'nmilies. 14 lvNJ v' In 4A I i PMIS!MStf!,'l I W si ' M-lPS4il-- '''''' ' .3 vMim till M-l OtUlt. 3 Pt.K LI N T Al'2('liilpi'Pri'paraiii)nll'r,s. sfmilniiiirtilicFoortaixllirtiila lingiiii'Siiiiiiiiclisaiiilliowdsi Tromclcs Di$i'stionJClKftful: ness and llesiXonlalnsaiitiff Upiiiin.Mdrphinc nor Mineral ai)TiARCOTlC. jUxSmna AwSttd fiptvrmint- . HilukiMltiJtt Mm W Ocrifot Sugar . Anprfecl Reuwdv forPmBllta- lion , Sour Sloinach.niarrluca YVornujCwtvtilsions i wish nmowlLossoFSLttP. Fac Simile Sijiurarf of NEW YOHK. uararueed uiwCFtlFo Exact Copy of Wrapper, or 2E THE BANK OF WELDSN wkldox, x. c- OnranlMd Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. . Halifax County Depository. Town of VCeldon Depository. Capital ani Surplns, $55,000. For over L'l v aiH tliis institution liiiw piuvult-.l Imnkinif facilities for tins section. Its' stockholders and ollicei an- identified ilh t lie husi liens interests of lliilil'ax ami Noit!iuiiiilon fount km. A Savings Hrpartinctit is inaiiituiiii.l for tin- ln-m-tlt of all who desire tu deposit in a savings liauk In tins I 'opartmeiil inl. ii -t is allowed ax follows: Kor Deposits allowed toicmaiu tlm c months 01 limner. :.' pel cent. Six mouthsor louirer, M peroeut. I'wcbc months or longer. I pel cent, tuv infuriiiatiou will lie fiimi-hcd on application to tin' I'lcsidnil m Cu-hier I'iiksiiihnt : W. K. IIAN1KL, VleK rliKllkM : V. It. SMITH. . r. i; M'Kli. teller. MliKI'TOKS YV. I!. Smitli, W. It T. J.'auiel, .1.1.. shepherd. W 1). A. 01 UGH! CALOMEL DON'T STAY BILIOUS, CONSTIPATED "'Dodsort Um Tom" Will Clean Yolk Sluggish Liver Better Than Calomel and Can Not Salltat. 't'a- Mnel makrfl yfu it'k; von a a JayV .vork. (u loin el in (uicUilvtir ami it al ates; calomel injvn'i your liver. If V'U MTt hilioiiM; flfl llUV, hllliitll kik) ull knocked out. if ynr l"weU a rt i'titi-liiutd ttint your Kt-ad in It r it'thiu-li i nowr, juit titktt a (KMtif u ! ot tttrmlmi Doiliwm'a l.iwr Itun iiMeAil f,t using eickenim;. alivatiiij raMmi'l. KhUiii's Livr iitno is ri'til liter nuMli rim1. You'll know it next nnnni?t c-tuie you will wukf ft-clin lint', your liver will ln wt.rkiiii. ymir lii'.id cho and diEziiiftH mif. ymir Untifli will I Bwet and limiU r.vulur. m will IhI like working. You'll W fltts-r ful; flail of eutTk'i'. viifur and ainliiii)ii. Steadfast Shoe ! That U especially popular TANNER'S SOLD BY WKLDON, N. C, JplEY KIDNEY Fill' u rtu i uiu in For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature Use For Over Thirty Years CASTO TMI 4INTAUH OMMN, NCW YORK OITY. lAHUIKH (I. I'UAKK, Iluiuel. .1. (I. Illlike. I'leice, II. It. Zullici M. 1 1. lien, , .1 V. slcdire Your drudiit or iloutor telU v m cent hottlc of lofiini'pi l.ivT loin undT my hthp?uiI Ktiiiraiittv tlmi il Will I'lt-an jour h1uj.'j,'1!.Ii liver Itflter that lUSty I'alolliel; it voli't nnike l sick iti.d you iuu i-;it any tiling yu w:mt without Itt'inj,' tmlivuted. mr druiol ijfuaraiiteni that etii'li rtiuoiiful will t-t.irt your livi-r. clean our bowels ano Htrailiti-n you up Iy inoinint; or yoi; flr your money hark. Cliildren gladly luki- lliilniiii'rt l.iver Tone Utaum it it ileuant tasting and doesn't firi m er.triii or umki- tltem pitk. I mil helling millioiii f Uittlea oi IkulHitrt l.iver Tone to yoA who liav found tliat tlii plcanant. vtvHltl, livet medieine take the place of dangerom mlotiud. Ituv one litttlu on my pjotind r. linl-le Kuaranttfa Ask yir Uruffla uluiitt nwrj r In IF among men ot middle age. w-w.slh:dgk. EOOF Pfflfe I FOLEY KIDNEY PIIXS T;ike WO :ivei'ai;c li.ibier will he ten pairs of twins There aiiiuiii! ihein. t ins rem. n k .ippiics to ine t itnied St, He-;. In lt;iy i r V, I tie pi o poi tioii of ins would be inudi les-,. :nr si line rcastm tlun no b.nly knows infants in duplieate are nut neat I y mi ennui ioi i in arm lat itudes as in enUI countries kcla-1 tive to population twins come into ine wi.rUI in Kusm.i three times often as in Spain. I lie teinleney to produce more than one child at a birth runs in families It is handed down hum mother to daughter. If the former has given birth to one or more sets of twins the latter is rather likely to do the same thing. 'riplets in the United States oc cur once in every ,viiu births. Once in every 371,125 binds the proud -or perhaps indignant - -fath er is informed that his family has been suddenly augmented by four simultaneous offspring. There are in medical history authentic rec ords of 29 instances in which quintuplets have been born. Where mere pairs of babies are concerned they ate of the vame sex in two out of three cases. 'Identical twins," however, are always ol the same sex, whether toys or e.jrls. Physiologists diller as to the feson why of identical tw ins. They are undeniably different from or dinary ones, being in effect one person in duplicate, and sharing, as were, a single identity. The same mental, moral and physical attributes are common to both. It is as if they were halves of one and the same individual. Cleve land Plain Dealer. liver notice how much happier you are when you tender others happy ? Many a man is unhappy only because he believes himself. IN STERLING LIVES A GIRL Who Suffered As Many Girls Do Tells How She Found Relief. Klerlinp, Conn. "I urn a tiirl of 22 years ami 1 used to fuint awuy every month ur,l was very weal!, 1 has also lather. ,1 a lot with female wuknes: 1 read onr little lnxk ' Wis, lum for Wo men,' i.nd I saw how others had lieen helped by l.ydia E. I'inl.b:u.'i'3 Vegeta ble Compound, and decided to try it, and it lias made me feel like a new tfirl and 1 am now relieved of ull these trouble). I hope all ymnif; p.irla will get relief us I have. I never felt better ill my life." .Mrs. JollN Tetkeault, llox llli, Sterling, Coim. Massena, N. Y. "I have taken I.y iliu E. 1'inkhani'a Vegetable Compound and I highly reeonar.-nd it. If anyone wants to write to i..e I will gladly tell her ubout my case. 1 was certainly in a bad condition us my blood was all turn ing to water. 1 hud pimples on my face and a bad culr, and furtive years I had been troubled with suppression. The doctors called it 'Anemia Bnd Exhaus tion, 'and said I was ull run down, but l.ydia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Com viund brought me out all right" Miss I.avisa Myiibs, Box 71, Massena, N.Y. Young Girls, Hood This Advice. Girls who are troubled with painful or irregular periods, backache, headache, driigging-down sensations, fainting cpells or indigestion, should immediately seek restoration to health by taking Ly dia E. I'inkham's Vegetable Coniiound, Administrator's Notice. 1 1 u unit iualilied hefote the eleik of the Superior court ol Halifax county as administrator of the estute of K. It. Jones, deceased, late of the county of Halifax, notice is iieiehy iriteu that all persons haiuiir claims against said es tate to present to me duly authenticated on or beloietlip J.tol day of September, I'lli,, ol this notice Hill he plead in bar of their recovciy. All persons indebted to said estate must settle at once. This the Lllth dav of Sept. till ). .1. II. ItUYH, Admr. of E. K .tones, deceased. u -'ii Ot trails UlHl Us ini , 1 1 l.l (.Wnln.t! or no tut: .Hind i.nlil. (Ltt.ltc r photon n.l d. Liirfpn r..r FREE KLA..OM ami nHoi1 (Jlfl attXlUtKiit . (Wilt. I' ' M'l... PATIHTS BUILA ionTLNC8 ft-r ol. iPur fit Uwtilftali 1 1 j Ip.i wlitn-nt Itii Mftl yi'U HlOIWy. ' ..- !ni .j D. SWIFT & CO. PATENT lWVLHH, lint C......H. l'l lu.i.!.,. ft O ItOY (MlUimC TATSIi keen StoKxk St -Uxr Aont -Suel U.d or on SN Tbemany needs lor a good cleanser and sMtakalljr filled by Wi..ii MENDLESON'S LYE Its full strength cuts grease !n a jiffy from sinks and pansand make it ideal for ditio fecting poultry houses and curing cholera in Hogs. Its purity and strenglh make it the best Lye to use, while the extra quantity your money will buy, makes it the cheapest. Twenly ounces of Solid Lye for a Dime in. tead of Sixteen. One ten cent can enough to saponify eight pounds of grease, making toor soap than any other 10c can of lye on the market will make.' The pound can makes fifteen pounds of soap. Three Forms solid, granulated and bait Two aizea 10c and 5c Insist upon Mendleson's Best Lye Hal iX I X IIOl.l-SAI.l-: DliALlo'vS: R. J. Madry, Scotland Neck, N. C. Bowers & Co., Scotland Neck.N.C. R1-TA1L Dl:.ALl.RS: V. B. Strickland, Scotland Neck, N. C. Burroughs-Piitnian-'heeler Co., Scotland Neck.N. C. Clee Vaughnn, Scotland Neck, N. C. C. N. Malone, Scotland Neck, N. C. FIRE WASTE ISJTHN6 ATTENTION Several States Have Realized Eiioniiuus Destruction by Fire and Established Legislation to Prevent Some of Waste The lire waste throughout the coun try Is attrautng more attention th-ui ever before, and several states have shown a disposition to recognise the principle that the enormous dcsfiuc lion of property annually Is an e.-o liomic waste of the country's resources with I he result that they have ex picked a decided sentiment in i.ivoi of establishing special legislation, which will tend toward greater conser vation, and ure abandoning their for mer attitude of assuming that as long as properly Is insured there is no loss. In the lace of facts, the attitude mentioned Is absolutely erroneous and It can be corrected by the edui a Hon of the public, starting with the children, whose receptive minds are oputi to Instruction in the suvliig of SONGS. He sang a song of mountains, in ha.y, purple mist, Of rough cliffs all in shadow, of summits fair, sun kissed. And a few, in the vast and varied throng Who had seen the mountains, applauded the song. He sang a song of the ocean, with waters clear, blue-green And foani-tlecked waves a-iossing in changing silvery sheen, And here and there in the crowd was one Who loudly clapped, when the song was done. He sang a song of gladness, with merry, laughing hit And every word and gesture had a little upward tilt. And the happy faces happier shone, l-'or the song he sang was all their own. He sang song of sorrow, the chorus all of pain, A reverend silence followed, applause was useless vain. Ye! the singer knew when the audience rose He had found the song the w hole world knows. V.. II. M., in Charlotte Observer. HOPE. Keep on a hopin' fer de breakin' er de day, Long time a-comin', but de light is on the way; Blue sky a-shinin' thoo' de ragged clouds of gray, Keep on a-lookin' ter de mawnin.' Keep on a-hopin' de lane'll turn an' show De light on de gyardens whar de sweetes' roses grow; Sweet won" ler live in, but a sweeter one you'll know Keep on a-lookin' ter de mawnin'. Keep on a-hopin', till yo' dream is coinin' true; Angels is waichin' fu'm de winders in de blue; De Lawd made de big wnrP an' an' all de sky fer you Keep on a-lookin' ter de mawnin'. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Hunger is sure to come 10 those w ho sit around and wait. 2 disinfectant ara beat and cwal Wltl,LNIHAltU U N I V aid L I ill I' immmtteKmk'jmtmammsmaasiSiiiimiii life, whuh Is of the most Importance, and the pi'c. i vatiuii of properly. Let people knoiv the full danger of lire Iwraralile aiiiiimli) to carelessness llirouch the thoughtless handling ot matches. Iho storage and handling ol Caroline, oil, tin .voiks and ep!iin s. t-how the nu-naie of permitting tra h piles to act uumlatc or In the unk. pt cellar, inllauimahle materials lo be stored In closets, attics, or elsewhere. Safety Engineering. Show your employees that safety ac tivity is In their Interest and that o! the Nation. Once they realize this, they will say. "This bu-iness of pre wilting accidents is my misine.-.s; I shall attend to it, and would like your roopi'railou."-lexander Shane. Guard well your thoughts for your thoughts are heard in heaven. ! p I Some men would rather be broke i than right if there's one coin in ; it. Tiie altention of alt employees la culled to the thinner of pieces of boards with projecting nails. It' you find a hoard on Hie Kiouud with nails projecting, slop tun enough ui turn il over- with Hie ends of the nails down. Any wound Iruui a nail may causa lockjaw. Co operation can rvdm e accidents, and you can help lo do this by jin lng others when you bee them iloiiia dangerous work In the wrong way. The fellow who wild: "It is uevar too lute to mend" was nut talking about accideuts. The thing lo do is to sew up the rip before an accident happens. When you have to remove a safety device for any reason, do not to away until it has beon replaced. It Is the Injured man and his family , who suffer when he ts unfortunate enough to meet with an accident ASHES ARE DANGEROUS. Only Safe Way to Handle Ashes Is to Plaoe Them In a Motal Recepta cle and Cover, Ashes have as many lives as His proverbial cat. When they are taken out of the stove they may look as If there was no fire In them, but all II I takes lo fan them into life and make them a dangerous and living thing Is alrw 1th sufficient velocity and that Is usually on hand to do the Job. There ts Just one sufe way to tHke cafe uf ashes, and that Is to put thoui into a tight metal receptacle, and when It Is full carry them out away from valua able property and empty them. It Is a practice for people to carry out their ashes and empty them up against btitldiniis and fences In the bark yards and alleys, and there has been thousands of dollars worth of valuable property destroyed by tall careless practice. LIFE INSURANCE. Don't Depend Upon Your Neighbors to Care For Your Laved Ones. They Have Their Own Troubles. Albert Hubbard said many good things about life Insurance, but the fol lowing is as comprehensive as any: "Life Insurance avoids the uncertain ty of leav.iug things to the neighbors. It is a business plan founded on the laws of mathematics to provide for those dependent upon us tu case of death. Llf Insurance is no charity. Life Insurance is a duly, and it Is a privilege Lord Nelsonu In tits will left his wife and daughter t'o the. tender ware of the British Nation, to whom I have given my life' And the wife and daughter gravitated to the pooi house Don't leave uur hned ones to tiie care of the public or the neighbors. The neighbors may hav doubles of thutr own. CHILD BURNED. The following is a sad statement clipped from a stir, ,taper a few days ago: "Aftor 'H liuiirs ol . i, tense suttering from severe burns, Theodore Koose- velt West, Hie 3 year-old sou of died at the home of his parents. The child was tell in the house alone wit two other children while the mother went out to look after her cow. "The child caught tire from an open tiicphtce. A Jar in which kerosene had been kept was found near the tire and one of the other children says his brother threw some uf the oil Into the nie." The trouble ts that cases such as this are too frequent. How long will North Carolina parents stand for tt? MATCHES, The match is designed to start fires. Il does. A single match may cause the burning of a city. Most tires are of Hie same slit when they start. A thoughtful husband or father will have no matches in his home eicept those which light only on the box. Such matches. If accldentlly dropped or secured by young children, cannot be lgnltod on any ordinary surface. Hundreds of baby children are burned to death every year, playing with Us "strike anywhere" match. LAWS NEEDED. The people must be rntido to know that our annual fire waste ts as great a menace as war, famine, or flood. Fire waste emanates largely from crlm.nal Indifference, hence should be prevented through laws which would go direct to the very root of the evil, and hold the party, on whose prem ises fire originates criminally liable. When this Is dona our Are waste and sacrifice of human life will be reduced 76 per cent. CLEAN UP. Rubbish heaps are flr breadtra, Fires start In them and are fed b? them. A. cleau city will have few fires. Attics aud cellars should be kept tree from combustible accumulations. Ashes should not ba carelessly dis posed against wooden fences or oth er combustible surfaces. Trash or autumn leaves should nut ba burned too near buildiugs. CASTORIA For lafan pud CtuTdrea In Use For Over 30 Yeare AJways bears tha Signature of It's easy to explain why others shouldn't make mistakes. Mr S I .ul- I ' afr .YJ I '..-fas' hi r y tt That Girl looks like t. - , i an Oasis in the Desert" And never was Oasis more welcome to sun-baked mortal. The cooling air of the moun-j tains, the vigor of the ocean's wave, the contentment of the valley all these are brought to work-wearied, heat -bothered in street, home and office by PEPSICola Bracing, invigorating, refreshing Drop in at the fountain then t and a "come-back" that makes you you'll know what we mean, feel likaWORK. It gives you wfiaf Put up in bottles, too, at your you warif when you want it. grocer's. For All Thirsts Pepsi-Cola I 4 -k aa -a V TO MY CUSTOMliRS: THU Ice season is at hand and I earnestly (f ask you to give me a liberal share ofm your patronage -J-I believe after you take in consideration '? the fact that I have furnished you ice both f t) winter and summer, and have made it pos- -V sible for you to get ice any time during the VI winter when otherwise it would have been lt hard for you to obtain same, you will have ? no hesitancy in giving me your support 11 I have handled all the winter at a loss in order to supply my customers and others ji that misrht want ice and i feel bv so doine-lW i ) i Hi tit ti that I am entitled to mock shipments solicited i' tuii vtiy V' i) c v.,,. ii.,.u .... r,,..., I C Anv time mv niHii both service inul Ice, I will he 'v si' s1" i Originated in 1887 ?. TV. - Tt r 'j7 This record for durability, without leaks, repairs, or other common roof troubles, has attracted many imitators. If the shingle offered you looks like "CORTRIliHT ", don't let it go at that, but look for the stamp on the corrugation at the top of the shing1e-"CORTRlGIIT REG. U. S. PAT. OFFICE." It is put there for your protection. Use it 1 for Sofe by J S. TURNER. W'eldon, N. C. OT ijpf'jjl AWFUL SUFFERING. "I suffered ut.t'iM iigony with neuralgia. 1 thought I would a mad Willi A friend of mine aiUh . J nie lo lake IT. Miles' Anli l'uln fills. I did so and the p-.tln stopped nlnm.t at once. Then 1 commenced using Pr. Wiles' ISVrvlne and lie fore long I Was so that I did not have these pains any more." H. J. W'INTEU, CC1 E. 1'l.ittn Ave., Colorado Fprhus, Colo. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA v aV, xr r- sa ws' s t S u your patronage. ft iiiuv, .i.,'t .,:,. t-..i;t. t;., in ilin't olii vnn cut icfiii'Iinn In elad if ou will call it to my I'rrone 318. 's "s ?jr' sss j lie jpojjujf mm years oroerviee Jracx out Look fa CORTRIGHT REG.US.PAT.OFF. Cloc attention to work is the cause of much Pain and many Headaches. taking one or two 4 '1 fj3j ml sea r2S I DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS Then tone up the Nervous System ly using Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine lr FIRST BOTTLE, OR BOX, FAIL TO HELP YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A