flip m ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOK THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5C Per An nun: VOL. L. WKLDOX, X. C, TIIUltSDAY. (XTOIiKH II, !!.". NO. !.") WOMAN COMING INTO HER OWN. a lio Kind You Have Always Bought, ami which has been in iino for over 1JO yours, lias borne tlie signature of r !" been inmlo under li is per. t.jC-rt-M2t) 01"11 ""Porvlslon sluco its infam y. K'Mcl Allow no one todcrciro you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitation n,.ilJust-as-gooil"nro hut I'vpcriiuents that trille with aul endanger tlio health of Iut'iints and Children Experience against, Kxperiinent. What is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare jjoric, Drop nod Soothing Syrups. It i.s Pleasant. It contains neitliet' Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotle substance. Its aire in its guarantee. It destroys Worm ami allays l everrshuess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. H relieves Teething Troubles, ern es Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulate the Stomach and lioivclx, giving healthy anil natural sleep. Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The KM You Haie Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THC CENTaun eOM'ANV, Tf MURMAV TflECT, NEW VORH CITV. OE 3 3 0 THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. Organized Under the Laws ol the State ol North Carolina, State ol North Carolina Depository. . Halifax County Depository. Town of Weklon Depository. 9 Capital and Surplus, For over -1 yearn thix institution has provided haukini: facilities for tins section. Its'stocUholili is and oilnv-rs ate idculilird with the busi ness interests of Halifax and NoMlianiluii romitie. A Savings liepartmenl i.. iiiamtaiur.l fur the bcnelil of nil who desire to deposit ill SavinifB ISiiiik. In tins- Ivpaitmcnt interest is alloue.l as follows: for Deposits allowed too-main line.- months or limner. - pel cent. Six months or longer, II per cent l'ehe inonthsoi loinri I. I percent. Vnv inforiiiation mil lie furm-ln 'I on application to the I'u -snlent oii'adiii i I'KKSIIIRNT : tV. K. DANIEL, Vll K l IO'1 ll'KM XV It S SI I I'll I., c. in; ri:u. idle .1. ii. .nihH: I'ltXKi:. DlltKl TOliS XV. li. Smith, XV. F. ham It. T. Daniel, .I.. Shepherd. XX A I'n-r : I. .1. H. Inaki 'c. I'. I'., iilhi .XI. Colon, .I.XV. Medev OE Steadfast Shoe ! That is especially popular anion? men n! middle ;i);e. w. w.sLrOi; i TAKER'S HOOF mi SOLD BY icrce-Whitchead Malta limp), Kansas, the (ilorious Sunflower State, Mas Taken the Lea J in toying Woman All That She Wants. live is uciiiiiie.l, and all along : the line woman is coiniiifj into her own. A tablet recently tleciple.-r- j ed in Philadelphia by a noted1 savant reveals the tact that it xvas j AJ.iiii and not live w ho ate tirst of lite lorbiddeti fruit. An exchange says "tli.ii it' the bit of baked clay that has been translated alter keep ing its seerei fur sonic. 5,1)00 years j tells the truth the Hist man was not tiiiitted Adam, but Tagtug.xvho is declared by the solver of the tablet to he the same as Noah, so that the episodes of the Hood and the garden of liden are in a way identical and not detached as in the accepted version of early history. The most important aspect of this reading ol the tablet, however, is not the identification of Adam and Noah, but the acquittal of Eve of Adam's temptation, and if this is accepted womankind is relieved of a grievous burden which has been borne for many centuries." Kansas, the glorious Sunflower State, has taken the lead in giving to woman all that she wants, and possibly something more. In that Stale here are some tilings that a woman can legally do: Can lake back her maiden name after her husband is dead, without any legal process or legislative act. Can keep her own name when she is married. Can persuade her husband to take her name and give up his family name, if she does not like it. Can keep her maiden name and her husband keep his. Can retain her maiden name for business transactions and use her husband's name for social affairs. If wife does not like either her own or husband's family name they can change to a name thai does suit. A woman can weara man'scloth ing without any restriction except that she must not pose as a man. Site can vote at every election. She can hold any office in the State and run for ('ongress. "What's the matter with Kan sas?" has often been asked, but the answer is not thai it has failed to do an honeM part by ils lady friends. "i 'ii'arsar'T ElMkNriLFJSDNSU P.P ' .CONCENTRATED Can off BettcrViKlHl (if 1-A "X tt.tkMlij' I; frjl wir I! W 'flit iiL-urxi tcniMiMnK WA LOOK OUT If you uss lye for sc;ap making purposes at e:rnp!y icr household and farm use, it will pay you to buy mmwmwvs lye a c f: uil ofhers. In Mendleson's ' r.-,riuvcd pure concentrated lyc, to the exr'v vou are net c full stiengLi., ...io-jt ,?.dulN:-iants, but the extra larcecan owr.za SUiJ Lye instead of 16) mean3 cccizohiy llo othet ten cent can will saponify eight pounc!3 cf crease or rnal;e an equal giade of soap. One pound cr-a ninke.' f'.'.een pounds of soap. For cutting fjrcj-.ee from pots, pans and j. ccourlni' woodvoik, kitchen furniture, disinfecting poultry houses, treating hogs for cholera, etc, Mendleson's Lye is Best. Three forms So?id, Granulated and Ball. Two Sizes ICc and 5c. Insist niYQu F&itoa's Best Lyc. 1 sinu, VUilance and watelifnlness insure Bat'oty. j To avoid duiiKr. adopt I tit? afe course. Many eyes were saved last year by ' the weflririg or Roles l-c us save them all this year, 11 Is a safe proposition that "Vi can't all b prsidntt of dies') l-nileil States," tint we can all "boost tor Rafaly.1" Vou ham read the newspaper ad vertisement which starts like tins: "I am for men." That Is the idea of tbn safety department. And it wants to Include all men too. You cannot afford to take a chain e Play unit. Acquire the safety habit. It ts th" only habit that will never Injur you. Haste maken waste, and may cause an accident. ".Most men who are crippled in bus Iness have lame exciues" has been quoted by some atorneys at tho truth. Hut what In the use of being crippled If we can be afe? Let us all be safety Inspectors. Re port unsafe places to your foremen or to the safaty depatment. I'u-t your soul In your work, not your hand or your foot. I i Kr. p-am im I WELDON, N. C. SAYS WAR IS NOW MURDER. The Archdeacon of London, preaching in St. Paul's recently to the repeated Zeppelin raids otr London, says: "1 need not go farther back than last Wednesday," said he, "to tell you that battle has changed into murder. Speaking with all the restraint that is due from every preacher, as well as from the press and with the knowledge and con sent of the censor, I tell you that to one hospital alone were taken the dead bodies of little chil dren of tilieen, ten, seven and five years and of one little baby, so that the nursery became a slaughter house. "Of the imperial murderer who allowed it, if he did not order it, all we can say is in the words of the Palmist, the most awful pun ishment given to a man "I will set before thee the things that thou h ist done." johnny had run proof. 10th Annual Five County Emporia Fair, October 86, 27, 28 & 29, 1915. BIGGER AND BETTER THAN EVER Citizens of Northampton County not only invited to attend, but also to exhibit. 4--DAY8 & NIGHTS--1 Write for Information and catalogue. H. w. HALL, President. R. J. UREEN. E. E Vice-President. OOODWVN, Sec. & Trean In instructing a ymuhlul class in mathematics the teacher turned to John Jones. "Johnny," she remarked, "can you tell me what an average is?" "Yes, ma'am," xvas the prompt response ot johnny. rn aver age is what a hen lays eggs on." "What?" exclaimed the amazed teacher. "What on earth are you talking about?" "That's right, Miss Mary," was the rejoinder of Johnny. "Most every lesson in our 'titmetie starts off 'If a lien lays three eggs a week on an average.' " For Indigestion. Never take pepsin aid prepaiations containing pepsin or other ilipeslive ferments for in.liiretlion, as the more you take the mole you will have to take. What is neeilnl is a tome likeCliinilier lain'a Tablets that will rnab'e the stom ach to perform Us functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere I lard hearts are apt to become harder, and soft heads are apt to become softer. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A HALlPAXxCOUNTY WHOLLSAl.n DL'ALtRS: R. J. Madry, Scotland Neck, N. C. Bowers & Co., Scotland Neck.N.C. RliTAIL DliALLRS: V. B. Strickland, Scotland Neck, N. C. Burroughs-Piitman-Wheeler Co., Scotland Neck,N. C. Gee Vauglvin, Scotland Neck, N. C. C. N. Malone, Scotland Neck, N. C. Aye, I am old! liut, Sun, thou, too, art old ! And thou, sweet lianh, on which I softly lie, How old thou art! Thy long, long ages have been piled and told In centuries by thousands sea and sky. Old ant I ? Whence ? I low comcth ii to be That my gray hairs and body's wrinkled lines Should seem the whole ? This is the reckoning; grief, fear, misery, And loss of youth's dear joy as it declines. tint, gracious Universe, whose ultimate Seems death, and beyond we do not know, Still thou art here ! And in thy enfolding arms I gladly wait What thou hast for me, come it last or slow. And thou hast all ! Within thy bosom's might Dwell the eternities of my "to be"; Say I am old ? An infant soul am I a ray of light A glistening drop in life.s immortal sea. Aye, 1 am young, so young ! My mind doth blind Itself with God, whose vibrant beauty glows Endlessly fair. Nor shall there be to my bright youth an end ! Young as the rose am 1, young as the rose. TEACH THE CHILDREN. By Teaching Children Fire Prevention Long Stride Can Be Made in Few Years to Prevent Fire Watte. By leachlnn the children, some of j whom will in a few years administer Ike laws, a long stride toward (Ire j prevention will be taken, and the child- ! ren while belnn taught, will Inteiest j parents, who will, as never before, recognize the Importune? of the ques tion, and, rather than plead lunorance on flucti an important and self-interesting subject, will lend their aid In the campaign for fire prevention. One Individual In a eet of Individ uals can do only little, but If the sen timent for the saving of life and property Is spread (and It can be through education) the Interest must Increase, and a vast army, filitin) against fire waste, will soon bring re sults. Fire prevention means the sav ing of life and property, and It should appeal to every one. elan aomothing Is lacking. What is it? Safety En-glneerlug. RAT FIRES. K rat will not gnaw the head of a match, but takes a keen delight In gnawing the wood part. A rat gnaws the wood part away from the head and the finished Job looks very much like a log cut by a beaver. He will, however, run with a match In his mouth, and there is no law against his striking it against a watt as he runs; and he also takes a match or two sometimes to hia nest. A rat will build a nest aeainst a chimney during the sumne-r and when tile tire are started In ttie fall there Is gener ally quite a number of fires from this source. Safety Kusinoerlng. Facts for Sufferers. I'ain results from injury or eoug-cstion. lie it neuralgia, rheumatism, luiiiliairo, neuritis, toothache, sprain, bruise, sore atitr muscles 01 whatever pain you have yields to Sloan's Liniment bring new fresh blooU, dissolves the congestion, relieves the injury, the circulation is free ami your pain leaves as if by magic. The nature of its qualities penetrate immediately to (lie sore spot. I'on't keep on autleriiig. liet a bottle ofSloan's Liniment. I' ho it. It means instant relief. 1'rice 'Jic. anil 50c. ft bottle holds six times as much as the '.Tic. sire. Habit is stronger than judgement or passion. either A Clogged System Needs At tent ion Are you bilious, Jizr y ami listless'.' Ur. King's JJew Life 1'ills taken at once seizes upon constipation ami starts the bowels to moving naturally and easily. Moreover it acts without gripim.' Neg lect of a clogged system often h ails to most serious complications. Poisonous matter anil a body poorly functioning need immediate attention If you wish to wake up tomorrow mornir.g happy in inim! am! entirely satisllcil, start your tieatiuent tonight, Hoc, a bottle. Smiles of adversity are seldom sincere. CASTORIA For Infanta end CUUdieo nUseForOver30Year9 Coughs That Are Stopped ! Careful people see that they aie slop ped. Ur. King's New I'iseoveiy is a remedy of tried merit. It has held its own on the market for PS years. Youth ami old age testify to its soothing and healing qualities. Pneumonia and lung troubles are often caused hv delav of treatment. IT. King's New liiseou-ry stops those hacking coughs ami relieves la grippe tendencies. Money back if it fails, .'ale. anil (I. But his mother always has excuse for the juvenile terror. an When Baby Has the Croup. When a mother is awakened from sound sleep to II ii .1 her child who has gone to bed apparently in the best ol health struggling for bieatli. she is lint mall y alarmed. Yet if she cau keep her presence or mind and give t'hamher- Iain's Cough liemeily every ten minutes until vomiting is piuduced, quick relief will follow ami tlie child will dmp to sleep to awaken in the morning at well as ever. I Ins remedy has heen in use for many years with unifotm success. Obtainable everv where The obese man has no friends in a crowded street car. RESPONSIBILITY FOR FIRES. One of the heaviest known verdicts for negligence was awarded to the Globe Malleable Iron and Steel Com pany and twenty-one tire Insurance nnpniiles against the New X'ork Cen tral Kallroad Company for $51.rji)S.4S. The damagos were awarded because the crew of a freight train refused to break ears In a train and allow Are companies to cross the railroad In response to a lire alarm. It was claim ed, and apparently proved, that the delay caused by the railroad company was the cause of the loss. This was a remarkable verdict, not only on ac count of the amount, but because of the principle It enunciates. DESTRUCTIVE AND GEROUS. DAN Rats and mice are not only destruct ive agents to property .but are dan gerous carriers of disease. The time has now arrived when the extermina tion of this menace to the health of all communities should receive en ergetic action and drastic treatment. The extermination of these vermin should be a part of all movements to wards removing dangers to life and securing conditions of greater safety CUT OUT FIREWORKS. The place to begin Is with the deal ers Ordinances which shall regulate or prohibit the sale of the more dan gerous varieties of lireworks can he enforced much more easily than can those seeking to regulate or prohlli It their use after they are once sold. Parents Hhnolri he timed to use the utmost care In the purchase and latter In the use of the fireworks of every description. GOOD ADVICE. Each box of matches furnished a Sre patrol In one section ot Idaho bears this warning: "A match doesn't think with It's head. When you ui It, your head has to do all the thinking. Don't trust the match not to fall where it may start a fire and make you re sponsible. Cigarette or cigar stubs sod i amp-Ire have no heads at all. Do tlie thinking. Put them out Hartford Agent. Chronic Constipation. "About two years ago when 1 begau using Chamberlain's Tablets 1 had been sutlcring for some time with stomach trouble aud chronic constipation. My condition improved rapidly through the use of these tablets. Hince taking four or live bottles of them my health has been line,1' writes Mis. John Newton, lrviug, N. Y. Obtainable everywhere. Recommends Chamberlain's Cough Remedy "Last wiuler 1 used a bottle of Cham berlain's Cough liemeily for a bad bronchial cough. I felt its benellcial etfect immediately and before I had tin isheil the bottle 1 was cured. 1 never tire of recommending this remedy to my friends," writes Mrs.William Bright, Fort Wayne, loil. Obtainable everywhere. C8 Is it possible there is a woman in this country who con tinues to suffer without giving Lydia li. Pinkham's Vege table Compound a trial after all the evidence that is con tinually being published, which proves beyond contradic tion that this grand old medicine has relieved more suffer ing among women than any other one medicine in the world ? We have published in the newspapers of the United States more genuine testimonial letters than have ever been pub lished in the interest of any other medicine for women and every year we publish many new testimonials, all gen uine and true. 1 lere are three never before published : From Mrs. S. T. Richmond, Providence, R. I. Phoviukntk, IJ. I. " For the benefit of women who suffer as I have (lone I wish to state xvhut Lydia E. I'inkliaiii's Vegetable Compound, has done fur me. I did wmie heavy lifting and the doctor said it caused a displacement. I mve always been weak and I overworked after my baby xvas horn and inflammation set in, then nervous pros tration, from which I did not recover until I tiad taken Lydia E. Pink ham's cgotable t miiotinil. The L'ouiiiound is my best friend and whtu 1 hear of a woman with troubles like mine I try to induce her to take your medicine." Mrs. S. T. IvIuiimond, Hi Progress Avenue, Providence, ILL From Mrs. Maria Irwin, Peru, N.Y. pEitf, N.Y. ' Ki-fore I took Lydia E. Pinkham's VegetaUo Com. pound I xxas very irregular and had much pain. I bad lost threo children, and felt worn out all the time. This splendid medicino hdiied me as nothing' else had done, and I am tbankftd every day that I took it." Mrs. Mama Jiiwi.v, K.F.D. 1, Peru, N.Y. From Mrs. Jane D. Duncan, W. Quincy, Mass. t: I SllI'TH IJl IM V i!iu tie docton i i 'xv Lvdia K. Pi i.-itiscd and I di. .i e cliishcil the hist 1..,: ; !... Uitousdi middle lii . ii. oniau and e.n n in . , J it scan, Finest A xv. hi- 'The doctor said that I bad organic trouble i mmi'.' lime anil 1 did not get any relief. 1 X .'gctnlile I nnipotlhil ail i .-.1111111 ndicf lie fore I bad 1 i continued taking it ail aei now a strong, hcallhv .1: living." Mrs. Jank J). ' si Quincy. Mass. ' 1 ..T''Vritp to I.YIK A I'. S'l'i K HA H MEDICI NE CO. '" ST If llvl I III I III! ! ( l XV Mat...' a- a . (' t ill lr i(i'!M"!, roail ami unsw rreil I)rii!k-frciiiJ PEPSKola "That's what I want, MotherDaddy drinks it when he's hot and thirsty" For every member of the family there's nothing half as invigorating, refreshing, delicious as a glass of Pepsi -Cola. Satisfies the thirsty refreshes the weary and just bracing enough to make you "feel like action the rest of the day. Buy it at all founts carbonated in bottles, too, at your grocer's. I Fior All Thirsts Pepsi-Cola 50 Striving to satisfy the demands of Tina Sc JXlf IJL. JTK apt to affect the nerves, ana continual standing may weaken the Heart. Dr. Miles' Nervine is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is highly recommended. LIVED IN MISERY. "I S'STored greatly from nervousness and head aches. The least exalts meat (are na dreadful pain. I began using Dr. Miles' Nervine and a few dars later started to take Dr. MIIm' Heart Trent meat. I aeon got so much better that I wai encour aged and continued taking thm two remedies until X was so wall that work was ne bother to me at all." MB8. IXJUI8 ma, Idaho Mis, Idaho. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENE FIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTOR I A

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