Old Folks Sate J From Suffering Mrs. Mary A. H-iii In i.er Mih ; i tl. ifi"iiii- was bcyniiil tin i,.-, lint rolt'v Ki'hn I :). I,, beiioifiiil li. my v..o." Ml, Ham H utv.-, N. C, writL'ti: "My Li.hu.' worn.: ut hixht d T ... fmm (ivy tu ;;i V ti .(:! not )taD ti k'i i up Mt tu, -ilit, .1, i alder in y st If in ;i tiulv nwniiiil c rlltlon, which I attrthuiu to KuU-y Knl ney Fills, uh I Iiuve taken no Hunt,' Mm, M. A. KildKfH, .iuhlnwon. Mass,, nays; '"1 HUftVi pil fnnu k i.i.it v rnf tits for two vjarn. I v i; m nit n t"l taklnsr Foley Kidney Pills ten mu:u!is ago, and though f nm HI v-urt of rn?, 1 feel like a lfl-,.,r-M r Foley Khlnev Pill ...Ml.', BtrenKthpnlnic an d up-lnilM: n- i. ul Ttore nnrmnl art Inn tu rh- KMnevu and tn a iltBonlercil an.l 'Vuiii'nl iu.n1 ir. They art win. k !y n Nti t i-nuiri liu ttangHrourt or hamiinl ilrus. Sold by li. CLARK. GREAT BAkUIHS IN TVPL;WITl:l(HS. We party u large stock ol tuii.l.iu! Typewriters. 4 nil furnish al once M on arch, Fox, Oliver, Kcniiiigton. Ilowil. Smith Pieuitcr, I.. (' Smith ,v P.io tntl Pudenvood. Any otlict 'link, tnun u to l.'i days' notice ft I' hale I .ut h t lit visible and the invisible. t' hotrhtii large stock of these Typewriti-is iii.iii une-luutth to oiio-hnll the recjilai whole sale price, nn. I mi sale now at, li nit t h to one-halt the regulai retail puces. A good Typewritel fioui $7 "s Ik tT.V A belter one t!7.. i to v.'.s Ml Tin- best from up to any nu-f. N ill lie glad to auswer auy imiuirv tn i-uiiiit'ctinii ttilh these machines, and send samples of the work done hv auy of the type writers we have, rlvery hoy an. I girl should have one of our cheap lypewri ters to leain how to use. Any person whoan write well on a typewriter can ile man 1 1 a large salary. Anyone who buy a cheap typew Titer from us ami wants a better one later, e will take baek the one bought anil allow thesatue paid for it in exchange for a better one, if retiiineil in good condition ami within six months. It not in goodeondition we allow the market value. We cany Type writer ribbons and other supplies. SPIERS BROS. A Soluble Antiseptic Powder to be dissolved in water as needed For Douches In the local treatment of woman's ills, luch as leurorrhoea ami infUiiitnation, but (loach of I'axtine are Ttry etliVai'tous. No woman who Iiah ever uiwmI uiedicatej duuchwi wilt fail to a)iri.'('iatw tlto clean and healthy condition I'axtine produce and the prompt relief from acrtMinn and discomfort wbict i follows its U!te.Thimt becaiise Taxtina pouwHes superior cleansing, disinfect mm ana Dealing properties. For ten years tho Lvdu K. f- I..Vk.m f-.i i'.. tl oitunenili! raxttiitf in tlu-ir private correiuiiu!fin'H wiih wo. men, whirli proves its fcUpiTi ority. Women lio liave been rlierid lay it is " worth its weiirht in tnlil." At ilrmikrist. COc. lartre l,x or l.v nmll. Sample fre. Th Paxton Toilet Co., Uoaton, Maai. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER E. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WEI.UON, N. ('. Practices iu the courts of Halifax auo Northampton and in the Supreme auo Federal courts. Collections, made in ail parts of North Carolina. Uranch otlice at Halifax open every Monday OEORUE C. GREEN, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, (National Kauk Ituddiuo Weldon. N. C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor at-l.aw, WKI.IkiN, N. ('. (Jlhce iu Weldon Hank ,VTnit Building liumncsn promptly aui failhtully at tended to. W.J. WARD, OKNTIST, OFFICE IN HAMKL HI ILIUM. WELDON. N.C epl2 ly E. T CLARK ATTORNEY AT LAW, WELIION, N.C. Practices in the courts of Halifax and Ijoiuinir counties and li. the supreme court of the state. Special attention Biven to collections and prompt returns D. E. STAINBACK, NOTARY PUBLIC And Fire Insurance. Vomit News ) Iff ice -:- WWU ( GasolineEngines Peanut Threshers Belting Farrninj Implements of all klnJs. Shingles and Lath Halifax Hmowjiiie Co., Halifax, N. C. O. E. LEWIS. Manager. 3 18 3m t ; ail marks umi Npyrtuht iim1 or no ni t..mii, tft-tmhaa or inot arm o Pt.'..i f-r mtt tlArjCH Miiwm Mi twitl !:iT. Bank retfirmw. ! HUILO FORTUNIS for I yon, 0t.- frw hnoklm (fll huw, wkat to tavMrt niiJ mvu ycrn Nttac?. Writ toda. D SWIFT & CO. IMT! M. . .i-.l,ln"lon n r . OLEY KIDNEY PUIS CERTAINLY SOME VOICE Here is a little story thut was told by Congressman John li. Ba ker, of California, the other night, when the talk topic in the lobby of a hotel took a musical turn : Some time ago the guests at a reception were discussing the rel ative merits of several songsters w hen one of the party turned to a man named Brown. "By the way, Brown," said he, "you are something of a singer, are you not ?" "Not on your life!" was the em phatic response of Brown. "1 never sang a note that somebody didn't threaten to send in a riot call. You are probably thinking ot my brotner. " "Perhaps lam," was the rejoin-1 der of the other. "Has he a heavy ; bass voice?" "Yes," smiled Brown; "so dcrned heavy that it makes him btiwlcgged to carry ii." Philadel phia Telegram. DEAENESS CANNOT HE CI RED i by local applications, as they cannot teach the diseased pnrlion of the ear. j t here m only nay to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. ; lieafuess is caused by an inllained con dition of the mucous limn of the Eus tachian Tube. U hen this lube is in tlaiiicd you have a ruinhluiu' sound or imperfect hearimr, and w hen it is en tirely closed, healness is the result, and unless the inllammation can be taken out and this tube restote.l to Us normal condition, heariun mil he destioyed for ever; nine cuses out of ten aie caused by I 'atarrh, w liich is nothiiii; but an' nillamed condition of the mucous sur faces, V. ,1. I 'II KNF.Y A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free. Trice T.' cents pel bottle. Sold by all druiiists Tiike Hall's family Pill's I'oi Con-tipa-tion Adv NOTICE OF ELECTION, A petition containmi.' one-fourth of the voters of Putlei wood township hav inbeeu tiled Wltii the Hoard Ot t inn mis. siouers of Halifax county, renucstinir that the Hoard of Comiuissioueis of Halifax county call an election as to whether or not P.utletwood Township shall issue bonds to make itnprovi nieuts of public roads in said township. Notice is hereby giwn that an election is herei.y called for Huttcrwood town ship to determine the iuestion whether Thirty Thousand hollars shall be issued to make improvements of the public roads of Butterwootl township said election to be held on TTF.MiAY. Nu. I'Ml'.KI; -JHrd, till.',. Tn.ler Laws Hll.'t. Chapter .V.l. Hy order of the Hoard of Commis sioners of Halifax rouiitv. W. . HAHX l'.Y, Chaiiman. Attest .1. H. NoKMAN, Cleik, NOTICK Mortgage Land Sale ! hereas Henry II A John I:. I 'anion on the Mh day of March, Hit.",, executed to Lewis Younir, a tuorticaife upon the land therein described to secure the iayment of purchase inoiiev wbicli niortiraire is registered in book '.'liL'.pinre l-r in Kemstei ol heeds oilice m Hali fax ( ourt House The land is in Lit tleton Township and joins the land of 11. li l aulcon. W. H May and utheis Oel'ault haviiiir been made in the nav- J ment of said money. 1 u oil'ei for sui, I at the couit huuse .loot in Halil'av e.iu i. iv me laiut nauieit in sukl murt time lot cash to the highest bidder on Monduv. the l .th ,lav ol Noieuil.ei IMC, at u'o clock. M. I hn dct. -tu. iMi I KWIs ti ,, I" H It. Mnl!k',,k-,.,- Trustee's Sale of Land I uder and by virtue of the poweis con- It rre.l on tbe ubilers:(n, I u a d i d of , trust from Junius Lmii- and w If. dated the l'th .lay of April. LM.i. the under ; s.ned will sell at pubhc auction upon ! the premises at i o clock M., on the ' 8th Day ol November, 1915, I to the highest bidder, for cash, the f,,. I, iwintr described property situate and beinir in the county of Halifax. State of North Carolina, and in the town of W eb i t Ion. bouudeil and described as follows I f "Heirinnintf at the northeailernenrnei : ot the lot heu-iotoie sold Mollie Eaton ! . ti V . I . Anllmnv in the me ol'tli i-,0 ore. I i.ra.led School, thence in a north- erlv couise aloni; said i.iaJe. I school ,","i Let, thence at nirht angles with said . lust tnetitioned hue tn a westerly diree- tion 'li feet to an alley thence at right ! angles with said last mentioned line and I in a northerly dncction along the eastern boundary ofsaid alley .V, leet to i the northwestern corner of ihe lot of i Molbe Katon, thence at right angles I with last said line and in an easterly di- I rection along the northerly hue of the I lot of Mollie Eaton and in an easterly I direction 'V, to the beginning " ' 1 WKI.IHIN HANK LvTM sTCu . Hy K. s. THA VIS President, Trustee. I -. -, Administrator's Notice, i Having .iialified aa administrator of ' the estate of I.. K. lhckens, deceased, I before the clerk of Halifax Superior Court notice m hereby given that all persons having claims against said es tate to present them to the undersigned I duly verified on or before the I lib day ! of Octolier, lHltt. or this notice will lie i pleaded in bar of their recovery; and all j persous owing said estate will come for- I ward and make immediate payment This I tth dav of Octolier, ivl.V H. ( RAW LEY, Admr of 1.. K. Dickens, deceaaed. 10 It Ml French and Hutch Hyacinths, white and yellow Narcisam,' Tulips, Crocui and Lilliums. Plant early for beat re sults. Choice Cut Flowers Rosea, Carnations, Violets aud Valliea iu aeaaon. Wedding decoration in the latest styles. Our Floral arrangements are of the (inest touch. Rose Bushes, Shrubberies, Ever greens, Shade Trees, Hedge Plants Mail, telegraph or telephone orders promptly executed hy J. L O'QLINN & COMPANY, FLORISTS, RALEIGH, North Carolina. Phones, Store 42 Ureenhouaea 149 MM KIDNEY PIII To aMKaCHi mourn ami iub New Crop Bulk j TOO MANY 1 HIRSTS. I A young Englishman came to ; Washington and devoied his days ! and nights to an earnest endeavor to drink nil the Scotch whiskey there was. He couldn't do it and recently he w ent to a doctor com plaining of a disordered stomach, "Quit drinking," ordered the doctor. i "But, my dear sir, I cawn't. 1 get so thirsty. ' i "Well," said the doctor, "when ever you are thirsty eat an apple instead of taking a drink." The Englishman paid his fee and left. He met a friend to whom he told his experience. "Bally rot," he protested. Fawncy eating 40 apples a day." Saturday Evening Post. The Colds of Mankind Cured Hy I'lnesl Have you eei tone tliioiu-ba typical pine fotest when you hud a cold '' hut a igoious impulse it sent' Hon mm opened wide youl luiifn to take n tle.sr invinoiuling and mystetiou. .iiiiliii,s Yes, I't Hell s Pine Tai lluliev poss. sv Ihuse stimulating 4ua!itu s and om i conies hacking emorhs. The timet lin ing of the thlnat is sllellgthelled III Its attucks against cold Kerius I veiv family needs a bottle eoustun.ly ;it band. 'J c. i:aaMftAauaMawiaMaHaiHHi Sale for Taxes. 1 will sell for cash at the court house door iti Halifax. Monday. Noveinbet 1st, PM.'i. the following described real estate in Hulteiwood township to satisfy tax and cost for the veal l!il I lux : .1. 11. llatvey. lio acres, Webb laud, t".'.'". .1 li llepliiistall, 111 acres, Home and llamill, V;. .o. Mis. II. M. Ileptin-tall, liil acres, Hume, -In. IK). l!iooks I'ailiam, '.'HI acres, Jackson, li 11. II. P. Phelps, agent, Powell liact.l so Tom bulges, colored, in acres, Cur tain land, li.'.'u N. It. Nb.WsU.N, lax Collector Huttcrwood Township. Sale For Taxes. 1 will sell for cash at the court hou.e door in Halifa. Monday. November 1st llili, the following ilcseiihed real estate iu Halifax township to sutisfy tax an. I cost for the vear l:H4 tax: M li t laik, 1 town lot. Hl.ss C. II Hale. 1 town lot, I!. II. human, imi acies, James I'niiry, IP.1 acres, -baL Paul Lynch, acres I'om Lynch, 11 acres, Henrietta Williams. !l acres K. W. ( AHTEK, '! it I i'. Tax Collector Halifax township NOTICE. Weldon. N. ( ., sept. K I'll:, This is ! certify that the Weldon Coca Cola Mottling Company has this day registered the bottles used by the aid company in then bottling business, described as follow "Six ounce bottle uiaike.l on bulb sides with the Coca , i ola tta.le mark m at top ol bottle and j at bottom Piopeity of Weldon ( oca Lulu p.ottliug Company.' Any one j nnsusiiiir above bottles will be ptosecu ' ted according to law . W I.I i.os t'oi A Col 4 lo I'll IMI W'oSkS I sep L'.'l .it j lixecutor's Notice. i Haviuir .jualitied as executoi of the . last will and testament of p. p. Hub bant, deceased. I.e:,,ie the cleik ol Hal ifax supeiioi Court notice is beieby liiveti that all petsous having claim atainst sai,i estate aie nolitied to pre sent theiii to the undersigned, duly vetmed on ot U'fore the Tth day of tic t-.lbel, l''i, ol tins notice Will be plead r.l in Lai of their recovery: and all per sons mg saij estate w ill come forwai.l an l make immediate pavment. I his .loth dav of September, pili. N. I. sTLAHMAN. LxeClit,,! of V.. P. II ubbald, deceased. o ; lit Administrator's Notice. Haung quabtied before the clerk of the superior court ot Halifax county as adiiiiiiistiator of the estate of E.' 1(. .Lines, deceased, late of the county of Halifax, not.ee is hereby given that all persons havmg claims against said es tate to present to me duly authenticated on ot belore the iJrd day of September, l'llii. oi this notice will "he i,l, a,l m bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate must settle at ouce. This the .'nth day of Sept. ltHi, J. 11. BOYD. Admr. of E. li. Jones, deceased. t tit THE NAME OF CHAS. M. STIEFF ON YOUR PIANO It is important to know that the piano you buy has lived long enough to prove the merit of the principle on which it is built and that its tone and quality of action have been appraised liy people qiiahtteil to judge. Stieff Pianos have been before the public since sC', and are now in the seventy third year of their popularity; hav ing hen Ihe letinn nf K'nefnlk' most accomplished musicians. The purchase of a Stieff Piano Is an investment containing no element of speculation AN D they are of moderate price and terms. Qlhas. 3)1. stieff. LEON C. STEELE, Mgr. No. 231 Granby t., Norfolk, Ya. Phone 1109. RUB-IYIY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Boms. Old Sores, Tetter, Kin-Worm, o ccma, etc. Aatisptio Aaodyn, wed internally or externally. 25c HU cp Aim DESPAIRING WIFE After Four Years of Discouraging Conditions, Mrs. Bullock Cave Up in Di -pair. Husbaod Came to Rescue. Catron, K". In an Interesting letter from tins place. .Mrs. liettie Bullock writes a.; foHnwi: "I suffered for four yens, .nth v.ormnly troubles, and during this bun.', I cu.-d only sit up for a little while, and could not walk anywhere at ail. Ai ti t.:, I would have scv.-re pains in my left side. The ttoctor was ca led in, and his treat ment rel.owd me for a while, but I was s, conlined to m bed aain. Alter Hub notlii.. seemed to do me any good. 301 )AV i'iiONK 1 P. H- STJlfi BACK'S rNDi:in.Ki:i!. : Weldon, . . North Carolina Eull Line ot CASKETS, COFEINS and ROBES. Day, Night and Out-of-Town Calls Promptly Attended to. H. G. ROWE, FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER. Seventeen years' Experience. Hearse Service Anywhere. noi lonnoc ion New Fall and Crepes, Ratines, Silks, Full Line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS, SHOES, HATS, CLOTHING, Etc. LADIES WAISTS j SKIRTs and many other Goods too numerous to Call'and see if I have what you want. Remember The Place A. L. STAINBACK, WELDON, N. C. "The Always Busy Store." wmmmmm m mm & mnm OisoDiPdclbofacloriBgi'opyfl MAN l I ACTlTiLRs (,k Building Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door and Window Screens MAHK TOOPPKH ANH UKt.l I.AK STUCK si.L's. Good Materials, High Grade Workmanship Our Slogan. Weldon, N. C. WHEN YOU WANT IT EARLY CALL 'Phone us tSil jg W. T. llUKlJhe m SEABOARD AIE LINE THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. Trains leave Weldon, Effective MAY 30, 1915, C. E. CARTER, Ticket Agent. NO. 16 :30A. M. SEABOARD EXPRESS, Coaches, Sleeping Cars. N0.12 3:42 P. M. StABOARD MAIL, Vestibule Coaches. Parlor Car, for Potts mouth-Norfolk, connecting with Steamship Lines for Wash ington, Baltimore, New Voik, Boston and Providence NO. 11 KKAKOAKII MAIL for Kaleigu, Charlotte, Atlanta, Hirming 11:56 A M a Pd. "e Southwest; connects at Norlma.KalnghorHain t with "Florida raat Mail" No. 3, for .lcksmv,lle and AtZita S ' P"10" through sleeper, to Hamlet and NO. 13 MhABOAKU KAPKEHS, 12:06 P. M. u'iii ', ,, ;, ii . , , ""'"i'""! "u. ville and Monds points; sleeping car Coaches, Sleeping and Dining Cars to No. 19 for Raleigh leaves 4 40 a. m. Write to the undersigned for rates and - C- B. RYAN, General Passenger Agt., - Norfolk, V. orcofTcn 1 h-iJ nen so wc-lk ' CJllld no' s,;mdi . and I i;avc up in despair. At last, my husband not me a bottle ol Caidui, the woman's tonic, and I com menced taking it. From the very first dose, I could tell it was helping me. I can now walk two miles without its tiring me, and am doing all my work." If you are all run down from womanly troubles, don't give up in despair. Try Cardui, the w oman's tonic. It has helped more than a million women, in its SO years of continuous success, and should surely help you, loo. Your druggist has sold Cardui for years. He knows what it will do. Ask him. He will recoup. mend Begin taking Cardui today. ir tt ti: C!itinogj Mt-iMne Co., UJIm Jt;s(.iy I'fpt., L'i itian(.uj, ,-tn., (or .V i.t 'it'i-i,,-,,!',.! un vmr ,ne an Ju4 pjii Ivvli, 'Hint I tctiMtn iw VSkmo," actnt in si(n tppw. jjI E30E 11 N K.I! I l'llt'Nt :i!' IUU Winter Coeds! mention. & 3 4 Your wants I firsKrory for Portsmouth Norfolk Vestibule for Raleigh etgh. Atlanta RirminiI,.n, fv. .... Yi ... .7 .. -onn'"t namiet with No. u for i ior voiumDia. savannsli Jackson, Portsmouth to Charlotte- Vestibule all points South and Southwest No, a) fr0, Ri.jgh rritP g:4(, p m time tables. JOHN T. WEST, Division Passenger Agt RaMfb.N.C. 7T I f- f1 sr TIME SEND YOUR ORDERS FOR ALL KINDS OE PRINTING TO E. L. HAY WARD, Weldon, N. C. Notice Having iiiulillcd as adminstratnx of the estate of A. M. Inge, deceased, be fore the clerk of Halifax Superior Court notice is hereby given that all persons having claims acaiiist said estate are notitied to piesent them to the under i siirued. duly vel Itied oil or l.el'.ue til I Until dav ol Seoti uiber. Illlli or this ii.i I tice will be pleaded III lull of their le- , eoveiy;and ail persons ow mil' sui.l es j tnte w ill come loi wiiiil and make mime : diule payment. ! I his -;sh dm- of September. I'll.,. Mlfs h. M IV, . I Adllliuistlallix of M. Ilu'e dee d. p .I" Ot Notice of Sale. t ndei and by viitue of the poweis Coll Lulled in a certain deed of tl list, ex ecuted sn the iliith day of .liinuaiv.HHl, by the lioyal Hail Lodge No, I'i.' A. I', .x A. .M , located at Littleton, N . ('., to mens Trustee to secure the payment of a certain note for Jl.loo therein de scnbe.l, and default having been made in Ihe payment of said note and ul the request of the holder thereof and with out objection by the maker, the under Hulled will on the 18th day ot October, 1015, at one o'clock P. M., sell to the highest bid.l.ir for cash, the following desciibed property, tow it: "Tliat piece 01 .paicel or land, lying and being ih the town of Littleton, N. (',, and on Church Street, beginning at a point on the west side of said t hureh street, at the drip of that twostorv Iranie building now occupied by the Littleton Holding W orks, and run along said street in a norlheily di rection .Sn feet, cornering at light an gles: thence iu a westerly direction and straight hue 11,1,1 feet', cornering at light angles; thence in a southerly di rection and straight hue 11" feet, corner ingat right angles; tlieuoeiu an easterly direction, a stiaurht line to the liist stii tion, it being that identical piece or par cel of land conveyed by deed from II. Pay Hrowuing and wile to V. N. Haw kins and wife, ami fiom VY. N. Hawkins and wife to Annie K. I.ifsev, and on which is situated a two story wooden building now occupied by the' Littleton llotthng Works and the upper story thereof being used bv the said pattv of the tirstpart as a I.o.lge room." Place of sale will he at the limit door uf the above desciibed premises This the blth dav of sept I'll.',. I L 1'IClll', Trustee WE FURNISH j i s A lioyal I east to etel V one w bo ( buy thi ll ,'iuci in s at uui - tnic ( All the sea-oiiuble debcaciis au- found in our -tine tt,e yi-ai , run in 1. ' CONFFCTIONFKIFS ) I- KUI I H ( CROCKFRY AND TIN ( WARF Wooden and Willow waie, Etc, liooil- dellleled promptlx' Kliv ( w hele ill tow II I',, lite clel'l ( Phone ..o -0 R. M. PDRNELL, Largest Stock in the &.. Sooth. When in Noi folk call on ns You mil rind hat you naut and get it ijuiok.lv. ' Having no cauvaers. no aitent coiiiiiiisi,,ii ate ad ded to out puces This elia ahle n tu ue iiistclaMua tenal and liuish it pruperlv . We Pay Freight and Guarantee Sale Arrival IHE COUPER MARBLE WORKS. years in business.) i4-JtW Hank rft NoHKOl.K, VA. Roses, Carnations, Violets and other Mowers alaays ou hand. Shower Wedding Bouquets, Handsome Moral I'esigns, Palms ami Feins for home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips. Narcissus and many other varieties ol Bulbs fot fall planting either for out or indoor nil ture. liose bushes, .Maguohas and Pv ergreens. Write, phone or teleraidi. H. STEINMETZ, Florist. Raleigh. North Carolina. Wood's Seeds. Seed Wheat. The Soed Wheats we otfer are from the, best and most productae crops grown in thp finest iieat-frromri sections of Virginia, aud are carefully recleaned by us to remove all impur ities and small and inferior grains, so as to Supply our customers only with plump and weli-developed seed wheat, whi-h should jield considera bly morn per acta thau ordinary wheats Imperfectly cleaned. All of our Heed ft heals am seleeteJ from good yieJdiug ctops, which with our methods of cleaning, makes the Seed Wheat which we otter very much superior to ordinary seed wheat. Write for Wood's Crop Special Giving full information and pritvsof w"t, taad Oats, Vvia tar ttarlay, Rya and ail seeds for tali sowing. Prices aud samples of any aeeds desired, mailed on request. T.W.WOOD G SONS, WBSm, . EkhiB6Jw1,Va. 1 I b--iist. r .. .sw 1.,., : - Tho only asset you would leave your family or business that would be worth 100 cents on the dollar is the cash you have in the bank and your life insurance. Did you ever think of that ? How much have you of each ? Think it over and fix up the life insurance end ol it TODAY. Don't put it off---to-morrow may be too late. See or Phone Lewis B. Suiter, Representing the Sew York Life Insurance Company Largest Strongest Best Phone 303 L - WELDON, N.;0. I Al l. AM' WIM 1.K MILLINERY. l-ANt V (.OtU'saiid Nli ti.HES. ; P.uttenck s Patlrins j R & 0. Corsets, Misses at T'ic. l adies T ie. to H SjuPnci aill lie made tu suit the time Hats ami Bonnets made audi trim tucd to order. ALL .MAlI.tiKHEIts PltdMpiLY HI LKI'. M lis. P. A I KWIS, Weldon, N.C. xaiis marine WOMEN Love This Magazine McCALL'S It the Fihirn Gnidf and Houw kctpmi Helper of more somen thin any other amiine in the rld. Ail the Utett ilvlet I every month; tlo drhhtfui tontt thai enter- i UH.iid peciel departments m cooking, name ' dreumeiinf, hncw work, etc., that lifhtcn ! ousewcrk end nave montv. Price, only SOc vear, rh one celeb rued McCa-l Ureal Pai- itra mvt. ! MNI A tTU CAM HOW PCM I. A PstMt AmssH. 1-na.t 4 Mr ali. a MAtA1N' ar 1 A mr Hr4 AU. H Aa.4pa IKtUtt H (lATAHM.I A . . I Wau l HUH a lrMa t r.m CHI H I AsWrssM fVH . TV McUU CO. 23 M 244 ff j; Si . Nr. Teii R T. Tired! A.s m llr.S t turn Sow wamwir I. .r,iais m So aa tfrtr Not II I. M luiacH. Vga ar. III. Year T.laai aa.S. a toala. Vaurtlaaaaak, aiaaav. aaS 1-War aaaS ailrrlas as. Notklai will 4 ikl. kauar Uaa Electric Bitters BOa. and II ou All Drastui. I 1? mT IlisTrf paiMiuMs i FREE Jj "tl V Sua ) r fi jl!' ' " ' " ' 1 tt " " i t m ' a n i m ' tAa,i .,-, li wiitimi.iiiMiiiHli;ii; i 1 f 'mm mm I have installed in my shop an up-io-Jaie lilectric Repairing Ma chine and I am now prepared to do your work promptly and at reason able prices. DON'T throw your old shoes away, bring them to me and I will make them as good as new. LKitlier's Electric Sloe Slop OWELDON, N.C. Are You a Woman ? i Cardui FOB SALE AT ALL DRU&SSTS 1 77 crei it Jor my tulfe NO OTHCH Lliil IT. NO OTHf ft A9 GOOD. Puna... u "NEW HOMK" .j ,ou via ,, , M, w , p;, i,,, n.minlw o rrpa c.pi,. If ..ipetwf nO Bi.a.Sip .na br.l Qii.i.ir tA a.Uct. is.m M.-iuLf rvie at m,i,,uiMm lt,.i. WARRANTED FOR ALL TIME. loi.it on h.vinf th. "piEW HOME". I ' .DUMB III. WuHjnic, v.,., tfuQg an'' I' Noi h,iJ hj,t 4i.i yll.rt uairc THE HEW HOME StWINS MACHINE CO caanut, HiiUbswHiTi. taa at Dealer Wasted la this Territory. tJgf'L. KITTNER'S The Woman's Tonic HI