la mm i ? i-.-r"r:i,;l 1' i-;STABLISHBO IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. Ij WELDON, X. (, TIH KSDAV, OCTOlH'.lf UN, li)ir. NO. 27 MOTHER'S DAY. PRAYED AT CABINET MEETING. hishop Anderson Says the Presi dent Offered the Petition !i,MENDLESONW Mow Seldom We Ifemember Mother on Her hirthday. KOHCEHTRATED,! ITS 1 4J M mm IM I mm i 9 ABkiae 3M .a The Kind Yon liavo Always Bought, ami which lias been in iiko lor ovrf ;$0 years, lias borne the tilfjnutiiro of Stf !" been nmile under his per. L&jLrtti'A ,0lml s,ll)CrviHlon sliHO its infamy. Wrr. 'WW. Allowiiooiiotoder-eh-oynuln this. All t'oiinl'TlVlts, JinitiitliiMS al4 Jiist-ns-jfiMid" tiro hut KvperliiH ills I lint trillo with amlciidtiugcr tlio health of lnliiiits urul Chlhlreu IjporieiU't) itguinst Kiperiiiiont. What is CASTORIA Cast or In Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare, gorie, Pr.inn mid Hoothiiijf Syrrips. It is l'lensant. It contain lu'ltlier Opium, Morphine- nor other Narootia siihstaiw. lis ntre Is its ftuaruntoo. It destroys Worms ami allays Kcverisliut-KS. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Cuius It relieves Teething Troubles, Hires (Constipation and riatnlciii'y. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and lion-els, giving healthy anil natural bleep. Tho Children's I'uiiiiccu The Mother's lrieiitl. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears tho Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bougbt In Use For Over 30 Years. tMC CINTAUN COItMNV, Tf MuRM t THEtT. NCW VOKK fllTV. oc: 3E 3E a O THE MM OF WELDON WKLDON. X. ( Organized Under the Laws ol the State ol North Carolina, Suite of Ni'i'ih Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depositoty. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aiift Sniplns, $55,000. For over -1 years tins institution lias pi I - 1 banking facilities for tins section. Its'slncklioMns ami olliet is aie i.lentilieil mtli tlie liusl neis interests of Halifax an.l Northampton counties. A Navum liepurtinenl is :u,i. nt ;ii n I I'm the bent lit of all liu ilexire to deposit ill a Savings ISati... In tins I lepni 1 inent iiiteit M is allimed as follow; 1 or Deposit- allunrd toreni.mi linn month ul Ituurer. '' pel cent Ms iiioullior longer, :i per cent I'nebe nnnalisoi louver. I percent. V it v information iil lie furuMit .1 on upplic'ilioii to tin- I n m.Ii nloil iihiri CKK-4IIIR.N1 w. i; DAMKI-, V l I I ItKMOkM V It sll I'll I, I'. III! M'I'.i:. I'ellel. I A II I Ml I u MtAhK. Iilltl-XTOKS W. It. Sinith. W. K lianiel. .I. O. limke. V. M. lulien. It r. lianiel, J. I.. Miepher.l, W. A. Pieiee. I). II. ..! I'i I , .1 . . i-ledife 2E SO ! 4 - V til". - ViJX .J &The Reliable Household Lantern There is always need for a good lantern around the home in the yard, in the cellar, in the attic wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe. The RAYO is ideal for hotr.u v; . It gives a clear, bright light like sunlight on tap. It is strong, durable, compact, handy. Doesn't leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to light and i-fwick. Will last for y ..r?; Avk for . I. T-i a jr U'O IU, ) v ( STANDARD OIL COMrANY Vaahlnuton. D. C. (New J.rc rtar!"!f.UNw CHrteatoti. C Norfullt. V .'..i-AjftXiifJt i know stiim.-tliing iiIhhii a cer- lain link' ii uii: ul. e ollit I . )t:i;s nj I'll liitl.iy I !i: el I'.n.k anil lnnii.l In si-t ul It'll or lill iy ih ii niij;hi hi be tnM i.J t.i ihc cai l!i in the Ins linli: hiy, (.'levcn w.i cekt'taiinn tiis A ih in(;lil Mruck Ii m iiiin Lis linlc s.ivi; (','' linaril in uill- ' i:ll C'llls. He inuk aii Ins savings id llie ilea rest siore ami butinlit a present for his mother. That was a good many years uro, bin iliat liule boy's mother hasn'i foroticn thai liule present yet. An J she never will. I think the birthday gift of that link- boy is one of the most beauti fully stiKiiestive acis 1 ever heard of. All of us receive presents or "reelings of some sort on our birthdays. How seldom do we remember the mother on these birthdays. And oh, how much that birthday meant to her. Think of the long inonihs of wailing and watching and suffering; think of the crucial pain ami agony, down there in the valley of the shadow, heroically grappling with deaih it self that the end of Life might be fulfilled ! Wouldn't it be a beautiful idea for all the world 10 lake hold of that idea of giving mother a pres ent on her birthday! VC'liat a tine tiling ii would be for every man to make his birthday the occasion of a tender letter of love and de votion to his mother! And for every woman ! There would be millions of happier mothers in this world, and anything thai will bring happiness to any one in this world is well worth trying. Let's make every birthday a Mother's Day. Hliabeih Ciiy Independent. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORI A When cuieness develops into in solence it's time 10 borrow a gun. Coughs 1 lint Are Stopped I t iiielul people see lliat tin y ale stop ped. Ur. Kind's Nch Inscoveiy is a leniedv of tiled niellt. Il lills held lis I oun on the inaiket for -111 yeais. Youth and old ap' testify to its wn.tliini; aud heuliiiLr tiialities Pneumonia mid lunvf tiouhles ate olleu caused hv delay of in ainieiil. in knur's N'e liiscoiery blop;. those liaekim; eoiiyhs and rel'ecs la (tiippi' tendencies Money hack if it fails. .'iUc. and i. A woman and her maid acting in accord can outwit hakf a do.:en men. Tacts for Suflerers. I'ani results limn mjuiyor congestion, lii' it in vu :i Ik; iu , iheuuiatisiu. luiiikito, neuiitis, toothache, spimn, limine, sore still' muscles m whatever pain you have yields to Sloan's l.inllllenl hllllLTS new fresh hlood. di-solvcs the comrestion, relieves the uijuiy. Ihe cueuliitioii is flee and your pain haves as if hy inattic. The natuie of its qualities penetrate immediately to Hie son' ,spot. lloii't keep on sull'elinu'. liet tt holtle ofShmu s l.inin.eiit. t'se it. It means instant ii lief. I'nce L'.'ic ami .".Oc. U liottlc holds six limes as much I the -J.' It's an easy mailer to take i cheerful view ol other people's troubles. CASTORIA For Infants and Childrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always hears the ; ignature 2Q0D01 T. Z AB A. -MERCHANT TAIL0R, O Next door to Xolhfullir'?. WKI.lKlX, X C. O M 1 take your measure aud make suit to order od my beueh. ( all ami y VVnspect Hno line of piece goods ami samples Satisfaction yuarautce.ry TABHER'S ROOF Fill! SOLD BY Pierce-Whitchead hardware mm, (III 11(11 WELDON, N. C A WELDON 1HTKKTIEW. Mrs. Clnrk Tells Her Experience. The following brief account of an interview with n W'eklon wo man over four years auo. and its sequel, will be read with keen in terest by every citizen. Mrs. L:. T. Clark, Seventh St., W'eldon, says: "One of the fami ly used Doan's Kidney Pills for backache and other symptoms of kidney comrlaini and got great benefit from them. 1 consider Doan's Kidney Pills a medicine of merit." (Statement given Decem ber 15, 1910.) Again Praises Doan's. After a lapse of more than three years, Mrs. Clark said: "I con sider Doan's Kidney Pills the besi medicine for kidney and bladder trouble and am glad to renew my former endorsement of them." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Clark has iwise publicly recommended. F0STER-M1LBURN CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. y. it Made in the old-fashioned way, by hand dipping one at a time. A the O.ilvnnizini? is done utter the shingles nre 111 Ki,i,.-fl l.i sli if... ttl,. A .'If.. 11(1 I'VIHISI ll Vine" J i...,i,,,..i ... t.. , , ..v . ... .... or cracked edes. Tho heavy touting means Iuihj I iif.. ...i.i .., .....ii. iiic moioub Olivine1!!. For Stile by .1. S. TDIiNfiR. Weldon, N. C. SWEETEST OF MEMORY'S BELLS.! FRANK L. STANTON. Wild is the way ihrotigh the woodland; but there are the sweet fields of j clover, j The sighing sad pines, and the jessamine vines, and the rill thai leaps j laughingly over; ; The lilies that rim it (he cities that dim it and there winding win somely sweet, If the path that still leads to the old home through rivery ripples of wheat. And hark! 'lis the song of the reapers, and I know by the jubilant ringing There is gold in the gleam of the harvest and love in the hearts that are singing ! And still as of old to the ether its music mellifluous swells, And the wind that sighs westward is swaying the sweetest of Memory's bells. Let me pass through ihe wheal and the clover, 0 men and rose-maidens, who reap ! I, who come from the sound of the cities, like a child to its mother would creep; For through long years of tears and of toiling, like the harbnr-bells over the foam Your voices far winging and ringing were singing me singing me home! And here, from ihe pain and the pleasure front the sorrow and sigh ing, 1 flee As the birds when the storm winds are blowing, as the ships seek the haven from sea; And 1 fancy the violets know me in gardens of beauty and bliss; And do noi the red roses owe me the peace of the prodigal's kiss? The sun is still bright at the portal; there ihe love-light all radiant shines; Heart ! Heart ! there's a face we remember in the tangle and bloom of the vines! Far off the glad reapers are singing far off in the rivery wheat, And ihe arms of a mother are clinoino, and the kis ; of a mother is sweet ! Out Jitney Offer--This and 5c. lloii't miss tins! Cut out till- slip, enclose with 'ic. and mail it lu I uley .v Co , ( InciiLO, 111., vuitiin: youi name and address clearly You will neene in return a trial packaie containnif; l-'olej 's Honey aud Tin Compound, lor eoliths, colds, and croup; Foley's Kid ney Fills, for pain iu sides and hack, iheuinatisni, backache, kidmy and bladder ailments; and Foley Catliaitic Talilels. a holesome and tlioioui;hly eleaiiMinr cathartic, for oonstipalioii. biliousness, headache and sluuk'ish bowels. Sold liv F. ll.AI.'K. lieware of ihe man whose dog crawls under ihe house when his master enters the gaie. Two Children Had Croup I he two children of . I. V. Niv. mer chant. Cleveland, t ia, had croup last winter, line was a hoy of ti the olhei a fill of S yeais. Mr. Nix writes: "I'.oth i;ot so choked up they could hardly hrcatheand couldn't hardly talk. 1 Itave them Foley's Money and Tar and uotlimi; else and it eutirely euicdlhcm. This reliable medicine should he in every home for it tfives immediate relief from colds, eouu-hs and croup, heals raw iiillamed throat and loosens phleiriu. Sold by F. t'l.AUK. When an enemy smites us on the cheek few of us have the cheek to turn ihe other. Minister Gives Testimony. The licv. C. M. Knighton, llavanna) Flu , write: "For H months I sullered intense pain in kidneys and back, which at times laid Ine up entirely. I read ol Foley Kidney Fills and after tryinif va rious remedies without lesull 1 decided to try the Foley Ireal mi nt. I wa re lieved almost with the lirsl dose and it is a laet iniu 1 useo oi.iV l nnw.:" when all the pains disappeared. I am .'m years of ae and uow feel like ayounii man airain." sold hv F. CI.AUK. Chronic Constipation. Ahuiit two yeais ao when I heiiuu usinu ( hauilieilain's Tablets 1 had been siilleMnir lor some tune with stomach trouble ami chronic constipation. My onditioii improved lapidly throiiuh the se of these tablets, since taking foui or live bottles of them my health has teen line," wiites Mis. John Newton, Tvimr. N. Y. Obtainable eveivwhere. Money talks and the chap who possesses ii usually is a man of few words. A Clogged System Needs Attention A re you bilious, dizzy and listless'.' lr. Kinit'n Sew Fife Fills taken at onee seizes upon constipation ami starts the bowels to moving- naturally and easily. Moreover it acts without itnpmir. .self- led of a eloififed system often leads to most serious complications. I'oisouous matter and a body poorly functioning need immediate attention. If you wish to wake up tomorrow inoriii;.i! happy iu mind and entirely satisfied, start your treatment tonight. 2'ie. a hottl Many a man is unable to believe a wora ne says, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA When Maby Has the Croup. U hen a niolhei is awakened fioiu suiind si. ep to liii. I hei child In. hut (.'one to bed appai.'iitly in the best health siiinicylitiir tm bi'.alh. is nai. ii 1 11 1 1 y ul:u im d Yet if she ci. ii keep her presence m mind and gin- Chamher lam's Coiurh h'einedy every ten minute until Miniitiiiir is piuduee.l, tuiek relief w ill follow and the child will dlop to lei-p to awaken m the niomimr us well as ever. J his has been in use for nianv veais wilh tunl'mm uecess. I Ihtainableewivwlieie. Ciive any man half a chance and he'll say something he will regret later. i low I 'resident W ilson went : down mi Ins kner and led his i ('iiK:l in pii , er j a recent nieel in.1! wa-. tM i i-vemly by P.ishop Vi'iili.ioi F. Anderson, u C.iiicin nali, al a ses'-inn ol the Indiana ( '.unk'i'cii.'e. A I hiiled . Stales Sttiattir inld ihe liislmp of i the incident. The Senalor had ' heard il Irom one of ihe Cabinei ; members who had prayed with the : ; Presideni. I ! "When the Presideni arrived ai the Cabinet meeting," said liislmp Anderson, "his face wore a solemn look. Ii was evident that serious alfairs of the Nation were on his mind, lie said id the Cabinet members : "I don't know wheth er you men believe in prayer or not. 1 do. Let us pray and ask the help of God." "And right there the Presideni of the United Slates fell upon his knees, and the members of ihe Cabinet did the same, and ihe President ottered a prayer to God. While the war rages in Lurope we in this country should thank God that in this crisis of the world we have a Chief Fxecutive who is a servant of God who stands with his hand in the hand of God. livery minister in the land should every lime he otters a prayer take Woodrow Wilson by the hand and lead him into the presence of God, and ask that he be given strength lo continue to be the great apostle of peace among men." There was a chorus of Aniens from ihe ministers. Later a tele gram expressing the confidence of the delegates in him was sent 10 the President. Indianapolis Dis patch. In trying to gel up in the world some men use their friends as step-ladders. The man who has money to burn seklam uses any of it to help en- ! lighten the world. And lots of people are too slow to make fast friends. Fur Indigestion. . el take in ; is i it mid .ieiuiations eolltltlllillt' pepsin a oil. ei 'llirestive feiini-iits loi iudirsn,ii, its the niuie yoii take the nioie ymi will haw-to uke hat is in 'ib d is a li I ike Ch i in bii - lam's Tablets that w ill enable the slom ach to pfiforin its fuiieiioiis n.iliualiy. i iblainable eeiyw here Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR! A Recommends Chamberlain' Cough Remedy "l.aM vMiiifi' 1 ust'il a luitlf til i ham iKMhun's l 'minli liciiifily foi a lad hroiH'liial eolith. I frit iN ht'iirtu'ial ullt i't imnitMiati'ly ami lu'loic I ha. I tin isht'il the holtle 1 w:i euietl. 1 nrver tire of iceununi'ii'liiiL' this uwin'dy to my liim. Is," wiites Mi". William Itiilit. Foil Wayne, hiil. thlaiuuhle eu'ivwheie. vvssi 'w-'i A SL'BDU I-D VOCALIST "l'a, you sing bass in the choir, don't you?" asked Bobby Smiih-ers. 'Yes, my son," replied Mr. Smiihers. "And ma sings soprano ?" "Thai's right." "Well, there is one thing 1 don't understand." "What is, i?" "Mrs. Tompkins says you sing mighty big in public and mighty small at home " rsiDn. "Is your hoy ever ai ihe head of his class ?" "No," replied Farmer Cornios- sel; "Josh doesn't get m the head of his class. But you jes' ought to see him slide lo second base !" -Puck. not PKonrABun. "Did the old man settle anything on the couple wnen ihey went lo housekeeping?" "Oh, yes; himself." A LABOR OH LOVI-. Belle Yes, Dolly and her hus band have separated. Marie Too bad, really! Cannot their enemies bring them together again ? Puck. It takes a smart woman to listen when she can't talk. ; v mi 'iiiii. m f ANTIhT i'i nnnftnn-no'e1''.. yMltwt.tK,r,H!" I1 MArtyfMwRfD ! I 'I yUMENOLtSOW k J AlBAMV.'N.'Ys!: .''.VjT.,IitsJ .' AJ.K ftViT.' 20 0Z3. HkJLEiSa! If you uue !yc for soap making purposes or simply for household and farm use, it will pay you to buy MENDLESON'S LYE to the exclusion of all others. In Mendleson's you are not only assured pure concentrated lye, full strength, without adulterants, but the extra large can (20 ounces Solid Lye instead of 16) means economy. No other ten cent can will saponify eigh t pounds of grease or make an equal giade of soap. One pound can makes fifteen pounds of soap. For cutting grease from pots, pans and sinks, scouring woodwork, kitchen furniture, disinfecting poultry houses, treating hogs for cholera, etc Mendleson's Lye is Best Three forms -Solid, Granulated and Ball. Two Sizes 10c and 5c Insist upon Mendlcsons Best Lyc, HALIFAX COUNTY R WHOLF.SAl.F DFAI.FkS: R. J. Madry, Scotland Neck, N. C. Bowers & Co., Scotland Neck.N.C. RFTA1L DFALLRS: W. B. Strickland, Scotland Neck, N. C. Burroughs-Pitiinan-Wheeler Co., Scoiland Neck.N. C. Clee X'aughan, Scoiland Neck, N. C. C. N. Malone, Scoiland Neck, N. C. I fll , J UJU L II a man does not seek wisdom he will never be wise. MRS. THOMSON TELLS WOMEN How She Was Helped During Change of Life by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Philadelphia. Pa. "I am just 52years of age and during Change of Life 1 suf fered for six years terribly. 1 triisl sev eral doctors but none seemed to give me any relief. Every i monUlUleptutmweiA " C y ? intense in both sides. ano maae me so weak that 1 had to go to bed. At last a friend recommen ded Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound to me and I tried it at onee and found much relief. After that 1 had no pains at all and could do my housework and shopping the same as always. For years 1 have praised Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Cora pound for what it has dona for me, and shall always recommend it as a wo man 's friend. You are at liberty to use my letter in any way." Mrs. Thomson, 649 W. Russell St, Philadelphia, Pa. Change of Life is one of the moat critical periods of a woman's existence. Women everywhere should remember Unit there is no other remedy known to carry women so arccessfully through this t" ing period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If you want special advice write to Lydia E. Plnkhnm Med icine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Bias. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by a woman and beld in strict confidence I L.1 1$ "Bob-Ous is SOME thhsi-amncher" w, - t . - i Cfome ilm st-tuionclu r is ngni! ine most tiring ( :'.t:::'; are Well worth the energy if folk'1'.'.'' iy -i cool glass of Popsi-Cola. Ni.t oriy N.-:oi"; rani wholesome, but in vigorotam id '1 timvs after contests of braki iu ! i"vn. And m the home it has the ?. ..:!:etiin and comfort -giving e'l - '-. . en ;. t .i at the fountain . ,,t or carbonated in For All Thirsts Pepsi-Cola CV J. TYt I m BacaacaacsleioSl 0M ft a fl 6EVERE HEADACHE. "1 once hud terrible hi'iularhea anl feared la Orlppp. I could not at tend to my work. I took .me of Dr. Miles Atiti Fin I'ills and the pain was quickly cone. Then I started using Dr. Miles' Nervine and the trouble vanished compU-lely and I felt well and active onoe more," HF.MIY FARNHAM. Sprlnf Valley, Minn. Pain and 111 Health rob you of all your efficiency. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS quickly relieve Pain, but at the same time, whoa over-work or nervousness is the cause, Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine should be used to relieve the cause. , F FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLI, FUU TO BENEFIT YOU, VOUB MONSY WILL BE REFUNDED. I 4

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