$1,000 iok Boiii In stming l.iM week th.it iiit.- r iii'iiv c munis ! sinners appropti ilcd 1,000 fur i (lit- ling cholera demonstrator, we Magazines! Beginning September Pirst you can find your favorite magazines at Cohen's Life Saturday Evening Post Daily Washington Post All leading monthly periodicals YY. iM.cnilKN, Shot In tiii-: Arm. F. J. Bras we'l, tiijjht policeman, while walk ire on the yard of the Atlantic Coast Line . Company, Saturday ni;!r,''. as shot in tl link : i pani . has ,a clue to the person who did j man, and $500 tor the farm dem- the shucmni: While his wound is i onsiruior. the same as last year, S A M KIT'S: W K L eft arm hv an i should have said that they appro- i I Mr. Brassvell priates 51)0 h.i the hog choiera painful it is not considered serious, we are filad to report. Morris Candy Pharmacist Hudnut's Perfumes. WOMAN 81 YEARS OLD Made Strong By Vinol Greenville, S. C., " I wnt others to know of the great benefit 1 have de rived from Vinol. I am 81 yean old and Vinol hat given me (trength, a healthy appetite and overcame nervous ness. It i the best tonic recon Btructor I ever used." Mrs. M. A. Hutchison. Vinol is a delicious cod liver anil iron tonic without oil, guaranteed to overcome run down, weak, devitalized conditions and for chronic coughs and colds. W. M. I'olieo, lruK(?int, Weldon, N. ('. THE ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, Nov. II, 1915. I THE LOCAL PAGE. All the News of Town and Vicinity (lathered by Wide-Awake Reporters. Cotton continues m roll in. fill' carnival is here this week. 1 to- besi expander is a big heart. Mirth is nature's best remedy. The circus will be here Satur day. Dyspepsia may be disappointed love. Christmas just six weeks ahead. The hunting season begins next Monday. L. KlTTNER spent Sunday in Pe tersburg. Are you coming 10 Weldon on the 13th? Indigestion is often only indig nant love. Prayer affirms, what it hopes to realize. Be careful with fire during this dry weather. The peanut crop must have been immense. In thoughts, as in life, you reap what you sow. Ambition never has time to nake a day off. Hope is ihe froth that hides the dregs in life's cup. The woods are beautiful at this reason of the year. Concealment in love may be prudence and not deceit. A busy man seldom has time' in realize how happy he is. PRAYER is communion with your own consciousness. One who never forgives an ene my, often forgets a friend. H. Farber sDent Sunday in Richmond with his family. Farmers busy getting up crops before bad weather sets in. The more a woman knows about men the less she has to say. The woman whose face is her fortune goes broke eventually. The sweetest sones are those beard when you were a child THERE'S nothing like being ready when opportunity knocks. To jump at conclusions may be to vault over the right of others, The farmers have had delightful weather for gathering the crops Nature creates a genius; hard work puts on the finishing louches Abriphi man never wastes hi lime gazing on the dark sidi life. Mrs. W. H. Capell has re turned home from a visit 10 Ports momh. The bride elect doesn't mind beine caueht in a linen or china shower. Miss Katherine Simpson, of Richmond, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Rodwell, weni io Enfield Friday to spend some mr. and Mrs. L C. Draper have returned home from their bridal trip. A . . ua" wains everytning tie can get dtici a woman wants everything site can t yet. I)I:aih says not "Good NikIm to ad ol life, but "Good Morning" to a newer life. : I ME woman who neglects her i husband's shirt front is scarcely the wile of his bosom. Mrs. w. A. Pierce and little daughter, Miss Martha, are spend ing the week in Kinston. mr. and Mrs. G. C. Nelson and little daughter, Vivian, spent Sunday in Scotland Neck. There is an element of success in every man, but it seldom comes along and treads on his heels. J. K. Kilpatrick, of Church II i t t t . . noau, va., wno nas ueen here on i visit to his parents, has returned home. If one man tells a woman she beautiful all the rest of the world can't convince her that she is homely. The light within us is the per fect light. We seldom credit oth ers with higher motives than we possess, There is in the heart of most women such a deep well ol love that the winter of old age can't freeze it. five hundred lor each, total of $1,000. making a Advertised Letters.- - The (bl owing is a list ot letters remaining 'uncalled for" in the Weldon post- office : George Harlow, Willie Keddall, Walter Little. Mrs. L. L Mills. Persons calling for above letters will please say "advertised," giv- no date of advertising. 0. T. Cl.ARK, P. M., Weldon. N C. Nov. 8, 1915. The Sweetest Words.- These are the sweetest of all words in vented- Sweeter than love noies, however rose-scented. Words that are beautiful, starlit and sunny; Words that are dripping with nec tar and honey, Words that ring sweet with the jin gle of money "Inclosed find check." Karly Morning Fire. Fire Thursday morning, about six o'clock, destroyed the dwelling occupied by Crocker Jones, near the section where the six houses were recently destroyed. The fire had made good headway when discovered and the building was destroyed. The building was owned by H. B. Harrell, on which there was no insurance. Origin of the fire unknown. Mrs. W. T. CHEEK returned home Tuesday from a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Frank Von Spreck en, in Savannah, Ga. Sidney Allen, who is at the Warrenton High School this session, spent the week end here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Allen. Thick lips denote a coarse, am orous disposition. Thin, fine lips, having very little red showing, de note cruel, hard nature, one lack ing warmth an affection. Moder ately full lips are the best, and they should he moist, and not hard and dry. The Music Club. The Music Club will have a called meeting at Mrs. Raleigh T. Daniel's, Friday evening, the 1 2th, at 8 o'clock. All members should attend promptly. Fell Dead. Riclmtd Jarrell, ho lived near Rosemary, lell dead uddenly Sunday morning. Me , i i.i. appeared to IK III Ills usual iicuiiii, ate his t. .......... i an. - reading his Bible when the sudden sum mons came. And Still Another Fire The alarm of hre Friday morning was on account of a blaze in the roof of H. A. Hardison's kitchen. The fire company responded promptly and the blaze was soon extinquished. The damage small and fully covered by ance. South Weldon Club. The South Weldon Home Improve ment Club met Friday afternoon, November 5, at the home ot its president, Mrs. J. A. Johnston Most of the members were present and a very pleasant afternoon was spent. The ways and means of providing a walk for the South Weldon school children was dis cussed freely. I hey decided to accpt Supi. W. C. Allen's invita tion to participate in Arbor Day exercises at the Graded school by planting a maple tree on the grounds. Many beautiful cut chrysanthemums decorated the home. The hostess served hot chocolate, wafers and fruit. Died Near Rosemary. Sun day night, October 25th, the death aneel visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. D. Iveyand took away their darling, Virginia, She was only three years old, and was one of the sweetest and brightest chil dren I ever saw. When she was about a year old she was carried to the hospital, and operated on lor appendicitis. She stood her oper ation better than many a grown person. She was laid to rest in the family burying grounds, and the grave was covered with many beautiful flowers. The bereaved parents have much sympathy in their affliction, but they have the blessed assur ance that all is well with the little one cut down in her infancy. WlLLIAMS-DlXON. A wedding that took the town of Wilson by surprise was consummated Satur day night at ten o'clock at the resi dence of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Wil liams, 220 Broad street the con tracting parties being Mr. William B. Williams, of Wilson, and Miss Flizabeth Dixon, the pretty and popular daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Fulford Dixon, of Bel- haven. 1 he ceremony was per formed by Rev. M. Bradshaw, pastor of the Methodist church. The happy couple left on the mid night train and will spend their honey moon in northern cities. Miss Dixon is well known in Weldon, having lived here for sometime with her aunt, Mrs. S. C. Dennis. Mrs. Dennis went down to X ilson to attend the wed ding. We extend our best whites Tuberculosis We;:k. - "Be examined" is a new and popular health suggestion adopted especially for Tuberculosis Week this year. December 8th has been set apart as the particular day which physi cians and people should give to this important health principle. The plan adopted for observing this national medical examination day is a practical one. It does not suppose that a large number of people, not all who would, could be thoroughly examined in one day, but it does suppose that pub ic interest can be so aroused as to set people to thinking seriously about the matter and finally to ar range for a inedicel examination at the convenience of their physician nd themselves. The Book Club. Mesdames Wm. M. Cohen and Nicholas Col lins Hughes were hostesses to the Book Club Tuesday afternoon, November the second. The hall and library were decorated in red roses, autumn leaves, and branch es of hawthorne, while the dining room was most attractive in hand some yellow chrysanthemums and yellow foliage, thus carrying out most affectively, the Spanish colors Responses to roll call were in- teresting items from Moorish his tory. The program for the afternoon consisted of a reading, "The Moor ish Occupation of Spain," by Mrs. Hughes. A paper by Mrs. Knight: "A Tour of Spain's Moorish Cities." Reading: "The Torquemada," (London) by Mrs. Johnson. Mrs. Cohen was assisted by Mrs. Harrison in serving delicious refreshments. u VI fix i) l h ii ii ii b I yi v G R K A 1 o : O i .3 s -I I 0 READY-TO-WEAR WEEK ! N account of the season coming to a dose aim we do not wish to carry any Coat Suits or Coats over wi li.-ive marked litem down lv a mice every one can reach. J We have just received a line ot Ladies' Waists in white and stripes, long and three-quarter sleeves, Special S HO US I S HO US Cloth Top Shoes l-'or Children, Men and Women. Some other very good numbers. VsV i C ! k $2.50 Our Entire Millinery Stock has been reduced to half price be sure and see our line before buying. Weldon's Best Store. ISA MKT. 'MS " T 00 0 ' f ' " WMUK n - r -ws -"o - " - m,r The Busy Store on The Corner. IT ii J 1 Li I 1 j i j i. SPECIAL RATES To Charleston, S. C, via The Sea board Air Line Railway Account Southern Commercial Congress December Uth-I7th. Account the above meeting the Seaboard Air Line Railway has au thorized special rates to Charles ton, b. c. I icKets win oe on saie December 1 1 -1 2th and 13th with final return limit. December 22nd. For rates, etc., see local agent, or address John T. West, D. P A., Raleigh, N. C. Made Over Again. Mrs. Jennie Miner, Davidson, I ml., writes: "1 run truthfully nay Fnley ('a tliartliic i'alili ts are the li(".t I en-ruse.! They am so mild iu action. I feel like I have been made over attain. " (loud lu-altli lias no greater enemy tlian con stipation. I'olcy ( 'atliartic TaMeta keep the stomach nvteet, liver active, howelx regular, aud banish biliousness, sick headaches, sour stomach. Stout psr son welcome the light, free fcelinjf they give. Sold bvK.Ll.AHK. Just Received a new line of COATS and COAT SUITS at M. FREID'S If you are in need, M. FREID'S is your place. We carry in our piace everything needed, to cloth you from head to foot. We make a spec ialty of COATS & COAT SUITS Clothing, Dry Goods, Notions and Shoes, if you are looking for the best goods at the lowest prices, Don't fail to call on us. Yours to please, A Nice Assortment of Ladies Crepe de-Chme waist from 98c. to 84 at M. FREID'S. SB-" -HlWBJ in THli STOKF WITH RIGHT GOODS WELDON BARGAIN STORE, M. FRF.ID, PROl'klFTO! THH S I OKI-: THAT IM'.LLs t iUUU K1UM I BUSINESS LOCALS One Cent a Word. was insur- Foot Mashed C. E. Carter, the genial and popular ticket agent at the union station, is going about on crutches on account of an in jured loo;. In attempting to board a moving automobile going 10 the fire at H. A. Hardison s Friday morning he missed the step and the wheel of ihe machine ran over his foot inflicting a painful miury cnrri-wFtiL Bazaar. The bazaar held at the old armory in hall last Thursday and Fridoy by the ladies of ihe M. E church for the benefit of the par- sonaee. was a very pleasant ana successful affair and the ladies of the church are much indebted to everyone who patronized or aided them in anyway. The net pro- f the bazaar amounted to HE BEST SHOES IN TOWN at M. FREID'S. 1GHEST GRADE not highest price. J. Samet. IUST RECEIVED a big J ladies skirts, all shades, FREID'S. line of at M. T HE BEST SHOES IN TOWN at M. FREID'S. D ON'T FORGETtobeatSamet's at 8 p. m. Wednesday evening. with your coupons for the big con test and twenty-hve dollar statue will be given away. FOR SALE-Genuine White Ply mouth Rock and White Orping ton Cockerels. Your choice for $1.50 and $2. E. A. Daniel. Frf.e Circulating Libkaky. Since the hrst organization ol the "Book Club" it lias been the purpose to establish, it even on a mall scale, a free circulating Li brary for the use ot the people of Weldon. The time has come when having accumulated quite a number of good books ihey have located them at the home of Mrs. Ida Wilkins who will aci as libra rian for the present and ihe public is cordially invited to call and ex amine them. On Friday of each week the library will be open and Mrs. Wilkins will lake pleasure in loaning the books to any one who may wish to read them tree of cost. A record will be kepi and when a book is kept out of the library mure than two weeks a fine of live cents each day will be charged. In ihe library there are more than a hun dred books of recent and standard fiction, history, poetry, and quite a number of interesting magazines. It is the earnest wish of the Club that these books may be read and used by the people of Weldon and it is an opportunity that none jhould fail to take advantage of. .DO YOU KNOW WHY The P"enn Mutual Life Insurance Comoanv. of Philadelphia, is so Dooular and strong for its policy holders? Investigate NOW. For it means the best values for you. KKI-HK-.KXTKU HV ?A vA A 1 OA I. WOO!) A N S ) S K K H A D D V QM i i n i i i u in i j Soft Coal fov November D iv Very best grade $5-00 per ton HARD COAL-for November delivery -$9.00 per ion. WOOD--for November delivery- Cord Wo 1 1, $1 per 'oad. SLAB WOOD, 75c. load. All wood cut Box Mill wood 50c. per load. tove length. Slw-SV-SMr VMT-Mr V5tiSV,i tf t3 P W-lWf U U W w w B. B. WLI.HON, S. ( POPE, io -;s lm a 0 igjSPlaa FREE ! Wo will start you ft "frieB.lsl.ip link" bracelet !y kiviiik yuu ll.e sl uing link Ahsoi.cihv r kkk All our nuka re SlKRI.INUSll.VKR, llANU f.NQ A I l'l letters Ihloek or soriiil ) M'na . teuiii) Willi your initials nl 'H s.ii.1 the KHKk iink i!iirrveil If I (el i t rililiou ftifo 1 hkk n.th stall. tit link i our Btronir pointMrei)ulity ul Liu'h SivIi- til l.iiifMvinif. nuinl'er uf letter ulio.veJ uikI piuinptni i. OEOKOB KENNAKO, 1HI7N Au,fiiftSt. KTAlM'ltS.VA. i - L(. 4A J Jr rl, iw tU. jjUU tUft 1UL i . n..: n-L ft niiiv ?iav lhurttvs 1 VT WELDON (iala At 2 and 8 Day. p. m. SATURDAY Rain or Shine. Circus Grounds, Baseball Park. V lo:l 1' M. iinnL nlnv Shnrthnnd jw g Typewriting M, Kor tiririd apply to I'.l). HOXUJorl'HONKti 55 w:i.pon, N.c. XII m A ?A it's J.; -a j t f NOV. 1 J3 lime with rehtivrs in that place. $100.00.