liSTABUSMl-l) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-$1.50 Per Annum V0L- L- WELDON, X. ('., THURSDAY, N) KMIMIII IS, 15M.-. '(). ;)) BE A GOOD FORGETTER. ill timrmm ' lllfol B3f. ALCOHOL .1 PKK Lk-NT A c (a! U- IV.iarrition KrrAi linUic SuwiclisarilWsi Promoles Diie slionflwif J ncss antlRt'siCoiualnsntiUir LVium.Morphine nor Mineral. not narcotic. jUx.Smm Ancrfpcl fanwdv forfonsllM- lion , Sour Stomach.Dlarrtofa WormsfoHvulswiisJfN'erisli IWSSailLOSSOFSLP. flcSiirsle Signature of NEW YORK. For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrapper. r i lti- J For Over Thirty Years (MOM 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKI.DON, X. (' Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Vi'eklon Depository. Capital aLi Surplus. $55,000. For over ill years thi institution has provided hanking facilities for thin Huotion. Its stockholders and ollieeis are idcnlitied with the busi ness interest of Halifax an. 1 Northampton counties. A Savings Department i i uintaiiii'l for the heuelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings liunl. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: lor Deposits allowed lorciiiuin three months or longer, 1! per cent. Ms months or longer, H per pent I welw months or longer. 4 percent. Anv information will he furnished on application to the President oi Cashier I'BKSIIIBNT : A'. K. DAMF.I.. . II K I'KKMIHiST: W l SMITH I. C. Di! M'KK, teller. CASllIKH: . u. DliAKK. DIHEITOHS W. li. Smith. W . V- Daniel, .1. . Inake. W. M. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, J. I.. -dicphenl, W A. I'nice. D. It. Zolh.olh i. .1 . . Hedge anterns Strong and Durable For Fishing, Camping, and Hard Use under All Condition. Give steady, bright light. Easy to light. Easy to clean and re wick. Don't smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't leak. At dealers evc.yuhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Chorion.. N.C. Cho' le.ton, W. Va. Charleston. S. C W.uhtu "in. !. - N"w v Rich ,4Vi OAl.ri.MiJKli Norfolk. Vs. i WHAT DOES CUPID CARE? The Varying Views of an Assort ment of Love Authorities, Don't marry a man making less ! than $2,000 a year. j Don't marry before your twenty-1 fifth birthday. The Rills of ihe Harvard sum mer school in Boston have added these 'Mont's" to the already heav ily burdened list on the marriage question. Their advice comes right on the heels of the discovery of a Western authority on marital bliss that No man should marry a girl more than 15 years younger than himself. Added to which is the vain searcli of Mrs. Martha Stevens, a Brooklyn widow with a pretty home, for a perfect husband, and the rapidly forming opinion that there "ain't no such species of an imile." And in contradiction of the whole set of theories is Colonel Roosevelt's admonition to women in general that mere poverty should not interfere with adding to families already large. And there you have the varying views of an assortment of love au thorities on ihe very, very knotty problem of what one should con sider in taking and what one should not consider in taking the highly important step of 'matrimony. And now that you have them, what can be done about it? Will it alter the course you have already mapped out ? Quite likely, also very prob ably, it will not. While matrimonial experts, self styled and otherwise, rack their brains to establish certain rules and regulations to govern the mating of humans, the little chubby chap of few clothes, known popularly as Cupid, comes along and upsets the whole arrangement without even half trying. A simple ques tion of age or salary or eugenic fitness has an exceedingly small chance of dominating the situation when the dictates of the heart rule otherwise. With regard to the particular ctse of the Harvard summerschool girls, they have formed an associa tion for the furtherance of their wedding ideals. Lvery member has pledged herself not to marry before the stipulated tweniy-fifth birthday, and then only to a man who has a salary of not less than $2,000 annually. Any member who breaks her pledge must at the lime she becomes a bride give the other members an expensive pres ent, instead of receiving gifts from them. New York livening Telegram. MRS. MABEN rs 20E30E T Z A B A . Hinm uilorX O .... .I..-. II H llllV S. '. " O .... . I, u 1 1 imiv s. KtSXl HOOI lO AOIIII OII. i r, . hi 1 take your measure am) make u,l to onler ou n.y l , ,. J YUspect line line of piee. koo.Is ami .ample satisfaction guarante. o TANNER'S ROOF PUHI SOLD BY PianAA WIhUaJ Wwkm UlMllV llDltC-HllllilUUlU IIUIUIIWIV vmr.. in,; in WELDON, N. C, 1 IT Made from Cream of Tartar Absolutely Pure IKE WALTON'S PRAYER. JAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. 1 crave, dear Lord, No boundless hoard Of gold and gear, Nor jewels fine, Nor land nor kine, Nor treasure heaps ot anything. Let but a little hut be mine Where at the hearthstone I may hear The cricket sing, And have the shine Of one glad woman's eyes to make For my poor sake, Our simple home a place di vine; Just the wee cot the cricket's chirr Love, and the smiling face of her. I pray not that Men tremble at By Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table Compound and Wants Other Suffering Women To Know It Mnrfrixwhoro. Tfnn. - "I have wanted to write to you for a long time to ten you wnai your wonderful remedies have done for me. 1 was a sulTercr from female weakness and displacement and I would have Bueh tirod, worn out feelings, sick head aches and duty Ji B1,e,l8 DK,tor" llid I I V! I me no Rood so 1 tried V- 1 the l.ydia E. Pink- ham Remedies Vegetable Compound t Sm.ntive Wash. I nm now well and strong and can do all my own work. I owe It all to Lydia fc. rinkliam s veffe table Compound and want other suffer ing women to know about it" Mrs. II. E. Mabkn, 211 s. Spring, ht, Mur freesboro, Tenn. TW famniin remedv. the medicinal Ingredients of which are derived from naUve roots and herbs, has for nearly forty years proved to be a most valua ble tonic and Invigorator of the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful vir tue of l.ydia E. Vinklmm's Vegetable Coniiound. Wiiy liose nope, xi. Knmm anffHrlnir from anv form of female troubles should lose hope un til she has given Lyuia c. rinanam a Vegetable Compound a fair trial. If lou want special advice writs to l.idla K. IMiikbaui Medicine Co. (cmitD deutlaDLjao, Bass. Vonr letter will lie opened, read and auswerrd by a ffoaiaa and held la strict tosBdeuce, Hi . - . -..i nhtalncJ OI' IM ftrsv fUuU moJul. iti-trti. or i.hut.m n.t d Kri.tiWn for FKCfc SCAPCH w.t r.n tHI pftimiUiMltl. i't"- i!'""" PATINTV OUll.J FORTUNBt fctui Ml tj ) SiU t-iultwf. Wctt loJ. D.SWiFf k GO. PATINY Lvvii;h, . , .303 Ssventh St., V. .tshlnulon, &. C. My power of place And lordly sway, I only pray for simple grace To look my neighbor in the face Full honestly from day to day Yield me his horny palm to hold, And I'll not pray For gold; The tanned face, garlanded wiih mirth, It hath the kingliest smile on earth; The smart brow, diamonded with sweat, Hath never need of coronet. And so I reach, Dear Lord to Thee, And do beseech The wee cot, and the cricket's chair, Love, and the glad sweet face of her ! SPEAK A WORD OF KINDNESS. There are many hearts awaiting all along life's dreary way, For a word of cheer to hearten as they journey day by day; Then don'i forget to speak it give each burdened soul thine aid; Speak a word of hope to brighten lei our kindest word be said. Just a smile will cost you nothing It may help a broken heart; It will help a downcast brother as he bravely does his pan, You can never, never reckon all the good that may be done If you cheer the sad and lonely from the morn till set of sun. Think how Christ, the blessed Master, spent his life in doing good; How He helped the wretched outcast, how I le gave the hungry food ; Smiled upon the poor and lonely spake in loving gentle tone To earth's sad and broken-hearted, 10 the weary and forlorn. The Magnanimous Man Forgets. Life is too short to remember the things that would prevent one's doing one's best. "Forgetting the things thai are behind I press forward," said a brave old man in the first century. Usually old men live largely in the past, but this old man lived in the future. He was a mighty good forgetter. Many of us fail because we do not forget. We remember our failures and they hamper us. We remember our victories and they make us vain. We remember our enemies and fritter away valuable lime trying to gel even with them. But- The successful man forgeis. He knows the past is irrevoca ble. He lets the dead past bury its dead. He is in too much of a hurry to attend the funeral of his hopes. He is running a race. He cannot afford to look behind. His eyes ard on the winning post. The magnanimous man forgets. He is too big to let little things disturb him. He forgeis quickly and forgets easily. If any one does him a wrong "he considers the sources" and keeps sweet. It is only your small man who cher ishes a low revenge. Or an Indi an never forgets and because he is ever wanting to pay somebody back he never gets on. Be a forgetter. Bigness dictates it and Success demands it. Rheumatism and Allied Pains ! They Must Ool ! The congestion of the blood in its tlow ' causes pain. Sloan's Liniment peue- trates to the congestion anil starts the j blood to (low freely. The body's warmth j is restored; pain is koiic. I he "man or woman who has rheumatism, ueuraliria or other pain and fails to keep Sloan's Liniment in their home is like a drown inu man refusing a rope." Why suller! (lot a bottle of Sloan s. L'."c. and ''lie. $1 bottle holds six times as much as the-.'-'ic. size. In the HOME ' or oti th&MMM BCC best and most The many needs for a good cleanser and disinfectant I comically tilled by MENDLESON'S LYjS Its full strength cuts grease in a jiffy from sinks and pans and makes it ideal tor disin fecting poultry houses and curing cholera in hogs. Its purity and strength make it the best Lye to use, while the extra quantity your money will buy. makes it tlis cheapest Twenty ounces of Solid Lye for a Dime in. stead of Sixteen. One ten cent can enough to saponify eight pounds of grease, making tOOte soap than any other 10c can of lye on the market will make. The pound can makes fifteen pounds of soap. Three Forms solid, granulated and ball Two sizes 10c and 5c Insist upon Mendleson's Best Lye (Sendueson' 1 CONCENTRATED. SHREWD BOSS. HALIFAX COUNTY WHOLESALE DF.ALF.rtS: R. J. Madry, Scotland Neck, N. C. Bowers & Co., Scotland Neck.N.C. KliTAIL Dl-ALLKS: W. B. Strickland, Scotland Neck, N. C. Burroughs-Pittnian-Wheelcr Co., Scotland Neck.N. C. Gee Vaughnn, Scotland Neck, N. C. C. N. Malone, Scotland Neck, N. C. THE CIRCUS AND BOOZE. CHAIU.ES E. CORY. "We do belter business in a dry town than in a wet one," said the manager of the Hagenbeck-Wallace Circus yesterday. "We noticed the difference in Missouri; always the day's receipts were better in a town that had gone dry under local option than in a town where sa. loons were open. And business is better in Kansas than it was in Mis souri. "Let me give you an example. We showed in Crawfordsville, Ind., this summer, and that town is dry. It was dry in more ways than one this year,7or the rains were scarce and crops bad and hard times ap parently pushing on. Yet we showed 10 capacity crowds. A few dayi later we pulled into Shelbyville, Ind., where the streets are lined with open saloons. Rains had been plentiful in this region, crops were fine, and there was plenty of money. The streets were crowded with people at 7:30 in the morning, but our second section was delayed by wreck and we didn i get our parade on until about noon. By that time many of the men had gone into the thirst parlors and spent their cash over the bar. 1 hey didn t have any desire left for the circus, and their wives and children wandered up and down the streets without money, and they didn't see the circus, either. So we played to miser ably small crowds. "1 have seen this whole game up and down and backward and across," he concluded, "and I want to tell you that all this talk about a town needing saloons or gambling houses to stimulate business is the purest bunk." Here is an amusement man s view on booze. Once again ihe verdict is thumbs down for John Barleycorn. Poor Old John! He can't mix ui;h religion or politics or business. If he can't mix with the amusements where does he get in? And ihe answer is that national prohibition is just around the corner. William Allen White in ihe Emporia (Kan.) Gaetie. "Yes, sir, 1 want to get married, and I thought you might give me an increase of salary of $5.00 a week. ii... .i . -1 . . . i 30, mat s ii, enr l ou wain to get married ?" "Yes, sir." "A man who gels married these days is taking big chances. I am going to reduce your salary $5 a week in order to keep you front making a fool of yourself. You'll thank me some day. Houston Post. Distress In the StomaLh. Theie are mauy people who have a distress in the stomach after meals. It is due to indigestion and easily reme died by taking one of Chamberlain's Tablets after meals. Mrs. Henry 1'ad- tihau, Victor, N. Y., writes: "Tor some time 1 was troubled w ith headache and listress in my stomach after eatme. also with constipation. Alioutsix niontliKago I heirau takmi! Chamberlain's Tablets. They regulated the action of my bowels and the headache and otbel annovances ceased in a short time." ohtai liable eerv where DOO CLIMBS TRRRS. W. L. Plumley, of North Clar endon, has a freak dog whose specialty is climbing. The highest dimh he ever made was 32 feet. Veterinarians and others who! have examined the dog's feet are at a loss to understand how he grips a tree trunk in climbing. His nails are like those of the ordiuary dog, though possibly a trifle more pointed, and the fleshy pads of his feet are perhaps a little broader. So accustomed to height is the dog that he sleeps in tree branches 20 feet above the ground. He is three years old and part pug and pari bull. St. Albans (Vermont) Dispatch. Colds Do Not Leave Willingly. Because a cold is stubborn is no rea son why you should be. Instead of "wearinir" it out, get sure relief by tak ing Dr. King's New Discovery. la..Ker ous bronchial and lung ailments often follow a cold which has been ucglected at the beginning. As your body faith fully battles those cold germs, no better aid can lie giveu than the use of this remedy. Its merits has been tested by old and young. (Jet a bottle today. 50c. and $1. A woman never tires of being told that she is loved. Chamberlain's Tablet.. This is a medicine intended especially for itomaoh troubles, biliousness and constipation. It is meeting with much lucceas and rapidly gaining in favor and popularity. Obtainable everywhere. WHAT IT'S COMING TO. Visitor What are the boys around the store talking about nowadays? Village Storekeeper Politics and the next campaign. Visitor Already discussing the chances of the native sons, eh? Village Storekeeper Not much. This hen-pecked crowd here don't care. They are discussing the chances of the native daughters. Judge. WHAT "ONE" WILL DO. One false alarm will create a panic. One broken wheel will ditch a train. One match will cause a confla gration. One lie will destroy a woman's character. One hasty word will lead to di vorce. One mischievous boy will break up a school. One false step will cost a life or ruin a character. One wayward daughter will break mother's heart. One false witness will send an innocent man to jail. One demagogue will turn facto ries into souphouses. One hasty act of legislation will entail untold hardships. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO Rl A 'Mi That's what I'm looking for, Grandma Leave it to "Young Hopeful" to know what not only tickles his palate delicious but what also satisfies his thirst and refreshes his tired little body. It's Pepsi-Cola. A Goti-seiul to tlie thirsty uM and youru. Mo wonder it has ftchii'vt'd such popularity as delicious, tempting drink that has joyful taste in every sip. At the ibuntkit.,5 or carbunaied in bottles, at your grocer's. I Eli 31 lOsC For All Thirxl Cola The constant strain of factory work very often results in Headaches, Backaches and other Aches, and also weak ens the Nerves. DR. MILE3 ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly relieve the Nerves, or Pain, while Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is very helpful when the Heart is overtaxed. IP FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE, FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONIY WILL BE REFUNDED. "TTlrtHii i,:h:h -jdTTtTl SEVERE PAIN. "I uipiI to suffer a treat deal with lumbago In mv shimMers ami buck. A frlund IndiK xl m to tiv Dr. MIIm' Anll-I'atn Pills and I am only too slid to b ablo to attest to the relist that I gut frum Uicso splnndld pills. Tliry furm a valuable medicine and ilo all tliat H s claimed tli'V !" do." LEWIS J. CUTTBR, Marietta, Ohio.

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