M,fgl III ill 'sSh! 1 Jl ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.SO I'tr Annum VOL. L. WELDON, N. ( ., TIIUHSDAV, N( KMIiKIl 2r, l!)ir. NO. '.10 3 OBEYED ORDERS. THE CHRISTIAN'S COMMISSION. according to billy sdnday. nXXftMMKffHHXVHHHMVHXHHMMQ Tlio Klml You Huve Always Bought, anil which lias been in use for over UO years, lias borne tlio Hlnaturo of ? - and has been miide under Ills per- jC'frf', ,0, nl supervision slnee Its liil'auey. &ac7Y, .GiW-vi Allowiiooiieitotiereli'oyoiilu this. All Counterfeits, Jinltat Ions and" Just nx-froml " nro but Kxperiiui ills that trltle with and endanger tlio health of Infants and Children Experience against Kiperiuieut. What Is CASTORIA CustoHii In h hitnulesii mihntitnte for Castor Oil, Pare (Corle, Jr-j- and tSootlilntf Syrups. It ts l'leasiint. It .onuins ii itlu r Opiuui, Morultlne nor oilier Karcotie .iibstiiiw. Its atr Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms mid allays j-'evertshufcss. It cures Rl.trrliiun nud Wind Cilk'. H relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation si ml Klati'tcite.v, It assimilates the Food, regulates tlio Sloni.u li :mil (towels, giving healthy and naturul sleep. The Children's ruuacea The Mother's Fricud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Oniric Hoys, and (live Them W hat tieneral Cheulhuin Says. ( ieneral Frank Cheatham, who i was us daring as lie was big-hcart- j ed, and was die idol of his entire 1 j command, had, as everymidy ; knew, a decided tendency towards ! the use of language as lurid as it was unrestrained, and was in the j hahii of "Idling" Ins men, as Mr. Kipling says, by the inspiration of what might he called his compell ing wurds. I)urni! the terrible battle of ChicLiniaiiga, when victory wa vered in the balance and the gray lines seemed faltering in their dreadful advance, General Cheat ham began shouting his Far-Famed battle rally, "Charge 'em, boys, charge 'em, and give 'em hell !" At which, General Polk, the sol dier bishop, seeing that his own men had needed also to be rallied and being debarred by his priestly calling from what seemed the most effective battle cry, began shouting loo, "Charge 'em, boys, charge 'em, and give 'em, and give 'em what General Cheatham says !" The KM You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. 3K THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VC'eldon Depository. Capital Hi Surplus, $55,000. For over "I vears this institution ha provided hanking, facilities Tor linn section Its'stockholders an. I olliensaie identitied with the busi ness interests of Halifax mid Northampton counties Savin Department is maintained lor t In- benefit of all who desire to deposit in a Saving Hani, In this IVpailment interest is allowed as fKor Deposits allowed ton-inain tlnee months or longer. per cent. Six months or longer, ilwr cent twelve inoiithsor lonu'er, ('"Cent nv information will Tw furnished on application to Hie President 01 1 ashler TAKING NO CHANCES. rIOSIDINT W. K. llANIKL, lilltKlTOItS W It T. I'aniel,.l.l. vi. R i Binimsi : W It MI I II . f. hi; M-Kli. telle It. Smith. Shcpliei.l K. Iiaiiu-I, .1. loake. W V. Pierre, l H. olhcolle i AMIIKK: II. I'KAK M. t oben, , .1 . W. -ledife "Ain't you rather young to be left in charge of a drug store?". "Perhaps; what can I do for you ?" Do your employers know its dangerous to leave a mere boy like you in charge of such a place ?" I am competent to serve you madam." "Don't you know you might poison someone ?" "There is no danger of (hat, madam, what can I do for you?' "Think 1 had better go to the store down the street." 1 can serve you iust as well as they can and as cheaply." well, you may give me a two- ! cent stamp, but it doesn't look riaht." Toronto Mail and L:m- ; pire. ! A SKEPTIC. BY W. L McLKOD. ; Lines suggested by the declaration of a minister thai the best way to enjoy religion was to endeavor each day to put more "f heaven into some other heart. "Put more of heaven into some other heart" As you journey along life's way, Then the foretaste of glory will enter your own And abide with you day by day. '""I'm more of heaven into some other heart," As taught by the Master Divine, And then unto you there surely will come A sense of the feeling benign. Put more of heaven into some other heart," To do this may we all be inspired, And daily minister to "one of the least" Of His who are weary and tired. There are many despondent in life's busy mart, You meet with them day by day; C'on't you "put more of heaven into some other heart" As they travel life's weary highway? A word or a smile, as we journey along, These in life play a wonderful part, And are potent and powerful factors to "put More of heaven into some other heart." "Put more of heaven into some other heart," And what is the guerdon, pray? "You shall be of Mine," the Master hath said, "When 1 make up My jewels that day." "Put more of heaven into some other heart," And the blessing will come to thee; For Christ says, "As ye did it to one of Mine Ye did it unto Me." O Jesus, Beloved, dear Master and Friend, Our guide and exemplar Thou art, We pray Thee to help us each day that we live To "put more of heaven into some other heart." Evangelist Hits I'roni the Shoul der and Utters a Truth. WW fe-,':tt- R&yblht Reliable Household Lantern There is always need for a good lantern around the home in the yard, in the cellar, in the attic wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe. Th R Avn ij irlfifll for home us.:. It gives a clear, bright light like sunlight on tap. strong, durable, compact, leak. Doesn't smoke, rewick. Wi'l last for the RAYO. At dealer every, 'wre STANDARD OIL C?iY.".7.NY handy. Easy to An lesteetned cuten was ram bling along when he met a friend wearing a rather doubtful cast of countenance. "Say, Jim," remarked the friend, "I want to ask you about Dr. Svrtin. Do vou really think his medicines are helpful ?" "No," was the prompt rejoinder of Jim, "not unless you closely follow his invariable directions.' "His invariable directions?" re turned the other, wondenngly. "What are they- "You will hnd iheiti on every bottle," smiled the merry James. Keep the bottle ngiiiiy cornea. Ml: TOO. to do "Prosperity has ruined many a num. ' i ee area ne moran.er. well, reioined me uemoran- .... l . : er. - i was Eoitlg to tie ruuicu at all, I'd prefer prosperity it." There is always a woman in the case when a female lawyer is em ployed. It is ' 1!vtif onrl IUI - ,i i:altu..oi. .rr!::;::r.:c: I . i ? 1 -ainn'''.yt 1 I f 1 Mnsjyn MijCSDMIT HAVE YOU A CHILD? Mnr women lonir (or rhildrni. bur bfciua of of this KnMte&t ot all hppintus. Tli women whnsr nanin tnllo we re reslorrl In normal ne.liin iit i-yu.. r. 1 ..1.110.1 ble Compound. Write and aik tliem about it. V.'m.hinat.m. D. C Mu-Km. r.. V. Morf.ilk. V. MERCHANT WIIRX O V....1 I.. ..lllCollrlK, WKI.IHIN to I take your mraaure ami n.aLe suit '""V, 'V tisfaetion Ku.iaiiteed Sf. Ih-ucIi. t all an' yr SOLD BY 1 ;(1U HU Ac" THE OLD FAMILIAR FACES, I have had playmates, I have had companions, In my days of childhood, in my joyful school days All, all are gone, the old familiar faces. I have been laughing, I have been carousing, Dt inking late, silting late, with my my bosom cronies All, all are gone, the old familiar Faces. I loved a love once, fairest among women; Closed are her doors on me, 1 must not sec her All, all are gone, the old familiar faces. I have a friend, a kinder friend has no man: Like an ingrate, I left my Friend abruptly; Left him, to muse on the old familiar faces. Ghost-like, 1 paced round the haunts of my childhood, Farth seemed a desert I was bound to traverse, Seeking to find the old familiar faces. Friend of my bosom, thou more than a brother, Why wert not thou born in my father's dwelling? So might we talk of the old familiar faces How some they died, and some they have left me, And some are taken from me; all are departed, All, all are gone, the old Familiar faces. Charles Lamb. RELUCTANT AWAKEN I NO. The attorneys for the prosecu tion and defense had been allowed fifteen minutes each to argue the case. The attorney for the de fense had commenced his argu ment with an allusion to the old swimming-hole of his boyhood days. He told in flowery oratory of the balmy air, the singing birds, the joy ol youth, the delights oF the cool water And in the midst of it he was in terrupted by the drawling voice of the judge. "Come out, Chauncey, ne said, "and put on your clothes. Your fifteen minutes are up. OUT OF HAM AGAIN. Mow to Prevent Croup. It may be a mirprise to you to team that in many cases croup can he pre vented. Mrs. II. M.,lolins, Klida.ohio, relates her experience as follows: "My little boy is Hubject to croup. Iiuriiej; the paslniutei l kept a bottleof t'bam berlain's Coiiiih Itemed)' in the house and lie hfL'an bavinir that croupy couuh 1 would (five one or two doses of it ami it would break the attack. 1 like it better for children than any other coti;l) medicine because children take it willingly, and it in nafe and reliable." Obtainable everywhere. After acquiring all the knowl edge he can from books, many a man takes a post graduate course by marrying a widow. 'I took your Com- pound and have a fine, ! strong baby. " Mr. John Mitchell, Maa- I aena, N. V. "Lydia E. rinkham' Vegetable Compound i a wonderful medicine for expectant mother." Mn. A. M. Miut.i, Gur- donville, Mo. I highly recommend Lydia E. Pmkham'a Veg uUble Compound before child birth, it has done so much for me."-Mr. K. M. LHierr, R. R. 1. Con shuhocken, Pa. Itookl.ydtaG. Pink- ham's Vegetable Com pound to build up my system and have the dearest baby girl in the world." Mrs. Mosk BLAKKLEV, Coalport. IV praise the Com pound whenever I have a chance. It ma so mucn for me bfor my little gtrl was born." Mrs. E. V. Sandkrs, RowWs burg. W. V. "1 took your Com pound before baby was born and feel 1 owe my life to It. "-Mrs. Winnie TillU, Winter Haven, flcnia. The late "Bob" Taylor, who was called the "Pardoning Gov- ernor, tow tne louowiiigsiuiy m an old "auntie" who came to him while Governor of Tennessee, and said : "Marse Goveneh, 1 want my Sam pardcneJ. "Where is he auntie? "In the penitentiary." "What for?" "Stealin' iham." "Did he steal it?" "Yes, sah, he suah did." "Is he a good nigger, auntie?" "Lawsy, no, suh! He's a pow- ful worthless niggeh." 'Then why do you want him pardoned?" , "Cause, your nonon, wc lamm out of ham ag'n. NO EVIDENCE OF IT. "Does your'daughter play the piano by ear?" "No; she uses both hands and both feet, but I don I think she has learned 10 use her ears." Sometimes two momen can stop talking about each other long enough to swap kisses. Het Rid of Those Poisons in Your System. You will li n.l Dr. kind's New Life Tills a most satisfactory laxative in releasing the poisons from your system. Accu mulated w aste and poisons cause man ifold ailments unless released. Piiii nets, spots before the eyes, blackness and miserable feeling generally are in dications that you noed lr. King's New Life I'll Ik. Take a dose tonight and you will experience grateful relief by tnornimr. We are not an especial admirer j of Billy Sunday, but we arc willing ; to admit that he says some good things, of which the following are samples: A PLEA 1 OK WHS. "Roys, don't take a girl just be cause of her looks when she's all fussed up. Go call on her. Stay till about 10 o'clock. Go home, but leave your glove or something and go back the next morning, early. II' she meets you with her, air in curl-papers, a shoe, on one foot and a slipper on the other, take to the woods and and don't wait for the glove. IF she is in a neat working dress, with her sleeves rolled and a ribbon or thing-um-ma jig in lir hair, grab her quick. "And you married men: Brag on your wives while you've got 'em. Give them flowers and can dy once in a while; tell tnii you are glad to have them around. ; And you'll see that old bent back bent in mending your socks and ; getting your meals straighten up on the installment plan Try it. "Don't wait until they're six feet underground and then ..frVr them flowers and say, "Heiv, smell these.' It's too late then A whole lot of money is spi-nt tor tine caskets that should have been spent for a hired girl. The only reason some men spend money on their wife's funeral is to try to pull -he wool over another woman's eyes. 1 know a man who explain ed his selection of a wife on the ground that she bore the reputa tion of being the best worker in the neigborhood. I know another man who bought a mule on die same recommendation. Think ot the mockery of a tombstone in scription, 'At Rest,' over the body of a woman who has worked her self to death for some mean, stingy hatchet-faced husband." TH1:. HOME AND TUL MOTH1-K IF it had not been for the expos tulaiions and the pleadings oF his mother George Washington would have become a midshipman in the British navy and the name ol thai capital yonder would have been some oilier. John Randolph said in the house of representatives, if it had not been for my godly moth er, I. John Randolph, would have been an infidel.' Gray, who wrote the 'Flcgy in a Country Churchyard,' said he was one of a large Family of chil 'ren that had the misfortune to survive their mother. "The training of a Martin Luther or a John Bunyan is greater than the training of a Caesar or an Al exander the Great. To launch a boy for Christ is better than launching a battleship or a cruiser. "That glittering pillar down there on the banks of the Potomac is George Washington's monu ment, but it is nts mother s monu ment, too. "Back in 1 850 an American went across the seas, died and was buried in a foreign land. Who was it sleeping in that coffin which was brought back on the deck of an ocean liner plowing the seas? What battles had he fought? None. What statue had he carved? None. What great oration had he deliv ered ? None. He had simply written a little song. John How ard Paine had written, 'Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.' " The street faker reaps a golden harvest when he faces a crowd (hat wants something for nothing. Rheumatism and Allied Pains They Must (lot The congestion of the blood in its How causes pain. Sloan's Liniment pene trates to the congestion and starts the blood to Hon freely. The body's warmth is restored; pain is gone. The "man or woman who has rheumatism, neuralgia or other pain and fails to keep Sloan's Liniment in their home is like a drown ing man refusing a rope." Why surfer! Oct a bottle of riloan'i. ii.'.c. and fsJc. tt bottle holds six times as much as the'l iize. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Beware of Substitutes. In these days of keen competition it is important that the public should see that they get Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and not take substitutes sold for the sake of extra protlt t 'bamber lain'a Lough Remedy has stood the test and been approved for more than forty years. timainaoie evervwiiere. It is well enough to give credit where credit is due, but it is better to be paid in cash. Chlldran Cry FOR FLE1 CHER'S CASTORIA a n X X i sill i Sijlji III gjShgb Why those Pains? Here is a test. mania, unsolicited 'If I had my wilt it would udverlised on every street corner, lhe man or woman that has rheumatism and fail to keep and use Sloan's Lini ment is like a drowning Man refusing a rope.' A. J. t an Vyke, Laituo&J, N. J. Sloan's Liniment X n H H Jig I ffiSjik'jj I I'1 V V mm X Jii ii" v for Sprains - 7 nil r xa WWJi "Bob-this is SOME thirst-quencher" Some thirst-quencher is right I The most tiring games are well worth the energy if followed by a cool glass of Pepsi-Cola. Not only delicious and wholesome, but in vigorating at all times after contests of brain or brawn. And in the home it has the same appetizing and comfort -giving effects. You can get it at the fountain or carbonated in bottles, at your grocer's. PEP5!COi3 For All Thirsts Pepsi-Cola Over-work, worry and the constant strain of a business life are often a cause of much trouble. Dr. Miles' Nervine is highly recommended for all Nervous disor ders. It is particularly invaluable to business women. Regulate your bowels by using DR. MILES LIVER PILLS IF FIRST BOTTLE, OR BOX, FAILS TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. J0h NtKVO'JS ATTACKS. s':-fc 1 vini nervous nt k :') .-i.l.i -lies. Then my . r ir..l nut I order nM it ii.,.; ,s Oi..nt:h -ny tvlmle i. in uj.s. t. com- ... . ,1 hmui IT. Miles' Ken- . iui.1 uIm, t....k lr. Miles' .r I1. i.nd now I feel peril-, w II In every way, My v.. ' : ii'io live 111 Rraxl shape n..w. MRS. Al'lll'STA KElSKIt, !H:l l'oill.iml Ave., Uuchester, N. T. mm ran A man who is completely wrap ped up in himself is a bundle of conceit. Chamberlain's Tablet. This is a medicine intended especially for stomach troubles, biliousness and coustipation. It is meeting with much success and rapidly gaining in favor and populaiity. Obtainable everywhere. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA OLEY KIDNEY PILLS tO ACC'-HE KHNITS ADO llAOttt Turkish Leather Rocker, $25 value now $20. Go Carts, $12.50 and $15 value now $8. Beautiful line of 9x12 Druggets $2.50 to $35. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, 25c to $1 per yard. BED ROOM SUIT'S $15 to $500. Lace Curtains and Portieres, 75c. to $10 a pair. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and lots of other suitable Wedding Gifts al ways on hand. Won Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. WELDON, N. C.

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