III wF2 l-SI ABLISIHII) IN 1866. A NtWSFAPER F U K T H t PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum V)li. L WKLDON. N. ('., TliriSSDAV. DF.CKMIiKK !, 11H.V: no. :i:$ BXHBMHHMHMMMMMNMXMHXMQ Tlu Kind Vol. Unvo Always oulit, ami which lms been in uso ior w;r ,u jours, lun borno tlio sliuituro of .. , ' " linn hccii iniiilo under his i.r. , rtl supervision sin.-o its iiiluucy. I, Allow mniimfinWi.tw. .!:.. ii.i.. ll ('iiuiir.-rlV-'lx, Jiiiitiitl'msi'.iil",fiis.;i.U(,i ,,, ,, Mlt l'.ii-rliii Mis llitif, It llln with ai d cuilim-cr tlio IiimIiIi of Infants and OnlUrou KipcrifiUB njrninsl i:M-iii!ii!iir,. What is CASTORIA Castoria is .i imruilvsH suhstitiito for Castor Oil, Pare, yonc. ir.iH mill Moofhin Syrups. It In I'Vusiuit. It coiiiains m i; hi i- Opium, Morphine 110c other Narcotic; Miloliiii. c. Its atr! U its RiiiiranU'e. H destroys Worms ami alla.; I'l-vrrtshHcs". It cure Di.iri'liira and Wind t'oli.'. It r.-M.'v.'S Te-tli!njr Troubles, onrcs I 'onstipatioii and Kliilnli ii. y. It assimilates th I'oi.d, reuulates tint Stomach and ltmvels, xiviiti' healthy and natural sleep. The Children's l'auutwu Till' .Mother's i'rit'nd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of Tie Kind You Have Always BougM In Use For Over 30 Years. OC 3E THE BANK OF WELDON Vi:U) N. (' Organized Under the Laws 01 the Stati of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Snrplns. $55,000. Kor nvci "Jl wars tin mt 11 nl i ti liu- imivi.lctl lankinir 1'aeihtnw lor llils seotliill. Its'stooklli.M. I" un.l cltli'il- air nli'lll iliol Willi til.- Imsi- n.-.i intercut- of Halifax a 1 1 ' 1 N . 1 1 1 i.nn il n I'minliis. A Sauim-. I i-ai I UK-n t is imiinlainril I'm I In- lu'iirlil "t all nlio li i to ilejiont in a Sauin.'' Haul. I n tin- I I iin-nt iiiUiinI is alluwnl us folloui. I 'or llt-puit alloMi'.i tor. main tint inolilli- m l"Oi;.l . ..M I'l-nl Six inniithior lonu'iM. :( un rvtil I uH,n.unllis,,i Ioiil-. i I i e. nl ti v in formation will !' fin in-liol m. Uln':it lo I In- I i.linloil .ilnii I'HKSlllKN I . '. K. 1IAMKI.. It K IIN.slhUN I w i: iith. 1. I I K Villi. I ' ll .i (i hiiUsi:. UllilitTiiltS IS. Minth. U I' I'aiiM-l. ! . I Make. . l. Coln-ii, II T I 'auiel, .1 I, -liepliei.l . I it'ire. I. K .dln-.nl.-i. .1 -l'U- 3E -m- ror me Road OUR RAY0 DRIVING LAMP is the most compact and efficient lighting de vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will not blow out or jar out Equipped with thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or detached. Throws a clear light 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. It is equipped with handle, and when . - . l 1 A lintorn detached makes a goou iwu "" Strong. Durable. Will last frr years At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Hi. i,M,...,a. v. n,,l.-.lun.3.C. SJorfc'l. Vi. 20C30CXE O K I . Z A I) A MERCHANT IUU1, O NrvtiloortuollioollH s, I.I.IMIN, V J ft 1 tak,. your measure ami mal.e suit In older on mv a ' Jl WLpect tlue line of piev .....1- ami samples, satislaetma nuaiany THF. WORLD OF GRUNTER8. I.el I s Hope I here re No (irunl ers In Heaven The wur! J linl.iy is ill .iguretjd lioii o! f'l II M h i . Itoiii uii'h in nkl ai;e lid' is just one hia 1,'i oni alter another In imI iik v we grunt Irom the colie, ami in ntaintiin; we unini tri i 11 iiv-'f Mini tz or tioinn our I'onJ. u uli if. i.' ' i' I s "tj u e u I in-.hijes-lion, or I'roai t'ie p ings of M iiij; ir If luck eoiiies our way we ,".t mil because thei e i-. nut inure lu. l. lo dotthle our holding, while tl it passes u by we (jrunt at tlieiiij'.is tice of fate. ; If our family is in the swim of j society we (yum when we pav the bills, and if they are noi tht-.e we ' grunt because they .ire discrimina ted a.nnst If w e hold public ollice we gnini when our constituents insist upon j our living up to our pledges, while 1 if we arc defeat -d at the p'l!s we grunt because "the fools elected that maverick over the way. " It tile city dads vote funds for local laiprovcm 'uts we "runt he cause it was not in accordance with our desires, while if we heed our advice we grunt because they were loo stingy. We grunt at our school teachers because they insist upon obedience to the rules o! the school in their efforts to instill a little knowledge, into the heads ot our oll-,pring, while it they fail to grunt because they have not developed an edu cational wonder from a brain that is below par. Ve grunt at the preacher when he speaks out the truth, and we grunt at him if he don't. We grunt at the merchant, and the doctor, and of beast of burden and the dog and the cat they get a grunt and a kick. Yes, this world is one great ag gregation of grunters, and a few are even in our own midst. hut let us hope there are no grunters in paradise. l:ranklin Tiuies. TUNER'S RODF MIT I'OkHKODINU tieorge Ade is in great demand as best man at weddings. At a recent wedding breakfast in Chicago Mt Ade s.nd in the course of a toast : "I have olien been asked why I never married I came very near marrying once. The girl was beautiful, and I sal down ai my typewriter one night to propose to her in a passionate love poem. The lirst line of ihis poem ended with 'cupid.' I made a thorough search, but I lound that lie only word that rhymes with 'cupid' is 'stupid. ' "That made me hesitate," Mr. Ade concluded, "and I've hesita ted ever since." Washington Star. Help Your Liver It Pays When you! Iimm irel torinl ami your Ktomai'li aels iiieer. lale Ur. king's Ne I. ife Tills ami you ill liml your-m-lf feelini! U lti'i. They puiify the lilooii, irive you fri't'iioin fioin eoustipa lion, biliousness, ili.iuess ami unlives tion Von feel line just like you Haul to fi-el. I leal I lie eiuuplc ion too. L'.'iC ul li uijk'lsK. If all the political lies told during a campaign were nailed, the nail Factories would have to run over time. Owes HerUlnoJ Health to Cham berlain's Tablets "I one my ifooil health to Chamber lain's Tablets," writes M is It. ii. Nfir. Cioiiklon, Ohio. "To years am) 1 as an invalhi tlue to slomaeh trouble, i I took three botlli'B of these Tablets uuri mnep have been in the bertof health." Obtainable every here. SOLD BY Pieroe-Whitchead Hardware Gompany,! WELDON, N, Ct : I Publication of Summons. Stale of North Carolina. Iluhliu I ouuty. In tlir superior I ourt. lOt.l.Y I.11X1;, I'iaintil!. Vs. .1111 I.ONii, TO.M l.oSi. Ami WA I'sON I.OMI, Hefemliints. I he ili fenilaul. Walson Loiik. mil lake notiee t hat aSpeeial I'roeee.liniren titleil as above lias been eoiumeueeil in the Snpeiioi I ouit ot Halifax eouuty, Slate of Noith I arotina. to partilion eertaiu real estate described in said petition. m wlueh the alsore named paities aie equally uiteiesled; that said leal eatale us located in the eoiiuly of Hulila ; and tlie said defendant, Wat sou l ull. Kill furttiei lake notiee tliat lie is required tu be and appear at Ihe I 1 1 House in llalilax. N. I'., oil Moll day, the aol day ol .lauuuiy. UMti, and unswei or deinui to the complaint in said proceeding, or the plaintiff will ap ply to the I 'ourt foi the rehcl demanded in said coiuplaiul This the L'nth day of November, llil.'i. S. At. HAUV. Clerk of the Superior Court. V. ,K I A N I I-:t.. Ally, for the plaiutiM'. 1 V';il fth.'i: natUm. IJeu- ralfiia, i le idaelic. Crampn, Colic Siuairii, Bruises, Co'", Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Rin)l-VVorm, iSc zeina, etc. Autiseutio Anodyne, ucd internally or eittrn.ll 2Se I I "or years we have hcen stating in the newspapers of the country that a great many women have escaped serious op erations by taking l.ydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Com pound, and it is true. We are permitted to publish in this announcement extracts from the letters of five women. All have been recently received unsolicited. Could any evidence be more convincing? IIIoiiiiiion, Mk. "I hail pains in both sides anil suc h a soreness I could scarcely st raii;liteii up at tinn-s. Jly hack ached and I was so nervous I could not sleep, and I thought 1 never would lie any U'tler until I sulmiiltcil to an operation, hut I conmieneed taking l.ydia K. I'mkhiiui's Vegetable Compound mid soon fell like a new woman." Mrs. IIavwauh Sowkiis, Jlodh'don, Me. 2Siiki.hvvii.i k, Kv, "I sulfcrcd from a severe! female trouhlp. My right side hurt me badly il was tinidly decided that I must he oienitcd iijkui. When my husband learned this he gnl a bottle of l.ydia K. rinkhain's 'cn'ctabii! ConiKiuuil for me, and after taking it a few days I got belter and continued to improve until I am now well." Mrs. Moixik Smith, K.KU., Shelby ville.Ky. 3IIanovkh, 1'a. "The doctor advised a severe oeration, Tint my husband got me l.ydia K. I'inkham's Vegetable Compound and I excrieiiced great relief in a short time. Now I feel likea new licrsnn and can do a hard day's work and not mind it." Mrs. Ada Wilt, :iu:i Walnut St., Hanover, l'a. 4I)Ki.'ATt'it. It.t.. " I was sick in bed unil three of the best physi- eiatts said 1 would have to be taken to the hospital for an oiier ntion as I had something grow ing iu my left side. I refused to sub mit to the oieratioii and took l.ydia K. rinkhain's Vegetable Coiu pumd and it worked a miracle iu my case, and I tell other women what it has done for me," Mrs. Luuia A. (iuiswoi.i), 14:17 East William Street, lleeatur, 111. 5Ci.evki.asd, Ohio. " I was very irregular and for several years my side pained me so that I ex'cted to have to undergo an op eration. Doctors said they knew of nothing thai would help me. I took l.ydia, K. l'iiikliam's Vege table ( 'unip mud and I became regular anil live from pain. I am thankful for such a good medi cine and will always give it the highest prai.e." Mrs. C. 11. (luiKKi rii, l.'iis Coirstnnt St., Cleveland,!). pa-"Wrltc to I,Y lI A I) I'lNKHA M M K III CI K CO. WHAT FRRHMASONRY DOCS, t Kreeinasoiirv inculcates till thi' mill mil dnl ies n ml nliliif.i tioiis of mi ii to loan in nil the ; relat ions of life; nf t he ruler ami t he ruled ; of t he master and the si'i'vnut : the einplox r ' and the enidovei ; the high and t he lowly : I In- ru b and tin pour: t lie leu rued ti ti I the u u learned ; I he tclll'lli'l' Mild till' 1,1 light : t 111' si nmo ; 1 1 . t t lie weak :t he paii'iit and t he cbl id : t he old and t he young: I lie hale ami t In- inlii in : of I be Ii ing to the il ing ; 1 1 1 I be ilrttil: and ill short it ineulcnti's. and en forces t he praet ice of every tuni'til virtue, and every duty which man owes tu himself, to his neighbor, and to the Most Mini'. ' f'recuinsoni y is a social or der. 'I be craft tire called from labor tn i efresliiiieiit . I'ciiipor tince presides I'nl ile courtesy . ple.ising add i ess and sm-itil in tcl'coU'si' ore c u i I i V il I ci I : the bonds of friendship a r o st rciigt bed : iiml to refreshment of ! In- body arc joined the feast ol reason and the How of the soul."--.loin) Hamilton ( Ira bum. I. I. I'. W (CO.Hlr NTIAI.I 1.1. YX. .HAS., loriulvlee. i dor letter will be opened, reu.il unil iioswercd by a womun and held iu strict eoulidenee. mm "l-:i L MKMApP THE C03PLL OF LABOR. A il.im;i(;ct.l t'putution is hard to , rcjvur j TIhtc's rmiiii ai the top for iimu.' men ihati Uiin stick there. War Upon Pain! I'liiii is a viNitor ti) cvi'iy home mill j tistially it t.-iimcs ijuitu uiiexpcrteil. lint you arc pivpart'tl Ut evt'iy fiiit'iift'm'y il j yon kcci n small bottle of Sloan's l.nii 1 1 1 it-ik t hamly. Il is the urea test pum killer ever tlioivert'l. Simply laid on tin- skin no rulilmiir ivniiircil -it driven the pain an nv. It in really wonderful. .Melvin M Mjistcr, Itetkeley, (al. writes: "I, ust Sunday, after tiauipirit; around the Panama Kxposilion with wet feet, 1 eame home with my neek ho still that 1 couldn't turn. I applied Sluun's I.iunnent freely and went to led To my suiprihi:, next inornunr the stitl nesM had almost disappeuied, four hours ' after the second applieation. I was an ooud as new. " At Hi uuisls, .,.e. lareh. ltil". But 1 think the Kitij; ol tlut country comes out from His tireless host, j A man dislikes chatiKinp, his fa- j And walks in this world of the weary, as it' He loved it the most; vorite hrand of cigars as a woman And here in the dusty confusion, with eyes thai are heavy and dim, ; does her religion. He meets again the laboring men who are lookingand longing for Him. i He cancels the curse of liden, and brings them a blessing instead: Blessed are they that labor, lor Jest partakes of their bread. He puts his hand to their burdens, and enters their homes at night; Who does his best shall have as guest tin Master of life and light. ALL WRONG, The Mi-take Is Made by Weldon Citizens. Many And courage will come with His presence, and patience return at I lis touch, ; And manifold sins be forgiven those who love Him much; And the cries of envy and anger will change to the songs of cheer, For the toiling age will forget us rage when the Prince of Peace draws j near. j This is the gospel ol labor ring it, ye hells of the kirk I The Lord of Love came down from above, 10 live with the men w ho work. This is the rose ihnt l ie ntinipd here in ibe lliorn-riirsed soil ' Heaven is blest with perfect rest, hut the blessing of earth is toil. j nenry van uyne. HOME SHORES. Nut long the way to the Gates of Day Up from the shadows, col J and gray; The sure stars sing to the deepening night Of welcome shores of a morning bright Rest for the weary, and Home in sight! Home, o'er the river's driven foam, And the Lights of God on the shores of Home. Is it of wonder, in life's far day, They sigh for Home who have lost the way? VC'ho have come with burdens, and with heart-trust Have laid thetn down in the wayside dust; Tenderly, sadly laid them down. With only thorns in jheir wounding crown? Who, reckoning not of gain or loss, Have knelt in darkness and kissed a cross, And asked for the silence of flower and sod If the clouds can hide the graves from God. The night is long, but the day burns bright In that far country where is no night; And even as little dnldn.fi run To the rest uf Home when day is done To the sheltering love of a mother's breast, Sn we dream of the gleam of the Shores of Rest, Weary we eo; hut the long way past, Joy where the thorn bruised travelers roam 1 luine, and Heaven, and rest at last! The lights of God on ibe shores of Home. Frank L. Stanton. Look lor the cause of backache. To be cured you must know the cause. If it's weak kidneys you must set the kidneys working right. A Weldon resident tells you how. Mrs. Mary J. Allen, Fifth St., Weldon, says: "I had pains in my back and 1 could hardly get up out of a chair at times. In the morning, 1 was sore and lame. 1 had headaches and diy spells and the kidney secretions were loo fre quent in passage. Two boxes ol Doan's Kidney Pills cured me of all symptoms of kidney trouble and I haven't had a return of the complaint since." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Allen had. FOSTLR-MILBURN CO.. Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. Coughs and Colds Are Dangerous. Colds Need Attention. few of us reiiliie tliedainterofoun.;lis Internal throat and chest troubles and colds. We consider them coinmon i produce inflammation, irritation, swell- and harmless ailments. However stu tistics tell us every thiol pcrsoll dies ol a luntf ailment Oaugerous Kroncliial and I. ling diseases follow a neglected cold. As your body slrumtlcs aiminst colli iternis. no bolter aid can be had thiol Or. kinu's Sew Piscovery. Its merits has been tested by old un.l youinr in use over 4t"i veais. Oct a bottle to day. Avoid tlio risL of nerious Luinr ailments. UrmTgistK. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A iuit or soreness and unless chocked at once, are likely to lead to serious trou ble. Caught in tiuir Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar Houey loosens the phlegm and destroys the germs which have settled iu the throat or nose. It is soothing and heal ing. Pine is antiseptic; honey is sooth ingboth together possess excellent medicinal qualities lor lighting cold germs. Insist on III. Hell's Pine Tar Honey, 'i.'ic. all druggisu. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR1 A $9.65 to Charleston, South Caro lina. For the above occasion the At lantic Coast Line will sell excur sion tickets from Weldon to Charleston at $9.(i5. Tickets will be sold for nil trains on Dec? mhfr II, 12 and 13, limited returning to midnight of December 22, 1 9 1 5. Proportionally low fares will be made from all points on the Atlantic Coast Line. This is a convention of the great est importance to the South's com mercial, manufacturing and indus trial interests, and will be an open ing wedge for its oppponunities at this time. In recognition of its importance the United States Gov ernment proposes to send nine battleships to Charleston and in addition mere will be a large num ber of cruisers, torpedo boats and submarines there for the inspection and pleasure of the large number of the South's representatives who will be present. For schedules, and further information, call on C. E. Carter, Ticket Agent, Weldon. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, The Standard Railroad of the South m M B a, IN!!!. iiNiiii! J I fmmm III f i V miff A Nk.Vi M" liMiwiiiiiii Hi 1 1 &limwm mmatih Why those Pains? Here is a testimonial unsolicited "I( I hud my will il wouIJ he advertised on every street corner. The man or womun I hat him rluuttiatiini and fails to keep und use Sloan's Lini ment is like a drowning muii refuiin)! a rope." A. J. Van Pyke, LakewwJ, A'. J. Sloan's Liniment a H B H H as sell's IllllaW or Rheumati Sprain ihfVtiWiif irtiflf " "Ah I That's what I'm looking for, Grandma Leave il to "Yuan Hopeful" to Unyw vhut not only iicUen Kii jv.j. dcliciously bat what also iintisiies his Ihu'iii m.u ivi'n.'i.lur, hi;, tired little bou . It's Pepsi-Cola. .'. Goti-si.i! u tL.rsiy ,m! m. 1. , , ul.tii:-. ... 'M iid "Uii)- N; ill ll-.H'U . I. ..ij lHif v muler ii h:is lit ihji ru'.r. u l Ul. Mima-TIS .i mi'i n. ltd D.-ttit'S, ut your JPVVI 'J:cr LIVED IN MISERY. "I mifffrnJ greatly from nervOHfmi'Ss and head aches. Tli" least excite ment Bave me dreadful pain. I began using lr. Miles' Nervine and u fVw days later started to take Dr. M ties' Heart Treat ment. I aaon got no much better tht I wa ein'oiir age4 and continual taking tha two remedica until I was ao whII that work wis no bother to me at all." MllA. 1.0VAA Kl.O, Idaho Kall.i, Idaho. zps Striving to satisfy the iU demands of everyone is apt to affect the nerves, and continual standing may weaken the Heart. Dr. Miles' Nervine is invaluable for Nervous troubles, and for the Heart Dr. Miles' Heart Treatment is highly recommended. IF FIRST DOTTLE FAILS TO BENE FIT YOU, YO'JR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. n 1 in J Turkish Leather Rocker, $25 value now $20. Go Carts, $12.50 and $15 value now $8. Beautiful line of 9x12 Druggets $2.50 to $35. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, 25c to $1 per yard. BED ROOM SUIT:S $15 to $500. Lace Curtains and Portieres. 75c. to $10 a pairT Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and lots of other suitable Wedding Gifts al ways on hand. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. J

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