' 3 N ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.5C Per Annum VOL. L. WELDON, X. ( Till KSDAY. .JANTAKY l.l, l.Hi. NO. -mm a m i wi nn i d a ti ii jf mm a 'v la The Kiud You Have Always Bought, ana which Las been hi use for vr :i0 yearn, has borue the signature or been nuule under liis jier- jCj(-f J' XT .- '0l,al supervision siuee its iufimoy. -fuxf7Y. J-rioAVl Allow no one todceelvoyoul.i this. All Counterfeits. Imitations and " Jitst-us.goud" are but Kxpi-rlmwiN tlmt ii ille with and emlaiirr tlie health of lufuuts and Children Fjoeriviwa against, ExperiiueuU What Is CASTORIA t'astoriu is a Imnulesg substitute for Castor OU, Pare u'lirie, Jr.ijv- nod Soothing Syups. It (s 1'iensant. It I'diitaiiis lu'iiln i' Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic siihstuiii''-. Ifs mra Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fovorisliiiess. It cures Di.irrliiea and Wind (Mlia. H relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation aud Klaioleiiey. It ttssimilates the Food, regulates the Stoinaeh rt.iit ltowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. Tlio Children's I'anueea The jMother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS yy Bears the Signature oi The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX. X. ( Organized Under the Laws of the State ot North Carolina, State ot North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aid surplus, $55,000. REVERENTLY. We Say Amen To Judge Clark's Proposition on the Letters. Judge (".lark, of the Statesville Landmark, is handing down some judicial opinions, "enduring of" our absence that we heartily en done We fully agree with many of his preachments In what he says herewith concerning the "chain" letters we shout, rever enily, "Amen." "1 lie chain letter business has i broken out again. If you receive la "pious" letter from somehody, with a request that you write nine similar letters to ninetothers, with the promise that if you comply you will receive a blessing and the threat (by inference) that if you fail something terrible will happen to 1 you why that's a chain letter. Everybody has more or less super stition and these chain letters frighten some, who are afraid something will really happen if they don't comply; and annoy oth ers, who secretly fear the same thing, even when they have the nerve to disregard the request. It's The Landmark's private opinion, publicly expressed, that the full grown individual of sound mind who sends out these chain letters ought to be put in jail for misuse of the mails." The judge is right. We have had three or four of those pretend edly pious letters breathing the breath of spiritual life and begging us not to break the chain but with stolid indifference, regardless of consequences, the yawning waste basket received them. The jail, as the judge says, is the place for the sender, and the waste bas ket, we may add, is the place for the letters Go to it Everything. For over ''1 vear thi.- institiiinn ha- provided banking facilities for thin section. "WntoeklinMrrs mid oihct i are identified with the burn nesn interests of Halifax and Northampton enmities. A Savings Iiepartment is umiHaiin-.l for the henrlit ot all who desire to.lepositinaSavinirsllan!. In I his Department interest is allowed as fKor Deposits allowed tun-iimm diree months or louifer. '.' per cent. Six mouths or longer, X per cenl. l'. Ke monlhsor longer. 4 percent. Anv information w ill he furnished on application to the I'resulent orCashier eBBslDIN r : IV. K. DANIEL. DIRECTORS W K. T. Daniel, .1. I VlfK-l'KKHIllBSV. W ft. SMITH 1.. C Dl.'AI'Kli. Teller. OAHHIKH: . O. DRAkK. . Smith. . Shepherd, W V.. Daniel, .1. O. Drake. . M. Cohen, A. 1'ierce. I). H. Zolhcollei. .1 . W. Sledge tH2wB vm I V.. -. i ui t Road OUR RAYO DRIVING LAMP is the most compact and efficient lighting de vice for all kinds of vehicles. Will not blow out or jar out Equipped with thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or detached. Throws a clear light 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. x- i Pmiinned with handle, and when c.tached makes a good hand lantern. Durable. W..I fcrt wr yr btrong. At Dealers STANDARD OIL COMPANY Viitltlni.ton. O. C Richmond. V. (New Jrrr-' BALTIMliti. tharlt.tt.il. YOUR MEASURE. As you lull from the dawn of the morning Until the set ol the sun, Do you see that your work is always Well and carefully done? Ii seems that no one is watching; That the details you well may slight, But somebody's taking your measure Are you doing your work just right? You my toil in a noisy workroom, In the midst of a busy throng; And your task seem all but endless, And the hours weary and long. Liut after your day's work is finished, Can you feel that you've played the man? Somebody's taking your measure, Are you doing the best you can? Tho' you're thrown with the crowd, work above them, Do more than your share; it will pay, Someone will see and remember the man Who does well the tasks of each day. There's always a bigger job waiting, If you work with a willing grace. Somebody's taking your measure, Are you fit for a larger place ? E..1I1I.JPM.U.!. 'II. g'd WWII . .n w. W WW"f ffj .UJHW. ' W y JI.JUW !!.. JUm J. J J.nw.l'W.WI'-I..V..JHIf?w".f.M IWft.ll m-nininrinrHMl iWrtwrtr'r'-"l',i'i','"r-"f","H'-"" ft 1 i'-t" , llMltnll mn n . m fl ( - Eii.ijiii....i ..in i imh.i iumiii nullum; mil ijj iiiuan -uiiiJFl i mu.iu.iniiii'.l.'mi..wiJ.L.u...il iiiuiih Ji. juiiij w.wmwwCT.WJ..'-i.'ji. mii - - - " mil HI liriill IMiMgMI II I -HT 11 ' - iiii.r-rtrTiTf i r'iiniBitfl "' flUWIiiOTiilnr.MiiiiWIiWiiW I ifl II II If V'l'IIHIIllllllllirilflfllilTlrir Time to Start A Savings Account, is to Start it to-day. Place to Start It is at this strong, reliable and successful institution. Kind to Start Is the New Holiday Savings Fund Account FKANKLY ADMITTED IT Senator William Hughes, of New Jersey, smiled the other evening when reference was made to the beauty of frankly admitting facts, and said he was reminded of an incident that happened in Trenton. Some time ago a charming Bor dentown girl went to the Jersey capital to spend a week with a young woman friend. While there she was induced to take part in a church bazaar, and was given charge of the candy booth. Even tually a middle-aged man was led that way. "They tell me I must buy some candy," smiled the victim picking up a box from the booth. "How much is this?" "Five dollars," answered the Bordentown girl, without any visi ble evidence of conscientious pangs. "Urn," thoughtfully returned the victim, glancing from the can dy to the girl. "Aren't you a little dear?" 'Well," coyly rejoined the oth- ii. ii - t- i er, that s wnat an tne ooruen- town boys say." Philadelphia Telegraph. AGED MOONSHINE. WINTER HAPPINESS. 1 want the curtains drawn and snug, I want the coals aglow, I want the baby on my knee, the mother singing low; There let the cold winter wind make music in the trees, And I will never have a thought for summer blooms and bees 1 want the baby in my lap, the children on the floor, Or gathered round my chair to hear the tales of fairy lore; Then northern winds may if they will blow up a winter storm, And we can laugh to hear them blow when our hearts are warm. With the warm home-roof over us and supper past and done, Then come the wide-eyed fairy folk and come the romps and fun, Then comes the howling of the wind outside across the night, And then the baby hears it howl and gurgles with delight. The summertime's a glory-time, with birds and bees and blooms; With gentle winds out of the south and softly breathed perfumes, With butterflies and honeybees, and roses all aglow, But hearts draw closer each to each when blasts of winter blow And so we love the winter time when the gray day has gone, And when the grate is red with coals and curtains all are drawn, And when the children laugh and play till time for Slumbertown, Then kneel beside their mother's knee for their "1 lay me down.' The The The Tp OO many people make the mistake of thinking that they must have a considerable sum to start a savings account. In the New Holiday Savings Fund just started at this Bank you can open an account with a penny, or for as much as you are able. By adding to it persistently every week your ac count will soon grow to proportions that will make you glad. Open an account NOW, and pave the way for a merrier Christmas next year. r i i j i . i J LI i 01 K WELDON. N. G. AUNT JLMIMY'S MAXIMS. By Cally Ryland. ! ESE3E503BillSi HIND OVER MATTER. ! IMWH.JM mTtiMm Even de worm will tu'n- -but sometimes hit tu'ns into a butterfly. -r ri A T A r A a n t . o Mercmt taildhX O Next door to ZollicoHerVH.LWN.N o.tl nd f W I take your measure and makesui 'or' Vtf8factottuarnteed J7 Vmaneot tine lim-tif piece goods and ampleHatiUctioa tu MlR'S MOT PMNT SOLD BY he Whitehead Hardwa re Gompany WELDON, N C While traveling in the sunny South recently, 1 had the good fortune to be introduced to the pro prietor of oneof Kentucky's moon shine stills. Now, I have heard a heap about the potency of moon shine, and how that it will cause a jack rabbit to give battle to a griz zly bear. Accordingly 1 decided to How a dram to pass my lips, as 1 find that is the infallible way to test such products of commerce. "Do you want new whiskey, asked the moonshiner. "What's the difference, uncle, between new and aged whiskey? "Wall, the new whiskey, sah, were made this marnin' and aged hiskey day afoh yist'day." Car- loons Magazine. liekase a 'owan loves Howuhs ain't no sorter reason why she oughter marrah a bloomin' idjiot. Even de folks whar 'lows deys got faults doan' want dey frien's pick 'em out. Dars plenty uv good feesh in de sea, but sometimes dey gits mighty shy uv de bait. Honey, de bes' tes' uv a man's love en his money is de ring. You dunno what a hard worl' dis is twell you slips up on a banana peelin'. Dar's plenty of folks in dis worl' whar actially dar troubles is inter- estin to yotnun ioiks. Some middle-aged wimmin' is preserved but dey ain't gotnothin'on Lot's wife. Sometimes a dream uv a dress is a dightmare to de man dats goiter pay tuh it. Hit's when a 'oman gits to a sartain age dat huh age is a'ways on- sartain. De kithen ain't puzackly de place whar young gals goes to kill time dese days. De young man is a'ways gwinter to do things tomorruh dat de ole man didn'do yestiddy. HIS REAL QR1EVANCE. The iurvman with the whiskers Dsiin assumed a judicial air and n butted in. "And vou say he hurled invec tives at you ?" hd demanded. The plaintiff looked reluctant. "No, boss," he replied. 'To tell the hones' truth, it was on'y clam shells he threw at me, but what I's kickin' about is the drefful WAV he cussed me ever' lime I dodged 'em." Ex. Bad Cold Quickly Broken Up. Mm. Martha Wilcox. Oowouda, N. V. rite: I nral unea v.uiiioeniu Cough Remedy about eight yearn airo. At that time 1 had a hanl ooia ana coughed molt of the time. It proved to be juit what I needed. It broke up the cold in a few days, ana uu eougn entirely dmappeared. 1 have told tunny friendi of the ifoorl I reeeiveu inmugii using thil medicine, aud all who have used it upeak of it ia the highest term'" Obtainable everywhere. The Gist o! It. "Last IVcemher 1 had a ievere cold and was nearly down sick in bed. I bought two hot tics of Chamberlain ' Cough Hemcily and it wan only a very few days until 1 was completely restored to health," writes 0. . I. Metealf, Weather by, Mo. If you would know the value of this remedy, ask any one who has Uald it. Obtainable everywhere. Will Power One of the tireat I Forces Not Yet Understood. j Take it from me, your Uncle ! speaks ! Mind has an absolute ! i dominating force over maitrr i and it was from this knowledge j that it was told us that with faith to we could move mountains. No matter much how ill you i may be; no matter much what you want to do unless hvsnme wanton violation of natural laws you are all in, the average person can do wonders if he insists he will do wonders. We see illustrations of the truth of this statement every day, but perhaps one that must dispel much doubt, if doubt exists is where William Wallace Spence, the Baltimore financier and philan- I thropist made up his mind to live one hundred even years. I nat "was his hobby and his hope. And to that end he directed his efforts and when he passed the one hun dreth mile post hale and hearty, immediately his health declined and he died. He was ready and he was willing tn go. And he went. Had he dreamed of five years longer we have no doubt he could have lived. When you are carrying a great burden you may go on but if you lay it down you may be unable to pick it up again. And if you feel a little wobbly feel a little ill and commence to moan and acknowledge to yourself that you are all in the doctor is going to have a much harder job to put you on your feet than if you say to yourself you are going to to pull through. Everything. Liquor may affect a man's brain, if he has any. Otherwise it af fects his legs. How To Cure Colds. Avoid expoureauddrafli. Katright Take Ir. King' New Dincovery. It ia prepared from 1'ine Tar, healing bal sanuand mild laxativen. Dr. Kiug'i New Diicovery kills and expells the cold germs, seothes the irritated throat and allay inflammation. It heals the mncoui membrane. 8erh aa you will, you cannot find a better cough and eold remedy. Ita use over 4i years is a guarantee of satisfaction. A small boy's idea of happiness is to be able to lick another boy a size larger. To Cure Children's Colds Keep child dry, clothe comfortable, avoid exposure and give Dr. Bell's I'ine Tar Honey. It is pleasant, soothing antiseptic, raises phlegm and reduces inflammation. The first dose gives re lief, continued treatment with proper care will avoid serious illness or a long cold. Don't delay treatment. Don't let your child suiter. (Jet a bottle to day. Insist on Dr. Boll's Fine-Tar-Honey. 10c at druggists. NO ACID TEST. "It's a case of love at first sight. " "Well, maybe it will work out all right. I took four years to se lect my husband, and look what goi." Detroit Free Press. MARY. Mary had a little lamp ; It was well trained, no doubt, For every time a fellow called, The little lamp went out. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C APTO R I A There is no place like home, bui that's no excuse for loafing around ; there instead of going out and j hunting i job. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO RI A CASTORIA! RUB-MY-TISr. In !) For Ovr 30 Years ! Sprains, Bruises, Cut. Burns. Old Always Uars jff tt0.i - Sores, letter, King; worm. ct tl m CLjUrrJteAi nia, etc. Aatiscptio Anodyne, Signature of ws3 internaily or externally. 25c rn t i. j f-ixs-rf wnen travel- pnJM. ing, attending Lim a Theatre or some Social Function, or if Shopping, don't forget to have DR. MILES -Anti - PAIN PILLS with you. They are in valuable for Headache and all other Pains. 25 Doses, 25 Cents. IF FIRST BOX IS NOT SATIS FACTORY. YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. tf(?ijia I -r mm I )Tv EaWV l itvr .-mu a n ssb WT DRINO DESIRED RELIEF. "I have used Dr. Miles' Antl-Paln Pills fur some tlma and find them an invaluable rimedy for headach. I have always taken great pleasure in recommending1 them to my frienils. Iwlhg confident that they will brlnit the desired relief. I am never wilhuut ttiem and use them for all ntUiks of pain, knowing that thev v 111 not disappoint me." WrtS. W. H. BENSON, Went Haven, Conn. A i in Li Ranges ' m Stoves m Heaters Turkish Leather Roc er, $25 value now $20.f Go Carts, $12.50 and $15 value now S3. Beautiful line of 9x12 Druggets $2.50 to $35. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, 25c to $1 per yard. BED ROOM SUIT:S $15 to $500. Lace Curtains and Portieres. 75c. to 10 a pair. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and lots of other suitable Wedding Gifts al ways on hand. Weldon Furniture Company. t WELDON, N. C. 1