.... isijfsi mm feu 1 Iff j 1 pSi fl I I inaiia k. ' 1.4 ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, FKlllU'AKY 17, IDHi NO. V.i pan AM Itllnl 1 Ui u .a..m AVcg?la'jle PreparalionlcrAj ' imftUip Snimarlis andOowels Prnmnl-sT)itfesHnniTiMifit! nt'ss and tosi'Coiilalnsnclitir Opiimi .Morphine norMucraL ISOTAARCOTIC. Av sfuuikstriinrmm jtbLStma IttMtrUh- I Ibimminf- . 3 iHcritmkUl t Him StfJm 1 Claiiitd Suqar 1 bmtaatiat itaree. t Aperfcc! Remedy forCoirsllpa tion . Sour Storaach.Dlarrlmea Worrasfoirvulsioiis.Fcverish nessandloss OF Sleek Facsimile Signsture oT NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought. Bears the Signature If IF ft, a i III hflifpi n n (it In Use or Over Thirty Years Exact Copy of Wrapper. THC 0tNTAUH OOMP.NV, HEW TOUR OITV. OE II a O THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, N. V- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stac: of North Carolina Depository. Halifax Couniy Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital U Orpins, $55,000. For over 21 yi-ars tliis institution Iiuh pri)viilfl banking facilities for tins section. Its stockholders and nllietis are identified with t he husi ness iiterests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the hcnelit or all ho de.urt to deposit in a Saving Hani, In tins Department interest is allowed as follows: . for Deposits allowed to remain three mouths or lunger, per cent. Six mouths or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve months or longer, t percent. nv information will he furnished on application to tin- I'residentorCashier PHKH1DENT : W. R. DANIEL VII K 1'KKSIHKM W. U. SMITH. 1.. c. Dtal'Klf.Tell iasiiikk: (t. DRAKE. DIKECTOUH-W. It. Smith. W. E. Darnel, .1. Drake, . M. Colien. It. T. Daniel, .1.1.. Shepherd. YY A. I'ieree, D. It. Zollicoller. .1 . tt . Sledge. OE 3 O Strong and Durable For Fishing, Camping, and Hard Use under Alt Condition. Give steady, bright light Easy to light Easy to clean and rewick. Don't smoke. Don't blow out in the wind. Don't leak. At dealers everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Washlivrton. D. C. Richmond. Vsw. N orf oik. Va. BALTIMORE Charlotte. N. C Chrleeton.W.V ChJu-lMton,S.C. lil eO IT. WILL YOU BE MISSED. As You Shape Your Career in Life So Do You Write the Record By Which You Will Be Known After Death. r omk of these days you, who w are reading this editorial, are aniiig to die and pass on to your reward whatever that reward may he. But will you leave a void be hind? Will you be missed ? The creator has ordained that man must carve out his own ca reer in this world, and when he journeys to the great unknown he leaves behind him a record found ed upon his own acts. You may leave behind you a wife, or children, or other depen dents. As you deal with them in life, so will their grief be gauged .ind tempered at your death. Will they miss you? In this town we have friends, mid business associates, and per haps many acquaintances. They know you as you are, as you have been for these many years. They have judged your living and they will judge you dead. Will they miss you In the banks and the stores, and the offices, and out upon the farms are people who have known you in the past and who know you to day. As you have been, so are you known to them now. Will they miss you? In our homes are many little children who know you, who have passed you on the street, who per chance, may have been greeted with a kindly smile or with a frewn. They will remember you. But will they miss you? Even your faithful animals or pets know you as you are and as you have been to them. Will they miss you? There is no place you may go, no point of the compass to- which you may turn, but what people have known you are will know you, and by all of these you will be judged when you have passed away. As you shape your career in life, so do you write the record by which you will be known after death. Your family, ynurassociates.your acquaintances, even your dumb brutes will remember you after you have passed on. Franklin Times. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A A woman may have a poor mem ory, but she never forgets a com pliment. Has Used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for 20 Years. Chain herlainsCouirh Kemedy lias heen used iu my household for the past 20 years. 1 heiran liivini: it to my children when they were small. As a quick re lief for croup, it has no equal. HeinR free from opium and other harmful droits, I never felt atraid to (live it to the children. I have recommended it to a larire number of friends and neigh hois, who have used it and speak highly of it." writes Mrs. MaryMink, Shortsville. X. V. (tlitaiual)le everywhere. Some magazine poetry should be used as ammunition in a maga zine gun. Sciatica's Piercine Pain. To kill the nerve pains of Sciatica you can always depend on Sloan's Liniment. It penetiales to the seat of pain and lirinirs ease as soon asit in applied.. A (rreat comfort too with sloan't is that no I'uhliintis required Sloan'a l.ini- ,t is invaluable lor stopping muscu lar or nerve pain of any kind. Try it at oneeil vou suil'ei with i:!inim"", l.iimliairn. Sore Throat Cains in Chest ;,ii,s Utnses. ele It is exeeueni mr Niierulgia and tleidaelie. D,ui;i,'ists. NEVER CROSSED. I There's many a sorrow and pain, 1 know, As we tread the path of life; There's many a grief and lasting woe, And the way is toil and strife. But the hardest load we have to bear Is the labor and strength that's lost In building the bridge with toilsome care O'er the stream that is never crossed. We have fretting and worry from morn till night, And anguish weighs on the heart; The thorny way seems hard to right, And life is a bitter part. But there is a burden greater yet, Much peace of soul it has cost, It is building a bridge with toil and sweat O'er the stream that is never crossed. There's looking for crossing all the day, And searching along the shore, For abridge or ford along the way We shall never travel o'er. There's sighing for useless toys in vain, ' And dreaming of chances lost: But 'tis hardest to bridge with might and main The stream that is never crossed. Then gather the roses along the way, And treasure the fragrance rare; Rejoice in the bright and joyous day, Refusing to borrow care. For sorrow and pain will surely come, And your soul be tried and tossed, But don't be bridging to reach your home O'er the stream that is never crossed. it . v-imi CopyrJithtlSTliT .T Hcyiinldf Toharco To. Why Prince Albert meets men's tastes all over the world! The patented process makes Prince Albert so good in a pipe or rolled into a cigarette that its popularity is now uni versal! It satisfies all smoke desires ! This patented process, which also removes bite and parch, is controlled by us. No other tobacco can be like ce Albert R1NI the national joy smoke Listen : HEEHM1 TA1L0R, O lNt'loortoVlllf0,!,',r''ArV;lonHmyeuc. fall and mf ft 1 take your measure and ma esu, ;0'Va,;u;f:.etion tuarauteed kBpeot fine line of piece ifuoand Jj j at all SOLD BY PiPM-Wliitelid Hardware Gonpuqr. L IUI UU II v Woman's silence signifies more than man's because it is much less frequent. Mow Mr. Davis dot Rid of a Bad Cough 'Sometime ago I had a very had cough," writes Lewis I . Davis, Black- water, Del. "My brother MeCalie Davis gave ine a small bottle of t 'hamlierlain's Cough Kemedy. Vfter taking this I bought a half dozen bottles ot it uui only nsed one of them as the cougli left me and I have not been troubled since." Obtainable everywhere. C ASTORIA Km Infanta and Children n0Mfor0ver30Ytars Alwaya bears lb gijaanu ef OBJECT OF SUSPICION. Senator Jett' Davis, of Arkansas, told this one on himself. "I had an appointment to speak at a town in Fastern Arkansas on a Saturday, and 1 arrived on a late train the night before, carrying nothing but a small hand grip. I weni to a hotel near the depot. There was no one on duty at the hour except the night porter, and he was acting as porter, clerk and general overseer. I registered and he showed me to a room, but in a few minutes he came back and said: " 'Boss, my 'struciion is, when a eemman haven't any baggage; to collect in advance.' " 'Why, I've got baggage,' I replied, pointing to the little grip. " 'I know, sir, boss,' he said, 'but you've stayed too long on that already.' " MAKING A OET AWAY. A colored man came running down the lane as if a wild animal were after him. "What are you running for, Moses?" called the colonel from the barn. "I ain't a-runnin' fo'," shouted back Mose. "1'se a-ruinnin' from!' Constipation. When costive or troubled with eonsti- Dation take Chamberlain's Tablets. They are easy to take and most agreea ble in effect. Obtainable everywhere Many a spinster is sorry she learned to say "no." Do You Find Fault With Every body? An irritable, fault-linding disposition is often due to a disordered stomach A man w ith good digestion is nearly al wavsgood matured. A great many have been permanently lienciueu ay Chamberlain's Tablets after yearn of suffering. These tablets strengthen tlm ,....,..i, .,,,1 omililc it to nerform its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. The man who goes through life on a bluff eventually walks. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey. cold, for your cough, for your feverish throat, nose and head, use I,, u,.iru I'nie Tar Honey. Honey soothes the irritation, I'ine-Tar cuts the nlileirm. thus relieving congestion. Cine Tar alw acts as an antiseptic, as a result o..i,ral relief follow. Breathing ue cmes easier and further inflammation I. arrested. Insist on Dr. Hell's Ciue T.r.Honev. It is an ideal treatment. Crice 2oc. TWO GREAT (HFTS. There are two great gifts that everyone, rich or poor, has the power to give-sympathy and kind ness : Blest be the tongue that speaks no ill, Whose words are always true, That keeps the law of kindness still Whatever others do. Blest be the hands that toil to aid The great world's ceaseless need The hands that never are afraid To do a kindly deed Too many glasses may tumbler of a man. make mm Men who have stowed away .gentle old jimmy pipes for years, have brought them back to the tune of Prince Albert! Get yours out, for your confidence never will be abused ! We tell you Prince Albert will set pipe free the tenderest tongue I And smoked in a makin's cigarette, Prince Albert is so refreshing and delightful that it gives you a new idea of . . , Ti.' ah Cigarette nappiness. &ny way you nre-up rruite txiveTi, ii will win vou auick as a flash it's so eood and so friendly ! it's easy to changn the ihftpa and color of unsalable brands to imitate the Prince Albert tidy red tin, but it is impossible to imitate the flavor of Prince Albert tobacco! The patented process protects that I will win you quick as a flash R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wintton-Salem, N. C Princa Albert can b bought avmrywhmrm tobacco is soW in loppy red bag, Be; tidy red tin, 10c; handsomt) pound and half 'pound tin humidors and in that classy pound crystal-glase humidor with sponge-moistenmr too that kempt the tobacco in uucJi condition I FOLLY TO NURSE A GROUCH. Writer Makes Some RemarKS that Are Worth a Few Moments ot Reflections Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar KO ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE HAT a dissatisfied bunch of mortals we are ! Three tiimHrorl !irwl sivtV-tiVL' da'S Ot each year we "rumble aboui the weather. It's either too hot or too cold, ton wet or t dry You meet a Irifiid wlms;iy-, "It's a Hue day today!" You answer, "lv lightful !" The iie-xt one uii meet says, "Ain't this beastly' weather?" You answer, "The Foulest ever!" You're always ready to agree with and join the kicker, liven the poor innocent weather cannot escape your ham mer. Fveryihing in this world was made wrong except yourself, I mean: vou are the quintesence of perfection in your own mind ! When vou're invited to a party, you are mad because you are in vited, and if you are ignored you are mad again because that condi tion fits your disposition. Why don't you, for a change, look at the bright side of things and maybe your "disgustion" will improve. Zim, in Cartoon's Magazine. The Bard of Avon More 1 han 30o Years Ago Wrote: ! '"To THINt SELF Bt TriUE ! , it must follow, as day the night, thou canst not Uien be lalse to any man. Heing true to ouescii involves me avaiinm in every possunc ch-ui- i. ... ... .............. rij. ...mi. ' ,. i.ri i,4r. ni I p if.pin ih ,ii ni'ilcim for the iin seivaluin of Health. x ital part of Truth to self r !. Perform No MmjHM Methods I I Miracles. 11(11 1 I are not I-r i ii -r 1 adiertise. not to misrepresent nor to attack any other Deutist, but sim- I I advertise, mil to misrepresent nor to attack any other Deutist, but sim- A 1,1 v to li-ll where 1 am. who I am. ami what I can no. vty mei"ons couiaiu O) tlie in anil op to dale ideas known to the Dental World ;.Z: Guaranteed Dentistry 'S;-2 a Set up dales upiier or lower J'.'U iiol,l I lowns. Undue. I Tool 111 :1 to tiold l-'illinus. Jl up White il'liislie) Killings .inc. up silver A ll.iv Killings .lUc. up Teeth ( Teane I, "i0c to 7.)C. White Koieelain Crowns $3 to $4. Teeth Kx traded 2jC. up KKKK KXAMINATIOS DR. E. E. HACHMAN, Surgeon Dentist, Office in Green's New Building, WELDON, N. C. HOW MOH Many People Don't Know A sluggish lit Jr .mi n cause a pcraou an awful lot of ninety. Spells ol nuiiness, headaches, coustipationand biliousness are sure lignn tliat your liver needs help. Take Dr. King'i New Lite Kills and aee how they help tone up th whole aystem. Viue for the stomach, too. A ids digestion, Purities the blood and clears the complexion. Only -'.'ic. at your druggist. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA SPEAKER JOINED IN LAUGH. "Uncle Joe" Cannon Quick to See Humor of Situation in Which He was Central Figure. HILE camPai8nin8 in 'owa Vjjf Speaker Cannon was once inveigled into visiting the public schools of a town where he was billed to speak. In one of the lower grades an ambitious teacher called upon a youthful Demosthe nes to entertain the distinguished visitor with an exhibition of ami teur oratory. The selection was Byron's "Battle of Water loo," and just as the boy reached thf end of the first stani Speaker Cannon gave vent to a violent sneeze. "But, hush! lurk de claimed the youngster; 'a deep sound strikes like a rising r nc 11 1 D(d ye not hear it?" The visitors smiled and a moment later the second sneeze which the Speaker was vainly trying to hold back came with increased vio lence. "Bui hark !" bawled the boy, "that heavy sound breaks in once more, and nearer, clearer, deadli .r than before. Arm! Ann ! It is it is the cannon's opening roar !" This was too much and the laugh that broke from the party swelled 10 a roar when Uncle Joe chuck led: "Put up your weapons, chil dren; 1 won't shoot any more." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA I OWE MY HEALTH A Small Amount Deposited New And Iw oimwext''w w.-ninvv; 1 ft - 1 To Lydia t Pinkham's Veg etable Compound. Washington Park, 111 "I am the mother of four children and have suf- fered with female i trouble, backache, , nervous spells and the blues. My chil dren's loud talking I and romping would I make me so nervous I could just tear everything to pieces and 1 would ache all over and feel so sick j that I would not want tr.vone t to'k i to me at times. Lydia E. Piiikhum Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re stored me to health and I want to thank you for the good they have done ruu. 1 have had quite a bit of trouble and worry but it does not affect my youth ful looks. My friends say ' V hy do you look so young and well 7 ' 1 owe 11 bu to the Lydia E. Pinkham remedies." -Mrs. Kobt. Srorux, Muore Avenue, Washington Park, Illinois. We wish every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let ters written by women made well by Ly dia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound. If you have any symptom about which you would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn. Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence u To hot rn M j m W WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent Interest on Savings Deposits. RUB-RiY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, RingrWorm, Ec zema, etc. Antiseptic Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c - - - i . -- $m Ma?- t?btai Long hours, close and tedious work are very apt to result in Headaches or other Pains. Don't suffer. DR.. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS will quickly drive your Pain away, and Dr. Miles' Nervine will assist you by relieving the Nerve Strain. 09 1 IF FIRST BOX, OR BOTTLE, FAItt TO BENEFIT YOU, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. ! DIZZY SPELLS. "My nerves became a" warn out. I had bud heud aches and itvere dlizy spulU. I could not alee? niul my aupctlts.waa poor. I began usltur Ir- Miles' Anll-roln PIHs rnd tiny always gavs me Instant re lluf no matter what the pain. Then I used Dr. Miles' Nervine regularly end was soon In perfect health again." MRS. 8. U TOUHO, S24 Pittsburg St., Newoastle, Penn. WELDON. C 1r r.