ISMf w w Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. ESTABLISHED IN 1866. NO. 44 WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 19U5. VOL. L. . , - . I THE OLD SOUTH. j (, ll S " ' it "IaSTMV J! " 1 -Wm..i.ini.i.iiin.M....... i.n .. ll.., Mill n , i 71 What Our Eyes Have Beheld. The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which Las been In use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per ft sj(-ffi-f-4u , ioi-al Biipcrvislon since its intiiiiey. i Allow no one todeceho you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations andujuxt-urt-goiiil" lire but Experiment! that trilie with and endanger tho health of Infants and Children Experience against lCxperiment. What !s CASTORIA Castorla is a haruilesa substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Props and Soothing Syrups. It Is I'ieosant. It contain neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotlo nubstancK. Its aira is its guarantee It destroys Worms and allays Feverlahness. It cures Diarrheal and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's i'auaeea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature 01 l6KMTouHaisMisBit In Use For Over 30 Years. ao THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX. N. C Organized Under the Laws oi the State oi North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of W'eklon Depository. Capital and Surplus. $55,000. For over 21 yearn thin i,,-t.t..tion bus provided .unKi"tiT.ll this section. Its stockholders '"" """" - aes. interests of Halifax JJZtU ,, !, desire Depositsulluwea.or.ii.nUi, To the sDiritual eye the Old South appears, as it truly was, a land of belief in the holy mysteries of unchanging love; a land of dreams, of memories and of un quenchable faith in an imminent, beautiful tomorrow; a land where men coveted honors more than riches; and women prized charac ter above pleasures; where the grossness of ihe actual was lost to view in contemplation of the aesthet ic; where, haunting every great house" of repute, friendly ghosts set at naught the cold thought of complete separation of the living from the dead; where respect lor women held her name inviolable; where the mistress of the home was the household sovereign, rev ered and waited upon by all who surrounded her. from the stately master himself to the pickaninny reveling in the license of a single earment. Yet. withal the typical Southern lady remained unspoiled. Her training from childhood had been, as she fully understood, to fit her for the duties of a wile, mother and mistress. Her life, as she was aware, was to be spent for others. She well knew that after early youth with its unrestrained joys had passed she was to take the place her mo:her and grand mothers had filled in ministering to the sick and needy both white and black-and in sheltering the homeless and dispensing bound less hospitalities to friend ana stran ger, to dependents and peers alike. Octavia Zollicoffer Bond, in Southern Woman's Magazine. WOULDN'T STAND SWEARINO. There is a Real Difference Cream of tartar, derived from grapes, is used in Royal Baking Powder because it is the best and most healthful ingredient known for the purpose. Phosphate and alum, which are de rived from mineral sources, are used in some baking powders, instead of cream of tartar, because they are cheaper. If you have been induced to use baking powders made from alum or phosphate, use Royal Baking Powder instead. You will be pleased with the results and the difference in the quality of the f ood. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York A New York Woman Makes Rather Bold Proposition. PRES1I1SNT W. E. DANIF.L, vn-K-i-iimlo'i'"" vV It SMITH I.. (' UK I'Ki:. Teller. I AH H IKK' .1 II. DKAkK. ... .. I.- I (I Ilrnki' W M. (iiheu. JR&J&The Reliable Household Lantern There is always need for a good lantern around the home -in the yard, in the cellar, in the attic wherever a lamp is inconvenient or unsafe. The RAYO is ideal for home use. It gives a clear, bright light-like sunlight on I strong, durabK compact andy. Doesn t leak. Doesn't smoke. Easy to & rewick. Will last for years. iu the RAYO. a a J-r euervuvnera STANDARD OIL COMPANY Richmond. V. Norfolk. Va. INJ Stilton. W. V.. A bov who attends one of our Sunday Schols went out into the country in the summer to spena hk vacation- a visit he had looked forward to with pleasure. He went out to help the men to harvest. One of the men was an inveterate swearer. The boy, having stood it as long as he could, said to tne man. "Well, I guess I win go home to-morrow." The swearer, who had taken a arfvil ikinH 10 mill, Vdiu. i thought you were going to stay all summer." "I was." said the boy, but 1 can't stay where anybody swears r f nc must on: so I Will nn " ... ... I A The man felt me remmc aim "if vnn wi stay, l wont aaiu . - And he kept his word Rnv take a bold stand lor tne right: throw all your influence on ,hP ciHp nf Christ, ana you win sow seed the harvest of which you roan hnth in this world ana .hor urhirh is to come. Messiah s Herald. Porhans a man can write a sen sible love letter, but he never does vu n,i muke iunk CUt of yourself some one may carry you ,o ihe scrap pile. Tup traveller wants full fare at hotels, but he doesn't object to half fare on railroads. How Mr. Davis Got Rid ol a Bad Coueh "Sometime tti? I !"' " ba1 couirh." writes Lewis T. I'vis, Black water, Del. -Myl-rotlierMeraheHavis save me a small bottle (,f (T.aml.erlam's Coiwl. After u b,iUrlitalialf.loeil Imllles of t but unlvnsed one of them as the courIi left ,e and 1 have not Obtainable everywhere SO HE WENT HUNORY. IN THE BALANCE. BY DAVID MITCHELL BRIGHT IN SOUTHERN WOMAN'S MAGAZINE. "And he that taketh noi his cross, and followeth after me. is not hi, r,f m " Mail lO'.lR. God gives every man dominion over the weal of heart and soul, And gives unto man a mission in tne measure oi m uuic Marks the realm where good is golden, and the sphere where gain is dross, Then, God weighs him in the balance "gainst the burden of the cross. Weighs the bishop, prince and peasant, each, according to his store Of deeds accounted righteous, in tne summing oi mu For heaven has no measure tor tne Kingiy crown mm ..., Save the one that weighs the lowly 'mongst tne lines oi me Weighs the lords of regal splendor, unto whom the home shall yield Myriad souls for woe and wailing, wrought of carnage on the field When the lure of gilded trappings and the guile of empires cease, All the world will sing with paeans for the victories of peace. Weighs the patriot of the shadows! Though an epiiaph-"Unknown"- r ,h. .rihntP nf n naiion to the valiant spirit nown There are angels keeping vigil o'er his laurel'd bed of sleep, And. sweet mem'ries live and cluster wnere me a.i...u. Weighs the coward, and the scarlet of incarnate sin and vice, Who, amongst the swine are casting vinue s Nacicu In the legions of the missing where the Hag of hope is furl'd, Thus, Ihe wanton herd is skulking tnrougn miasmas ui mc ww.m. Weighs the man who bears his burden o'er the strange and tonuous way. Wiih a heart for every conflict dealt Dy rate irom uay .u ua, Though his feet be torn and bleeding, yet his path may lead along To the land of sun-kissed Mowers, wnere u.c wwm . u, ,.t. Weighs the woman, nobly patient, while the shadowed vale the braves, For the pulsing of the love-wrought, for the motherhood she craves Though the birthsong be her requiem, though her way a hedge of thorn Unto man a life is given! unto uou a sou. is uu. ., : When He calls His hosts to judgment He will mete an even fate To the silent of the shadows and the bigots 01 tne greai- Some be wanting in the balance.-'gainst the burden and the dross Some, illume the angel s recoro.-poising cyimt. w.. Has AUNT JEMIMY'S MAXIMS. 1 By Cally Ryland. I i Hit worries some folks a whole lot jes to keep f'om worryin'. . A man kin make money, but dar ain't no 'mount of money make a man. dat kin Sometimes dar ain't nothin' kin be mo' elikint than silence Y 5i: Yas chile, Jonah wassich a conundrum dat even de give him up. "I noBw " vv T Z A B A , whale had to to b'lieve any- 5? . WKl.lMtN.N.C. O iNext iloorio ."... ,y beucli. rail - r SOLD BY hmMMd Hardware Company, A member of the Merion Crick et Club was telling stories to a bryn Mnwr Here is wnm he said, which was considered the oiimav in wit for the evening: v " .... Her eyes were not exaciiy straight, and some one commented upon it and asked him it ne uu noticed it. "Noticed it, man!" he replied, "why she is so cross eyed that re .....i.. ,.,h.n i car next to her at a tcuuy w iivu . ,, dinner she ate ofl my plate. Philadelphia Ledger. I Constipation. When costive or troubled with consti pation take Chamberlain's Tablets. They are easy to take and most agreea ble in effect. Obtainable everywhere CASTORIA For Ialants and Childna nUForOvr30Ytar9 Signature Of Dars some folks in dis worl' whar knows too much thing. .,. '' Don" nobody take sich steps to raise money ez de dancin' mastuh. r'iipu me. chile, dars a whole passle uv Christians in dis worl' whar prays fuh de things dey is too Jazy to wuk fun. ''' Forchune knocks once at eve'y man's do,' but misforchune is got i heap mo' patience den dat. F.f'n you wants frien's you goiter show yoself frien'ly. Dar is few things sadder in dis worl' den a fat 'omsn tryin to ac kittenish. De reason hoccum marnek folks makes up has to. a quar'l is bekase dey Dr. Bell's Plne-Tar-Honey. For your cold, for your couirh, for your fevsrish throat, nose and head, use n. noil's Pine Tar Honey. Honey soothes the irritation, Pine-Tar cuts the phlegm, thuB relieving congestion. Pine Tar also acts as an antiseptic, as a result general relief follows. Breathing be comes easier and further inflammation is arrested. Insist on Dr. Belt's 1'ine-Tar-Honey. It is an ideal treatment. Price 25c. Those who forget today seldom remember tomorrow. Petulance is a shadow that clouds the sunshine of life. Children dry FOR FLETCHER a CASTO R I A Sciatica' Piercing Pain. To kill the nerve pains of Sciatica you can always depend on Rloan'fc Liniment. It peuetrates to the seat of pain and bringBeaseas soouaB it is applied. A great comfort too with Sloan t is tnai no rubbing is required. Sloans Lini ment is invaluable for stopping muscu- laror nerve pain of any kind, try nai onceifvou suffer with Kheumatism, Lumbago, Sore Throat Pains in Chest. Sprains, Bruises, etc. it is excellent for Nueralgia and Headache. 2ic. at all Druggists. It used to be that to elope was considered not altogether the right thing. In fact it used to be under stood that an elopement meant ob-. jections from all along the pike. But Mrs. Frank E. Van Houien who was a Miss Parkinson and who changed her name by eloping puts it up this way: "When it comes to getting mar-; ried, there is no time like present. ; When vou lake ihe matrimonial I plunge, shut your eyes and jump! Anv eirl who wastes her strength with bridesmaids and an elaborate 1 wedding makes a great mistake." Then she seriously continued: 1 "Honestly, 1 believe more girls would elope if they had the cour- j age of their convictions. .1 jsi im-' agine the fun of a wedding when you do it the way Frank and 1 did! "We were driving along a coun try road when Frank suddenly I.. U.A it'Uiri hlr iplltno ITIP I mauc my ncau wmn vj . & he meant to marry me that very night. That was about ten o'clock. No sooner said than done. We broke all speed records getting to a clergyman's house, and almost before I knew what was happening 1 was Mr.. Van Houten. "F.vervbodv likes a wedding cer emony except the bride and bride groom. That's why I'd like to start a new vogue getting mar ried a la minute. The real point about getting married is to acquire a husband, not to give some sort of a social function to pay back all vour oiled-up obligations. It may be the the woman has found a New Key to Happiress and also discovered the way to re duce the high cost of living. The big weddings ihese days are more a display of wardrobe than any ihinp else: a whole lot of flowers and presenis-and what's the use? If Mrs. Van Houten's "new vogue" the. elopemeni plan would come into popular usuage, it would make it possible for men on tne modest salary of Two Thousand I Dollars a Week to gei married. Mavbe it is the dawning of a new Time. Everything. Used Chamberlain's tougn Remedy lor 20 Years. Chaiiiberlainst 'ougli Remedy has been t 1. ..II C... tl.o i.iwl 'll used in my iiousiiuh i vears. I began giving it to my children when they were small. As a quick re lief for croup, it has no ciual. Being free from opium and otlier uarmiui drugs, 1 never felt afraid to give it to the children. 1 have recommended it to a large number of frieuds and neigh bors, who have used it and speak highly of it," writes Mrs. MaryMink, Shortsville, S. Y. Obtai nable everywhere. HARD LUCK. First Bridge Fiend-"! once knew a man who had thirteen trumps and never took a trick." Second Bridge Fiend- now so ?" First Bridge Fiend "His part ner led an ace, he trumped; and then his partner threw him out of the window." Brunonian. Many People Don't Know A sluggish liver can euuse a person an awful lot of misery. Spells of dimness, headaches, constipation and biliousness are sure signs that your liver needs belp Take Dr. King's New Life Pills and see how they help lone up whole system. Fine for the siomacn, too. Aidsdigestiou, Purines tne moon and clears the complexion. Only 'JSc. at your druggist. CHEERING THOUGHT. Cheer up, old man! All things come to those who wait. Not a situation; nor a position. cr ih. dni You'll find your self in an unpleasant situation and -i emharrassins rosirion if you only wait long enough. Do You Find Fault With Every body? An irritable, fault-Buding disposition in nftn due to a disordered stomach. A man with good digestion is nearly al ways good natured. A great many Iwen iwrinaneutlv benefited by Chamberlain's Tablets after years of TheBe tablets strengthen the stomach and enable it to perform its functions naturally. Obtainable everywhere. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A 9rhkm How to Feel Well During Middle life Told by Three Women Who Learned from Experience. The Change of Lite is a most critical period of a woman's existence, and neglect of health at this time invites disease and pain. Women everywhere should remember that there is no other remedy known to medicine that will so successfully carry women through this trying period as Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and herbs. Read these letters: n.ikdelphi.1, started the Change of Lite five years ago. I always had a headache and back ache with tearing down pains and I would have heat flashes very Uul at times "f"" nervous feelings. After taking Lydia h. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound 1 feel like a new person and am in tetter health and no more troubled with the a.hcs and pains I hud before . I. took your wo, derful remedy. I n coniiuend it to my friends for 1 cannot praise it enough."-!. Margaret Grass man, 76i N. Htaggold St., Philadelphia, Pa. i !.... itT rr.1r T Villa PL Pinkham'B ibs jsever.y, jiaw. iw. .. v - have nau mem iry n, ami wc. - -- good results from it ."-Mrs. Okorob A. Dunuar, 17 lioundy St., Beverly, Mass. Erie, Pa. "I was in poor health when the Chance oi jjie sianeu wuu u.o , VrvtJi.i v....Mo f'vmrmuml. or I think II Ej.'" c(,nv... , , i ,. if ni oouir na 1 did. JiVen 8UOU10 i n, nave f & 7-omwnd now u i uu 6-" t iU WiHe ana reworea , 5r. v helo your remedies 10 evci u l fru VL Kissliso. vol llst mem us n s "lc aAi 1ji. No othermedieine haa been .o luceeasful in .offering as has Lydia E. Pinkham's ' Vegetable Co".pounO. Womenmay receive, free and helpful advice by tinX !l,LiiMOa- LTnn.MaS8. Such letter are received . H L -j it a www -? Hi E. FiiiknaiumeuiciuBj. ad answered by women only anbeM in atrlet confidence. (OH (The Bard of Avon More than 30U Years A(EO Wrote: I "TO THINE OWH SELF BE TRUE ... .i i, ,.,.,i,t ihnn canst not then be lalse lo any ami it must iohow, a '. . ";";"-;, ,,, nnsihle exDedi . " Being true to onesen involves uir r - - , . "ian: .-L,i, r..urvtinn of Health. The proper care of the teeth is J eni iiiuMnf r" " r- a vital part of Truth to self IP" 7tJSj, i Y I ... f l..c ErfrS My INo Methods I I ' ' rW?Jw Magical. J , t m misrepresent nor to attack any other Dentist, but sim- r" . . I I am. who l am, and what I can do. My metoods contain the new and up-to date ideas known to the Dental orm. Plates upper or lower '.ik (iold I rowns, Hri.lLrn.IA TOOtll) M tO Hold Fillings. . "P wliltp (Plastic) Killings -e. up Guaranteed Dentistry a Set up DO- Silver Allov Fillings 50c. up Teeth Cleaned, ''c to .ac. White Porcelain Crowns 13 to ft. Teeth Extracted 25e. up KKKi: EXAMINATION i i 1 - . . r r a ! .4 DR. E. E. nACnfuAiN, surgeon uenum, Olfice in Green's New Building. - WELDON, N. C. Why SpHo ll You em? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investment-.start now ''Takes money to make money, you know. You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account you mi&1" " . . ri,. c.vino. hah t s amhrhtv witn us prevcnis - - good one to g-et into. We oav 4 per cent on bav ngs Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX & ' TT A T TXP A "V TsT O. N . L. Stedman, president P. C. Qregory. Vire-l'resHieni F. H. Oregory Cashier. There is always one chance, when you think you have a ehgnce. ChlleJron Cry FOR FLETCHER'S I CASTORIA RUB-rjY-TlSm Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralftia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains-Bruisei-Cuta, Burns. Old Sores. Tetter, Rini-Worm. ec zema, CIC. UMWW" used internally or externally. 25c I It ,ISl. -Jil II w it aEVKRS HEADACHE. "I ones had terrlbls headachsa ant fearsd I drlppa. I could not at tend to my work. I took ion, of Dr. Miles' Antl Psln Pill and the pain was qulokly font. Then I started uslnc Dr. mu Man.ln.1 and th trOUblt vanlshad completsly and t felt wU and aoUvs ono nan." HENRY FARNHAM, 8Drln Valley, Minn. n.: 111 Uo.UK rob you of all your iCStS efficiency. DR. MILES' ANTI-PAIN PILLS quickly relieve Pain, but the same time, when over-work, or nervousness is the cause, Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine should be used to relieve the cause. i naar BOX. OR iOTTLI. fAlU ta NtriT YOU. YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. a i v i v v ii - - WELDON, Nj C,

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