f MtI fph Iffy X Sl i ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms ot Subscription$1.50 Per Annum VOL. L. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, MA11CII 2, 191(5. XO. 4.i A DOZEN "DO'S" FOR YOUTHS. There Is No Mistaking the Well Bred and Refined Men and Women. ! Pastor Sets Out Those Rules j Which Young; Men Should Fol low. "33 r , llu,.,..,,1,,,ull,,,..w.w . IF YOU ARE WELL BRED. ! EH Ells CASIO;i( A I. OilllL .1 Pt U ft.. AVcgeialA- PjvparaiionErAs- imii;uMitiffhuodanilRpi;ii!a lingUie Stomachs atidBowhif Promotes DicsfionXThrerfuI ncss and Res(ontaIns npliti Opiuni.Morphine nor Miami OT ft ARC OTIC. tcy ifMOrSWUimm WW- . JbsJtaaa I JMaHrMt- 1 AciatSttd i Bpprrminl - ADcrfecl Rcmedv foiConsllta lion , Sour Storaach.Dlairlioca Worius,CoimilsioHS.P,vtrisli ness and Loss OF Sleep. Facsimile Signature of NEW YORK. For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of AW f ,ffv 111 Exact Copy of Wrapper. Ose for Over Thirty Years CAS' THE BANK OF WELDON Y KLDON, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Swie of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anrt Snrplus, $55,000. For over '-'I year this institution lias provided liaukini: facilities for tliis section. Its stockholileis anil ulliceis are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Saving Department is maintained for the henclit of all who desire to deposit ill a savintts Hank. In tins I 'epartment interest is allowed as follows: 1'or Deposits ullimeil toreinuin Ihi.-e iiumths or longer, - per cent. Hi ic months or longer, .'t per cent I'vwlv months 01 luuwr. 4 percent. Uiy information will he furnished .hi application to the I'lesidentort'ashiei PRRSI11KN I W. K. DAXIKI.. VU'KI'l.hSlllliNI K. SMITH I.. C. IH!l'i:it. l'ellel. I'ASHIKK: .1. I". HKKK. MRECTOUS W. H. Smith, U . K. Daniel. .1. t). Drake. W. ,l. t'oheu, R. T. Daniel, .1. 1.. Shepherd, V. . I'u rce. D. B. Zollicolh r, .1 . V. Sledire wrm mm Serviceable, Safe. THE most reliable lantern for farm use is the RAYO. It is made of the best materials, so that it is strong and durable withou' being heavy and awkward. It gives a clear, strong light. Is easy to light and rewick. It won't blow out, won't leak, and won't smoke. It is an expert-made lantern. Made in various styles and sizes. There is a t . A. RAYO for every requirement. At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY Norfolk. Va. Clw. 3- f1 QC30C3E I. Z ABA, WW O mciU! TAILOR M f .... ii... ....'. l i 'l 1 11 IV M W . ,Nexl uoor 10 .OlllCWIiei r, . ...ii,....! I t.L. ...puuw ami make suit to ordei on my liench. ( all au I Wio-peefene line of piece oods and samples. Sa.isract.ou guaramee. . o TANKER'S UOOF fill! Good breeding, as thai term is applied to personnel, conduct and behaviour, is not a thing which is monopolized by the millionaires or those who pride themselves on being of the aristocracy. Good breeding can as well be found in the cottage of the peasant as in the palace of the king. "High socie ty" does not necessarily mean that good breeding goes with it, Good breeding, of course, marks the home and the training, though there are people whose rise above their environment and from, rough homes find place in the world as being noted for their good breed ing, for the excellence of their manners, their behaviour. There is no mistaking the well bred and refined men or women, for they walk in the midst of noise and gar ishness and rudeness and uncouth ness with a calmness of demeanor and a perfecmess of deportment which gives them a place apart. Lately we came across a clipping from the Irish World which had in it so many hints for the making of a well bred person that we must passs it along. Of course it does not set out all the requisites, but so many of them that it will be an ad vantage to read over the list and check it up so as to see where we fail to determine to remedy the matter. "If you are well bred," says the Irish World: You will be kind. You will not use slang. You will try to make others hap- py. You will never indulge in ill- natured gossip. You will never forget the respect due to age. You will not swagger and boast of your achievement, You will not measure your civil ity by people's bank accounts. You will be scrupulous in your regard for the rights of others. You will not forget engagements promises or obligations of any kind. You will never make fun of the peculiarities or idiosyncrasies of others. You will never under any cir cumstances cause another pain if you can help it. You will not think that "good intentions" compensates for rude or gruff manners. You will be as agreeable to your social inferiors as to your equals and superiors. You will not have two sets of manners, one for "company" and one for home use. You will never remind a cripple of his deformity or probe the sore spots of a sensitive soul. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bear! the Signature of Little aches result from the pains a nun makes in enjoying his vacation. SOLD BY ! fee-Meld Hardware tapaii), : WELDON, Nj C WOMAN HAD NERVOUS TROUBLE Lydia E. Pinkham Vegeta ble Compound Helped Her. Wet Danhy, N. Y. "I have had nervoui trouhle all my lifo until I took LyUia E. rmknam 'i Vegetable Com pound for nervea and for female trou bles and it straight ened me out In good shape. I work nearly all the time, ai we live on a farm and I have four girli. I do all my tewing and other work with their help, io it howi that I stand it real well. I took the Compound when my ten year old daughter came and it helped me a lot 1 have alio had my oldest girl take it and it did her loU of good. I keep it In the house all the time and recommend It." Mri. DEWITT SlNCKBAIifiH, West Danby, N. Y. Sleeplessness, nervousness, irritabil ity, backache, headaches, dragging sen sations, all point to female derange ments which may be overcome by Lydia K. Plnkham'a Vegetable Compound. This famous remedy, the medicinal Ingredients of which are derived from native roots and herbs, has for forty years proved to be a most valuable tenia and invigoratorof the female organism. Women everywhere bear willing testi mony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pinkhaa's Vegetable Compeund. Iimhllll iuiui II mi BAKING POWDER Absolutely Puro No Alum No Phosphate LAND 'O DREAMS. It seemed a thousand years ago and it was twenty, maybe, And what now seems a fairy isle was but a simple farm; But, oh, the rose-lit rapture, when in dreaming 1 remember The way the huddled maples held the old house close and warm. .There were doves around the eaves, and cattle on the hillside, And little lambs that nuzzled in the fragrant clover fields. I remember how we watched them in the purple light, together Strange what a plenteous harvest each deep-sown memory yields ! And then theIong, brown, winding road, and you were gone so swiftly, It seemed the night had settled, though the sun was golden-bright; And I have cried your name aloud how foolish Youth can suffer ! When all was still and silent on the kindly arm of Night. It seems a thousand years ago and it was twenty, maybe, A deathly, deep tranquility of slow years has been born; But, oh, dear Brushwood Boy of mine, I ask; do you remember The way the sunset deepened on the gilded rows of corn ? Southern Woman's Magazine. GROWING OLD. A little more tired at close of day, A little less anxious to have our way; A little less ready to scold and blame, A little more care of a brother's name; And so we are nearing the journey's end, Where time and eternity meet and blend. A little more love for the friends of youth, A little less zeal for established truth; A little more charity in our views, A little less thirst for the daily news; And so we are folding our tents away, And passing in silence at close of day. A litttle less care for bonds and gold, A little more zest in the days of old; A broader view and a saner mind, A little more love for all mankind; And so we are faring adown the way That leads to the gates of a better day. A little more leisure to sit and dream, A little more real the things unseen; A little nearer to those ahead, With visions of those long loved and dead; And so we are going, where all must go, To the place the living may never know. ARRANGING YOUR FATE. "First Say to Yourself What You Would Be, and Then Do What You Have To Do." Many parents become much dis tressed upon the question what trade or profession they should se lect for their boys. Here is a bit of wisdom: "First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do." The idea is, you cannot plan your life from the start. It will get its scope and direction when one starts his life. What he does is determined by what there is to do and what is at tractive at the time he is called up on to act. The only preparation for life is entirely personal making oneself faithful, courageous, diligent, self- reliant, thoughtful, unselfish in fine, to make a true man of one self, and then he is prepared for the conditions that confront him in the future. If he becomes a farmer, a doctor, a mechanic, a banker, or what not, he will need in all these directions manly qual ities before special instructions, for the latter takes wings and flies away at the first temptation. Kpictetus has it done fine, "and then do what you have to do;" but there is no following that ad vice wise unless manhood answers the call. Wait and see what the world has for you before you take to a rut, but in the meantime rec ollect that moral quality is far ahead of expert knowledge. Ohio State Journal. No man can win success unless he is in love with his work. Instead of wearing a laurel wreath the modern poet struggles along without a haircut. Fortuate is he who sees the poin t of a joke instead of feeling it. To have what you want is wealth; to do without is power. It is a sign of rain when some one hypothecates your umbrella. SOME DISAGREEMENT. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C A ST OR I A A uewspaper man was on the witness stand and the attorney was trying to find out something about him. "Where did you work last?" he asked. "On the Milwaukee Sentinel." "Why did you leave ?" "The editor and I disagreed on a national political question. "Where did you work next?" "On the New Orleans Times." "Why did you leave?" "The editor and I disagreed on a national political question." This was the reply in every in stance, and the judge took a hand. "What was this national political question?" he asked, "upon which you could never agree with your chiefs.?'' "Prohibition." Albany Press. THEY OFTEN DO THAT. O A certain politician has the hap py knack of being able to parry in convenient interruptions with some smart retort that immediately squashes the opposition. He was speaking at a rather noisy meeting not long ago and after a short time a big lump of wood was thrown at him. Fortunately the aim was bad, and fell harmlessly on the platform. The speaker picked it up and showed it to the audience. "Good heavens!" he exclaimed, in tones of mock anxiety, "one of our opponents has lost his head!" Fxchange. HIS JOLTED PRIDE. Owing to the war a wealthy Bostonian, deprived of his sum mer trip to Europe, went to the Panama-Pacific Exposition in its stead. Slopping off at Salt Lake City he strolled about the city and made the acquaintance of a little Mormon girl. "I'm from Boston," he said to her, l"I suppose you don't know where Boston is ?" "Oh, yes, I do," answered the little girl eagerly. "Our Sunday school has a missionary there," OnllcJrori Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORIA A dozen "Do's" for church go ing have been prepared by the Rev. C. L. Peck, nf Cleveland. Here are his "Do's" for young men : Demand a strict account of the little things in life. Build your fortune in good man ners. Tact and common sense are the secret of a successful life. Have grit and pluck. Live within your means. Ex travagance is the road to failure. Make the goal of your life great er than wealth. Seek first the kingdom of Heav en and make a Christian life your foundation. Be on time. Always wear a smile in the home office or factory. You must take your joy to Heaven with you, for you will not find it there. Be prepared for your job. Have respect for honesty. Cleveland Press. T" T . I 1 2V, Every nousewire or Mother is ever under that Nervous Strain i which so often results rZZD.Mm .... nr'MmJ in Headaches, Dizzy .r sensations, raintness, TW-oci .t,- ViZr. Nervous Disorders. r -l 1 S.JhlKZk '4 Dr. Miles' NERVINE i Highly Recommended in Such Cases. IF FIRST BOTTLE FAILS TO BENEFIT, YOUR MONEY WILL BE REFUNDED. S5 BADLY RUN DOWN. "I had lt' rri" jraHy run down and my ii'-rw-' w-rt' In terrible cfirulhinn. I i, 'i fr'Mitient head ot-lim -rn Of very weak and wrii- inmwl-' tu do anything-. I h-aiyh; a ho'U .if It. Miles' Nrv. irip. 1 pnou htf -ii to feel better, my nerves wi'if quieted. 1 r f .ivrr-d nr.' f Tieth, find have since i-.-..ttTttt-lidMi if. MilfB Nervine to ninny nf n. friends who have U'd il wiih s;il.uUny rnulta." M PH. VRAN'OKH WH1TLOCK, 1i i i i.u.ltvuy, tfrheneelady, N. T. $8 Set of Granite and Copper Ware FREE with every Majestic Range Sold. SPECIAL Demonstration AND SALE $8 Set of Granite and Copper Ware FREE with every Majestic Range Sold. GREAT HAJES" C RANGES 1 Week Only FEB. 28-March 4. 1 Week Only MAJE5TICRANGE5AREMADEInlALL-5IZE5AND-5TYLE5 St- ON-LS-DESIRED' garp-- injE5TIC-rieVEH-Bl;Rn'COOWCK- .tlaOwli&ll!!!; ''-1 MWv7irWBLElZE0-PWiBin-Pni1-5TEnrflW-ClAlEMBt:R-nr(0-rjR'1inEI?-l. ; 1 1 i!l I Jfefe- . rWRSE-IIEVER-BWm-IMREu- HEnvy'yrflmPEMRW-MflHBLELEn "Si Wf WihMA VlSrTil tvRiPPinepfln: z-jranu-tiEVER- KETTLEr I80ZMLL WWtk itr'l iiiil'TLE" III V P" ""Sa;W BlKn iyiPEQ DPIPPIMS PflMS fPT" SAVE $8.00 "v3 AS a special inducement during our demonstration week only, with every MAJESTIC RANGE sold (prices always the same) we will give free, one hand some set of ware as illustrated here. Every piece of this ware is the best of its kind. Not a piece that is not needed in every kitchen. It cannot possibly be bought for less than $8. This ware is on exhibition at our store. DON'T FAIL TO SEE IT. GREAT MAJESTIC WHICH SHALL IT BE? DO YOU intend to continue laboring, burning valua ble fuel and destroying high-priced food with that old worn-out stove ? You know that old stove eats up a lot of fuel each year. You know you have trouble in getting it to bake just right, in fact, spoil a batch of bread every once in a while you know it costs considerable for repairs. Stop and think and figure. Wouldn't it pay you to buy a good ranRe a range with a reputation- Malleable and DflMPC Charcoal Iron linllUL YOU make no mistake in buying the Great Majestic it's the range with the reputation ask your neighbors. Then, too, its made just right and of the right kind of material Malleable and Charcoal Iron riveted together practically air tight lined with pure asbestos parts being malleable can't break has a movable reservoir and an an oven that don't warp that's why the Majestic uses so little fuel, bakes just right every day in the year (browns bread just right all over without turning) heats 1 5 gallons of wa ter while breakfast is cooking properly handled lasts a lifetime, and costs practically nothing for repairs. Don't buy the range you expect to last a lifetime "unsight unseen;" you'll be sure to be disappointed Come to our store during demonstration week, see the Great Majestic have its many exclusive features explained find out why the Majestic is 300 per cent. stronger than otner ranges where most ranees are weakest. Children Souvenir Day! inn STORY BOOKS "THE QUILLIVERS CQCC IUU RIDE" by Claude Wetmore rHtX A Charming Story for boys and girls of the adven tures of the Quillivers in Big Folks' Land a story that will hold any child's interest to the very end, and teach a lesson of life-long value. The first 100 boys and girls who present to the Majestic Range Salesman, at our store, between 3 and 5 p. m., TUESDAY, written answers to the fol lowing questions, will receive this fascinating story book r-Ktt. 1. What range is your mother now using? 2. Give names of any one you know needing a new range. 3 The Majestic Range has many points of supe rioritywhich does your mother consider best ? 4 What is your age? 5 When is your birthday ? Si.00 Article Free The boy or girl giving the neatest and best answer to the third question may select any $1 article from our stock in addition to the souvenir. WSPEOIAL 1X3 All during this week a special demonstrator direct from the Majestic Factory will be glad to show you all about ranges show you why the Majestic is the best range on earth at any price. Come, if you intend to buy or not. Education lie in knowing ihings-Htnow why the oven of the range is heated know how the water is heated how the top is heated why the Majestic uses so little fuel know how a range is made inside and outside. This education may serve you in the future. Don't over look a chance to know things shown by one who knows. Come. fTDon't overlook the date. This is a special invi tation to you and your triends and neighbors. WELDON, N, C.