..... J . WKWfii If if If If 1 ft 1 wlifT ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. li- WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MARCH 0, 191(5. NO. i(i HIS TRIBUTE. tfjH ft i '.jr ir""v f m w if ij i v s The Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which baa been In use for over 80 years, has borne the signature of ana has been made nnder his per-oi-al supervision since Its liitiiney. iCCA4l, Allow nn nn tn iliul va nui In ti.ii All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Juxta-rMMl" are but Eiperlmeuts that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Cantorla Is a harmless substitute for Cantor Oil, Pare, goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. It cures Dlarrhom and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilate the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. There was an old farmer who was widely known as the crosses!, closest and mosi generally non likable citizens in the whole state relates the Baltimore American. Like oiher mean men he lived to a ripe old age, but eventually he died and his Friends went ahead with plans For the tuneral. Now it is customary, in the case of rural funerals, for those who at tend, as they stand by the coffin, to murmur some eulogy of the dead. A number of farmers came in and said things which didn't square at all with the old man's life. Finally, an aged man, who had known the deceased all his life, hobbled in and stood by the coffin. The truthful man in the county. Hence, the other people present waited with interest to hear what he would say. The old man gazed down silent ly for a while. He paused, Fi nally he spoke. "Wall," he said earnestly, "no body kin deny that he was a great hand for closin' his stable doors o' nights. " A LONG TALK. I THE BANK OF WELDON WKLPOX, N. C Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, $55,000. for over 21 years this institution has provided banking facilities lor this section. Its stock holders and ollicers are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax aud Northampton counties. A Having Department is maintained for the beuciit of all who desire to deposit in a Sarin? Bauk. In tins Department interest is allowed as follows: , , , , . For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Sue n,nih.n. Ln.tr Hnireeiil Tu el ve mont lis or lonifer, 4 percent. ,,. information will he furnished on application to the I'residentorCaithier PlulDSNT : W. E. DANIEL, VU'-1KKI1KNT: W. It. SMITH. . f. DKAi'KK, Teller. IABIIIKK: . (I. DRAKE. D1RECTORS-W. K. Smith, W. K. Daniel, .1. O. Drake. W. M. Cohen, R. T. Daniel, J. h. Shepherd, W. A. I'ieree, D. B. Zolheofler. .1 . V. . Sledge 30 Will- Ranges m Stoves n Heaters Turkish Leather Rocer, $25 value now $20. Qo Carts, $12.50 and $15 value now $8. Beautiful line of 9x12 Druggets $2.50 to $35. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, 25c to $1 per yard. BED ROOM SUIT:S $15 to $500. Lace Curtains and Portieres. 75c. to$10la pair. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and lots of other suitable Wedding; Gifts al ways on hand. . uisi.yu.v WELDON, N. C. T . 7. A B A . 8 MERCHANT TAILOR, o Dr. Wiley tells the following story: sleepily, aner a nignt orr, a certain interne hastened to his hospital ward. The first patient was a stout old Irishman. "How goes it?" he inquired. "Faith, it'sh me breathin,' Doc tor. I can't get me breath at all, at all." "Why, your pulse is normal. Let me examine the lung action," replied the doctor, kneeling beside the cot and laying his head on the ample chest. "Now, let's hear you talk," he continued closing his eyes and lis tening. "What'll Oi be sayin', Doctor?' "Oh, say anything. Count one, two, three and up," murmured the interne, drowsily. "Wan, two, three, four, five, six.' beean the patient. When the young doctor with a start open ed his eyes, Pat was counting huskily. "Tin hundred and sixty nine, tin hundred an' sivinty, tin hundred an' sivinty-wan. ' 'Chris tian Register. The Court of Last Resort Around the stove of the cross roads grocery is the real court court of last re sort, for it finally over-ruiss all others. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy has been brought before this court in almost every cross roads grocery in this coun try, and has always received a favora ble verdict. It is in the country where man expects to receive full value for his money that this remedy is most appre ciated. Obtainable everywhere. When a woman can't get a ser vant to do her work there's no help for her. Colds Quickly Relieved. Unv ueuule couifh aud cough from the beginning of Fall right through to spring. Others havecold aftercold. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and you will get almost immediate relief. It checks your cold, stops the racking, rasping, tissue-tearing cough, heals the intiam mation, soothes the raw tubes. Easy to take, Antiseptic and Healing. Get a 50c. bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and keep it in the house. "It is cer tainly a great medicine aud I keep a bottle of it continually on hand" writes W. C. Jesseman, Franconia. X.1I. Mon ey back if not atistied hut it nearly al ways helps. It's a poor memory that doesn'l allow a man to forget what he owes. An Ideal Spring Laxative A good aud lime tried remedy is Dr. King's New Life 1'ills, the lirst dose will move the sluggish bowels, stimu late the liver aud clear the system of waste and blo'l impurities. You owe it to yourself to clear thesyBtem of body poisons, accumulated during the ter. Dr. King's New Life I'ills wil it. 2fc. at your druggist. ... ii it...' IV I.' I lUiNi I. .Next door to ao,..cU r . ... , j take your " " -.tiafaotioD guaranteed. fCV UUI IIMX? s r.-. o Worth Careful Thought Do you read the label to know whether your baking powder is made from cream of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum or phosphate ? Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and adds to the food only wholesome qualities. Other baking powders contain alum or phosphate, both of mineral origin, and used as substitutes for cream of tartar because of their cheapness. Never sacrifice quality and healthful ness for low price. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York .GATE. NOT A SQUARE DEAL. Miss Mason was explaining to her Sunday school class the lesson for the day, the subject being the : tares and the wheat. "Now, remember children, the ; tares represent the bad people and the wheat the good ones." "Why, Miss Mason!" exclaimed a rosy-cheeked boy, who had been listening through the lesson with ; deep interest. "Did you say the ; tares are the bad folks and the j wheat the good ones?" "Yes, James," replied the tench- er, pleased at the lad's interest "Well, that's funny, 1 think!" j replied the mauer-of-faci child, i "It's the wheat that gets thrashed; J the tares don't." The Country Gentleman. BETWEEN DRINKS. When you come to the gate does it click, click, click, At the touch of the fingers that open it quick' Are there voices to greet you With laughter and song, When you come to the gate From the toil that was long ? When you come to the gate does it swing, swing wide At the touch of the hands that are waiting inside? Are there little arms round you, And eyes that are bright, With the laughter and loving That deck the dear night? When you come to the gate do you bring o'er ihe miles The sunshine of love and the sweetness that smiles? When you come to the gate Does it click, click, click, At the touch of the fingers , That open it quick? THREE SOnQS. Sing me, thou Singer, a song of gold ! , Said a careworn man to me; So 1 sang of the golden summer days, And the sad, sweet autumn's yellow haze, Till his heart grew soft, and his mellowed gaze Was a kindly light to see. Sing me, dear Singer, a song of love ! A fair girl asked of me ; Then I sang of a love that clasps the Race, Gives all, asks naught till her kindled face Was radiant with a starry grace Of blessed Charity. Sing me, 0 Singer, a song of life ! Cried an eager youth to me; And 1 sang of the life without alloy, Beyond our years, till the heart of a boy Caught the golden beauty, and love, and joy Of the great hternity. Henry Foster, of Clay county, had been arrested for allowing his horse and wagon to block ihe pub lic thoroughfare for the better part of five hours. "Did you leave your team for five hours, Mr. Foster," asked the Judge. "Might have been thet long, Jedge," was the reply. "Where were you?" "In a saloon on Decatur street, yer Honor, takin' a drink." "Do you mean to tell me that it took you five hours to consume one drink?" "Well, sur, no, not ex-actly; I wuz interrupted three or fo' times.' Case and Comment. THE REMAINS. "The Girl He Left Behind Him" is the heroine of an anecdote by Francis Pritchard, fair dancer in the "Passing Show of 1915." A negro died without medical attendance, and the coroner went to investigate. "Did Sam Williams live here?" he asked the weeping woman who answered the door. "Yassuh." she replied between sobs. "May 1 see the remains?" asked the coroner. "1 is de remains," she answer ed proudly. Young's Magazine. AS JERRY WENT DOWN. a H N H a H X X X X X X X m n H H H H H M m H m m n H IOtllGrS ! Your cares in comfort iTlVVUVlv) ing the aches and paina of the family from youth to old age, are lessened when you use this old and trust-worthy remedy Sloan's Liniment n M m a ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ii ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft Bruises Rheumatism--- Neuralgia Mothers: ''Keep a bottle in your home" Price 25c., 50c. and 11.00 QftftftftftftftftftftftftftftHftftftftftftftftQ Wmy SpEio Qll You Efl? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ngs Accounts 9 THE BANK OF HALIFAX g EE A.LI1T,.A.!2C, IDT. C. F L. Stedman. President P. C. Gregory, V.re-President H. Oregory Cashier. INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the 4 BMK OF EJ FIELD, Efi flElD, fi. 0. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart, ment. Compounded Quarterly. AUNT JEMMY'S MAXIMS. By Cally Kyland. Jes bekase a 'oman cyarn th'ow straight aim no sorter reason why she shouldn' have a aim in life. V Hit mout be true dat in ole times money useter go furthuh but hit didn' go so fas'. TAPER'S ROOF PUN I SOLD BY Hardware WELDON, N C. IllJlill The luckv man usually misses the boat on the sea of matrimony. Dangers of Draft. Drafts feel best when we are hot aud perspiring, just when they are most dangerous and the result is Neuralgia, Ktiff Neck. Sore Muscles or sometimes an attack of Kheumatiam. In such noupu auDlv Sloan's l iniment. It stimulates circulation tp the sore am painful part. The blood Hows freely and in a short tune the stillness and pain leaves. Those suffering from Neu ralgia or Neuralgic Headache will llnd one or two applications of Sloan's i.iui ment will givegrateful relief. The ago nizing pain gives way to a tingling sen sation of comfort and warmth andquiet rest and sleep is possible. Good for Neuritis too. 1'iice 2r.c. at your drug gist. , , -.-,! "An' ye fell from a window, Jerry? How far was it ye fell?" "Tin stories." "Well, well, that was a great fall ! And what did you think of on your way down ?" "Whoi, I didn't think of nothin' until 1 Dassed the fifth story. Thin 1 remimbered I left me pipe on the window sill. "Ex. ' Keep Your Bowels Regular. As everyone knows, the bowels are j the sewerage system of the body, and i it is of the greatest importance that I they move once each day. if your bowels become constipated, take a dose i ofChamberlain's Tablets just after sup- ! per and they will correct the disorder. Obtainable everywhere. YOU can bank by mail. ''At flOt V De man whar 'tends strictly to his own buness don' git no prostrations f'om bein' ovuhwukked. narvous Dars many a chicken what wishes 'twas bawn. hit had been hard biled befo' Even the buckwheat cake has to await its turn, A Specific Against Colds The nearest tiling to a specific against colds is a sleeping porch or open bed room and a cold sponge bath every morning when you lirst get up. F:ven then you will occasionally take a cold, especially when colds are epidemic, and when you do you will hud I hamber lain'B Cough Remedy a great help in enabling you to get rid of it. Try it. Obtainable everywhere De gal with de broken heart alius manages to save a few uv de bes' pieces. Heap uv people is alius borrowin' trouble, but hit looks laik dirs alius nuff to go roun' jes de same. V Chillun is mighty sweet in de home twel dey gits big nuff to practice on de piany. De iciiuii fccccum faint hesrt wins fyah ludy is bekiae fyah lady is mos't inginrul willin' to help. V When a 'oman axes fuh pin money huh husban' knows he's jes 'bleedged to come up to de scratch. . A man is a good real 'state dealer when he mountains outer mole hills. knows how to make Some wimrnin kin make e big a fuss ovah othtth wimmin's babies ei ef'n dey really meant it. t -v Hit sho is funny dat de sho-fur was a ways drivin' slow when de x-dent happened. De ma'ied man lows he s having a good time when he's doin' de sorter things he's skeered to tell his wife about. Fallin' in love is mighty easy; hit's fallin' ag'in dat hurts. Hit sho is Funny dat de beauty specials' is most inginrul ugly. NMUsroMmKXOXs NORMAN S. BAKNES. CASPIRVI'. GREGORY WELDON. N. C A man has sight; sight. a woman in- AUTOMOBILES SUPPLIES GARAGE Service. WE WANT TO SELL YOU A FORD, -"i nmMsWMinitiuatnats ill Li Li m It's awfully hard ' to marry right girl for her money. the Children. Cry FOI FLETCVU't CASTOA CHitdrwrM. ory FOI FLETCHER'S CASTORIA jj.For Your Child's Cough rn-niir child has a cold, nose runs or coughs much get a small bottle of Dr. Hell's 1'ineTar Honey. It's a pleasaut I'ine Tar Honey svrup, just what chil dren like and just the medicine to sooth the cough and check the cold. After taking, children stop fretting, sleep good and are soon cutiulj act!. Insist on Dr. Bell's I'ine-Tar lioney. aric. at your druggist. The poorer the parents the more romantic names tnetr ennuren have. ' Proper Treatment for Biliousness For a long time Miss l.ula Skelton, Churchville, N. Y., was bilious and had sick headache and diy spells. I ham berlain's Tablets were the only thing that gave her permanent relief. Obtai nable everywhere. If a woman is going away on a visit she never finishes packing her trunk until after the expressman calls for it. CASTORIA For Infants and Children. In Um For Owr 30 Years 5 Ion: or more S5.50 per ton E f fin 1 nfe 7 .Rfl nor V YWii iVVMilif iVW J fnn Sacked f. o. b. Norfolk. i J. I COUNCIL & NORFOLK, VA. RECIPE FOR CRAY HAIR. , P H B-H Y"T I S M To half pint of water add 1 oi. Br , " Bum. a amsll box of Barbo Compound, Will Cure) Rheumatism. NeU and oi. of alyeorine. Apply to the hair . ... Headaches Crnmna fnli twico a wok until it beoomw the drsired "'a13- "esaacnea, cramps, OIIC shade. Any druKflst oan put this up or bpraina, BrUlsei, Cu', Bum8, Old you oan mix It at home at vry little cost. . S0rea Tetter Rind-Worm ?. Full direction, for making- and use com. oorts' Iter, Ring worm, L.O In each box of Barbo Compound. It win zemu, cit. Aniiaepuo ADOayne, used internally or externally. 25c gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and rmov dandruff. It Is excel lent for faUlnf hair and will make harah hair soft and flossy. It wlU not color the scalp, la not sticky or areaay, and 4o no rue off. OLEY KIDNE PIUS ..HI BACKACHE. KCMIM AND 8UBBIK f T r

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