f EE sal ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 Per Annum VOL. L. WELDON, N. CM THURSDAY, MAKCII 10, 101(5. NO. 47 ' t j j irtllU 'anil SjpagMBBK.i J3J , 1 IrCUm J ,t .'.ll'lllil .1 Dru .L.r"( AVcgeiaiMrrrarationlirJt ! tmgu'ic Siunuictis and Uowek oT Promnles DifrsKmr WfJ nrss .ird Rpst f rmlaln, iwitt Opium.MorpWne norMwefaLi JOT NARCOTIC. Plm&aSmi' sltx.jrana fljjpfrminr- , I'lariemk Smite I .'fcraJW- I (MWJW. 1 hmmwettithnpy. 1 Ancrferl P.i'inpitv fnrfniKliiia- linn .Smir Slnnurh.niarrlluu WoriusX'oimilsioiii.ri'vrrish WSSolulLOSS OF SLEEP. facS'umlf Signature of NEW YORK. mi Guirantceil under tSFo Exact Copy of Wrapper. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C1- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of Nonli Carolina Deposiiory. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Deposiiory. Capital anil Surplus, $55,000.' For over HI years this institution ha provided banking facilities for thin section. Its'stockholdcrs ami oihcers are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the hcuclit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Bunk In tins I'i paitiiient interest is allowed as follows: . For Deposits allowed to remain thr lonths or longer. '.' per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent imriouunui iuuk.-i,-. Vnv information will lie furnished on application to the President ort'i PBKS1UKNT: W. E. DAN IF. L, VII K I'IIKSIIIKM : W. I(. SMITH. L. C. IHJAl'Kli, Telle DIKECTOHS V. H. Smith, W. K. R. T. Daniel, J.I,. Shepherd. W A. o A 11 i Ranges Stoves Turkish Leather Rocer, $25 value now $21). Go Carts, $12.50 and $15 value now $8. Beautiful line of 9x12 Druggets $2.50 to $J5. Oil Cloths and Linoleums. 25c to $1 per yard. BED ROOM SUIT:S $15 to $500. Lace Curtains and Portieres. 75c. to $10 a pair. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and lots of other suitable Wedding Gifts al ways on hand. Wcldca Furniture Company, WBLDON, N. C BOE30 I. ZABA, MERCIAM TAILOR, t v-. .lr tn .tllironVr'H. WKI.MOM, N. ('. . . W w j-,.... 1 take your measure and maKc VLinsi 1 insnnnt tine ine 01 Piece Kuutin TANNER'S ROOF PHI! SOLD BY Perce liiUil JIIMU ii iiiii WELDON. N C, For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years GAST6RIA TMC KNTUlt IOMMNT, NCW TOM ft fT. asliier c akiiikr: .1. O. DKAKK, Duuiel, .1. 0. Drake. W. VI. Cohen, Pierce, I). Ii. Zollicotler, J.W. Sle.lite. v n Signature AU of A At 1 m Heaters o , o 43 .., K I. i'a enil " "s. faction .ruamntecd. - II: ill Lrdware Umpany, A JUST JUDGE. With Jury Held That Bed Bugs Should Be Avoided. "The .lune hug has the wings of gold The Lightning bug the Maine: The bed hug has not wings at all But he gels there just the same." Ii is not related in the "World's Besi Poems" or elsewhere, so far as we are advised, who wrote the above wonderful verse but it con tains more truih than poetry yet its rythm is not marred. The Standard Dictionary defines a bed bug, under the heading "ci mex lectularit's" and says of it: "A cosmopolitan, blood-sucking, wingless, depressed bug of reddish brown color and vile odor, infest ing houses and especially beds. Its salivary glands secrete an irritant alkaline substance." That is his pen picture and verily the artist who wrote it writ as one who knows. The other day in New York City that great "human hive" where men and women and loves and hates and bed bugs do abound, the court was called upon to decide whether a bed bug or, rather countless bed bugs, constitute "constructive eviction" of a tenement, and the court decided that it did. It seem ed that a retired merchant named Albert A. Brower had taken an apartment in a magnificent apart ment house which had cost $300 000 and he had been wise enough to flee from the wrath that was and left before his lease expired. He was sued for the modest sum of $200, but he came into court and explained that the bed bugs had evicted him and produced a bottle in which were 104 speci mens of the "warm it," and the Judge and jury looked but once; didn't take time to count 'em but held enthusiastically that Mr. Brower had a right to go and would have been a fool to have stood on the order of his going. -Everything. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTORI A ME WON THE PRIZE. The following poetical effusion won for its author, the editor of ihe Rocky Mountain Call, the prize of $ 1 ,000 for the best appeal poem to subscribers to pay up their sub scriptions: "Lives of poor men oft remind us Honest men won't stand no chance The more we work there grow be hind us, Bigger patches on our pants. On our pants once new and glossy Now are stripes of different hue; All because subscribers linger And don't pay us what is due. Then let us be up and doing; Send in your mite, however small, Or when the snow of winter strikes us, We shall have no pants at all." HARD LUCK. "Don't cry, Willie ! Grandpa will play Indian with you." "B-but yott won't do any good. Y-you're scalped already." Ex change. Not every young man who smells of gasoline owns an auto mobile. Perhaps he cleans his own clothes. Absolutely Pure Mads from Cream of Tartar NO ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE RECIPE ftR GRAY HAIR. To half pint at water add 1 01. Bar Rum, a amalt box of Barbo Comouil, and i 01. of lycerln. Apply to th lulr twlc a ink until It becomes tho desired hade. Any dniMlat ean put thta up or you can mix It at home at very little cost. Full direction! for making- and uie coma In each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded xray hair, and remove dandruff. It la excel lent for falling hair and will make hnr(i hair soft and (loaay. It will not color th scalp, Is not ttloky or greasy, and doae not nik iv ill mmm 1 SHALL GROW OLD. I shall grow old; when the wild earth is calling I shall sit quietly, at last, nor go To race the quichened winds where rain is fulling In woods I used to know. Though I still feel the lure of wings thai flutter Across the bayou on the edge of day, And of the silver stream where quick fish scuiter, I shall not go, but stay. Yet I shall smile, and smiling shall remember The streams I forded and the trout 1 caught, Or the leaf-kindled fires of mild November And the strange peace they brought. Glory of earth in her midsummer madness, Glory of great, grave trees and sunny sea, The swimmer's lithe dominion won in gladness, In youth and health set free. I shall be glad of sunbeam and rough going, Of weariness that found a perfect rest Where our firm mother earth made ready, showing Her rough and rugged breast. I shall grow old bui memories strong and tender Shall give me joy while earth's wild song is sung; The great, glad earth I know, in all her splendor With her I have been young! Marguerite 0. B. Wilkinson in New York Independent. UNCLE JOHN SLEEPS WITH HIS WINDOWS OPEN. The talk turned upon a rather remarkable topic the weather and the frost we had the night before, whereupon Uncle John opened up. "It's mighty quare to me," he said, "why lots of folks who would raise Cain if they had to eat spiled vittle or eat a plate of vittles somebody else had half et it up, will still go right on sleepin' in rooms with al1 the fresh air shet out, breathin' air that's raly as badly spiled as last month's cookin', and like as not breathin' the same air somebody else in the same room had already used." Here the old man stopped a minute and laughed. "Well, I was a-saying, it's mighty quare to me now," he resumed smiling, "but the fact is I used to be fool enough to talk about 'bad air' myself till my youngest boy began studying some kind o' high-jeans at school. Plain dern foolishness was what I called his new-fangled no tions at fust, but last fall he got us to expeerymint with leavin' the win dows h'sted in cold weather same as summer. Even then I didn't want to give in and let on that the boy knowed more'n I did about it, but his 'Ma just come out and said thai she was surprised how much better she felt when she woke upo' mornin's never no headaches nor nothin' of the kind so 1 just owned up that I felt spryer myself, and that I was doggone glad I had a boy that was goin' to know more'n his daddy ever did. Fact is, if some of us hadn't ever learned more'n our daddies knowed, we'd all be plowin' with crooked sticks now and livin' on parched corn. "Anyhow what that boy o' mine learned out o' his books on high jeans has got me so I'm too stuck-up to live on spiled, second hand air any more, and I've begun to go over his lessons with him in that book on agriculture. It's downright interestin'." The Progessive Farmer. AH. THERE. And Now They are Proving Man Was Once a Bird. A strange fossil, which some credulous persons say was a creat ure that was half man and half bird, was placed on exhibition at (he Chamber of Commerce at Bil lings, Montana. It was found near Fromberg in the foothills and is composed of the sedimentary rock of the Meso zoic period, which has furnished most of the geologic data on which the Darwinian theory of evolution is based. The fossil is about two and a half feet high and the head is shaped like that of the human, with a well developed projection of the base of the brain, a larger forehead ihan that of a pelican with large projections at (he sides and the well defined breast of a bird. Thai (he fossil, despite its human sug gestions, is (hat of a creature half bird and half reptile is suggested by students. AN OLD ONE RETOLD. Dinah, (he faithful colored ser vant, had at last attained her ambi tion. She was ihe proud pesses sor of a husband. "Well. Dinah," said her late mistress, meeting her some lime after the ceremony, "I hope you are finding your new life all you expected " "Yas, mum," replied Dinah, gleefully. "Matrimony sure am the proper state ob life for folks, ain't it?" "And your husband," went on (he lady. "Is he a good provider?" "Yes, mum, he sure am." Then she went on sadly: "He's a mighty good provider, right enough, bui I'm powful skeered thai he'sgwine ler get ketched at it." Pittsburg Chronicle An Ideal Spring Laxative A good and time tried remedy is Dr. Kinir'a New Life Pills, The llrst done will move the aluncrisli honelx. Htimu late the liver and clear the xyHtem of waste and blood impurities. You one it to yourself toclear the system of body ooisous. accumulated during the win ter. Dr. King'i New Life Pills will do it. i'So. at your drug-gilt. Dangers of Draft. Drafts feel best when we are hot and perspiring, just when thev are most dangerous and the result is Neuralgia. Stiff Seek, Sore .Muscles or sometimes an attack of Kheuiiiutism. In such cases apply Sloan's Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the HitfA anil painful part. The blood (lows freelv and in a khort time the stillness and pain leaves. Those suffering from Neu ralgia or Neuralgic Headache will find one or two applications of Sloan's Lini ment will give grateful relief. The ago- mng pain gives wav to a timrlinir sen sation of comfort andwarmthandquiet rest ami sleep is possible. Hood for Neuritis too. l'rice L'.'ic. at your drug- git. Water on the brain isn't ihe re sult of a thirst for knowledge. Colds Quickly Relieved. Many people cough and cough from the beginning of Kali right through to spring. Others have cold aftei cold. Take Dr. King's New Discoery and vou will get almost immediate relief. It cheeks your cold, stops the lacking, rasping, tissue-teariug cough, heals the inilam- matiou, soothes the ran tubes. Kasy to take, Antiseptic and Healing, (let a .Vic. bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and keep it in the house. "It is cer tainly a great medicine and I keep a bottle of it continually on hand" writes YV. ('. Jessemun, I'ranconia, N'.II. Mon ey back if not satisfied but it nearly al ways helps. A lawyer says water resembles equity when it is just-ice. Kep Your Eove!s Reju'sr, As everyone knows, the bowels are the sewerage system of the body, and it is of the greatest importance that they move once each day. If your bowels become constipated, take a done ofChaniherlaia's Tablets just after sup per aud they will correct the disorder. Obtainable everywhere. HE COULD WAIT. Her Faiher The fad is, I can not give my daughter a dowry just at present. Suitor That's all right, sir. I can love her for herself alone in the meantime. Boston Transripi. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Us For Over 30 Years Always bear tn Signature , w I i i r Get a Fresh Start! For men who got away to a false start on a pipe or home-made cigarettes Prince Albert lias a word or two for what ails their smokeappetites ! Forget you ever tried to smoke, for Prince Albert is so different, such a fine flavor, so coot and cheerful and friendly, youH get a new idea of smoke joy I The patented process fixes that and cuts out bite and parch! And this little preachment is also for men who think they're on the right track. All to be said is that the sooner you lay out a nickel or a dime for a supply of Prince Albert, the sooner you'll make a discovery that'll be Bay Prince Albert all oner thtcioilizeduiortdl ToppyreJ baga, Sc: tidy red tint, JOc; pound and half -pound tin humidors -and that etaemy eryetal-glaee pound humidor with tponge-moietenmr top that keep the tobacco in tuch Una ehapeatwaye I NATURAL CONSEQUENCRS.? "Where are you off to in such a hurry?" "To fetch the doctor for my husband." "What's up wiih him ?" "He tells me he has got hepati tis, dyspepsia, rheumatism, enteri tis, gastritis, appendicitis, nephritis and ce-rebro-spinal meningitis." "Where did he get all that?" "Why, a man induced him to buy a medical dictionary, and he's just biigun reading ii !" UNVERSATILE NATURE. Marie, (he 8-year-old hopeful ot a certain household of this ciiy, was seated at the breakfast table one morning. As usual, eggs were served. Now, either Marie was not hun gry or she had grown tired of the inevitable bill of fare, for very earnestly she lifted her eyes to heaven and exclaimed : "I wish to goodness hens would lay something besides eggs!" Philadelphia Ledger. If fortune's wheel doesn'i turn to suit you, put your shoulder to ii and give it another whirl. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Pretense isn't never pretends. natural, nature A Specilic Against Colds t he nearest thing to a specilieaifamst colds is a sleeping porch or open bed room and a cold sponge bath every morning w hen you first get up. Kveu then you will occasionally take a cold, especially when colds are epidemic, and when you do you will lind Chamber lain's Cough Remedy a great help in enabling you to get rid of it. Try it. obtainable everywhere But (he infant industry never grows old. For Your Child's Cough If your child has a cold, nose runs or coughs much get a small bottle of Dr. Bell's PineTai liouey. It's a pleasant l'ine Tar Honey syrup, just what chit dren like and just the medicine to soothe the cough and check the cold. After taking, children stop fretting, sleep good and are soon eutirely well. Insist on Dr. Bell's Tine-Tar-Honey. 2.'ic. at your druggist. a Ft At a man nao mvon nut an nnvi a iiinii uaa tnrtii uui sin accident insurance policy his wife inmKs it a waste ot money ir nom ing happens to him. Proper Treatment for Biliousness Kor a long time Miss Lula Skelton, C'burchville, X, Y., was bilious and bad sick headache and dimy spells, ('ham lierlain's Tablets were the only thicg that gave her permanent relief. Obtainable every hero. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A ' KK ' wmm IB tML WT B"""! ", , ii 4 am'' .j.-.j.w Coyyrl'.ilit Hi.. worth a lot to your peace ot mind and tongue 1 Get the idea of smoking all you want without a comeback that's P. A.! R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Wineton-Salem, N. C. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence WELDON, N. C. 4 percent Interest on Savings Deposits. WtfY SpEfD LL You f? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now. "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav- ngs Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX g HALIFAX, TsT. C. N. L. Stedman. P. C. Vh,. Prcsitlen: INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BiiiK OF E IF I ELD, Ell FIELD, f. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. Hy YOU can bank by mail IgJBMlWfflBJtJIOMOiOlls I r J Li S Ions or more S6.50 per ton Lossthan 5tonlots...7.50 psr ton Sacked f. o. b. Norfolk. J. R. COUNCIL CO.. NORFOLK, VA. the national joy smoke id the real tobacco for jimmy pipes and makin'i cigarettes Oe At rrnne die ml lik Her ft lii yoi will me: "FmM. Pitaate Jal Mtk, 1907," wkick lu. mie three mem mmm pipe, wbm one wM Inlo'i ! ill Gregory, - President F. H. Gregory Cashier. II U MM

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