ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annumt VOL. li. WELDON, X. (!., TIIUKSDAY, MAHCll XO. 48 SOME DAY. EVIL-MINDED MEN. Civilization Demands That Wo men Should Dress Them selves Properly. The Kind Yoa Have Always Bought, and which has heen In naa nrnn 'll no 1 i . u u jmi, nus uurue mo signature or r uiiu mis upon nuulo miller liis per- ioi-al supervision since its Infuuey. 0 " " vwui;i uiUJUll 111 WHS. All Counterfeits, JmltatWus and " trust-as-good" aro but Experiments Unit tiltle with ar.d endanger the health of Infants ami Children Experience .igalnst Experiment. What Is CASTORIA Castorlu Is a hanuloss substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Ir.ip and Soothing Syrups. It tit Pleasant. It contain ucithiu- Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotto HiibHtftuon. Us aire In its guarantee. It destroy Worms and allays J'i'.crishness. It cures Di.irrhoa ami Wind Onlia. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilate the Food, regulates the Stomach and ltoivels, giving1 healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea-The .Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of lie Kind M Ham Alwajs Bod$M In Use For Over 30 Years. 0 THE BANK OF WELDON WELDOX. X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VCeldon Depositary. Capital and Sutplns, $55,000. For over 21 vcain tins institution ha, puiviiliil liankinjf facilities for this section. Its'stockhohlrrs ami nllict-is me l.l.-nt 1 (it-.l with the hurii riens interests of Halifax ami N m l hum l"" countim. A Savings Department is iimiiilain.'.l I'm- ihe hem-lit ol all who ilesiie to deposit in a Saving Haul In this I i.-partinent interest is allowed as follows: 1'or Deposits allowml ton-ilium thp-'- inniiths or louder. per cent. Six months r longer, 3 pel cent rweive months hi -longer. 4 percent. nv information will he furnished o;i uppliealion to the I'resulentorCaslner prxsidiint: W. K. DANIEL. vii K-riicswHNr: W H SMITH. I,, r id: l'l-:ii,Tell l ASHlKK: .1. I). DRAkK, DIRECTORS-W. K. Smith. K. I'hiii.-I, .1. O. Drake. V. ' '. R. T. Daniel, .1.1.. Shepherd, W A Pierce. D. H. Zollieollei. .1 . Y . Meilire. 30 n it Earns Di n n Stoves Heate rs Turkish Leather Rocer, $25'value now $20. Qo Carts, $12.50 and $15 value now $8. Beautiful line of 9x12 Druggets $2.50 to $35. Oil Cloths and Linoleums, 25c to $1 per yard. BED ROOM SUIT:S $15 to $500. Lace Curtains and Portieres, 75c. to 510 a pair. Sterling Silver, Cut Glass and lots of other suitable Wedding Gifts al ways on hand. Wsldoa Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C r i ' 'FHa.. fr t r I ) A M 5 A A D 1 . O HEBCBUT UILU, Magistrate Levy, of New York, is not wholly in accord with Chief Magistrate McAdoo, or rather he is more committal. It was some weeks ago when a man was brought before him charged wiih annoying a young woman. In other words the accused was ar rested in the belief that he was a "masher." Now, while Magistrate Levy has no excuse nor any use for the "masher," as a type, he took the position on the occasion in question to declare that the present day costume of women invited the "masher" and the in sult. "A decent woman," he said, in discussing the subject of present day costumes, "never has any thing to dread when it comes to annoying attentions from the other sex. But the clothes worn by women today lend, in my opinion, to lessen that delicate sense of the conventions and the proprieties that we expect of our women folk, our wives and our daughters. "Civilization demands that we garb ourselves properly. And we're not doing it. Women today in their costumes are well, the majority appear to have one object in view, namely, to bring out the physical charms and at the same lime to combine esthetic effects. "There are those who succeed, but hundreds of others do not. To reveal, to suggest, to indicate appear to be the things aimed at in the exaggerated fashion of to day. That is why the majority of the 'mashers' are brought before this tribunal. I have no use for the 'masher.' He is a weak minded individual, but well, if women wore a little more material and were not so desirous of unen viable attention, they would not be subiected to the annoyance of which they complain." An Ideal Spring Laxative A .rood and time tried remedy is Dr. King's New Life fills, The llrst dose will move the sluiririsli liowels, stimu late the liver and clear the system of waste and blood impurities. You owe it to yourself to clear the system of hody poisons, accumulated during the win ter. Dr. King's New Life fills will do it. - :ie. at your druggist. Ifvnumust knock, eet out in the middle of a forty-acre lot before you swing your hammer. The Court of Last Resort Around the stove of the cross roads grocery is the real court court of last re sort, for it finally over rules all others, ('hamherlain's Cough Remedy has been brought before this court in almost every cross roads grocery in this coun try, and has always received a favora ble verdict. It is in the country where man expects to receive full value for his money thai this remedy is most appreciated. (tbtuinahle everywhere. A girl sometimes encourages one man in order to make some other man jealous. Colds Quickly Relieved. Manv people cough and cough from tlie beginning of Fall right through to spring. Others havecold aftercold. Take Dr. King's New Discovery and you will get almost immediate relief. It checks your cold, slops the racking, rasping, tissue-tearing cough, heals the inllam- niation, soothes the raw tubes. Easy to take. Antiseptic and Healing. Get a ride, bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and keep it in the house. -It is cer tainly a great medicine and I keep a bottle of it contiuuallv on hand" writes V. t'. .lesseniau. I'raneoiiia. VII. Mon ey back if not satisticd hut it nearly al ways helps. Youth is poine to tackle the things tomorrow that age finished today. CASTORiA For Infants and Children In Us For Over 30 Years Always bear 70 .a. . n-i-r itnV V I O Njto:?" fall and I t.U. on.,, mntaiirn kDH IIIBhrniu. ....... .. .lud . " " u uii.l Mini) en. fausmcuuu u.. .... inspect tine line i pirrr - n , Vll8 TANNER'S HOOF Pfflt SOLD BY WELDON, N C, Signature WILLING TO TRY IT. "I am the agent for a new cham pagne. I think you'd like my wine." "Maybe I would. You can gimme a demonstration, anyhow." Kansas City Journal. England, Germany and France Agree on one thing, if on no other. They all prohibit the sale of alum baking powders. There must be a good reason for this. It is because alum was found to be un healthful. Royal Baking Powder is made of cream of tartar, derived fronu grapes, a natural food product, and contains no alum nor other questionable ingredients. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York Science is Professing These Days ! to Do Much. THE UNFULFILLED, Still let me sing to you, tenderly bring to you, Daily, let the heart of my life, like a rose; Follow your feet where afar in the street, Swift to allure, the light step of you goes, No human touch of you, only so much of you As a winged glance, with its poignant delight. On like a dream I shall follow its gleam Till it dissolves again into night. There speak the stars of you ; Venus and Mars of you Tell me utterly exquisite things That my hands close, seeking yours, on a rose, Mad for one touch of you, swifter than wings. Ah ! you far goal of love, are you the soul of love ? Unbodied soul, that can never be flesh ? In my heart's beat, what I heard, for your feet; Star dust of amber, your tresses' bright mesh ? Missing the face of you, shall 1 find trace of you In all that's lovely until my life's close; Follow you still, you may lead as you will, Off ring the heart of my life, like a rose. Yours is the rest of life, yours is the best of life, Yet 1 walk blindly, nor quite understand, Knowing I've missed lips that yearned to be kissed," Reaching in vain for your shadowy hand ! WHAT'S YOUR HURRY- Slack up, brother, what's your hurry, That so recklessly you scurry With your elbows jabbing sideways and your glance fixed straight i Is a minute's time so precious That you needs must be ungracious And go trampling on your fellows like a hungry quadruped ? Can't you spare a nod of greeting, Pass the time of day on meeting, Swap a joke or laugh a little when a neighbor drifts along? Is the dollar so enticing, Is "success" so all-sufficing, That you can't devote a second to a brother in the throng ? Do you know your destination ? It's a quiet little station Where ambition never troubles and the dollar jingles not, Where there is no bootless striving, Sordid scheming or contriving, And the richest man's possession is a little grassy plot. Why be overkeen for speeding On a trail so surely leading To that lonely little village where we all must come at last? Slack up, brother, what's your hurry, That so recklessly you scurry ? You may head a slow procession ere another year is past. ihead? In that beautiful golden some-1 time that age we read about, we l expect to look down from some bright, shining star where we will i have our abode and see people on i this earth fifteen feet high and wearing lightly at least a hundred and fifty years. Wall-eyed Science is professing these days to do much and she is doing some things. The last proposition is that made by Dr. W. M. Jacobs, of Philadelphia, to j the effect that we are on the litres-1 hold of discoveries that will make it possible to hasten or retard ihe growth of human beings we can keep 'em any size we want for a fixed number ot years, and then by turning on the protein juice make 'em go galloping to any height or weight we think proper. He insists that it has been tried "on the dog;" on ruts and other living victims where ii has been tested. "We have it in our pow er," said Dr. Jacobs, "to say whether an animal shall do its growing in youth or old age, or whether it shall have several pe riods of growth. This being true, it is not too much to expect that the ultimate outcome of such work will be the scientific control of the forces of organic growth even in human beings. Just what good this will do we are not informed by the enthusias tic doctor, but if a man is poor and has a big family he can hold it down to where children's clothes will take care of it for many years. Then the smaller one's body per haps the less food it will take. Truly Wall Eyed Science never sleeps. Wakeful ever watchful always she has more freaks and fools telling us just about what is going to happen ihtu you can enumerate. However, between the sirai:;ht line of equilibrium and ihe bug house is a million grinning men, and each of them has smneihing to olfer for the world's betterment. When they finally get on to per petual motion and go about shout ing "F.ureka" we confine them some in padded cells, hut we leave outside a choice variety of interest ing and nutiy subjects livery -thing Dangers of Draft. Drafts feel best when we are hut and perspiring, just when they are most dangerous and the result is Neuralgia, Stilt' Neck, Sore Muscles or sometimes an attack of KhcuinatiMii. In such cases apply Sloan's Liniment. It stimulates circulation to the smc and painful part. The blood Hows freely and in a short time the stillness and pain leaves. Those suffering from Neu ralgia or Neuralgic Headache will li nil one or two applications of Sloan 's Lini ment will give grateful relief. The ago nizing pain gives nay to a tingling sen sation of comfort andwarmthand o.uict rest and sleep is possible, (iood for Neuritis too. Price L''c. at your druggist. AUNT JEMMY'S MAXIMS By Cally Ryland. 1 RECIPE IX)R CRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oa. Bar n.ln. - .m-n hn of Bar bo ComDouml, and oi, of glycerin. Apply to the hair twlc a week until It becomes tne oesneu hade. Any drugiilst oan put this up or you can mix It at home at very little cost. Full direction' for maklnir and use come In each box of Barbo Compound. H will gradually darken utreaked, faded (tray hair, and remove dandruff. It la cxuel , . ntiin hair And will make harsh hair toft and gloaey. It wlu not color the celp, 1 not aUcky or gusey, sad does not rub off. When a 'oman has goiter choose betwixt tellin' de trufe or bein' pop'lar, she mos' inginrully chooses to be pop'lar. V I Mos' gals feels dat dey oughtn' to maiehy a man widout knowin' al about him, but den if dey knowed all about him dey wouldn't maiehy him. Hits mighty easy to go to law, but you nevuh kin git back de same way. " I nevuh rnuld see whv a 'oman couldn' srve on a jury when all she's goner decide is which side is got de bes lawyer. A man ain't ftihgotien when he's dead ef'n you happens to maiehy his widder. When a man 'lows dat a 'oman 'oni lis'n to reason he means she 'ont lis'n to him. Plentv uv de "good husban's" in dis worP is good bekase dey ain't nevuh had de nerve to be nothin' else. All wimmin wants de las' word; but dars a plenty uv em dat don' b'lieve dar is sich a thing. . Some men dunno right f'om wrong (well dey's been foun' out. V You kin save yoself a lot uv trouble ef'n you'll begin by savin' a little money. De ve'y fust thing de social climbuh looks fuh is a fambly tree. Self-confidence is all right if you are in a position to back it up. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A " it ie Msier for some men to I In states where beauty is taxa smile in a saloon ihan after reach- ble no woman ever tries to dodge ing home. he assessor. Age brings a man knowledge of many things he doesn't want to know. Cnlidron Cry FOR FLEICHER'S C ASTORI A About every ten years an old joke is given a new lease of life. A Specific Against Colds The nearest thing to a specific against colds is a sleeping porch or open bed room and a cold sponge bath every morning when you llrst get up. Even then you will occasionally take a cold, especially wheu colds arc epidemic, and when you do you will Hnd Chamber. Iain's Cough Remedy a great help in enabling you to get rid of it. Try it. Obtainable everywhere Diplomacy is often a knife in the hands of the underhanded. For Your Child's Cough If yrur child has a cold, nose runs or coughs much get a small bottle of Dr. Bell's f ineTar Honey, lt't a pleasant fine Tar Honey syrup, just what chil dren like and just the medicine to soothe the cough and check the cold. After ta' inf, children stop fretting, alt i" i good and are soon entirely well. Insist on Dr. Hell's fine-Tar-Honey 25c. at your druggist. . sifnninff on a banana Deel has enabled a lot of men to go their length. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA w men Jrwa Now in Good Health Through Use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Say it is Household Necessity. Doctor Called it a Miracle. , " All women ought to know the wonderful effects of taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound even on those who seem hopelessly ill. Here ar-; three actual cases: Harris! mrf?, IV'.ni. li Yh : I was single I suf fcrotl a ttrcut i!" ' f-.v.ra foiir!o weakness because my work .mu:i..l all day. I took Lyuiu. E. l'iiikliaiii's Vi-gclni.le C ompound for that and was niailu stroitjrcr by its use. After I was married I took the Couipoiind again for a female trouble and after thivo months I passed what the doctor called a giwvth. lie paid it was a miracle that it faint! away as one generally goes under the knife to have them removed. I never want to lie without your Compound in the house." Mrs. Frank Know,, 1042 Fulton St., llarrisburg, Penn. Hardly Able to Move. Albert Lea, Minn. "For about a year I had sharp pains across my back and hips and was hardly able to move around the house. My head would ache and I was dizzy and had no appetite. After taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound and Liver rills, I am feeling stronger than for years. I have a little boy eight mouths old and am doing my work all alone. I would not be without your remedies in the house as there are none like them." Mrs. F. E. Yost, (ill Water St., Albert Lea, Minn. Three Doctors Gave Her Up. Pittsburg, Penn. "Your medicine has bellied me wonderfully. When I was a girl 13 years old I was always sickly and delicate and sufiVtvd from irregularities. Three doctors gave r.r- tin iitid said I would go into consumption. 1 too'-; Lvdia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound rind v,-i:'t the third j Dottle began to teel better. 1 soon iiecame regular and I got strong and shortly after I was married. Now I have two nice stout healthy children and am able to work hard every dav." Mrs. Clementina , DvERRiNO, 34 Gardner St., Troy Hill, Pit tslmrg, Penal All women are invited to write to t he Lydia E. Pinkham Medi cine Co., Lynn, Muss., for special udwee. it will be confidential. iiiiiiiiifiiiiiii i 'Mil Miff?? The Best Plow is ihe Cheapest ' PLOWS Made by LULU PS, of NOKi'Oi-K, Are BEST.!.. Our repuuiioii at Plow Expert the result of mors than 40 yn of wudying the tanner's ne-.ds and buildc - Er,od I'lows to h i them stand, back of every I'low we nuke. Ihaf why our Plow! are Registered in the U. S Patent Office-to protect our reputa tion and to protect YOU ! We hive made it to your interest to buy Billups Plows b ; mtkin? them better. And our registered brand names "Champion". "Climax", Etc., make it easy for you to avoid imitations. Look for these trade mark and our name on every Plow none is genuine without them. Insut upon BILLUPS PLOWS, made in NORFOLK, and get the BUL The Famous "Champion" i one of our leading trandt. Vsrioul itylet "CM tampion", "A Cham, ion", "8 Champion", "11 H y-i : ft ri..n;nn" Ftp i luitabts for vnampiou , . t - practically all uses, iraw" ivr"" ot the cnamoio.i orsuu Write for Free Catalog Xlj: XX i describing our Plowi and Callings. We make m nmnla.a tin. fof II niirnoaM AH Flows fur- SfflJPA CAUTIONt Avoid imiUtion- nUh.4 in either uolished Cast iron look for the name "CHAMP. or wrought neel, wood or steel beams. r " v ION" insist upon th orig. This Catalog is valuable lo every ,lv inaLmade only by us. fatmer write today, it's free. (jJjJ' - . a i ..,n. ni.r. ir Ynnrs CRBnot Susnlr Yon. VTrtts Us. UUI riOWS Anj OMIVJ BJ mcu.u. - . ... C. BILLUPS, SON & CO., MfgVs. itliaMlnMaWWIIM-- tiftliriinriCr'-- A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, Is the only sure way of attaining Independence IIJI BANK & THHST tt. WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. IPI',1 null uu i T 5 Ions or ire... J6.50 per ton Lessthan 5tonlots...7.50 psr ton Sacked f. o. b. Norfolk. J.R. COIIilU CO., NORFOLK, VA.