ft. N.."r.- ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Annum NO. .")() VOL. L WELDON, X. C., THURSDAY, APKIL (i, HlHi. JssEr-ksafe m in ! Ijjlj i lie i: Hnsaul Wl! w (Si Cil (j-ggft Tbe Kind Yon Iliive Always nought, and which has been iu use for over 80 years, Las borne tbo fiijrnatiiro of and Las been itmdo under Ills er ?2rtf ,oln supervision slmo its iulaney. .. .... ri.i,t'i "Jvtuii nun AH Counterfoil, Imitations and" Jiist-iis-;ni(l" are luit KxiiprimeiitM that trifle Willi a-.tl ciidiiiigiT tlio lieallh of Infants and Children Experience against Kxpcrimmit. What Is CASTORIA Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare gnric, Prop. and Soothing Syrups. It Is rVnsimt. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic Kiibstanee. Its atje is its guarantee. It destroys Worms und allays Feverisliuess. It cures Diarrluen and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation und Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and 1 Snivels, g-iviif(jf healthy und natural sleep. The Children's i'anaceu The .Mother's Friend, GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of MATTER OF OPINION. "Mary !" Father's voice rolled down the stairs and into the dim and silent parlor. "Yes, papa, dear." "Ask that young man if has the time." A moment of silence. "Yes. George has his watch with him." "Then ask him what is the time." "He says it is 1 1 :48, papa." "Then ask him if he doesn't think it about bed time," Another moment of silence. "He says, papa," the silvery voice announced impersonally "he says that he rarely goes to bed before I, but it seems to him that it is a matter of personal pref erence merely and that if he were i in your place he would go now if i he felt sleepy." Harper's Maga ! zine. Which Do You Prefer? It is important for reasons of health and practical economy for every housekeeper to ask herself this question : " Do I prefer a pure baking powder like Royal, made of cream of tartar derived from grapes, or am I willing to use a baking powder made of alum or phosphate, both derived from mineral sources ? " The names of the ingredients printed on the label show whether the kind you are now using or any brand, new or old, that may be offered is a genuine cream of tartar powder, or merely a phosphate or alum compound. Royal Baking Powder contains no alum nor phosphate. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York au-Mr. The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THl: CiN'tUN COMMIT, TT MUHIMV TNIKT, NEW fOAft CIT. THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX. N. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of VC'eldon Depository. Coital and Surplus, $55,000, For over -1 years tlii" institution provided liiinkiiiir facilities for this section, ltd' stockholders and otliri rs me identilied with the busi ness interests of Uuhfax und Noriliinlm counties. A BavinK Department is maintained I'ur the heneiit of all who desire to deposit in tt Savinifs Hunk. In this liepaitment interest is allowed as follows: , For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer. per cent. Six months or longer, ' per cent I nelve months 01 longer, 4 percent. Vnv information will he furnished mi application to the President ort'ushier BOLDNESS ADMIRED. "I forgot myself and spoke grilv to my wife," remarked Meekton. "Did she resent it?" "Tor a moment. Bui Henrietta is a fair-minded woman. After she had thought it over she shook hands with me and congratulated me on my bravery." -Washington Star. AMBIQUOUS. iiiniiiji iiirj)iitiiiiittircjiiiiiiiiijiC3iititiiiiiiCMitiieutic jiiiitintii c :iiiiiiiidMiic ni(,ii,iid(.H tnrjintJ icitititiitiiiirj ,niidc THE FARM SPEAKS TO ITS SONS. I I The Old Farm And The New One Need You. I May It Please The Master To Have You Stay. t- llllllllllll(lllllllltll JIIIIIIIHIHtllllllllllltIL Jill IIIIIIIIIC-llllllllllMIC JIIIHHIIIIIL 1IIMII tt J Illll ( Jll Hill 1 3IMIIIIiailCll Ill C Staylate "Yes, I've been very ill. Everyone thought I was go ing to die, but 1 didn't, you see." Miss Weeretgh Uh! that s too bad. I'm awfully sorry." ONE UOOD FEATURE. w PR8S1DKNT : W. K. DANIEL, vick-I'IIKSiiikst: W. 11 SMITH. L. ('. Mi A I'KU, Teller. CASHIKR: .1. 0. UKAKE, MRECTOUS-W. It. Smith, VV. K. T. Daniel, J.L. Shepherd, W K. Hani !. .1. 0. Drake, V, M. Cohen, A. Pierce, 1). II. ZolheoU'er, .1 . V. Sledge "Do you think the income tax is a good thing ?" "As an economic measure, 1 am not prepared to say. But I do know it stopped a lot of bragging.' Exchange. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTO R I A POLITICAL PREPAREDNESS. mi m&cm No Other Refrigerator Has All These Star Features Built on the KIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls that are 8-ply and a thorough insulation against heat und cold with a drain that has never been known to clog with light, easily cleantd clrc:riiNilly wel ded wire slicl.es und the most perfect watti pooler ever built into a refriireraior-irulv vou get a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in .he AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR, l ei us pom. to .1 r-...o orl tho mher onnrl nnints of the AU I DMA I Iv, you incse swi ichiuim.iiuu ..... .....v., , No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle witrv out infringing Newell patents. Vim Furniture Company, 'Well, have you been fixing your fences?" "Been digging trenches, de clared Congressman Flubdub. "I am in for a real fight." Kansas City Journal. CARELESS OF HER. "Oh, say, who was here to see you last night ?" "Only Myrtle, father. "Well, tell Myrtle that she left her pipe on the piano." Chicago Post. HOW; INDEED. 'How can you expect to marry my daughter when you have no money ?" "How could you expect me to marry her if I did have? Exchange. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A THEN WHY. "Will you marry me, Ethel? My family is all one could wish for " "Then why do you want me? The Jester. When a man pays compliments he is never forced to cut his words. WELDON, N. C. O' I. Z AB A. MERCHANT TAILOR, o m.,.1 to Zollii'oller s, WKI.IMIS 1 take your .'' ' ""s ishietioi. guaranteed s. r. hciich. o o. ALL WRONG. The Mistake In Made by Weldon Citizen!). Many TAPER'S ROOF Fill t SOLD BY PlAflAA WUn 111' i n ,n- iiiiMiwi a. m v v W - - - ii Hardware Gorapany, WELDON, N C Look for the cause of backache. To be cured you must know the cause. If it's weak kidneys you must s.-t the kidneys working right. A Weldon resident tells you how. Mrs. Mary J. Allen, Fifth Street Weldon, says. "I had pains in my back and I could hardly get up nut of a chair at times. In the morning, 1 was sore and lame. had headaches and dizzy spells and the kidney secretions were too frequent in passage. Two boxe of Doan s Kidney nils cured me of all symptoms of kidney trouble and I haven't had a return of the complaint since." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Allen had. FOSTER-M1LBURN CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. HAT is this I hear? You would depart from my hospitable acres ana nutter away to realms unknown ! Boy ! my nrown cheeked son ! stay yet another twilight lest the Whole Truth be kept forever from you. Turn, with your strong hand on the latch of the little gate, and look back inio God's love, peering reverently at you through your mother's soft eyes. Doest the great feverish town promise more for you, boy, than the liny home nestled there in the shadows ? Are there riches more to be treasured than the yield of upturned clods? Is there a Love greater, sweeter, purer than the wistful mother-love? Will the world's arms open to you with as much infinite, unselfish affection as her arms? They were tender in their first guardianship a gray, ghostly span of years ago. Nor are they less tender now, as they press about the rugged man form of you at each day's fruitful close I want you here, boy; need you; depend upon you; will miss your sunshiny optimism and glow songs; and I shall find no substitute for your firm, sure strength, as the grain ripens and the sentinel silos open their hungry mouths for feed. My orchards would be lonely indeed if you were not here to ride the white mare under the low lying branches; my meadow streams would cease to sing if your steps no longer crunched the wet grasses and clover at their banks. My yellow and gold acres would stand grimly waiting for the stronger scythe, and somewhere up yonder slope, buried deep in marigolds and tea-roses and phlox and sweet alyssum and mignonette, a little home would be hushed, as though death had stopped, in passing, and called to one of the mother's precious brood. Think deep, as you stand on the threshold of your high resolve. New worlds to conquer, mayhap, but the old is yours already. A king here, God's very blue heaven bows respectful homage to you, as with bared head you face the dawn with the larks. Man never yet builded of stone and egotism a more beautiful highway than the lane which runs quietly betwixt your mother s jonquils and the pasture. No Great White Incandescent Way can match the bright splendor of these crisp September nights when the moon rises over the black sil houette of the hills and a million stars hang balanced in holy space Boy! Boy! have you placed these things in the balance? You stand noV at the parting of the ways. Back of you the rugged homely, honest virtues upon which the best things in life foundaiioned a real Home, real Love, real people if you please, real roses and trees and perfumed air to breathe. Not one fictitious element here in the heart of this grain-yellowed acreage. Nature does not lie. Here all is solid, dependable, trustworthy, God-fearing. In front of you linked to home by a mere double thread of shiny steel, are the tinseled wonders of the town. The man in you may bear on and upward and out of the muck of it, but, boy listen to us! granting that success does come granting that all fares well with you is there not greater peace here, in God s country, where you are never far from the love of "little mother's''? There's a girl, living in the white farmhouse yonder, who idolizes you, my lad. You saw her at dusk today, as she was bending over her blossoms in the garden. The face beneath the sunbonnet was a pretty, fair, clean face, boy, and the unbound hair, rippling out from beneath it, as fine as gold, spun of sunshine. It will hurt her, boy, if you go away hurt deep and long. We had beautiful dreams for the both of you. There was to be a little new home, built where the river road makes its last turn, and a fine silo the biggest in the county, boy was to raise its concrete finger to the sky. Down in that hollow, boy, the soil is rich and sweet and fertile, and the gently sloping hills to the northward will look mighty fine planted in corn. You may not know it, boy, but the little mother you see yondtr bending over her work-basket had picked all the furniture for the new house settled on it, after shrewdly making the sunbonnet girl express an innocent preference. Land sakes, boy! We've seen those two, with their heads close together and their hearts going pitapat, whisper the hours away among the well-worn pages of a treasured mail-order catalog. We can't let you go. Boy, we just can't do it' 'Maybe it's becHuse your blood is ours ana Decause you ve grown so surely into our affection that to tear out the roots would make even paradise with er. Stay a little longer, boy. VI ho knows? Maybe the thousand voices calling will make you close the gate. In the village, yesterday, we saw, for the first time, the dearth of young faces. All of us were old old, and tired, and perhaps a bit lonely, too. Boy! There were old men driving the teams and old men sitting under the trees at court-house square and old men buying at the stores fine, clever, brown men, as hard as iron and brave, too; but twilight was coming all past the forties and fifties. And the slips of girls, bouquets of them, went winding in and out among us like roses in a dead garden. There were too few young men too lew- fellows of your age, boy, to pick up the plow where we had dropped it and to keep on and on and on, making God glad he created the soil and the seed and the mighty mystery ol the seasons. It isn t bravery or sacrifice or even cowardice that keeps the little sunbonnet girls back home on the farm, lad. It's love Lord bless them love; the sort of love that winds itself about mothers and age and home and flowers and white hair and reverent memories. Boy there at tne garaen gate; a tear on tne Drown check ol you and the shadow of doubt shining in your wide blue eyes the old farm and the new one need you. May it please the Master to have you stay ! Christian Herald. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. A Cherryvale historian has gone back through the files and pro duced this story: A woman wiih a rapid-fire inter rogatory apparatus approached a news butcher on a Frisco train out of Cherryvale during the high water a few days ago and asked excitedly : "Say, when is the train due at the next stop? How is it running? How deep is the water on the track? How do you sell your ba nanas?" The vender of fruit and litera ture, who was something of a po et, answered : "Nine o'clock. On time. Knee deep. Three for a dime. Kan-1 sas City Star. WASHINGTON'S MAXIM'S. Speak not ill of the alst-m. It is unjusi. It is better to he alone than in bad company. A good character is the lirsi e-,-sr-tiii.it in man. Commerce and industry air best mines ol a nation. Associate with men of good qualiiy if you esieem your own reputaiion. To persevere is one's duty, and in be sileni is the best answer to calumny. I never wish to promise more than I have a moral certainty of performing. Labor to keep alive in your breast that little spark of celestial fire called conscience. FOR BRONCHITIS, WHOOPKG COUGH, CROUP, COUGHS AND COLDS Make the Best Remedy at Home 128 Teaspoonsful for 50 cents. If everything was sold in as liberal and fair a manner as the below named drug gists are selling Schiffmann's New Con centrated Expectorant, absolutely no cause (or complaint or dissatisfaction could possibly arise from anyone. These druggists say "Buy a bottle of this rem edy and try it for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Severe Cough, Croup or any Bronchial Aifection, and we will return your money, just the same as we do with S,(-hiffmann's famous Asthtnadur, if it does not give satisfaction, or if not found the best remedy ever used for any of these couiDlaints." Why not take ad vantage of this guarantee and try tins medicine, and get your money back, rath er than buying another purely on the exaggerated claims of its manufacturer or on the strength of testimonials from others and run the chance of getting something worthless and also wasting your money? In buying this remedy, besides secur ing an absolute guarantee of its efficiency from these druggists, you also get about eiidit times as much medicine as you would in buying most any of the old fashioned, ready-made kinds, which aver age from 20 to 32 teaspoonsful, because 5Uc worth makes a whole pint (128 tea spoonsful) when mixed at home with simply one pint of sugar and one-half pint of water. This remedy positively does not contain chloroform, opium, morphine or any other narcotic. It is pleasant to take and children are fond of it. You will be the sole judge, and under this positive iiinr.-inteo absolutely no risk is run in buy ing this remedy. Druggists everywhere are authorized to sell it under the same guarantee as Schiffmann's famous Asth mador of "Money Back" if not perfectly satisfactory. K. J.Schiffmann, Proprietor, Saint Paul, Minn. Guaranteed here by W M.('..h"i'. I r T VT ON Vou are invited to open an account with the BK OF EflWLD, Eft flELD, fl. C. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail 4 1 am TotsaiiimaiieiBiiwsiKsrflgtraM STICKING TO FACTS. " 'Tis easy to see," said the tourist to I'addy, who was driving him round, "that your parents came from Ireland." "No, sir, they did not," replied Paddy. "What! Do you mean to say vnur narents did not come from j , Ireland?" "No, sir, you're mistaken," re plied Paddy, they re there yit. Pittsburg Telegraph. MA'S IOO BUSY. "Fverybody's sick at your house." "Yen. Pa's cot the grippe, bo has Aunt Mary and Sister Jane I'm just getting over it." "And vour mother? Has she the grippe, too?" "Gee, whizz no! Ma ain't got no time to have it. She's got to wait on all the rest of 'em." SEEKING JONAH. Parson Phillips, addressing a village Bible meeting, was inter rupted by a man who asked him ...... i i. .......i it ne Deueveu mat jouun was swal lowed by a whale. "When I go to heaven," said the parson, "I will ask Jonah." "But supposing," the man per sisted, "he is not in heaven?" "In that case," said the reverend pentleman. "vou will have to ask him. The Best Plow is the Cheapest PLOWS Made by BIlLUPS, of UORI OIC, Are BEST! Our reputation as Plow ExperU-the result of more than 40 years of studying the farmer's needs and bu.ldt good Mows to h i them stand, bac k of every Plow we make lhat'e why our Plows are Registered in the U. S. Talent Office-to protect our reputa tion and to protect YOU ! We hve rn,d, t to your interest kea&y for you and our name on every Plownone is f?e thcut heP' 5 BILLUPS PLOWS, made in NORFOLK, and get the BEST. Famous "Champion our leading bram!. Various styles 'Girl t "A Champion", -B l-nampion , i n . w ! Chnmi:ion". Etc. i suitable for ill all uses. Tbe "Cirl"is the most popular e "Champion" brand. j tjy upu j j i J f 'h,mninn". " li'liaX . MCttialte i .n:j;tfi;tat;,n. Lonk for these traae mcirxs lampion , Catalog describing our Plows jjli; ,oi and Castings. We make NKS a complete line, suitable for tij M all purposes. All Plows fur nished in either polished cast iron H" aT" CAUTION: At look for the t T: V ....... . V ..A in1- Toid imitmtiont Mine "CHAMP- insist upon tha orig- made only bf us. or wrought steel, wood or steel beams. This Catalog ia valuabla to overy (armor write- today, it's Ire. Our Plows Are Sold By Leading Dealers. If Yours Cannot Supply jou, vmM n. n t t ire crM P. CC M Ve NORFOLK, VA. DlL.L.UrO, Oll Jt. w.t t -as g a o. ErtbtUhJ isa. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence WELDON BAH TRUST CO.. A curio is any old costs about len limes worth. thing that what it is Most cf us loyally try to forget the meanest things we know of ourselves. If a millionaire tells you that he was far happier when he earned a dollar a dav. remind him of what David said in his haste. MMaMaaaaaaUkftiYjalBIMIBBitttaWBWMHLfl ELDERLY WOMEN SAFEGUARDED Tell Otheri How They Were Carried Safely Through Change of Life. Durand, WU. "1 am the moth.Tof J fourteen children and 1 owe my life to LUm Ii. I il.Kli.ui. 3 Vegetable loin pound. When 1 wan 45 and had the j Change of Life, I b f t i e n d recom- I mended it and it gave me such relief from my bad feel ings thut I took several bottles. I am now well and healthy and recom mend vour Comnound to other ladies." -Mrs. MARY K1DUWAY, uuranu, w.a. A MassachusottsWoiuiiu Writes! j Blackntone, Mass. - ' My troubles were from my age, and I felt awfully sick for three years. 1 had hot flashes often and frequently suffered from pains. I took Lydia E. PinkhanVs Vegetable Compound and now am well." Mrs. Pierre Cournoyek, Box SI'J, BlacksUme, Mass. Such warning symptoms as sense of suffocation.hot flai Ues,headache,bck aches.dread of Impending evil, timidity, sounds in the ears, palpitation of the heart, sparks before the eyes, irregu larities, constipation, variable appetite, weakness and dininess, should be heeded by middle-aged women, Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound has carried many women safely through this crisis. 4 per cent. WELDON, N. C. Interest on Savings Deposits. ,111 liiniimiiliitliltlllHinil OUR LiSfECIALTC ft A Ij of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingre dients. rgj- OUR DRUGS are selected for theii PURITY and have been tested for strength. I'lRST QUALITY. REA. SON ABLE PRICE and CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your I prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG tiOMPANY. RECIPE FOR CRAY HAIR. To half pint of water add 1 oi. Bay I Hum, a small box of Barbo Compound, and M oz- or glycerine. Apply to tne nnir twice a week until It becomes the desired shade. Any drumrtflt can put this up or you can mix It at home at very little cost. Full directions for mnldnar and use coma In each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded xray hair, and removes dandruff. It Is excel lent for falling hair and wilt make harsh hair soft and glossy. It will not color the scalp, Is not sUcky or greasy, and does not rub off. CASTORIA For Infanta and Children In Use For Over 30 Yers Always bear the Signature of OLEY KIDNEY PILL;, m ai',Mi Ktirtm aim lutati

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