.arts' 'J Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum NO. ri ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDON, X. C, THURSDAY, WWW. I.t, 10H' VOL. L. sjojctcmoomaoaja stssa mm sssit HGsasgmciejcifisoo I Steadfast Shoes! - tjf WW 1 bit-Ml?. W SPTMTtfri T.TMT? gjn liu aj.. -a. V .a. A. 1 VJI UXilU OF LOW SHOES NOW ON DISPLAY AT ROANOKE NEWS Office. jK30KqOgBOngB08B8gg fttBOH BDSQX BOOK SCJOiUSCJEStMOUWJtQJQKJtaKM New Cordovan W.W. SLEDGE. Cordovan Or Horsehlde Ix,e 10M ill ij. M. Bragg Automobiles lr ve -Vedve Motor" THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON. NT- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of WelJon Depository. Capital aurt Surplas, $55,000. For over 21 vears this institution lias provided hanking facilities for this section Its'stoekholders and others are identihed with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties TSav n Department ih maintained for the heuelit of all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Department interest in allowed as Deposits allowed toienm.n th.ee months or longer S per cent. Hi "'."'f , ., T....1 .. i,.,,iiths oi oiiwr. 4 Dercent. Aa? iXmitiTn furnished on application to the President orCashier PBESIUKNT W. E. DANIEL, V li -l'KKllKNT: W. K. SMITH. I.. C. DKA I'KK. I ell l AHII1EK ,1. O. UKAKE, i.inv-fTitlV K Smith. W. E. luiiii.-l. .1. O. Drake. W. M. Cohen. R T DanietT. L W A. fierce. I. ... oll.com,. .1 . . Pledge. SPKINli H ATS If That appeal to the good dressers. As for style we are showing the most advanced ideas, appealing to the ultra fashionable as well as the conservative man. FARBEB & J0SEPHS0N. MEN'SANDBOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C. Prince Albert will show you the real road to smoke-joy! Copyright till by F.J. Keynoidu Tobacco Co, PRINCE ALBERT was made to create tobacco content where it never existed before ! It per mits men to smoke all they want without getting a sore tongue, without any comeback but real tobacco enjoyment I The patented process by which Prince Albert is made (and controlled exclusively by us) fixes that and cuts out bite and parch I Fringe Albert the national joy smoke comes right to your taste fair and square 1 And it will do for you what it has done tor thousands of men make pipe or cigarette smoking thy cheerful est of your pleasures I What we tell you about Prince Albert is a fact that will prove out to your satisfaction just as quickly as you lay in a stock and fire-up ! ft. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO. , Wautn-Solna, N. C. II r ' Vh if : It i 1 'X my TEN COMMANDMENTS For the Hosewife A Specimen of The Wit of "Carmen Sylva," Dowager Queen of Roumania. CROUP, COOGHS AI1D COLDS Make the Best Remedy at Home-128 Teaspoonsful for 50 cents. Print Albert It to bo had mvmrywhmrm tobacco h told in toppy rod bag, Sc t tidy rod tint, 10c; handtomo pound mnd half-pound tin humidoro and in that clotty pound trytatgla humidor with tpongo-moittonir top that hompt thm tobacco in $uch Una thapo ulufuyt t t .WKGBur.ci -nAHt, 1 ! On tli rrvtriv tiJe ul iLw tiJy red tin jn will t. J: "t'n'MU fttcnled July Ml b, 1907." . .'I u niirireiBiiifRor THE ROYAL BENGAL TIGER. "Done Bite Me Twite On fe Lalg " I THE LITTLE FARM. A prominent circus man conies ud front Florida with a tale of what happened when the circus train went into a ditch, and the Old Man offered the surrounding darkies a dollar each for bringing the ani mal hsrk The Drice was not good enough for one huge man who wanted it doubled For a giraffe he had hived back a ways. The Old Man hadn't missed any gi raffe, but he was willing to find out about ii. He asked the darkey ;f he Mas sure he knew what he was talking aboui. He was. "Yassah, Ah is, an it's a mighty savage giraffe, too. Done bite me twice on de laig. Ah ain t gona krinn him 111 for no dollah. I wants two." The Old Man gave him a dollar down, promising him another on dflivprv nf the eoods. He look it ami went awav. Next morning he came in look ing as though some one had been HpnniiiP Ksh on him lacerated, hlnndv and lame. In one hand he rnrricd d club aboul the Size Ot his arm. in the oilier, and trailing nvpr his shoulder, was one end of a rope. Ai the oiher end of the rope, hatred half hairless, limp and utterly dejected, dragged a ten-foot man-eating Royal Bengal tiger Chamberlain's Cough Remedy I'rmn a small lieirinniiiir the sale und use of tliia remedy liax extemleil to till imrt.nfthe fulled State and to many turcica countries. When vim have need ,.f ni.i a medieiue ifive CUmberluin'H i'.,.rli Itemeilv a trial and you will mi dersland why it lias heeuuie so popular for coughs, colds and croup. Ohtainahle everywhere. TOO LATl:. "X'hat's the mailer, Bobbie?' pump auntie. I don't like my There's a little farm that nestles in the shadow of a hill; It's a lonely spot in winter when the earth is while and still; When the tempest makes your heart ache wiih its bitter, wailing sigh, And the roads are all unbroken, and a storm is in the sky. There's a rocky bit of pasture where the huckleberries grow; It's miift nlnre in winier 'neath the ghostly sneet ot snow, And the vines that twine iheir tendrils all about the stony wall Are the wraiths of creeping woodbine lhat was scarlet in me tan. There's a time I can remember at the twilight of the day. When the shadows growing purple, look like forms mat Kiieei io puy, When a little mother standing in the window siriKesa iigm, And the lamp-shine glimmers golden all across the winter night. There's a little farm thai nestles in the shadow of a hill, And a group of memories haunt me-1 am sure they always will pr, hn,.nrllp Inve. far reach ne. streicnes towara me wnc.c i i, And my heart is lonely, sometimes; for that linle farm is home ! 1 . Thou shall not cause the first quarrel, but, if unavoidable, fight it through bravely. To he victor in the first domestic quarrel may have a tendency to elevaie thee in thin husband's mind for all future. 2. Thou shall not forget thai thou hast married a man, not a god. Therefore, be not surprised by his frailties. 3. Thou shah not always talk money to ihine husband. Rather try to get along on the allowance he makeih thee. 4. If thou considerest thine hus band heartless, remember that, verily, he haih a stomach. By persistently appealing to In-, stom ach with well-cooked meals, ihou mayest, after all, touch his heart. 5. Once in a great while, but not too often, thou shall let him have the last word. It tickled him, and wilt not do thee any harm. 6. Thou shalt read the whole newsDaoers and magazines, not merely the stories dealing with scandal and society. Thine hus band will be pleasantly surprised io find, off and on, thai he can talk on general topics, and even on politics, with his wife. 7. Thou shall not be rude when auarreline with thy husband. For get not that at one time in thy life thou didst consider him little short of a demigod. 8. Thou shalt, from time to time, allow thine husband to know a little more than thyself, admit ting lhat thou art not infallible all through. 9. If thine husband is a smart man, thou shalt be his friend; if he is not, thou shalt be boih counsel lor and friend to him. 10. Thou shall esteem thy hus band's relatives, especially his moiher. Remember that she loved him long before thou didsi. If everything was sold in as liberal and fair a manner as the below named drug gists are selling Schiffmann's New Con centrated Expectorant, absolutely no cause for complaint or dissatislaction could possibly arise from anyone. These druggists say "Buy a bottle of this rem edy and try it for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Severe Cough, Croup or any Bronchial Affection, and we will return your money, just the same as we do with .-Mffmann'a famriMA Aslhmador. If it does not give satisfaction, or if not found the best remedy ever used for any of I ...an cimnhmts" W IV not lane au- vantage of this guarantee and try this medicine, and get your money back, rath er than buying another purely on the exaggerated claims of ito manufacturer or on the strength of testimonials from others and run the chance of getting something worthless and also wast-ng your money? In Knuinrt thia Turned v heides secur ing an absolute guarantee of its efficiency troin these druggists, you aiso get auuui. eight times as much medicine as you . .1 .L. .IJ would in buying most any 01 me oiu fashioned, ready-made kinds, which aver age from 20 to 32 teaspoonsful, because 5Uc worth makes a whole pint (128 tea spoonsful) when mixed at home with simply one pint of sugar and one-half pint of water. This remedy positively does not contain chloroform, opium, morphine or any other narcotic. It is pleasant to take and children are fond of it. You will be the sole judge, and under tms positive guarantee absolutely no risk is run in buy ing this remedy. Druggists everywhere are authorized to sell it under the same guarantee as Schiffmann's famous Asth mador of "Money Back" if not perfectly satisfactory. K. J. Schiffmann, Proprietor, Saint Paul, Minn. Guaranteed here by w . M. Cohen. Ktxtatwaaaoioio w S INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BMK OF EHFIUD, EftflELD, f. C. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart- 1 rf-V X I ment compounded yuaneriy. ggT YOU can bank by mail m THE KING. CLIMAX Sacco PLOW Made by Billups, of Norfolk, Va. Ciet bictter, quicker Tps. more profit cut out plow-ttouble and plow -expense net the Plow bmit to do it riyht that will give real serine rut dow n work ot nun :md beast Uet a LL1MAA. . , , .i . . .. ii,,un IM1Y" T ibi. nil Uillnmt PlnwH 11. ASK vour ueaiei u. mum ju uil - rked and nrislen-d with f . S. doveruiueul. Look for the naino "LLIMAA iv is your protection ...... ;..ul u.il.aiUiiliiin Ttmist nnnn thn nrio1. Mum than 40 vrain of HuecPssful I'hiw-hi'iildiuir is Ixdiiud the "CLIMAX." We make a compli-ie line of flows and .... r..- ill n.ri. .m .t... I USUUiiS 1U1 l Ui . -M 'mi" wiw n.uu- dard aud may lie had of dealers or direct froui lactoiy 11 vuui atuiei cauuoi supply vou, wnte us. Catalog FREE. Nlshrd Ust Iron ! u ty Hpmlp on the observation platform of a co'lion wagon. His fleecy staple had just brought iwelve cents a pounu. The money was down in his pocket. No man had an account against mm tor a uinie. ih. ,niWc irrmprl nlnno over the smooth pavement and now and Ihen a big red apple jolted out of a heaping bucket and rolled back and forth across the wagon bed. A nent bundle over in the corner coniainea a aress panem-icn a, ur nf hlue checked gingham for the faithful wife. The little bag was full of candy; lor (he baby. He whistled as Peie and Beck turned their heads homeward. i. ....e nae puoniide A few clouds had gathered over in me wesi and the sun was cutting strange capers wiih these billows of the sky. There were islands of gold Hoaiing in a deep Diue sea; mere mountains kissed wiih the colors of (he rainbow. No painter could have made a prettier picture; no dreamer could have visited a scene more splendid in all the mysterious reai ot siumucn.uuu. The occupant ot the wagon enjoyeu it. The fresh evening breezes were as Daim io nis orow. ti,., ,,., nn fnemv in his heari against anyone. There was no political ambition lhat had gone unsatisfied. There was no sorrow of ingratitude to suck anu sunt uuu uu,u.i. He was a plain country man. He loved his wife. i t - imA hie kahv t,m m ihpm a kine wearing a royal crown of kmd- ne was ku"'K " v i r . ness-a king, tender, thoughtful, affectionate, bearine simple gifts 10 his subjects. Absolutely Pure Made from Cream of Tartar NO ALUM-NO PHOSPHATE PRESENCE OF MIND. ft Wro'Jli v l s,wl w Wood VAX MS Q ..r..... ii- .. . i . . f I .... ;M r.H ... 1 I 'ill ... until ii ininir villlin. r ItlM. vi rue nsiav "i om i-inuui-u- nivtnai. i. iw.v. ..-.- -hie information Ibr'every I'ariner its free. Mentioa name of dealer from whom you usually ouy i lows. C. BILLUPS, SON & CO,SS NORFOLK, VA. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining; independence If T 7. A H A . MIEtWK TlllfllX V M I- 0 O Next door to ZollieoiirrH. '""; ' ; , ,. aua M SOLD BY Gompany cake." "WpII ilpnr dnn t eat it. "Rut auntie. I have eaten it." Boston Transcript. HELPING HER ALONO. Cncnnii Yniino Wife To be frank with you, if you were to die I shou d certainly marry again Hamsuptl Hustiand I ve no h;,.imn I nm not Piling to WOP r., ohmii ihp irnuhles of a tellow I , J shall never know. -tx. The Aches ot House Cleaning The pin and soreness caused by liruiaes. over-esertiou and straininit rinir ImiiHe eleaniiiir time are soothed away by Sloan's I.inimeut. No ueed to sulfer this airony. .lust apply ioan s i ;...,..ni in Hie mire suots. rut) only a little. In short lime the pain leaves, you rest comfortably and enjoy a re- rr.l,,iio-leei). uueitraieiui userwiuen '.Sloan's Liniment is woiin iisweiitnt id gold " Keep a liottle on hand, use it against all soreness, Neuralia and bruises. Kills pain. Mc. at your (food For Coids. llonev. fine-Tar and tllyeerine are recoirniied cold remedies. In Or. Hell's I'ine Tar lloney these are comunieu ..luaMant With other coutfo aiKiitmc syrup. !r. Hell's fine-Tar-lloney quick ly stops vout coukIi, checks your cold, soothes irritation of the throat. Kxcel- lent for young, adult and aired. Ilsonc of the best cough syrups made. Form ula on everv bottle. You know just what you are trading and your doctor knows its good Tor couglis anu Insist on Dr. Bell's fine Tar-Honey. Only 25c. at Druggists. Thp hpi actress sets the most flowers,-if she buys them. Should Not Feel Discouraned So many peopie troubled with indi- o., ennstination Have ueen i..noiw.l hv ukinar Chamberlain's Tab lets that no one should feel diecouragea hn has not eiven them a trial. They contain no pepsin or other indigestive r..rmnti but strengthen the stomach .n.l .mil it to perforin its functions naturally. Told That Th?r Was No Cure For Him. "After siill'eriuir for over twenty years with indiircstion and having some of the best doctors heie tell me there was no cure for me, 1 think it only right to tell for the sake of other sufferers as your own satisfaction that a'J."c. bottle nf Chamberlain's Tablets not only re lieved me hut cured me within two tl, ullhiimrh I am a mart of tVi years," writes Jul. Urobnen, Houston, Texas. Obtainable everywhere. Manv a man who thinks he's the whole show is only the clown. Pills Best for Liver Because they contain the best liver medicines, no matter how bitter or nau seating for the sweet sugai coating hides the tasto. Dr. King's New Life fills contain ingredients that put the liver working, move the bowels freely. No gripe, no nausea, aid digestion. Just try a bottle of Dr. King's New Life nils and notice bow much better you feel 25c. at druggists. The newpaper humorist went courting. He stayed late, very late, so late that the old man called down to his daughter, "Phyllis, hasn't the morning paper come yet?" "No, sir," answered the funny man, "we're holding the form on an imponani decision." And the old man went back to bed wondering if ihey would keep house or live wiih him. Boston Transcript. Splendid For Rheumatism "I think Chamberlain's Liniment is just splendid for rheumatism," writes Mrs. Iiuiihiirgh, Kldndge, X. . "It has been used by myself und other members of my family lime ami time again during the past six years and has alaavscivcn the best nHteinn " The quick relief from paiu which Chamber- lam's Liniment affords is alone worth many times the cost. Obtainable everywhere j Beware of the woman who does noi like candy, flowers or babies. Watch Child's Cough Colds, runuing of nose, continued ir ritation of the mucous membrane if ne glected may mean Catarrh later. Don't take the chauces later do something foryourchildlClnldrenwill nottakeevery medicine, but t lev will take Ilr. King a New Discovery and without bribing or teasing. Its a sweet pleasautlar Syrup and so effective. Just laxative enough to eliminate thewastepoisons. Almost the first dose helps. Always prepared no mixing or fussing, .lust ask your druggist lor Dr. King's New Discovery. It will sale-guard your child against se rious ailments resulting from colds. nun UK & TUT 9, ;WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingre dients. OUR DRUGS are selected for theii PURITY and have been tested for strength- FIRST QUALITY, RE A. SONABLE PRICE and V OUR 55ECIALTO 3 CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. . Some men no sooner get a job than they began to kick for a day off. RECIPt rOR GRAY HAIR. To half , pint of water add 1 ot. Bay Rum, a smalt box of Barbo Compound, and tl os. of (lycerln. Apply to the hair twice a week until It becomes the desired shade. Any drutglst oan put this up or you can mix It at home at very little cost. Full directions for making; and use come In each box of Barbo Compound. It will gradually darken streaked, faded gray hair, and removes dandruff. It Is excel lent for falling hair and will make harsh hair soft and (lossy. It will not color the scalp. Is not sUoky or greasy, and does not nib oS. C ASTORIA For Infanta and Childrea In Us For Over 30 Years AJwsys bear! the Signature i . -ji.uk h awtt -Lnej Acms) -fiowcla lr. si WELDON, N C, Obtainable everywhere. druggist.