wmms'zz;. s N.tf(iisMife ViV Jil? Imp1 I viil, U VV i'rf AAV Ml ESTABLISHED IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriptionSi .50 Per Annin VOL. LI. WELDON, X. C, TIIUKSDAV, APRIL J7, IJMC. NO. 1 r L Ket Contents 15 Tlnid Practo Ij 1 lEraWiSl I For Infants an,) C:i,iH?,i;.,. !lM AI.CDIIiM.-lT.Utl.sl. A 't .t I . ibk-1 Ve pa r .1 bonB r As tin- v.iiul .'mil IteiiU thijill'ic Slniii.whsaml lltwkrfj OARDENINU. ... l'rouwlcs Uiiiom ucm"1; nc.ssaiidlfrit.CuulatewilW; Opium .Morphhie tior JUiieai. i Not Nakcvtu1' i i PmapkM SwL' Runt Smt - Horns Fcwrishnftsfl rauuTsigw j outfit ; Mothers Know Genuine Always Bears the Signature , Ti" I ' s V .1 , . 4 IT Exact Copy of Wrapper. For fiver Thirty Years CUSTOM TMf OIMTAUH COMPANY. HCW YORK CITY I do not like to dig and till ihe garden it's too hard a chore; I'd rather take a dollar bill and "buy my onions at the store. When first the vernal breezes bio, men feel desire to hew the soil, and with their spades and rakes they (jo, and sing and chortle as they toil. But vernal breezes soon ex pire; the siz.ling wind of summer blows, and sets the toilers beard afire, and fans his neck and bakes his nose. And as he sweais 'neath burning skies, and gives the noxi ous weeds a whack, a million ants and bugs and Hies crawl up his legs and bite his back. And then he hates his sawed-off farm, he growls enough for seven gents; his cauliflowers lose all their charm his string beans look like 20 cents. Oh, I have gardened in the past, and know the fervor horn of spring glows bright a while, but does not last; it is an evanescent thing. 1 do not like the rake and hoe, I will not ply them any more; when 1 want turnips 1 will go and buy the blamed things at the store. Uncle Walt Mason. BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure No Alum No Phosphate WHAT IS SPRINO H:T.K ? 3E THE BANK OF WELDuN W KLDON, X. C Oriranized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax Courtly Depository. Town of Wehloii Depository. Capilal ami Surylus. $55,000. For u vim- -I yi-ui h thi institution ha n i i If 1 hankim; facilities I'm this section. Its'stocUiolileis and ulliet i lur i li-n 1 1 tie.) ilh 1 1 if liusi ni'ss interests of llalifas ami Viilhainptnii enmities. ' A Sttvllllis Department I: iiiailllailled tin I tie Itilielil ol nil ho ite.ilic to deposit in a Saving's Haul In tins I'epaitmeiit uileiesl is allowed .-. follows- For Deposit- allowed to remain line, months 01 lomci. :. pel eent. ;.i months or longer, o per Cent I uclvc months or longer. I per eent. nv information will he fiirnisheil on appheation to the I'i esnlent orl'ashiei HRKSIIIKN I : W. K. DAS IF. I., lilKF.CTOUS V. It T. Daniel. .1. I. II K I-IIKSIOKSI U It. SMI I'll. I.. I' IHiM'Kli. Tell I'ASIIiKK: n. 1 1 k K, It. Smith, she phel.l i: Daniel, .1. I A I ee. I). Drake. U I. ollicoller M. Cohen. .1 . W. Me.life 10 N K W 8PRIMJ HATS SOME DF.PINITIONS. College Feeshman 'Rah ma- j tei'ial. liupremism Calling a bum tune a vacant melody. Marriage A necessary prelimi nary to securing alimony. Fragile The way we describe a skinny girl we like. Hermit A sort of non-resideni the human family. Doughnut A hole surrounded by a compound mixture of dyspep sia. Bachelor A man who causes happiness to some woman by not marrying her. Pessimist A grouch who be lieves there are bacteria even in the milk of human kindness. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTQ R I A SURE SIGNS A certain young man's friends thought he was dead, but he was only in a state of coma. VC'hen, in ample time to avoid being buried, he showed signs of life, he was asked how it seemed to be dead "Dead!" he exclaimed "I wasn't dead. And 1 knew all the lime what was going on. And 1 knew I wasn't dead, too, because my feet were cold and I was hungry. "But how did that fact make you think you were alive?" asked one of the curious. "Well, this way. 1 knew that if 1 were in Heaven 1 wouldn't be hungry. And if I were in the oilier place my feet wouldn't be cold. United Presbyterian. Patent leather shoes never re main as black as they are polished. A narrow mind overlooks a charitable act and looks tor the motive. NEW EVERY MORNING. livery day is a fresh beginning, livery morn is the world made new; You are weary of sorrow and singing, Here is a beautiful hope for you A hope for me and a hope for you. At the past things are gone and over, The tasks are done and the tears are shed, Yesterday's errors let yesterday cover; Yesterday's wounds, which s turted and bed, Are healed with the healing which night has shed. Yesterday is a part forever, Bound up in the sheaih which God holds light, With the glad days and sad days and bad days which never Shall visit us more with their bloom or their blight, Their fullness of sunshine or sorrowful night. Let them go since we cannot relieve them, Cannot undo or cannot atone; God in His mercy receive and forgive them, Only the new days are our own Today is ours today alone. Here are the skies all burnished brightly, Here is the spent earth all reborn; Here are the tired limbs springing lighily To greet the sun and share with the morn In its chrism of dew and cool of the dawn Fvery day is a fresh beginning, Listen, my soul, to the glad refrain, And in spite of old sorrow and older sinning. And trouble forecasted or possible pain. Take heart with the new day and begin again. Susan Coolidge. That a peal to the good dressers. As for style we are showing the most advanced ideas, appealing to the ultra fashionable as well as the conservative man. FARBER & JOSEPHSOii MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C. It ly f I.ZABA, 1 mcHUt uilohX ft NextiloortoZoll,eoH'erV.yi'.I.DON,N (' 0 A I take vour measure ami make suit loonier on my heneh. all . in nstctC line of p,eee ....I samples. Sa.istuetion guarantee mm hoof nut HUSBAND OBJECTS TO OftUTION Wife Cured by Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Den Moines, lowu. " Four years bro whs very sick anil my life was nearly spent. 1 he doctors stnleil that 1 would never Ret well with out n n operation ami that without it 1 wou M not live one year. My husband objected to ony operation and got me some of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ble Compound. I took it and commenced to get better and nm now well, am stout and able to do my own housework. 1 can recommend the Vegetable Com pound to any woman who is sick and run down as a wonderful strength and lieal th restorer. My husband says 1 would have been in my grave era this if it had not been for your Vegetabla Compound." Mrs. Blanche Jeffer son, 703 Lyon St, Des Moines, Iowa. Before submitting to a surgical opera tion it is wise to try to build up tho female Bystem and cure its derange ments with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege table ComKund; it has saved muny women from surgicBl operations. Write to the I-yjltu K. IMnkhain Medicine Co.. i"u, Mass., for ailvicc It will Doconliili'utlul. litll SOLD BY rii l IU1 vv Wll'i I. . ..1 ILfwlnrnnn l-Aiiinnn IV III I IMI I'll II Xm UUIIllldll II 111! ,.v. I llllli' y, WELDON, N C, CASTOR I A For Infauts and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of HOPE. "Bui 1 do not need id diet," I you may say; "I've goi spring le-; ver, but we all get that at this time ' o' year." What is spring fever but a cry . ; from the system fur a needed rest : and changer A disinclination to j do very strenuous work or play, a j chronic tired feeling, a slight head- j ! ache, a roughness nf die skin mil j the face, the upper pari of the 1 arms, or the back; these arc I symptoms of the needed rest lor ; tne digestion. If the reM is not ; I given, the foundation is being laid i for future digestive and nerve j troubles ihat may require a doctor ' to cure. The old home-made ton- j ics that our grandparents believed in giving children in the spring j time were composed of herbs and I rni.le irwt r'finr iioiim nf'-inl ici 1 1 o lh I I Wl. UIIVJ V.W'IL.4111111 J!' IIIV, same proper'ies as are found in i fruits and green vegetables thai the 1 1 modern mother gives her family at ' j this season. So eai what you j should and avoid the ionics and j and (lie nerve cures. Winifred i Raymond, in April Southern W'o- J man s. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORI A VERY ARID. He The town you live in is rather arid, socially, isn't it ?" She-Arid? Well, I should say so. Why, the soil there is so arid socially that you can't even raise your eyebrows. Should Not F eel Disvourueeil o inaiiy people tioulileil with indi gestion uno constipation have been hcnclitcil by Uikiuir Chamberlain's Tab lets that no one should feel dieeouia'.'eil who lias not iriven them u trial. They contain no pepsin o. other iinliiretive ferments hut stteUL'-tlien the stouiai'h and euunle it to pel form it' t'tiuelnms nat in ally, obtainable everyuheie FOR BRONCHITIS, VHOOPIHQ COUGH; croup, coughs am mm Make the Best Remedy at Home -128 Teaspoonsf ul for 50 cents. In buying this remedy, besides secur ing an absolute guarantee of itselficwncy from these dnii;i,ists, you also get ab. ut eight times as much medicine as yoa would in buying most any of the old fashioned, ready-made kinds, which aver age from 2') to 32 tcaspoonsful, because. fi'ic worth makfs a whole pint tea spoonsful) when mixed at home with simply one pint of smjiir and one-half pirt of water. This remedy positively does not contain chloroform, opium, morphine j...... ... i,-. i luf ,1 ,,r f mil toonii or an vol ner nan one. 11 is oie.isuiu i i.. tho hest remedy ever used lor any 01 , aim cmi neo aic u ... these complaints." Why not take ad- If everything was sold in as liberal and fair a manner as the below named drug gists are selling Schiflmann'a New Con lentratcd Expectorant, absolutely no i ausi; for complaint or dissaiislaction could possibly arise from anyone. These diugtiists sav-"Buy a bottle of this rem edy and try it for Bronchitis, Whooping Lough, Severe Cough. Croup or any Bronchial Allection, and we will return ,i your money, pjsi me same as we uu uo i Sihiffmami's famous Astbinador, if it vantage of this guarantee and try this medicine, and get your money back, rath er than buying another purely on the exaggerated claims of iui manufacturer nom the strendth of testimonials from others and run the chance of getting : s'ltislactory something worthless and also wast . : your money? I v You will be the sole judge, and under this positive guarantee absolutely no risk is run in buy ing this remedy. Druggists everywhere are authorized to sell it under the same guarantee as Schiffmann's famc.is Astb inador of "Money Hack" if not perfectly K J. Schilfmann, rTopnelor, iut Paul, Minn, l.uaranteea nere oy M . Cohen. wiiiC!a3;a!;ii;f;iS5i! to You are invited to open an account with the BIWK OF tf FIELD, Eft FIELD, fJ. C. SI 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings ment Compounded Quarterly. Depart- YOU can bank by mail Who thinks to -morrow will not bring him more Than the sad days and years he's passed before, Who thinks thai joy is false and love a cheat, That since some things are bitter, none are si ret, Has casi away--or lost- his kindest friend, Hope; which all men should cherish to the end. Cling fast to hope ! What though she show 10 thee Visions of gladness which shall never be, Wouldst thou walk blindly through a darkened vale Because the sun shows heights thou canst not scale? Would (lion tear down the drapery of thy halls Because it hides the rough and iagged walls ? Man of the downcast face, lift up thine eyes, Look on the world which all around thee lies, To left and right full many a path thou 'It see Whose first long stage was grief and misery, And yet which ended in the ways of ease, Leading along cool brooks 'mid flowers and trees. Remember this : That in a life whose sum Includes both joy and sorrow, there must come A time when sorrow, having spent his all Of wrath upon thy head, must then let fall His shattered sword, and give unwilling place To joy, who follows him with shining face. So when, the end approaching, thou lookest back Over the lights and shadows of thy track, And by the clear rays of the setting sun Seest plain what blessings thou hast lost or won, Thou then canst lift thy voice and raise thine eyes, And thank the God above thee in the skies That in the darkness where thou oft didst grope There was not lost thy greatest treasure, hope. By wearing a silk rogue is able to pass man. h.ii many a geiuli The Allies of Mouse Cleaiiinv. Ihe pain and oiene---. eau'-eil by bruises, o ei-eei I ion :tiiil siiainini.' iluiimr house eleuiiiin.' tune aie sooiln il away by Sloan s Liniment No in-eil to Miller tin acouv. .Iul apply shun's l.minienl to the -oie siots. rob only a little, in a -dioit time the pain lean s, you lest eoml'oi lably and onjov a re-fleshlln'-sleep. One tnatel'ul usel wolfs "Sloan's Liniment is uorlh its weiL'bt in trold." Keep a bottle on baud, use il atranrst all soieness, Neuialtria ami bruises. Kills pain. -.'"'C. at your dtuiriTist. I Automobiles 1 1 I Littleton, N. C. j I I 1 r.-A&imA l-'aith will move mountains today if backed up by hard work. SIceve-VtdveMoW Pills Hest for Liver because they contain the best liver medicines, no matter bow bitter or nau sealini; for the sweet smrai coatini; hides the taste. Ih. Kinir New Life I'llls contain inu'icdieuts that put the liver work inc. move the bowels fieely. No (Tripp, no nausea, aid digestion. .lust try a bottle of lr. Kiiw's New Life Tills and notice bow much better you feel. L'.'ic. at druircists. At forty a man knows about half as much as he thought he knew at twenty. ...,0,-.. o CALL TO YOUNG MEN.' I a 6 AT T Pi)l-TSSnr.KOHC.IiB. ,tcci.i:i.i.AN, or tninci-ton university Till; UNIVERSITY OT NORTH CAROLINA. ! TIT HIS is your day and your opportunity, not so much because! you are young and the world is before you, as because you are ! men of educaiiuti, and by the grace of God you are Americans, j It is your duty, the duty you owe your country, as men of education and as Americans to give your lives to the work of guiding the people I in the way of righteousness and truih, so that our civilization may be pre served tor llie greater BOOU aou tne uicuim k'o'J i" uui cuuiiiiy. I do not suggest that it is ihe duty of all of you, by any means, to devote your lives to the holding of public office. It is not necessary to enter public life, for public opinion is not made by politicians, but in ihe shops and the factories, in the offices and stores, in the clubs and ' on the street corners, everywhere ihai men and women gainer togeiner throughout the land, li is the duty of every one of you, according to the opportunity and grace that God gives you, to answer the call from j the people for knowledge, and information, and light, to become a J moulder of public opinion, to become a leader of men, to help the j American people work out the problem they have set themselves to j solve, government by the majority. i Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S C ASTQ R I A Any girl in school knows that a kiss is a conjunction. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence 4 per cent. ;VELDON, N. C. Interest on Savings Deposits. of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingredients. OUR DKUtiS theii hi are flood For Colds. Honey, Tine-Tar and Glycerine are recognized eold remedies. In Hr. Hell's Tine-Tai-Houey these are combined with ulber cough medicine in a pleasant HViup. lr. Hell's Tine Tar lloney quick ly stops your coiikIi. checks your eold, soothes irritation of the throat. Excel lent lor youmi, udult and aged. Its one of the best cough syrups made, form ula on eveiv botth'i You know just what von are trading and your doctor knows its good for coughs and colds. Insist on Dr. Hell's Tine-Tai-lloney. Only L'ic. t Druggists. Courage is a thing that enables us to forget our fears. Watch Child's Cough i Colds, lunniue of nose, continued ir ritation of tlii mucous membrane if ne glected may mean Catarrh later. Don't take the chances later do something for your childlcbildrenw ill not take every medicine, but they will take Dr. King's New Discovery and without bribing or teasing. Its a sweet pleasant TarSyrup and so ell'ective. .lust laxative enough to eliminate the waste poisons. Almost the tlrst dose helps. Always prepared no mixing or fussing. Just ask your druggist for Dr. King's New Discovery. It will sale-guard your child against se rious ailments resulting from colds. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sencis the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly slops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The best rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Cood for the Ailmenti of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Qood for your own Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. ,25c. 50c. $1. At all Dcalera. ( OUR j) j s?ecialtc selected for PURITY and have been tested for strength. FIRST QUALITY, RHA. SONABLK PRICL; and CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY, VMY SpEfo 4 You Ewfl? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now. ''Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ngs Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX gr L. Stedman, President P. C. Gregory, Vice President. s ' . . F. H, Qreitor Cashier, - :, 1 $ i v1 ft ' r