-Ml Spanish ShS jfi I C A.Stmr gk Mr. Hcnthall il known to you al the world'! grestfit expert on J neanut nicking machinery. He invented the Hemiiait I'camita Picker t!ut has saved Southern farmers over rie million d,l- lar. He has now prinked! a planter built espr, ia"v for pea nuts. It plants 'em better than any planter ever planted them i before. I: pays for itself inasinglc season, and 1 can ,r.,T it. 1 iimmwm $1250 Peanut Planter JAMES T. GOOCH. Honored Citiz;!i I'as.t-s Was iV.ayor t'f VVeMim Years. 11 V fxr. ,h fir it al.nti Htbcf SpabUh of VirfinU pfiMtt-iod it f lutt 5pwi.h in .k.,1 m hull the Soiruit.. It flints ttxm nw(t wurilr.? 16"" iw i ... and I'm tnn ill Deanut maen.rwry Tue openn pif a ooJ r ..... . . ar diDiMd into it iHimily tpMfd- 1 If". 'l food cvdMt tump ibt ml oun4 it teed. You cm ncli jfrt , plftllKd )UM IIM T B 4UU iu """" - I wwiuii. Ct Th PUntr Mail fM PtanuU. 1,., t plant ' " ' '' V " . ' U wbaath tVntr.aH. ,.t I ran aulif ywuf-im S1' h JkWt ill WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS The nervous system is the alarm system of the human body. Id prr.ect health w hardly real lit tliat e have network of u erven, but when health ii ebbing, when stteutfth is tledin. ini. the seme tuTvmis system imcs the alarm in hradauhev urcdness, dreamful I sleep, irritability and unless corrected, leads straight to a breakdown. To correct nervtnisnrss, Scott's Kmul ion is exactly what you should take; its rich nutriment Rets into the blood and rich blood feeds the tiny nerve-cells while the whole ay stem respond to its refresh lag tmtic force. It is free front ak'olnl. bcott & Bowne, filoumiield, N.J. THE ROANOKE NEWS, Thursday, April 27, 1916. Published Every Thursday. STBRBD AT POtrTOrriCI AT WILDON SECOND-CLASS MATTER. RATES OF SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE: One Year, (by mail) postpaid, tl.50. Six Mouths, " " ."5. A weekly Democratic journal devoted to the material, educational, political and agricultural interests of Halifax and lurrounding counties. Advertising rates reasonable and fur aished on application. FIFTY YEARS OLD. This is our golden jubilee, ihe ROANOKE Ne'S having passed its fiftieth mile post and today we enter upon a new volume, 51 . Fitly years is quite an age for a county paper to run under one name and for more than thirty years it has been under its present manage ment without change. After passing the half century mark it is needless to make prom ises. Our aim has always been and will ever be to make the ROA NOKE News a newspaper for the people, a clean, wholesome sheei for every member of the family in the homes we visit. EASTER SUNDAY. Celebrated In All the Weldon Churches flood Music Qood Sermons and Large Congrega- tlons. I he resurrection ot Lhnst was the theme in all the VX'eldon pul pits Sunday a subject about which all of our hopes in a life beyond the tomb cluster, for if Christ be not risen from the dead then our faith and hope in vain. The day was beautiful and bright with just enough crispness in the air to give the people a buoyant step, and large congregations at tended all the services. At the M. E. church the musical program was unusually bright and inspiring and the pastor, Rev. M. Shamburger, preached strong and forceful sermons, emphasizing the one great fact of the resurrec tion of Christ. At the Baptist church the con greganon had its annual rally, i being the close of the seventh year's work of the present pastor, Rev. J. G. Blalock. The service was unusually interesting, and the choir rendered several beautiful selections of Easier music. Mr. Blalock preached on the one and only theme for the day, the resur rection of Christ from the grave, and emphasized the fact that about this historical event clustered the Christian's hope. Large congre gallons attended both the morning and evening service. At the Presbyterian church Sun day afternoon, Rev. H. F. Morion preached a strong and interesting sermon, his (heme being "thi gospel of light and love," and he made some beautiful illustrations showing thai Christ is indeed alive forever more. Rev. Henry Clark Smith, of Roanoke Rapids, preached at Grace church Sunday night, and as usual his sermon was well pre pared and his theme like all others lor the day, was ihe story of ihe resurrection of Christ. The choir rendered beautiful and appropriate net and a large congrega tn. ii jh pn.ss.iit. Mr. Smith is i it'll i txallcni young man, deep y t h ui.iiO to the work of preach ing the gospel, and is a son of Rev, Walter Smith, of Charlotte, a na live of Scotland Neck, lMlUSONAI,. j L. Kuincr spem L.imit Imii d.iys in Petersburg. Miss Myrtle Warren spein ihe holidays in Greenville. Miss Buelah Whitehead spent Easter Sunday at Enfield, Col. A. J. Burton has reiutrtd to his home at Reidsville. Miss Maude Vaughan spent ihe Easter holidays at Halifax. Mrs. Frank A. Cole, of Rocky Mount, spent Saturday here. Mrs H. A. Hardison speni fas ter with her mother at Wilsmi. W. F. While and daughter. Miss Mamie, of Enfield, were here Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Suiter have returned home from their bridal trip north. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hornaday, Jr., and little Miss Hornaday, were here Monday. Prof, and Mrs, W. C. Allen spent the Easier holidays with rel atives at Thelma. Misses Narcissa Daniel and Ida Sledge spent Monday in Scotland Neck visiting friends. Mrs. F. J. Bounds and .Mrs H. B. Harrell spent Thursday and Friday at Rocky Mount. Mrs. J. G. Pugh, of Newport News, is visuing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Tilghman. Z. Stringer was called to Rich mond Saturday on account of the death of his brother's wife. Bascom Harrell who is at t tic Wake Forest law school, spent Easter here with his parents. A. C. Zollicotter, of Henderson, was here Saiurday to anenJ ilie funeral of Hon. J. T. Gooch. A large number of relatives and friends were here from all sections toanend Mr. Gooch 's funeral Miss Francis Johnston, who is at Littleton College, spent the Easier holidays here with her parents. Miss Evelyn White, of Hertford, who has been visiting Miss l.onJa Shamburger, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Boseman returned home Saturday trom their bridal trip to northern cities. Mrs. Kate Benedict and Mrs. C. S. Hawkins, of Swansea, Mass., are here with Mrs. J. T. Gooch. Mrs. Wolfkiel, of Atlanta, Ga., has returned home after a pleasant visit here to Miss Susie Zollicoffcr. 7 I K 1 . I. I. Mm Miss Nellie Russell, of Scotland Neck, spent the Easter holidays with Misses Ida and Louise Hay-ward. Rev. F. M. Shamburger went to Norlina Monday to assist Rev. W. C. Merritt in a meeting for a few days. William Mercer Ward who is at a medical college in Richmond, came home to spend the Easier holidays. Miss Kathleen Herbert, of Morehead City, spent the Easter holidays here with her sister, Miss Leon Herbert. j John B. Sledge, who is travel- j ing West Virginia for Liggett & Myers Tobacco Company, is home for a few days. Prescott Carter who is a cadet at the V. M. I,, spent the Easier holiday here with his mother, Mrs. Kate T. Carter. Dr. D. B. Zollicoffer and Miss Susie Zollicoffer went to Thomas ville lo spend Easter with Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Keyser. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cooper, of Henderson, were here Saturday to attend Mr. Gooch 's funeral. Mrs. Cooper is remembered here as Miss Ellen D. Faucett. Mr. and Mrs. Hal Terrell, of Norlina, spent Easter Sunday here with Mr. and Mrs. T. T. Hawks, at ihe Terniirul hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Terrell ooih formerly lived here. Mrs. Terrell being pleas antly remeinocred here as Miss Nannie Rose, a daughter of the late Rev. W. W. Rose ai one time pastor of the M. B. church here. y ins II, hi. J.iino I . i ' i Wellm s ,,:d si a id :n .-i iuu- ; esteemed cm.-ns d:.-.! m his 1 h.Tj l:nd iy hi i--nc. V: ; - ah ,ui clct en n c! ,ca, i,i .c year his age Mr. Gimic!) was .1 n.iiiv t tiri -viiie county, N. C . and n c n: life lie niuveJ M Weld m, he has been promiiiem m ihe bt. -iness and industrial li.'v' f !' lV' :; for in,, re than ti'iy ye n'v I L v. is a man of c tiv r'i ,;l ! queli,"is "I ptl.-lic " '.i :: r failed lo speaK out I i Li :. J : ' tlijnner .;ee ,i J:, ,: li'iih i lie , - :' .;'' C0lisislei:l l ie ,, r ! . l.le t 'le f land 4!ul Jeliers.,:' :;, ; . rid y: hesit.illimlv ciiid.-ni:i .d e el ihnii j of the I'.i van ol der In ISSV liie pe-pie ... :. -..: elected Mr. ('. ,.,e!i M iv e ; . t iwn, and he was re-eleeie.i ev.:v two years lor a p.-t I .J .t I .vcr n years, and tlier lie reined !r,ni rice, saying that muter no ciivisn. stances Would he be a candid n, for re-election, that he had ihe. i !; served long en-uih. ' i he said, "too long." The funeral sei vice t",,'-. I ..e Saturday alicni-H.n .11 r m' church. c-mJuvied by Rev 1 !. i r CI iris eiin;h, ,,1 i , m ! .- At 1 Uc t;r,i e Mr. ;'!. a s ed in liie n -.: .... I'.' iC F. . Miainhurg-:-, ,,: i :.. disi vhvii-rji. .Hid Kev J i, i ,1 . lock, of ihe M ipnsi clitircii I I floral i.lJ.r ng a e .Livmr. ' most be el! ini i-t I' ee'i-i e eeii ,: a tuner.il, .n, ! l;:e i',-',,:' 1 compleiciv c .Vvie.l ::i lovely icMiui. r.s.tU v: ,in ,-. , seclnins, ;iiieimg in 1 111 tm c: il.i love and esteem 111 v In cli W eid ,i''s former hmiored mayor w s The aeii r pallbearers - I r T. W. M. I ong. I I. ,11 a 1 i R. S 1 1 iv:s, C . U 1 an ,, J .1 Breuer, W. 1 Hail and . i.b.n Hall. The lioinii .11 y pailb-.u ei's a e; e: W. M. Cohen. W. W Wiggi;!-, Capi. T. W. Mason, s M dais. W. I.. Scott, I.. N. Green, Smith, Hon. W. 1 . Darnel, I I Clark, I'.. Cl.uk, . 1 1: Green, Alexander I in,, p. v. rsiiaw , Joiin 1.. iMtttrsoii. O. iiun.il). l)r. A. Kb . .!':;. 1! -r, Col. A. J Ibirioii, il !! H null, J. I.. I larr.s. J i dghnin, J ( A. JoliiMon, lit 1) i; ..ilic..l.-r. j S imuel 1; r'aneiMui an.! t . A. I Wyche. ! .Mr t iiiocli is survive m. ,,i,Bwigiftyw Such tobacco enjoyment as you never thought could W? is yours to vomnuiiiil quick as you buy some Prince Albert and fire-up a pipe or a home-made cigarette! Prince Albeit gives yuu every tobacco sat isfaction your smoke appetite ever hankered for. That's because it's made by a patented nrocess that cuts out bite and parch! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality ! - - ',1.... v ( i . " J"" '-:' rm,i im I s. 1 s -lev l tt - s , ;h f m 1 On th tifH of thi tidy re-il tin Ton Mill mil: "Cro raH Pull ittrd July 301 h, 1)H'." wttirh hats matt thram mn moke pipffi whira oni tinukatl b(url mem 1 - J km:-' sp? lOhG UtlUhlNC. Plt AHD CIGABEin fOSACCO prince Albert the national joy imoke has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of it! And that isn't strange, either. Men who think they can't smoke a pipe or roll a ciga rette can smoke and will smoke il they use frince Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply. Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story I Buy Prince Albert every u here tobacco is st'ld in tappy red hues. 5c; tidy red tint, 10c; hunusonie pound und half-pound tin humi don andthat corking fine pound crvstal-fjass humi dor sponge-moistener top that beeps the tobacco in such clever trim alwayBf R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO, Winaton-Salem, N. C ve Proht-SharingGoupons Mce the liirJhCost of Living VrT-4irA ArHi v A S K FOR O U R S U WELDON DRUG CO., A - jmy&4t v rv 1 1 " """u 5r- 5r- - jtrjfJA CATALOG Weldon, N C . . ! ATl how you can procure, deautiful and useful !.!-.. ng our coupons and ctrtificates issued with icilast or on accounts to be paid by 5th.0f month. l-'l ! iil!) . lieu .is., ,r everv . i. l US L.isi und, iie: a kind m.ii's dorm. nil, I n Jea ! 10 active work, u.i I.'s . it v .m !-e ilali. ed, Ii i:v kn l in always shirk. ,-h:n.,n is progressive ' I lie live ill always grow, h:s dear iriciiJ, is the vital kind, I', 1 keep oil i ill t of Woe. "- -e.eei -1 was to encrgic, ...d i.e .p ;l alw avs pure oniinune with ( iod upon your K'lei ni.iM all things sure. widow, who w as helore h. r riage Miss I-ni.lv l ong, a v te; ot the late Col. N M who at one tune owned ne u ly all the land in W eldon, liie lerii,e Mush Island tainis and iimsi of the surrounding country near Wel don. His sister, Mrs. W. C. Brewer, of ake Forest, as here to at tend the funeral. Mr. ( ionch nso leaves two brothers, who iive in Texas and loo tar to get here to attend the funeral. They were with him last June, and together, they .mended the Contcd.-i ue Re union at Richmond, and I tier isi- ted their old home in t ii aiiviile wiUi.iy ar.d ;!ic;r ; !-.? Forest. Mr. (joocli will he sadly missed in this community. He was warm hearted, generous and provided well for his household, lie was chari'abie und in the dispensing of his charity he did not parade it upon the housetops and, in fact, be lieved in the modest way of not allowing his left hand loknnwwh.it his right hand did. His body now rests beneath the sod 111 Cedarwood cemetery, Inn we trust that his soul is sale and that his many good deeds perform ed here may win for him and eter nal crown of glory in the greai be yond, for, "inasmuch as ye did it unto the least of these," saith ilie Lord, "ye did it unto me." A man's wife may not know what he suspects about her, and olten he doesn't suspect what she knows about him. The ( loiiitoi ler in Christ you'll rind 1 lis dearest words are given, Sweet solace comes from such a soiii ce. I L ill lead you safe to Heaven. Then let us follow our blessed Lord Where e'er His footsteps lead, In I Inn we'll find the surest help, In everv tune of need. 1 ib 1 mm m mini una in 1 1 nw a AIL TIR'cD OUT Most people who say but talk too much. little Hundreds .Mure In Weldiin In the Siime flight, Tired all the turn ; Weary and worn out all the day; Back aches; head aches, Your kidneys are probably weak- ei, ,d. You should help af their work. Let one v, ho know s leli you how Mrs. M. 1.. Ilux, Third St. Weldon, ays: "I il irtppe left my I.Klnevs weak ami l Had pains in my back and across my loins, j Mornings, was so sore and sliR ; tired so easily, that 1 could not do my housework. I had headaches and dizy spells and my sight was blurred. The kidney secretions were scanty, highly colored and contained a brick dust sediment. ,My ankles were swoolen and my limbs ached so badly that I could hardly turn over in bed.- 1 got box ot Doan's Kidney Pills at Co hen's Drug Store ami they soon relieved me. Continued use cured me of all symptoms of kid ney trouble." Price 50c. at all dealers. Don' simply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mrs. Hux had. 1 US I UK-.VULtiUKiN U.J., l'ro prietors, Buffalo, N. Y. M f in yMm ,1 : 'f'.M,rv4 f ! : C?jii a: All This Week-Our United States Tire Show You have heard that at lait the goal of tire maker hat been reached in these superb pneumatic casings. All this week we will have a special exhibition of these ' Balanced ' Tires. Let us explain to you what ' balance ' is, and what it does to give lower mileage cost. Let ut explain to you the purpose of each of the five United State Tires a tire to meet every need of price and use. Drop in. We can show you real tire economy, and the way to better tire service. BATCHELOR BROTHERS WELDON, N C. 'A hot-weather "recipe" HERB'S the w;.y to be supremely comfortable all suir.iiuT long wear IVilson Bros. Athletic Union .VvV.r; t icy're made to make you happy. We car. ; ho-.v tliem to von in many light fabrics; sleeveks.- :nd charter sleeves; knee and three-quarter lengths. Xcv s!iirr:'.,t:es, hosiery, that you'll find very smart and iiiutsua:; come soon I'.t'.u se A - mplete Line of GENT'S HATS 1 atest Style the opening goods. "s-. 1 New and Up-to-Date Line of 1 r i t n V II I B I it il For Ladies', Gentlemen and Children il il v il vl il Wa PTfpnH t.rt vnn a snprnal Vl " w v Jr J- invitation to come and inspect T- our stock before buying. vl xi, il vl il vl vl vl il vl il vl vl vl 11 11 Si H 7 The Quality Haberdashery Store, W ELDON, North Carolina. 4kUMIIIa 1 Men who think they know it all are never able to prove it BEWARE OE OINTMENTS l or Catuirli that contain Mrrcuiy u mrrpuiy will nurely ili'stroy the sense ol' incll uiiil i'oiiii!t'ti'lv tli'iiuiifi the whole vsti-ui ht'ii i'uti'i-iiii it thiouirh the miu'oiiM Miilai'es. sneh aitieh'H should iievi'r lie used exi't'pt on pii' scrilitions from reputable physic, alls, as the ilamnire they w ill Mo is leu folil to the (food you eau possibly ilerive from them. Hall's ( 'atari Ii Cure, inainifao toiedliy t'. . I. Cheney A Co., Toledo, Ohio, conlains no mercury, and is liken internally, acting directly upon hlooJ and mucous surfaces ofthe system, I buying Hall's ( atari Ii ( lire he sine yon get the genuine It is taken internally. It is made hy I'. J CIIKNKV A CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free. Trice 75 cenu per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Take Hall's Family Pill's fui (lonstina taoo. Adv. I No. 666 This is a pictcripiioa prepared MpeclallT lor MALARIA or run i B a. "(" raw will Draat any case, and If taken then as tonic lh Frr will aot return. Il acts oa ihe lirar better lhaa Cslomel and does not gripe or siesta. 2it A CHECK EVERY MONTH For your wife as long as she lives aiter your aeam can be provided by a Monthly Income Contract in The Pacific Mutual Life Insurance company Fstablished in 1868, "Talk Pope." B. B. POPE, Agent, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. 10 3S'-a'- ''-5''- ! ' '''mi''S.'' Garden Seeds $A11 Kinds 5c. il il il vl il Ladies Union Suits Boy's " " Ladies Knit Drawers- Children's " Ladies Gingham Skirts.... Aprons white and colored Children's Dresses Oil Stones ... Insect Powder and dun .! Insectine Toilet Paper 6 rolls lor Toilet Paper Holders Asbestos Mats, Dish Pans 10, Boys Bloomer Pants 25c 25c 25c 10c 25c 25c 25c 10c 10c 10c .25c 10c 5c 15 and 25c .. 25c BERT'S 5. 10 & 25c. Store, Weldon, North Carolina. H (! vl vl vl vl il vl il vl il Steadfast Shoes! aosfaiB8fctoioiai IrtTNEW SPRING LINE OF LOW SHOES NOW ON DISPLAY AT ROANOKE 1MEW Office. S Cordova IW.W.SUUGk. s IQiQUJKSQKllQDirifflKM Cordovan jjj Cordovan Kii3WtO10sijiR Get The Habit EBuy tor Cash. Save"C3 E3the pennies by buy-"C3 3 ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Gash Store WELDON, N. C.

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