5 J2t22 Vfi ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription$1.50 Per Anniiirt VOL. LI. WE L DON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY II, liMC. NO. I i SB ! sss ALCOHOL-3 1'KH eE.VC a v.....(..i.i.. rwiv,nh'nnfhrA3" j,c;Mnim,ivu..- . suuuatitiftfoefoodnnuKecM i - viranwlis mid llawtls K -.J CASTORIJ Oijiumotplime31, V.vn VmrOTIC. norm. ""-".YSiVfi' i$tj i r,cSta.ilcSnatoe : GASTORIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria A 1 TTrO TTd Bears the M of THE GOSPEL OF HAPPINESS. f Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTI THC GIHTftUft COMPANY. NIW YOU CITY RA O THE BANK OF VELDuN WELDON. N. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over U'l years this institution ha- provide,! hanking facilities fur this ncctiun. I tsNtork holili'is and ollieeis are 1 I t-n 1 1 ti I with I lit- hui iietw interests of Halifax ami Niirthainptuii counties. A Savinirs Hepartment is itiunituitit-.l fur tlie henelit ot'all who desire to deposit in a Savinirs Hank. In tins lep:irtincnl interest is allowed a follows: For Deposits allowed foreman! three months or lonirer, -' per cent. Six months or lonirer. :i percent Twvlw niontlisor loiiL'er. I percent. Anv information will he fiirnihe.l on application to the I'resnlentoi Cashier This Gospel of Happiness Is One Which Every One Should Lay To Heart. A woman who had many sor rows and heavy burdens to bear, but wlto was noted for cheerful spirit, once said in explanation: "You know I have had no money. I had nothing to give but myself; and so 1 made the resolution that I would never sadden any one else with my troubles. I have laughed and told jokes when I could have wept. I have always smiled in the face of every misfortune. 1 have tried never to let any one go from my presence without a happy word or a bright thought to carry with him. And making happiness engenders happiness. I myself am happier than 1 would have been had 1 sat down and bemoan ed my fate." This gospel of happiness is one which everyone should lay to heart. Set out with the invincible deter matiiin that you will bear burdens and not impose them. Whether tlir sun shines or the rain falls, shuw a glad face to your neighbor. If you must fall in life's battle, you can at least fall with a smile on your face. Wellspring, A MOTHER'S LOVE. I'HXSIIIKN I : V. E. DANIEL, V II K-eKkSUIKS I . XV. K. SMITH. I.. ('. I iKAl'Kll, Teller. CANHIKK: .1. O. I It A K I'), MHECTOK.S V. 1!. Smith. XV. E. Dnniel, ,1. . Diake. XX. M. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, .1. L. Shepherd. XV. A. I'ierij . D. It. Zollicoller. .1 . W. Sledire ate m mm X Built-in k'pr-"' ' "I I lit Kf' J tAru,1,!nBtic A HQ OTHER REFRIQEIW TOR Has All These Star Features Built on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, co'' air surrounded with walls that are 8-ply and a thorough insulatii n against heat and cold with a drain that has never been known t clog with light, easily-cleaned electrically-welded wire shelves and the most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator truly you get a wonderful machine for preserving lood and water in the AUTOMATIC RFFRIGFRATOR. Let us point to you these star features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle with out infringing Newell patents. mk Furniturs Company, WELDON, N. C I . Z A 13 A , mcilIT TAILOR o el!" Vinsi o tft Vnvt .Inor In 'Atlln'nll. r" I'l.DON. N. ('. ' . ' ... . . ...ii 1 1 tak vour nipasure and nmkc sun loonier on my wncn. mh innpeci line line 01 piece koirih uuh naiujni'i. .-aiismriHiu rt"'"vit iuoaonrii TAHHER'S HOOF FftlHT SOLD BY ll 1 1 T I 'I I III 1 fierce- W inteueau nam lire win nanv The Most Lovely and Lasting Thing on Earth. Rev. Sam P. Jones had the fol lowing peroration at the close of one of his lectures: "An angel was sent down Iront Heaven one day to bring back the most beautiful thing on earth. He hunted long and carefully, saw a bed of full grown American Beauty roses, lovely beyond compare, and he gathered an armful and started to return to his home above. As he soared into the air he saw a baby's smile, and rilled with rap turous admiration at the sight, re turned to take it, too. By its side he discovered a mother's love, and with all three in his arms, he mounted to the place beyond the skies. Just outside the pearly gates the spirit paused for a mo ment, and lo! the roses had with ered and were dead, the baby's smile had vanished, bin, strong as ever the mother's love remained, and he cast the other aside and took this and laid it at the Master's feet as the most lovely and lasting thing on earth. Biblical Recorder. A (lood Family Cough Remedy ( an he made ly mixinir I'ine-Tar, Aconite. Siitfar. Ilvoscvamus, Sassafras, I'eppeMinut, Ipecac, Khuharh. Man drake, Capsicum, .Muiiale Ammonia, Honey and Clvcerine. It is pleasant, healing and soothinir, raises the phletrm and irives almost instant relief. For convenience of those who prefer not to fuss, it is supplied ready made in '-'"c. hottles under name of Dr, Hell's l'iue Tar Honey Can he had at your drug gist. Insist on ireltitur Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-lloney and see that Jhe formula is on the package. NONE OH THAT KIND LEFT. "They say," remarked the spinster boarder, "that the woman who hesitates is lost." "Lost is not the proper word for it," growled the fussy old bach elor at the pedal extremity of the table. "She's extinct." Indian apolis Star. Keep Your Skin clean and Healthy There is only one way to have a clear, henlthy complexion and that is to keep the liowels aeiiveaiul rcfiilm Di. king's New l.ile Fills will make your complex ion healthy and clear, move the howels gcLtly, cleanse the system and purify the Wood. A splendid npiuitf medicine 1 at vour druggist BACON AND LHS. Margaret is a three year old whose parents are fond of bacon and eggs and Margaret has her share. One day in the country she heard for the first time, a hen cackle. "Oh, mamma," she exclaimed, "what does the hen say?" "Well.' her mother smiled, "I suppose she says she has laid an egg." Margaret did not understand the smile and after a moment's pro found thought she came back again, "And what does she say, mam ma," she inquired more seriously than before, "what does she say when she lays bacon ?" Judge. Why is watered silk classified as dry goods? Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CA9XORIA A Distinctive Reason What is the chief reason for the superi ority of Royal Baking Powder ? There are several good reasons, but there is one which distinguishes Royal from other baking powders. This reason, which every woman should know, is that Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, which comes from grapes. This means a healthful fruit origin. It means natural food as distinguished from mineral substitutes used in other baking powders. There is no alum nor phosphate in Royal Baking Powder. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York SO SMITH DIDN'T GET II. OLD FRIEND OF MINE. Old friend of mine if you shall cross the tide Before my bark lets go You watch for me upon the other side; You watch and wait for him our Peerless Guide If first you cross the tide. Old friend of mine, if you shall learn the way Before I hear the call, You whisper through the misty muz some day The password that is best for me to say If first you cross the tide. Old friend of mine, from battlements on high, If yonder first you stand, Wave back some message you may cheer us by, And spur us on the dare to do or die, From battlements on high. Old friend of mine, if you shall see the King Before I kiss his hand, Waft back to me some strain that there you sing, Some note to still this longing wondering, If first you see the King. Debtor Was Perfectly Willing to Pay Bill, and the Arrangement Satisfied All Parties. i j A very angry client entered a i New York lawyer's office. He had called upon a debtor and ask l ed him politely to pay a bill of j J.SU, anu Had been abused tor ; his pains. Now he w anted the lawyer to collect it. j The lawyer demurred. The bill was so small that it would cosi the whole amount to collect it. No matter, said the angry one. I don't care if I don't get a cent as long as that fellow has to pay it." So the lawyer wrote the debtor a letter, and in a day or two the latter appeared in high dudgeon. He did not owe any $2.50, and he would not pay. "Very well," said the lawyer; "then my instructions are to sue. But I should hardly think it would pay you to stand suit for so small a sum." "Who will get the money if I pay it'" asked the man. Tlie lawyer was obliged to con fess that he should "Very well," said the debtor; that's another matter. If Smith isn't going to get it, I'm perfectly willing to pay it." Youth's Com panion. PROPERLY PUNISHED. F02 BRQMiTES, WilSCPlKG CO'JGII; CROBMOUGHS &m GOLDS Make the Best Remedy at Home 128 Teuspoonsful for 50 centv i If everything was sold in as liberal and ' fair a manner as the below named drug i ftist.'. arc selling bchillinann's New Con i cent rated Expectorant, absolutely no I'aus'.' lor complaint or dissatisfaction ' o.uU possibly arisefroni anyone. These i eulogists say "Buy a bottle of tins rem 1 tdy and try it for Bronchitis, Whooping I Cough, Severe Cough, Croup or any ! Bronchial Allection, and we will return I your money, just the same as we do with Si hiffmann's famous Aslhmador, if it does not give satisfaction, or if not found the best remedy ever used for any of these complaints." Why not. take ad ' vantage of this guarantee and try this medicine, arm gel your money nacK, rain er than buying another purely on the exaggerated claims of its manufacturer or on the strength of testimonials from others and run the chance of getting something worthless and also wasting your money? In buying this rjmedy, besides secur ing an absolute guarantee of its ethcieixy from these drui'ists, you alwi (;et about eight tunes as much medicine as lot! would in buying most any of the olu fashioned, ready-made kinds, which aver age from W to 32 teaspoonsful, because 5()c worth makes a whole pint (128 tea spoonsful) when mixed at homo with simply one pint of sugar and one-half pint of water. This remedy positively does not contain chloroform, opium, morphine or any other narcotic. It is pleasant to take and children are fond of it. You will be I the sole judge, and under this positive guarantee absolutely no risk is run in buy ing this remedy. Druggists everywhere are authorized to sell it under the sanid guarantee as Schiffmann's famous As'.h n.ador of "Money Hack" if not perfectly satisfactory. K. J.Schiffmann, Proprietor, Saint raul, Minn. Guaranteed here oy I XV M. Cohen. i is B THESIS 07 NEGLECT. 0 est ycat If Wo zlvation 7 IXVITAT You are invited to open an account with the BMK OF E flFIZLO, Eft FIELD, I. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. JlHKH. 2:."!.) The most far-reaching and fatal sin of the human race is neglect. It is the egg from which all oiher sins are hatched. All blighted lives and lost souls can trace the beginning of their ruin to the neglect of the plan and provision of God to save the world. Men fail in business, are blighted in character, lose their health and their souls, not because thev desire 10 do so, nor wilfully and deliberately plan such a fate, but because they neglect the things that would save them. In the business world more men fail than succeed, and the most of them fail not because they haven't sense and resources enough to sue ceed, but because they neglect the principles of success. Many a per son fails to become a good musician, not so much for lack of ability as for neglect to practice; many a young person fails to make progress in education, not for lack of brain as for neglect in study. Physicians tell us that almost all disease is due to neglect of some body somewhere. Typhoid fever and consumption, the two maladies we most dread, can, our Health Board has told us in a recent bulletin, be banished from earth in a generation if our people will stop neglect ing the plain duties of health. Smallpox, yellow fever, the plague, and all others that destroy men, come because people neglect the plain du ties of health. Almost all the disease that comes to us, pneumonia, indigestion, heart trouble, rheumatism, come from our own neglect. The sin of neglect has a peculiar fatality. Its penalty is painful, and sure. More mothers and wives are crushed and heartbroken from neglect than anything else. Men who would not strike their wives and mothers murder them by neglect. Many men who are careful to furnish food for their families are starving their souls by neglecting them. There is nothing that hurts more than to be forgotien and neg lected by those who have loved us and sacrificed for us. I saw an old mother awhile ago whose boy was out in the world. She knew not where. When he was little and helpless she loved him and stood by him. Had she neglected him then he would have died. But now, when she is old and helpless as a little child, he neglects her. She has had no letter in months. Her poor heart is dying for the love and help he neglects to give. There are many such cases. There is nothing that hurts Jesus Christ, who loves us and died for us, like neglecting Htm, and forgetting Him. That those He Mad a right to look to for help and love neglected Him, had more to do with His death than His persecutions. There is nothing that is more fatal to our souls than to neglect them. I visited a friend, and the children came in crying with a dead squirrel in their little hands. It was their little pet, which they loved as only a little child can love a little thing, and yet they had murdered it. They had company for three days and had forgotten their little pet in its cage in the woodshed. The hoi summer was more than it could stand with out food and water, and it died. They loved it but forgot ii.and killed it as dead as if they had pierced its heart. Many people, do their souls that way. They put the soul in its cage of flesh, forget it, and starve it 10 death. They do their Saviour that way. They would not cast a stone at Him or drive a nail in His hand, but they forgei Him, ignore Hint and neglect Him crucify Him. There are two kinds of neglect. Those who neglect to begin and those who, having begun, neglect, to continue. Many never reach anywhere because they never start. Others start well, but neglect to continue. Some let their gardens grow up in briers. Others plant and plow, but when the weather is hot neglect to keep it up. Many people are lost because they neglect to become Christians, but a great many are lost because even though they begin they neglect the church, their prayer, their Bible, and their Lord, and go back to ihe world and are lost. "How shall we escape if we neglect so great salvation? This is a strong way of saying there is no way of escaping the result of the sin of neglect. Ruin follows neglect as the shadow does the objects. Neg icrt health, we have sickness and death. Neglect business, we have failure. Ne2lect our souls, we have eternal ruin. All the device of men and nnwer of the world can Drovide no way of escape. J. M. Rowland, Pastor Park Place Methodist Church, Nor "Gonel" shouted the wildly ex cited individual, waving his arms in the middle of the street. A crowd gathered quickly. "Gone 1 Gone ! Gone !" he shrieked again and yet again. "What's the matter? Cashier eloped with your money?" "Wife run away ?" "Lost a child ?" "No, no, no! Bt t its's gone !" Fifty-seven people held their breath, and then asked as one: "What's gone?" The excited individual became suddenly calm. "Yesterday has gone, my friends," ne said, with a glad smile, "and today is going. You may die tomorrow or today. Now, without loss of time, yntt should take out a policy of life insurance with my lirm, the " Then seven and fifty strong men seied him and bore him to the nearest horse trough. Fx. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA OAS BOMB. YOU can bank by mail They are school girl friends both around the interesting age of nine. Yes, they're friends, but being perfectly human little women, they also feel a sense of rivalry. The other day as they met in the schoolyard and began talking of "what I did last Saturday." "I went to three picture shows," said one. "So did 1," boasted the other. "And had a quarter's worth of candy besides." "Yes, but you didn't get to have your shoes shined by the Greck ers." "No, but I had to take gas to get a tooth pulled. Now, Miss Smarty!" That "gas bomb" won the bat tle and the little girl who had had her shoes illuminated by the Greeks withdrew in confusion. Instead of speaking his own mind many a man echoes his wile's. Good looks may catch a man, but it takes good housekeeping to hold him. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends trie liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly slops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The best rubbing liniment is USTAtJG LINIMENT (,'ooi for the Ailmenh of Hoi sos, Mulct, Cattle, Etc. (juik! for your otun Ache Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. .21c. SOc. $1. ,Xt .11 Dealern. J. M. Bragg Automobiles Littleton, N. C. Motor A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence mil IttI l TRUST tl WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits the mi of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingredients. OUR DRUGS are selected for theii PURITY and have been tested for strength. FIRST QUALITY, REA. SONAULU PRICE and OUR A CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. rr Speiid li. You Efi? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss, the saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ngs Accounts yfi 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX g HALIFAX, IT. O. N. L. Stedman, President P. C. OreRory, Viee-Vrenident. P. H. DrrfnrT flakier 1 i 1 v 4 WELDON, N C, folk, Va., m Leager-uispatcn. V

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