JMjj jlpp 1 B0N4 M 0h& Vgg2JH2g ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annun t VOL. LI. WKLDON, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY is, 1!H5. NO. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has liccn in use lor over UO years, lias borne the si;:n;Uiiro of ana lias been iiuulo under his por ' Soiml supervision hineo ils infancy. J-CUcAtM, Allow no one to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ' Jiist-as-iioil " ore but Experiments Unit tril'lo with and fnriaimcr the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless snhstitnte for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morpliino nor otlier Narcotic substance. Its aire Is its guarantee. It destroys onus and allays Feverishncss. I'or more tlian thirty years it has been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colie, ull Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and liowcls, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The 3Iother's l'rleud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of WOMEN LIVE LONGER THAN MEN. In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TUB OINTAUH COMPANY, 14 f W YOHK C. i T V o THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDOX, N. Organized Under the Laws of Ihe State of North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Deposiiory. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ancl Surplus, $55,000. Kot over "1 yt'ia tl.m iuntitutiou lias piinhli-d hauling facilities for this section. lt stockLoUlria auJ ultieeiK are iileutilied mtli the hum nemi interests of Halifax aud Northampton countim. A Saviors Department is maintained t'ui the ht uelil 1.1 all nho ileaue to deposit in a Savings Haul., in thie Uepaitmeut intertsi is allowed id follows- For Deposits allowed toremain thiee months 01 loujtei , J pel ceiit Six mnnth or lonirer. 3 uei cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent Anv information will be furnished on application to the Piesideutorl'a-hier Men Indulge to Excess in Alcohol, Tobacco, Over-eating, Dissipa tion and Various Kinds of Vice. That women live longer than men and have a higher average expeciaiion of life than men is in accordance with figures recenily issued by the Census Bureau. These figures show that females are longer lived than males to the extent of more than three years; that the average expectation of life at birth for males is 49.9 years; for females, 50.2 years; for white females, 53.6 years; for negro males, 34. 1 years, and for negro females, 37.7 years. A part of he difference between the expectation of life for men and for women is accounted for through the great number of violent deaihs among men, as nearly tour-nuns of all the violent deaths suicides, homicides and accidental deaths- are of males. But this fact does not account fully or even in a ma jor part for ihe greatest longevity of women. Noted physicians and health ex- peris explain this difference on the score lhat men, more lhan women, indulge io excess in alcohol, tobac co, over-eating, dissipating and various forms of vice. Dr. Albert H. Burr declares that the princi pal cause is the extensive use of tobacco and says- "There are volumes of evidence in support of the statement that smoking is responsible for much of the prem ature senility of men. Nearly twice as many women as men live to be a hundred. pbbhidist: W. K. DANIEL, V K B I'KEHIOIlMI : W. K. SMITH. L. T. llRA PKU.Tellei. l A9H1HH: .1. . I'RAKK, DI RECTO US W. It. Smith, W. E. Daniel, .1. t. Drake. . .M. I'uhtu, R. T. Daniel, .1. 1.. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. IS. ZolheoHer, .1 . V. Medife H THE CHURCH AS A SOCIAL CENTER FOR BROKCiliTIS, HE100PSK CAUSE OF THE COLLAPSE. Our God, our help in ages pasi, Our hope for years to come, Our shelter from the stormy blast, And our eternal home. Under the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure; Sufficient is Thine arm alone, And our defense is sure. Before the Hills in order siood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting Thou art God, To endless years the same. A thousand ages in Thy sight Are as an evening gone, Short as the watch that ends ihe night Before the rising sun. Time, like an ever-rolling stream, Bears all its sons away; They fly, forgotten, as a dream Dies at the opening day. Our God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come, Be thou our guard while troubles last, And our eiernal home ! Isaac Watts. rj7 '7 Ji :eeLisine mm, m mW- 110 OTHER REFVQEMTOR Has All These Star Features Built on ihe RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls that are 8-ply and a thorough insulation against heat and cold with a drain that has never been known to clog with light, easily-cleaned elecirically-welded wire shelves and the most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator iruly you get a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in the AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR. Let us point 10 you these star features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle with out infringing Newell patents. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. 0E301 o 8, I. ZAB A, MERCHANT 14IL0R, O Next door to Zollicolter's, WUI.DON, N . V. O 4 1 take your measure aud make suit to order oa my heuch. Call aud VinBpect floe line of piece Roods aud samples. Satisfaction guaranteedy Mi; EE' ROOF PHUT The foreman employed by a big contractor rushed into the office of the boss, wild-eyed and palpita ting. "Boss," said he in a greatly ag itated voice, "one of them new houses of ours fell down in the night !" "What's thai exclaimed the boss, jumping right up and begin ning to take noiice. "What was the matter? How did it happen?" "It was the fault of the work men, boss," answered ihe fore man. "They made the mistake of taking down ihe scaffolding be fore they put on the wall paper." Philadelphia Telegraph. APPRECIATED THE SPIRIT. Private Bates' aunt had, among other dainties, sent her nephew a bottle of cherries preserved in brandy. "Very choice," thought the khakied one, and he straightway showed them to his fellow soldiers. A lew days later the old lady re ceived ihe following letter: "Dear Aunt Thank you so much for your gift of cherries. My pals and I appreciated them immensely, not so much for them selves as for the spirit in which they were sent. "St. Louis Globe Democrat. SORE DISAPPOINTMENT. I have a grand remedy which I wish to recommend to all sutlering humanity. I have tried it myself. A number of my acquaintances have tried it. All speak highly of the benefits received. It has helped others, why not you ? It is laughter. Not smiling, not mere good humor, but laughter, the kind that ex plodes, shakes you, and goes on exploding and shaking like a rapid fire gun, until the massed battalions worry are shot to pieces. To laugh is probably the best medicine ever discovered. One hear ty laugh is betier than a w agonload of roots and herbs, better than seven drugstores full of dope. "There is not," says ihe London Health, "the renioiesi corner of the body that does not feel some wavelet from the great convulsion produced by the hearty shaking of ihe cemral man. The blood moves rapidly, and probably its chemical, electrical, or vital condition, is dis tinctly modified." In other words, one good laugh is equal to a dose of salts, two cock tails, a bromoselter, and a spoonful of quinine. It you have got into sucn a condition mat notning can make you have a fit of mirth, a regular whoopee, more's the pity. This is raiher an oppressive world; ihere are so many burdens and perplexities that anyone is iiaoie 10 tie crusnea. Laughter is naiure s defense against the world burden. By laughier a man shakes oh" his pack, for a few minutes at least, and capers like a loose coll in the pas ture. When he returns and is saddled again he is refreshed, ii stronger. It doesn't make much difference what you laugh at. Children laugh at nothing at all, and are happier lhan we. Goldsmith says of a happy group, lhat "What they lacked in wit they made up in laughier." One of the best laugh makers is the Good Siory; not the pleasant little quib, but the "regular scream,'' the kind that makes you hold your sides, rock to and fro, and yell. Pass it along. Save up two or three, and when you meet a friend hand them to him. Who can tell how much health and sanity are created by the good stories that are continually going the rounds? Don't be afraid to laugh. Don't get out of practice. Laugh, and be human. Not that you should be ever giggling, or set oui to be a pro- fessional humorest, but raiher that you should learn the Lincolnian art of knowing and being able to tell a "good one" upon occasion. God bless the laughers. Their roar goes up all over the earth, the brave protest of the live force within us against the glooms and scarecrows of this fearsome world. Dr. Frank Crane, in the Lutheran Observer. j The Christian Community Should j riavt No Other Center Than j i the Church. 1. The community should have a social center. 2. That it is not good for man to live alone has a broader applica caiion than to marriage; it is the truih which ihe eniire history of the race has demonsirated. 3. If a community spirit is de veloped, men must mingle and share common interests. Where shall they meet ? They can meet at the blacksmith shop or the lodge. Certain groups can meet in these places, but these are not proper centers for an entire com munity. 4. A communiiy cenier should be chosen so as to supply enter tainment, culture, as well as moral and religious uplifi. 5. There is danger that ihe Church is opposing worldliness, as she must do, should fail to pro mote or furnish anything to meet the legitimate social and recrea tional needs of its membership. 6. Popular lectures, musicial programs, literary clubs, confer ences regarding good roads, revival services, or the sup pression of evil any and every thing that enters into the making of an ideal community life should have headquarters at the church. 'Lei us meet at the church. The closed church is speechless in hu man affairs; the open church voices an abundant life." 7. The Christian community should have no other center than the church. The Church should not allow its membership to find another rallying point its for life interests. 11 GOLDS Make the Best Remedy at Home 128 Teaspoons!" til for M) cenl&. It everything was sold in as liberal and fair a manner as the below named druft gists are selling Schiifmann's New Con centrated Expectorant, absolutely no cause lor complaint or dissatisfaction could possibly arise from anyone. These drugtiils say "Buy a bottle ol this rem edy and try it for Bronchitis, Whooping In buying tliir, remedy, betidesst, in ing an absolute guarantee of iiselhcieiK- from these di ovists, you also get abu'r eight tunes as much medicine Bi ymi would in liu)ing most any of the olu fashioned, ivady-made kinds, which aver age limn 20 Io ',i2 tcaspoonsful, berau-" iOc worth makes a whole pint IM U Cough, Severe Cough, Croup or any spoon.ilul) when mixed (it homo Willi Bronchial Alfection, and we will return i simply one pmt of sugar and one-half pmt your money, jusi me same as we uo wnn Schiifmann's famous Aslhmador, if it does not give sauslaction, or if not found the best remedy ever used lor any of these complaints." Why not take ad vantage of this guarantee and try this medicine, and get your money back, rath er than buying another purely on the exaggerated claims of its manufacturer or on the strength of testimonials from others and rim the chance of tic-tting something worthiest, and also wu-.tinyj your money? I wall r. Ibis remedy positively Ones not contain chloroform, opium, morphine or any other narcotic. It is pleasant to lake and children arc fond of it. You will be the dole judije, and under this positive guarantee absolutely no risk is run in buy ing ibis remedy. Druggists every while are authorized to sell it under the same guarantee as richiflmann's famous Asth nindor ot "Money Back" if not perfectly K.itislactnry. II. J. Sch'ffmann, Proprietor, aint Paul, Minn. Guaranteed here by W.M. Cohen. KiitKKM&nKOIOXr The minister hurried down the aisle and grasped the stranger's hand. "I am glad to see you with us tonight," he said. "I can see by the expression in your face that you are laboring under some deep sorrow, some great disappoint ment." "You're right; 1 came in here thinking this was a movie, and, having got in, I didn't have ihe nerve to get up and walk out." Michigan Gargoyle. CRADLK RObtJhKI. An old gentleman of 84 having taken io the ahar a young damsel about 15, the clergyman said to him: "The font is ai the other end of the church." "What do I want with the font?" said the old gentleman. "Oh, I beg your pardon," said the cleric, "I thought you had brought this child to be christen ed." New York Journal. JURY WANTED THE EVIDENCE SOLD BY Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Company, WELDON, N C, "Your lordship," said the fore man of the jury, "this lady is su ing this gent for $5000 for a stolen kiss." "Correct, " responded the judge. "You are to decide if it was worth ii." "That's Ihe point. Could the jury have a sample ?' Irish New World. HE WASN'T HURRYINQ. NOT FOR A NICKLE. "This talk about men being so impatient when a woman is getting ready to go anywhere is all rub bish," said an indignant young wife recently to a friend. "Doesn't your husband com plain at all?" asked her friend slyly. "No, indeed!" retorted the young wife. "Why, lasi Monday afternoon I couldn't find my gloves and then had to hunt around for one or two other things. Yet when I was ready and went down stairs to my husband he was sil ting by the dining room fire, read ing and smoking as if I wasn't half an hour late." "Never1 Where were you go ing?" "Shopping!" replied the young wife. Exchange. A Good Family Cough Remedy Can be made by mixing I'iue-Tar, Aconite, Sugar, Hyoicyamus, Sassafras, Peppermint, Ipecac, Hhuharb, Man drake, Capsicum, Muriate Ammonia, Honey and Glycerine. It is pleasant, healing and soothing, raises the phlegm and gives almost instaut relief. For convenience of those who prefer not to fusa, it is supplied ready made in Qrc. bottles under name of Ir. Bell a Pine Tar Honey. Can be had at your drug gist. Insist on getting Ur. Bell s I'ine-Tar-Honey and see that the formula is on the package. , Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA It was in a country store in Arkansas. A one-gallus customer drifted in. "Gimme a nickel's worth ot asa fetida." The clerk poured some asafetida in a paper bag and pushed it across ihe counter. "Charge it," drawled the cus tomer. 'What's your name'" asked ihe clerk. "Honeyfunkel." "Take it," said ihe clerk. wouldn't wriie asafeiida and Hon eyfunkle for five cents." Fvery body's Magazine. Ceremony was invented by a wise man to keep fools at a safe distance. ENTIRELY TOO CARELESS. The editor in charge of the per sonal inquiry column opened his seventieth letier with a groan. "I have lost three husbands," a lady reader had wriiten confi dentially, "and now have the offer of a fourth Shall I accept him?" The editor dipped his pen in the ink. This was the last siraw. "If you've lost three husbands," he wrote, ''1 should say you are much too careless to be trusted with a fourth." Boston Exami- Keep Your Skin Clean and Healthy There is only oue way to have a clear, henlthy complexion and that is to keep the bowels active and regular. Dr. King's New Life Pills will make your complex ion healthy and clear, move the bowels gently, cleanse the system and purify the blood. A splendid spring medicine 25c. at your druggist. Perhaps adversity may prepare a man for the life beyond the grave, but it curtails his credit while on earth. The homelier a girl is the fewer tempiations she has to dodge. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA PRETTY STRONO PROOF. "Jimmy," said the fond mother to her smart nine-year-old, "what became of that fruit cake I made for you as a treat yesterday? Did you eat it ? "No, mamma," answered Jim my, with a grin; "I gave it to the teacher instead." "That was very generous of you, Jimmy," complimented his mother. "And did iyour teacher eat it ?" "Yes, I ihink so," answered Jimmy. "She wasn't at school today." Life. ECLIPSED BY A MOUSE. "What are you, anyway?" con temptuously inquired Mrs. Peck during the quarrel; "a man or a mouse?" "A man," answered Henry Peck bitterly. "If I were a mouse I'd have you up on that table now, yelling for help." San Francisco Call. PHILOSOPHY THAT FAILED. "1 don't see Si Perkins any more at ihe grocery lycetim." "Si sorier lost caste. He was setting on a cracker barrel arguing thai life was not worth living. A lamp exploded." "Well?" "Si was the first man out." Exchange. MAILS AND A FEMALE. "Well, it that ain't the limit," said the postman as he came down the steps of a private residence. "What's the trouble?" queried the mere citizen who had over heard the postman's remark. "Why," explained the man in gray, "the woman in that house says if I don't come along earlier she'll get her letters from some other carrier." Ex. INVITATION You are invited to open an account with the BMK Of EH FIELD, EflflELD, I. C. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart- ment Compounded Quarterly. Ijgy V 01 i can hank by mail KinraniBKKirasttsoHitiirr J. M. Bragg Automobiles .ii. - - jlve I'lotoi A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. rr of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingre dients. OUR DRUGS are selected for theii PURITY and have been tested for strength. FIRST QUALITY, RKA. SONABLE PRICE and f OUR j) CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. Some men who pay their bills promptly expect a lot of credit for it later. There's no fool like an old who marries a young fool. fool Get The Habit IPBuy for Cash. SaveTI Tthe pennies by buy--d ling at W. T. PARKER & CO, Wholesale Cash Store WELOON, N. C. . ( ,