ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.5G Per Annum VOL. LI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .JUNE 1, 11)1 (?. NO. (I FOR BRONCHITIS, WHC0HRG C0BGH, croup, mmm ma mm Children Cry for Fletcher's Make the Best Remedy at 1 lotne 128 Teaspoonsf ul for 59 cent; i I V-WOk ? '! MS k"1 ti r 1 Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, uml .:.:. .i 1i;im been lu uho lor over 3U yours, Iius borm t':o t.'"'o of anu lias bi'Cll nuiij u:u!; r IdM ht sonnl Hiii-rvlsio.i in.-,; Hi i:.f:uic v. 3f &(cA4, Allow no one tolo o-vi! totiinthU. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-ns-iviMHl " ant but Experiments tliat trlllo v illi and enil;ui!':i-r t:ie health of luluuts and Children Experience ii(f!tlust J Ixiicriment. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It i.i pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor oilier Iuivotiu substance. Its nifo is its guarantee, it destroys V. 'onus and allays Fcverishness. 1'or more than thirty yearn it ling been In constant use fcr tl:; relief f Constipation, Flatulency, "Wind Colli;, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates tho Stomal ti kikI Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving? healthy and natural sieep. The Children's Pauucca The Mother's IMcud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of m . In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CENTAUR COMPANY, NKW YORK CITV. THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, X. ( Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aud Surplus, $55,000. For over 21 years tins institution lius provided Imiikini' faeilitli n for this section. Its stockholders unit olliei-rs are idintilird uilli Hie l.usi nesa interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the lieuelit ul nil ho ih'Hire to deposit in a Savings Hank, lu this 1 ejui t nient mtereM is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain lim e mouths or loiurer, '.' per eeut. Six months or longer, 3 percent. Twelve months or louder. 4 percent. Any information will be furnished on application to the President oi Cashier pbbsident : W, K. DANIEL, VII'X-I'UKHIOENT: W. K. SMITH. L. V. IIHAI'KH, Teller. I AHlllBH: .1. U. lKA K K, DIKECTOHS W. K. Smith, W. K. Daniel, .1. tt. ioake. W. M. Cohen, R. T. Dauicl, J. I,. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. U. Zollicoll'er, .1 . W. Sledge 1 Walls foprig Holder CBuih-in A fz I Ljl M Lvj STAutomaiic flheVelveeKind" TrlE CPEAM OF ALL ICB CR.EAMS 091 Order Some Th? dish of pyj dcliciousness it supplies coolness nnd nourisliment so much better for you than heating pies and pastries. Blended perfectly in the.Purity Palace. Your "VELVET KIND' d?aJer wiil supply you. AOuaitVA Served gmcicpcnsive 5 1. Sold in Weldon by the Weldon Drug Company; in South Wei Jon by the Souih Weldon Pharmacy; in Halifax by the Vinson Pharmacy. T, W. BICKETT Raleigh, N. C. Democratic Candidate for Govarnsr. IN THIS WORLD. The Man Who Owes An Honest Debt Should Never Be Offend ed When the Bill Is Presented. j UO 0 WR REFHiQEHA TOR Has All These Star Features Built on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls that arc 8-ply and a thorough insulation against heal and cold with a drain that has never been known to idog with light, easily-cleaned electrically-welded wire shelves and the most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator truly you get a wonderful machine for preserving food and waier in the AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR. Let us point to you ihese siar features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle with out infringing Newell patents. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C In this world of woe; this world where all the big apples are on top where the pretty girls have the advantage of those not so good looking, and where men grown old wear whisker paini, it is al ways a struggle. Many of us curse the load we bear because ii is made heavier by ihoughiless ness on the pari of oiliers. Listen to this from the Lincolnton Times; "We are sorry 10 find two or three of our readerr a liule wrought up because we had our represent- aiive send them a bill for their buck subscriptions." Funny about some fellows and their bills. They go laughing and smiling as though to a wedding feasi when ihey order something sent down "and charge it please' but when the innocent bill col lector comes along they refuse to treai him with respect. He is guiltless. He is simply out trying to get a little cash 10 make things go, and because he asks you to come across you get mad and think the man is iniruding. Not all of you but some of us. The man who owes an honest debt should never be offended when the bill is presented. He should ireal a collector with cor- dialiiy, because the collector may be depending on his success to buy bread for his babies. The collec tor is mn Huiliy of any wrong do ing. The- imin who sent you the bill is within his rights -you owe the muiiLy and you know you owe ii, and why gel a grouch and be mean about ii ? Suppose there is a mistake? Why not under stand it is unimeniional and go in a calm and peaceful manner and explain. Why rip and snort, swear and tear your hair and insist that you do not propose to stand for this sort of thing? Why gel mad because you are asked to pay what you honestly owe or what a man thinks you honestly owe ? Why? Simply because you do not stop to think. Because you think smart 10 go up in ihe air and frighten half to death a timid, in nocent bill collector who never wronged you and wouldn't wrong you for the world. tverything 30E30E31 I . Z A B A , 1 mm O Neil dnor to ZnllienhWH. WHI.tKlN. N. C. 1 take your measure and make .uit to order on my bench, fall and aspect nue line 01 piece (tooup ana samples, aiisiacnou (unin 30E301 3 o , o TANNER'S HOOF PAINT Fierce ii,; iti leal SOLD BY 0 ID arm liiiniitinv Some men seem 10 enjoy mean. being One can't blame a liar for doubt ing nearly every tale he hears. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through the flesh and quickly rftops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The beiSt rubbing liniment ii MUSTANG LMEUT Coo J for the Ailmcntt of Mule, Cattle, Etc. Qooi for your own Acha, Vault, Rheumatiam, Sprain, Cut, Burn, Etc 50c. $1, At all Dealen. MY DREAM. I dreamed of you, and all the fair Sweet joys of other years came back The days unburdened by care, The words, the smiles, the tears, alack ! And yet, Love's sacred own, each tear That made love more dear, more dear To you 10 me Love's vanished years Came back my eyes were full of tears I 1 dreamed of you, and thought to stay My tears, and check my throbbing heart And let my dream have fondest sway ! I bade my present go apart And be no more, while 1 should dream 'Twas not a dream ! But, when those years Came back my eyes were full of tears. I dreamed of you, and let them have Their way my tears and let my breast Throb with unrest, the while I gave Myself up to my dreams the blest. Dear memory of what once was I 'Twas vain 10 have done else, because When the lone heart dreams of Love's years, 'Tis then the eyes will fill with lears ! PATHWAY OF THE LIVING, The pathway of the living is our ever present care, Let us do our best 10 smooth it and make it bright and fair; Let us travel it wiih kindness, let's be careful as we tread, And lei's give unto the living what we'd offer to the dead. The pathway of the living we can beautify and grace, We can line it deep with roses and make earth a happier place. But we've done all mortals can do when our prayers are softly said, For ihe souls of those that travel o'er the pathway of the dead. The pathway of ihe living all our strength and courage needs, There we ought to sprinkle favors, there we ought to sow our deeds There our smiles should be the brightest, there our kindest words be said. For the angels have the keeping of the pathway of the dead. This is ihe month when the old omen used to gel busy with their yarbs" and their "syrups," and go out and dig up the sassafras root nd mix it with something or oiher nd as night rolled her curtains own and pinned them with a siar, caused ihe kidletie to drink a spoon two of the "blood purifier." n these days these days of the eternal conflict with germs of high and low degree, we don't monkey much with the blood we pass up the old tonics and the golden past. However, as each spring time comes with its glories of vernal bloom we cannot fail to feel anew the inspiraiion of ihe Boston poet who sang: 'O, sassafras, O, sassafras, Thou art the stun" for me ! And in the spring, I love to sing, Sweet sassafras, of thee !" Whether the blood needs the dope or not, we know full well that such an effusion such a court ing of the Wall Lyed Muse fur nishes to ihe intellect to the mind, a soothing syrup calculated to cause all grouch germs to take to tall timber. Everything. NOT QUALIFIED. WORK IS HEALTH. WORK IS A DISPELLER OF FEARS, .u. , . . - .1. rn- .i worn is not me curse nor tne amiuion mat some people tlnnK it is, When taken in proper doses it is the best of medicine. It is now be ing prescribed for many lorms ol invalidism such as heart disease, Bright s disease, nervousness, and particularly for insanity. The lack ot worK is onen tne cause ot many cnrunic maiaaies ana it is a wise physician who can determine when one needs work insiead of rest and in prescribing the remedy produce no unpleasant situations. About the most unhealthful person, as well as the most unhappy and useless, is the person wiih nothing to do. Work is a dispeller of fears. It is the exercise that is as essential to the body and mind as are food and air. It is only when work is car ried to excess mat it oecomes injurious, as in tne case with food, rest and all good things. 1 he ideal ol a neaiiny, nappy lite is no longer a world where work is not necessary and life is one grand sweet song of idleness. Life activity; in the broad sense, it is work work that produces and entails sacrifice. Il is not less work that we need, but work in die right pro portions and under the right conditions. Such work is health. THO VOICE OP CASH. Apropos of a young girl's rich marriage. Mayor kockwcii said, at h reception iu Akron. "Our girls don't marry as disad vantage as our boys do. In the whirl of love the female doesn't seem to get as dizzy as ihe male. "A pretty girl told me the other day that she was engaged to a v ery rich landowner. " 'Well, well,' said I, 'and here we all thought you'd marry the el oquent young preacher who took you about so much lasi summer.' The girl smiled. " 'Deeds speak louder than words,' she said." Most of the so-called fun you have in this life is downrighi foolishness. An officeholder should remem ber that one bad term doesn't de serve another. He laughs best who has the laugh on the other fellow. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTO R I A THR WINK THAT FAILED, Said a minister's seven-year-old son: I upa, do you eVef look ul tne while you are preaching?" The father, thinking thai he was a little hurt by supposed neglect, said : "Certainly, my son, I ofien look at you, and think of you when am preaching." "But today did you notice me at all ?" "Yes, I did, son, several times,' said the father. wen, papa, did you see me wink at you two or three times?" No, my son. What did you wink at me for when I was preach inh?" 1 winked at you, papa, to gel you to stop. You were spinning it too long." Wiih money you can buy all (he mends you want, but they are never worth ihe price. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S E. L. DAUGHTRIDGE Raleigh, N. C. Oemocratlc Candidate for Governor. RIGHT NOW. Sassafras, O, Sassafras, Art the Stuff for Me. Thou l( everything was sold in as liberal and fair a manner as the below named drug gists are selling Schitlmann's New Con centrated Expectorant, absolutely no cause for complaint or dissatislaction could possibly arise from anyone. 1 hese drugtiism say "Buy a botile of this rem edy and try it for Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Severe Cough, Croup or any Bronchial Affection, and we will return your money, just the same as we do with Schiffmann's famous Aslhmador, if it does not give satisfaction, or if not found the best remedy ever used for any of these complaints." Why not take ad vantage of this guarantee and try this medicine, and get your money back, rath sr than buying another purely on the exaggerated claims of Kb manufacturer or on the strength of testimonials from others and run the chance of getting something worthless and also wasting your money? In buying this remedy, besides seevr ing an absolute (guarantee of its cliicien- y from these drujigisls, you also get nb.v.r. eight times as much iiicduinu as u i would in buying most any of tho oU fashioned, ready-made kinds, which ave'. age from 20 to 32 teaspoonsf ul, becair. i fine worth makes a whole pint (128 tin spoonsful) when mixed at homo with simply one pint of sugar and one-half pint of water. This remedy positively doea not contain chloroform, opium, morpluno or any other narcotic. It is pleasant to take and children are fond of it. Vou will be the sole judge, and under this positive guarantee absolutely no risk is run in buy ing this remedy. Druggists everywhere are authorized to sell it under the sannt guarantee as Schiffmann'9 famous Asth mailor of "Money Back" if not perfectly satisfactory. R. J.Schiffmann, Proprietor, Saint Paul, Miim. Guaranteed here by W M. Cohen. wtat-osa Kwam -ssistsiK;::: .--asMr. .iatiiiinBn v STATION. You are invited to open an account with the BMK OF EflFlUD, EflflELD, jl. 0. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart' ment Compounded Quarterly. py YOU can bank by mail Pbon 1004 ill HH "I want to be excused, "said the worried-looking itiryman, address ing the judge. "I owe a man $5 that 1 borrowed and as he is leav ing town for some years, I want to caich him before he gets to ihe train and pay him the money." "You are excused," replied the judge, in icy tones. I don't want anybody on the jury who can lie like that." MIXINO THEM. 'Do you make much money marryingeloping couples, squire?" the tobacco drummer asked old Hudson Hicks, Justice of the Peace, at Rainbow Bend, N. J. Yes, I get $2 for marrying each couple and they come in such darned haste that I always fine 'em $10 for speedin . Washington Post. J. M. Bragg Automobile Littleton, N. C. I I 1 SIcevK-Vedve Moto A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence 1111 BANK k US? (I WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent Interest on Savings Deposits. l i.iLur. OUR j) MAJ. GEN. JAS. I. METTS Wilmington, N. C. Commander N. C. Division United ConftdtrtU Vettrtnt. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingre dients. OUR DRUGS are selected for theit PURITY and have been tested for strength FIRST QUALITY, REA. SONABLE PRICE and CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY, Get The Habit XBuy for Cash. SaveXI SXthe pennies by buy-"v3 ITing at . ' ' W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store : ' , WBLOON, N. C. i i I j x ft t 1 j Always bear the Signature of WELDON, N C, CASTORIA Mb. si