r 1 A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WELDOX. X. C TIIUliSDAY. .Fl'NK !.", l'.Htt. i trins of Subscription-Jl. ."(, Per Annum ESTABLISHED IN 1866. XO. H VOL. LI. V Children Cry for Fletcher's Tho Kind You Have Ahvuys liotight, a.i.l . a lias been iu use for over UO yi-iii'H, lias borne fie s';-iijit i:r- of i and has been mar.o under l.:.s pi r (ional supervision '.:;( i:ifa::i y. Allow no one todoee'.vo yoti ia this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Jiist-u.-i-jrood " are lint lsxpcHinents that triflo w ith aatl imlaii",er tho health of luluuts and Children Experience against imperialist. What is CASTORIA Cnstorla is a harmless substitute) for Castor Oil, Pare goric!, lrops and Southing S.inps. ll U pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Alorphiuo nor .:.. r 'v.ircotiu Hubstauec. Its tip;o is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays l'everishiiess. l'or nioro tlnr.i thirty years it lias been in constant use for the reik i i . !' Constipation, I'latuleney, AVlnd Colle, all Teething Troubles and Diiirihiea. It regulates t'ao Stomach and JIowcls, assimilates the Food, giving healthy atnl 11a'. i:ral sleep. 1'lie Children's Panacea The .Mother's i'lieud. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of 1 In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CKNTAUM i:OM-ANV, THE B a J K OF WELDON Wi:iJ)()N. X. ( OrRanized Under the Laws ol the State ot North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. for uvei '-'1 yci4i-M Uiu iu:;litulii.u baa provided hanking facilities lor tins section Its stockholders un.l olheers an- iileiitiiit'd uitli (lie busi ness interests of llahfa.v and Noilh.iinpton counties. A Savon.' Depaitinent is maintained loi tin- henelit ol ill who to deposit in a Savings Hunk. In tics Depaiitncut interest is allu follows: " l'or Deposits allowed toremani thtee months or loutri-i . percent. Ml moutlisor longer, :t per cent I n. I.e months or lunger, t percent. I1V informatiuii ill be furnished on application to the t'lesidciit orCaslnei desire allotted as CKRSI HUNT : W. K. DAMKL, DIKElTOliS W. K. T. I'aniel, .1.1.. vieKiHKsiniivr: W. It. SMITH. , C. Dh'Al'l.'K, Teller. casiiikk: . tl. DliA KK, It. Sinilli, W. Shepherd, W K. Huniel. .1. tl. luake, W. A. Pierce, ll. I!. Zolheotlei M. Cohen. .I.W. shslire SO WM PI iio other refriqertor ' Has All These Star Features Built on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls that an: S-ply and a thorough insulation against heat and cold with a drain that has never been known to clog-with light, easily-cleaned electrically-welded wire shelves and the most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator truly you get a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in the AUTOMATIC MIFKIGF.KATOR. Let us point to you these star features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle with out infringing Newell patents. ' Wion Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C EZ30E301 ABOUT GIRLS. i Kvery (iirl Should Have Some J Useful Vocation or Avocation. What fond affections cluster j around the truly innocent girl-the girl whose purity glistens like the snow in the frosty moonlight! Nothing in all this world is quite so charming as girlish innocence. And how can any girl he really happy unless she is pure and in nocent, sweet and wholesome ? The l-'reneh have a pretty pro verb, "La beaute sans vertu est une Heur sans parfutn" (Beauty without virtue is like a tlower without perfume.) Lvery genu inely pretty girl in the world is as pure as the pearl. The loveliest and best "movie" actresses are those whose days are spent in goodness. For generations Priscilla, the Puritan maiden, principal historic figure of Longfellow's immortal ...... , ... r lira poem I lie t.ourtsnip oi macs Standish," has been regarded by the llnglish-speaking world as an ideal ivne of auileless girlhood, of maidenly modesty. "There is no land so sacred, no air so pure and so wholesome As is the air she breathes, and the soil that is pressed by her foot-1 steps." There is doubtless many a mod ern Priscilla. Lack of space for bids me to speak in detail of the character of F.vangeline, "the pride of the village ol drand l're, as lineated in Longfellow's exquisite ly beautiful poem of that name. Lvery girl should have some vocation or avocation, idleness is a prolific source of vice, sin.misery and unhappiness. The girl in good health ought to be willing to do her share of the werld's work. The young woman who goes forth in the morning to earn her daily bread, to "breast the blows of cir cumstance," to wage the battle of life alone, determined to maintain her purity and her innocence at all hazards, is beyond all praise. Honest, conscientious work is good lor both soul and body. We cannot always choose our own work. "Let us to Providence trust, and aDioe anu woiiv m our stations." The girl without tui tion and training cannot expect to fill any of the more important positions. The humblest girl can have a little library of choice books which will be all her own. Many of the most popular books in our public libraries are among the most worthless. An inspiring book for girls is "Fairest Girlhood," by Maruaret L. Sangsier. Another noble hook by the same author, is i "Winsome Womanhood." Still another great and inspiring book is "The Pleasures of Life," by Lord Avetuiry, better known as Sir John Lubbock. I wish I could place a copy of each of these three beloved volumes in the hands of every girl in America. Of course the Bible is the great est ot all books. Two noble girls (or women) of the Old Testament are Lsther and Ruth, whose char acters any girl can study with prof it. Henry Ward Beecher once said that books are not furniture, but that there is nothing which so completely furnishes a house as books. Any private library, how ever small, should include copies of Shakespeare, Milton and the Bible. Blessed is that girl whose thirst for useful knowledge is insa tiable. The girl who would make the most of life, who would avoid the many pitfalls, snares and allure ments which meet the young on every hand, must give diligent heed unto the advice, admonition and instructions of her parents. For, in the words of King Lear, "How sharper than a serpent's tooth it is to have a thankless 4 Be SuiJlt,4',i-H THE CREAM OF ALL ICE CREAMS Try A Quart Today ! Molherr, should t.ii.i' ;i vatittiofi Irom cake and p.;iry bukiny Sit ve good kc crunn- you can t;t't Ihi1 IaM ;mv t!iv' in mi any n "VELVET KiWiV TN 1 Ji-UilT. Sold in Weldon by the Weldoii Drug Company; in South Weldon by j the South Weldon Pharmacy; in I lalifnx bv the Vinson Pharmacy. jet 4 ''yNrv IU-f $ l UKAHU.KAlli: I WILLIAM II. JOY Nil R. AMllllA IT HIK III1-: I l.l.lsl Ml U Iko.Vi MiKlllA.WI'HiN CUIMK THE OLD ROCKING CHAIR. I. ZABA, MERCHANT UILORX o iti TABHEE'S ROO F PUS I You may talk ol the joy ot a sv ill-gliding keel, And the pleasure you find in an automobile; The delight of a trotter and a rubber-tired rig, Or a sleigh when King Winter puts on his while wig; Or canter away over fences and rocks, Or a tall bony hunter pursuing the fox; You may also go up tor a spin in the air, But give me the ease of die old rocking-chair. The rose-tlowered cretonne is laded and torn, The back has been mended, the varnish is worn, But when ram on the pane drums a dreary refrain, And sorrowful memories haunt me again, Or the day has been long, and I'm weary and sad, Or my spirits are low, or the kiddies are bad, How sweet to forget all my trouble and care In the kindly embrace ol the old rocking-chair! A mother reclined in its roominess deep To sing to her babies and rock them to sleep; A father found rest at the close of the day Leaning back on its cushions so soft and so gay; And flaxen-haired tots made believe 'twas a boat In which to tar countries they journeyed afloat, So the throne of a monarch can never compare In value to me with the old rocking-chair. Apart of each dear one ho loved it so well Seems yet in the battered old rocker to dwell, It is hallowed by hands that are under the mold, And here with the new chairs, all satin and gold, On the Axminster rug ii shall stay to the end, A shabby but honored, reliable friend. The rest to the attic in time we may bear. But I'll never abandon the old rocking-chair. ONext door tu ZolheonYr'H, KI.HoS, N. V. I I.L. u.tnr measure ami III Ikf Hill I IO uiun on " ... inspect Hue line of pieee kooiIn and sainpli'H Call and atntfaetioii guaranteei child.' I Had to Have a Cold tin ne On Hou't let your cold liaiiiron, raek your Bvstein and lieeonie elironie ln n I'r. Hell's Pine Tar Money ill help you. It heals the inlliiunnution. soothes the eouidraud loosen the phleirm. You breathe easier at once. Dr. Hell's l'ine Ti Houetf in a laxative Tar Syrup, the nine tar balsam heals the raw spots loosens the mucous and prevents irrita tion of the bronchial tube. .lust get a bottle of Dr. Hell's l'iue Tar-lloney to ilftv its nuaianteeil to help you. At druKKists. SOLI) HY WELDON, N C, Transgressors should be lo pay a road tax. made Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Freatly Benefited by Chamber lain's Liniment I have used I 'liutnbei Iain's l.aiiineul for sprains, hi inses and rheumatic pains and the meat benelit I have lecened justifies my irconniH'iidim; it in the highest terms," iwiles Mrs. I'lon iue hie. Walulsll, I II I. II you Hie tlolihli ! with iheumalii' pains you will certainly be pleased with the prmnpl lelief which Cliamlicibin s I.iuiinriil adonis. lloiunilile everywhere ftp , i J ; Bills, wmm wm. mm, mm m wm Make the Best Renifdy at 1 lotne-12-3 I'c.u.poonsful for j0 ten. II everylhinii v.ai sold in as liherpl :mrt ! lair a manner as Hie below named drui1,-: liista are M-llinit Srhiitmann's Nw Con- (.entra-.ed hxixs'lorant, absolutely no cam. i' for complaint or dissatisfaction ' ,-ould po.,sibly ansi troin anyone. These di uKV.i-as say - "liny a bottle of Ibis rem edy and tiy it for rtrim.litti.i, Wlinopinii Loui'li. heveie Coui'.h, Croup or any broiuhial Ailectic.n, and we v. ill return your money, ju.t the jme as we do wall S lultmann's lamous Asdimailur, if it does not rfivc saiisfaction, or il not found the best remedy ever used for any of these complaints." Why not take ad vantage of this Kiiarantee and try this medicine, and net your money back, rath er than biiyimi another purely on the exac.fteralcd claims of im manufacturer (iron the strength of testimonials from others and run the chance ot eiiine. gometmmt uortniess your money.'' Siiiiiitii;::;;: I and uliso wa;:t.i .laliiiiK. ' In bt.vir.it tin:, remedy, b"sid-. r. si c it. an aljsuiu'.e ouaraniee of itsetiic.e; Iron tin-c drui-i-Mts you also (let nh. oi.tht times as miith riiedi'. i-ic ;; ;. would in biiym't must ar.y i Mm i lasluoned, ivaoy tnade kimls, whii h av :a:e iiom LI'i i Xt teaspoonsliii.bei ;ui: : r,Dc vi-ottli ma1;! .; a whole pint fiZri t. i spoonsful) wln iiiini d at Lome v.i'h simply one nint of suar and one-half .. si ot water. T.o remedy posi'iveiy i;.s not contain e li lui i.fnnii, opium, inorpl.n.e or any other narcotic. It is pleasant to tain: and children am fond of it. You wiil be the sole judce, and under this positive i.uarantee absolutely no risk is run in I try inii lids remcily. l)rii?!iists everywin re are authoriia'd to sell il under the same euarantee as Scliifhnann's famous Asth mador of "Money Hack" if not perfectly satisfactory, li. J. Schil! mann, Proprieto.", Saint i'aul, Winn. Guaranteed here by v. M .ii hen. ttHKiiiK.Si::: i i i Ai .3a;:;:c!;iinanioinii!!i!iiK!si!ii K 1 A. I.. FRENCH Dt ;ipr, N. C. Rripublican Candidate for Commission of Agriculture. THt MYSTERY OF DREAMS. Vttii .ire invited to ipci! an .-niotint ij BliKK OF WIZLQ, ll ElflCLDf . C. en the I oiliest Dream is Said to Last Hut a Second. i is ep is Mills . list as nonieiioii ul life, so dr natural phenomenon of lloctors sav lb it the longest we ever have -even the oi phe are a sleep, lream 1111 4- Per Cent, allowetl in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail iuuiimiiaiitaia e with theas tl that seems lo carry us ilitough several days perhaps occupies no more than a single second. Some authorities maintain thai if any one of our dreams were to lasi longer than a single second we should die. Other authorities are convinced lb. n we do mil dream at all when we are asleep, but only in the traction of lime when v, e are las Shakespeare has expressed ill "iwixi sleep and waking " ll is also argued that dreams are nothing bin distorted ideas and mi i . .i. . i . . i ages passing iiiroiigu nn- uniwsy mind, and being no more than ex traordinary variations ol things that have happened, or of things that we have thought, or redd in our waking moments, they can have no possible association with our future. But, on the other hand, dreams have been credited with prophetic meanings since the days when the world was young, and dream books are still published and purchased and consulted. ON THt: OLD I . ARM IJ. M. Bragg Automobiles Littleton, N. C '&lve Moto A man without a collar butiun is almost as helpless as a woman without a hairpin. Will My Child Take Dr. kin s New Discovery? The best answer is lir. king s New Dis covery itself. It's a ileasuut sweet syr up, easy to take. It contains the med icines which vears of experience have proveu best loi t'mmlis and Colds. I'hose who have used Dr. King's Sew Discov ery longest are its best friends. Hesides eveiy bottle is guaranteed If you don't get satislaetion you get your money back, buy a bottle, use as directed. Keep what is left for Cough and Cold insurance. Marriage isn't necessarily a fail ure, bin it's seldom what ii ought lo he. You're not the only one; there are others who talk loo much. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Does Sloan's Liniment Help Rheumatism ? A-d, the man who uses it, be knows. " I'o think I sull'eled nil these Vettls ivheiioii, e.s cent bollle ol Sloan's Lini ment cute, I me," writes one k'latel'ul ! set II' you have l;hciimutism 01 suf i ri V in. ileal. Haekache, soieiies and llllllev. don 1 put oil 'gelling a bollle il'sle.ltl v It w ill ittve you such Wel ome lehei. It waimsaii.l soothes the oie. - till' painful places :iml von h IIIIICll Ol nilv '-' c An ofticial of the Department of Agriculture said at a dinner in j Washington : "The farm, with its automobile and phonograph and telephone, is gay enough now. The dull and . even dreary farm life ol the past has disappeared. ; "The farm lite of the pasi! "One divine spring morning in , the past a farm boy rushed to his farmer daddy and said : "Oh, pop, the circus comes to town today ! Will ye gimme a dime to go to see her ?" " 'Certainly not !' roared the fanner. 'A dune to go to see the circus, when only last winter 1 let you go up to the top of Jones's hill to sec the eclipse ol the moon! Do you think, you young dog, that life is one perpetual round of pleas ure ?" A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the onlv sure way of attaining independence III 4 per cent WELDON, N. C. Interest on Savings Deposits.! el so bus ll ill lllis sto You can soon till your purse by hiding a linle more than you take out. and Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera Diarrhoea Remedy I hi" is a remedy that every family should be provided with, and especially dining the suuimci months. Think of the pain and sultcting that must be en diiusl when medicine must tie sent foi ol beloie relief can be obtained Tins remedy is thoroughly reliable. Ask any one n bo lias used it. Obtainable everywhere. One of the ambitions of the erage man is to do those he been done by. av- has CASTORIA For Infants and Childrea In Use For Over 30 Years Always hears -9 ? m SiKi.atmeof Citfffi&&AcK nii.vk r in ins Mount. An Irishman, apply mg tor a pen sion at Washington, insisted upon the justice of his claim owing to the fact that he was wounded while ! in the service of his country. j "How and where were you wounded-" one ol the eonmuiiee imittired. Placing his hand over his heart, he said: "1 was shot in the breast on a : retreat from Bull Pun, yer hon or." "Shot through the breast on a j retreat?" said the committeeman. "How could you be shot through the breast on a retreat ?' ' "1 had the indiscretion to turn I and look back, yer honor." "But if you were shot in the breast in the place you indicate the ball would have gone through your heart. How is that?" "Me heart was in me niouih a the lime, yer honor" Fun and Frolic. F.very lime two women go to a matinee together they call it a the ter party. of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingredients. OUR Dh!lJ(iS are I THE llll yil I licii II Ill xKiAy selected for PURITY and have been tested for strength FIRST QUALITY, RLA. SONAHl.l: PRICl: and CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. S3H Get The Habit IBuy tor Cash. Saveli LcXthe pennies by buy-XI IpXing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store, WtiUOON, N. C. -4 .M 1 I J I

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