v r . .. k 1 A ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. iV-rms of Subscription-"? I.5C i't r Annul. VOL. Lr. WE L DON, N. C, TIIUKSDAY, .JI XE 22, NO. J i 111 li''iil '-fh i m vi sa m ft A j ! ipfiaa ! ALCOHOL-3 J'liH CENT AYe&toblc Preparab'onfcrAS siiiiilatiiiftthcRnMl oiidBeiU Knilllic Sluntictisauil Hfilsa iikslioaOKofc1' nessandlfcst.Coul Not jiakco.' VESA HmSml- . tioh. Sour Nroniaa t norms. w""p rucS'inate NEW T"l -si ISCASTOIilA Exact Copy of Wiapurf, thi ccT..ia coiintiir Km o city i'''iMn'lll-'-'1J J! iiiJiiVi'iffiBTr""""11"""'! I THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital ana Surplus, $55,000. For over '.'1 years this institution has provided laiikiiitf facilities for this section. Its'stockholders and ollict r are ideiitilied with the busi ness interests of ItaliTus mid Northampton counties. A Savings Department ix maintained for t lie heiielit of all ho desire to deposit in a Savinsfs ilank. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: tor Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, '2 per cent. Sis months or lontrer. H per cent. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent. Vnv information will he furnished on rllKSlDKNT : W. K. DAMKL, vn k i'kksidknt: W. It. SMITH. L. C. DltAl'Kli, Teller. DIKK(T()liS W. li. Smith, W. K. R. T. Dauiel, .1.1.. Shepherd, W. A. 110 OTHER REFRIC.EMTOQ Has All These Star Features Built on ihe RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls that are X-ply and a thorough insulation against heat and cold wiih a drain that has never been known to clog with light, easily-cleaned electrically-welded wire shelves and the most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator truly you get a wonderful machine for preserving loud add water in the AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR. Let us point 10 you these star features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle with out infringing Newell paten is. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. EZX0E30E I. ZABA, 8 0 MERCHANT O Next door to Zolhcott'er's, WKI.DON, N. I'. O M t take your measure and make suit to order on my hench. Call and M VLinspect tine line of piece goods ami samples. Satisfaction guaranteedy xa aaoaoui xCf TANNER'S HOOF FiiSI SOLD BY Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Gorapany kllnl WELDON, N , . For Infants find Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of Use For Over Thirty Years application to the President or Cashier ( asiiikh: .1. 0. DliAKK. Daniel, ,1. t). Drake, W. M. Cohen, Tierce, D. II. Zulheollei, .1 . W. Sledge. !UL0R, LW IJr 1" f Hi j THE CEU:AM OF ALL 1CF CREAMS J v k 0 ttl!.' ;l. 'fc Vnur dis lui will n il you ln.w ue trejii. -u.jiln-H tdt rfffeta. ' J if TaKeHotue ' ' i.umots us-..(VR-im-m..! Si ffflw irff B 1Y: I I 9 AGiU31't llielfialily avmlalili- iioui'i-Juimil isvdi.l by lis- ill li I I f I I t If n Iff 'I If I ! You tali yet llic' bt-'bl llie " VKCVh'i KIND V y I J J I ! I A llSt ' 'I ' "'n yuu' m'a,by ''"rr1 1 ERNEST F. YOUNG ' I I H. It lunr, N. C. h. VW ? f I ; at ; linllllMtiiTw iiiir'thtiinri iiiiiiiii'ilii'r--'--'-iliii'ii(iiiiiii'li liiir : m v'- " .. C. T. McCLENNEGHAN Ralelah. N. C. Bilious Attacks. When you have a bilious attack your liver fails to perform its functions. You become constipated. The food you eat ferments in your stomach instead of di gesting. This inllames the stomach and causes nausea, vomiting anil a ter rible headache. They will tone up your liver, clean out your stomach, and you w ill be as well as ever. They only cost a iiiarter. Obtainable everywhere. CLEAN COMMUNITIES HEALTHY Filth iu itself euuuut generate dis ease, but Ui the long run, barring un usual exeeptluiis, low death rates and long life always come with records of clean communities. The "Clean L'p and Paint Up" cam paign is, after all, a housekeeping Job, and for that reason every housekeep er should co-operate with the town of ficials In making the town spotless. Nothing pleuses one more than to have a visitor say what a beautiful town you live iu. Why not make your town the cleunest in America? It's easily done. Have harmony reign aud all work together and you will be sur prised at the result. Now, let us all pull together for n spotless town! kastored to Good Health 1 was sick for I yeais with stoinaeh trouble, w rites .M is. Otto t ians..ancKVille, Ohio. "I lost weight and felt so weak that I almost gave up hope of being cured. A friend told me about Cham berlain's Tablets, and since using two bottles of them I have been a well man." Obtainable evervw here. WHAT PAINT WILL DO. Asa any real estate mull what per centago of value is milled to n house by a fresh emit of p:iiu( and you will be snrpt lsed at tile size of I lie limin e he will give you. Tiki many householders bavo the habit of putting oil' piihitlug until a house fairly scie.'iins for It. flood point npplied at regular inter vtls, not too fur u mil. Is the true eeon only iu that It not 1 1 1 . netiially rnUes the value of the house by Improved appearance, but through preservative lug'Pdlents prevents nml 'uresis decay The man who lets ni house brenuie an eyesore in an otherwiM- well kept locality should be nixed for .lie heavy damage he Is doing to that community irsys the tteal Ksftite Journal. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always beats ytf Signature of A FIRST RF.ADINO. (Collector Did you look at that lit tie bill I left yesterday, sir? House Member Yes; it has passed the first reading. Chainberlaln'sCollc, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This is a remedy that every family should be provided with, and especially during the summer months. Think of tlie pain aud suileua thul luunl lui en dured wheu medicine must be sent for or before relief can be obtained. This remedy is thoroughly reliable. Ask any one w bo has used it. Obtainable everywhere. NO MOPP.. "What's that thing, doc?" "Thai's a medicine ball I bought you." "Then I'm afraid there is no hope for me." "Why not?" "I never can swallow thai." Youngstown Telegram,,,. Does Sloan's Liniment Help Rheumatism? Ask the man who uses it, he knows. "To think I suffered all these years w hen one 1!.") cent bottle of Sloan's I.iui ineiit cured me," writes one grateful user. If you have liheumatisin or suf fer Neuralgia, ltackache, Soreness and Stillness, don't put oil' getting a bottle ofsloan's. It will give you such wel come relief. It warms and soothes the sore, stiff painful places and you fesl so much better. Buy it at any drug store, only !i""C, Sold in Weklnn by the Weldon Drug the Smnh W'tldon Pharmacy; in QUESTIONS. Can you put ilie spider's web buck swept away ? Can you put the apple again on the day? Can you put the lily-cup back on ihe grow? Can you mend the bunerlly's broken hasty blow? Can you put the bloom again on the vine? Can you put the dewdrop back on and shine ? Can you put the petals back on the as sweet ? Can you put the flour again in the wheat? Can you put ihe kernel back in the shell? Can you put the honey back in the comb, .and cover with wax each cell? Gan you put ihe perfume in the vase when once it has sped away? Can you put ihe corn-silk back on the corn, or the down on the cat kinssay ? You think that my questions are trifling, dear? Let me ask you an other one: Can a hasty word ever be unsaid, or a deed unkind, undone ? BARNES & GKEUORY, "PROCRASTINATION. BY JAMES B. A retrospective view of life, With those advanced in years, Might oft awake ihe dormant soul Now filled with doubts and fears. As "foot prints on ihe sands of lime" Reveal the steps we make, A backward glance might change our coume Avoid some sad mistake. Life wiih its undying soul In the hands of man to keep, Too precious to be trilled wiih, Its loss makes angels weep. When God to every man bequeaths His share of brain and mind, He's free to choose his course in life, Eternal freedom find. I'rom nature's lessons, we sometimes gleam Most beautiful truths sublime, We often see the sturdy oak Support the frailest vine. This striking truth by nature taught, So deeply impresses the mind, While we like "branches" cling To Christ, the great strong vine. How sweet to feel that our footsteps lead In paths defined and clear, Where the weary soul finds sweet repose In a celestial atmosphere, How blest to step in the tracks lie made While "passing under the rod," Those footprints stained with precious blood, Leading Heavenward, and to God. Company; in Soutli NX'i-ldon by Halifax by the Vinson Pharmacy. in its place, thai once has been bough, which fell at your feel to stem, and cause it to live and wing, that you crushed with a grape, or the grape again on ihe the flowers, and make them sparkle rose; if you could, would they smell husk, and show me the ripened nut, or the broken egg in its THE man who uses Fisk Non Skids knows he cannot buy greater tire value, more mileage or the same service. Present Low Prices On Fiik Grey Non-Skid Caiirgs 3 x30.10.4OI4ix35.3i.ro 31x30.13.40 4 x36.31.rG 4 x33.22.005 x37.37.GO less than the plain trend Mvks of several other standard : ! s. 125 Fisk Branches insure pre i pt attention to dealer und usci. TILGHMAN 5 J Will My Child Take Dr. king's New Discovery? The hot miMW'i is Dr. Knii s New ins cov, iy it.M'If. It's a pleasant mmm-i syr- i up, easy to take. It contain tin- med icines w hieli veins of expi iit iu-e ha,e ' proven best lol Coughs and Colds, I hose who have used Dr. King's New Discov ery longest :ue itsbest friends, besides j every. Iiutlleisguaianteed. If yuu don't : get satislaction you get your money I back. I!uy a bottle, use as dih-cted. Keep w but is left fur Cough aud Cold' lUSUIUIICe. PROFESSIONAL VS. AMATFliR. I Little Nelly told Anita what she termed a "linle lib." Anita A fib is the same as a story, and a story is the same as a lie. Nelly No, it's not. Anita Yes, it is, because my father said so, and my father is a professor at ihe university. Nelly I don't care if he is. My father is a real estate man and he knows more about lying than your father. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A NORTH CAROLINA ARTIST. A feature of ureal interest at the Southern Baptist Contention jusi closed at Asheville was the unveil ing of a life sue oil painting of Dr. R. J. Willingham, for 21 years secretary of the Foreign Mission Board of Richmond, Va. Dr. W. W. Landrtini, of Louisville, Ky., made the address. The portrait, which was made by Mrs. T. N. Burwell, of Oxford, is pronounced an usually fine work of in. As the vast audience rose and sang, "In the Sweet Bye and Bye," in the presence of this matchless piece of art, the spirit of the great mission secretary seemed to brood over the meeting and the effect was magical. Mrs. Burwell, nee Miss Mary Travis, of Halifax, has met with acknowledged success with her art, her portraits and paintings adorn ing the walls of homes and gal leries of an, both in North Caro lina, Virginia and other States. She has just painted a portrait of Governor Smart, of Virginia, which equals or even surpasses the portrait of Dr. Willingham. State Journal. Mrs. Burwell is a sister of R. S. Travis, of this town, and Chair man E. I.. Travis, of the North Carolina Corporation Commission. Her many Weldon friends are pleased to learn of her great suc cess as an ariist. Clear Skin Come From Within j It in fnolisli to think you eiui kuiii a j jfoitil clt'tu coinpli'Muii liy the use of ffti't' puwiler. itl ut tin rout ul 1 1 it- ; double uihl tlioroulily olt-uiiM' tlu Inn with u Unit mriit of hi. kniu'w Ni w Lift I'll k (icntlf mitt unit) i u action, do not fiipp, y ft tliry relieve the liver hy tlieir Ht-t ion on Hit' liotw-ls. (iootl for youn, uhilH uikI utted. i.o after u 1 den i complexion today. '.' (. at yum j tii uvif tl. , TOO TRUR. "Look a here, Sam!" "Yes, 'Lia." ' "l's beginning to think yerl doesn't love me no more." j "Nonsense, 'Lia; what put dat inyerhead?" j "Why, yer jes' sit thar by the1 fire and sees me work." "Bless yer, 'Li.a! The more I sits here and sees yer work the more I loves yer, honey!" Bad to Have a Cold Hang On Don't let your cold hantton, rack your system and become chronic when Dr. Hell's I'inc Tar Honey ill help you. It heals the inllamniation, soothes the counhand loosen the plileirin. You hreat he easier at once. Dr. Bell's Tine Tar Honey is a la.ative Tar Syrup, the pine tar balsam heals the raw spots, loosens the mucous aud prevents irrita tion of the bronchial tube. Just get a bottle of Dr. Hell's I'iae Tar Honey to day, its guaranteed to help you. At foiggists. l.rSHOEPOL1SHBS : i . t ' I I ir" ---vva ; i.fi i . ' inf.! I A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence WELDON, N. C. I per cent Interest on Savings Deposits. J. M. Bragg Automobiles Littleton, N. C. 8 1 WIT I You are invited to open an account with the 8 1 a BUfVK Qf tfifStLD, S EfJflELD, . (?. 1 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. gj YOU can of a prescription liesjin the Purity of its Ingre dients. are selected for theit PURITY and have heen tested fur vt 1-rMlot h. FIRST QUALITY, REA. SONAHLE PRICE; and CAREFUUCOMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. Get The Habit IfCTBuy for Cash. SaveCS LCTthe pennies by buy-'CS ICTing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store, WELDON, N. C. loo It tnmhina'uMi o( fjolll liquid ind jtl Bvdijir rid it the (forl. tjir (or thud' en to uvA Civtdtiu'ckljJifiKihiM. toritjin nu dcid. tfillriolctjtslmlijitier. Pn.cru tr,a l,ilDr jnd Inorfa the lilu i juut thoe-i. IHI F F 0AI LEY CO .HfJ. BdlULU.N V, shine. ESP v i l v x 1 bank by mail I; ji it gaf -Vr ain uni t -nninr mm aTm"i I f OUR , S9ECIALTW 4

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