ESTABLISHED IN 1800. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. I'ernis of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum. VOL. LI. WKLDON, N. ('., TIIUHSDAV, .Il LV , IUH, NO. 11 BKAaiaBSlill rS-L Net Contend 15TlnidDrcH (I-.;. j2 :eH '10 . v. 1! . -""l at iTCDiioi.-arKnt'Eirt AVeiiclatlcPrcpamhoofcrAs suuiiaUiid,foefouuanu& find tint SluiiLntsaiid lliwilsat CASTORU CASTOR TwmnTo.niifeslioanieerfiil' ncss amlKtst-CcHitaiiBneMtf Oi)iuiu,MorplinieiiorilWCUi Not Xahcu ih .. Puimm w JlxSamf Worms, i"iP jlu.Sii.iue signature I uun a. I I I For Infanta nnd CLi Mrcri. Mothers Know That Genuine Casturta Always Bears the Signature of 0 m , a A T Use Exact Copy of Wiupper. For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA YHt ec ntauh KomfhM. turn vonh city OUZ 3C THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON. X. ('. Organized Under Ihe Laws of tile Slate ol North Carolina, Suite of North Carolina Depostiot y. Halifax County Depository. Town f Vt'eldon Depository. Capital . m( Snrjlii, $55,000. l'oi over yi-ai tin institution hu. iiuvnlt'il Imtikiiu' facilities tor this section. Its stockholders uinl olheeih uie nli-utilit-d vv 1 1 li (lie busi ness interests lit H:ihfa arid Northampton cuuutics. Savings 1 r u 1 1 in ' ii t is 1 1 1 u i u l a i I loi the liriu-lit ul all uliu desire to deposit in a Saunifs Haul,. In this liipaitiiicut uitcrc-l is allowed as follows- For Deposits ulluued tori'inaiu llui'i' months ui touner. per cent. Six mouths or louifer, .'t per cent 1 wle uuintlisin lumrer. i percent. Anv information nil I he l'umihcd on application to the I'il-miiIi-uloi t'aMiit-1 I'RKHUKN I W. K. IMNIKl., V 1 1 ' Iv I'ltKMIOKM': U li. SMI I'll, f. Ill; Vl'KI;, Telle I'AblllKR: . ii. urn hi:, MRKlTOliS W. K. Smith. Vt . K. Imni. I. .1. t) Inake. W . ,l. t'oheu, It. T. llulliel, J.I.. Hicphel.l, W A. I'leuv, Ii. li. ollicolh-r, .1 . V. Sledxe 3E Heot Res'stintf r Bottle ' 110 OTHER QEFRIQER4T0Q Has All These Star Features Buili on ihe RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of di y, cold air surrounded with walls that are H-ply and a thorough insulation against heal and cold with a drain (hat has never been known to clog wilh light, easily-cleaned clecirically-welded wire shelves and ihe most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator truly you get a wonderful machine For preserving food and water in ihe AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR. Let us point 10 you these star features.and the oilier good points of the AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle wilh oui infringing Newell patents, Weldon Furniture Company, WBLDON, N. C. 3E20E30 I. 3 A , MERCHANT !AIL0R, O Next dooi to Zollicotlei's, W:i.lM)N, N. L O M 1 take your measure and make suit to order on my bench, t ail and M ljVinspeet line line of piece iroods and samples. Satisfaction (ruaranteedy mim hoof Fiim SOLI) BY kflil neneaa wwm WELDON, N c DAVID P. DELLINGER Cherryvllle. N. C. OPENING HIS EYES. he Had Tried to Clay the "Dis tinguished Christian Gentle man." and Had Been Worth less In the Kingdom. A certain young minister, serv ing ti is first charge, was hard press ed to find teachers enough for the Sabbath school. So he went over the list of church members until he came to the name of Judge An-d-evs, who, he had been told, was considered the most learned law yer in the State. After some days of timid self que1 ioning, the minister look cou.uge to call upon the judge. "I have come to see you," he said, "about a class of boys in the Sabbath school. They have re cently lost their teacher, and 1 wish you would lake them." "What! I lake a class of boys in the Sabbath school ?" ' Yes, sir. You could hold the boys. They all respect you great ly. You have no idea what a hero you are 10 them." "But but I teach a class of boys? No, no; I could not. It's a very busy term in court." "Bui it's the busy people judge, w ho do the best work, and we need a splendid teacher For thai class. Wont you try iiV" "Couldn't think ot it, No, no. I couldn't possibly." And the judge closed the inter view rather abruptly. But Sabbath morning the minis ter was surprised 10 receive a call From Judge Andrews. He began with strange hesitation: "I have called to say that I would try that class. I thought it all out after you left. It was shear pride that made me refuse. I thought I was too great a man to teach a class of boys I tell you, sir, I ant a hypocrite. I have tried lo play ihe 'distinguish ed Christian gentleman,' and I have been worthless in the King dom. Put me to work. I do not know how to teach boys; I am too ignorant, But I mean 10 learn." At the close of the first year in the Sabbath school Judge Andrews said to the minister: "Teaching that class has been the greatest thing thai ever happened to me. I never had any definition of service before. 1 shall never cease to thank God for opening my eyes to see myself as I really was." How do you feel about it? Adult Bible Class Monthly. HOW DID HR DO IT. A politician who was seeking the votes of a certain community in Ohio, 10 ilic end that he might bf sent io Congress, though) ii worth while to make mention of his hum ble origin and early struggles. ' I got a start in life by serving in a grocery store ai $3 a week, and yet 1 have managed to save," he announced. Whereupon a voice from the audience queried : "Was that before invention of cash registers?" Philadelphia Examiner. PLAYING SAFE. "You seem to be rather busy." "Yes. I'm writing a love letter. I've been working on it for more than an hour." "Why take such pains ?" "I want io Feel sure thai if this letter is ever read in court it won't make me look like a Fool." Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA frtf i sl v WW with their strong traction tread give you a sure grip on the road. The Price Is Less than that of the plain tread styles of several other standard tires. Make your own comparisons: Prices on Fiilc Grey Non-Skid Cuingt 3 x30. 10.40 4ix3S.31.20 3Jx30. 13.40 45x36.31.55 4 x33.22.00 S x37.37.30 The biggest service organixation in the country (more than 123 Fisk Branchei) is back of every Fisk Tire, available at all times with Fisk FREE Service lur dealers and tire users. HAUNHS & (IKHUOKY, Weldon, N. C. Fuk Bimchtt In Mart Than 1 2i Cilia Site v: -Valve Motor ANGEL AT THE GATE In a vision of the sunset, in its glorious golden tide, Once I saw a wall of jasper; saw the gales were open wide, And my soul rejoiced wilh singing, for o'er earthly holts and bars Sped my spirit's lonely yearning to the welcome of the stars, And I saw ihe long procession winding home o'er hill and plain; They, the loved, the lost, the loving, welcoming their own again, Heard the music and the feasting when our Father's house is tilled; When the Master heads the table and the failed calf is killed, Then I clasped the Book of Promise to my heart as treasure rare, Well 1 knew the gems within it, yet 1 traced again with care, Yes, the gates are always open, and set on every side; Open eastward, northward, southward, to the westward, welcome wide, But He knows the way is weary, and His triends are fain to Fear; So He set the fairest angels at each pearly gateway near, Just to welcome you, beloved, take this word where'er you roam, Just to welcome in His loved ones, as we, one by one come home. REASSURANCE. Pulse of My Heart, consider love like ours ! Faced by it see, ill-fortune shrinks and cowers, Then flees dismayed, a lesser love 10 slay By cruel attacks thai drain its strength away, Kingdoms may loiter, planets crash and fall True love survives, and triumphs over all. Time cannot steal the magic from Love's kiss Envy, nor disbelief, disturb Love's bliss; Life's thorny byways wring from Love no moan, Just so he does not tread ihe path alone ! Love can bear hunger Love can go unshod; There is no stronger thing than Love, save God. Space will not serve to hold us, dear, apart, My soul shall cleave lo thine, where'er thou art. In pleasant places, on the perfumed air Hear ihou Love's message I have placed it there ! Or in a moment tense with doubt and pain, Wail for Love's whisper il will come again ! If Death should one day claim me for his own, Shed thou no tears; but, when we are alone. Do then but press thy lips O Love, to mine And though my soul hath tasted Life Divine, Thy dear caress shall stir my pu!e anew I will come back I will come back to you ! THE SOUTH. THE SOUTH is a land thai has known sorrows; it is aland that has broken the ashen crust and moistened it with tears; a land scarred and riven by the plowshare of war and billowed with ihe graves oF her dead; but a land of legend, a land of song, a land of hallowed and heroic memories. To that land every drop ol my blood, every fiber of my being, every pulsation of my heart, is consecrated forever. I was born oF her womb; I was nurtured at her breast, and when my last hour shall come, I pray God that I may be pillowed upon her bosom and rocked to sleep within her tender and encircling arms. The late Sena tor E. W. Carmack, of Tennessee. When it comes to shovelling snow a man always tries 10 follow the straight nnd narrow path. People who are always looking for trouble are never satisfied when they find it. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Ut For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature of Industry is the mother of good luck. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA X j H. B. VARNER Lexington, N. C. MbAKD AT THE CLUB. "See that chap sitting over by the bay window?" "Yes, I've been noticing him. Looks pretty disconsolate, doesn't he?" "Always does! Thai's Blinks, one of our wealthy members. A couple of years ago he met a very pretty, vivacious young woman, fond of a constant good time, and fell in love with her. She received his attentions with encouragement and they became engaged" "And then 1 suppose she jilted him and that's the cause of his constant appearance of dejection?" "No he married her." AN OBSTACLE. have some w i i v VehetffinWA THE CREAM OF ALL ICE CREAMS. It's perfectly safe and wholesome really one of the few sweets that are digestible and body-building. The ideal summer dessert so cooling:, so pure, so easy to serve Get a quart today from the nearby VELVET KINIj" dealei. Take Home AQuart Sold in vVt ldon by the Weldon Drug Company; in South Weldon by the South Weldon Pharmacy; in Halifax by the Vinson Pharmacy. Dinah Snow was a colored cook !n the home of the Smiths. One morning on going to the kitchen, Mrs. Smith observed that Dinah looked as if she had been tangled up with a road roller. "Why, Dinah," exclaimed she, "what in the world has happened to you?" "Was me liusban'," explained Dinah. "He done went an' beat me ag'in, an' jes' fo' notliin'.too!" "Again!" cried Mrs. Smith, will) increasing wonder. "Is he in the habit of beating you? Why don't you have him arrested'-'" "Been thinkin' ob it several times, missy," was the rejoinder of Dinah, "but I hain'i nebah had no money to pay his fine." At lanta Journal. FATHER'S FIKST THOUtlHT. Mother I'm afraid our daugh ter has lost her head completely over that young man. Father Then of course she wont' need that new hat you were going to get her. , It's easy for the average woman lo keep a secret going. When all is lost save honor some men get on their dignity. Ul' 111 V l ll' I', Till OT Pn A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence n ii i vi' i rni WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent Interest on Savings Deposits. EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL A State schuul to train teachers fur the public schools of North j Carolina. Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tul- i C) lion free to all vt ho agree io teach, fall Term begins ! t3 P 5 PT F MBEB 26, 1916. j For lalalugue and other information address i ROIiERT H. WRKiHT, President, I nsxMiuioaittmiiuioiMMMiitMw t r i r i r i m m , m i mi m 1 i V 1 1 i nil n 1" You are invited to open an account with the BMK OF EflFIELD, EfiFieLo, I. o. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. g-y VOL) can hank by mail MIMtMatMaftiiMWa1WaiaiaaUi(MaUM 4 CLEAN UP AND PAINT UP. To Remove "For Rent" Signs. By K. T. TollKV. fresidi-nt Kaute Itureuu, l.llll. Hiiek, Ark It la nut mirpi 'NIiik that linnnea whl h are tor rent KlmiiM be without tenants, heruuse In uri'St eases surti huiises nre unialuted, the xtepK :ne il.kely ii'id the pntvheH inn hi repair. The li u m I ii-i ut mi. ant bouses In iiu.v ell Is hioicljt due to the net:U.'enie nf the landlord hill) self 1 reeentlv look two Indies out. tniii- in Uiiil for llieui h do Hlriiltle six nr seven room house to reut. I mis ii' to find auj-!h!r.K to i!tt them. e'tiiAr mi uy own list or on the tints of other real estate linns, and these ladles were not exitetlug lu their Hunts. They were shown a few houses' of the desired size, lint the bouses were uot In liood eonilltion. It Is true thnt Kouie of the landlords say they lire willine to make eertutu re pairs fur a Komi tenant, but It baa been my experlenee ufter yeurs tn the business, that It la beat to put vour house In attrac tive shape first and jou will guli kly get a leuau.. Houses that are kept re paired aud pu uited uot only rent better, but they greatly improve the loots of the city. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA No. 836 This la prescription prepared t,,.. ..I -,-lor MALARIA or CHILLS A Fire or si dotes will break any tote. a,. I if taken then as a tonic the Fever will m.t return. It acta on the liver better thau Calomel ui doct sot fripeoriickea. 25c of a prescription liesjn the Purity of its Ingre dients. OUR DRUGS are selected for theit PURITY and have been tested for strength. FIRST QUALITY, REA SONABLE PRICE (and V OUR I) SSECIALTp r a TirtTITTT BrM1UrTirTT1k.TTTTiLTn xxivi-ii u i-i.o vaii r 'j 'j n uiiy. jc Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY., Get The Habit !3Buy for Cash. SaveC3 Ethe pennies by buy-"C3 ICTing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELOON, N. C.

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