ESTABLISHED IN I860. A NEWSPAPtK FOR THE PEOPLE. I'crms of Siibscription--$1.5G Per Annum ft 1 VOL. LI. WKLDON, X. ('., TIIlliSDAY, ,II LV Hi, liHC. NO. Hi Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You lluvo Alwavs ioli';lil, .'i lias boon iu who for ovi'P HO jo;i;-h, lias borne tUa tdr:i;i:l:r of 0 iiml lias been m..,; trailer l.H ) r- CZ jCI&JJ''f7 ftoiial KiiM i'visiiMi !.;,u ' its ini'aiM v. CcCcJuy. Allow no one lodei-civo youiiithii. AH Counterfeits, Imitations anil .liis(-a.s-:;iiiil " are but Lxpi-rlini nts that ti-illu villi ami enihu; rr do licallli of lulants auil Children- l:iiurii-nt-u ayaiur.t LAiei-iuieut. What is CASTOR I A Cnstorla Is a harmless substUiito for Castor Oil, Pare jrorio, Drops and Soolliiu;; N.:-iis. It i i pleus:mt. It contains neither Opium, Moi pliiuo imr otiu r ivireotl.s Mihstnuce. Its nRO is its guui-antee. K destroys Uornn mid allays I-'everlslinesH. for more ti.aa lairty years it lias been in constant use fur tlic nU !' f Constipation, I'latuleney, 'Wind ('olio, all Tci-tliin Troubl.'S and liurrhi-a. It regulates t!io S.'on::,. 1i and Bowels, assimilates tlio Food, glvinjT healthy ::::! i:a!'.irul sleep. The Children's Puuuecu '1 bo J.j.I.lvN lrk-nd. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of 3 In Use For Dver 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CINTAUN COMPANY I COM PAN V, NKW YORK CITV. 2 THE BANK OF VELOuN WKLDON. N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of N,orih Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. Kor over '-'1 yeais this institution has provided baukintr facilities for this section. Its stockholders and ollici-rs are idcntilicd wall the busi ness interests of Halifax mid .Vulhamplou counties. A Savings Department is niaiiitained for the lieuetit of ad who desire to deposit in a savmifs Hank. In this Depaitment interest ih allowed as follows. for Deposits allowed to remain tluee months or longei, J per cent. Mix monllis or longer, H per cent. Twelve months or longer, t percent. nv information will he furnished on application to the I'lcsulciitorCasliiei PKKSIOHN'I : W. K. DANIKL, VII K-l'KKsllKSI ; Vv. K. SMITH. I.. C. III.Al'Kli. Telle CASHIKH O. UKAKK. DIKKt'TOHS W It. Smith, U. II. Daniel. .1. U Inake. W. M. Cohen, K, T. Da I, .1.1.. Shepherd, W. A. 1'ieiee, D. It. '.olhcoll'er, .1 . W. Sledge o UNION L. SPENCE I ff NtHm MAN'S Al'IINIIV VVT 111 HONI) fjPf T A'. .-gum Cost Less The si)jiit of ilte liekls and for ests in springtime should lie suf ficient to spur us on in fresh ef fort and inspire us with high ideals. But in human beings there is a natural tendency to shut out the life force. Mankind has an inborn affinity with bondage. There is the bond age of race thought, the bondage of fear. The story is told of an old Scotchman who prayed, "Lord, grant that 1 may be always right. For Thou knowest, Lord, that I am mighty hard to turn." So, while the "golden candle sticks" are opening 10 the sun shine and the world is made new, humanity is treading its weary way; and, as the school boys used to declaim" on Friday afternoons, 'The bright sun, runs its course and sets upon n race of slaves." Annie Sherrill Baird, iu Sotnliern Woman's. than the plain tread styles of several oilier standard makes. When you buy a Fisk Non-Skid you get the best tire on the market for a price that ii i i . .i -i is reasonable and rignt- tne mileage returns this year are better than ever. Compare These Prices on Fisk Grey Non-Skid Casings 3 x 30 . . 10.40 4J x 35 . . 31.20 3J x 30 . . 13.40 4J x 36 . . 31.55 4 x 33 . . 22.00 5 x37. . 37.30 and remember that besides Fisk Quality there ia Fisk FREE service at more than 125 Direct Branches. BAkNHS & CiKF:(j()RY, Weldon, N. C. fist Branclma in Muie 1 linn 125 Citiet PityV- Nf l y"lMOmthis'Palace"of y y -'vr Cleanliness Comes f The ri'lruhing deli(;ht-so Buvlt.' V -" smmilh, so appealing fo yourifc .1 ff and old I Thwti VELVET WnJf rl KIND" fount ntar you. . Today. ri A Take some home today S-i ! : ' '.-I ton l.v the NX ' c i . I : . ! )rua ( . ' ' i 1 1 j mv; i .'. i.ii-.i l'ii;n mar , in I lalii.ix iv,' iln; ii mi in South X'eldon by Vinson Pharmacy. Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence fJO 0Wfi REFRIQmTOR Has All These Star Features Built on the RIGHT principle, with a consiant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls thai are S-nly and a thorough insulation against heal and cold with a drain that has never been known to clog with light, easily-cleaned electrically-welded wire shelves . and the niosi perfect water cooler ever buili into a refrigerator iruly you gel a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in the AUTOMATIC Kr.rKlUbKA l UK. Let us point 10 you ihese star features,and the other good points ot tne au I uma i a. No oilier refrigerator can use holder and inverted water Dome wnn out infringing Newell paients. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. 3E30E30E I. ZABA, MERCHANT !ULI'R, O Nextdoor to Zolhcoll'er'H, WELDON, N.( . W Ml 1 take your measure and make suit to order on my bench. C ad ami Vin!,Pect llut' line f P'ece Itoodit ami samples. Satisfaction KuaranteccLy Vl II Inr-TftCTI TAMER'S ROOF W SOLD BY , iii.; Piercc-Whitehead Hardware GompaDy Should Sloan's Liniment AIoiik ? (in HI UOlh uiii-e it should ' I or alter a stn-n-lay vheu ytmi nitiseles hae heeu i-ed to the IiiiiiI an application ol Sloan's Liniment uill take the soieness and silliness aav ami u'i I you in line hape lor the iiiomm. Von should alsti ie it fur a suddrii altaek of toothai-he. still mek. Iiackaelie. slinus. lutes and the many accidents that an- incidental to a vacation. "We uould as sonu ave our haui;ai;e a- i?o on a vacation ui cam pout ithout sloau's Linum-nt. " rites one vacationi-t 'We use it for evervthiug from cramps to toothache." I'ut a bottle in youi haK. I piepaied and have no rearets THE ROYAL WAY, Dear laughing eyes, I will not pray that ( Jod shall never send you tears; That cloudless sunshine, day by day, shall brighten all your coining years. 1 pray thai still through cloud and rain your inner depths may hold their light, And under happiness or pain you find the Father's meaning bright, Reading in all life's mingled good your title of high womanhood. Dear girlish hands, I will not choose the softest, daintiest tasks for you; God send you strength to give and use, (iod send I lis work for you to do. The sacred ministry to need, the round of household toil and care, The binding up of hearts that bleed, the girldling up of heuns that dare, The labor of love's law made good in roval years of womanhood. Dear dancing feet, I would not make your path all smooth trom thorn and brier; the climbing road be yours to take, The ihorusset, splendid struggle higher, (iod give you still life's spring, ing est, Never content with what is past; God gram you through eauh's wear iest days to walk undaunted to die lasi, Climbing the steeps of hard-won good to heaven's height of womanhood. Just think of the lime you waste in talking when you have nothing to say. A tluckinic LouRh Weakens I he System Don t suiter ith a lr.irl.ini1 cuuh that haa neakeiicd voui system - L'et a mttle of Dr Kine's e Discovery, in use over III years, and ht-nclilliuir all w ho use it, the soothing pine halsam ith tar heal the irritated air passages soothes the uov spots, loosens the mucous aud prevents laekinir the hody with couL-liuiir Dr. Kinc's New Dim- -oven- induces uutuial sleep and aids nature to cure you. c, VVI-LDON. N. C. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Always on liund, PRAYER OF THE FARN WOMAN. Oh, God, give me patience ! But give me patience and insight, loo, that mine may not be the unseeing patience of the dumb animal that makes a ireadmill of its days, (jive me sweetness of heart, and strength, and loyally, and increase tny sense of service, thai I may realie the value of that which I do daily for the sake of others. Keep alive in me thai sharpness of vision which makes me thrill to the early song of the birds, the noon light on ihe great green fields, the dusky blue peace of twilight. Keep ever in my soul a sense of the perspective, that my kettles and dish-cloth may not obscure the beauty of ihe rose blooming outside my door, ihe quiver of the leaves in the summer wind, and the classic pu rity of the snow, on the valelys and hill;. Let me be keenly sensitive to all lender and beautiful thoughts, all uplifting ideals, all soul-broadening day dreams. Make tne perceive ihe beauty of this, Thy world, and grant me ever-deepening perception of the best in every man, wo man and child with whom I come iu contact. Help me to live each day bravely, simply, justly and at night give ine the healing benedic tion of that sweet dreamless sleep that follows a well-spent day. Amen. Fliabeth Burgess Hughes. "GREATER THAN FIRE LOSS"! J T'v i-i:nr II. H Ki.Mi. J K.-insns Si :i A 'Tir-iiMII ll I'hIIpk.. . . l.;l-k of i .',.! . :nise n L-rent- . er ii li 1 1 Mr l I !-. Irr vih detei-inni- tioll til. ill l!:e :iL': :. ';.lte Kltll-lis . J lire loss i'or i v. eh e liioiitln. Yes. there Is :.. . ii re:isin for u . real -ri.-..,, I o ai,. I'.ilnt ly eillliMi'ii lh, in Hi,- :; V lit. . J IIIIIII V.'i lid III h t I'd "lilli '.I- I'nhit. ;-. h i . o I ',i I u Miid . J serves to ie Li iii tie- mere pur pose id !. lis I'liii, li;il , J mine Ie . i . i.e t II pro- luhL-s l i ,,i tin- M,ri:i, i J painted U nod .ii .! .1 .it on evpu-uic . J ,i Ihe .III lllldr,..! ,i - low pro, e-.s ol in .1. I ,.n, I I -I, just as J - III l-l di si . ,ii I III. i. i ;l I huliu'l tlie.v Hc.c . i'Ii I ie, Ihe dll , J lerelii i- ' .-ill ; i 1 1 , ' ,p , ,1 .11 vv he Il I lie !'" '. I . I .i .. I " . i . : s 9 J i' I .1 il. , II. i- ll i HI er Ins- In lire lll.d ! Ii mil i 1 1 t IIS Stlll-lv pill ,11 l'li.,1 il lilll'l ,s I i,i der.iy II lill.e. very little t, I lllrlltlllon . I ,1' h tip fc p.treldl.v ii-i-'ou.olr.- let ttltlL v J I lie I"- llo.i. -u I. I, ,.f .ii l ii t i i I i- . ii-'. II 1 ills is Muni a J the I.. - In 1. 1.- J . W Ii, II . lir p. .i; i i l.v n'V I, el- v J roliie In :i I il 1 1 It III!. Iiml ui' the true IV.! -"Ii' liallilill' there J "111 he ii. i iii'i'd I'm- pulilie splr J lied people to hack up a Nil tional i a 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 c 1 1 .i- surh a pur ? . pose. . WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. i i n i ! A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North r Carolina Lverv enerirv Is directed to this one nornose Tui. tion free to all who agree io teach. Pall Term begins t or catalogue and other iniormation address ROKKRT H. VVRKiHT, President, (irecnville, N. C. ;l-)!'5U3iDU:iSiOU:Ui:Biniuiain:Bi3:n-E The Qreensko Daily Sews, $2.50 WOULD 111: Kl-ORI-Ti'UL. Fresh Meats, Fish, Vegetables, Etc. C. G. EVANS, Old Postollice Stand, Second St., Phone 268, No. 666 WELDON, N C, Toil il prescription prepared especially lor MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FEVER, rive or lit doeet will break tny cue, end if taken then u t Ionic the Fever will not return. It icte on the liver better theq Cilomsl ud doct ao rijH- rx ekfceo. A married couple were touring in Sicily. At a distance from one of the large towns, ihe wife said; "Think, Allien, if the brigands should come now and take me from you?" "Impossible, my dear !" bui supposing they did com; and carry me away, what would you say?" "I should say, replied her hus band, "thai the brigands were new at the business that's all. I'ttis burg Telegraph. TiiMtit is mole Catarrhiu ,this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and uutil the last few ycaft vvuk supposevl to he incurahle. I'or a irrcat many years doctors pronounced it a local disease aud presenhed local lemedies, and hy constantly failing to cure ttilh local tieatmeut. proiiouuc d it incurahle. Science has proven (.'atan h to he a constitutional disease, and therefore reiiiiies constitutional tieat nicnt. Hall'sCatarrli Cure, maiiufac tured by V. .1. Cheney & t'o., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally. It acts directly on the hlood ami mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler one hundred dollars for auv case it fails to cure. V. J. I'll EN EY iii CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials acut free. I'rice 75 rents perhottlo. Hold by all druKgiats. Take Hall'B Family Pill's for Consti pa I tion. Adv. THI: TWO DIMHNSIONS. The temporary pulpit orator had preached a long sermon. Lven he realized thai he had exceeded the modern limit of sermons, and he said io the gentleman to whose home he went for Sunday dinner: "1 hope I did not worry you by ihe length of my sermon." 'Not at all," said the gentleman, "nor by its depth." New York Times. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of Sometimes an eye is not as black as ii is pasted. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Some girls never find they have hearis till after they are lost. A miser is known by the money he keeps. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Why I n tlu re Summer Colds? It isn't nt'i'csMii y U) haw a ntultetl lirail, runiiiiiif nose. Io eouiih youi lit a-1 nil' a it wcif. Ml you iuhmI ilo is to use Ur. IVII'm I'liie Tai llout'y. Tin1 suotliniir ami healm lialim nin'U tlif I'luri't'il uir p--'sai;i'K an. I in a hoit tune yi.ui kM't it-licl aud Hiait uii tiiu iuad tu ifi'u civ. tiui iioM' ttiM iuuiiiii,yui I'tMitfli lost u Li I von kiitiw you au jjt't- tuiH Itt Ut'i. iet a lioUie, it us thtcct- il keep what im li-l't as a couuli utnl fold lUMiraiK'o. Cii tibscribers from now until November 30. our acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a free copy ot our Handy Almanac and encyclopedia, a book that you will Knd invaluable, containing many important fans, statistics and figures for which you have frequent use. Order the Daily News today and get the greatest benetii of this spec ial price. Remember this is campaign year and we handle the news impartially. CiREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, (ireensboro, N. C. Be sure you are right but don't be loo sure everybody else is wrong. Look Oood l-'eel (food. No one can either feel irood nor look good while NUllcrimr. fioni constipation. (let ml of that toed, draw, lifeless fcehui; hy a treatment of Dr. King's New Life Pills. I'.uy a hox today, lake one or Iwo pills tonight. In the morn ing that stull'ed. dulled feeling is gone and you feel better at once - ic. al all A man may know what he ought to do, yet be unable lo find any one who will do ii. Diiirrha-a Quickly Cured. 'Ahout two years ago I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted forover a week." writes W. C. Jones, ltuford,N. D. "I became so weak that I could not sianil uprigiu. a iiriiirtrisi rccommcniiti ed I'liamhcrlain's t ulic. I'boleia and Diarrhoea Iteiuedy. The tirst dose re lieved ine aud within two davs 1 was as well as ever." Obtainable everywhere. MJ of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingre dients. gy OUR DRUGS are selected for theit PURITY and have been tested for strength- ITRST QUALITY, REA. SONAlsLE PRICE and OUR li c j CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY, An office holder should save some money but not enough to start an investigation. Beauty More Than Skin Deep A beautiful woman always has good digestion. If youi digestion is faulty, t 'hemberlain's Tablets w ill do you good. Obtainable everywhere. When it comes to saving pen nies a woman will save a dollar be fore a man has saved 10 cents. J. M. Bragg Automobile l! j il Littleton, N. C. yr! W leevc-VcdwtlloW r 1 t i i 4 sJ J i