list ESTABLISHED IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriptiou$1.5C Per Annini VOL. LI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, JULY 20, 19 1(5. NO. i:i 111 1P i sr j jfei Cmtmte IS Tlntt Dradua i-nH(H.-3PEH CEtVE twirt rt stran.ichsamlBirtis' TWrnAcniiioiiChceiful nnm MnmhmeuorJJlMiai Not Narcotic Jkwetfi MxStim mm Jul- uon, aoui . ?uxSm -ini UMrT-! rags ctw GASTORIA For Infants and Children, Mothers Know Thai Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of r Ait In Use For Over Thirty Years CUSTOM Exact Copy of Wrapper. THI CfNTAUK GOMFAMV. NCW VOHH CITY o THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anil Surplus, $55,000- For over 21 yearn this institution haH provided banking facilities for tliitt Hectiou. Its stockholder!! and ollicers am identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax and .Northampton couuties. A Savings Department is maintained fur the beuetlt of all who desire to deposit iu a Savings Hank. In this I icpartment interest i allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three mouths or longer, per cent. Kix onthsor longer, 3 per ceut. Twelve months or longer, 4 percent, y information will be furnished ou application to the 1'resident orCashie months lAnv PBBSIDINT W. E. DAM FX, VIC K-l'KKNIIIIiKT: W. It. SMITH. L. C. DKAl'Kli, Teller. I'ASHIKR: .1. t). DRAKE. DIRECTORS W. It. Smith, W. E. Daniel, ,1, O. Drake, W. M. Cohen, R. T. Daniel, J. L. Shepherd, V. A. I'ierce, D. I!. Zollicott'er, .1 . W. Sledge. Walls CTl!.s-l Miw -s. ud 7k ftpS'v-:. 1 Drain s- fJO 0 WR REFRIQEM TOR nas Ail xnese star eatures Built on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls ihat are 8-ply and a thorough insulation against heat and cold with a drain that has never been known to clog with light, easily-cleaned eleciricully-welded wire shelves and the most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator truly you gel a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in the AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR. Let us point to you these star features.and the other good points of ihe AUTOMATIC No other refrigeraior can use holder and inverted waier bonle wiih out infringing Newell patents. , Weidon Furniture Company, WELDON. N. C. FRANK R. HEWETT VVIIIets, N. C. HOME, SWEPT HOME. A soldier, who has been twice wounded, on the last occasion of injury was in tne trencnes wnen suddenly a man by his side was hit in the wrist. Clapping his hand uponihe wound, he exclaimed: "Got it ! I've been waiting for this since last August. Then put ting his left hand into his pocket, he pulled out a mouth organ and played "Home, Sweet Home." Who but an English Tommy could or would do that? London Tid-Bits. Diarrhoea Quickly Cured. 'About two yearB ago I had a severe attack of diarrhoea which lasted foiover a week," writes V. C. Jones, Huford.N. D. "I became so weak that I could not stand upright. A druggiHt recommend ed Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The hrst dose re lieved me and within two days I was as well as ever." Obtainable every where. A woman's idea of an entertain ing man is one who says nothing and listens. A Hacking Cough Weakens The System Dou't sutler with a haekiog cough that has weakened your system get a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery, in use over 10 years, and benefitting all who use it, the soothing pine balsam with tar heal the irritated air passages soothes the raw spots, loosens the mucous aud prevents racking the body with coughing. Dr. King's New Dis covery induces natural sleep and aids nature to cure you. Dead men tell no tales, but some of their widows may draw pen sions. Should Sloan's Liniment Qo Along? Of course it should ! For after a stren uous day when your muscles have been exercised to the limit an application of Sloan's Liniment will take the soreness and stillness away and get you in line shape for the morrow. You should also use it for a sudden attack of toothache, still' neck, backache, stings, bites and the many accidents that are incidental to a vacaiiou. uVe would as soon leave our baggage as go ou a vacation or camp out without Sloan's Liniment." Writes oue vacationist: "We use it for everything from cramps to toothache." i'ut a bottle in your bag, be prepared and have no regrets. CI WELDON. N. C. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Always on Hand, IOE301 I. Z AB A, If fan., mi MEE1UT TAILOR O Next door to ZolliOolfer'i. WRI.IXiN. N. C. 1 take your measure and mate suit to order on mv bench. Call and inspect nne line ol piece goons and samples. Satisiaction guaranteed 3 E30IXOIXE O X Vinsr 1 TAMER'S HOOF PAM SOLD BY Pierce-Whitehead Hardware tapany WELDON, N C, Fresh Meats, Fish. Vegetables, Etc. 0. G. EVANS, Old PostoKlce Stand, Second St., Phone 268. No. &m TbL I. a preicilptica prcpjio , lor MALARIA or CHILLS & f LV r Ivt or ilk doKi will break any . Utakaa then tonic lh Fjver will i return. It acta oa thi livtr bcitj, i (Salemal aad iot not frlpe or aickta. in mm if,w I II "J X III ioNG BURNING PIPE AHO 1 1 TOBACCO IS PREPARED FOR SMOKERS UNDERTHE PROCESS DISCOVERED IN MAKING EXPERIMENTS TO PRODUCE THE MOST DE LIGHTFUL AND WHOLE SOME TOBACCO FOR CIG- ETTE AND PIPE SMOKERS. PROCESS PATENTED JULY30I907 If; RJ.ReynoidsTobaccoCompamy WinstonSaIlEM.N.C.U.S.A. DOES NOT BITE THE TONGUE Princ Albtrt it told Btr.yuAr in toppy rmd bag$. Set tidy rtd tint, 10c; handtomt pound and half-pound tin humidor t and that clivtr cryttal-glata pound humidor with pon-moifnr lop that knopi f A tobacco in tuch tptmndid condition. P. A. puts new joy into the sport of smoking ! YOU may live to be 110 and never feel old enough to vote, but it's certain-sure you'll not know the joy and contentment of a friendly old jimmy pipe or a hand rolled cigarette unless you get on talking-terms with Prince Albert tobacco! P. A. comes to you with a real reason for all the goodness and satisfaction it offers. It is made by a patented process that removes bite and parch ! You can smoke it long and hard without a come back! Prince Albert has always been sold without coupons or premiums. We prefer to give quality! Prince Albert affords the keenest pipe and cigarette enjoyment! And that flavor and fragrance and g coolness is as good as that sounds. P. A. just answers tne universal demand tor tobacco without bite, parch or kick-back! Introduction to Prince Albert isn't any harder than to walk into the nearest place that sells tobacco and ask for "a supply of P. A." You pay out a little change, to be sure, but it's the cheer fullest investment you ever made I mm national joy $mohe Albert R. i. Reynold! Tobacco Co., Winaton-SoUm, N. C. Copyright 1816 by R. J. R.ynold. Tobacco Co. mm V i Ji Fiik Blanche, first of all a quality tire in every sense of the word. But the Price is Less on Fisk Non-Skids than on plain tread casings of several other standard tires. Make your own comparisons. Prices on Fiik Grey Non-Skid Catinga 3 x30 . . 10.40 4Jx35 . . 31.20 3Jx30 . . 13.40 4x36 . . 31.5S 4x33 . . 22.00 5 x37 . . 37.30 More than 125 Direct Fisk Branches insure Fisk Service to dealer and car owner. IIARNi;S & dkliUORY, Wtldon; N. C. Vu.v Ihun 125 Citiel '"-IT Tim TfWff U1111L1IJ1 w. n in 3 'rut? ici r i n! rr There's a beautiful isle in the Long Agn, All flooded with golden light; And a river ihat glides by ihe magic shore, Whose waters are wondrous bright! And a bark that moves with snowy sails, And music of silver oar, That carries us back 10 ihe shining gales Of the beauiiful Past once more ! And every heart holds some sweet dream Of a beautiful Long Ago ! There were bright hopes nursed in ihat Long Ago; Fair flowers have perished there; And the walls of the beauiiful Past is hung With pictures bright and fair; And oh ! there is room for our feet to tread The path of these by-gone years ! There are joys thai bloom in Memory's field, And a fount for our bitier tears, And that fount is filled with hallowed tears We wept in that Long Ago ! There are happy dreams the heart holds dear Sweet dreams of Long Ago ! And sacred tears for the perished joys That will return no more; And thus in the tangled web ol life We weave our smiles and tears, And cling to the holy memories That hang round departed years ! Ah! drop the silken curtain now Of the beautiful Long Ago ! Shut out the light of those vanished -ears, Close the door of the Past again, And hush the yearning thoughis thai rise To give the bosom pain; Ah ! roll the heavy stone against That sepulchre the Heart ! Why should these buried forms again To life and beauty start? The Future may hold some dream as bright As those of Long Ago ! GREAT MEDICINli. There recently entered the of fice of a Denver physician a young man, making this announcement: "1 want to thank you for your val uable medicine, doctor." "It helped you, did it?" asked the physician, much pleased. "It helped me wonderfully." "How many bottles did you find it necessary to take?" "To tell the truth, doctor, 1 didn't take any. My uncle took one bonle and I am his sole heir." Pittsburg Chronicle. Beauty More Than Skin Deep A beautiful woman always has good digestiou. If your digestion is faulty. Cheniberlain's Tablets w ill do you good. Obtainable everywhere. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence wm m I TUT CI WKLDON, N. C. I per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. 1 EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL i A State sihool to train teachers for the public schools of North I f ....-..!:.. . ant.n .1!. t ,x , hid nitu nurnitca Tail- 3 ;) tinii Iree to all v hoiigree io teach, l ull Term begins CI jj S fflPT ;-' MBER 26, 1916. For catalogue mid other information address ROBERT II. WRIGHT, President, (ircenville, N. C. ill Ik Greensboro Daily lews, $2.50 i When a young man kisses a girl the first time she tries to act as if it were here first experience. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Hie Signature of THE TRUDGE-MVAY LAD. So weary, so weary of running, So weary, of romping and play, The Trudge-Away Lad to his mother Comes home through the brink of the day; The Trudge-Away Lad from his roaming Through Trudge-Away meadow's alarms. By portals of love to discover A haven in mother's dear arms. And wonderf'ly sweei is his story Of Trudge-Away meadows so grand, Where lower the casiles of Fancy, And wonderful battlements stand. And patient the mother who listens While little boy Trudge-Away tells Of perilous dangers attending The voyager through Trudge-Away dells. Then lullabies sound in the evening, Forgotten are perils I know, And launched are the Slumberland vessels That glide where the dream rivers flow; Where islands are fruited with kisses, Oh, wonderful heart of a mother, Oh, wonderful Trudge-Away Boy I Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR I A Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA CASH with order, to new subscribers from now until November 30. Your acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a free copy ot our Handy Almanac and Encyclopedia, a book that you will find invaluable, containing many important facts, statistics and figures for which you have frequent use. Order the Daily News today and get the greatest benefit of this spec ial price. Remember this is campaign year and we handle the news impartially. liREP.NSBORO DAILY NRWS, (ireensboro, N. C. Look (food Feel Uood. Nooue can either feel good nor look good while sulleriug from coustiation. iet rid of that tired, draggy. lifeless feeling by a treatment of I'l. King's New Life (Mils. Iluy a box today, take one or two pills tonight. In the moru- ug that stoned, dulled feeling is gone and you feel better ut once. 2.V. at all druggists. MORE TROUBLE. The distracted young man paced wildly across the floor. "Miss Merrill, that beautiful ady that I was engaged to has asked me to have her letters re turned," he said. ''Oh, well, cheer up, don't take it so hard," his friend said. "I suppose you have sent them r" "Ah, n that is the trouble," said the wild-eyed man. "I made a mistake and sent the letters from another girl." Til Km is more Calarrhin ;tlns section of the country than all other diseases put together, aud until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. Kor a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease aud prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local tieatment, pronounced it incurable. Science has proven Catarrh to lie a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treat- me' it. llall'sCatarrh Cure, manufac tuied by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the onlyconstitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system . They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. F.J. CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Hold by all druggists. Take Hall's family Pill's for Constipa tion. Ady. da run OUR miALTF of a prescription liesjn the Purity of its Ingredients. gj OUR DRUGS are selected for theit PURITY and have been tested for strength. FIRST QUALITY, RLA. SONABLI: PRICI- and CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. aw Ammmmr J. M. Bragg Automobiles ji Littleton, N. C. 5leev-VelvMo1of h" A t 3 irirfiifca-Jrtaii. .t-jiHi.EisW r It, sja.1