jlH Pl A LlSrABLISIII-l) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Form (if Subscription-$1.5(. Per Anniiii VOL. LI. W EL DON, N. ('., THURSDAY, .H'LV 27, liHC. NO. I I VJ oi V r - Children Cry for Fletcher's Tlio Kind You Have Ahvu s Uouglit, and . hi, !i lias liccn iu use fop ovor 30 jcnrs, lias borne (lie sljvnadiro of ff - unit lias been nu!o uihIit bis per- fsftfiL-jii- Honal supervision slnee ils infaney. yiasyy, UcUM Allow no no to dived vo you in Uiis. All Counterfeits, Imitations anil "Just-UN-gooi. " nre but Kxpcrliiicnts tbat trillu Willi and endanger (lie liealth of Infants and t'liildreu Kxpcrienee against Lxperiiueut. What is CASTOR I A Castoria Is a harmless snIs(itu(o for Castor Oil, Pare gorie, Drops mid Nonfiling Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morpliina nor otiier Jvirootio Hiibstanee. Its nf is its guarantee. It destroys Worms nnd allays Feverislniess. For more than thirty years it lias been in constant use lor the lvlhi' of Constioation, 1'latuleney, Wind Colie, all TeeUiin Troubles and Xiiurrhiea. It regulates tlio Ktoinaeh and llowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy ai:d nat-.irul Sleep. 'i'Ue Children's Panacea Tlio Slotliev's l'rienil. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of ll.l. WIND AND A (iOOl) ONI:. In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CINTAUN COM FAN V, I V YORK C ITV. on 3E 3E THE BANK OF VVELDOM WELDON. N. C Orgnnized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Deposiiory. Halifax County Deposiiory. Town of Weldon Deposiiory. Capital and Surplus, $55,000, Kor over -I years this institution has provided bankinc; facilitie s fur this section. I ts'stock holders and olliccrs are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Noithuiuptoii counties. A Savings Department is maintained lor the henelit til all who desire lo deposit in a Sin inns Hunk. I n tins I i paitmcnt interest 111 allowed as follows: Tor Deposits allowed toremani time months or Inuirer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer. 3 per cent twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Anv information will he furnished on application to the I'icsideutorCashier "Gentlemen." said ilie innocent looking young man, "many people would be disposed to doubt some of itie stories thai you have been telling about the freaks of the wind but 1 don'i. The man who lold how (he wind look off the roof of i his neighbor's houses, exchanged j them and nailed ilietn down, has my unlimited confidence. My father had an experience which will not permit me to be skeptical. " "Did he have a house blown down?" "No; he hadn't any house to be blown down. He hud been living in a hotel waiting for his new res idence in the country 10 be com pleted. All the material was lying out in the fields and the plans were in a tool shed nearby. X'hen he weni to look at the place one morn ing he found that the wind had broken open ilie loolhouse, se cured the plans, built the whole house up, cleaned the windows and started the fire in (he kitchen range." liach man picked up his hai and went home. I'itishtirg Chronicle- Telegraph. Beauty More Than Skin Deep A heuutiful woman always has (food digestion. If your digestion is faulty, Chcinbeilain's Tablets will do you (rood. Obtainable everywhere. But when a girl refuses to tlin its a sign that she is really and truly in love with one man. Look Good Feel Good. No one can either feel (food nor look good while suHering from constipation. let rid of that tired, draggy, lifeless feeling by a treatment of Dr. Kind's New Life Pills. Buy a box today, take one or two pills tonight. In the morn ing that stalled, dulled feeling is gone and you feel better at once. 2-'e. at all lruggists. RAILROAD WAGES Shall they be determined by Industrial Warfare or Federal Inquiry? To the American Public: Do you believe in arbitration or indus trial warfare? The train employes on all the railroads are voting whether they will give their leaders authority to tie up the commerce of the country to enforce their demands for a 1UU million dollar wage increase. The railroads -are in the public service your service. This army of employes is in the public service your service. You pay for rail transportation 3 billion dollars a year, and 44 cents out of every dollar from you goes to the employes. On all the Southern railroads in 1915, seventy-five per cent of the train employes earned these wages (lowest, highest and average of all) at shown by the payrolls Puungor Freight Yrd PRBSI1IRNT : W. K. DAM Kb, VW'K-I'KKSIOKNT; It. NM It'll. L. ('. liHAl'KH, Teller. -ASH1RK: .1. (I. UKAKK, PIKECTOKS V. li. Smith, W. K, Daniel, .1. O. Diake. . .M. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, .1. 1.. Shepherd, V. A. Pierce, D. II. Zollicotlcr, .1 . V. Sledge. an xVA,- (Wj VV'. -JbMt keastuifi' rr rV-Ah Bottle i WW. OlAlf Cooler &ClZ&b-' . 1:7 flO OTHER REFRIQEHHTOft Has All These Star Features Quill on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls thai are S-ply and a thorough insulation against heat and cold with a drain that has never been known to clog with light, easily-cleaned electrically-welded wire shelves and the most perfect waier cooler ever built into a refrigeraior truly you gel a wonderful machine for preserving food and waier in ihe AUTOMATIC RUFWGURATOR. Lei us point to you ihese star features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC No oiher refrigeraior can use holder and inveried water bottle with uui Inmnging Ncwui patents. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. o 30E30E3E o I. ZABA, MERCHANT ttIL0R. O Next door to Zollicoller's, UT.I.lHlN, N. '. O sw4 1 take your measure and make suit to order on my bench. Call ami VVitispect line line of piece goods and samples. Satisfactiti if uaianteed i moaom ' w mm. roof m SOLI) BY WELDOM, N C, The sweet mrsic that children make in a home has nothing in common with piano lessons. Thkhr is moie t'alarrhin this section of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last lew yeats was supposed to be ineuiable l oi a irreal many yeais doctors piuiiouuct d it a local disease and piescnhed local remedies, and by constantly failim.' to cure with local tieatincut, nououiic d it incurable. Science lias proven Catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treat ment. llall'sCatanli Cine, manufac tured by V. .1. Cheney ,. Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional cine on the market It is taken internally. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. They oiler one hundred dollais for any case it fads to cuie. F. J. CHENEY ii CO., Toledo, Ohio. Testimonials sent free, i'riee 7.ri cents per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Take Hull s t-amilyl'ill a for Constipa tion Adv NEEDED MONEY. Bookkeeper I'd like an increase in salary, sir. Proprietor An increase, you say? How great? "About $20 per month." "Are you planning to gel mar ried?" ' No, sir; 1 want lo gel a di vorce. C. G. EVAIS WELDON. N. C. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Always on Hand, mm yil Fresh Meats, Fish. Vegetables, Etc. 0. G. EVANS, Old Postolfke Stand, Second St., Phone 268. No. Six-Sixty-Six This la 1 prwcripiioi prepared e,peciill lor MALARIA or CHILLS 4 FEVER. Fin or til dotet will break any case, and It taken tbca as a tonic lb Fever will not return. It acts on the IWw bcttel thaa Ctkmel tad does not (ripe or sicken. 2Sc RM Atm Rani, Av.rti Rut Atra fcod-ctor. ,847 gg 1580 1245 Ftr,. . 943 1 209 649 979 406 777 1652 1209 1638 879 1302 7" BrikMB"" 1736 1109 lS 95 8 1405 9 90 The average yearly wage payments to all Southern train em ployes (including those who worked only part of the year) as shown by the 1915 payrolls were Puunger Fr.ifht Yard Engineer $2144 $1712 $1313 Conductors 1723 1488 1157 Flrenei 1096 865 688 Brmkemsi 1013 845 868 A 100 million dollar wage increase for men in freight and yard service (.less than one-fifth of all employes) is equal to a 5 per cent advance in all freight rates. The managers of the railroads, as trustees for the public, have no right to place this burden on the cost of transportation to you without a clear mandate from a public tri bunal speaking for you. The railroads have propositi the settle ment of this controversy either under the existing national arbitration law , or by refer ence to the Interstate Commerce Commis sion. This offer has been rt fused by the employes' representatives. Shall a nation-wide strike or an investigation under the Gov ernment determine this issue? National Conference Committee of the Railway CLISHA LEE. Chairman. f. I. ALBH1GH r. ta'l Vonof ar, AliaaO CeMI Uw S.ilru.d. L. V. BALDWIN. Ca'l Haaafar, Caalnl af taraia HaUway. C L. 1ARDO. Caa'l Haaafar, N.v Vara, N.a Ha.aa Hartfari BaUraaa. B. a. COAPMAN, fm.Pra.laaa, SuuUMrB Kallaa;. t. t. COTTaH. Caa'l Maaafar, akaaa lallaagt. r. I. (JIOWLKV, AM. I It. Pta.laaa N.w ara Caalral H.llraaa. C. U. aMtNHON, Caa'l M.aajar, braal .N.ilk.ra Haila.7. C H. ET, IV;. f..a'l W. aafr, PaUadrll U a H.aUlu, Kallwaa. I. W. (.ttll.a, fa frwIaVaf. Cbaaawcak, a Oltla ll.llwa;. A. S- (.I'eb. I.r fv N.rala)r., SI. Lmui. A Saa Iraa.Ucw SaUroaa. C . kOL.NS. Ia'l Wi.naf.r, Aubi.au, luaaka A aaaM Fa Hallwa. U. W. M.MASIKK. Caa'l Waaaaar, aaaltag aaa Lak. Aria RaAraaa. N .0. MAIIKP. lln-PrMlaMI, NwrlalA aad Wa.lcra Hailaa. JAMCS 111 SSKl.l., Caa'l WuHOfar. U.Bar Hla liraad. H.llraa4. A. M. SLHOlkH, Rulaaal r-ka-Praa, Paaa.,laala Llaa. V,al. W. L. SI.1IUOSI, rka-Prr.la.ua. Braaaara Air Uaa K.llaa,. A. J. STOMl, riar-Pra.la.al, Lrl. KaalraaA. . S. WA1U, I aa-Prah a Dm't afaaajar, Baaa.1 Laalral Uaat. NO UNBELIEF. There is no unbelief : Whoever plants a seed beneath ihe sod And wails 10 see il push away the clod, He trusis in God. Whoever says when clouds are in the sky, "lie paiicnt, heart; light breaktth by and by," Trusis ihe Most High. Whoever sees 'nenth winter's field of snow The silent harvest of ihe future grow, God's power must know. Whoever lies down on his couch to sleep, Content 10 lock each sense in slumber deep, Knows God will keep. The heart that looks on when the eyelids close. And dares to live when life has woes, God's comfort knows. There is no unbelief : And day by day, unconsciously, The heari lives by thai faith ihe lips deny, God knoweih why ! sflTi A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only Mire way of attaining independence T. H. CALVERT Raleigh. N. C. ri:AKi:i) l-'ATtlEH'S ANUEK. A young man saying good-by to his sweetheart was leaning on the garden gaie. "I am going to ask you a favor," the girl said hesitatingly. "It is already granted," he an swered. "A very great favor," she re peated, as if doubtful of the pro priety of saying what it was. "You are sure thai you won't think it presumptuous or forward of me?" "Never," he assured her. "On ly tell me what 1 can do for you." "Well," replied, "would you mind not leaning on that gate? Father painted it this afternoon and he will be awfully provoked if he has to paint it again. "Chicago Journal. Should Sloan's Liniment Uo Along ? of course it should ! For aftcra stren uous day when your muscles have been exercised to the limit an application ol Moan's l.iuiuieiit will take the soreness and stillness away and jtet you in line shape for the morrow. You should also use it foi u sudden attack of toothache, still' neck, backache, stints, biles and the many accideuts that are incidental to a vacation. "We would as soon leave oui bairi:ai.re as iro on a vacation or campoul without Moan's l.innueiit. " Wnlrs one vacationist: "We use it I'm everythinir from ciauips to toothache." Put a bottle in youi bin', be piepaied and have no reiricts. WELDON, N. C. 1 per cent Interest on Savings Deposits. ii 1 EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL 1 8 lii i'r A ti.lM u,hi.,.l in Ir.in turhru fr lh,. rtohli.- c-hr.r.lc nf Nnrlfl id H Carolina livery energy is directed lo this one purpose, Tul i lion free to all who agree io teach l ull Term begins I S Fi FT R tm: BISK, 26, 1916. iy For LMlulogue and other infornuit ion tiddress jj ROBIiKT H. WRIGHT, President. ill (ireenville, N. C. jjj Ike Greensboro Daily hm, $2.50 P ASH wiih order, to new subscribers from now until November 30. Your acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a free copy oi our Handy Almanac and lincyclopedia, a book that you will find invaluable, containing many important facts, statistics and figures for which you have frequent use. When a man informs you that he intends to follow your advice it isn't necessary to call him a liar, but you may think what you please Diarrhova Quickly Cured. "About two years airo 1 had a seven attack of dial I hoea which lasted lot over a week." writes W. V Jones, Buford.N. II. "1 Is'Came so weak that I could not stand upright. A drupirist recommend ed Chamberlain s Colic. Cholera ami I'lariliuea Remedy. The first dose re- i heved me and within two duys f was as j well as ever." t Obtainable eveiy where. Order the Daily News today and get the greatest benefit of this spec ial price. Keniember this is campaign year and we handle the news impartially. GRLLNSDORO DAILY NKWS, (Ireensboro, N C. Of course you realize that it is every man's foremost duty to do unto you as he would have you do unto him. WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT ,rLANT,cV "'VfQAST.i 'km y Wl I K t.NtJ AND 5UMK1 R( Cl!;'ON TARrlS V BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING r ATLANTIC 'COAST THF 01 ANDAPD RAILROAD OF THE 50UTM CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Ihe Signature of Why Endure Summer Colds? It isn't necessary to have a storied head, running nose. To eouirh your bead off as it were. All you need do ia to use Or. Hell's Tine-Tar Honey. The soothing and healinir balsams open the clogged air passages and in a short time you get relief and start on the road to recovery. Your nose stops running, you cough less and you know you are get ting better. Oct a bottle, use u direct ed Keep what ia left as a cough and eold insurance. A Hacking Cough Weakens The System Pon t surfer with a hacking cough niai nas weakeneu your system get a bottle of llr. King's New Discovery, use over 10 year, and benefitting all who use it, the soothing piue balsam with tar heal the irritated air passages soothes the raw spoil, loosens the mucouiaud prevents racking the body with coughing, tir. King's New Dii- covery induces natural aleep and aida nature to cure you. UNNHCIiSSARY CAUTION. Passenger, (as the ship is sink ing) Captain, is there no hope none at all ? Captain None at all, my man, no hope whatever. Passenger Hang my luck! And 1 would not eat cucumbers for din ner for fear of getting indigestion ! Pittsburg Telegraph. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA NOT THE TIME TO QUIT. A tourist in Ireland came upon couple of men "in holts" rolling on the road. The man on top was pummeling the other within an inch of his life. The traveler looked on for a moment in silence and then intervened. "1 say, it's an infernal shame lo strike a man when he's down." "Faith, if ye knew all the trou ble I had geitin' him down, yez wouldn't be talkin' like that," came ihe intermittent reply. OUR & of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingre dients. ?fp OUR DRUGS are selected for theii PURITY and have been tested for strength. FIRST QUALITY, RLA. SONABLI: PRICK and CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA J. M. Bragg 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Automobile fl Li,ti,oB n c fj jlcevt-Vcdva Motor 5 4 s )

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