THE 1 Mflfifeaftm Vflinikttym HtBHK MKg9fiLMj& ESTABLISH!:!) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Il-iius f Subscription---$1.5(i Per Amum; VOL. LI. WELDON, X. ('., TinUiSDAY, Al'dll'ST IJ, lilKJ. . 'A a r NIGHT SOUNDS CAUSE TERROR. -c: Net Contrail lSyinMDrMliii Ljiiiil iiH i,nlllil.-:U'ElttENt Avertable PrepmationfarAS- simflatiii(4UieMwanuiB tind il SlomhsauJ Belsa IWmrLe IlWpsliOaCllCfrflll' OpiuiaMorpluneuor1 OT .1AW '" turn, juui .". r -- .lui Worms Jevenshnc Joe Sinuk Sinatocut TcS" commit. CASTQRIA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature, of facsimile swp H J J.J Mir In Use For Over Thirty Years Eact Copy of Wrapper. CASTOR A 3E O THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of Nonh Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. ?!.aJ.i!i..s.lrl1!L $55,000. For over '.'1 yearn this inxtitution has provided hanking facilities for thin section. ItH-Ntockholilers and oliictrs are idcntilicd with the btiHi nesH interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is lnainlaiiH'd for tlie henelit of ail lto desire to deposit iu a .savings Hank. In thin llepartmeut interest ih allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per cent. Six months or longer. H nercent. Twelve immtlisor longer, -I percent. Anv information will lie furnished on application to the President ort'ashier Origin ot Many Superstitions Ascribed by Investigators to The Cries of Various Birds. In Ceylon ihe devil luru is u const nut source of alarm. No one knows what species of bird it is, but throughout the whole night iis cries are horrible and hlood curd ling. The natives regard the cry of this mysterious bird as a sure presage of death. In the desert of Gobi, which di vides the mountainous, snow-clad plateau of Tibet from milder regions of Asia, travelers assert that at night they have heard sounds high up in the sky, as of the clashing of irms and sounds of martial music. If travelers fall to ihe rear, or gel separated from the caravan, they hear themselves called by name. If they go after the voice they get lost in the desert. Sometimes they hear the tramping of horses, and, taking it for their caravans, are drawn away, and wondering from the right course are hopeless ly lost. The people believe thai these sounds are produced by the spirits that haunt the desert. The Irish banshee may be traced to the owls, as the description of the cry is so similar to that of the owl, which completes the identifi cation, Most of the weird sounds that are heard in the air at night seem to have superstitious terrors, and are often magnified and altered by those who hear them. THE FIRST LADY BARBER. ransiDiNT: W. E. PANiKL, vhb-1'Kkhiiiknt: W. K. SMITH. L. 0. DIJAfKU, Telle lAHIIIKH: .1. tl. DKAKK, ID1RKCTOHS V. K. Smith, W. K. Daniel, .1. O. Drake, VV. M. Cohen, It. T. Daniel, J. I.. Shepherd, V. A. Tierce, D. It. ZolheoU'ei, .1 . W. Sledge. 3E W Pi -S Walls feHfrAllolder C- 10 OTtER REFRIQERJ TOR Has All These Star Features Built on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls that are 8-ply and a thorough insulation against heat and cold with a drain that has never been known to clog with light, easily-cleaned electrically-welded wire shelves and the most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator truly you get a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in the AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR. Let us poitu to you these star features.and the other good points of ihe AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and invened water bottle with out infringing Newell patents. Weldon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. m moaom i S' I.ZABA, MERCHANT TAILOR . Q Knxtdnnr In nllieoll'er'ii I I M N. ('. 1 take your measure and make suit to order on my bench. Call and minspeci nne line oi piece goous ana aatnpiee. .aiisiaciiHii Ku,uiclT" 3I3 DOING MY BEST If I have planted hope today in an hopeless Ik-art If someone's load has lighter grown because 1 did my part, If haply I have caused a laugh that chased some te.irs away, And if tonight my name be named where some one Int el', io pray- I claim my day has been well spent, Not lived in vain, and am content. If cup, or crust, or covering has been dispen-, If I have helped I lit.' weak to stand. Or warmly clasped some angry hand In friendship it may be; Or if some lonely little child Idas known my comradeship and smiled Then, humble though I be, I know, 1 have been helping God and so Serene I claim my nighily rest Just glad that I have done my best. d by me, 30H30E TANNER'S ROOF P&IUT flu SOLD BY i n hi Pierce-lliitebJ Hardware Gompany the his Samson snored peacefully in chair while Delilah snipped at locks. "Do you want it cut round or iquare on the neck?" she asked. No answer. "Would you like a sea-foam or shampoo ?" No reply. "Hair is gelling a trifle thin on top. Would you like a little ion ic?" Silence. "Have your whiskers trim med ?" More silence. "Next!" Whereupon Samson climbed out of the chair, gazed into a mirror, then rushed into the streei and pulled down a temple. Indianap olis Star. POSTED. "Now, Bobbie, dien't your con science tell you thai you had done wrong?" "No'm. 1 knew it already." DOMESTIC. 'Mid the Numberless Stars of the Beautiful Sky. Oh, is there no home for the wounded and weary, The heart that is broken, and the eye that is leary ? Oh, is there no home in some planet on high, 'Mid the numberless stars of the beautiful sky? Yes, God hath provided a mansion above Whose timbers were grown in the garden of love; Whose walls are as bright as the sheen of the snow As the sheen of the shield of the sun in its glow, He haih built me a home in some planet on high, 'Mid the numberless stars of the beautiful sky. He gave to my fathers a home on this earth, But sin has discovered the ties of my birth. And life is a shadow a mist of the morning That fades from the hills with the light of the dawning Yet still there's a home in some planet on high, 'Mid the numberless stars of the beautiful sky. I know not the orb that will be my abode, But I know it was formed by the finger of God. That my mansion is empty, and I must await 'Till he shall command me to enter ihe gate 'Till the angel of death in mercy shall come To bear me to dwell in my beautiful home My home that is built in some planet on high, 'Mid the numberless stars of the beautiful sky. -Joseph W. Holden. "I was arrested the oilier night by a woman poiiceman." "How did it seem?" "Rather homelike." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears itf Signature of 1 1 urn WELDON, N C, WELDON. N. C. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Always on Hand, Fresh Meats; A POEM IN PROSE. Whene'er I Do wrong with Ma lidous Intent, I feel for ahile Like a Counterfeit Cent I have lived a time in tins valley of tears, and my head has been whitened by hurrying years; I've sized up the world as I toddled along. I've sampled the t ight and I vc sampled the wrong. I have herded with goats and I've frolick ed with sheep, 1 have learned how to laugh, and I've learned bow to weep; I have loafed, I have dream ed, I have whacked up some wood, and I'm sure of this fact, that it pays to be good. Whene'er I do wrong with malicious intent, then I feel for a while like a counter! cent; I would swap myself oil a watch made of brass, 1 haven't the courage to look in the glass. But when I do right, ihi-u how chesty I feel ! I feel ihat a feather is placed in my hood, and I guess 1 ant right for, it pays to be good. Oh, what are things of particular worth ? And what are the we gain upon earth ? They are A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically atklcil to, is the only sure way of attaining independence i thi s: WKLDON, N. C. I per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. ;t EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL 1 S'l Sri of North iij 1 ui- :: 1 l hooU . A V.ili- sitiinil to ti iiin tt-iii In is I. il the puhli y c a i it : i vet y tnei'nv is directed In tin-, one purpose jj tit. n It ve In ail Im at'it-e in leaili l ull Term hr'ins ii : , ! ' I' i'- M RTi ?, P. A LOVE-LONE TAYLOR. FASTER THAN THE WIND. Fish. Vegetables, Etc. C. G. EVANS, Old Postofflce Stand, Second St., Phone 268. No. Six-Sixty-Six Thit li a preicrtptioa prepared especially for MALARIA or CHILLS A. FEVER. Five or lit doiet will break any cue, and If lakes Ihea a tonic ihe Fever will not return. Il tcti on the liver betlel thaa Calomel tod doet aot f ript or ttekea. 2Se "A (iolden Ball of Fire Rolling Up and Down My Heart." It is sometimes said that the old New England Puritans had no poetry in their souls, but a love letter, with its drawings of a heart, a ring and a dove, disproves such an assertion. Rev. Edward Tay lor was the wriier of the letter in question, the date was 1074, and it is pleasant to add that the gen tleman's suit prospered, and he married his true love, Elizabeth Fitch, the same year. Edward Taylor was born in England and came to Massachusetts in 1 668. He w as a deeply religious man, and begins his love letter as fol lows: "My Dove: I send you not my heart, for that, I hope, is sent to heaven long since, but unless it hath awfully deceived me it hath not taken up its lodgings in any one's bosom on this side of the royal City of the Great King, but yet the most of it that is allowed to be bestowed up- on;creature,doth solely fall to your share. "I know not how io offer a fitter comparison to set out my love by than to compare it io a golden ball of fire rolling up and down my heart." More, much more follows, but this is sufficient to give an idea ot the style of missive sent by swains of colonial days io their sweethearts. It was an exacting maiden who could ask for more impassioned lines! The letter con cludes: "Your true love until death, Edward Taylor." Eleanor Lexington, in July Southern Woman's. NO CHANGE. They had parted long years ago. Now, in the deepening shadows of the twilight, they had met again. "Here is the old stile. Mary, he said. "Aye, an' here be our initials Jhat you carved, sandy, she rr plied. The evening silence was only broken by the buzzing of an aero plane overhead. Honey-laden memories thrilled through the twi light and flushed their glowing cheeks. "Ah, Mary," exclaimed Sandy, "ye're just as beautiful as ye ever were, and 1 ha'e never forgotten ve. niv bonme lass. "And ye, Sandy," she cried while her blue eyes moistened "are jist as big a leear as ever, an I believe ye iist the same." Tid Bits. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA It takes a member of an alien race sometimes to make an origi nal definition. Here is a new superlative description for speech told at Marblehead the oiher day while the fog held the racing yachts at anchor. A near race riot happened in a southern town. The negroes gath ered in one crowd and the whites in another. The whites fired their revolvers into ihe air and the ne groes look io ibeir heels. Next day a plantation owner said to one of his men : "Sam, were you in that crowd that gathered last night ?" "Yassir." "Did you run like the wind, Sam?" "No, sir. I didn't run like the wind, 'deed I didn't. Rut I passed two others that was running like the wind." A DISCOVERER'S REWARD. Long had he worshipped her at distance, but his shyness pre vented him from proposing. Then, one evening, for the sweet sake of charity, a theatrical performance took place, in which the charmer was leading lady and more adora ble than ever. Afterward the shy admirer drew near, his love made valiant by the sight of her beauty. ton are the star of ihe even ing," he said, as they stood alone in a corner. "You are the first to tell me so," said the damsel, with a happy blush. "Then," he retoned promptly, may I claim my reward as an as tronomer?" The lady looked puzzled. "What reward?" "Why, the right to give my name to the star 1 have discover ed !" said the young man, speak ing boldly at last, and successfully. -Exchange. KEEN DISAPPOINTMENT. An officer attached to the White House tells a story of a small boy whom President Wilson encoun tered at Staunton, Va. The President was speaking to a crowd from the steps of a semi nary for girls. The boy pushed i and shoved his way through the crowd until he found himself squarely in Iront of the President, whereupon he shouted excitedly: "Where is it? Where is it?" Mr. Wilson stopped his speech and said, good naturedly : "Well, my boy, I suppose I'm 'it'." At this the youngster's face as sumed a look of disgust. "Oh," he said, in a lower tone, "I thought it was a dog fight." The fastest auto may be the one attached to the best lock. not the gems that go clicktyclank, they are not the bundles we have j in the bank. Respect of our neigh-1 bors, the love of our friends, some j credit up there where the tirma- j mem blends these things are the guerden for which we should ; strive, they give us an object in being alive. And you'll never gain them, as gain them you should unless you believe that it pays to , be good. Walt Mason. ONLY A COLLECTION. Usually the holdup man's way of getting the coin from the belated citizen is to put him to sleep with a crack on the bean. Ulut the other night a New York journeyman highwayman adopted a different method. He held up a preacher on Harlem street and with the aid of repartee and a gun made him come across with his roll. After the preacher had dug down in his jeans and given his money to the highwayman he rebuked the man for adopting that way of earn ing a living. "Can't help it, brother," said tne strong arm man; t neeu me coin. I am only taking up a col lection; you can do ihe same, you know, and get away with it twice as easy as I can. Thanks for ihe favor." Pittsburg Press. Takk a Vacation. It Is lime to lake a vacation. Everybody thai works either mentally or physically needs a vacation some time during the year. Perhaps you think you can't af ford a vacation this year. The fact is, in general you can't afford not to take one. You can't afford noi to rest your mind and body and get away from routine work. Perhaps you have not thought what a breakdown or spell of sick ness would cost you. The old adage, a stitch in time saves nine" is applicable to our health as io our clothes. You may not be able to afford an expensive trip to ihe seashore or to the mountains bin you can af ford a rest and a change of envir onment for at least a few days. A few important points not to be overlooked in taking your vacation are: First, go where your health will not be in jeopardy. Stay at no place where there are flies or mos quiioes. Second, know that wherever you go there are sani tary means for the disposing of sewage. Third, know that the I food served you is not fly-miected ond thai the milk is clean. Fourth, j know that your drinking water is i pure- Fifth, be vaccinated against ! typhoid fever before leaving home, thereby reducing your chances of contracting typhoid fever 90 or 100 per cent. A few don'ts will perhaps be in place before making the start. Don't take too much baggage. Don't take any cares or worries. Don't exercise too strenously at first. Don't eat injudiciously. Don't spend too much money. Don't forget that rest is what you are there for and that a vaca tion that does not put new life into your body and joy into your heart is a failure. . ! ' f M Bi" 26, .1916. l or ititnloKiie iind other infni iii.itinn nddress R()IU:kr II. WUKiMT, President. (irecnville, N. C 11 prizes -j i:;i:;;:ul;;l!;iUiii:UK;;u:ii:u:i;;t P i-i Iks Gresasko Dally lews, $2.50 P ASH with order, to new subscribers from now until November U l our acceptance of this special price will also entitl copy ot our Handy Almanac and Encyclopedia, find invaluable, containing many important facts for which you have frequent use. you to a book that you 30. free will statistics and figures Order the Daily News today and get the greatest benefit of this spec al price. Remember this is campaign year and we handle the news mpartially. GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, Oreensboro, N. C. : e 11 1GHT5V1LLE BEACH ArtOLINA'5 AMOUS .fiSORT antic inr v.'l I ; I til ) i L.ur THF VS.... . L.5 AM: -A - BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING ATLANTIC COAST STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH. of a prescription lies in the I'urity of its Ingre dients. p3T OUR DRUGS are selected for theii PURITY and have been tested for strength FIRST QUALITY, REA. SONABLE PRICE and ( OUR CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DROG COMPANY. Art is long especially drawn out through a dozen movie reels. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA J. M. Bragg Automobile) j Littleton, N. C. jj j!! 5leev-VelvcMata i

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