Wr3 jlJIf jjg"! ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LI. WELDON, N. C., THURSDAY, AlUl'ST 10, 11)1(5. NO. 1(5 .4 i I ft Children Cry for Fletcher's Tlio Kind You Have Always Bongut, and vhlcli lms been lu uso lor over HO ycura, has borimtlio slsmvtnro of 0 and ha been made under big per- LZ jCi&itPL' S0I,al supervision sinro Its Infancy. wV3; CucAtZi. Allow no ono to deceive you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-ns-good " are but Experiments that triilu with and endanger the health of lulauts and Cliildrcu Experience against Experiment What is CASTOR I A Cnstorl.i Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other .Nurcotio substance. Its acre Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Fcvcrlshiiess. For more than thirty years it lms been iu constant uso (or the relief of Constipation, flatulency, Wind Colic, nil Teething Troubles and Kliirrliiva. It regulates the Stomach and Bowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Sleep, The Children's Panacea The mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTOR I A ALWAYS r Bears the In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMI CINTAUN COMPANY, NIW YOPIK CITV, THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDOX, X. r- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of Norili Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anfl Surplos, $55,000. Km ovi'i -1 yearn this institution has provided banking facilities for tliiH nectiiin. Its Hlockliuldern and olliceis are ideutilled mil) the liUHi nen interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. AHaviuirs Department is maintained for Hie lienelit oT all who desire to deposit iu a Saving Hank. In tins liepartment interest is allowed an follows: lor Deposits allowed to remain three months 01 loUKer, 2 per ccut. Mix mmitha nr Iniiirer. H ner cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Any information w ill lie furnished on paasmsNT: W. E. DANIEL, vici-phkhidint: W. U. HM1TH. L. C. DIJAl'EK, Teller. DIRECTORS W. It. Smith, W. E. Daniel, .1. O. Drake, V. M. Colien, R. T. Daniel, ,1.1,. Shepherd, . A. fierce, D. B. Zollicoller, .! . W. Sledge Pi mm. gS Water T WTiTV 10 OWR fiEFRlQEIMTOII Has All These Star Features Built on the RIGHT principle, with air surrounded with walls that are against heat and cold with a drain clog with light, easily-cleaned and the most perfect water refrigerator truly vou cet a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in the AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATOR. Let us point to you these star features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle with out infringing Newell patents. mmm m Weldon I WELDON. N. C. I. ZABA, O' MERCHANT O Next door to Zollicotier'B, WEI.DON.N.C. O mi 1 take your measure anj make suit to order on my bench. Call and Vkinspect fine line of piece goods and samples. Satisfaction guaranteeoy TANNER'S ROOF PAINT SOLD ilirl Pierce Whitehead WELDON, N G, Signature of application to the President orCashier CABIIIBK: .1. O. DRAKE, a constant circulation of dry, cold 8-ply and a thorough insulation that has never been known to electrically - welded wire shelves cooler ever built into a Furniture Company, o TUUR, BY lardware Gompany A PREPAREDNESS PRAYER. Qrant That We May Never Use Our Power for Wrong or Op pression: Almighty God, whose kingdom is everlasting and power infinite, have mercy upon this whole land. Behold and bless thy servants, ihe President of the United Slates, thd Governor of this State, the senate and representatives of ihis people in Congress assembled.and all who are in authority, that they, knowing that they are thy minis ters, may in all things seek thy honor and glory, and that we and all thy people, duly considering whose authority they bear, may reverence that authority and faith fully obey the laws of this land. Bless our land with honorable industry, sound learning and pure manners. Defend our liberties, preserve our unity, save us from violence, discord and confusion. Fashion unto one happy people ihe multitudes brought into Amer ica out of many nations and kin dreds, and make them loyal to American ideals and institutions. In time of prosperity, O Lord, let us not grow weak and in effectual, but put it in the minds of the American people to prepare sturdily to defend their country against insult and invasion, and, if need be, to suffer and sacrifice themselves as their fathers have done for the freedom of their country and the honor of their country's flag. Grant that we may never use our power for wrong or oppression, but always to preserve for ourselves and win for the na tions of the world the blessings of liberty, prosperity and peace. And grant that all things may be so ordered and settled upon the best and surest foundations, that peace and happiness, truth and justice, religion and piety, may be established among us for all gen erations. Grant this, thou King of kings and Lord of lords, for the sake of Jesus Christ, our Saviour. Amen. -Rev. H. J. Mikell, in July Southern Woman's. A Doctor's Remedy for Coughs As a cure for coughs and colds Dr. Bell's I'iue-Tar lkiney combines these remedies in just the right proportion to do the most good for summer coughs or colds. A trial will prove the value of this splendid cough medicine. Dr. Hell's Pine-Tar-llouey soothes the irritation, stops your cough, kills the cold germs, atu does a world of good. A '2.'ic. hot tie will more than convince you it will stop your cough. At druggists. WHERE THE FAULT LAY. Knicker Isn't your skirt out sageously short? Mrs. Knicker No, indeed; it is just that the floor doesn't come up any higher. New York Sun. C ASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of u. 1 WELDON. N. C. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Always on Hand, Fresh Meats; Fish. Vegetables, Etc. O. G. EVANS, Old Postofflce Stand, Second St., Phone 268. No. Six-Sixty-Six Thil U 1 pretcrlptioo prepared eiptcially for MALARIA or CHILI S & f EVtR. Five or nix Juaet will brent any cuie, and if takrn tlitn ai a ion c t! i-cver will not return ii i.li on th: livr ba',t than Calom:l and doci not (ripe or uciuu. ii EVANS GIRL HE LEFT BEHIND. Some have left their sweethearts as they went to join the line, Some have left their babies with their little eyes ashine, The girl he left behind him Sits beside the window there, With the wrinkles on her forehead And the gray upon her hair. She is dreaming of another, of a soldier far away Who went out with l.ee and Jackson in a dust of yesterday. And the son that's on the border, How he fills the gentle mind In these hours beside the window Of the girl he left behind. Her gray old lips are moving as if moving in a prayer, And she sees him in her vision as he guards the border there. And she sees adown the vista Of the long and lonely years Once again that other soldier, While her soft eyes swim in tears. THE DISCOURAGED FARMER, BYJAMES WHITCOMB RILEY. The summer winds issniffin' round the bloomin' locus trees; And the clover in the pastur' is a big day fer the bees, And they been a-swiggin' honey, aboveboard and on the sly, Tel they stutter in theyr buzzin' and stagger as they fly. The flicker on the fence-rail 'pears to jest spit on his wings And roll up his feathers, by the sassy way he sings; And the hosefly is awhettin' up his forelegs For biz, And the off mare is aswitchin' all her tale they is. You can hear the blackbirds jawin' as they foller up the plow Oh, theyr bound to git theyr breakfast and theyr not acarin' how; So they quarrel in the furries, and they quarrel on the wing But theyr peaceabler in potpies than any other thing; And it's when I git my shotgun drawed up in stiddy rest, She's as full of tribbelaiion as a yeller-jacket's nest, And a few shots before dinner, when the sun's ashinin' right, Seems to kindo' sorto' sharpen up a feller's appetite I They's been a heapo' rain, but the sun's out today, And the clouds of the wet spell is all cleared away. And the woods is all the greener, and the grass is greener still; It may rain again tomorry, but I don't think it will. Some says the crops is ruined, and the corn's drownded out, And propha-sy the wheat will be a tailure, without doubt; But the kind Providence that has never failed us yet Will on hands, onc't more at the 'leventh hour, I bet ! CROW WON'T GO AWAY. Dropped Into Confectionery Store and Decided to Stay. It is not often that a crow will visit the city and decide to make its home there. This, however, is just what happened here. A con fectionery store on Elizabeth street is now the home of a young crow, which was found by Mr. Laneve, one of the proprietors, in the cel lar of the establishment. How the bird got into the cellar is not known. "Jim," as the crow is christened, is as black as coal and has a ravenous appetite. He tries to say "Hello," when spoken to by any of Mr. Laneve's customers. He does not actually speak, but makes a good attempt at it by shouting "Caw," crow fashion. Every day the proprietor takes Jim out into the street and liber ates him. He flies onto a nearby tree and will remain there for a short time, when he becomes hun gry he will vacate his perch in the tree and fly back to the store, where a little roosting place has been built for him. There he will sit for hours, eyeing the custom ers as they come and go. Mr. Laneve, when asked whether he intended adopting the crow, said: "It looks as if the crow is adopting me." Utica Dispatch in New York Sun. NO BRIGAND. Congressman Hull, of Iowa, sent free seeds io a constituent in a franked envelope, on the corner of which were the usual words, "Penalty for private use, $300." A few days later he received a let ter which read: "1 don't know what to do about those garden-seeds you sent me. I notice it is $300 line for private use. 1 don't want to use them for the public. I want to plant them in mv Drivate carden. I can't af ford to pay $300 for the privilege Won't you see if you can't fix it so 1 can use them privately. I am a law-abtdine citizen, and do not want to commit a crime." When You Have A Cold. Give it attention, avoid eipoaure, be regular aud careful of your diet, also commence taking Dr. kmg'i New Di covery. It contains Pine-Tar, Autisep ticOitaanJ BalianiB, ! aliirtitly laia tive. Dr. King'i New Discovery eases your cough, soothes your throat and bronchial tubes, cliecki your cold, atart to clear your head. In a short time you know your cold is better. Its the standard family cough syrup in use over 40 years. Get a bottle at once. Keep it in the house as a cold insurance. Sold at your druggist. A FALSE MEASURE OF VALUE. Eternal Values Are Real Values. In these days we are altogether too likely to get a man mixed up with his bank account or his farm, or his store, or his clothes. Let us put first things first. The man who lives in a cottage may be worth more than the man who lives in the brownstone front. The man who mends shoes may be worth more in heaven's sight than the man who sits at a mahoeanv desk. In other words a man is worth what he is. True values are char acter values. 1 know a man who is very poor in this worlds goods and very poor in health. Yet his pastor says that he is the best soul winner in a church of several hun dred members. Scarcely a week passes but the pastor receives into the church some man or woman or young person who has been won to Christ through this humble servant of God. He is one of God's princes, and the chariots and horsemen of God wait on his going. I know a woman. She keeps a boarding-house. She said that she kepi boarders, to pay expenses, but her business was to win souls to Christ. It was nothing unusual for her to say to her boarders at the close of the evening meal : Let us kneel and have prayer to getner Detore you go to your room." And then she would pray for each one about the table by name. Every man and woman who came to that woman's house io board, if they stayed any time, would away converted. In Heaven's sight she was a princess royal, and angels encamped about her, and God's morning stars sang her praises. What need had she of the applauses of the world ? Ex. Your Bowels Should Move Onca Day A free eaay movement of the bowels every day is a sign of good health. Dr. King's New Life Pills will give you a gentle laxative effect without griping and free your system of blood poisons, purify your blood, overcome constipa tion and have an excellent tonic effect on the entire aysteru. Makes you feel like living. Only 25o. at druggists. SOUNDED OMINOUS. "He insists that he is not worthy of me. "I don' like the sound of that Better look up his financial rating again, girlie." Louisville Courier Journal. IN THE OLD TRUNDLE BED. Downy Couch Occupied by the Children of Other Days a De lightful Place of Repose. There may be a few of us left who remember the trundle bed but for which it would have been impossi ble to bring up the old-fashioned family of good proportions. Houses were small and families were large in those days, and providing beds was a problem. So it was solved by the trundle bed a low struc ture that rolled beneath the "regu lar" bed and which was trundled out at night and filled with chil dren, says the Dayton News. It was a featherbed, of course big and thick and soft. You sank into iis very bosom. No danger of a kid falling out; no more dan ger than there would be of a raisin falling out of a cake. For the children fitted into the feather bed for all the world like peas in a pod a nestlike formation holding the tiny form. Besides, if you did fall out of a trundle bed, you wouldn't have far to fall; only an inch or two, for, be it remembered, the trundle bed was built low, so it would roll under another bed. But it was a glorious invention 1 A billowy, downy couch fit for the angels and angels slept in them. The temperature didn't matter. In memory they were always comfor table. Warm in winter and cool in summer they must have been sweet and clean and fresh al ways. That's the way we recall them, anyway, so it is the way they must have been. The night had no terrors after one was tucked away in a trundle bed, and sleep came quickly to "knit up the raveled sleeve of care." The morning came instantly, it seemed, but you were refreshed, and ready for the rough and tumble work or play that beckoned to you. A NARROW ESCAPE. It was the woman's first visit to the cinematograph. For a long lime she gazed in silent awe at the wonders of the screen, where all sorts of imposible things took place. She could hardly believe the ev idence of her own eyes. These things were real they were actu ally happening. She stared with goggling eyes as miracle succeeded miracle. Then a motor-car appeared on the screen, coming into sight in the distance, and racing along a country road at about a mile a min ute straight out of the picture at the audience. Catastrophe seemed inevitable, and she shrank back in her seat. Then, just al the critical moment, it swerved aside and dashed out of sight. The old woman rose firmly to her feet, ignoring the protests of those behind her. "Come along, Annie," she said to her youthful niece; "it isn't safe here. That thing only missed me a few inches." SURE. Father (at head of stairs) Mary, don'i you think it's about time to go to bed ? Mary (from the parlor below) Yes, father, dear! Don't put it off another minute. Your health, you know, is not at all robust, and these late hours are bad for you. Punch Bowl. A PHILOSOPHIC HOBO. Woman at Back Door And do you want employment? The Hobo Lady, 1 know you mean well, but you can't make work sound any more inviting by using words of three syllable. Puck. HIS IMPOSSIBLE TASK. Eight years ago this fall Eph Wiley went to a neighboring town to spend the evening and was de tained over night. Mr. Wiley started to explain the matter to his wife the morning after he return ed, but never has been permitted to finish it. Topeka Capital. The self-admiration of some peo ple proves that there's no account ing for tastes. When it comes to jealousy and crowing a man is superior to a rooster. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTOR. A A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence IIII UK & TRUST (!.. WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. cncTrnDM iwn Tcnrucoc ToniuiMn crunni h Lrwi uniiuuun iLnuriLnj innimuu oumuul A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North Carolina Every energy is directed to this one purpose. Tui tion free to all who agree io teach. Fall Term begins a W FT F MBBE 26, 1916. For catalogue and other information address ROBERT H. WRIGHT. President. Greenville, N. C. The Greensboro $2.50 CASH with order, to new subscribers from now until November 30. Your acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a free copy ot our Handy Almanac and Encyclopedia, a book that you will find invaluable, containing many important facts, statistics and figures for which you have frequent use. Order the Daily News today and get the greatest benefit of thisspec al price. Kernember this is campaign year and we handle the news mpanially. GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS, Greensboro, N. C. WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT WEL'K END AND SUMME.R rxCURSlON TARES .XT r 'fr i i ---- HGS THE STANDARDPAILROAD OF THE SOUTH THE HI of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingre dients. g- OUR DRUGS are selected for theii PURITY and have been tested for strength' FIRST QUALITY, RE A. SONABLE PRICE and CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons prescriptions HERE. WELDON PROG COMPANY. I Daily Hews, BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING ATLANTICXOAST for bringing your 3lev-Veiv Mala I AHOSE I oun )) V

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