Terms of Suhscriptiun $1.50 Per Anni i. I'STABLISIIKI) IN I860. WE L DON, N. C, TIIUUKDAY, Al'Cil ST 17, i)U. NO. r VOL. LI. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. fl-' Net Contend 15Thi4Practo f A f) P ll j.. 1i j Urty I Ulllfl . ! For Infants and Children. r IS CASTORIA -r.U I 1 f. i V 6 ,iu ' v i "? AW&tubk Pre narAuforAJ' ,( tli.m.vhJllldBlM(lSl ......jcnwo'-iiiiiiLCliccrW ilfssan(ilcHt.CoutateMW ntiinnMori)liBieiuirBitBi Nor Nai!vh .ft tf JtKtrlltHitS- iJu.Sour:nWlT. lo.s.soj, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature SOME DAY PEOPLE WILL ACT 'PASSING 5 3 In Use For Over Thirty Years U'- brwYV.?TTT?nZmrJ mm AMMHH unv a uiiii fcxuil Coy- of Wrapper. tM btNT.UII COMPANY. S VOMl OlTV Will Demand Fire Protection In Mills, Factories, Stores, and All Other Crowded Placet. Mating bureaus occasionally flail It necessary to suggest certain Improve- j menu and the uddlng of approved j tire protection equipment In mills j and fuctorles, and in department stores mid oilier phices where people work or coiiKrer;:ite. These HUKud tloiiH ui'e always made, for the pur pose of Having human life and pro tecting properly, and rIho with the Intent of giving due credit for such Improvements, thereby reducing the cost of insurance on the plant. Al though true economy Is subserved by following these suggestions, which are Invariably In the Interest of the owner, despite the Initial cost of such Improvements, some property main agers or owners show a spirit of re sentment and look upon the advice of the rating bureau as an interference with their rights of proprietorship. Apart from Imposing deficiency charges for the absence of approved hie protection equipment!), the rating bureaus have no authority to enforce the observance of their requirements. But Is it to be taken for granted that the matter ends at this point? Does not the menace to life and property continue? And is It to be accounted just and wise that the false ideas of economy on the part of individual property owners are to be accepted as being superior to the welfare and safety of the entire community? Here la a point where law makers and the people either flit or consent to condi tions which frequently result In cost ly fires and high Insurance rates, but which conditions ,the people them selves will not hesitate to remedy when the light of full knowledge fin ally bleaks upon them. Klre Facts. B Y B. T 1 I. C II M A N THE BANK OF MIDI WELDON. N. Organized Under the Laws oMhe State ol Nin th Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over L'l years this institution lias provided banking rucilitics for this section. Its stockholders and olliocrs are idcntilicd with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Saving Department is maintained lor the liciiclit of all who desire to deposit ill a Savings liank. hi this Department interest im allowed as follows: , , ,, For Deposits allowed toreniain three months or lontrcr, 2 per Cent. Six months or longer, II percent, twelve montlisoi Ininrer, -1 percent. nv information will he furnished ou application to tin- president 01 Cashier Every man Is morally obligated to keep his place of occupancy cleau and free from Are danger as he Is Ilia body free from disease. prrsiiiknt: W. K. DA NIK. L, VWK-ntKSIUKNT: W. I!. SMITH. L ('. DliAI'UU, Teller. CASHIKN: . tl. DKAKIC, DIUF.lToltS W. If. Smith, W. R. T. Daniel, . 1. 1.. Shepherd, V I). Daniel, .1. O. Diake, W. A. fierce, D. 1!. Zollicollci .M. Cohen. , .1 . V. Sledge ao wtrT I 110 OTHER REFRIGERATOR Has All These Star Features Built on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls that are 8-ply and a thorough insulation no-ain:t hp,it nnd mid with n drain that has never been known to clnff with liohr. easilv-eleaned electricallv-welded wire shelves and the most perfect water cooler ever built into a rpfriD-erninr irnlv vnn a wonderful machine for preserving fund and water in the AUTOMATIC Rl-FRIdliRATOR. Let us point you these star feaiures,and the oilier good points of the AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted waier bottle with out infringing Newell patents. Weldon Furnitur& Uiipdify. WELDON, N. C. f l.ZAISA, 1 MERCHANT UIL0E, o K!ot ilnnl. ',A,OH'.., , W I I N. V. 1 lata vnur nuAHiirt anil ninko Hlllt 111 ni.ltT nil 111V hflH'll. Call ami UHpeci ime lino 01 piece vuuhn aim samuim ruiiniuvtiuu B, atzxomoi TUIEE'S ROOF Pffll SOLD BY Pierce-Whitehead Hardware Umpani WELDON, N C, Another page of life is turned Relentless lime moves mi, Soon all in active life must cease If j'.oial or ill he wmi. Vr cannot choose the I'-nc'li of lime As ihrniih life's course we run, Submissive ton Father's thought We say, "Thy will be done." Life to every one is sweet It's ways of love and peace, Bring lender memories to the mind We trust may never cease, Our loved one "pass," and leave us here While we in sorrow weep, We soon like litem intisi "stem the tide" Through waters dark, and deep. Sweet solace conies lo hearts made sad We see our loved ones die, But when their irusi in Christ is stayed The find a home on high, This thought of comfort kindly sent A cheering ray sublime, Our darkened pathway brighter made By love of Christ Divine. A hidden future for tts lies Through devious ways we roam, Kind Father aid Thy children here To meet around Thy throne. The "monster" comes when looked for least Oft finds us not arrayed, In "wedding garments" all must wear Or ever be delayed. Weldon, N. C, July 31, I91li. FOR INSPECTIONS a Small Amount Deposited Now Well for Citizens and Officer To Know Law Regarding Inspection. i rTimr " Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Many a man owes his success lo the failure of other men. When You Have A Cold. (iive it attention, avoid exposure, lie irular and careful of your diet, also commence takiinr Dr. Kind's New Dis covery. It contains I'ine-Tar, AntisepJ tic nils and lialsnms, Is slightly laxa tive. Dr Kinit's New Discovery eases you I' couirti, soothes your throat and bronchial tubes, checks yourcold, starts i clear your head. In a short tune vou know your cold is iicucr us uie uudaid family emmh syrup in use over 411 years, liel a liotlle at once. Ieei it in the house as a cold insurance. Sold t your di iittiiisl. A wise bride borrows her moth er-in-law's cook book. A Doctor's Remedy for Coughs As u cure for coughs and colds Dr. Hell's l'ine-Tar-lloney combines these remedies in just the rilit proportion todo the most good for summer couirlis or colds. A trial w ill prove the value of this splendid couph medicine. Dr. Hell's Pinc-Tar-llonev soothes the irritation, stops your cout'li, kills the cold Rcrnis, iiLii docs a world of (rood. .1 Sc. bot tle will more than convince you it will top your couch. At druiritists. The man who tells you he is no fool may merely be mistaken. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of I a., UY J, It. T. ,... .0. .,.,-......... P Weldon. and it's environment lor the C. i. ETO WELDON, N. C. STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES Always on hand. Fresh Meats,: In assuming to write up oast half century, will state that it is voluntarily done, and entered into tnropio ,.o a "mniinip " and while errors, and omissions must neces sarily creep in, 1 feel that a criticizing public will kindly bear the effort of an old citizen, and extend that sympathy that the weak, and inlii m always need. My joltings will be in the form of letters, and will only appear from time to time as the kind F.diior of our local paper may find space for insertion. In the year 1826, in the month of May, school being dismissed from the old academy which stood on what was then called "College Hill," an environment of that quaint old place known as Chestertown. Mil., situated on the eastern shore of Chesapeake Bay and bordering on Chester river; a lot of boys were scampering homeward down tne in cline leading to the village below; one of these boys in his endeavor to win the race, conceived the idea of seizing on to the tail of a cow, then grazing by the pathway, and thus accelerating his speed become win ner, easily reaching home-in advance of all competitors. From the foregoing incident we get the idea, that timely action, fol lowing a wise conception, often leads 10 victory. Delay of a single moment by troops in combat, often causes a turn in the tide, by which the "day is lost." At an opportune moment, while the first battle of Manassas was rag ing in July 1861, Generals Bee and Bartow, commanding South Car i:n hrimi.w fiiiHino tliMt our trooDS were waverinn, said, "look at Jackson standing yonder like a stone wall," and one of them hastily approaching him exclaimed, "General, they are beating us back," the General turning in his saddle quietly said, "Sir, we'll give them the bayonet," then instantly the cry of "charge" was heard, and the firey onslaught that followed, accompanied by the irresistable "Rebel Yell" brought victory, where defeat a few moments before seemed imminent. Thus Jackson was named on that bloody field, "Stonewall," a name that will descend in history until time shall cease, and records be no more taken. But my illustrations are leading me in a divergent altitude, and I must take up the original thought, and follow for awhile the meander ings of that boy whose successful trip was made as flagman of the fly ing cow, and who will occasionally as a man figure in these writings. At Petersburg, Va., a place as old as the lulls, ana as aear to tne writer as the word home implies, he first saw the light in May, 1848, and has endeavored so far as morality and manhood goes to follow in the footsteps of his paternal ancestor, feeling assured thai in such a course, he may "win the race ihat is set before him" though not in the same ratio of speed as thai of the flagman above mentioned. The ten year old boy who succeeded in that afternoon run, by aid of the prim itive mode already spoken of was my honored father. Prior in my father's marriage in 1841, and immediately on his re turn from West Point he entered upon the duties of assistant engineer under Colonel Walter Gwytin, and helped survey the route from Wel don. a distance of 162 miles. This was the initial move in an enterprise which through long years, now passed and gone, has gradually developed into a grand system of railways, with scarcely a peer, in our great and prosperous country. When we think of developments that have followed in the wake of our forefathers, who set font on our then trackless snores quite juu years ago, with inadequate protection against Wild bca-ds and uvjki-S and behold our magnitude today; a vast domain of incalculable wealth and power, we should turn to the source from whence all help comes, ami pay homage to whom honor is due. An unappreciaiive beneficiary is worse than a demon; then as a na tion we should seek that "preparedness thai would hi us lor the hour when we must satisfactorily account for the talents entrusted lo our care by the Master, or be cast into outer darkness. Does the United States as a people, realize its duty as an evangeliz ing power, and is it putting forth efforts in that direction commensurate with its financial strength ? I o whom mucn is given, ana so tortn. (TO BR CONTINUED.) It It Most Important and Valuebla In Saving Lifts ind Property, Saya insurance Cornmltiionisr, It Is well for citizens, and especially oltlcers of the. Slate, to know Die law In regard to the Inspection of prem ises. II Is most Important and valu ahle in saving life and property: Section 4S2. Commissioner and others must Inspect premises; may enter buildings, etc.; must order dan gerous matter removed; orders must he obeyed; appeal; expenses and cost. The Insurance Commissioner, or the chief of lire department, or chief of police where no chief of lire depart ment, or local inspector of buildings In cities and towns where such officer is elected or appointed, shall have the right at tUI reasonable huurs, for the purpose of examination, to enter Into and upon all buildings and premises. within their jurisdiction. It shall he the duty of the Insurance Commis sioner to require In all incorporaied cities and towns of the State that such officers shall make in their respective cities and towns unnual Inspections of the buildings In such cities and towns and quarterly inspection of ail prem ises within the Are limits and report lu detail the results of their Inspec tion to the Insurance Commissioner upon blanks furnished by him. WTieu ever any of such officers shall find In any building or upon any premises combustible material or liinammabla conditions dangerous to the safety of such building or premises, they shall order the same to be removed or rem edied, and such order shall be forth with compiled with by the owner or occupant of such building or prem lsei; but if the owner or occupant shall deem himself aggrieved by such order, lie may. within twenty-four hours, appeal to the Insurance Com mlssloner, and the cause of the com plaint shall be at or.ee investigated by his direction, and unless by his auth ority the order of the officer above named is revoked, such order shall remain in force and be forthwith com plied with by the owner or occupant The Insurance Commissioner, fire chief, or lire committee ahall make an Immediate Investigation as to the presence of combustible material or the existence of Inflamiabk co'.di tions In any building or upon any premises under their Jurisdiction up on complaint of any person having an Interest in such building or premises ior property adjacent thereto. The Insurance Commissioner may. In per son or by deputy, visit auy city or In rorporated town and make such In spectlons alone or In company with the local officer. The local inspector shall be paid by the city or town a reasonable salary or proper fees to be fixed by the governing board of euch city or town. Atul Systematically added to, is the only sure ay of attaining independence WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent Interest on Savings Deposits. I EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL I ill A '-tote sellout to tr.-iin teachers for the public schools of North ,3 Carolina l:ciy merit v is directed In this one purpose. Tul- i !tiiiii to ml who niM it jo teach loll lei'iu begins 1 : '. ; " 1 ' fvl. I i !; Z 6, 1916. ii- lalulomie mill other infoi Miiition address kMMiKkl M. wmOIIT, President, (ireenville, N. C. 9 n3&U;iu:G:3:ta: rn m in esnsbaro $2.50 Daily lews, CASH with order, to new subscribers from now until November Your acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a 30. free copy ot our Handy Almanac and Lncyclopedia, a book that you will find invaluable, containing many important facts, statistics and figures for which you have fn. quern use. Order the Daily News today and gel the greatest benefit of this spec al price Remember i his is campaign year and we handle the news mp.ini il ly, (jREL-NSBOKO DAILY NLWS, Oreensboro, N. C. I AM THE WOODEN SHINGLE. my WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH CAROLINA'S i a ,iM I r r h LOT Fish, Vegetables, Etc. 0. G. EVANS; Old Postoffice Stand, Second St. Phone 268. No. Six-Sixty-Six This Is a prescription prepared etpecially lor MALARIA or CHILIS & FEVER. Five or six dotes will break any case, and If taken then ti a tonic the Fever will not return. It acts on the liver bettel thaa Calomel eod dot not (ripe or lickeo. 25 Will Sloan's Liniment Relieve Pain? Try il and see one application will prove more than a column of claims, .lames S. Kurirerson. Philadelphia, Pa., writes:: "I have had wonJerlul relief siuce 1 used SI, au's I.inimeut ou my knees. To think alter all these years of pain one application (fave me relief. Many thanks for what your remedy has done for ma." Dou't keep on suttering, apply Sloan's Liniment where your paiu is and notice how quick you will get relief. Penetrates without rubbing. Buy it at any drug (tore. 25c Cure For Cholera Morbus. "When wir little boy, now seven years old, was a baby he wan cured of cholera morlum bv Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Diarrlnea Uemedv," writes Mrs. Sidney Simmous, Fair Haven, N. Y. "Since then other members of my fam ily have used this valuable medicine for colic and bowel troubles with good satisfaction aud I gladly endorse it as a remedy of exceptional merit." Obtainable everywhere. I am the WOOHKM SHINGLE. Ruin Death and Tears upon footsteps wait. He who puts me on his home for protection, I betray. I have a soul of FIRE. I glory In ruin. Each straggling spark sets me upon some fresh hatched lust. When I am new I am attractive, hut treachery lingers In my beauty Mv ereatest admirers I turn to scorn. Those who boost nie most I crumple with ridicule. Aud those who use me to shelter loved ones I tear at their throat with flugers of fire. Blackened rulna sing my symphony for at best I am but a fickle friend. I am a thief In the night I hate beauty. I am an enemy of all things useful. Security Irri tates me and I crush those mol who fear me least. I am the WOODEN SHINtlLE. For a brief spell I am fair to loo upon. But scorching suns soon rot out my vitality. I split and splinter and aoften Ilka the weakling that I am. Winter freezes tear at my vitals. I em a mark for drenching rains. I tear at my moorings a discontent warp with fiendish glea I let In the rains and the weather and ALWAYS I crave for sparks 1 thrive on flying brands. t curl I ciack I splltiter and ao j cay. ! am worn out before my usefulness begins a decrepit In my youth e coward a sneak one of nature's misfits. And mark ye I shall steal as long as you trus me. I ahall betray you to lire as long as you depend upon me to protect you. I shall rob you of your homes 1 ahall com like a plague in the night and murder and plundei and destroy. 1 hate those thai love me. And ye -fools ye truat me. It hi to laugh! J am the WOODEN BH1NQLE. Roe- an T. Oebler. A W V.'LTK fIND AND SUKN.LR XCUR30N BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING P)py ATLANTICXOAST LINE VHF TANDADn RAM ROAD OF THF SOUTH. v y 1 of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingredients. OUR DKUUS theii are rECIALTp Most people have taking ways but very few have bringing back ways. selected for PURITY and have been tested for strength. PIRST QUALITY, Rl:A. SONABLt: PRICE and CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY, Your Bowels Should Move Onee a Day A free easy movement of the bowels every day is a sign of good health. Dr. King's New Life Pills will give you a geulle laxative elfect without gnpir.g aud free your system of blood poisons, purify your blood, overcome constipa tion and have an excellent tonie effect od the entire system. Makes you feel like living. Only 2oe. at druggists. 2 Pimm ioe jjjj IJ. M. Bragg Automobiles li"""-"-c; -A-MfA Sleive-VoM Motor

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