L lllfjp ifa n If I ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriptioii-$l.50 Per Annuin WELDON, N. CM THURSDAY, Al'(Jl'ST 31, H)Hi. VOL. LI. NO. It ft hi V pr NetCoTHenil5PlnMl)Tto hi); K 2,? . ; JJO '3C b'a So $8 jew CASTORIA ALCOHOL-3rEHtE!rt AVrvJctabk Preparau'imfetAJ-siraaatiuftlhcBoodiinJKetfiiB ASTOP.Ifi For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Ml TO BE WEATHER WISE. THE CLOVER, If Vou Want Fine Weather, Look For Fine Weather Signs. Here Are Some of the Most Keliable, For They Are Based Upon Sci-! entific Facts. BY JAMtS WHITCOMB RILEY. ..o-'-1 it . 1 ii m H2 L ..iiifiL-aPERCEirc A TTTC1TT3 m Bears the Or Vr h In " : i XZSL I 111 Um ns use Vjr For Over j iJ Thirty Years Ji-ii iiriiii fcxacl Copy of Wiapper. tx.oixt.uk itwui. ni vo oin n m- nJcSpsHmilllcerfol- i,cssandKe3Couttt Ol3iumlorplinie liDTiBntai Not Narcotic- Loss of MB ftTsimite Signal01 THE BANK OF VELDON WELDOX, N. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Deposiiory. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Deposiiory. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over 21 years thin institution hu provided banking fttcilitiuH lor this section. Itn'stockholders and officii are identiiied with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the benefit of all who desire to deposit iu a Savmfrs Hank, lu this Department intend is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toremuin three months 01 longer, per cent. Hu months or longer, 3 percent Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Anv information will be furnished on application in the I'residentorl'ashiei When ih : sun sets in a sea of glory, thai is, when the sunsei sky is red, you may expect clear weath er on ihe following day. Ai night, when the moon is clear and shows clean edges, with no halo or ring around it, ihere is little danger of rain. When the wind blows steadily from the west, the weather will continue fair; it very rarely rains in our eastern States with the-wind in the west. Watch the smoke from a chim ney or from your campfire it is a good barometer. If the smoke rises high, it means clear weather. The smoke will also show from which direction the wind is blow ing; so will a flag on an upright flagstag. A gray early morning, not a heavy, cloudy one, promises a fair day. A heavy dew at night is seldom followed by rain the next day. Think of it this way: Wet feet, dry head. Animals are said often to show by their actions what the weather will be, and there is reason for this. Some of them certainly have a knowledge of coming storms. We are told that spiders are es pecially sensitive to weather changes, and when they make new webs the weather will be fair; if they continue spinning during a shower, it will soon clear off. Adelia B. Beard, in St. Nicholas. Some sings of the lily, and daisy and rose, And the pansies and pinks that the summertime throws In the green grassy lap of the medder that lays Blinkin' up at the skies through the sunshiny days; But what is the lily and all of the rest Of the flowers to a man with a heart in his breast That was dipped brimniin' full of the honey and dew Of the sweet clover blossoms his babyhood knew ? I never set eyes on a clover field now, Er fool round a stable, er climb in the mow, But my childhood comes back jest as clear and as plane As the smell of the clover I'm sniffin' again; And I wunder away in a barefooted dream, Whare I tangle my toes in the blossoms that gleam With the dew of the dawn of the morning of love Ere it 'vept o'er the graves that I'm weepin' above. And so I love clover it seems like a part Of the sacredest sorrows and joys of my hart; And wherever it blossoms, oh, there let me bow And thank the good God as I'm lhankin' Him now; And 1 pray to Him still for the stren'th when I die, To go out in the clover and tell it goodbye, And lovin'ly nestle my face to its bloom While my soul slips away on a brethof perfume. LUKE MCCLURE SAYS. Every Man Ulrl and Kind. Admires Marries a Sensible the Other CONFEDERATE SOLDIER. Address of Irvin Cobb, a Son of the Confeder acy, at the Reunion In Birmingham, Ala., June 16, 1916. MISTAKEN IDENTITY. I'BBKIDBNT : W. E. DANIEL, DIRECTOKH-W R. T. Daniel, J.I. v ii'R -i-kksiiikst: W. It. SMITH. I. ('. DliAt'Ki:, Teller. I ASIIIKR: . O. DHAKK, It. Smith, V. Shepherd, W. ii. Duiilel, I'li'U'e .1. (I. Diake, W. D. I), 'ollicotler, ll. I'oheu, .I.W. Sledge. rS Water J0? Vt - to'tTi TV, "flJsc -jcooier pEEH: : iiBMV- lT VS; v "rgi--y lj.c Pat and Mike were walking through a rather wild section when they spied a wild cat up in a tree top. I hey mistook the wild cat for a rather large domesticated cat, and Mike said: "Begorra, that sure is a foine cat up there. 1 be lieve if we could catch him and take him to the nixt village we could get a lot o' money for him." Accordingly Mike climbed the tree and after considerable effort succeeded in turning the cat loose. It fell almost at Hat s leel, and i'at immediately jumped on ii. Mike, judging from the sounds that all was not well with Pal, peered down lo behold a rolling, twisting mass on the ground that seemed to be most Pat and wild cat. "Do ye want me to come down and hilp ye to hold him?" called Mike. No," answered Pat between gasps, but tor the love o Satni Pathrick come down and hilp me leggo av him." POTENT LOVE CHARM. 10 0WH REFRIQEIW TOR Has All These Star Features Built on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, cold air surrounded with walls ihat at e S-ply and a thorough insulution apainst heal and cold with a drain that has never been known to clog with light, easily-cleaned electrically-welded wire shelves and ihe most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator truly you get a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in the AUTOMATIC REFKIGLKA1 OK. Let us point lo you these star features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC No other refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bonle wun out infringing Newell patents. I A young woman who thought she was losing her husband's af fection went to a seventh daughter of a seventh daughter for a love powder. The mystery woman told her: Get a raw piece ot beef, cut flat, about an inch thick. Slice an onion in two and rub the meal on both sides ot it. Put on pepper mid salt, and toast it on each side, over a red coal hre. Drop on it The feature of the evening session of Tuesday was the Re-union ad dress by Irvin Cobb, of Kentucky, the famous war correspondent and leading humorist of America, who is the son of a Confederate soldier as well as otherwise largely connected with the veteran soldiery of the South. As he walked out upon the stage the audience rose as one man and cheeredand following his introduction by General Young the band softly played "My Old Kentucky Home," while the sweet voices of sponsors and maids took up the strain. At the conclusion of his speech the band played "Dixie" amidst thunderous applause and the high notes of the Rebel yell, which proclaimed the thorough apprecia lion of that patriotic audience. Mr. Cobb's address had the touch of humor lor which he is noted, but more largely was the strain of pathos and his references to the veterans of the Confederacy made each one present feel that he was being referred to individually. Apart of his address is here given : "I do not remember the Confederate soldier with the gleam of battle in his eye. I have known him as a man of peace, and to my mind the typical picture of the Southern soldier is not a man in soldier straps. I picture him as he is pictured as ihe central character in a little story I shall now relate. Alter the war this man returned to his home in a little country town and began the practice of medicine. Because of his unkept and meager condition, the well to do's had small need of his services. But the needy knew and loved him because they realized that behind the gnarled hands that fought throughout the war was ability, and that be neath ihe tousled and twisted head was a skilled brain. "This doctor, being of small means, could not afford a nice office so he fixed himself up a little musty stand over a stable, and down be low he placed a board on the old hitching post, reading, 'Dr. Brown upstairs. But one riiorning his comrades looked for him in vain. They sought him in his office, and they found that the wrinkled hands had ceased to pick the coverlet, and the head was hi rest on the pillow. "Those who loved him were not wealthy people, but they buried him with honor and searched for funds to build a monument to him The funds were not to be found among them, however. And them one of them had an inspiration. It was to take the old hitching post from the front of the stable and put it over the grave. This was done. and until the rain obliterated and the sun drew away the letters the monument stood there, 'Dr. Brown, upstairs.' And that is the way I think of every Confederate soldier who has gone before. They're all upstairs. "And I want to tell you thai you were not fighting for a lost cause When you bared your breasts and marched bravely to war to fight triple and sometimes quadruple your number, were you fighting for i lost cause ?' When you accepted the conditions forced upon you by tne might of numbers and returned to your homes, salted by the bones of your forefathers and sanctified by the tears of your women, 10 build upon the charred embers a new South, were you fighting for a lost cause'? 'And when up yonder, where the Southern Cross blazes, when the Confederate army files through the alabaster gates, past the Command- What has become of the old fashioned man who used 10 wear a yard of crepe on his hat ? There was a time when a wo man had four or five pots simmer ing on the stove all the time and the man of the house got three squares a day. But now-a-days if the average housekeeper lost the can-opener her husband would have to go hungry. A girl is loo modest to parade the street wearing a wet bathing suit. But she will wear a thin silk waist that leaves nothing to the imagination and will think noth ing of it. We may believe everything else a man says. But we never believe him when he explains how he got that black eye. The average conversation is merely a ten-minute space wasted by a listener who has 10 be courte ous to a talker. Even after a man has let a girl compel him to ask her to marry him, ihe boob will go around and tell you that there ain't no such animal as Hypnotism. Somehow or other there were not half as many bill collectors em ployed in the old days when the average man wore a paper collar. The reason Woman Suffrage isn't general is because the right sort of women haven't time to bother with politics. You can bet that if the Mothers of this country wanted the vote ihey would be voting by this time next year. The average man can't see why he should worry about laying up something for a rainy day as long as he owns a dollar umbrella. Every time a man asks a fat wo man how much she weighs he is deliberately adding to the number of lies recorded in the Big Book. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence ill Mil WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Savings Deposits. EAST CAROLINA TEACHERS TRAINING SCHOOL 1 A State school to train teachers for the public schools of North fit Carolina. Every energy is directed lo this one purpose. Tui- jlj tion free to all who agree io teach. Fall Term begins !: S E3PT RM BE i'l 26, 1916. For catalogue and other information address i-j ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President. jjj (Ireenville, N. C. ill The Greeiisko Daily lows, $2.50, CASH with order, to new subscribers from now until November 30. Your acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a free copy ot our Handy Almanac and Encyclopedia, a book that you will find invaluable, containing many important facts, statistics and figures or which you have frequent use. Order the Daily News today and get the greatest benefit of this spec ial price. Remember this is campaign year and we handle the news impartially. GREENSBORO DAILY NEWS,' Greensboro, N. C. A LIQUID EVIDENCE. A publican was prosecuted for selling a bottle of whiskey during prohibited hours. A bottle of whis key was produced as evidence. The jury heard the evidence and retired to the jury room. They presently returned. "My lord," said the foreman, "the jury is quite satisfied as to the sale of the bottle, but they are not sure of its contents. May they have the bottle to satisfy themselves ?" "Certainly," declared the judge. After a brief period the jury filed into the box again. "Well, gentlemen, have you reached a decision?" asked the judge. "No case, my lord," said the foreman. "There was not enough evidence to go round." London Answers. WANTED QASOLINE. three lumps of butter and two er in Chief of mankind, your heads held high and bodies erect, as you sprigs of parsley, and get him to marched years ago, do you think that as long as the record of ihe things eat it." vou did. the things you achieved, the things you endured, and the The young wife did so, and her things you conquered stand burned in everlasting fire on the judg- husband loved her Exchange. ever after.- Weldon Furniture Uompany, WELDON, N. C. o OE301 I. Z A .IS A . MERCM TULMX O Next door to ZollieollWs, WKl.DON', N. I'. O at 1 take your measure and make suit to order on my bench. Call and fry Vinspect line line of piece (roods and samples. Satisfaction guaranteedry TANKER'S ROOF MIT SOLD BY Pierce Whitehead ilardware liiii)!ii:iiiv mem book the Supreme Arbiter of all earthly affairs is going to pu yours down as a cause that is lost, or will he write it down as a cause that won ? I he present war in burope brought home to me what I know must have happened in our own war. When I saw thai great German ar my, I thought of another army which for four years, outnumbered and outflanked, but never, thank God, outgeneraled, fought lor a cause in finitely nobler than thai which sent uermany to war. And when l saw little Belgium trying to check the onslaught of that army, I thought of thai same linle army which fifty years ago set the example to Bd- "Where did you lose ii?" asked 8ium DV lls resistance oi tne noraes ot tnvaaers trom tne twin, wnen ' I ... ...... nnM.4,,n,arl l.tt Mi.palap lif lalonhnn. nrr ki, tal.AMnt, I 1 Saw war tunuucitu vy winnow, ujr iniyiiuiii, nuu uy ititgi aciu, I thought of you men, who often hand-to-hand 'engaged the foe and and feared not. When I saw the lines of consenptionists, and when I heard those bands playing, endeavoring to create a patriotic sentiment, I thanked God that I belong to America and to that part of the country which sent men to war, not because they had to fight, but because they wanted to fight. Mind you, 1 am not trying to glortty you in what 1 say; pen ana toneue are incompetent for that task. The angels in heaven have been attending to that for fifty years. And what I have said goes also to the women, and especially to tne women ot tne uia soutn. "And when I saw ihat war and what may happen to our country kent unoreoared. and when 1 considered the fate of Belgium and re alized that under similar conditions our people who would suffer what those oeoole had suffered, it was then that 1, who am the son of a sol dier and the grandson of a soldier, came home cured of a delusion that war under certain conditions could be beautiful. But I also came home with the firm conviction that America should not remain unpre oared. And because I believe that the Providence which has been iookine after the affairs of fools, drunkards, idiots and cripples, and the United States of America may not always do so; because I believe that the best insurance for peace is preparedness for the other thing oecause ot tnese wings i wain 10 see an ot my country, anu especially yf the South, equipped with the strongest army, ihe best navy, and sup plied with the best coast defenses money can buy and manhood can A NEW YORK REWARD. I ve lost a wallet containing $600," said Mr. Baker toa friend 'How much reward shall I offer for its return?" the friend "In New York city "Well, if you want it back," said the friend, "you'll have to offer at least $700 reward." New Haven Post. Sometime ago. before motoring became as popular as it is today, a man was driving a big car through a country section several miles from a town when he sud denly saw a man standing in the middle of the road. "Hold on there, mister!" cried ihe man, wildly waving his arms as the car approached. "I want to talk to ye !" "What's the matter with you country constables r angrtiy shouted the autoisi, bringing his machine to a standstill. "I wasn't going at the rate of twenty miles an hour!" "I ain't no country constable, mister, was tne man s answer. 'My wife's been invited to a wed- din', an I wanted to know if you would let me have a little gasoline to clean her white gloves." Move Once Your Bowels Should Day A free easy movement of the bowelB every day is a sign of good health. Dr. King's New Life 1'ills will give you gentle laxative effect without gripir.g and free your lysteru of blood poisons, purify your blood, overcome constipa tion and have an excellent tonic effect on the entire system. Makes you feel like livings Only 25c. at druggists. Children FOR FLETCHER'S WRIGHT5VILLE BEACH (A IX V' I AST - -Oi hr . CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESORT ..ItlANTlc WEEK END AND SUMMER EXCURSION-1 TARES BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING ma ATLANTICXOAST LINE THF VTANnADn PAII DOin nFTHFSDIITH v : ; yj mil i mi I J OUR I COTTON QIN. "Say, Alabama is a dry State, isn't it?" "Sure." "But when I was there several negroes who were cated." "Well, of course, they can't stop the sale of that awful cotton gin entirely." I saw intoxi- A Doctor' Remedy lor Coughs As a cure for coughs and colds Dr. Bell's Fine-Tar-Honey combines these remedies in just the right proportion to do the most good for summer coughs ot colds. A trial will prove the ralue of this splendid cough medicine. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-Honey soothes the irritation, tops your cough, kills the eold f erma, and does world of good. A 85o. bot tle will more than convince you it v, ill j i i1 of a prescription lies in the Purity of Its Ingredients. gy OUR DRUGS are selected lor tneu PURITY and have been tested for strength FIRST QUALITY, REA. SONABLE PRICE and CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. V phone 1004 ii J M. Bragg . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Automobiles 4 1 WELDON, N C, CASXORIA Sleeve -Valve. Hoto command. ' top your cough. At druggist.

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