HMISi ESTABLISH!-.) IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription -$l.5i Per Annum VOL. LI. WKLDOX, N. ('., TIIl'USDAV. SKITKM I JK1! I I, liOC. NO. 21 p-: Net Contrata 15 Tln?a Drachm SSo -'Awi 5 V 6AST0RIA CASIORK AJXOllOL-al'I'.UCEVt AVrvi(!;ib!cPre),uition6)rAJ siiiiiiatiiitftlicfooiiandHci'ula tino tlw Slum.icti.saml Itawflsol Proniolesl)isliouChcfrf Opiuui.MorpliiiiB norilluiiai-; TV.vii ViUflOTIC. I niimUn titti' JfrdrHrMS- A-rffdlfcmccly fojuiw IVcrms.Icvcr.shicul I.k Simile Siatoo1 I rnECBsrALaiCOMPAM. vrtf YORK. For Infants and Children, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears the Signature. of LW Ar Exact Copy of Wrapper. In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA THt OCNTtUfl COMPANY, NIW VOHK ClTV THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON, X. C Organized Under the Laws of the Slate of North Carolina. Sluie of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anfl Surplus, $55,000. Kor over "1 yt'aiH tins iiiMlitutmn Iiun piovuli'it l ankintr facilities for this section, Its'sloekliolders and olliecis aie idcutiliuU ailli t lie busi ness interests of I lulil'a s anil Noithainptoti counties. A Savings liepartinenl is maintained for the bcuelit ui ho desire to deposit in a Savings Bunk. In tins liepaitmcnl 'utcrcsl is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toifiiiaiu three months or lougi r. - per cent. Six months or louder, II per cent Twelve mouths or homer. 4 percent. Anv i ll format iuii will he furnished un application to the I'rcsidcnloH ashiei FRIiSlDKNT : W. E. DANIEL, vu k I'HiixiiiiNr: U . It SMITH. L. C. Hi; M'Ei;, Telle CAS 11 IKK: J. O. DHAKK, iDIRECTOliS V. It. Sunlit, . E. Daniel, I. O Inukc, . M. Colirn, K. T. Daniel, .1.1.. Shepherd, . A. 1'ieree, D. 1!. Zolhcull'ci, J W. Sledge 3E so ..A' . o Jieat Res'sti ;-N W.llo ii i i II 1 1 -Cooler V ipEfbiz ' i tj z fJO OTHER RFRIQERTOR Has All These Star Features Built on the RIGHT principle, with a constant circulation of dry, col 1 air surrounded with walls thai arc 8-ply and a thorough insulation against heat and cold with a drain that has never been known to clog with light, easily-cleaned electrically-welded wire shelves and the most perfect water cooler ever built into a refrigerator iruly you get a wonderful machine for preserving food and water in the AUTOMATIC RLTUlGliUATOR. Lei us point 10 you these star features.and the other good points of the AUTOMATIC No oilier refrigerator can use holder and inverted water bottle with out infringing Newell patents. Weidon Furniture Company, WELDON, N. C. I0E30EHE O o H , Zd jAl -A. , IEltlUIT !ULU, O Next iloor to Zulheollei's, WlXDoX, N. C. O 4 1 take your measure and make auit to order oil my bench. Call and VViiispect line line of w4Ctfoods and samples. Satisfaction guaraulccihV mi mrM tty TANNER'S HOOF FAIS1 in,; SOLI) BY lTonaun ii'iMiwni'a WELDON, N C, V PiftPftft-wliitftliftflil I iiri km Umnanv liuivu ii uiuviivUiu uuiuii uiv vuuimn AN INSTUMENT WITH A SOUL. Fiddle Over One Hundred Years Old Worth $5,000. The Ashevtlle Citizen tells this story about a violin in Asheville over one hundred years old, and worth a hig pile of money : Three hundred and three years is the age of the violin, one of the three in the United States made by Migini, a violin which sang in uni son with Jenny Lind when the English Nightingale appeared be fore those enthralled thousands in Castle Garden, so many years ago, a violin which is valued at $5,000 and which is now owned by Prof. W. H. Allman, of Ashe ville. So wonderfully clear and sweet is iis expression that at the open- j ing of the Omaha exposition build ing its voice was heard distinctly1 above the tones of forty other fine i violins, and so birdlike is its call ; that it may be heard for a distance of four city blocks. j Prof. Allman carries his precious violin with him on all his journeys ! and he has owned it since 1887. The shadows are beginning to lengthen for the musician and dancing master, but never is the Migini out of his sight or without his care. Famous masters of all great instruments has asked that it be sent to them for their examina tion, and Mrs. lidith Vanderbilt, the mistress of Biltmore, has be come personally interested in it. But to no one will the professor trust his well-beloved Migini. Ex perts have pronounced the violin to be without a flaw, and fruitless efforts were made to have it inclu ded in a recent exhibition of world famous violins that sold in New York at prices ranging from $5,- 000 to $20,000. "I didn't believe i could part with it," says ihe dancing master, touching the ancient instrument with all the care' and reverence a mother touches her first born. "It has a soul, as I have a soul, and I understand it. Some one else might not," he ends, very simply. ITS MSTOKY. This violin, fashioned so many years ago by a master craftsman in far-off Italy, really does seem io have "A lone Of some world far from ours, Where music, and niooulight, and feeling are one." Its earlier history is unknown, which is a very great pity, indeed, for without doubt the souls of masters, have found their divine expressions through the ancient instrument. Its marvelously clear tones, as different from the tones of the ordinary instrument as the subdued moonlight is from the glare of the itiid-day sun, sets the imagination in Might, br ings visions of strange worlds, and brings peace to the soul of the listener. Ii is known that this ancient violin ac companied Jenny Lind when the sweetest singer in all the world appeared in this country, and won derfully clear and sweet as were the tones of the English nightin gale, the song of the Migini was no less of the essence of harmony. It is said that this violin repre sents the life blood of one genius the world knew not, and who gave his life thai he might keep his well-beloved violin. This was in London, in old London, more than 200 years ago, when a young man, struggling for recognition of a heaven-sent talent, was finally reduced to the choice of selling the Magini or of starving. He could not pan with his violin, even then known as a sweet-toned in strument, and so he gave his life instead. They found him in his garret room, so the story goes, dead, with the precious violin clasped in his arms. "Music is the luxury of the rich, and the solace and comfort of the poor," said the dancing master, looking with eyes full of love at his violin. "I often wonder how many souls this thing so full of music has rejoiced, how many hours of pain it has eased, and now many it has inspired since the time it left the hands of the Migini craftsman 303 years ago." MM A r'k Which one shows up rHiSTRQR5frfxSwmt?rHmKiTovtQ f -From Denver Poit THE THINGS THAT COUNT, BY ELLA W IT E E I. E R W I L C O X Now, dear, it isn't the bold things, Great deeds of valor and might, Thai count the most in the summing up of life at the end of the day. But it is the doing of old things, Small acts that are just right; And doing them over and over again, no matter what others say; In smiling at fate when you want to cry, in keeping at work when you wan; to play Dear, those are the things that count. And, dear, it isn't the new ways, U'here the wonder-seekers crowd, That lead us into the land of content, or help us to lind our own. But ii is keeping to true ways, Though the music is not so loud, And there may be many a shadowed spot where we journey along alone; In flinging a prayer at the face of fear, and in changing it into a song a groan Dear, these are things that count. My dear, it isn't the loud part Of creeds that is pleasing to God, Not the chant of a prayer, or the hum of a hymn, or a jubilant ' limit or song. But it is the beautiful proud part Of walking with feet faith-shod; And in loving, loving through all, no mailer how tilings go wrong; In trusting ever, though the day, and in keeping your hope when the way seems long Dear, these are the things that count. I Ii i s is the Preparedness Needed Uy Man To-day. Vi'hcn the Master Builder of the earth upon which we reside con ceived the idea of us fashioning, and fitness for the reception of the millions ul liiiin.miiy He intended placing upon ii, I le knew what their need.s would be: thus He filled it throughout with material, with inexhaustible productive pow er, and all things necessary that when utilized, and developed would be for man's good: this was preparedness on God's pari. Did God then ct'eaic merely a responsive machine, a recorder, a talking machine ? yes, and more! 1 le gave it a mind, reasoning pow er, creative power, essentials for man's education, and litness for uses that God designed and today God's world, and man's habita tion, is without a paralel in grand eur, wealth, beauty, and intellect; and if Jehovah's still greater plans were being faithfully carried out and we were following the lines of Christ's work, which He outlined ! for us, before He returned to Heaven, we would be strangers to such tragedies as are to-day blight ing our beautiful world. i Violation of trusts reposed in i man, and abuse of the exalted priv- ilege, known as "free moral agen-' cy" brought about such a state of' thing:; upon the earth, that even a merciful Eather could no longer hide tiie monstrosity of sin so swiftly taking precedence in the earth, hence the chaos of today. In the face of present calamities, the world should concede the ab solute necessity of a speedy return of the "prodigal" that it may once again become ingratiated in God's favor before it is too late. W'eldon, N. C, July 29th, 'Its. JB. T. How To (iive (iootl Advice. I la- !m'M nay to nivc ionil uiIvh'c i. tu srt il iAMi.l t'Vllnlili'. Whrli otliris ! -rt- how nuii'kly you url vn yum eoU by UikiimM hanitit'iluiu s Tout;!) iteiin' ! ly tln'V a 1 1 k I y to follow ymiri'vin i plr. I hi- U'UH'tty ha- Ihvii hi u-c main y':irs utiil enjoy, an ruvllciit u-jnita j lion. t thtailiahU' t'WIYwIuii'. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of altainino; independence WLLDON, N. C. 4 per cent Interest on Savings Deposits. fit A SDile school to train teachers for the public schools of North fit Carolina, livery energy is directed to this one purpose. Tui- $ linn free to all who agree in teach Kali term hegins il CI SEPTH:MBEB 26, 1916. For catalogue and other information address ROBERT H. WRIGHT, President. Greenville, N. C. bs GreensborQ Daily fas $2.50 CAsll wiih order, to new subscribers from now until November 30. Your acceptance of this special price will also entitle you to a free copy ot our Handy Almanac and Encyclopedia, a book that you will find invaluable, containing many important facts, statistics and figures or which you have freipient use. Order the Daily News today and get the greatest benefit of this spec ial price Remember this is campaign year and we handle the news impartially. URUENSDORO DAILY NHWS.f (Ireensboro, N. C. Time may be money body but the loafer. to every- -mi s - . ,x 1 1 i i ri Are You Looking Old f OM asre come- utiiok ciioiiirli without invilmi; it. Nji ne luok oU al foi ty. '1'hut heeaui-e tin y m uh et the hwr ittnl huwffs. Kft i yiiii i howcls ivtMilai ami yotn livti healthy anl you will not only ti l l yotinirt.T hui look youuLr i When tiouhletl with coiislipalioii or bil iousness take I'hainbei lam's Tablets. Thi'vare inteiuh il osTeciallv t'ur the-r ailment- aibl uie euvlU'iit. La.y tukeainl tnoM utrteeahle tn elle-el. Obtainable eveiywheie. to The less honor a nun h;is the more sensitive lie is on the subject. WRIGHT5VILLE BEAC 1 CAROLINA'S FAMOUS RESOR ,-6 AST iNE WLTK END AND SUMKLR EXCURSION TARES-- , :M I' if if 4 BATHING BOATING ISHING DANCING ATirAN T IC COAST line: THE STANDARD RAILROAD OF THE SOUTH Stop the l irst Cold V cold dl.i-s lint cct ofltM.lf The iiiiivn oi w, mini.' mil a ettld ,':llv you out. and yum eutiL'ii Utuiih;. m--iicius ii iki! I, ,-li-t 1 1 uek i iiir eoiwlis diani tlie , in icy and ai 1 1 , t - iulay. I'm IT yi ais ihe Lappy cniUinatiiMi of ; !.inl luiiir aiili-Hepiic in I'r. j Kind's Nen iim-um-iv i.a lti:i!d i cuiiclis anil n'lieed coiiL'eMt- n. N oinit: . and old can tctily to tlie elli-etiieneM, ul I'r. Kmc1'- Net. I'lseoveiy loreuaulis i and colds liny u Lottie today at your i dlliL'Rlst. .'ille. Hl NtW ISaUE. pa From New York World JUST TO DIE RICH. Wh ii a niiidnv sennli-lier is the oCCIIl! What ail Uncounted tliultl- .. ..... H . - I ... . , . . r .1. .. .. :.. l:.. ..,.,a. i !UJC have UtC'.! St ?a 'ln'.l tonnil Hie loainiiiH w.ue men wiiiuiiik jiicci. i Of all the millions that are strewn over those unfathomable channels, j the majority of them came to an untimely death by shipwreck. Vi'e are like ships upon ihe sea, and for us, as for the ships, there are many dangers on the wide sea of life. Many a Christian who started prosperously on his voyage to heaven has made shipwreck of his faith and never reached the haven. j One of the greatest dangers which has wrought such havoc to so many souls is ihe desire for riches. A ship carrying an immense I amount of gold was wrecked. All on board were safely rescued from ihe sinking ship except one sailor, who had been seen on deck filling j his pockets with coins. When told that the ship was sinking under him, he answered that he had always lived a poor man and was de-! lermincd to die rich. Many another beside that poor sailor has snip- j wrecked his life, his soul, his honor, that he might die rich Rev. j Arthur H. Kaub, of Chicago. Just a little powder on a wo man's nose acts as a powerful nerve stimulant. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alw.yi bears th. Sigoaturtof Forget Your Athes Still' knccB, acliiii( linilja, lame liack make life a burden. II you uuiier from rheumatism, Kut, Imnliao, ueurali;ia, get a bottle of Sloan's l.iniiiient, the universal remedy for pain. Kasy to ap ply; it penetrates without nililiing and soothes the tender llesh. Oeuuei and more effective than muxsy ointments or poultices. Kor strains or sprains, sore muHcles or wrenched ligaments, resulting from strenousexercise, Sloan's Liniment given quick relief. Keep it on hand for emergencies. At your d rug gist, 26c. Chamberlain's Code, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy This is a medicine Hint every family should he provided with. folic anJ diarrhoea often come on suddenly and it is of the greatest importance that they he treated promptly. Consider the Hiitleriiig that iiuint he endured un til a physician arrives or medicine can he obtained. Chamberlain's Colic.Chol era and Uiarihoea liemedy has a repu tation second to none for the que'k le" lief which it affords. Obtainable everywhere. j Llderly gentlemen seem 10 have i a penchant for voungerly ladies. I Constipation the Pat her ot Many Ills. i eit'eet hu i inanity a laiite sliaie Matt with eoiisti- patioii. Keep youi Imi U o cular aud i they may lie avoided When a laxalne I ! needed take I hamlu i Iain's Tablet's. They not only mow the boel but j improve the appetite and slrengthi n I tiie diueMiou. Obtainable eveiywheie. Make a noise like a $10 bill and the world will chase you. Clear Had Skin Krom W ithin Pimply, muddy complexion arc due i to impurities in the blood. Clear up the skin by taking up I'r. Kiuk's New j l.ile Pills. Their mild laxative qualities ' remove the poisons from the system and biicditeii the eye. A full, free. nun. I griping bowel movement in the morning ;s the reward of a Jose of I'r. King's New Life I'dlstlic night liefoie. At your diuggist, ''."ic. The conceited woman who is al ways saying "Dear nie !" usually means ib j Don't Neglect Your Cold Neglected colds gel worse, instead of better. A Mulled head, a tight chest must be relieved at once. Dr. Bell's Pine-Tar-lloiiey is nature's remedy. Honey and glycerine heal the irntateJ membrane, antiseptic tar loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier and your cold is brokeu up. Pleasant to take, lr. Hill's Pinc-Tar-lloney is an ideal remedy for children as well si grown-upi. At vout druggist, 29c. HE V.ILI; 1 1 of a prescription lies in the Purity of its Ingre dients. gg- OUR DRL'tiS are selected for theii ni iniTv fi 1 - rvi 1 1 and have been tested for strength rt in ft UUK S?ECIAL7 r. s y I IRS I QUALIFY, RI:A. SONAI1LI: PRICl: and i CAREFUL COMPOUNDING Three Reasons for bringing your prescriptions HERE. WELDON DRUG COMPANY. J. M. Bragg Automobiles I Littleton, N. C. 5let vc-Vcfw Mater 4