I tss a& iJ 'jSSl USTABLISHKD IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscriiti)n--$1.5( Per Annum VOL. LI. WKLUON, X. C, TIIUUSDAV, XOVEM liKll 2, im. NO. 27 'f Children Cry for Fletcher's Tlio Kind You II.ivo Always Uonglit, ami UU-U has been u use ior over yt-nvn, mis borne tliu tslp;imttiro of tmu na uecn iniitlo under Ills pcr-f--.. sonal Mipcr vision tiinco its) Infancy. Jj J'CUcAMi Allow no ono to deceive von in tills. AH Counterfeits, Imitations and " .Tu.st-u.s-frood " arc but l!xperimenU that trillo witli anil endanger tlio health of lufunts, und Children lixnerienco ugaiimt Exncriiuciit. What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and .Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Jt contains neither Opium, Morphine) nor other Xurcotlo substance,. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays I'evorislinoss. J'or more than thirty years it lias been in constant uso for tlio relief of Constipation, riiitiileney, Y.'ind Colic, nil Teetliinff Troubles and Diiiri-liait. It regulates tlio Stomach and liowols, nssiinilales this Food, giving healthy and natural (deep. The Clilldreu's I'anaeea The Mother's 1'riend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS jBears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THIC INTAUH COMPANV, NHW VOMK CI TV, THE BANK OF WELDUN WKLDON, X. Organized Under the Laws of the State ol North Carolina, Smie of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldoii Depository. Capital aid Surplus, $55,000. I-'or over ill years this institution has provided hanking facilities fur tliiH section. Ilsstockholders and olhctis are identified ilh the busi ness interests ol Halifax ami Northampton euitntiex. A Savings Dopaitiiient is maintained for t lie liciii lit of :il I who desire to deposit in a Savings Himk. In this Department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toreinain three months or longer, '' pel cent. Sit months or longer, S per cent. Twelve months or lonirer. I percent. Any information will ho furnished on application to Hie I'rcsidcutort'ashier prksiuknt : W. K. IUNIKI., vicK-i'HKmniivr: W. It. SMITH. L t'. HI! Vl'Kli, Teller. CASHIKK: .1. (. DRAKE, DIRECTORS W. li. Smith, W. V.. Daniel. ,1. t). Dial.e, W. M Cohen, R. T. Daniel, .1.1.. Shepherd, W. A. I'lerce, I). I'.. Zolliccllei, .1 . Y. sledge 3E PEANUT BAGS. For the good of the Peanut Industry, it has been determined by the members of this association, that it will be necessary to request the farmers to pack their peanuts in new 68 inch and 70 inch 8 ounce burlap bags, and when peanuts are packed in bags different from the above, a deduction will be made on the following basis: Cotton bags, a deduction will be made 10c each. Second hand bags a deduction will be made 10c each New 7 1-2 ounce bags 68 or 70 inches a deduction will be made of 5c each In view of the fact that some dealers in the past have delivered 7 1-2 ounce bags on contracts for 8 ounce bags, we would advise you to see that each bale of 500-68 inch 8 ounce bags you receie weigh 472 1-2 pounds, and each bale of 500-0 inch 8 ounce bags weigh 486 1.2 pounds, exclusive of the wrapping and cordage. If they run short of the above weight, you are receiving 7 1.2 ounce bags instead of 8 ounce bags. NATIONAL PEANUT CLEANERS AND SHELLERS ASSOCIATION. o o I, ZABA. JM?rsrc wlowq, J NFW FQI I ft. WINTFR I1KPI QV FDR nMIITC flUtBrnilK Q ..... ......... w.w.fc.i. iviiuvmuw vuimvniv kr 1 take your measure ami make unit to order on my bench fall anil kg Yiuspect fine line of piece goods and samples Satisfaction guaranteed Vi it tot r fir iy 17yy SpeId Ju You Ewri? You might get sick or hurt be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentStart now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav- ngs Accounts r$ THE BANK OF HALIFAX HALIFAX, 1ST. O. N. L. Stedman, P. C. Gregory, p. H. Gregory THE REAL HUGHES PLATFORM UNCLE SAM'S OPINION OF IT PEAUEDRWARTKEISSUE iIRIJF S T Hus. ,'7 WILSON KEPT US jMi "VSTZ. 'M OUT OP WA ) " WmKsi riV?3vl NJ ONC knows H 5 V LW' lWf i u j PmidentJ Vio-rraidnt Outlier. WHAT IS BACK OF HUGHES? Who noinlndtecl llnnhes? Tim Republican nutlonul eonvention under the eontrol of the Itepiihlhnn bosses, ctlptnlned by I'eliluse, P.ill'lies. Snioot. fraiie, Ciiiiimu. et ul wul'h dugs of privilege, repiidlnted as politi cal crooks by ltousevelt und the l'm gresslves four years ugo. Who luitniiged HiiKlies' ipnlKU in the convention? Tuft's Cornier I'linipnlKii luiiiiiiner, eJC-Postlinisler (leneliil lllleheoek, vluse function In previous conven tions has been Ihe ilellveiy oC tin' corrupt Kepllblh'un delenntes from Soullh-l'li States. Who is supporting HllKbe.s' enu dlihiey? . Wall Street, the predatory trusts, the tiuilV bonenVlnrles, (he seokers ami holders of special privilege, the ex ploiters of Mexico, die munition man ufacturers, the nillroitds. the bunkers, united plutocracy, even Its women folks, all enemies of fuijilameiiiul I lemoeritex , who hope to prostitute government Cor sellish gain. What prominent statesmen lire sup porting Hughes? William Howard TnCt. foremost npostle of reaction; Theodore ltouse velt, disciple of llernhai'dl and advo cate ol' ur for war's sake; Klihu Hoot, attorney Cor malefactors of great wealth, ami all the Tory mouthpieces of privilege. Why are the "Interests" supporting Hughes? Hecause Ibey expect In return for liiuinchtl aid, spcclnl legislation that .vlll iiibl enormously to the wealth of the few at the expense of the ninny; beciuise they soe In Womlrow Wilson the greatest exponent of Democracy since Jackson, ami seek to destroy hi in lest this nation become n real de- inocnicy. What will Hughes do, If elected? The nearest be bus come to saying what be would do. If elected, was ut Mlhvuukee, when he declared that ha llettc's Seaman's bill must be re pealed, the Underwood tariff replaced by a higher tariff, and the "whole ad ministrative legislative accomplish ments wiped off the books for the good of the country." What Is Included in these legislative accomplishments? The Income Tax, the Inheritance Tax, the Child Labor Law, the Federal Reserve banking system, the Farm Loan system, the Good Roads pro gram, the Federal development of Alaska, the Tariff Commission, the Fed eral Trade Commission, the Shipping bill, autonomy for the Philippines, the Clayton Act curbing government by Injunction, the preservation of neu trality, the maintenance of peace, and the enlarged army and navy. What would Hughe"' election I tf nlfy? The triumph of reaction and all that It signifies In thwarting human progress. Whs there ever n worse-bungled CHiupulgii than Mr. Hughes' to date? The New York Kvenlug Post usked that question In mi editorial on Hughcfl and Roosevelt, nail frankly answered lis own question. "We cuunot readily recall one." A Clogged System Must be Cleared You will Had lr. King's New Life l'llls a gentle yet ell'eclive laxative for rctiioiiig from the system. Accumu lated waste poimniH the blood; dizziness biliousness and pimply, muddy com pleiion are the distressing aic the dis tressing cll'ects. A dose of Dr. King's New Life l'illa tonight will assure a lice, fell bowel movement in the morning. At your druggist, '.'.'e. The man in the moon is (he on ly chap who seems 10 ihrive on i highball. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Worth Careful Thought Do you read the label to know whether your baking powder is made from cream of tartar or, on the other hand, from alum or phosphate ? Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar, derived from grapes, and adds to the food only wholesome qualities. Other bilking powders contain alum or phosphate, both of mineral origin, and used as substitutes for cream of tartar because of their cheapness. Never sacrilice ness for low price. quality and healthful- ROYAL BAKING POWDER New York CO. tltltlt:s!ttt!t!:tM!Jtnt!!:tlll:mamlatnuw'tMMmutmmnt:JntJ HUGHES LEADS FOREIGN NATIONS TO BELIEVE U. S. WANTS WAR At this present moment I want to repeat this because perhaps the country has not realized It enough at this present moment It Is almost Impossible to do anything positive In the field of foreign affairs, because foreign nations have been led to suppose that there may be a change in our foreign affairs. Foreign nations have been led to believe that a dominant element in the Republican Party is in favor of drawing the United States Into the European war, and they have been told, with abundant evidence, that it is probable that if the Repub licans succeed we shall enter upon a policy of exploitation of our neighbors In Mexico. That is the whole moral of every criticism that I read, and until the people of the United States have spoken, it is extremely difficult to come to any definite conclusion about anything that touches our relations either to Europe or to Mexico. I myself do not doubt the result, but there are some who affect to doubt it. From l'resldeiit Wilson's Speech ut Shadow Luwn, N. J., Oct. H. .tMtt:i:ttartttttt:nimtnjttutttttimi4ti!tm:!!t:ttttttutttt!!:ittt::::tt!tf.:t!mtt:!tum R. RECEIVES FROST. DESPITE POLICE AID s..p- v.lt Speuliiiig at I!tt,e f reek, Mich., temhi.r XI), lust, Thcodnre It said ; "I have been asked what I would have done had I been President when the Lusltanla was torpedoed. "I would have Instantly taken pos session of every German ship Interned In this country and then I would have said: 'Now we'll discuss, not what we will give, but what we will give back.' " that wni'LD ha vi-: .mi:ant WAI! ! It would luive been a challenge to the (ieruian Million to a trial at anus. It would have been a vluhilioii of ev ery principle of ueillliilily, ami at n time, Willi all Kuropc imiler anus, when this country was the trustee of liml Hie only iiullon capable of upliohl lug neutral righls. The seizure Itself would have been au aet of war, Just us the seizure or (ieriaan Interned ships by Portugal was i-emirileil as tut act of war and was followed by an Immediate dec-lai-alion of war by tJennauy against I'oriugal. I'eilowlng the Mime line of war talk, speaking at Lewision, Maine, August 111, last, Mr. Roosevelt said: "The policies of Americanism und preparedness, taken together, ineiin ap plied patriotism. There should he cor relation of policy and iii-uiaiiient. America, which sprang to the succor of Cuba In lS'JS, has stood nil idle spectator of the Invasion of Bel glum, Ihe sinking of tin; I.usltanlii, the eoiitinited shnmliter of our own citi zens, ami of the reign of nnuivhy, ra pine and murder In -Mexico." These are the tb-liherale declara- li.uis of the men with whom Candl- d Hughes has said, "I AM IN Cn I'LKTE ACCORD," and Hughes has publicly congratulated Roosevelt for what he said. l-'roui their public statements tbe coticlusion is itieiiable that If either Roosevelt or Hughe-- had been Presi dent when the Army of the Uitlser In vaded Belgium we would have had war with Germany; that when the Lusl lanla was sunk that wu would hove hud war with (ieriminy, und that now we would have Instuiit wur with (ier muny over the submarine raids in the Atluntic oceun off the Massachusetts const. Must we not agree with President Wilon whei speaking at Shadow Lawn mi September 80, last, be sal. I : "Am I not right Unit we must draw the conclusion (hat If the Republican party Is put lulu power tit tbu next election, our forelcu P'llicy will he ra llcally changed? "1 i-i) uii.it draw uny other inference. All our present foreign pulley Is wrong. Ibey say, and if 11 Is wrong und tlle are men of conscience Ibey uiu-st change It. "And If they are going to change It. In what direction are they going to chuii-je? 'I Tll'.lti: IS ONLY (INH ciiuici-: as aoaixst 1'i:aci-:, and THAT IS WAR." No other conclusion can be drawn. What Is Vol It cttiicluslou. thought ful citizen? In Ihe lust analysis, the election will he decided by the farmer vote. And so on the fanner Is the responsibility of whether this country shall have peace or war. The only assurance that Ihe country will not he needlessly plunged Into wur Is for YOU to vote for Woodrow Wilson. FOR PEACE OR WAR your con. acience and your vote must decldt. A Small Amount Deposited Now Rheumatism follows Exposure. In the rain all isgencnilly followed by painful twinges of rheumatism or neu ralgia. s0!in-B Liniment will give you Cjim-k relief and prevent the twinges from becoming tortuic. It ipnckly penetrates without nibbing mid soothes the sole and aching joints. For sore, still', exhausted muscles that ucbe and throb fiom owtwork, Sloan's Liniment allords quick relief. Bruises, sprains, strains and other minor injuries to chil dren aie quickly soothed by loan's Liniment, (let a bottle today at your Druggists, '-'oc Prayer that is long drawn out is apt to be narrow. Wllkes-Barr Miners Strong for Wil sonOthers Bolt the Repub lican Party. "If you love me, vote for Ilughea," U nil Injunction Unit proved too hard a strain on the liking that the 7...IKKI minors of the Wilkes Bane district Olice llllll for Colonel Roosevelt, lie tried It on them, In what was Intended to he the blggnst labor meeting of the Hughes catnpulgti, and the result was a frost. Not only did the crowd llsteu to the Colonel's speech In stony silence, but Wilson enthusiasm Ibreuteiied to be come so boisterous Unit Mayor Kosek called out the Slute Constuhulury to guarantee Mr. Roosevelt a courteous reception. The Mayor bud denied the miners a permit to give a Wllsou pa rade ou the night of the Colonel's vis It, utid, when they attempted to violate his orilar, directed the armed and moulded Constabulary to drive them from the streets. Colonel Roosevelt's closest friend In Wllkes-Barre, Father J. J. Cumin, went out with a reception committee to meet the visitor, but announced that, friendship aside, he had left the Re publican party, and was supporting President Wilson. Another Indication of the popular trend In the anthracite coal region la given In a statement by Stephen J. Hughes, city clerk of Hazlcton, and a delegate to the Republican national convention In 1812. "Concernlnc the uuautborl ted use of my inline as ti nieniner of tbu recep tion committee for Colonel Roosevelt," says Mr. Hughes, "I wish to stnto em phatically: I was " volunteer In the trenches 111 I'.H-; Hie war Is not over; 1 have not been taken a prisoner, und 1 refuse to surrender; I still urn light ing for sochil i ml Industrial Justice, and 1 pui'posu to H.lil au long as I live." Pine Tur Relieves a Cold In. Bell s I'iiiii Tar Honey contains all the soothing elements of the piuc forest. It heals the irritated membrane and by its anti-septic properties loosena tbt' phlegm, you hrcalbe easier, and what promised to be a severe cold lias been broken up For that stiilled-up feeling, tight chest or sore throat take a dose of Dr. Bell's l'inc-Tar lloneyand prevent a wcutiu?, hacking cough drag ging through thewititer. At your drug gist, "oc. l'ediy in a woman often covers a lu.':. of domestic viriues. Changing Seasons tiring Colds "StuH'cd-up head," cloggcd-up nose, tight chest, sore throat are sure signs of cold, and Dr. King's New Discovery is sine relief. A dose of this combina tion of antiseptic balsams soothes the irritated membrane, clears the head, loosens the phlegm, you breathe easier and realize your cold is broken, Treat a cold ncrsistenly; half way measures leave a lingering cough. Take Dr. King's New Discovery until your cola! is gone. For 47 years the favorite rem edy for young and old. At your drug gist, 3Uc. KITTNER'S Sew Shoo Store Washington Ave., Opp. Posioflice Wl.l.DUN. And Systematical!) added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence Y.' H!l. BAR w TlStST 'II. VVliLDON, N. C. 4 per cent Interest on Savings Deposits. Get The Habit tfESTBuy jo Cash. SaveSg SGFthe ponies by buy---ing at W. T. PAjRKER&CO Wholesale Cash St w'in.ooN, n. c. ore 1 have just received a new line of Men, Women and Children's Shoes at Prices within the reach of all. 1 eel ric Shoe Slop, iOliKT nil vi A UTOMOMLES I N a Kow on display in Batchelor Brof. salesrooms, Baby Grand Model, a Ipre powerful, roomy torn ins car Just the car you have been looking for. Fully equipped with electric starting and lighting $790. No extras, Ihe Four-Ninety, the most car for the ieast money of any car on trie market. Fully equipped el- ct j ic lighting and starting. Let us show it to you, $530. Batchelor Bros. KiSitrBfKuiiaiiliiiimKKU T.VI'ION. You are invited to open an account with the INVI 4 BWK OF E AFIELD, flfffiO, jV. c. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. 9 YOU can bank bv mail Wim ROOF PAIHT SOLD UY WEI. DON. N C, In conneciion. Shoes Repaired while you wait ai a reasonable price I , KJTTNER, WELDON, N.C. Vs Phone 1004 jljjl J. M. Bragg Automobiles 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Littleton, N. C. Jjll Sleeve -Vtktv Mo1o ' i a L

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