ESTABLISHED IN 1860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Suhscriotioii'-Sl.M; Per Aiinun. VOL. LI. WKLDON, X. , TIlUltSDAY, NOVKM I'.KIt 10, lUli'u NO. U! Wl Sail Hng va Vsl xfF Children Cry for Fletcher's Tho Klud You llavo Always l!on-hl, mid v hidi hat been In use for ovit SO ji-urn, lws borno (!io xi;;iiiiinr of and lias boon m.xlo under lii.s jmt CZ jrff-pl- soiial supervision since its Infancy. VV3; S-CUtAvlt, Allow no onn to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Jiist-siH-Kood " lire but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tlio liciiltli of lufuuts aud Children Experience uguiiiMt Experiment. What is CASTORIA Castorla Is a harmless RTibstituto for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Irops and Soothing Syrups. It Is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Jiareotio substance. Its acre Is Its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverlshness. For more than thirty years it lias been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, AVind Colic, nil Teething Troubles and IHarrlHea. It regulate tho .Stomach and I towels, assimilates tho Food, glvlnpr healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CINTAUM COMPANY, ItWVOMK CITY, 3E ao THE BANK of weldon WKLDOX, X. V. Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anfl Mis, $55,000, For over '.'1 yearn thin institution has provided hanking facilities for this section, lis stockholders and ollicers are identilied mill the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A SaviiiL's Department is maintained for the lienelil of all ln desire to deposit in a Nanus's Hank. In this Hepaitmcut interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed toremain three months or lomrer. i per cent. Si months or iontrer, H per cent. Twelve monthsor hmirer. 1 percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the 1'iesideiitoi l'ashiei phksiiiknt : W, E. DANIEL, V II'B-I KKSUIBNT: V. It. SMITH. L. ('. HHAl'Kli, Teller. i'Asiiiku: .1. II. DKAKK, DIRKCTORH W. If. Smith, V. K. Daniel, .1. O. luake, W. M. Cohen, K. T. Dauiel, .1. 1.. Shepherd, V. A. I'ieroe, D. It. ZolliooHei, .1 . W. sled!' PEANUT BAGS. For the good of the Peanut Industry, it has been determined by the members of this association, that it will be necessary to request the farmers to pack their peanuts in new 68 inch and 70 inch 8 ounce .burlap bags, and when peanuts are packed in bags different from the above, a deduction will be made on the following basis: Cotton bags, a deduction will be made 10c each. Second hand bags a deduction will be made 10c each New 7 1-2 ounce bags 68 or 70 inches a deduction will be made of 5c each In view of the fact that some dealers in the past have delivered 7 1-2 ounce bags on contracts for 8 ounce bags, we would advise you to see that each bale of 500-68 inch 8 ounce bags you receive weigh 472 1-2 pounds, and each bale of 500-70 inch 8 ounce bags weigh 486 1.2 pounds, exclusive of the wrapping and cordage. If they run short of the above weight, you are receiving 7 1.2 ounce bags instead of 8 ounce bags. NATIONAL PEANUT CLEANERS AND SHLLLEKS ASSOCIATION. O 30E301 I. ZAB A, m ucw cm i s. winter niiPi dy enn ciiiK a nwopnnTS q ilk ii i nbh uw ii in i Lit wiui i.n i i un uuiiv v vi Liiwvn i v to I take your mraHiire aud make suit to oritur uu my beucli. Call ami VVinHpeet line hue of pit'oe floods and aaiuplcH. SaLmfacLiou Kuaiautet'ilV moaoni & Historic Scenes in Old New England 9 -a W,i, -MdfeMB Vt if) 7 THE ISK RUB6Et-C0.: Scene of The Bailie al Bloody Brook in Deerfield. Mass. the historic old strenni called Woody Brook, clliTed llieru on the lull of September, HiT.j. lleerlleld In piiMjniL' thi'oiixli on r n Deeruelil, .Mann., initoists cross twine cieiiveil from the freight fill miissacre hv liidiiins wliieh oc In those iliivs Kin'' l'hilip, sacliem of the I'okiiiioket trihe id' Indians, wiis on the wurpiilh. Hi terrilied the -eltlers nf the t.'omieeticiit liiver Valley that the iiortliernmo.-t towns of Northl'ield mid were orderi'd abandoned. In abandoning lleerlleld the settlers had left !arf,'e stores of newly harvested eiain, anil it was in quest of these needed stores that Captain I.athrop, with a piekcil troop of eighty men, prori'edeil to Deerlielri from the town of lladloy, twenty miles south. The (.nam Inul been sueeessl'ully procured and the party was some six miles out of the settlement of Heerfield when it prepared to ford a sin;, in. The si renin was bordered by thick woods, and tradition relates that the men imprudently placed their weapons in the wapitis and scat tered to gather the wild grapes which abounded. Tims disarmed, they were quickly and completely over whelmed hy tho hordes of Indians estimated at Tim strong-, by whom they bad been ambushed, of the eighty or more men in Captain I.uthrop's command not more than eight escaped alive. Two other scouting squads of Englishmen which were in the vicinity hurried to the scene upon hearing battle, hut could do nothing except drive the Indians away so that the bodies of their comrades might bu de cently buried. A monument now marks the scene of this horrible massacre, aud the stream where the disaster occurred is known to this duy as Bloody Brook. REPORTED HER TROUBLES. Just A Pew, Hut II Happens Later She Again. Anything Will Call q iii.iv inuus iiinikii uiui km i un guiitf viLiiuvnitf q WtjY SrEflo LL You Ewi? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get Into. We pay 4 per cent on Sav ngs Accounts 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX & HALIFAX 1T.C. N. L. Stedman, P. C. Gregory, P. H. drejory The family had not had the tele phone very long and every one took a deep and abiding interest in it. On the outside of the direc tory they had noted the words, "Trouble, call No. 4217." It had been a hard morning and everything had gone wrong. Fi nally, the lady of the house in des peration turned id her irnsty tele phone and called 4217. "This is the trouble depart ment," answered the operator sweetly. "Is ihis where you report your troubles?" asked the lady. "Yes, ma'am." "V('ell, 1 only want to report that our cat got drowned in the cistern this morning; the baby is cutting a new tooth; the cook left without warning; we are out of sugar and starch; the stovepipe fell down; the milkman left only a pint instead of a quart today; the bread won't rise; my oldest child is coming down w ith the measles; the plumbing in the cellar leaks; we have only enough coal to last through tomorrow; the paint gave out when 1 got only half over the dining room lloor; the mainspring of the clock is broken; my three sisters-in-law are coining to visit tomorrow; the man has not called for the garbage for two weeks; our dog has (tic mange; the looking glass fell off the wall a while ago and broke to pieces, and I think that my husband is taking consid erable notice of a widow lately that lives next door. Thai's all today, but il anything happens later I'll call you up and tell you about it." Southwestern Telephone News. A Clogged System Must be Cleared You will lind III. Kihk's .New I. lie I'dls a t'eiille yet clleetive laxative foi leinoviiiu' lioiu the system. .Veoumii ltt,. w?l!c pi.wmiH the blood: dizf.illeHK biliousness and pimply, muddy com plexion ate the dlstiessinif ate the dm liessinir ellects A dose of r. Kiiut's New I. lie Tills loiouhl will iiuica tree, fell bowel movement in lhe mioiiuiik. At vour diuiriiist, 'J.''C PraideBt Vioa-Pretideot. Caibiar. Compulsory education most of lhe things we learn from expert ence. Mer Sun Subject lo Croup ''My sou Edwin is subject to croup," writes Mrs. K. O Irwin, New KensiiiK ton, I'a, "I put iu many sleepless hours at niiflit before I learned of Chamber. lam's Coiieh Hetnedv. .Mothers need not fear this disease if they keep a hot tie of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy iu the bouse and use it as diireted. It al ways rave my boy relief." Obtainable everywhere. Ill lhe various walks of life some people have a walkover and others are walked on. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Which Do You Prefer? It is important for reasons of health and practical economy lor every housekeeper to ask lietr.elf this question: "Do I prefer a pure baking powder like Koyal, made of cream of tartar derived from grapes, or am I willing to use a baking powder made of alum or phosphate, both derived from mineral sources?" The names of the ingredients printed on the label show whether the kind you are now using or any brand, Rt'ii' or old, that may be offcrcJ is a genuine cream of tartar powder, or merely a phosphate or alum compound. Koyal Baking Powder contains no alum nor phosphate. ROYAL RAKING POWDER CO. New Yrk OLD WOMAN'S WAYS. The science-fellers can tell the ways Of die stars, through the Lord's eternal days The lime that it takes the world to run Clean 'round lhe belt o' the blain' sun; Jcs' every way that a world may roam; An' track the comets, that have no home; An' most o' the weather bureau men Can hit the weather one time in ten; But none can tell, in rain or shine, The ways o' the Woman the Lord made mine ! Tony years come Christmas Day We've traveled together the selfsame way, An' the times thai I 'lowed her mind 1 knowed, I was in the wilderness, 'thout road ! The minute 1 said to myself : "She'll see That Wisdom at last abides in me, An' I'm right for once, an' I'm goin' strong," Thai was lhe lime she writ me "Wrong !" An' I'd say, as oil to myself I'd gu ; "Blest if 1 know that woman yu !" Bui, ihinkin' over the thousand schemes I had for riches I seen in dreams; Many a project, many a plan, Sure to make mc a milh'Mtairr-tnan; I hall-way think if it wern'i that she Hadn't been iravelin' 'long with me; Put on the brakes made lhe train stand sull When the wheels was rattlin' down the hill An' I thought for sure I was goin' some, 1 wouldn't be here to tell how come ! I dttnno the wherefore of the why, But we travel on, to the by an' by, An' I no more ask to understand As we go together, hand-in-hand; I only know, as the Night comes fast, That we'll love each oilier to the last; An' when we siand where the light don't fade. At the Gate where the close enquirement's made, Willi her I'll be hopin' some grace to win, For she'll give 'em a reason to let me in ! Frank L. Stanton. DEEP BREATHING. "Draw Nijjh to (iod mid Me Will Draw Mij;h to You." ( )ne day a young nun lound that he needed stronger lungs. So he beg. in biking lung exercises, livel y day lie filled Ins upper lungs bie.iihiiig in iimil his chest wasev panded as much as possible. Then he filled lhe lower part of Ins lungs. Then his enure lungs, lie did these things fifteen or twenty limes a day lor several years, Al ! the end of those years a physician who examined him said he did not believe ihere w ere a better pair of lungs in that pan of New Hnglund. Now, you notice what it was that gave thai young man those lungs. It was not breathing ilui did it. Lverybody breathes. In order id live, people have to lake fresh air into their lungs and let ii out again. It was not breathing that gave him his strong lungs; ii was deep breathing; it was taking in, day after day, more air than people usually do. This helps us to understand something else. Air is all around us; we are al ways breathing air; but we have to practice deep breathing in order lo gel strong lungs. So, too ii is in our relations with Cod. Cod is everywhere. He is always will) us. "Nearer is He ihan breathing, Closer than hands and feel." But still God does not seem to help and tise most of us very much. Why is this? his because most of us take iust so much of God as comes to us naturally, without making any try io get more of Him. But when we pray, when we read God's word, when we try : to know and lo do His will when, day afier day, we do litis thought fully, earnestly then we lind that God helps us more than He did ; before. This is w hat lhe Bible means . when ii says, "Draw nigh to Cod, and He will draw nigh lo you." (Jas. 4 :S. I Selected. i Sulferer from Indigestion Relieved j I'.ri'ule l;lKlllLr liunlbi ;liim'. Tublrl- ! ! my hllh;md Mitlcled I'm several veais , j litini iiidiureliiii. cmi-imr bun lo b:ic j i:iiiis in lhe shiina b and dislicss al'tci ratlin:. I 'imiul-ilam Tablets O'ln ve.1 ; i bllll ill tliese -pelU HL;hl auav. ' will.' . l iv Me-nias Ca. y. ' .fuel a. N Y . i ol,iainablee,iyihcie. 1 A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematical!) added to, i-: the only sure w;i of attaining independence S' Wm.DON, N. I per cent. Interest on Sa C. posits-. Get The Habit ijgTBuy for Gash. Save" 25the pennies by buy-""13g ing at W. T. PARKER & CO , Wholesale Cash Sto r e Vi:i.(K)N, N. c. I'KOOK "Mary, does that young man calling on you mean business?" 1 "I should say he does, mamma! i Why, last night he lay down a full j house to papa's busied Hush." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA (M1KVR0LMT AUTOMOBIIiKS Now on display in Batchelor Bros, salesrooms, Baby Grand Model, a large powerful, roomy toui ins car. Just the car you have been looking for. Fully equipped with electric starting and lighting $790. No extras. The Four-Ninety, the most car lor the least money of any car on tn market. Fully equipped eleciiiic lighting and starting. Let us show it to you, $530. Batchelor Bros. aaiKKstsaaOT INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the A t.l-SSON TO IIIM, A negro who was about 10 be hung for crime, was asked on the gallows whether lie had anything to say before his death. I lis reply was: "Yes, sir, dishere certainly is gwine to be one lesson to me." Washington Post. I'ine Tnr Kelicves a Cold Iu, I'.cll s I'ine Tai lluncy eeiiiann all lhe "nothing element ol the June fiucHt. It heal- thcinilatcl iiienihtauc and by its auti m jiIic iro'eitu hu'viii the (.hit-inn. y,m bu-athe ea-iei. and what 1 1 iu 1 1 im'i 1 to br ii ".!'ie enld ha been hiukclt Up I HI thai Mulled up I'eehuir, lik'hi cbcM ui sine (burnt take u dune uf ir lU'll'v I'ine lai Hutu yand picwtit a crating, hackiuit I'liuhdia Mine thtuiieh theniuti-t t youl dnu; Hi!. 'i'. BMK OF lllflZLO, Eft flELD, i. C. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can hank hv mail A girl is pretty ing a young man cannot cook. sale in whose marry-mother Changing Seaons liring Colds 'Mulled up head." i'hifi!fd up 1ik.ii . tiiiht i In st. "tin- thinat aie -tin- ni;ti ui enld, and I M bint; ., New liieueiy in mui c i el ief . A dune of linn cninbina. Imn (if iiittiHeplie liiilsamn Hnolhen the nutated meinliiane, fleam the head, tinmen the phli'Ktu, ytiu Itit-athe easiei and leah.e ynui ciild in htnkeii. heat a cold iiersmlenly; hall way tneiiMiieii leave a liuifettiu; cnuli. Take Pr. hinit' New I'lscou'iy until your cold ih none. I or 4T years the favorite rem edy for yotiiii! and old. At your diuic (TihI, .Mil1. SCANDALIZED WATRP. 4 MUSE'S EOOF Fill! SOI. I) HY Wm.lWN. N C. CASTORIA For Infants aud Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of Do oil Have Sour Stomach? If you are troubled with sum stomach you should eat ulow ly and masticate your food thoroughly, then take one of t'hamlieilain'R TabletH immediately af ter supper. Obtainable every w here. Two-ihirds of the so-called so ciety "400" are ciphers. Negro water salesman "Yes, I know this is pure spring water, 'cause dey dun had it scandalized." Uncle, what did they find in it ? "I forget zactly what it wuz, but I beleive ii was one part oxygen and two parts hydrophobia." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA J. M. Automobile Littleton, N. C Sleeve -Vcdv Motor