iiJlil sr'B Ijl ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion-$1.5C Per Annum' VOL. LI. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, NOVKMI.KH 215, H)l(5. NO. JU) ' 1 ' l fh ft n om d i n I AiX0H0L-3i'imi.&i"' " n . k',fii. tmdtlttSliffliactisaudrvwtM EromDtesDeslloii.CIif ncssandBest.Conlain! Not narcu ii .tap"" ur Sum ' MntJKt- For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castcrm Always Bears the Signature. of WW Avvf fy In Use For Over Thirty Years Eaact Copy of Wrapper. CUSTOM THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON, N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplns, $55,000. For over "1 years tliiH institution has provided hanking facilities for this aection. Uh stockholders and ollicers are idcntitied with the busi ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department is maintained for the benetlt of all who desire to deposit in a .Savinits Bank, lu this department interest is allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, '.' per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve mouths or longer, 4 percent. Any information will he furnished on application to the President orCashier PMB1DINT : W. E. DANIEL, vuk-1'hkhiuknt: W. K. SMITH . L. C. DKAl'EK, Teller. cahiiikk: . U. DKAKE, DIREOTOKS W. H. Smith, V. E. Daniel, J. U. Drake, V. M. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, J. L. Shepherd, W. A. Tierce, D. B. ZollicorTer, J . W. Sledge PEANUT BAGS. For the good of the Peanut Industry, it has been determined by the members of this association, that it will be necessary to request the farmers to pack their peanuts in new 68 inch and 70 inch 8 ounce burlap bags, and when peanuts are packed in bags different from the aboe, a deduction will be made on the following basis: Cotton bags, a deduction will be made 10c each. Second hand bags a deduction will be made 10c each . New 7 1-2 ounce bags 68 or 70 inches a deduction will be made of 5c each In view of the fact that some dealers in the past have delivered 7 1-2 ounce bags on contracts fur 8 ounce bags, we would advise you to see that each bale of 500-68 inch 8 ounce bags you receive weigh 472 1-2 pounds, and each bale of 500-70 inch 8 ounce bags weigh 486 1.2 pounds, exclusive of the wrapping and cordage. If they run short of the above weight, you are receiving 7 1.2 ounce bags instead of 8 ounce bags. NATIONAL PEANUT CLEANERS AND SHELLERS ASSOCIATION. 0 H O IOEXOE3E O I. Z A JB A , t ARTISTIC WLOfllfJG, H new can i, ummtcd mcdiay cnu ciiitc j. ntfcoonnTc Y i r iimibii vivi Mil IVIl HVIIVW Vlkliwuniw mi 1 take your measure and make suit to order on my bench. Call and mt VVinspect tine line of piece goods and samples. Satisfaction guaranteed V Vl tl TAT TAT II US' Historic Scenes in Old New England ANGER. Pvt?" . '- ,,, 'Mm c 01 D HADl FY where a re8lc'de of char'es 1 appeared "from nowhere "and saved the panic stricken settlers Old ilai lfy, a beautiful Xew England town, situated upon the east bank of t lie Coimceticnt River some twenty miles north of Springfield, Mass., was a center nf (,'mit aelivity during the stirring Javs of King l'hilip's 1 1 1 1 1 in ti wars. On Sept. 1, lUTi, while at worship in the village meeting house, the inhabitants of Old lladlev were surprised by an attuuk upon their settlement by a horde nf Indians. Abandoning worship, they seized their arms anil rushed out to defend their homes, but the suddenness of the attack found them utterly demoralized. When the ronfusion was at its height there suddenly appeared in their midst an unknown man of grave and elderly beuring, who itt once took command of the situation, issued orders, rallied the defenders and in short order routed the redskins from the town. Then, as sud denly as he had appeared, did the stranger effect his removal from the scene, and his identity for many years remained a comparative mystery. It whs later established that the deliverer of Iladley was General William Goffe, one of the three living regicides nf Charles I. and for whose head a liberal bounty was offered. After years of pursuit from place to flace he found safe hiding under the hospitable roof of Pastor John liussel of the Old lladlev congregation, t is believed that after his spectacular deliverance of the Hadlev settlers he remained still undiscovered in the Russol household until his death some five years later. A beautiful state road winding up the '.'onneeticut valley takes thousands of autoists each year directly bv the spoi v. here General Goffe rallied Hip inhabitants f old Hadlev to the defense of their homeii. fill OPER AO DAYS HOUSE I STARTING i A I. liver Stop to Think How l oolish Is Anger-How Useless ? Not only this, but anger weakens anil unnerves and renders us unfit for battle, be that battle of the brain or brawn, liver watch two professionals spar? See die clean-cut exhibi tion of skill and science as each receives and returns blow for blow. Hut wait until one becomes angry. Gone is all that fine sci ence and in its place is the brute lust of battle. Now see how terri bly unprepared is the angry man to stand before his smiling adver sary. Passion driven and furious, he is an easy mark, and his defeat is foretold from the beginning. Again and again tlte scientific blows of his cool and quiet opponent beat down his guard and are driven to vital parts of his person, and blind with passion he is powerless for defense, to say nothing of offense. And as in the sparring ring, so in the larger circles of life. The man who can with a smiling face and stout heart meet the blows of life, is armed for the fray, and vic tory is his. The shafts of opposi tion, of envy, of malice, of hatred, roll from him as water from the back of a duck. He is impervious to attack. He is unconquerable. Does your temper give way un der the annoyances and vexations ot lire r i nen stop Dack up get a fresh grip on yourself. Remember, anger never con quers any but the heart that har bors it. Smile. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence mil BAXK & II (I WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent. Interest on Saitirj D eposits. Get The Habit Buy lor Cash. Save- UCthe pennies by buy-- ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store WELOON, N. C. MATINEE SATURDAY 2:30.--EVENINGS AT 8:30 U. V- GRIFFITH S I' SpEfiD lLL YOU f7 You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it Vou might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav- ngs Accounts 3 THE BANK OF HALIFAX g IT. O. N. L. SUdrnan. P. C. Orefory, P. H. Qrcgory ?rmimtii Vka-Prwidant. Cuoiar. CUKVR0LET HUMOR OF A VANISHING RACE. Religion Ain't Free. WITH SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA OF TWENTY. A colored preacher once preached on the theme "Salvation am free." And, after delivering a powerful sermon, he begun to take up a col-1 lection for his own salary. One of the deacons got up and protes ted and reminded the preacher that he had just said that religion was free and now that he was trying to make them pay for it. The old preacher replied : "I'm sorry you makes it incumbent on me to 'spose your ignorance belore this 'er congregation; my brother, re ligion am free just like water in the river am free. You can go down and drink yourself full and it don't cost you a cent, but if you has ther same water piped into your house, you has to pay for it. It's the same way with religion you can go out doors and drink in all the religion you want, but when you comes in dis church and has me pipe it into you, you has to pay for it. Put something in the bas ket, brother; put something in the basket." DRINK BADLY NEEDED. n:. nights r 1 lt, MATINEE 50c 75c $1.00 $1.50 50c 75c $1.00 87"Mail Orders NOW. SOMETHING DONE HAPPEN. I I A SONG OF LIVING. A negro going before a coroner's I tury to give an account ot tne death of a friend, who had been run over by a railroad train, gave his evidence somewhat as follows ; "Me and Bill was walking down the railroad track when he said to me thai he was going to stop a lit tle while and lie his shoe and he would catch up with me. I walked on and after a while the express train came flying by. Then 1 waited a little while for Bill and he didn't come and I walked back up the track and saw on one side of the track Bill's hat; I walked a idle further up the track and saw one of Bill's legs; I walked a little further up the track and I saw one of his arms; I walked a little fur ther and 1 saw Bill s head, and then I stopped and said to myself, Something show has done hap pened to Bill." A MUTUAL WISH. "I wish I were an ostrich," said Hicks angrily as he tried to eat one of his wife's biscuits.but could not. "I wish you were," returned Mrs. Hicks. "I'd get a few feath ers for my hat." Philadelphia Ledger. Do You Have Sour Stomach? If you are troubled with sour stomach you should eat slowly aud masticate your food thoroughly, then take one of Chamberlain'! Tablet! immediately if- Ur supper. OoUioabU eyery where. Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. I have sent up my gladness on wings to be lost in the blue of the sky. I have run and leapt with the rain, I have taken the wind to my breast. My cheek like a drowsy child to the face of the earth 1 have presi. Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. I have kissed young Love on the lips, I have heard his song to the end. I have struck my hand like a seal in the loyal hand of a friend, lhave known the peace of heaven, the comfort of work done well. I have longed lor death in the darkness and risen alive out of hell. Because 1 have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. I give a share of my soul to the world where my course is run. I know that another shall finish the task I must leave undone. I know that no flower, no flint was in vain on the path 1 trod. As one looks on a face through the window, through life I have looked on God. Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die. Amelia Josephine Burr. mm BAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure No Alum No Phosphate Some men wouldn't take advice if it were offered to ihem in cap sules. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO R I A Women seldom care about the answers to all the questions they propound. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CAS TO R I A A train showed up at a busy country station and a man was seen to put his head excitedly out of the window of one of the cars. "There's a woman in here fainted !" he cried. "Has any one got any brandy or whiskey ? Quick !" Some one in the crowd on the platform handed him a bottle. He uncorked it frantically, put it to his ips and took a noble pull. "Ah 1" he sighed, "that's bet ter. It always did upset me to see a woman faint.' PERSUASIVE. Uncle Tobcy was a hospitable soul. He wanted no guest in his house to be stinted. ' Have some, have some," he invited cordially at the supper table, sending around the platter for the third time; we're going to give it to the pigs any way "Judge. RASMUS AIN'T HERE. In passing Uncle Rasmus' cabin one night a young man overheard him praying, and walking up to the door begun to listen. The prayer ran something like this : Oh, Lord, Rasmus is tired of de troubles of dis life, send thy angel down to take uncle Rasmus home." Just then the young ntan knocked on the door, and the startled darkey said, "Who's dat?" The answer came back, "This is an angel to take uncle Rasmus home." "Rasmus ain't here," replied the frightened old darkey. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Year Always bear the SIf nature of AUTOMOBILES Now on display in Batchelor Bros, salesrooms, Baby Grand Model, a large powerful, roomy touring car. Just the car you have been looking for. Fully equipped with electric starting and lighting $790. No extras. The Four-Ninety, the most car for the least money of any car on tne market. Fully equipped electric lighting and starting. Let us show it to you, $530. Batchelor Bros. INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BIflK OF EfJFILD, El FIELD, . C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail EE'S ROOF Hill SOLD BY fierce- whitehead ii aril are Crapy, WELDON, N C, yM. Bragg utomobilet 3letve-Vti.lv Motor

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