ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription-!. 5(i Per Annum VOL. LL WELIX)N, N. (, THURSDAY, DKCHMJiKK 14, 15)1(5. xo. Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Havo Always Bonglit, nml v.liii li lnm born lu use for over 30 yours, lias bornn C:o rvriiutnro of 0 ami lms been linulo um'.cr his ier- jCTT1" sonnl supervision since lis infancy. Vuvyy; S-CUcAtfi!, Allow no one to deceive, you In this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and ".Tnst-as-good " nro but Experiments that triflo with and eiKlunivcr the health of Iufuuts and Children Experience ugainst Experiment. What is CASTORIA Casforla Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Tare gorlc, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other Jiareotlo substance. Its njro Is Us guarantee. It destroys U onus nnd allays FcvcrlslincHs. I' or more than thirty years It lias been In constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic, ull Teething Troubles and liurrho?ft. It regulates the Stomach and ISowcls, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural Bleep. The Children's rnnacea Tlio Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS ) Bears the Signature of J2- In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THI CINTAIJM COMPANY, NW VONK CITV, saammms' 3E THE BANK OF VELDON WELDON. N. C Organized Under the Laws of the State of Nor 111 Carolina, Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Welilon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. Kor over 21 yea this iustilutiuii bus j. i o v nl 1 bunking facilities for this section. IU stockholders nm! oltiocrs urc iilc ntHieil nlli the busi ness ilitereslK uf Halifax ami N 01 1 1 111 i I on counties. A SaviniTH Department is maintained for the benelit of nil lio desire to deposit in a Savimjx Hank. In linn l'eiailineiit iuleri-Ki im allowed an follows: For Deposits allowed toremain llnve month 01 lonirei. 1 per cent. Six months or longer, It per cent. Twelve iiioiiUin or lomrei, 4 percent. Any information will he furnished on apphealion to the I'teHidcntorlashier prisiiikmt: W. E. DANIEL, Vlt'KI IIKH1 1KN r: W. It. SMITH. L. C. DliU'Kli, Telle casiiikk: .1. t). DRAKE, DIKKCTOliS W. li. Smith, V. K. Daniel, .1. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, .1. 1.. Shepherd, Y. A. I'ieree, D. II. Zollieoiier, .1 ,V. Sledge "AMY HAVE EULOGIZED DOG Greattitt Men of Letters Fervid In Their Praises of the "Best Friend of Man." Sliuke.HMire, Izank Walton, Jona than Swift, Alexander Pope, Oliver (ioluVmilli, liolmrt Burns, Williiun WoriUu'or'li, Sir Walter Scotl, Charles I.uinh, Ixiril llyron anil man) others have paid warm trib utes to tin; ildj. some in verse and ilhers in prose. Here is one by I'u vier, the great French scientist und naturalist. He said : "The dog is the most complete, the most remarkable and the most useful conquest ever made by man. livery species-has be come our property; each individual is altogether devoted to his master, assumes his milliners, knows and de fends his property, and remains at tached to him until death; tind all this proceeds neither from want nor constraint, hut solely from true grat itude and real friendship. The swift ness, the strength and the scent of the dog have created for him a pow erful ally against other animals, and perhaps necessary to the establish ment of society. Ho is the only ani mal which has followed man through every region of the earth." Another great naturalist, Button, said "It may bo said the dog is the only ani mal whose loyalty will stand trial; the only one who always knows his master and the friends of the fam ily ; the only one who, when a stran ger comes, knows it; the only one who knows his own name and recog nizes his master's voice; who, when he has lost his master, cries after him ; who, on a long road which he has only followed once, remembers and reasons the way; finally, the only one whose natural talents are plain and whose education always turns out well." PEANUT BAGS. For the good of the Peanut Industry, it has been .determined by the members of this association, that It will be necessary to request the farmers to pack their peanuts in new 68 inch and 70 inch 8 ounce iburlap bags, and when peanuts are packed in bags different from the aboe, a deduction will be made on the following basis: Cotton bags, a deduction will be made 10c each. Second hand bags a deduction will be made 10c each Ntw 7 1-2 ounce bags 68 or 70 inches a deduction will be made of 5c each. In view of the fact that some dealers in the past have delivered 7 1-2 ounce bags on contracts for 8 ounce bags, we would advise you to see that each bale of 500-68 inch 8 ounce bags you receive weigh 472 1-2 pounds, and each bale of 500-70 inch 8 ounce bags weigh 486 1.2 pounds, exclusive of the wrapping and cordage. If they run short of the above weight, you are receiving 7 1.2 ounce bags instead of 8 ounce bags. NATIONAL PEANUT CLEANERS AND SHELLERS ASSOCIATION. OXIO o S I. ZABA, mpw mi i z. wintfb nrcpi nY trip sum i nvcnr.nnK W ilk ii rihfc iniiibii hiwi kn I . vil wvi I w up V I kll vvn I v sk take your measure and make suit to order ou my beucli. ( all and sm apect fine line of piece (foods and samples. Satisfaction guaranteed.VJ I'ffY SpEflD Hu You EjM? You might get sick or hurt-be prepared for it. You might want to make an investmentstart now, "Takes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or fire-an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to get Into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts a THE BANK OF HALIFAX g HALIFAX IT. O. N. L. Stedmau, IP. C. Ortfory, Vioe-Presidsnt. P. H. Gregory Oaabiar. SERVICE Earlie Did you ever carry water for the elephant to get in the circus f Willie So; paw takes beer. MANY BOOKS ON THE WAR. The catalogue of books on the great war compiled by the librarians of St. Rnde s institute has now run to its fourth volume, containing two thousand titles of books and pam phlets already issued here and in other countries, lleligion occupies the largest space in the whole list, with live hundred items, with poetry 330, nud notion 2C0. On the Gallipoli campaign 230 books have already appeared, and personal narratives generally are on the increase. Germany is the sub ject most written about in all Eu ropean countries, and in England 140 books on it have already been issued. London Globe. 8TRATEQY. Wife (at midnight) Tom, wake up ! I hear a burglar. Get up and go downstairs. Hub It's probably a mouse you hear, but I'll go down. Wife A mouse? Mercy I You'll stay right here in this room I PLENTY. "Do you take plenty of active ex ercise ?"' "Well, the street where I live is a favorite one for auto speeders." ACCOUNTED FOR. "There's a lot of gossip in that regiment." 'Maybe it is armed with parrot guns and repeating rifles." SWEET THINQI Belle This yellow dress is not be coming to me. Nell Why, dear, it matches your complexion. MARKET PRICES. "There is meat in everything that advertising writer says. men do wonuer tie conies so high." Study Food Values Food provided for the family table de serves the careful thought of every house wife. Do you use thought when buying baking powder? The quality of cake, biscuits and all quickly raised flour foods depends largely upon the kind of baking powder used. Royal Baking Powder is made from cream of tartar derived from grapes. It is absolutely pure and has proved its excel lence for making food of finest quality and wholesomeness for generations. Royal Baking Powder contains no alum nor phosphate, ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. New York DEBIT c:-j IN ROUV.A' YESTERDAY, The flowers you gave me are dead, long dead, There is dust on the pages we loved 10 read, The leaves have fallen, the swallows fled; The garden is tangled wiih ihorn and weed. Oihers are singing the songs you sang Others are walking our old sweet way; And alas! 1 know it is years ago, But it seems, it seem like yesterday. Love, it was long ago ! Love, it was far away; And we stand apari, O faithful heart. But we love, we love, like yesterday. What does it mailer, O heari of my heart 5 Withered and dead, the flames may lie, And ihe book be closed, and laid apart, Bui the words within it will never die. O love, I look through the mist of tears, I see you coming again to me Willi all the love of our golden years Mine forever through days to be. Love, ii was long ago ! Love, ii was far away; And lie days grow late, but I watch and wait l-'or the love, the love of yesterday. Girl's Atttncjncc St Public Ffst Vitus Means Th,it SNs Is Eligib'e f..r Matrimonii Mtentions. The Ihiuiiiaman m-:i-,iuk ;n- l'" N'nlioiuil I .iriiliii' l a .m - ice. linn 1 U l,ili;j tliitl III'". IMIKI dull' e "II S t j 1 1 1 1 1 1 v to keep llii- r.'ilk "HI f their Imiies "ii l i r. M'M "!' ' Uf ilaii'"- are al ll . miMlc Ikmimh diiii"' hall under i!n- blue -k. as t it were and wuin;: and "Id L'allirr , there. The "id loll. - m lid Hie 'III', with I lie tipple, bile I he nil IlL' "I" dance. There is u-r lilt 1 ilnnljii I on any oilier day of I he neck, and u j tipsy mull, except on SundiH. i- -el-j d"in seen. The diinri's are "i.iiii.e l by the !i"vs of ihe n iiiuiunih . I lie : arrange fur the niufie. pnnnle ihe i refreshments, and pn-i-le as lua-ier- ; of cerclllilllV. When Hie C.ll!s leaell a iniirriaereable age and hae been siillieienlly instructed :n the house hold arts, they are allowed to attend these dances as pari in puuls. "She dances at the dance" is tin- pcii-anl I way of saving that u jrirl lias made ! her debut and is eligible for matri monial attentions. The national dance of lioumaiiiu is a sort of cross between a jig and the piine of ''rin around the rosie." All the dancers clasp hands and form a rin;. They then begin a stepping, swaying mo tion that never moves them out of their original tracks, und to the mu sic of the TziKanu band they keep it up for hours. A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is t he only sure way of attaining independence HIV I) I VI I. Till' . Ill WELDON, N. C. 4 per cent Interest on Saings Deposits. Get The Habit gCTBuy lor Cash. Saveli ICTthe pennies by buy ing at W. T. PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Storej WbLOON, N. C. LOVED ATTIC IS NO MORE 0 UK V KG LET When a husband and wife are both of one mind, it isn't a difficult task to figure out which originally owned ihe mind. WHEN THE FIDDLERS PLAY. Georgia Journalist in Rhapsody as He Describes the l;lfect of Sweet Strains of Real Musicians. THE WRONG GIRL. The Georgia fiddlers are here, spry as a lux and strong as a steer. Down from the hills and up from the sea, fiddlin' they come as merrily as ever the piper of Hamelin town played his tune of high renown to exercise the pes ky rats that built their nests in Sunday hats and spoiled ihe ladies' pleasant chats. But piper never piped so well, not e'en the Angel Israfel (whose heart-strings were his lute, says Poe) could weave a magic like the bow of "Fiddlin' John" or "Smoky Bill;" a magic whence you feel the thrill of forest throats and mountain wind, and every oiher blessed kind of primal music gay or shy that breathes be neath a Georgia sky. "Shorty" Harper "rawsums" his strings and straight we hear the whisperings of April voices in the leaves or raindrops dripping from the eaves of some lone cabin on the hill. U'e hear the lale of Jack and Jill, forever old yet ever new, when gay "Gid" Tanner shifis his chew of Raleigh weed and yanks the gut, a brawlie, homespun Kreisler. But, no rhyme can tell the rarity of this melodious company, these Geor gia minstrels of the soil, whose na live wood notes, whilst they foil the critic's namby-pamby an, will never cease to stir ihe heart, or bring ihe wine-warmth and the glow of ihe Southland's long ago Atlanta Journal. i SORRY SHE SPOKE. "John," she said sternly, "father saw you this morning going into a pawnbroker's with a large bun dle." Her suitor Hushed. Then he replied in a low voice. "Yes, thai is irue, I was taking the pawnbroker some of my old clothes. You see, he and his wife are awfully hard up." Oh, John, forgive me, ex claimed the young girl. "How truly noble you are." No Dollar and a Half's Difference. Col Underwood, of Kentucky, just after ihe war, hud a negro servant who was formerly a slave. One day ihe darkey came to him and and announced that he was going to be married and warned the Colonel to go to the court house and get him a license. The colonel went and paid one dollar and fifly cents for the document and brought it back to ihe darkey, who asked him to read it. When he read ii, much lo the colonel's surprise, the aarKey told him that he had the name of the wrong girl !n the certificate. The Colonel had seen him going with a girl in ihe neighborhood constanily and thought, of course, she was the one he was to marry, but the dar key vigorously denied that he was going to marry ihe girl wiih whom he had been going; but another who lived across the river. The Colonel then told him he would have to take the marriage license back to the courthouse and a new license would cost an extra dollar and fifty cenis. The darkey was very much disturbed; but, after thinking over it a moment he said Colonel, dat s all right, give me dat license, I'm going to marry the girl you got there there ain't no dollar and a half's difference be tween dem gals." AIN'T NEVERQIVE HER NONE, The following cunvoisaiion was heard between two darkies: "Jim, that wife of mine is Ihe dogonest woman I ever seed. She is always after me for money; when 1 sit down at breakfast she calls for money; when dinner time comes she calls for money, den at supper she still calls for money." "Well, Tom, what do your wife do wid all dai money?" "How do 1 know, Jim, 1 ain't never give her none." Well-Remmbered Scene of Childish Revels Has No Place In the Mod ern Apartment House. fn moving back to town t!n fam ily suddenly ilim-overed thnt their new house hud no attic. t'onstcniH tiou reigned. W'oI'm', they next woke to realize that modern houses have no attics. Where once the attic bloomed, they have a spare chamber and a whole suite elite for the cook, with dormer windows, electric lights, open plumbing, plu.-tered walls and wallpaper patterned with pink roses. The Hat is as bare of an attic as it is of that other un cient and honorable institution of family life, Ihe woodshed where the strap liiing. .Suy what you will, the loss is seri ous. In the ultie children could have things their own ay and drive nails where and when they pleased. In the attic theatrical performances were not interrupted hy parental censors. In the attic Arabs raided, Indians scalped, and I'.liza crossed the ice (realistically impersonated by a collection of calf's-hide-covcred trunks). Where will family history collect now that it is evicted from the attic? Not in the basement. That is occu pied by the janitor. Hostou Globe. MORE BOYS BORN. Birth statistics for London seem to show that nature has begun to re store the balance of the sexes which is being disturbed by the war. Dur ing the past lit weeks U,Vv'9 boys and ri,t:C girls were horn. This gives a proportion of 1,0-17 hoys to 1,000 girls, which is seven more boys than the average for England and Wales before the .war. Compared with the same quarter of the year in 1913 the London figures are re markable, for the proportion then was only LOU" boys to l.i'MO girls. In the llll.'l quarter there were more girl babies than buy babies in seven of the thirteen weeks; this year the girls exceeded the bovs in only one week. The popular belief that war increases the male relatively to the female birth rate is therefore being borne out. , AUTOMOBILES Now od display in Batchelor Bros, salesrooms, Baby Grand Model, a large powerful, roomy toui ins car. Just the car you have been looking for. Fully equipped with electric starting and lighting $790. No extras. The Four-Ninety, the most car for the least money of any car on tne market. Fully equipped electric lighting and starting. Let us show it to you, $530. Batchelor Bros, INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the 4 All married women travel under an assumed name. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Ory ' FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA UTAMJMIDIW VRevillon fheres LargMt Fur Maaufatiuran In tb World HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR RAW FURS Ship your fun to ui. Wt pmy all cipreu and mall charfea Writ for our prlca liat 453 West 28th St NrwYork WORSE THAN FLINT. She Are (lie examinations at Harvard lianl? He Yes: tliev are so bard tliut you can't cut them. Town Topi. NO WONDER. Frieml I lirard vour fniher broke his leg yesterday. How is he get tiug along? Willie Oh, he can't kick. BWK OF E IF I ELD, EflflELD, fl. 0. Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail rotOTM)io)iora)iora3ra)jti g TAMER'S kOllF FAINT SOLD BY CORROBORATION. She This new author is perfect ly killing! He I notice he does murder the king's English. EVOLUTION. First Peacock What worries you f Second Peacock I hoe we shall never degenerate into a race without tail. Cough Medicine for Children. Mrs. Hugh Cook, Scottsville, N. Y says: "About five years airo wlien wo were living inllarbutt, N. Y., I doctor ed '1 my of children, suffering from colds with Chamberlain's Cougli Remedy and found it just as represented in every way. It promptly checked their cough iug and cured their colds quicker than anything I ever used. Obtainable everywhere. Pierc45-V hit rhcad llarto fapany, WELDON, N C, I Hill J. M. Bragg Automobile Sleeve-Valve Motor

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