iv El jf5jl( Lpi ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Anni.:.i VOL. LI. WKLDON, N. ('., rill'liSDAV. I K( KM I iKli 121, UH',. no. :u A Small Amount Deposited Now And Systematically added to, is the only sure way of attaining independence M 'd '' nx g HOI11AY I. ; i o ..4. 1' St .tag : POT CASTORH ALCOHOL-3 rl!H CENT . , .a" rt.I,,.l 011,1 RfdflU tingllieSloin.ictisMilBwe'sit islioadieetfil- iiessand&st.Coutatm OpitmuMorphine noriUMfli Nm- Narcotic. t Hm.tmt- IntSimikSlrwtare01 Suet Copy of Wrapper. 3E i THE BANK OF WELDbN WKLDON. X. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital anrt Surplus, $55,000. Kor over 21 years tlnx iiistilut.on lian provided hanking facilitiea fur this section. Hit stockholders anil ollictrs are identified with the busi ness interests of Halifax ami Northampton counties. A Havings Department is maintained for the benelit o! all who desire to deposit in a Savings Hank. In this Dcputtmcut iuterest h allowed as follows: For Deposits allowed to remain three mon.hs or longer, 'J per cent. Six months or lonirer. 3 uer cent. Twelve months or longer. 4 percent. Any information will lie furnished on application to the President oK'ashier fbssidint: W. E. DANIEL, VU R-t'KKSIOKNT: W. K. SMITH. I.. C. IjKU'EK, Teller. DIRECTORS W. K. Smith, W. E. Iianiel. .1. 0. Dtake, W. M. Cohen, R. T. Daniel, J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. fierce, I). H. Zollicotlcr, .1 . W. Sledge. lr $ 5 0 . 6 0 2 Excursion to Havana, Thursday, Dec. 21. For the Christmas and New Year Holiday Excursion to Cuba, the Atlantic Coast Line will sell excursion tickets trom Weldon to Havana, including meals and berths on steamships, at the fare and on the date named above, limited returning until January 7, 1917. Fares will apply via Jacksonville; thence via the East Coast and the "Over Sea Railroad," or via the West Coast of Florida, through Port Tampa, but not going via one route and returning via the other and tickets will be good to stop over at all stations en route, either on the going or return, or both. Proportionate Fare9 From Nearly Every Other Point in Virginia, North Carolina and South Caro. Una, Children Half Fare For schedules, reservations on trains and ships, and interesting In erature on Cube, apply to the undersigned, who will procure ii for you promptly. C. E. CARTER, Ticket Agent, Weldon, N. C. ATLANTIC COAST LINE, The Standard Railroad of the South. U T 7" A (ft JL LJ 4RTI$TIC WLOQIfiQ, ff UCW EOI I l WINTER niSPI DY CPU SHITS & nVEPP.nQTS 1 Ilk If I nkh w 11 11, 1 h 11 mi vi fan t take your measure and make suit J ' apect tine line of piece goods and Vl .T l(M Announcement! We have bought out Oood Will of Mrs. J. W. nounce that we Will continue the business In Weldon, guaranteeing prompt service and careful handling of baggage and freight by experienced drivers. For dray service No. 323. . SMITH & RODWELL, WELDON, N.C For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castcm Always Bears the Signature, of In Use For Over Thirty Years THI flMTu IOMMNT f TOM CT 3E 30 iasiiibr: .1. O. I'KAKE, A i I J XJL C? 1 iwnvwiivvrvi kiiuwn v to order ou my bench. Call and samples Satisfaction iruaranteed lM M US' the Dray Business and Vaughn and this Is to an. call Ben Rodwell, Phone r a r iixivr at GASTOtllA TIMOTHY HAY ON EARLY SHOPPING By JOHN 8TOCKBRIDGE. kOU can say for me. 8 1 a t e d Timothy Hay. when seen this morning by a reporter, "that thl do your - Christ-inns- shopping-early stunt Is all oil with mi now aud for unil Indivisible, world with- ever, out end, iimeu. "I started to do my Christinus shop pln enrly," continued Timothy, giving his flivver u diselplinnry kick as It growled at a passing terrier, "hut It whs right ou the start thnt I overtook, discovered and otherwise apprehended the Hciiegnintilun In the woodpile. "Christmas shopping, you are at lib erty to quote me as saying in your valuable, medium, H hunk If you add an 'early' to It. "It wns about Thanksgiving time, If I recollect rightly, that we were first ndmordshed Jo do our Christmas shop ping early. It struck me ns the proper thing to do. I decided I'd do It. "Naturally, the thought first came to me what to give myself for Christ inns. I always hand myself some slight token of my esteem at the happy yule tide. It compensates for what other folks hand me. A little gift doesn't "I Decided on a Haircut for My Christ mat Gift to Myaelf." have to cost very much to make a hit with me If I give It to myself with t!'- proper spirit. It's the giving, rather than the re ceiving, of this gift that brings me the more pleasure, anyway. Well, gasoline has been going up pretty steadily lutely you notice I do not talk in dialect In spite ot my rural name and predilections; If I talked in dialect I would say gas wus goln' up purty stlddy and, due to the Increased cost of living expenses, I decided that It behouved me to economize. So I decided on a haircut for my Christinas gift to myself, and I decided to get It early on account of the poor, tired shopgirls who are wishing the store would close so they cun crowd In a few more dances with the dashing young ribbon clerks three aisles over. Whereupon I got a haircut, a good, short one. The rest of the story Is soon told. I got It cut again last night, and I had to wait for sir customers ahead of me who were telling the barbers to shave 'em extra close so it would last over to Monday. 'That much for early Christmas shopping. I bought the Junk for the folks after they'd locked the street j doors last night and have Just been making the rounds or tne urug stores to pick up the odds and ends I've for gotten. No more Christmas shopping in mine. Olddnp, Dobbin." And with a peremptory cluck to his steed, Timothy Hay motored away In high dudgeon. Denver Times. CHRISTMAS C tor tha CKrlat Child, ao hlr lass, ao awaati H for tha Holly w lay at Hit fL R for tha Rtdera tKraa. King thotr lordi I for tha Incana with which thay adorad. S for tha Shephorda,who heard angela sing, Tfor their Triumph tn finding tha King M for all men of peace and good will A for the Angela, whoae Bongs the cave fill. S for the Star which ahone out on that night. So radiant ao hopeful, ao glo rtoua ao bright. The model husband is he wh smokes his wife's bargain cigars with out a murmur. Constipation Causes Bad Skin A dull and pimply skin is due to a sluggish bowel movement. Correct this condition and clear your complexion with Dr. King's New Life Pills. This mild laxative taken at bedtime will as sure you a full, free, non-griping move ment in the morning. Drive out thsdull, listless feeling resulting from overload ed intestines and sluggish liver. Uet a bottle today. At all drugmsts, 26& toil n I Here's a Real Nature has a Iaw of compensation by winch she gives to eneh one of us some particular talents or aptitudes. John Ine, who was horn 57 years ago, wus favored hy mil ure with mi extra robust face and a luxuriant growth of hair, so much so that, about Christmas time of each year, his services lis a model for Santa Claus posters, or as n pseuilo Santii Claus, in the depart ment stores, are very much at a premium. He need not look for u Job. the Jobs are looking for htm. Is it; $mh Claus ?H BBsasasBBaBBsaeaseasBSBSBassaaBaaBBSBj At a uuttrtar to twelve on Christiuus eve TeiMk-ums woke Willi a start; There was nomeumiy tugKiiiK him by r':vv. v. the si, rvJii, ,i And lie turned with -t thumping heart. f k I s "Now. don't make a ISfjYHjX Up As iUre uB ever 1 ,n j li ncro 11 nun: m fx "Is It true?" whls pprrl 1 t1tllcunii "Sunta Claus! Oh, In n't tlita alm ily Keiit ! ran t you UkM up a mntch. Jimmy quick because If you don't It will be lou lute! i longing to know Just what lie's like. : If he a brought me a motor bike! Well. I'm puKled," said Jim. "P'faps, If we look (They say that he huttis u spy). He won't leave the ball and the picture-book. But jolly well paaa us by " And while tli-y won dered if thty should peep. Bomehow, the bears fell off to sleep! But the curious noise went on all rush and run Till the darkness flew and the ihiy dawned bright. And the rutn hud had thotr fun And the rascttls chut klcd, Well, what i fuss! If they'd only known that It was us!" -Little Polks. II Ijappiness be yours to-day. ay yu-letide peace attend you: 3 ay friendly fortune on you smile, nd many blessinas send you. Stop That Cough A hachiug cough weakens the whole system, drains your energy and gets worse if neglected; your throat is raw your chest aches and you fi I sore all over. Kcheve that cold at once with Dr. King's New Discovery. The sooth ing pine balsams heal the irritated mem branes, and the antiseptic and laxative qualities kill the germs and break up your cold. Ilou't let a cold linger, (let Dr. King's New Discovery today at vour Druggist, 50c. W 1 I'm Ant i l 1 X 1 j.. ' ,- r Pr f very TINGS' Santa Claus Z S S s If Christmas Message. "Fenr not ; for, behold, 1 lirlni; you good tidings of grcut Jo), which skill be to all people." "I ; lory to ilvd lu the high est, tmd ou earth peace, good will toward mcu." "The spirit of tlie Lord is upon tne, because he hath anointed tne to preach the gosj.,-1 to the poor; he hntti sent mo to hcul Ihe broken hearted, to preach deliver ance to onptlves, urn! recov ery of siflil to the blind, to set tit liberty them that are bruised." Tills Is a day for magnify ing the blessings of peace, not selfishly, but with the re joicing Hint should attend the reminder that we have u cure for the troubles of the world and a part In the spreading of the remedy. Lot the songs of Joy lie carried into every corner of gloom. If peace Is to achieve victory, Its spirit of gladness must be irrepressible. No less today than two thousand years ago Is it the mission of pence to show by example that in good will alone lies the happiness of the people. V 2 2i Ii i, 5i 5i 5 j Jj SERVICE MORE THAN GIVING Deepest Spirit of Christmas Does Not Confine Itself to One Day, but Is Manifest fcntlrs Year. The deepest spirit of the Christmas outpouring that flows over the Chris linn world Is the Impulse for human service thnt runs through the whole year. It Is easy to give recklessly out of one's abundance, or even to share care fully one's pittance. The distribution of Christum dinners through hun dreds of self-denying families menus a day's happiness for '.he giver und re ceiver. Hut it Is greater happiness to both to follow through the year with aid to self-dcpcudeucc. encouragement to hope, and support tn striving for better living. This Is the giving of self, and they who know how to give of themselves wisely are the blghest givers. The best feature of Christinas is Its ma lerial expression of a whole year of human service thnt runs like a thread Ihrough human lives. Only these holiday glimpses reveal to the careless how many are dedi cated to a share In this unobtrusive service to the humbly striving aud to the uncomplaining needy; how many f imille8 are under constant stimulus to the best sort of self-help; how many children are being quietly led to a higher level of living and striving for themselves between Christmas and 1'hristiua. Neglected Colds Grow Worse. A cold that racks and irritates the throat may lead to a serious chronic cough, if neglected. The healing pine balsams in Dr. Hell's Tine Tar Honey Nature's own remedy w ill soothe and relieve the irration, breathing will be easier, and the antiseptic properties will kill the genu which retarded heal ing. Have it handy for croup, sore throat and ohronic bronchial affections, tiet a bottle today. 1'lcasaut to take. At all diuggists, 2")C OLDEST CHRISTMAS CUSTOM Decorating Hous's Churches and Streets With Evergreen Popular Since Dawn of History. nDIUUl'S the very oldest of ittl Christmas customs is ilmi ,.f decorating out houses, chnrcho illld streets Willi everj;rei!is. ! At the very dav.n of history h-tr.ui the worship of tlie trees, or for. st m,r.diip, illld the proves were iiiiin's Hrwt t,-;u- pies. , All our Instincts, our pn--.on t iniiure. are forest m, moric. tor t r t worship wns u:iivers.il. In Inter times to end, p..l n. iii' tn t) was dedicated: Apdlo hud the bund, Jupiter the oak, ami Ci v tor n, i hud lis sacred groves. Tile forest Wor:llipers ( worship without ti.il;:. In worship Is to give, . nd tin : aud gniiiindu were liie ol,: eld boll Kilts mail. He fore he had learned to sliupo offerings of liis o,u rude skill lie coiii!1, bring to the snored trees mid hniij up on till-Ill the first How. rs lilcl el. . n--l , of spring and the perfect fi tilts ol uu tuinn. These gifts, remember, were never. as with us, decorations; they u, -.,-e- rlllces. The Itomans, wiili a line eye for beauty, used to garland their temples and homes and giiloerini; places and even tlie big Coliseum with houghs of green and ropes of flowers. This par ticular custom was received by the Christians with a special sort of :,p provnl, recalling, as it did, the ho t that our Lord entered Jerusalem amid the strewn branches of die multitude. We must not forget the welcome und lovely mistletoe and holly. Indeed, Christmas without them would not, with us. seem quite complete. Mistletoe wus for uges regarded as sacred by the old British pagans the Druids and was surrounded with great mystery und sentiment, little un derstood by us. It was supposed to possess healing powers and that It could ward off evil spirits. The reverence paid to this little parasite seems to have been r strleted to it. only, when It was found growing on tlie sacred oak trees In the Druids' groves. Iltiee every year the Druid hleh priest cut It with a golden sickle, blessed It and distributed tlie sprays among the people, praying aloud that each one who received it might receive divine blessings, of which It was the symbol. Having received tlie sprays, the people hung them above the doors to propitiate the gods during the year. The only remaining significance, at tached today to the mistletoe is the Idea that If u maiden Is not kissed under It on Christinas day she will go unwed throughout the year. This Idea goes so far back Into the past that one cannot trace It. It Is because the mistletoe Is rare and not easy to get that we found and brought forward the holly, which, though lovely. Is used only as a sub stitute for the mistletoe New Tort World. JUST THE THING. Wlfey I wish 1 had a Hying ma chine; then perhaps I could get throutdi with my Christmas shopping. Hubby Yes. Hnsitig my Judgment on the way the bills are coming lu, w-hnf you ii.,.(l is s iMiypinnp Her Habit. "Isn't It too liad?" asks the lady with the ltussi in hoots, "Mrs. tioiiso has sued her nusbnnil lor divorce and is Kolng to marry that iiiiisleluu us soon as it is grunted. And she and Mr. lionso were married hist Christmas day." "I expected It," said the lady with the new hair. "I.ucy (!onso never got a present that she dlil I't try ti CI change." Life Christmas Literature. The kiddles write to Santa Claus, Thsy furwaltl mull In peeks. But father hasn't lime, be. ie . He's busy writing clip. 1 Cough Medicine for Children. Mrs. Hugh Cook, Scottsvdle, N. Y., says: "About live years ago when we were living ioOatbutt, N. Y., 1 doctor ed 2 my of children sulfcring from colds with Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and found it just as represented in every wav. It promptly checked their cough ing and cured their colds quicker than uy thing I ever used " Obtainable everywhere. fils WKLDON, N. C. 4 per cent Interest on Saings Deposits Get The Habit ICXBuy for Cash. Savel LCthe pennies by buy-" ing at W. T PARKER & CO., Wholesale Cash Store;' WELDON, N. C. UITKVROLK'I U,rOMOP)ILES Now on display in Batchelor Bros, salesrooms, Baby Grand Model, a large powerful, roomy touring car. Just the car you have been looking for. Fully equipped with electric starting ind "lighting $790. No extras. The Four-Ninety, the most car for the least money of any car ( ii tne market. Fully equipped ( lectiic lighting and starting. L? t us show it to you, $530. Batchelor Bros. raxiaTOKsmKioaMwra rl 11 ! 1 1 1 You are invited; to open an account with the BWK OF WIELD, Et flELD, fi. C. i Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart T ment Compounded Quarterly. I rgy YOU can MOiianaaDWia-aaatiiWi MiiiiSa'S SOLD BY liaimn It A i It mi il ii'iuu-H ilium iiu WELDON, N C, J. M. Bragg Automobile Littleton, N. C. - II j i mm r V 11 i 1 1 1 i bank by mail ROOF run llittuli P ii v i n i itruftitri; uuiipuj. .5lct,4-Vtvr1gUw TCIS31

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