LL ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LI. WELIX)N, N. C, THUUSDAY, MARCH 1, H)17. NO. 411 Children Cry for Fletcher's Iha Kind You Have Always B u nnd which ha been in us for over over 30 years, .ne the signature of i and h.j. tc.i. u.iJe under his per sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive vou in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experlnie.it. c What is CASTORIA Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is Its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS p Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought 3E THE BANK OF WELDON WKLDON. N. ('. Organised Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aafl Sirplis, $55,000. For over -I yearn tlim inHtitutioo has provided hank in (r faoihtiei for thin (section. It stockholder and ottict-nt are identified will the hurti dvhh interenln of Halifax and Northampton counties. A Savings Department in inaiutiiined for the henelit of alt who denire to deposit in a Sarinirs Hank. In tlim department intereM m allowed an follows: For IVponittt allowed to remain three mootlm or Ion ire r, 1 per cent. Sis mouths or longer, H per cent Twelve mouth or longer, 4 percent. Any information will he furnthedo-i application to the President orCaHhier raa inim W. K. PASIKX, u - eHRHiuiNT: W. K. SMITH. I., t Hli A I'Kli, Teller. ASH1KB .1. O. PKAKK, DIRECTORS W. R. Smith, W. E. Daniel, J. 0. Drake, W, M. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, J. K. Shepherd, W. A. Tierce. D. B. Zolhcoiler, .1 W . Sledge. Mr. Automobile Owner Attention! Send Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 to 5,000 Extra Mile Service Rea dily from Bell 2 in 1 Tire Co., (Incorporated) 202 W. Broad St. We buy Old Tires. RICHMOND, VA. Phone Randolph 6281 o 30EI0 I . ZABA, 2 g NEW FALL & WINTER OISPLAY FOR SUITS & OVERCOATS g ta akefyour measure and make suit to order on my bench. Call ami tptci tine line of piece goods and nam pies. Satisfaction guarantetxrjr ii inr inr if ity Announcement! W have bought out the Dray Business and Good Will of Mrs. J. W. Vaughn and this is to an nounce that we will continue the business in Weldon. guaranteeing prompt service and careful handling of baggage and freight by experienced drivers. For dray service call Ben Rodwell, Phone No. 323. SMITH & RODWELL, I WELDON. N. C. Constipation IimWimM It L. .... a IftJttMttM. ltiM. lMl4aa. WilTMia shW t .xkvr rMbln slftsw. test C iiU Wa. axMiiby twttr. liifMliifUa mf it. t4. Imst HtMAM Mm lawa Dr. King's UltUJIBUl ITU 'CRevillon fberea Lvtm Muufactanra la IW rM hichest nucts faid roa RAW FURS Shin jour fan U . - Wt ft? ll tipreaa ana Mil cWfM W riu for pricm Uat 453 Wast 28th St New York THE OLD RAG CARPET, Well, yes it's a "plain rag carpet, the kind called "hii-or-miss" Auni Nancy Cubberly wove ii, she and her girl Meliss. It's wore and faded and frazzled; reckon ii's had its day, Bui makes me feel like cryin' to see ii bundled away. My, but we thought 'twas pretty, the mornin' we tacked it down The colors clean and cheerful, the chain a yallowish-brown; That was the very first carpet we'd had to kiver the floor Since Jim and I'd been married a couple o' years or more. 'Twas 'most like one o' the fambly; I'd saved the rags from the start, And not a scrap of the fillin' I didn't know by -heart; Cotton and wool and linen, there wasn't a single thread I couldn't told how it come there purple or blue or red. And talk about things a-lastin' and holdin' out to the end ! I tell you that old rag carpet has been a faithful friend. Aunt Nancy said when she fetched it : "Cynthy, I've wove it fair, And the stuff is good that's in it; it'll stand a heap o' wear." 'Twas common enough, I reckon jest plain and every day, And mebby I'm sort o' foolish, talkin' on this-a-way; But still there's a streak o' somethin' wove in with the carpet-chain . That's sweet as the smell of roses a-drippin' with summer rain. There's homey kind of memories: my old wide rockin' chair How many a time of evenin's, as I'd be rockin' there, I'd think how well the carpet looked, so cheerful-like and neat, And how it stood the siiddy strain of little rompin' feet. But Time kep' trackin' right along; the years went joggin' fast; The warp and fillin' frazzled thin, and faded out at last. And now the children wonder why i ain't as glad as they To see a thing so out o' date tuck up and hauled away. They've bought me a brand-new Brussels; it's mighty good and fine; Of course it's more befittin' than that "hit-or-miss" of mine, But still there's a streak of somethin' wove in with the old brown chain That's sweet as the smell of roses a-drippin' with summer rain. DREAMS, Life to her was a tangle of dun-colored threads; 'Twas a tissue of dreariest hue, Thh! was woven by Fate of the roseate drei'ms She entrusted to Time to make true. h is long since she came into woman's estate: But the work of the shuttle goes on; And there's none of the fabric that comes from the loom With texture of tint she would don. And her heart is replete with a longing untold; . 'Midst her smiles and her doubts and her tears, She moves passively on in her womanly way In the silence she learned from years. If she's misunderstood would you deem it her fault? Is it belter to shield or to blame ? Who has measured the innermost depths of her heart, Gauged its frailty, its strength, or its aim? There are deeps in each life which the world cannot sound; Knotted threads which they cannot perceive; Since there's never been raiment so fashioned and formed That a heart could be worn on the sleeve. Just suppose there should dawn in the midst of her dreams Phantom Hope, ever hard to gainsay; Would you sagely propose that she cast it aside. And ignore it, or send it away ? But, perhaps, after all, it might prove a mirage What is ever so true as ii seems ? Would you venture to vary a pattern of life For illusions so fickle as dreams ? Daisy Crump Whitehead. Enfield, N. C. FINDS OREAT CONTRAST. Characteristics of Boys Ditter Prom Those of flirts. The difference is apparent early: A boy has as much fun in stoning a cat as a girl has in hunting for violets. A boy's curiosity is direc ted to the ice box; a girl would like to see what is in the top bureau drawer. A girl cm give the impression when away from home that her pirents are wealthy; a boy cannot, j Every boy ,is old enough to be welcome to sit in the neighbor girl's parlor many years before his sister thinks he is old enough to sit in the parlor at home. A girl is never so young that she will reveal to guests at a party that the spoons are borrowed; a boy Child never grows so old that h; fails to. Give s boy a dollar and he m ill eat it; give his sister one and she will wear it. A brother and sister may have hair of the same shade, but the bov's is called red and l)ie girl's, auburn. When brothers fight, it is over the larger share of pie; when sis ters quarrel, one has worn some thing belonging to the other with out asking permission. A BRISK TRADE. A shy young man had been call ing for months on the sweet est girl in the world, but, be ing bashful, his suit languished. Finally she decided it was up to her to start something, so the next time he called she Dointed to the carnation in his buttonhole and said: "I'll give you a kiss for that car nation." The young man's color outdid the carnation in brilliancy, but the .exchange was made. Then he graooed his hat and started to leave the room. "Why, where are you eoine?" she asked, in surprise. To the florist's for more car nations," he called from the front doo. Love may be blind, but it's fool ish to attempt to work off a psstt diamond on a girl under the im pression that you have her hypno tized by your good looks. CASTORIA Far Iafants awl Children In Uu For Over 30 Year $8.35. Inauguration of Presi dent Wilson, Washington, D. C, March 5. 1917. See the Nation's Capital. Tickets on sale March 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th. Limited until March lOih. Extension of limit until April 10th can be ob-Jir-d by dtpoK: of ticket special agent in Terminal Su tion, Washington, D. C, and pavirunt of fee of $1. For information or reservation, address Atlantic Coast Line "the standard railroad of the South," C. E. Carter, Agent, Weldon.N.C. INCOMPREHENSIBLE. "Maggie, how was it that I sjw a young man talking with you in the kitchen ast night?" asked the mistress of the cook. . The girl pondered for a few mo ments and then answered, "Faith, an' I can't make it out mesilf; you must have looked through the key hole. " Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ill B 1 ;f Let's Us Good Folks Stick Together pwmwff ilvffMiBii ial mm?' . amii j L' msm )mhlhawbeenanEskimo-' ' lJn'ltian ' LllmjusUrealSouttern (h.nthww t I'm mighty glad I was born a real South erner. Just suppose I had been an Eskimo, or an Indian, or something with rings in my nose and ears! Yes, sir I am' good and proud of my Southern birth. My mother is from Vir ginia and my father is from the Carolinas. I was born and raised down here among you all I wish you could see my home it is so clean and bright and cheery and whole somethe finest, whitest, healthiest tobacco factory in all the world. I am called SOVEREIGN King of Them All! But my middle name is Smoke, friend and all over the South my loyal friends are with me, because You Folks of the South KNOW good blood! You Folks of the South KNOW good tobacco! I want you all for my friends every one of you. Give me a chance see how I make good. And don't forget I am guaranteed by .-Buy me. If you don't like me return me to your dealer and get your money back. I have said it A Southern gentleman is known the world over for keeping his word, and I have given you mine. Sowreidn Cigarettes UK TIMS uCNTLEMAN OP THE SOUTH "Mnp of Vfi&m, OC& rr SIS Hi Hi United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield E have on sale in our salesroom now the Vf largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown T " in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. E have in stock almost any size or style LT Plain Tread. USCO Tread, Chain, Nobby and Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Cbalmer and Oldest Oarar Chevrolet Automobiles In Weldon Republic Trucks TANNER'S HOOF PAINT SOLD BY INVITATION.I You are invited to open an account with the BW OF EHFIELD, EfiplELDf fl. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed In the Savings Depart rrient Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mall WMMMMSMMI..lni..i.1HBn, . M. Bragf j Automobile jjlj W 1171 'J I II 1 HewLifePffls mm namw AS DnMlaM 25 WELDON, N C iU..L -v.).' Motor if t- rarce-w

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