Tf4 Plla Sv i liSTABLISHHL) IN 1S06. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. WLLDON, N. (!., TIIUHSDAV, MAliCIl S, 1 5 1 T. Terms of Subscriptlon$l.50 Per Annum VOL. LI NO. 14 THE OLD-FASHIONED BIBLE. In. Ket&,:;onWir,Fhii(DiaH I 1 1 .H ft 14&5II1 ! 41 s b CASTDRIA Ai'iipnlilcProir,ralionlii i,imiliilin4UicFooilhyHul, tint! llwStomadis and IKvls . Thcrchj-lVomoiimibMcslloii ( ,lie r-rtutness auu iwl noil her Opium, Morphines i limU:NoTNAitf;oTic fiKlftOUDr'sAHlllimM finmfiin soil H um tin , A -.rlpftil Mem-dj ,onslip.ilionaiiUUiJrrhoc. and rVverishncss ana I-OSSOKSlbei 1 rcwIliii'iorffrwmlnW ! i,.iilc Sidmrt,0' ; ii iwtCarriwiiCoww . For Infants an.1 0iilrIren. Mothers !b:w That Genuine Grma Always Boars the Signature . Of v,V V 7 IF In Use For Over Thirty Years Exact Cot y of Wrapper. TttI CKNTaUft rOMHir NEW VOKN Clff THE BANK OF WELDOfi WKLDOX. X. ( Organized Under the Lawn of the State of -North Carolina, Stale of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Surplus, $55,000. For over 21 years tilth iiiMtilulinn lias provihl hankinjr facilitu'H lor thin auction. Its Mtut'UliuMi'i ;iixl nllu'i i arc tili-ntilktl villi the luini ncHM intcrrntM ot' HiilifiLx ;inil NortliainiUiii counties. A !Savi.iir Itt'piirliu'nt i inmntuitnil fur the heurlit of til ho demrc to deposit iti u Sumiii:h Hunk. In thi i'rpmtim-iit inteioi ih ulluwcd a follows: For Deposit allow t'J iiiieuum thin months ui loiiir-r. - per cent. Six moutliM or loniTi'i, 'A per cent. 'I vvi U e nmntli; or lotiirei". 4 percent. Iny information will he I'iiiumIn-'! n application to tin- l'reulfntot('anhiet (88108 NT W. K. lUNll'.L, V It K-l'hKSiKM'; W. . SMITH. I., r, nUA.'l.K, Telle,. I'ASHIKK: .1. O. IKAKK, MlKKCTnlW V. i. Smith, W. K. l-iuiiel, ,1. O Uvnke. W. M. Cohen, H. T. Paniel, .1.1,. Iieplier.l, . A. I i. ice, H It. ollieol'i-i, .1 . W, Shnlire Mr. Automobile Owner Attention! Send Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 to 5,000 Extra Mile Service Readily from Bell 2 in 1 Tire Co., (Iniorpnruted) 202 W. Broad St. RICHMOND, VA. Phone Randolph A2HI We buy Old Tires. o Oxao I . Z A Ii A . ARTISTIC WOUm Q I1LI1 UI IIIHU WIWI fcni iviiuuiivw vihiiMuniw 1 take your measure and make sun luorileron my heneli. ( an ami DapeCl nUe line Ol piece irootl unn siimjues .-mismruuo kuuhiiuti 1 E3QIBOC3I I) Announcement! ami ug "We have bought out the Dray Business and tlood Will of Mrs. J. W. Vaughn and this is to an. nounce that we will continue the business in Weldon, guaranteeing prompt service and careful handling of baggage and frei&lit by experienced drivers. For dray service call Ben Rodwell, Phone No 323. SMITH & RODWELL, WELDON, N.C. Cuts, Burns, Bruise., Soros. Wond ood Pil. quickly healed win Armc It pnrMti Infection, is amiscptiu. oolbin. heslini- Try h once. Money Bsok If It l'ails. The OrUinsI and Genuine. Bucklen's Arnica Salve Heala the Hurt All IVaMista and D.slsri. 2S. -awWjt'arSdnWi. isi ii- in J I trmtf niaiikri t'.) otrtB.nfrt nr no t' l, fl-i'ti'H- or IiIikIq lf i- tnr.t sr.ftncH tiri-jii IlitV. Ilnlll .rtf'nH. PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES if"i j.nt, tit, i it' l.-iiti-ll how, wliM iu irM-Jil hi1 wv' , iu nmiiiy, Wttlu Unlsvy. S, SWIFT & CO. PATSIlT LAWYER, ,303 Si venth Jt , Washington, D. C. BY JAMLS WHITCOMB RII.IiY. How dear to my heart are the scenes of my childhood That now in tnem'ry I sadly review; The old nieetiiiR-house at the edge of the wildwood, The rail fence and horses all tethered thereto. The low, sloping roof, and the bell in the steeple, The doves that came fluttering out overhead As it solemnly gathered the God-fearing people To hear the old Bible my grandfather read. The old-fashioned Bible The dust-covered Bible ' , The leathern-bound Bible my grandfather read. The blessed old volume ! The face bent above it As now I recall it is gravely severe, Though the reverent eye that droops downward to love it Makes grander the text through the lens of a tear, And, as down his features it trickles and glistens, The cough of the deacon is stilled, and his head Like a haloed patriach's leans as he listens To hear the old Bible my grandfather read. The old-fashioned Bible The dust-covered Bible The leathern-bound Bible my grandfather read. Ah, who shall look backward with scorn and derision And scoff the old Book though it uselessly lies In the dust of the past, while this newer revision Lisps on of a home and a home in the skies ? Shall the voice of the Master be stifled and riven? Shall we hear but a tithe of the words He has said, When so long He has, listening, leaned out of Heaven To hear the old Bible my grandfather read ? The old-fashioned Bible The dust-covered Bible The leather-bound Bible my grandfather read. AN OLD VALENTINE. I wandered to on attic where lacy cob-webs swayed, Where sunbeams, dusty golden, were dancing as ihey strayed; And as I crossed the threshold with footsteps soft and slow, 1 fell the hidden presence of ghosts of long ago. 1 saw wooden chest there with rusty lock and key, And when 1 knelt before it my dreaming eyes could see Initials twined together and carving almost hid By scratches, deeply graved upon the polished lid. 1 knell beside it, silent, and opened it with care; I felt as if some girl-soul were standing by me there; For dainty garments whispered, and perfumed laces sung Of the morning and springtime, when all the world was young. I saw a folded paper, all yellow with the years, Perhaps the print of kisses, perhaps the mark ol tears Had touched ii once tor, fastened with bow of faded blue, It whispered through the ages a message, "1 love you!" I laid il gently from me and closed the chest with care, And breathing through the stillness I heard behind me there A murmur half a love word, and half, perhaps a sigh The phantom of a heartbeat of many years gone by. Margaret 11. Sangster, Jr. DROVE THE HACK. It is a notorious fact that all the old darkeys in the neighborhood of Mi. Vernon claim to have been General Washington's carriage driver. One old fellow who claimed that honor was asked by a visitor how it was that all the old negroes made the same claim. "I don'lknow how dat is, b "Well, uncli'," said ihe visitor, "were you present when George Washington hacked his' father's cherry tree?" "Now, less see, boss, do I ricoleei dat yes'um, I dnv the hack." Sprint; Colds Are Dangerous. Su'Mrn t'iiiinirt's uf temperature ami lltiilenvcar lirtnir Hfin Mtf with tutt' e,l up Ilea,!, son- tliroatamltfi'mTa! eoltl hyiiiptutus. .V Jokc ol i r. Kmr'H Now Discovery it sure relief, thin Lappy com bination of antiseptic balsams clears the heail, soothes the irritated mem branes ami tihat iniirht have been a Itn irerini; cold is broken up. Don't stop treatment when relief is lirst felt as a halfcured cold is dauireroiis Take lr. King's New Discovery till your cold is irone. It's the man who makes a fool of himself that seldom boasts of being self-made. When To Take Chamberlain's Tablets When yon feel dull anil stupid after eatiwr. When constipated or hilt.iti Wlifi. you have a met, heuU-!u-Wllen you have sour stomach. When you belch after eating. When you have iniliiresttou. When nervous or tlesondent. When you have uo relish for youi rnoals. When your liver is torpid. Obtainable everywhere, I THE DIFFERENCE. The world would have more to worry about if each man could make his own weather. You Need a Spring Laxative. Dr Kinit's New Life I'ills will remove the acclimulati-d wastes nf winter from your intestines, the burden of the blood, tret that sluirtrish .sorinir fever feeling out of your, system, brighten your eye, clear your complexion. iit that yim and snap of good purified healthy blood. Dr. King's New F,ife I'ills are a non-griping laxative tliataids nature'! process, try them tonight. At all drutfffiata. 35a. "The difference between an ex horter and a preacher is that the preacher has to ,nke his lext and stick to it and an exhorter may scalier." CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Alwuys bears mtf mm Signature of Never court a girl whose father is a pessimist, for he always has a kick coming. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The sun shines, the waier runs, the winds blow, the clouds chase each other across the blue, the birds nest, the flowers bloom and blossom, and the crops, when we sow and cultivate and harvest, will be tound big wiih fulfillment. St f i9 Jit' Mraaaaaaf In every home Sloan's Lini ment has earned its place in the medicine chest as a relief from pains and uclies. Quickly ptnefnles without rub bing and soothes the soreness. Cleaner and more effective than mussy plasters or ointments, it does not stain the skin. For rheumatttm, neuralgia, out, Innv bago, sprains snd .trains use Sloan's Lini ment. At all duuiits, 2Sc. SOc. $1.00. M 'i ts as a w Friend ft? i'a nihil ft; tfoorffalloH "-fr met 2 rro-!---r t'!- IIMIIJ aAU ma. I was real tickled today I made a new frienrf. And now you bet you, he's some tickled, too You see, he is a mighty good fellow son of a big flanter has bundles of money; can buy anything he wants. And he knows all about tobacco! He was telling around that he would give a heap for a cigarette that just hit 'his smoke taste. Go I had them wrap me up and I went to the rich planter man. "Sir, I am a real cigarette," I said. "I am sure you'll like me. I have good blood in my veins. I am of fine Virginia and Carolina stock and was raised in a clean, wholesome home. I am a gentleman of quality the Quality of the South." So the planter's son tvied me and he liked me, because You Folks of the South KNOW good blood! Ycx Folks of the South KNOW good toba ceo Now my planter's son and I -we're real friends. He buys m- regularly, and he tells everybody th. t you can't buy a better cigarette than SOVEREIGN at any price! Why can' 1 1 be your friend, too? And, remembe- this I am guaranteed by ...J, M Buy me. If you don't like me return me to your dealer and get ycut money back. I have said it A Southern gentleman is known the world over for keeping his word, and I have given you mine. J HE GHTiTXiEMAW OP THE SOUTH rn 111 United States Goodrich rn n in 1 IMl I Kelly Springfield E have on sale in our salesroom now the Vf largest stock of Automobile Tires ever show n in Veldpn. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. II have in stock almost any size or style---VV P'a'n Tread. USCO Tread, Chain, Nobby and Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices, Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Wekton Republic Trucks jjtcniiraKiiouti INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF EftFIELD, 1 ffflO, fl. c. I i Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart- 8 "T ment Compounded Quarterly. 5 YOU can bank by mail TAMER'S EOOF PAIN. SOLD BY hew ml llama n MM 'U II re win if j WELDON, N C. LJ. M. Bragg Automobile ilt Kar-WW

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