f '1 ll ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$l.50 Per Annum VOL. LI. WELDON, X. (, THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1017, NO. Hi THE DEADBEAT A THIEF. Honesty li not Only the Night Policy. But It Is the Basil ol W. M. COMIijN. YOUNG MEN. Courage Should Orow With The j Experience ol Ood'i Helpful ness. ' Net Col. nts ISFluid Drachnj j . - I i ASTORIA 4 AlCOIIOL-ai'BHUBSX AVoiolabtelYcpiiralwiwfM i jmilnliiiaUicFomJ fty Rcjnlar i i mi I hi-Sleraichs and llomls I si'! Thereto' PromoiimSDito rhnrfu ni Mid KeSLWW" neither Opium, Morphine nor JIinl.oTiAi"'"v Pumpkin S MxSrxM hum W AhclrulRcincdyfcr Cinsli.itionnncl Diarrhoea and lVvcrishticss aim Loss or Sleep rcs.itlinlh-rcfrwnjnln'anv ncSirailc Siator lilt Centaur Gowpaw. t ::.;oer I -tin iWCflSTORIfl Copv of Wrapper. ,Ml . nom ... , THE BANK OF VELDON WKLDON. X. C- Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina. Slate of North Carolina Depository. Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aEfl SiiFplis, $55,000. For over 21 yearn thin institution liar provided hanking facilities for this section. Hh stock holdrrH ami o Hi pith are identified with the hufri news interests of Halifax and Northampton eountien. A Saviugn D'Mtartment in maintained for the henelit u: all who deal re todepositiu a Savings Kauk fn llns Depart men! interest i allowed an follow: For DepoaiU allowed lo remain Hiree months ur longer, l2 per rent. Six months or longer, 8 percent. Twrlve moutliH or lonirer. 4 percent. Any information will he furnished on eHBUHNT: W. F.. DANIEL, VltK-l'KKWlOENT: W. H. SMITH. I. C. UK VI'KK. Teller. DIRECTORS W. I(. Smilh, W. K. R. T. Daniel, J. L. Shepherd, W.'A. Mr. Automobile ;Send Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 ;to 6,000 Extra Mile Service Rea dily from Bell 2 in 1 Tire Co., (Incorporated) 202 W. Broad St. RICHMOND, VA. Phone Randolph 6281 We buy Old Tires. EXOEXOE2L T 7 A rr MM urvu nDiu: mcoi nv Q "" uinmv v... i fake your measure ac 1 maKe mm aspect nne line 01 piece gooun uuu jgopoai W Announcement! We have bought out the Dray Business and UooU Will ol Mrs. J. W. Vaughn and this is to an nounce that we will continue the business In Weldon, guaranteeing prompt service and careful handling of baggage and freight by experienced drivers. For dray service call Ben Rodwell, Phone No. 323. SMITH & RODWELL, WELDON, N.C. TANNER'S EOOF PAINT' SOLD BY Fierce-Whitehead Hardware Company, WELDON, N C, CAS1RIA For Infants tmri Children. Mothers Ki:ow That t-rtaria Always Bears the Signature '' V (in of In Use For Over Thirty Years application to the President oi Cashier CAHIIIKH: .1. O. DKAKK. Daniel, ,1. O. Drake, W. M. Cohen. 1'ierre, D. It. Zollicoll'ei, .1 . W. Hedge Owner Attention! U A tno cii.tc p. nwcDonn'iQ .v.. vW... g iu oruer uu mjr nun en. n Hampu - a r-auHuii-uuu nut""wyy IK 4 Right Living. A person who will not pay his grocery bill or any other account, though he attend church regularly and sing with the lungs of an arch angel, cannot have more religion than an infidel Turk. Persons who expect to pass entirely through life by beating merchants out of iheir due, will have a rocky sailing once they shuffle oft' this mortal coil. Honesty is not only the right policy, but it is the basis of right living. Hickory Record. Commenting on the foregoing the Statesville Landmark adds : The deadbeai the individual who constantly and wilfully and negligently fails and refuses to pay his debts, is simply a thief. His offense isn't so defined in the stat ute books, but morally it is just that. The Lankmark has more respect for a thief who pilfers when your back is turned than the scoundrel who takes your goods before your face, through decep tion and Fraud. The thief who pilfers while your back is turned doesn't deceive you, he doesn't pretend that he will make good. The other thief is not only a rob ber but a liar. He is morally just as much a thief as the other and he adds to that additional offense by lying and deceiving and caus ing one to lose confidence in his fellows. If we'd quit apologizing for the deadbeat, call them by their right names and treat them as we do the other kind, the number would be less. Instead it is con stantly increased by the kind con sideration accorded to them. HlflHT MAKES MIQHT, "Let us have faiih 1 Via t right makes might; and in that faith let us dare to do our duty as we un derstand it.1' Abraham Lincoln. mo rAnvim u irvu r im. v and deep neaUd Coughs U arraited by Doctor Fleroe'a Uo'den Medical Discovery. Xf I In those scrofulous eondi f Hons of the blood which in- vlte Consumption ; In severe, I M li uttering Coughs, and Weak n g Lungs, which threaten you m f with this fatal disease, and I I when other help has failed this medicine ts ft proved JL A remedy. Mm As a blood-cleanser. If I strength -restorer, and tonio M It ts sure to benefit. In ail lingering Bronchial and Throat affections, and In every disease that can be reached through the blood, It never fails to beueut or cuau, Iu tablet or liquid form. The machinery of the body need to be well oiled, kept In good condition just as the automobile, sUam engine or bicycle. Why should the human negleet his own machinery more than that of his horse or his engine? Vet mm people do neglect thumsulves. Clenn the RVtem at leant on-e a wuuk with Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellet. Wtel Is Uric (Acid) Everyone has arks acid in the system, tut naturally in small qua tit it ie. Y'.x ccsrlvc amount Is caiucd ty t' all 1.4 Uo much meat and foods that ferment in toinach. The kidneys, being the tillers of the bliHxi, are svpimmkh, to separata and throw the poisons out of the system. Weak, tired and overworked kidneys fall to do this, hettoe the uric aeid accu mulates and the urate salts are curried by the blood to the solid tismie structure, catiBiuff backache, luinbaiio. rheuma tism, dropsy, drowstueas, and tired feeling. To overcome the trouble It only a matter of toning up the kidneys, and this is best done by a treatment with Anurie, three times a day. Anurio is a recent discovery of lr. Pierce of Buffalo, N. Y., and can be obtained at any drug store. Experience taught Doctor Pierce that A mi rui la a more, nowerfnl aitent that! lithia In dissolving urio acid, aud it It Uieu earned out ul tiia tvHiem, No. Six-Sixty-Six This If prescription prepared especially Fir. or lii dam will break any cat., ud it taken then aa a Ionic the Fenr will not return. It ecu on lib. liver bene) tkaa (jiaaaiil a4 Wea ax iiorakfa. Ke As we stated some time ago Mr. W. M. Cohen sold out his business as a druggist to Mr. L. W . Murphrey and we have wanted to give a more lengthy sketch of his business career among us, but have been prevented until the present. WILLIAM MERCER COHEN was born in Enfield, N. C, in the year 1867. Afier proper preparation in his home schools he entered the Maryland College of Pharmacy, in Baltimore, from which place he graduated in 1889. In April of that year he came to Weldon, bought the drug business operated by Dr. 1. E. Green and immediately begun plans for its enlargement and improvement. Public spirited and en thusiastic, he believed in progression and entered fully into the affairs of our town and community and worked to promote improvements of every kind. For twenty years he was Town Treasurer and held this important position to the satisfaction of all concerned. Perhaps no man who has lived among us has done more to relieve distress and pain than he in filling prescriptions and furnishing medicine to all alike, whether they had money to pay or not. In this way Cohen's Drug Siore became the haven of those seeking relief of any kind. Kind hearted, polite, and sympathetic. The needy never called in vain. He was married in Januaty, 1907, to Miss Willie Hall Green, who has entered into his plans and purposes as a true wife should. Find ing it to his advantage to do so he sold out his complete siock, good will and all interests in January hist to Mr. L. W. Murphrey, who had so long had charge of the Pharnuceuiical department of the business and will continue it on the same hher.il and philanthropic plans estab lished by Mr. Cohen. As Mr. Cohen is still a young man, we wish for him many more years among us, and trust he will find it to his interest and pleasure to let Weldon and her people have first place in whatever he may do or undertake, assuring him of our appreciation and interest in him and his. FLOWERS AND CHEER. Love (or Flowers Is Sunshine In the Soul. , Did you ever stop to observe how the beauty and brightness of flowers is lent to the Faces of per sons who lovingly care for them? There is a certain relation between the flowers that grow in your gar den, and your own spirits. And, whether consciously or not you are affected in no small degree by the b ossoms and their state of prosperity. If the flowers come bravely and bloom as they should, vou are correspondingly elated. The sight of them tranquilizes the nerves. The odor soothes the temper. The very presence of the cheerful, growing things make you content with the earth and your lot upon it. Have you not among your nc quaintances some kind soul who revels in her garden or in ihe pots in her window ? in the winter her windows stare bleak and bare in the sullen street. In the sum mer it is twice as gay, and the wo man who lends the garden spot is perpetually hoveling over the sweet beds. Did you ever know such a wo man to he peevish, pessimistic or anvihiiiir but busy and contented with lile? She herself is a bright flower, casting beauty and cheer into the world. The secret lies in the fact lhat we get out of life only what we put into it. VX e'w only as we give. Love for Ho v ers is sunshine in the soul. The hcan ih.n is devoted m (low ers is a (lower garder itsc I T. swect pnini iis atmosphere wiih immeas urable! influence lor Bind. The ran. nt Mritt'prs is BOOlj I emse for the muscles, and beir.r still for the nerves, tor it trains id lenutr ness c t much; the thought of tlu m is uikiiI niTiinjiuin lor the mil A; the Ipvc for them develops and swrtuns the spirit. You Need a Spring Laxative Dr Kin' Sow Life I'i l will rrniove tlie ftccumulalri! ffaiitea . it winter from your intelini'. the liunlrn of the Mood, (let thai sIukkikIi Mirine Ipvn feeling out of your systvin. briirlileu your eye, clear your complexion, tiet that vim and snap of good puritied healthy blood. Dr. King', New Life pilla are a non-griping laxative that aide nature'a proceaa, try tbem tonight. At all druggista, ic. ONLY ONE, The Recor(j n Weldon Is Unique One. If the reader has a "bad back" or any kidney ills and is looking for an effective kidney medicine, belter depend on the remedy en dorsed by the people you know. Uoan s Kidney Pills have given great satisfaction in such cases. w eldon citizens testily to this. Here is a case of it: E. D. Purnell, printer, Wash ington Avenue, Weldon, says: "I had a dull pain across my back and at tunes 1 was so sore and lame I couldn't stoop or bend. The trouble was caused by a strain, which left my kidneys weak. The least cold settled on my kidneys and made my condition worse. Doan's Kidney Pills soon relieved me, putting my back and kidneys in good condnion." Price 50c. at all dealers. FOSTER-M1LBURN CO., Pro prietors, Buffalo, N. T. Don't Rub It On Bruises or Sore Muscles Sloan's Liniment quickly pene trate! and soothes without rubblry. Cleaner than musty plasters or ointments, duet not stain the .kin. H.ve a bottle heodv fur emergency, tli m.iattc achea and paint, neuralgia, lum bago, gout, alrain., aprain and lame back, yield 10 Sloen'a Liniment. a At all druggiiti, 25c. 60c. and $1.00. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Um For Over 30 Years Always bears m the 8tf nature s( In a recent address President Wilson said: "The only men who serve the world now are young men, and men who never grow old; men in whose systems ihe steam goes strong all the lime, and who do not get so stiff lhat their whole machinery buckles up." This is the age of youih. There is constant talk of the "dead line." Sometimes it is put as low as foriy. More and more, however, ihere is a tendency to recognize the im portant fact that the dead line may be passed by a youth of twenty, and not by an old man of seventy. Indeed, many a veteran of three score and ten is younger for all essential purposes than the aver age young man who has just attain ed his majority. Forward, Youth 1 Youth with its enthusiasms, youth, with ils op- umisms, youm wnn its good cneer, youth with its buoyancy and vigor! The world can never have too much of it. And as we grow older we mav have more of it, rather than less, if we will ever morei enthusiasm, optimism, good cheer buoyancy ana vigor, courage should grow with the experience of God's help fulness. Zeal should deepen with the deeper knowledge of God's purposes. Love for all men, and peace and joy, should increase with increasing communion with the love of God. Then forward. Age. Age that tempers youth, but does not de stroy it. Age that ripens youth, but does not dry it up. Age that merely carries youth along to lofti er ideas and wider views. For the right kind of old age is only the happy youth of eurnity. Ex change. EVER SALIVAT ED BY Calomel is quicksilver and acti like dynamite on your liver. Calomel Iosm von a day! Yon know what rnlntnel is. 1 t's hut cur)'; quicksilver. Calomel in iliiii perous. It muhi'S into amir liilc like dynamite, erunipini; and sick ening you. Calomel attack the Imncs and should never be put into your system. When you feel liiliom, sluttish, constipated and nil knocked out and believe you need a ilose-of itungerout calomel just remember 4hat ynui druggist sells fur 50 cents a hirg. bottle of llodson s Liver Tone, which is entirely vegetable and pleasant tr take and is a perfect substitute foi calomel. It is guaranteed to slan your liver without stirring yea op iiiside, and can not salivate. Don't take calomel ! It makes you sick the next rtty ; it loses you a dav' work. Dodson's Liver Tone straight ens you right up and you feel great, fiive it to the children because it if ncrfectly harmless and doesn't grie. Receiver's Notice, All persons holding claims or liens against the property of Joseph Lambert, described in a certain mortgage from Joseph Lambert to the Southern Tim ber and Land Company, Incorporated of date the tirst day of May, HU, and recorded in Hook 1'itt, at pace- 5m7, of the records of the Register of Deeds of fice of Halifax county, are hereby noti fied to tile said claims or liens desenh ing the nature thereof, with the Clerk of the U. S. District Court, for the Eas tern District of North Carolina, at Wil mington, on or before the tirst day of April, A. D-, 1!U7. TliiB notice is given in pursuance of an order ol the court and will ne plead ed in bar of any claims not tiled within said time. J. O. CARR, Receiver. This 2Hth day of Feb. 1917, 3 1 At Notice of Sale By virtue of the power and authority conferred upon T. C. Harrison, Trustee, by a certain deed ol trust eiecuted by D. A. Smith and M. E. Smith, his wife, dated February lHth, 1911, and recorded 10 the orlice of the Register of Deeds for Halifax county, in book of deeds 22 1, at page :tfO, default having been made in the payment of the indebtedness therein set out and thereby secured, and having been requested by the Irtfal holder of the said indebtedness, the un dersigned administrator of the estate ufT. C. Ilaiirtwii, JJvamtfU, TlUVMt, Will, OD March, 31st, 1917, between the bourn of II aud 12 o'clock A M .. in front of the ToMtomce in the town of Weldon, N. ('..offer for sals at public auction lo the htghenl bidder for cattii the folloHing decnlxd real estate, Urn it; That certain tract of land situate in the town of Weldon, N. U, being the lot houifht of the Met 'lung Healtv Com pany their deed recorded in hook li, at page 614, ultice of the Register of Deeds fur Halifax county, it being lot No. 7, section B., on map of property bought by the Mci'luug Realty Compa ny from J. T. liooch, et sis, which is recorded in the aforesaid Register's Of fice in book 217, at pages 134-135, said lot fronting M feet on Wood lawn Ave nue, and extending back in a southerly direction 125 feet to the property of hmiiy Li. nawKins. 1'lace of Sale:ln front of . the I'ost otlice in Weldon, N. C. Time of Bale-Saturday, March 31st, 1917, between the hours of 11 and 13 o'clock A. M Terms of Hale CASH. This the 26t h day of Feb. 1917. WILLIAM L KNIGHT, Admr. suttofT.C Hanisoa.Dse'd Trusts. A "2 in 1 Shoe Poliih" Is made for everv ue. For Black Sho, "2 in 1 Black" (paite) and "2 in 1 Black Combination" (patteanil liquid); fat White Shoei. "2 in 1 Vt'hi'e Cuke" (take) and "2 in 1 White Liquid" (liquid); for Tim Shoes, "2 in 1 Ton" (paate) and "2 in 1 Tun Combination' (paste and liquid). 10c Black - F. F. DAIXEY CO. of New MAKE YOUR with L & M Made la a lew Blaatee) foi Sale by KDH IS CI.AHK, Weldon. IIAHIiV HAttliW UK( V., Scotland Neck. MKI.VII.I.K lltiltsKY. Ilc n.lcrson. rr United States i Goodrich E have on sale in our salesroom now the f largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown ' in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. E have in stock almost any size or style V Plain Tread, USCO Tread, Chain. Nobby and ' Silvertown Cord Tread. The market Is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices, Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles MmUOUUMIUIOIWIeJ INVITATION. You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF E AFIELD, Eft FIELD, fl. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. gjj- YOU can bank by mail You Will Be Entirely Satisfied With your SPRING Suit if you let us take your order for It, and dress the "STROUSE WAY." We know how to incorporate your Ideas. Strouse & Bros., custom tailors, whose line we show are past masters at the High Art of Styling and Tai. loring. If you want the best, if Style, Price and Fit appeal to you, come to us by all means. FARBER & JOSEPHSON. MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C. I i White - Tan 10c York. Inc. Buffalo, N. Y. OWN PAINT SEMI-PASTE PAINT and your own Linseed Oil. You obtain greatest durability and cover ing power. The L & M PAINT is so positively good that it is known as the ''Master Paint." Whereas the best of other high grade paints cost you $2.75 a gallon, our L & M Paint made ready-for-use will cost you only $2.00 a gallon. VOU SAVI 79e. A CALLON ON KVIRV GALLON IB rr 111 Kelly Springfield Oldest Oarage In Weldon Republic Trucks l . .U Jl J I . . ... , l U.l .11.1 JL. V. J. I

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