.(yfMitsssitj r 41 4 V I WOMAN SICK TWO YEARS Could Do No Work. Now Strong as a Man. Chieaprn, -"fv about two yarn I sutr.'ivtj from 'i female tniubMrm I , wns unable U walk n Jo any of my own work. 1 reml about ! V"..v,.talile Com , ! tiotiiiii in Iht news- , ' liH'iC'i urn! rfurnp- ' k T I fiine,! to try it. It !C vLji' fi.-di.tt.' pi'iicf. My liELi.LJ t.TM. i,i-h. I w.'itsh 166 pounds ami am as trn.K a a rnan. 1 think money is wt-il spent which pur chatiut Lydia K. F'mkhu'n Vestal') Comiwund. " Mrs. Jus. O'Hhyan, 1765 Newport Ave., I'luro, Iil. The ucr--w of l.y-ha K. ritikhanvi VfL'i'tahl" I'cmi pound, made from roota n( hTha( in unpanilh-lfd. It may ha u'd with p-rf.rt fonhJen' hy women who AUtfT from diHpiarfmi-ntM, inflam mation, ulct-rHtion, irnrulantifH, peri odic pHiiH. haikarhi'. h.-ann-d-iwri feel iritf, iliUulene.v, indiyitu.n. diz.msH, and m'rvouH proRtrution. I.ydia K. Pink hwn'n VVfcfetaM. ConifHiiind is the stan dard remedy li.r fVuiiiie i. An Appetizing Meal Everybody wants it. Everybody likes it. Everybody's looking for it. BIT You can't get it unless you have the right kind of groceries. Get 'em HEME ! Phone 280. R. M. PURNELL, Weidon, N. C. Rubbing Eases Pain Rubbing sends the liniment tingling through tlir flesh and quickly iftops pain. Demand a liniment that you can rub with. The besc rubbing liniment is MUSTANG LINIMENT Good for the Ailments of Horses, Mules, Cattle, Etc. Good for your oun Aches, Pains, Rheumatism, Sprains, Cuts, Burns, Etc. ,:"-c. 50c $i. At u Df ; r cut FLowens I'OR JLL 0CCJSt0ftS Kohcs, ( ainattnn". ':vlhfHr ' ti.l.-ts uu.l Orcllil the l.'a.lcrs. UcMmtr I lnM ri. arranKf.1 iu lal.'st art, Hvial Iiisurn-, artistically arraoi-tl. Fall and Winter bulbs Are low Keady, Plant Harly lor Hest Kesultt). ItiwrhuNhrH. hviTtfiTi-n. .'.hrul-lnTiti,, iSha.lp Trreii auil Hedci' l'lant in vari ous various at I J. L. O'QCINN & COMPANY, I'hone il!) RALEI'lrt. North Carolina. NOTICE Ot Sale ol Heal Estate by Trustee. Hy virtue of O.f ponvr cuntainnl n, a certain iied of trust, recorded ;n Hook JiH, t'ase;)l l. KeKmtec of lli r.ls (itlice, Halifax eouuty. N. I'., est'cuted hy Ar . thurCrowcll anil wife, Somora Crowcll. to tllioll H. I lark, to secure tin' Jiav meut of certain note therein ilcscnhcil, by a conveyance ol Ihe lauds hereinaf ter ileserlU'tl, and wliereas ilelault has iK'en maileiu Ihe said notes and interest, and the undersigned trustee as alore said, havinit been requested hy thelck-al bolder ol said notes to advertise said lands for aale and sell same to satisfy Mid notes. aiToidniu to the terms (if said deed ul trust; Now. therefore, I will, On the 2Jrd Day ol April, 1917, atlli.Wla m , in front of the t'ouil Mn.0 do'.r in the touii uf IUi,iax, mho Stale and county, oiler for sale to the hinuest holder for cash the followmu described lot or parcel of land: That certain lot or parcel of land known aa lot No. 13. in hlnck H , ac cording to map ol the lands of F. II. tirejrory, recorded in Book -J17. Paire 107, Habfai county Keiriatry, reference to which is here made lor a' inure accu rate description. 1 bis the l.'tb day of March, 1 : 1 7. ELLIOTT B. CLARK, Trustee. '! erms of ale- CAsII. Place ol .Sali I'ouil Houae Door. Time of Kale April ititb, ui:,'jo a. in. lijiit'.id Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia. Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cut, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, King-Worm, c eema, etc. Antlaeptio Anodyne, used internally or externally. 2Sc milium: Better Fanning in the South MEANWHILE THE WORLD WANTS ITS TOBACCO FARMER HA8 BRIGHT PROSPF.CTS WHICH WAR WILL ONLY IMPROVE FERTILITY PROBLEMS. (HAKLKS A World wio war and ar prifps hould not disturb th tobacco farm er in the lean!, and Khuuld move him only to try to met the nu'reai! de mand and realize the greater profits which the mark, affords Prut-peri tjr Is abroad, why ihould uui (he tuLiiivco jiuwer gft hia shnra of It? On the battle front totiatru is the one sedative. 1 1 aruiiuint' smoke rim as an incense (ram eviry tn-ii' h. Th aituv dfiuand is great and Ki'ow iiig. IV i ii.-tfH' rumor a if thai thf niiin ii fiti't u r morii- are runnnm low t'eit.nn it is thai fon-utuj'Mnn m hi C uu'rj a itu ifii.-iiii; ; Bright Outlook. In fact, the ou'ld.ik Tor tobacco fs bright, i'd it wodld ve"iii ilui evciy pi. mid urifwa '.Si.- vnar w-mui tind rMi 'uai ki.'t at kuoiJ pru -b U i.. I!.- -cfi.it, ;t reai ti- tu in tu rai.-' bunil'tT i r to prt'pa!'1 Hi1 "d bf-i u plant .hk1 -''d. U'"Aih lib euiiy aii'l cunviiif ibotnulily -,o th.r tlif n.aMCMH.i (Top of the lj.-t ijiiiili'Y r)j:, ii.- obianitii aiid tbo u:it-( itiuf It at m." Feeding the plant Liberally Ju-4 an ratmer itie "loit tor all otbfj iT"p-t, tt lobin'co futiiit i .--hould be d ihk for tti crop, that in, ft'd lib rally ith plant food. Thm In a vi'tir wlii'ii ptit'ea hich crops are brminn ' nhould induce the farmer to be Rrmr- ; ni in f'-e.linK them, and eon-nlpiaie I In iT'viriK tbem the be-t pot-sihle cuiti- ', vatioti, filling assured ttiat at no uni" in i::aiiy yt'ars would tins be bettoi jus'itied by the returns that can b- ' ipei'ted 'h.st year. Nu ui.iin i- more responsive to pood ; fei-uliza' ion and culttvuu n than to- i barc-o It yield"" heavily wl;en proper- ly femiiz'-d and wqti the ft-rliluer is well balanced the tet'er the yuaiiiy ' of the yid. , Tbf tiortaga tn the supply of pot i ash incident to the war has been a disturbing factor, It U true, but if a . fertilizer containing the amount of pot auh generaily recommended is uot tn Why Constipation Injures The hourN arc the natural criaLr'' ffy-tcrn ul the body. When they U-come oliHtnicted by coii-tipatioii a par t ot the poisonous matter which thev should carry off is a'soihfd into tin' ytetn niakintr you led dull and stupid, and MltrrferiiikT ith tlie ttnref-tioti ami as. similation of food. Tin Con.litiou is tuiekly relifed hy ( hainlici la n - Tab lets Obtainable cvt rvw here. Many a man has won out be cause f his inability to realic rhai he was w -hipped. For a practical illustration tf economy watch a small boy when he has occasion touscviap. Bad Cough? l everishi (irippy? ou need lr. K inn's New Ihscuvcrv to stop that cold, the soothing ba'-am inifiedients heal the iriltated menihiuncs soothe the sore throat, the antiseptic qualities kill the ircnii and your cold ic tuickly rtdiered. fi. knit's New In. ('every 1, as ft. I Years been the staiid- ard remedy for cnitrhs and ctd.N n, thousands ol hollies. i,ct a bottle to dav and haw it handy in youruicdiciue I'i.esl I'm eoliths, colds, cump. jmppe and all biomh rl adtetions. i vuui Vi'hen ihe oilier teikm tells you a Falsehood and you caich him ai ii he thinks he is clumsy and you ihmK you are clever. A diploma! is one who knows how io get wlui lie wains wuhoui fighting for ii. Insomnia. Indigestion ut-a 1 1 y always dituihs the aleei more or less, and Is often Ihe cause of ni.jiiiira. I.al a hyhl sii. . r wah little if any meat, and no milk: alo take one of ( liamliorluin's 1 al.lets '"" lialely after suppei an I -ee if you d" i:ot rest much better I IMutlcthle evervw here. A hoarding house is many a man's only excuse For s-tiing mar ried. i Clear Your Skin In Spring i !'nm: house cleaning iiieaus cleanuu.. inside a-.d outside. Dull .i :nj.! v ,km ' is an aliermalli of inactivity. Hush youi int. stiues with a mild laxatin and clean out the accumulated wastes, easy to take, they do not gripe. 1 r King's New Life 1'llls will clear your complexion and brighten your eve Try llr. king's New Life Pills tonight and throw oil' tin- sluggish muter shell. V. druggists, L';,c . The man who thinks he under stands women is no penetrative thinker Stop Left Over Coughs. Mr. Hell's JI'ine-Tar-lloney will stop that hacking e- ugh that linger trom January. The soothing pine halsains loosen the phlegm, heals the irritated inemhraue. the glycerine relieves the tender tissues, you hreathe easier and coughing erases Hun t neglect a lin gering cough, it is dangerous. lr. Bell's 1'ine Tar-lloney is antmcptu. and pleas, ant to lake, hennlirs vming an.J o,, t.; it at your druggist today I ortnul on the oottle. -Joe. Fiance "And will Bobby be sorry when I marry his sister?" Bobby -"Yes, I will, 'cause I like you." Spring. Spring ia looked upon by many in the most delightful season of the year, but this eannut he said of the rheumatic. The cold and damp weather bring!, on rheumatic pains which are anything; but pleassnt They can he relieved, howev er, by apphug Chamberlain's Liniment Obtainable everywhere. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA WlllTTI.K. ha olii;mi-il, th :iro,-.t ferii:7(M to lierf rvi'i y -Ui f thf plant ifs full ThH i- . be li. of n,i beini; nude t . fund rcijuiiein cm1 Hhnilt :he advic'e the vr glVlllH fO ')bacco KfOWeis (j, with npecr. to tins not inipoi ee iiit 'lit of plant food in ntitii 'ob.o'cn ! A for the Mher elements of plant f.-d fu the KfOHim; i if fobacMi, there h;i- been ni teriuii.s trontile tu sup ply ua account of the x. unle-,- 'be tar sliortum- ih to be cnndi u-d. liu; f r the fanner who bits been fete--i'hied, e.ir sbottiiK''.-- have not b'-e:i 't;mih ihfi , cu It it-s, .since h lias r i dered !;ti eiomth In nilvanre to t::ake j sure o: KfttuiK his f;ninr:ient !ti time i'ur tobacc the phna-tjonc acid Luuld be u-ed only us t.lie form of I io'id pho-plni'e and t),e intrude. i ! -h uid lotne fiorn thu-e rtmterla.s h.iv n;g ii in ;n n y avaiiah'e fenn mi.-!i a- nitrate of soda, i!p!ittte of ariim-i-:i:a. dlled b:ood r n i nti'liM e.j iie'al i.r.i"ii!i fiom Virgin. a l'l -: inn w 'a i ion bill V ill l!tS : "Hmli-r aiiNbcatimu of fertiiier up In t.il.aeeo u -il.llly J ;i . ! be' ' or N.an hln apj-'icat ion-. F urie. u tin i. dl'd pti'lU'l- of an S ;j i f. !tili'i ha a ll' t protit tJf t !1 :,s per a ie imr "hail M'U jK.ui.ds of .-ami- feM,!i.i r, and l!ie attt r efl'ei on - cefdin; ctops were more ptomuir.eeii." Ffrtihzer for Gaideng jnd Lawns. Iii-imry ' What kind of fertilizer and how inii' h would you ret omnieiid for a a'deti mid lawn" Tt !l me in terms of a lot lou fei't .-tj-.jare " For a lot loo fe.. s.jiuiif in he n-ed f r narden wj;ei.ahert jmu c.in u-e wrh pr.'iii vhi pounds of an M.' fee tihet, thai is a fertilizer nn'aniin S percent phoplionc acil. fnnr -ent iiprok'en and two pere. nt poia.- h. If pnia.-h can not b" had, H'-' near ' h'H kmd of fert ili.er as possibie. l'Ut oil about Jin) p"ilh!s vif 'his fer tilneer on u K't 100 feet Mjnare, as a p dres-iiii; for tha Uwq.-J. tj. j yx ujujoro. Sprains and Strains ketieved vloan' liionent quickly takes t) pain- out ol -Ha ti-. sprain-,, hnn- and all mu-cle li'pi'd ca-ily a) A cli-uu. eh: rl.d. "(Ull'k I pern I, inl tiatis v linnit t hMm.l' i.aii s in. nt doe m.t sia.i, L k:h d el poit - like nmssy plastris oi unit: j I tn el. mine ttifiimane aches and pa I m uiiiU'iu, tout and lurnhau have ll ' well known irmedv ban Iv l or i p.liiis ot't'nppe and t.diowiny streimo W'Tk. it l'm L''-ts, '.Vie. -lUick lehef At all i.osi; $1 TO WIN ONP kl.SS ' The 1 1 .i i v.n il l.,tniiiii'ii has . ilisi'iiviTi'.l a way tn rut ih n tin. hiK'h i r i t- of kissing, j Sinarks ran In- loul at s,l pn, j it' a t'ri inula rvi.lvrd at liar- ; v aid is followed ll is rasi. r ! than l ulling nil' a h.', and iinirli tin in- pleasant, arrnnlio tu late tepdils, lllTe's llle M'etiai i'i, clipped I'r.iiu the Han anl Lainpnnn "Kirst -fleet a l;iiI hi pn ltv , oii.-l. then li. t her a dollar that I yen i an ki her without tmirh my h.T. This -eunds inipns--il'le .111.1 w ill appeal to In r -portini; hi. mil. '.Next kiss her and pay the j dollar like a ,'ooil loser." ! Wlui win-!' Sale Medium; lor Children. "Is il ul. 1 ' is the l:it .Hie-llfll in he eoii-l.lrli .1 When hiiViOg CfllLlll Hud- ie ue I'm clnldieii. I'liamiieilain -t'oiu:'li h.-ii.edy lia- long I n a I'aioMe with uoill.ers of young ehddren a- it cnu-tani- no ii'iulii or other naicol.e, ;eid 'nay In gnen to a child as colilidently a- t'i an adult. It e plia-ant to take, too. whieh isofgre.il en poitanee uioii lliedleiiie Ml u-t lie g:en to young ehii dlell. "fills remeiiy Is most ei:'eelll;ll Ul flieVIIll.' COUL'llS. Cold- aild CMlllp I llilainat'li evei vii here. MiW IJIStR'ISt:. I I was preparing to shave a chap the oilier afternoon," says a head barber. "1 had trimmed his hair, and From such lalk as I had had with him I iudged him to be a son of easy-going, unexeitable sort of fellow. But suddenly Ins manner changed. Out ot the cor ner of his eye he had seen a man enter whose appearance upsei him. "Hurry, (ieorge '" he nflitiered to me. "Lather to the eyes quick quick! Here comes my tailor!" Tit Biis. Sore shoulders, lame back, stiff neck, all pains and aches yield to Sloan's Liniment. Do not mb It. Simply apply Io the sore spot, it quickly penetrates and relieves. Cleaner than mussy plasters or ointments, it docs not fain the skin. Keep a bottle handy lor rheumatiim, iprtun, bruiiei, toothache, neuralgia, oul, lumbago and tore atilT muiclei. At all dnigjiju, 25c. 50c. and Jl.uO. :pggg Hiiriss ' 1 itisi k ii s.iinciiiine i" p; t v cut my ha:r Ft out C'lnnnj; mil DiS::: -"Viiii dnu't s ly so ! I'.lt is 11?" I'.iittv-"A Jtviircc." "M' . ad v, n in; io look hack : o .ln'i sdv", lU'ssu: !-" "V ". iiiaiiima!" "And i. it .! yu think I.m J:J .' Ik n In- pie.r w I'e turned into , ! P'i if "I s ill v" "I Jhi.'i kmitt m.iinii,,!, I 'spcci lit .t..lcrcJ where It; emild gel aiituher one " A child -aw Mr. Smith wearing , a sir, h..i and sniiikiiii; a cigar go ! p '-t th-: house. ' "M.nnm.i," -a;d lie, "why don't ' Mr. S.111.I1 h. nie di.inglii so ihe siiinke wtil go up In- chimney?" j 1 he Taller has ilie lollowing ac C'.uni ol a nearsighied old genile in ui w ho lost his hat in a sudden gale. The old gentleman staried in pursuit ol ins fa-i disappearing head-pn.ee, and tin illy thought ih.it he saw ii in a yard behind a high Fence. Scrambling over wiih gie.ii dilheiihy, lie staried to chase il, hui each lime he thought he had caughi ii ii seemed to move away. Then a woman's angry voice broke on Ins ears. "W'h.it are you doing there?" she demanded shrilly. He explained mildly (li.it he was onlv trying in retrieve Ins hai. "Your hai'" she said. ' X'ell, I don't know where your hai is; bin dial's not a hat you're chasing; it's our little hlaek hen '" WONDLRFuL STUFF! LIFT OUT YOUR CORNS Apply a few drops then hft corns cr cilluses off with fingtri i.j p.nn. N '"iinMi.' n ...rn. v.ln th.r haid, S.dt -r Let v eel, the r..eH. , M-fl r i-'I't "I1 J'"..1 hit mil, tv,tl,ut ii partnde ei pain cr sm!'. n,.... lU- dru- h i, lle, 1 ti.c ,,n,. un.l A a e..tl:f..lll)i el , I'mT dle,..Ted hy ll ( in- i i nri.it r it;. in nt any dm st.re f..r a hhihII hettle ..f lr..et... W hi I: Ull ,vst hilt ii trith , ! nt i- Miilifi. nt to ml oii.-'h h-t ef -: -Til iT C.illlK I'nt a tir.ijH ilinvtlv np n any t.-mh r. a.'1 .i.j ,..ni or etiUu-. hi-tuntlv t!v M.riit -- dis.i,,1(,..; rs ii nd ! ..rtlv the eorn or ealhi- mil ,h.Wii ain I ean he llft.d elf ih the till.'.T. Tiiis druir fr.-.'.i,-d,.. sn t ent out the eenis or ealhi-. - Imt s!ineU th. ni ith .nit cen irritaMi.' the surmtnidiiiL' kin. hist V ir.k! Nu pain at all: no aere iits er ftinirti'i"! wh 'ii tipplirii it or .m w .r.l- It vnur tfrui-t don't h ivo free Aim- liae ii m oid-T it tor you. WELDON SHOE STORE, Opposite Postoffice. WELDON, N.C. We have received a NEW LINT: of Spring Shoes Tor Men, Women and Children. Prices are in the reach ol all. Ihe Weidon Shoe Store has in connection an up-to-date ELECTRIC SHOE REPAIRING SHOP. All Shoes repaired promptly and at reasonable prices. Come and inspect our stock he fore purchasing elsewhere. WELDON SHOE STOKE, L. KITTNER, Prop. Avoid losses by Rats and Mice with the one exterminator that kills quickly; mummifies without odor; harmle: to humans. rat cam 2 V stV .-a 1 1 nn.. Seed, Hardware. Drua i - i nu uenenu aiorea. fob sals nr I'lEKCK-WHITEHEAD H1JW. (X)., WRLDON, N. C. AND ALL GOOD DEALEK& I nm m mi 7?A Yt a Need a Tonic t hen' are times in every woman's lite when she et'iis r, tonic to help her over tht hard places. When th d unit; comes to you, you kn.'W what tonic to take - Cardtii. the woman's tonic. Cirilui is com-po.'-ed of purely vegetable ingredirrd;, v.liich act gently, y..; surely, on Ihe weakened womanly organ.-;, and helps hmld them back to strength and health. It has In oefned thousands and thousands of weak, a'hug women in ils past half century of wonderful success, and it will do the same for you. Vott can't make a mistake in taking IT -SI fer. Ihe Woman's Tonic Miss Amelia Wilson, R. F. D. No. 4, Alma, Ark., says: "I .hink Cardtii is the greatest medicine on earth, fir wo:n 't. Ilefore i began to l.;';e Cardtii, I was so weak and nervous, and had such awful dizzy spell.-; an I a poor appetite. Now I feel as well and as s!ron' as I ever did, ;i id can eat most anything." Ue;. in taking Cardiii today. Sold hy all dealers. I;., " Ha j Helped m iiiii: i 'iy DRESS GOODS New Line of American Beauty Corsets Just Received. r1-AH.Ladies Coat &&J Suits and Sport Coats greatly re duced. We are never too busy to show you goods and tell you our prices. A' if. X; Sf ! f-Cf 'be 4. L. SWflBJCK, w The Kusv Stnre i ... u. .s.. :. ... -.. vJr M M MM M M M M M M M MMMMMMMM MM MMUMMMMMUMMM .MAN I FAt'Tl' Uuilding Material for Modern Homes, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Mantels, Door MADE TO OltDKK AM' Uood Materials. HiRh Grade Weidon, AIR LIN E CO. THE PROGRESSIVE RAILWAY OF THE SOUTH. Trains leave Weidon, Effective MAY 28, 1M6. C. E. CARTER, Ticket Agent. NO. 16.' 8:20 A. M. sEAIlOAlthEM'UESS, touches, Sleeping I 'ars. NO.I2 3:35 P. M. HI.AHtiAKII MAIL, eslihule t uaches. I'arlor I ar, for I'orts mouth-Norfolk, connecting with steamship Lines for Wash iuglun, Mainmort', New York". Iloston and rrovidence. NO. II SKAHOALH MAIL for Ualeigb, Charlotte. Atlanta. Ihrnnne ll-M A M l"in."l,Soulliwest:conuectatNorhna.Kaleigborllani 11.00 . m. let with -Honda hast Mail ' No. 3, fur Jacksonville and Honda points: lumog Car, sleeping cars- through sleepers to Hamlet and NO. 15 SKA1IOAKH EXriiliSS. 12 06 P. M. auu we rouincsi. llnnugtou: with No. i dle aud Florida points; sleeping ear Coaches, .Sleeping and Dining Cars to No. Ill fur Kaleigh leaves Mil a. in. Write to the undersigned fur rates and ( 1!. IiVAV. General Passenger Agt. Norfolk. V. Publication of Notice State of North Carolina. County of Halifax, In Superior Court. MAIU'.L MAKTIN V HKN.IAMIN MARTIN. The above named llenjamin .Martin will lake notice that a summons iu the above entitled proceedings was issued ag oust the said deleudant on the lth day of February. 1UI7, by S M. I.aiy, ( lerk uf the Superior Court of llahlux County, and that said summons was returned endorsed that the defendant could not alter due diligence be luuud in the county of Halifax uor in the staleof North Carolina; that the action pending in the snpermr Cnuit of llah Chs i...,n!. i- entitled a- !.,. thai me purpose for which the action is brought by the plaintill against the defendant is for a divorce a mensa et thoro, the grounds for divorce being fur abandon, nieiit and desertion; that the eumplaiut in above entitled action has beeu II led on the nth day of March, hut, in theoltiee of the Clerk of the Superior Court; and the said defendant will lurtlier take no tice that he is required to appear ami answer or demur to said complaint at the term of court which will be held on the thirteenth Monday after the lirat Monday in March, 1917. Hereiu fail not. i This the tlth day of March. 1917. S. M. (1AKV, Clerk of Superior Court. ASHLEY . STA1NHACK, Attorney fo l'laintilf. 34 15 t 400 TYPEWRITERS ! All kinds and all grades. REMINGTONS till up. Instruction book with each machine. Type and repair parts for all makes of Typewrite. -apiaa Typa Foumokv, BuilaJo, N. V. to 19 ly .WTfVWWTWW WVTirwnM fwwxr i-cl-iam a - a into i S8 B 'MilttffiBI - I Wood. Seed. 1 1 Thousands. 'i rft u & k A,'PI nnv v r. MM 'mm M MMM M MM M M XxM jAiifc LKIOS OF and Window Screens ii Kt . I I. Alt STOt'K S1ZKS. Workmanship Our Slogan. N. C. for I'ortsmouth-Norfolk, Vestibule for Haleigh. Atlanta. Iiirmiuhaii, onnecls at tlamlet with No. 14 he 1 lor ( 'nlnniKiu s..n.. i..i I'ortsinouth to Charlotte: ' Vesiihui, all pointsSouth and Southwest. .No. !)l from Haleigh arnve M:41l p. n,. tune tallies. JOHN T. WEST, - Division Passenger Agt Palolrh. N. C. New Quarters ggy Just moved into our handsome new brick building with a full supply of everything in Hardware for the farmer, the mechanic and the house builder. I:LI!L:SI I'LUHS!! Now is the time to place your orders foi Hues. C want em. We'makecm. Halifax HnDAnE Co., Halifax, N. C. a. E. LEWIS. Manager. 3 18 3m PASTOR RUSSELL The truth about this widely known man, from the pen of Judge J. p, Rutherford, of the New York Bar. 04 pages, mostly facts never before pub lished, lOe. Yoo oeed it J. '. Dodo Box W. , Henderaoa, h . C. I X, 3m' XZf. :X ..m' I m IM'U m 1 m MM 'i m aTG r MM MM Mm MM . Iil A I I . i iniiiii PROFESSIONAL CARDS. WALTER Ii. DANIEL, Attorney-at-Law, WKLDOS, N. C. I'tai'tHM s iu tin- Courts til llahlax and Niilihamptoti and Hi the .-uiieine una Kedeuil courts. ( olleellolls oiade III all pa'ts of Noitii Caiohua. launch olhce at Halifax opeti every Monday OEOktiE C. tikEEN. ATlOKMiY-AT-LAW. f 'Mice 111 Itleeu lluildlllg Weidon. N.C. Wm. L. KNIGHT, Attorney and Counsellor at-l.aw. Ll, I ii IN, N.C. I ll' .-. in the Daniel Mtid.luig. I in -i mi--- pioii lly itinl luilliliiliy nt tended Io H. I' HAkkl.U., Jr., Atlorney-iit-l w, M:l.i.O. - Y C. l'liu'tii-i-j. iii Ih,' rt. in - J" IUIH'iik atnl ii'ljt' -iiiiiu muiii-rv l'iuftiit uth'iitiKi, It- llll lniMH. 'S , llllllr.lt . I III till'. Hlll'l' ii vi i Kick s ,li vm'Ii v -Inlr. II !l dm ASHLI-Y li STAIMiACK, Allorncy-ul-Law, WIJ.DON, . . N. C. I'lin'tit'i'-H in iic rem i lis of H uli fa x ft ) 1 1 1 alji)iiiniif et'iiniit . 1 'mm pt utttrtilutn t() lill 1 IIMIIf)-B I lilt 1111 I'll tt llll'. 'til IT OVi'l A. I., LaillliUl'k'n sldii. 1 ( y T. CLAKK SJJ. ATTORNEY AT LAW. VELDON, N: Practices in the courts ol Halifax and adjoining counli.'s and il the supreme conn ol the -talc. Special attention given to collections and ornmpt returns W. J. WARD, imvriHT, OFFICE IN DANIEL IU ILD1NO WELDON. N.i: seulS lv D. E. STAINI1ACK, I NOTAPV P 1 1 K I I C. I And Fire Insurance. lfiuniiki is lllfi.'c-:- WdJun N (. il'H.W.HARRISnfs'S LL .L)sSSSSSSSV( O )-JSSSS' Uisjj Go to HARRISON'S For Automoliilf Itt-pairN aixl SupplieH. AH kuitlK of Murium work ilom Sta tioiiniy , ,.muIidi, Marint ami .Steam Kiiiriiics, tiuiih and I'i-'IuIm. SutlaftiuD irumaiiti't'il. AUTOMOBILES Tiresand Supplies on hand lor sale H. W. HAltHISON, Weidon, N. C. 3 3 ts. (iAliA(iK.f GREAT BARGAINS IN TYPEWITERRS. We carry a large stock ol staudard Ty(iewrilers. can furnish at once Mon aich. Fox. Oliver, Iteuitugtuu, ltt,yal, -until Premier, L. C. Smith A llro.'s and t ntlei wood. Any othei make from i to 1.', days iiotica. 'We have both the visible and the invisible. We bought a laige slock til lliese Ty Jiea ritel s from one-loin t h to t hall the regular w hole sale pi ice. and on salenon at uue-louitb too Iiall the regulm it-tail prices. A good Typewrilci Iron) rV.sito A heller one SI-, SI to Ml. The best f s:i" up to any price. Vt dl be glad toansaer any itiijiiiry in connection mil, these machines, and send samples ol the work done by any of the Type a l iters we have. Kvci'y boy ami girl should have uue ol our cheap I ypen Ti ters to learn how to use. Anv 'person tthu fun wnle well una lypew'ntcr cau Icinand a large salaiy. Anvone who l.uys a cheap typewriter from us antl 'Mints a bcttei one luter, hi- will take hack the one bought and allow the same paid tor It in exchange for a better one. if returned iu goud condition nnH within six nionlhs. Ii not in good condition wt illow the market value. We carry Type writer nhhoiis and otheruiiili,'s SPIERS BROS KI I'CN. N I . Roses, Carnations, Violets anil other Hiiuitm .!... I Shower W edding llouquets, llamlsomt Hural Designs, Palms and Kerns foi home culture. Hyacinths, Tulips, Narcissus and many other varieties ol llulbs foi tall planting either for out or niduoi cut lure. Knse hushes. Maenol 1UH Hill) I'u ertrrri nn W ntr, (iIioih oi tiU triuli. 11. STfilNMETZ, Florist, RalciKh. Nuilli Carolina. -a:.i KI01!SUQa3l(9mai A CHECK EVERY MONTH For your wife as lon as she bv,. after your death can be provided oy a mommy income Contract in The Pacific Mutual Llle Insurance Company Established in 1868. "Talk to Pope." B. B. POPE, Agent, Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. I I .Willi SHOP 109-Day Velvet Eeans. T his new Velvet Bean la ranhlu f.irglng to the front, both a a (or aue and soil-Improver. A l the low pi ice at which these can be secured th.y are really the cheapen 0( summer forage and soil-Improving crops, and their use is likely to n cicasc to a very considerable ox tmt in the pheo of cow pens and soja bean. We strongly recom mend their more extensive use. We are headquarters for Velvet Beam, Cow Peas, Soia Beans, Millet Seed, and all forage and soil-im-provlny crops. Write for "Wood'ai Crop Special' gives prices and full lnronnailtio. Alailcd free on request. T.W.WOOD 6 SONS. II r.r.uaratii, - Kicntnona, vi 'A'e offer aM the mttst protlucive varieties of SEED f.ORM. V. .....i s Crtjp.S,ecialKlvesfull liiloi-nuliun. OK 1 1' TO THE MINI TE it'll LLIIUFiY. KANt Y (.OOltSaud NOVELTIES. Hutterick'8 I'ftttems R & G. Corsets, Misses at 7r,c. Iaidics Toe. to $1, IsKx. Trices will be made to suit the times. Hals and Dounets made and trimmed to order. ALL MAILORDERS I'llOMl'TLY FILLED. MKS. P. A. LEWIS, Weidon, N. C SEND YUL'R ORDKRS FOR ALL KINDS OK PRINTING TO Ii. L. HAYNXARD, X'eldon. N. C. Laraest StoclL in tbe SuDtb. Wlieii in Norfolk call od as You Kill linil what you want ami tfft il ((uiekly. Havmtr uo rainawseri, do akft'iit t- cuiii ni ihhioiih are ait dcil tu our pricrH. Thi eua al)lt-N uk to ust lirntclaHH ma terial aiul riniNh it properlyi. We Pay Freight and (luarantee Safe Arrival THE COUPER mARBLE WORKS. (r!3 years io busioess.) L'lil -'.'tis Bank e!t NOKFOI.K, VA. I rm It nun kt mil .,.. itt otetii4M r no ( "t,, u. ski-' im r (li ( it I ml do w'"i ' FREE SEARCH ind raport on ir.lcnl,.lt,i!:ty. iirtki tel!'! ! ni PATENTS BUILD FORTUNES for y..ii vKirln n.-, kin- n H hum, wliat to Invent unit Tf y.m nmtit.y. Wrltu todjr. D, SWIFT & CO, PATENT LlWVrBI. 503 Seventh St., Washinnton. 0. C. NOTICE Of Sale ol Real Estate by Trustee I'.y viitue of the power eoutained in a et itain deed of trust recorded in Book '-Vs. Page :inl. Kegislttr of Deeds otlice, llahlax cuutitv, N. c executed by lien Frni.lil.t, t,'ll..., u .'l.i. ..... - ..leu.. ... Mi., iu secure a eel lain note therein described, byaeoa. ..-vutii-e o, ,oe lanos licreinaller de acnbetl. and whereas default has been made in the payment of said note and interest, ami tlie undersigned trustee as aforesaid, having been requested try th legal holder of saitl note to advertise said lands accuitbug to the terms con tained in said deed of trust; Now, there fore, I mil on the 23rd Day of April, 1917, at II o tlock M , iu I'routof thef'ourt nuuse iioor. in the town of llahlax, said Male and county, oiler for stale to the highest bidder foi cash tlie follow ing tract or p- i of hind: A certiltl, te.et I ,.r U...I l.:.H situate and h.-iiiu m Halnai eoiinly, sain -tone, tiiielettn the said Hen Frank' lili resided in the time of Ins death. con tinuing KNiaeo's, nioie oi leas. It being the nan Lav! ,'t.nv, vi. I lutliesaitl Hen l iaiikhii by .1. . Mullen aud wife, suid deed of record ill Register of I Icetis olhce. Halifax county. I bis tlie I2lh of March. Im;. F.I.I. loi r It. t 'LAUK, Trustee. I'lnee of sale Court House, tlour, Hal ifax, N. C. Tune of Sale April llltll, 1HI7, 11:1)0 o'clock, a. m. Terms ol Sale CASH. Tired! A raj yotj tlrad? raa slowv t mrmmmt U rrthins rM 4o mm afforiP Nat H it ul UiiasMts. Yoo ar UL Ifaar rtlM aaasia a taala. Yoar Stsmaah, Eltjaan aati Uvw aaasl irrlmsj a. Waifciai wiU tbia aattac tkmm Electric Bitters M. aanl f l.SW AH OraaMhKs 1 mam T1 r Va