J-STABLISHi:i) IN lsoo. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.50 Per Annum VOL. LI. WELDON, X. (?., THURSDAY, APRIL 10, li)I7. no. r.o SPRING TONIC. GREY'S ELEGY. .J Net Cinirn's 1 Fluid Brarhug 1 is; - .-.'ill 5i '.E lift .ft S nniA ASTOR ALCUHuL-t'tH OUST, AVeviel.ilili' IVcpnraliMitirAj Mitul.iliii'iUii.-rooill'yHi'iliiU line I Iw Sliinaths anil Ikwvls of C4uTrfulncssantlBosLConUiii ficilhcrOpiiim.Morphlflenor Miiiwal.NoTNAHCoTic Pumpkin An AtvtoU, Sdtt Mi' ti"' H'vrat W ftanfiiti 'ii-ftif Jtinrryrrrn fbtnf A helpful llcnwdy ft-r Cvinstii.alionanUUUrrti-wa mill lVwrlshnfss awl j,0sskSu:i:i' H?siillins nicrcftom-iiilnfiint rcSimJcSilwvf iM3fer; '::w That GenuLfc ':' .rria l 1 Always T jl Sisnatur.) J of (O 6 L l J r. ' In Use r xa.t Cory cf Wrapi, Ifcl'- Zu-.. i 1 i Or UYBl Thirty Years mm'Mim v. i ii sue lis 'Uito I Ulllfi THE BANK OF WELDON WELDON'. N. (' Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina, Stale of Nnrih Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository Town ill" VX'clUim I )epiv,iun y. Capital ami Surplus, For over '-'1 yctirN this iiiNlilutiun lm."i piovult'il lttiikiuir facility lur tlii h Nt'i'tiim. Its httn'Miulilt rs uii'l otlu'i-ts mt iilrntitiiil with tin- I iini im'mh intiTt'sU uf Halifax ainl Noi iliamptni, I'minlH'r., A Siivinifs Ih-parl iit'iit ih Mi;vinl;niii'il I'm the tn-ui'lil uf all who ,-Kirt to ilfponil in a Sitviiiir-' Hank In tins 1 putt mt-ut inteirx-t is hIIuvm.I a follows: Fur Deposits allmvi-il liilt lllilili tliVt'r lllitlltlis i.r loiilTt'l'. U pi'l" ("I'll1 siis motithsur luiiifi-r, H per cent. Twlw iihmhIisoi htmru. , permit Vny iiiloiiiiatiuii mil Ih l'uriulieil ii iplicatiun to tin' I'lvMulcutoi rlun PHKIHKN I : W. K. DAMKL, vi k rttKsinKs i : W. Ii. SMI I II. I,. l IMiAl'Kli, Ti'llcr. ("AiHII-.li I i l'li(.K. llKK(To,S W. i Smith. , K. lniiiel. .1. (i. hrake. W, . i ..lM'ii, K. T. l'autel, .1. I.. slieplierJ, V A. r.euv. I), 11. olheollei , .1 . -U tUjv 30 Mr. Automobile Owner toii! Send Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 to 5,000 Extra Mile Service Readily from Bell 2 in 1 Tire Co., (Incorporated) 202 W. Broad St. . RICHMOND. VA. Phone Randolph 6281 65" We buy Old Tires. r I . Z A 1 ! A . g NEW SPRING DISPLAY FOR SUITS & OVERCOfllS g i. I (ke your mcasuti' nn.l mal.i'iiit l" imli'i cin my Iii'ui'Ii. ( all ami ,i, inspect lluo line of pun' if hI au. I sampli'S. alil'n'tiuu KiuiaMtci'il-M vg' mocaor-fi ip Announcement! Vou Cannot Maintain Vour Health and Lfficiency Unless Vou Drink (lood Water Prcely. If you wmild have health you must ilrink good" wnter und plenty of it, Just now when spring is Ix'ninninj; opeiation, hot'tor Na ture shows the way. It's water everywhere and in everything. Man consists of fifty-eight and a half p.;r ceiii of water, and water makes seventy per cent of the en lire body weight. The habits of man's cells are aquatic. Recent medical books written by the high est aumoriiies of America and Bu ropt bonks published within the pa-,1 two years give new empha sis to ihe need ami value of water in the human system. One of the most authoritaiive suites that water is entitled to rank as a lood be cause it einers into the structural composition of all funds as well as into the tissues ol the body. One of the ill.:- umvcisdl dietetic faults is neglecting to i;ike water into the system. Tin lime is coming when every enlightened farmer will have his water supply inspected regularly. In our better days we shall have a service that will give to every sec tion an examination and supervis ion of water used by human be ings. In some States analysis may be had at small expense and it is flying in the face of Providence not to profit by this. The cost is nothing compared to the benefits. And keep this in mind : You can not maintain your health and effi ciency unless you drink good water freely. In these big days Napoleon is in eclipse, but he said many things thai endure; one uf them was : "Water, air and cleanliness are the duel articles in my phar.naeopea." tltS LIMITATIONS The suffragette was handing the congressman some of her mind in small fragments. "Yes," she said, "I am willing to admit that yon possess various talents and are" capable of enacting soine wonderful nets and noble deeds, hut there is one thing which is impossible for you to accom plish." "What is that0" asked the chap who helps to keep con in congress. "You can't wink and work your ears at the same time," answered the fair party of the suflragette part. "Only the much slandered, but intellectual mule can successfully perform that marvelous act." Washington Star. THE YIKLI) OH WAR. -'or many years the Quaker cal endar has been looked for with much pleasure; the quotations and mottoes have been read and en joyed. This year's calendar had the following on iis trout page : 'War ! What is it alter all the people get? Why, taxes, widows, wooden legs and debt!" When you discover a man who knows all about everything yuu should lose bun quickly in self-de We have bought out the Dray Business and (lood Will of Mrs. J. W. Vaughn and this is to an. nounce that we will continue the business in Weldon, guaranteeing prompt service and cartful handling of baggage and freight by experienced drivers. For dray service call Ben Rodweli Phone No. 323. SMITH & ROD WELL, WUI.OON, N.C. TANNER'S HOOF FAINT SOLD BY WELDON4N. C. Love of a good woman is the best protection a man can have. A Ar tperaticns The Right Medicine in Many Cases Does Better than the Surgeon's Knife. Tribute to Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. 1 1F1 BANISHED pimples, hi-" fchri, dnrr-t. iiiimorM, niKi orupiMMi. liy Dr. Pierre's Gold i NltilU-ul discovery. JAi a poor complexion, an,, for tliO pi Mir blood th;:t causes It, this U llm h-H at h)I known remudU. In every dtseas onl.-;-onierof tlitifkinor wall1, hi everv trouble th.15 comes trom impure tik' tlm "HiM-ovei'y" I t! 1 only m.ilU'lwt Bold tlu i doea what it promtM'S. .scrofula I" all its v:!"'- pii fnrm.i. Kivema. IV- tcr, Salt-rheum, Krviielas, Boils, Car Vimcli's, Knl.iriced (i lit win, mid Swell Iikm, and every kimlml ailment, un In herited und cured by it. i'nt this uut mid will to in villi i mum of tlm nnr wo will ijui.l 1 li'V ti litetllni) tr':itlsi ftl ft.Nivu -(iise Address lu I'IiTcd'H llivuhu ilt.iei, Itullulu, N. , Dr. P Urtw'a Floutuit ToUtta rag-ulato md loTlfforat itouuuio,, livur uil ttowtj, Butfar-fKwtxl, iiaf ymuulM, uf to Uk M oudy. Backache ..... .... 11 - 41.M In Rpill1 "I 1,11 run oiif uui of omtu'lf, any tuiit of the liuman mni'hiut) in liable to LriMlni' out of order. 'Tlirt must iiiitnirtnul. urgwa are tin atouuu'h, heurt and kidueya. Tlif kidnryu are the noavcngenilind they work day und ninlit in nviiuraliug the poisons from the liluod. Thwr Bignulil ot dial reus aro eauily reeugnued and in clude such nyniiitonw as backache, de prtfiuioiui, dnm aiiatw. in liability, head achos, diiiiin9, rlieuniatio twinges, dropsy, gout. "The vcrv brat way to restoro tho kiilneVB to tiicir normal stale of health,' Buys l)r. Pierce, of ItulValo, N. Y., "i to drink lilenty of pure water and obtain r . t .. ..I... a .m IIV1U .VUUi I1.VUI ll M,..I ,T - wnuuut of Anuric, whie h dispensed by almost every druniist." Anurio is inex pensive and should lie taken before meals. TOU Win out. IIIHHIU WW. i-.L' j:. J ...1.1 HBln. .Iium UMTfl " WW". Doctor Said Operation or Death Hut Medicino Cured. Lydia K. I'inkliiini's WrMiible. ('oiiiixiimd. I suf. "ftfJJ I urw' a BiTif.us fi'iiiale trouble, and the doctors 4 ? . rm said I eould not live one year without an operation. I .lHlllll tin ImuKiiiwI .,.t,.,l In II. n ,i-,ti,,., .,,! n, try l.ydin E. i'inkliaiu's Vegetable Compound. 1 soon connni'iiccd to get liettcr inui am now well v rial and able to do niv ovii hiinsi'ttork. I can recom. Wl'i i menl Ly"" I'inkbam'H Vvgt'table Compound to J any woman as a wonde rful health restorer." Mrs. A&jll Blanche Jei i ihson,703 Lyon St., Des Aloines.Iowa, Another 0)rration Avoided. Richmond, lnd. "For two years I was so siek and weak from female troubles that when going up stairs I had to go very slowly with my hands on the, steps, then sit down at the top to rest. The doctor said he tltought I houlil have an nitration, and my friends thought I would not live to movo into our new house. My daughter asked me to try Lydia K. llnkliam's Vegetable Compound as she had taken it with good results. I did so, my weakness disappeared, I gained in strength, moved into our new lioine, do all kinds of garden work, and raised hundreds of chickens and ducks. 1 cannot say enough in praise of Lydia E. l'inkliam's Vegetable (.'oniixiund." Mrs. il. O. Johnston, touts l, Box 1H0, Richmond, lnd. Of course there are many serious cases that only a surgical operation will relieve. We freely acknowledge this, but the above letters, and many others like them, amply prove that many operations are recommended when medicine in many cases is all that is needed. If you want special adviee write to Lydia K. Pinkliam Medi cine Co. (confidential) I.ynn. Mass. Vour letter will be opened, read and anawered by a woman and beld iu strict confidence. THE OLD SONG. "Vi'hen Jay k done, and o'er the wo-U the ge nie twdig ii drops; VC'hen rush and roar have died away, and busy traffic stops; When spicy breezes borne by June from Arabia the blest; When not a wave of trouble rolls across my peaceful breast, I love to sit at ease and hear some sweet-voiced singer sing The good old Zion songs of yore, which fondest memories bring. Since 1 can read my titles clear, the tears come to my eyes, But through the mist I seem to see those mansions in the sky. "When evening shadows cool and deep have fallen o'er the world. I have forgot the cares of day when, tiery darts were hurled. And sitting in my old arm chair beneath the rustling trees, It seems ihat 1 am borne away on Howery beds of ease. A clear voice sings the gocd old songs, and in my thoughts I stand On Jordan's stormy banks, and ga.e on far-off Beulah Land. Fond memories of other days the old songs bring to me, When, Now I lay me down to sleep, I lisped at mother's knee. "When purpling shadows line the west with gold and silver sheen, Sweet fields beyond the swelling (lood stand dressed in living green, The echoing music of the songs ring out upon the air The happy promise writ of old, there'll be no sorrow there. All troubles flee as Hee the days, and with a restful sigh I ga.e, o'er Canaan's happy land where my possessions lie. Old days, old friends, come trooping back from out the shadowy past As o'er my soul those dear old songs their web of memory cast. ''Those good old songs, those dear old songs! When I am called to go I want to hear their melodies in measures soft and low. Just as 1 am without one plea, I'll lay me down to sleep. For, Jesus lover of my soul, will still His watch care keep, And when 1 wake to endless day on yonder shining shore, I want to hear those grand old songs of Zion evermore. Those grand old songs olir mothers sang, 0, sing them o'er to me, Until in that, Sweet Bye and Bye, the jasper walls I see. No Other Poem Has Ulven World So Many Immortal Quotations I Ai Orey'a Elegy. No single poem in the linglish language perhaps has contributed so many lines that have passed in to currency of quotation as Grey's famous lilegy. It is a veritable : mine of epigrammatic nuggets that j have enriched the language of or i ators and writers and become such ; familiar property that their origin is almost forgotten and they sel dom now receive the credit even of quotation marks. Here are a few of them that will be recognized as old friends : "The short and simple annals of the poor." "Rich with the spoils of time." "The paths of glory lead to the grave." "And freeze the genial currents of (he soul." "Full many a (lower is born to blush unseen and waste its sweet ness on the desert air." "Some mute, inglorious Milton, some Hampden guiltless of his country's blood." "Hands that the rod of empire might have swayed." "The applause of listening sen ates to command." "The noiseless tenor of their way." "Far from the madding crowd's ignoble strife." "E'en in our ashes live their wonted fires." "A youth to fortune and to fame unknown." "To wade through slaughter to a throne." The inspirational influences of the poem have been far-reaching, says the Kansas City Star. Thom as Hardy's moil famous book and the best of his earlier novels "The Madding Crowd," de rived its title and perhaps its in spiration from one of the oft-quoied lines of ihe elegy. It is told of Daniel Webster that when he was being driven to the capitol to de liver his reply to Haynes he was heard by one of his companions to murmur over and over again as he rode along the words: "The applause of listening senates to command." It will also be re membered that Wolfe, the con queror of Quebec, read this poem in his lent the night before ihe bat tle on the plains of Abraham and said: "I would rather be the author of that poem than vthe conqueror of Quebec." 3itSrt'S r"tl It 5 raw ifcz1 "'""' '"'MirtmiimmmM yam KEEP UP YOUR PLUCK. Keep up your pluck and take another hold; Don't whimper; it is useless to complain, Fortune still deals her favors to the bold. There's never loss but somewhere is a gain. While you have left your body and your brain, In spite of all misfortune, be consoled, There's always hope while these you still retain. Keep up your pluck and take another hold. The world to you may seem both hard and cold, And yet it is a good world, in the main; If sympathy is in small measure doled, Don't whimper; il is useless to complain. With cheerful smiles conceal the hidden pain, Leave your vexaiions and your wrongs untold. Fight, but if beaten from weak tears refrain, Fnriune still deals her favors to the bold. Oh, those invertebrates who fret and scold, Make laces at the cup ihey have to drain, Dumbly despair at loss of land or gold! There's never loss hut somewhere is a gain. Be valiant. Bound, then strive lo break'the chain That binds you. Show yourself of iron mold. Sit down and weep and you will weep in vain, Work manfully and fate may be controlled. True happiness is a reflection of the happiness you have given to others CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Sigootur. 4 SaSCl Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S . CASTORIA MIQHT HAVE BEEN. MCI I! If MAKE YOUR OWN PAIN with L&M SEMI-PASTE PAINT z ,: your own Linseed Oil. Vou obtain greatest durability and cover ing power. The L & M PAINT is so positively good that it is known as the "Master Paint." Whereas the best of other high grade paints cost you $2.75 a gallon, our L & M Paint made ready-for-use will cost you only $2.00 a gallon. YOU (AVI 7o. A CALLON ON IVIRY GALLON Kl IN I 'L UK, U. Mun. IIAIiHV II KIlWA ItIO CO., Scotland Neck. MKi.Vll.LK IOHKY. Henderson. Made la a tew ailaulca Cot Salt by United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield HASTE. Take Time To Work Vour Very Best. E have on sale in our salesroom now the XT largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown in Weldon, Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. E have in stock almost any size or style W Plain Tread, USCO Tread, Chain, Nobby and Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any. time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros, Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Uarage In Weldon Republic Trucks uotBrawmuKimnaTO My boy might have been presi dent of the United States." "What happened?" "He got married, and his wife wouldn t let him go into politics.' This is a great age for haste. But as some wise head has stated, haste makes waste. Take time to do things well. Haste in eating makes haste in health. The stomach rebels and refuses to co-operate and the whole human machine backs up the stom ach. And with impaired health, there naturally comes a slowing down of the natural and usual speed that always trots alongside effort wisely and economically spent. Take time to think things out. A loss of energy in ill temper and heated words always means a loss of power at the source in your brain and at the head offices of your nervous system. Haste while in a temper or under circum stances of Provocation is almost always regretted. When the brain Is all stirred up and the whole body up in arms that's the time for pa tience and waiting never for haste. The thing to do then is to Take time to cool off. You never see a really big man going about his work as though the Wuild Was about lo end. And yet the man who takes lime and works his affairs out according to careful plans and system and then sticks to the program would be ready For the ending of the world at any lime ! Take lime to work your very best." Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA INYITATKlN. You are invited to open an account with the BWK OF WltLD, Ell FIELD, . C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail ataKKMiattBirowntMJtrai t Ho. Six-Sixty-Six Thii ii A prescription prepared especially tor MALARIA or CHILIS a. FEVER Five or iix doiet will break any caae, and if taken then as a tonic ilia Fever will aot return It arts oii the liver bettet thas Calomel and doet not fiiue or sicken. 25c VVVP-Vf Ry 1 k Will Be Entirely Satisfied With your SPRING Suit if you let us take your order for it, and dress the "STROUSE WAY." We know how to incorporate your ideas. Strouse & Pros., custom tailors, whose line we show are past masters at the High Art of Styling and TaU loring. If you want the best, if Style, Price and Fit appeal to you, come to us by all means. FARBER & JOSEPHSON. MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N, C.

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