i if i i ESTABLISHED IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$l.it f-tr m.i.h, VOL. LI. WKLDON. X. ('., THURSDAY. MAY 10, 1JM7. NO. I Children Cry for Fletcher's The Kind You Have Always Bou,:' (, and which hai 6eea a usa tor over over 30 yeuis, h. . j;irne the eiipiature of aud has b,x:i mude under his per- annul supervision since Its infancy. -Ct Allow nn one tn Areriv unii in (hie All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. c What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty y arn it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, latulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishr.fi . arising; therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and HMvels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and aa'-iifui sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signatu Hears the Signature of In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE BANK OF VVELDON WKLDOX. x. r. Organized Under the Laws ol the State of North Carolina. Stale of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital aii Sirplii, $55,000. For o?6r HI yearn thin iuHtitutiun hat provided banking foci lit k'tt Tor thin section. Itn rHoelihi.i.lt'n and ollieers me itlt-ntiiii-ri with the Mini nenn intercHtH of Halifax uml Northainptuu counties. A SavinfTft Department in iniiintuiiu'd for tlie benefit of nil who denire to deport in a Savings l.anl. In tins Department interest i.s allowed at followa: For Deposits allowed to remain three inuntbs or longer, l! per cent. Six months or longer, 3 per cent. Twelve montlih or louder. 4 percent. Any information will he furnished un application to the I'resideni ort'ashier PBIMIDINT W. E. OANIKL, VirR-l'HKSIHItNT: W. K. SMITH. L. l DliAl'KK, Teller l AH H I BR: , DHAKK, DIKECTOKS W. It. Smith, W. K. Daniel. .1 O. Drake, . Al. lohen. R. T. Daniel, .1.1,. shepherd. W. A. fierce, D B. Zolhcotlei, .1 . V. sledie OE 3E ao Mr.'Automobile Owner Attention! Send Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 to 5,000 Extra Mile Service Rea dily from Bell 2 in 1 Tire Co., (Incorporated) 202 W. Broad St. RICHMOND, VA. Phone Randolph 62HI We buy Old Tires. o 30S0OE ARTISTIC Ul L0H I HQ, new CPDiun niCDi nv cno ciiik , nvcDrnmc q nit f i vinmu hiui ini i vii uunuw viLiiuunio q u uue your measure ami make suit loot-it, on my bench. Call ana m iMopwt uuc nue vi Kuti! uihi ii'npH'f. .--luiNiiiriion iruaranieeu MIIOODOB! Announcement! We have bought out the Dray Business and Good Will of Mrs. J. W. Vaughn and this is to an nounce that we will continue the business in Weldon, guaranteeing prompt service and careful handling of baggage and freight by experienced drivers. For dray service call Ben Rodwell Phone No. 323. SMITH & ROD WELL, WELDON. N.C.t TANNER'S HOOF PAINT SOLD BY lardware Compani WELDON, N C, CRIMINAL RECORD OF THE STATE, i A POEM OP CORN MEAL Report of the Attorney General For the Period from 1914 to IU16. In ihe repon of the Attorney General for the period from 1914 to 1916, u complete statistical rec ord of crimes is given in the State. Thetc were 19,459 cases disposed of. Male defendants numbered 1 8, 0(j I, while females numbered 1 ,M)H. Convictions were secured were secured in 13,177 cases, while acquittals fell in 2,815; nolle pros in 2,543. There were 924 disposed of in other ways. Of the entire list of defendants 9,405 were white, 10,005 colored, and 490 Indians. In the Supreme Court itself there were 1 1 U criminal appeals, sixty of which were affirmed, 27 reversed or given new 'trials, 24 appeals dismissed, I appeal aban doned, I advisari, I appeal abated on account of defendant's death, 1 appeal continued. In the biennial period, the report records 1 9 murders in the first degree, 344 murders in the second degree, 88 cases of manslaughter, 44 cases of rape, 99 cases of as sault with intent, 31 cases of arson, I case of burglary in the first de gree, I J J cases ot burglary in tne second degree, 253 cases of for gery, 2,620 cases of larceny, and 1 5,839 cases of miscellaneous crimes and misdemeanors. THE FAILURE. The $100,000,000 distributed in Ik to workers at the year's end ly the employers of Aiiitir ii'st IimI (ii'urtji' W. Perkins to say at a dinner in New York : "It is impossible to miss suc cess in America, it's impossi ble tn fail in this rich land, un less, indeed, you've Kot the spirit of the Taint Kock store keeper. ''The keeper of the Paint Knek store was playing check ers, and chewing tobacco be side the blazing stove in the bark room, when a man came, in and said: "There's two customers in thur wuitin', Si.' "S sh,' said Storekeeper Si, in a whisper, 'keep quiet and they'll go away again.'" Washington Star. Tt'eie's j sight of joy in living in tins li ippy land uf in:n, Where the days are hoi with sunshine imU the woods aie full of (lowers, Where ihe rosy cheeks nf children and the glow of youth reveal Th'- full, unfettered iiicrtis of the sweet, delicious menl ! Then hearken ye back to ihe wholesome hoe cake, The pone and the muffins that mother would make! At breakfast in the tiiuniinu it would -ii;;liieii the way. And lighten the load of a w earisome day. At noon it would come in its charm and content, And at evening bring dreams of hours well ' pent -- Then bring to your mind in a stream of delight, The corn cakes and dodgers and muffins, tonight ! You can dilate on biscuit, and on batter cakes and rolls, And bring along the other breads to take their meager tolls, You can whoop 'em up for wheaicakes, till you make the language reel, But we're partial to the products of the sw eet, delicious meal ! There comes in a thought wiih happiness spread Of the dear and delightful old crackerling bread ! If ihe ill and dyspeptic are looking for aid From the terrors that custom and habit have made, May they hearken them back for their welfare and weal To the health and contentment afforded by meal And so doth my heart and my appetite steal To the peace and the pleasure and comforts of meal ! 1 i I WHY NOT? UNFAIR. The employer of a Polish ser vant maid who has learned to speak English was telling her experience with tho telephone. After its use was explained to her she was eager to answer every call. One day a ring came anil she jumped to the instrument. Hello!" came from the ro coiver. 'Hello!" answered the girl, flushed with pride at being able to give the proper answer, 'Who is this t'ontiiiiiud the voice. 'I tlon't know !" exclaimed the maid. "1 can't see you." I'hilatlelphia Ledger Our idea of a mean woman is one who refuses to pay the doctor after he has converted the late la- mented's insurance policy into ready money. AH OPERATION AVERTED Philadelphia, Pa. "On year lira I in very lick and 1 lufTered with paina in my suit mid back I 111! until 1 rVarly went .Tiny, l wm ui tlitt'ereiit UoeUiratitl it., y all iiud 1 had iVinalf trouble Mid viuulil not get any ri'lief until 1 would lu. tinprulwl lit,. I ' rt nerora una Vi- Ntinix l,ut I Lent art. tiiiK worse the more medicine I took. Every month aince I via a young girl 1 had Buffered with crampa In my aides at period! and waa sever regular. 1 aaw your advertise ment in the newspaper and the picture of a woman who had been suved from an operation and this picture waa Im preaaed on my mind. The doctor had given me only two more days to make up my mind ao I sent my husband to the drug store at onco for a bottle of Lydia E Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound, and believe me, I soon noticed a change and when I had linished the third bottle I was cured and never felt better. 1 grant you the privilege to publish my letter and im only too glad to let other women know of my cure. " M rs. Taos. McCon JQal., 8432 Uartville Street, Phil., Pa, If a female duke is a dutchess, Would a female spook be a spuchess And if a male goose is a gander, Then would a male moose be a mander ? If the plural of child is children, Would the plural of wild be wildren ? If a number of cows are cattle, Would a number of bows be battle ? If a man who writes plays is a playwright, Would a man who makes hay be a haywright ? If a person who fails is a failure, Would a person who quails he a quailure? If the apple you bite is bitten, Would the battle you fight be fiteen ? And if a young cat is a kitten, Then would a young rat be a ritten ? If a person who spends is a spendthrift, Would a person who lends be a lendthrift ? If drinking too much makes a drunkard, Would thinking too much make a ihunkard ? But why pile on the confusion ? Still I'd like to ask in conclusion : If a chap from New York's a New Yorker, Would a fellow from Cork be a corker? LIKE ANNIE LAURIE, "Those We First Love We Seldom Wed." Bayard Taylor said that Annie Laurie lived because every man at some time time in his life had known his own Annie Laurie. Her voice might not have been like the wind . in summer sighing, and her eye might have been a different color than Douglas gave the original, but the Bonnie Annie Laurie the story of a heart- has lived and will forever live. As Duvall Porter, the poei of cascade, Virginia, recently sung : The whole worhl love a Invel. And that's the rcasun why The unmet of Annie Laurie And I louglaN cannot die. And so it was with that beautiful old poem, written by Thomas Dunn English, entitled "Ben Bolt. The story he wrote about Ben Boll was along the lines of "Twenty Years Ago," which started out : " wandered to the village. Turn And aat beneath the tree," ele. The siory of Ben Bolt took up a dozen different scenes of twenty years ago Appleton's mill, log cabins, school houses and hills and brooks but where is the man who remembers anything about that poem, set to musie and sung by a million men, hummed by ihe gray beards and recited by fervent youth, except the first verse, which had to do with Sweet Alice who lies under a stone? That first verse : Don't you remember sweet Alice, Ben Boll, Sweet Alice, whose hair was so brown, Who wept with delight when you gave her a smile And trembled with tear at your frown? In the old churchyard in the valley, Ben Bolt, In a comer obscure and alone. They have lined a slab of the griiniie so gray, And sweet Alice lies under the stone Has the Annie Laurie thrill. Every man, almost, we dare say, for those "we first love we seldom wed, you know," had an experience with some Alice whose hair was so brown, and he recalls her fair im age, sees ner in ms imnu s eye as uc nums uic oiu iovc tune, ana that is why such poems, standing alone without strength to bring back lo the mind the early scenes, would die and be forgotten in a season. But because they tell the story of a human heart, because they kindle anew lires which smoulder but which can never die, they become well remembered stories and will live as long as primed pages are preserved. rnr.ui.n or Tim srncins. The little boy was evidently a firm believer in ihe old adage, "Of two evils choose the lesser." Turn ing a corner at full speed, he colli ded with the minister. "Where are you running to, my little man?" asked the minister, when he had regained his breath. ' Home!" panted ihe boy. "Ma's going to spank tne."' "What!" gasped the astonished minister. "Are you eager to have your mother spank you that you run home so fast?" "No!" shouted the boy over his shoulder as he resumed his homeward flight, 'but if 1 don'i get there before pa gets home he'll do it !" for Your Child's Ctugh Here's a pleuiiuut cough syruu that vei v child liken to lake, In. IMU I'uie Tar llouey. II" your child has a deep hacking eoiufh thai worries you ifivc him In. llcH'i I'me-Tai-Hoiiey, the Hoothiotr pine haKams relieve the cough lotwcn ihe phleirm aud heals the irri tated tiNNueH. net a bottle today at your druiofist and start treatment at once '.'."e. Mb KNEW. Willie Willis "What are pieces of artillery, pa ?" Pupa Willis "I think they must he the kind that the girl next door plays on the piano. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S . CASTORIA OF NORWEGIAN COD LIVER OIL which is nature's easily-assimilated food, to increase your red corpuscles and charge the blood with life sustaining richness. Scott's creates warmth to throw off colds and gives resistance to prevent sickness. No Alcohol in SCOTT'S. Every Druggut hat it rOT: BOWNF, BloumT,.id,N.J. ,. iflur umin Aim! nsiMT imiid luun mm mmi with LA. M SEMI-PASTE PAINT and fV-, your L!r,seed 0il- inn power. The L & M PAINT is so positively Rood that it is known as the "Master Paint." Whereas the best of other high grade paints cost you $2.75 a gallon, our L & M Paint mtide readv-for-use will cos: MadtLattwulartM you onjy 32.OO a gallon. oi Sale by VOU SAVE 75c. A CALLON ON IVIIY CALLOW i-:n in !'!.i:k. v. i.i,, i . i I A l; I V II Mll . KK ni.. eotlanl NV -I . MDI.VIl.l.K Iml.'-I.Y. II I tmhi. United States j I. r Goodrich K Kelly Springfield THERE'S HOPE IN TtlK j By QUR BLQQD W circulation is probably at fault and you need A Olltltlei't leilt MI'tiil'IKII'illll ; Ikik worked for lil'iy vcaii on mi i n v ci 1 1 ic ui . uml ha- 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 i linile tlnili three hundred iru.l. i els, each id' whieh was iiiisni -; eessflil ext epl the lust mie He i hiM sulci his invention fur a lo , fortune. "Many times I was ilisheart eneil ami was aluiul tn sina-h my models anil (rive up " In says: "hut then I Ihuuylit that if I kept on trying 1 hail u ehaneo to win, while if 1 tpiit there were no chance at all. At last, by ticcitlent, 1 hit upon the sr-eref." l'.v areiilrni :- Isn't il id man in error here!' All. inspii at ions. ami meehanical 'secrets pome we know not how or whence, hut they pome only to the mind that is prepared. Ideas are opportunities only to the mind that can grasp them anil turn them to use. It took fifty years of study and ex-periinent on Ihe part of this man to fit him to compre hend a certain mechanical principle. There wan no acci dent about it. The real basis of his mictvus was his persistency. A million men would have (jiven up in failure, He realized that his only chance of winning lay in continued trying, and he, the one man in a million, kept on. The million men who would have quit would say it was "luck" with him. Hut there was no "luck" except that which is the natural fruit of persistent effort to conqiierdif Mciilties. The history of every success ful man reads much the samo. Whatever his work, he muster ed it, and grateful nature yielded into his capable hands her secrets jealously guarded from the unworthy. The keynote to most failures is that detestable phrase, "I can't." V n n w out lind a trump or loafer anywhere who will not tell you that he has found out there is no use in trying. "Luck" is against him. he says; and so it is: luck is against any man who sees no use in trying. We may think we have failed so often that il is impossible for us to succeed. It's non sense. There is no failure ex cept for the man w hose spirit is undaunted. The old man who tried for fifty years and failed more than three hundred times might have missed u lot of "failure" by giving up. So he would have missed success. He might have given up in a year, as some nf us do; or in a month, as nunc of ui' do; or in a day, as most uf us do: aud consoled himself in failure with tho belief that he had done his best. He too. then would have been "unlucky" and dragged out his life in disappointment and pessimism. There is no doubt it was a great principle he adopted: as long us one keeps on trying there is chance of success;when one quits trying tlieres no chance at all. It is a good principle for any hoy. It will tit itself to any life. Ex. K have on sale in our salesroom now the largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown " in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles fur your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. II have in stock almost anv size or style W Plain Tread, USCO Tread, Chain, Nobby and Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the riIit tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Muscle Soreness Relieved nusual work, beit'lintf and liftiag or Rtn-ntiouH excrriMi i a Htraiu on tlte mim'li1, they become no re uml ftlitf, you nrt1 crippled aud iu pain. Sloan's Liniment bntiRH yon quick relief, Piny to apply, it penetrates without rubbing anl drives out the no re tie nn A ctfar liquid, eleauei than muHsy planters or ointments, it doeH not main the Hkin or elotr the pore. AlwayH liaveahottle handy for the pain adieu of rheumatism trout, lumbairo, snppe, I utiles, "tiir otHs, backache anil ail external iid. At your drumt, 'i')C. Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Weldon Republic Trucks I INVITATION.! S You art; invited to open an account with the S J BWK OF EfiFltLQ, EtflELD, fi. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart ment Compounded Quarterly.; YOU can bank bv mail SltrjmaMiilstlkKsmKiitHl KaT When a homely girl has her pic ture taken she acts as il she con sidered the artist responsible for her looks. k Will Be Entirely Satisfied Whooping Cough One of the most auccesHful prepara tiona in iae for thia (lineage in Chamber lam a Couifh Kemo.ly. 8. W. McClin too, Dlandon Springs, Ala , writes, "Our baby had whooping eouith an bad as moat any baby could have it. I gare him Chamberlain' Cough KemeUy and it aoon got him well." . Obtainable everywhere. With your SPRING Suit if you let us take your order for it, and dress the "STROUSE WAY." We know how to incorporate your ideas. Strouse & Bros., custom tailors, whose line we show are past masters at the High Art of Styling and Tai loring, If you want the best, if Style, Price and Fit appeal to you, come to us by all means. FARBER & JOSEPHSQJ,, . MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. I WELDON.; N. C. 1 5 J r M.aarwt,-jaaj