ESTABLISHED IN 16. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE.1 Terms of SubscriDtion--$1.5, Per A r. i a 11 VOL. LI I WKLDOX, N. C, THIIKSDAY. MAY 21, MM" NO. Children Cry for Fletcher's WORLD THAT IS BOY'S OWN. He Shares Companionship of Brook With None Save Per haps Companion of His Own. The Kind You Have Always B md which has been ia use for over over 30 yearc, : the signature uf 0 "! h"1 '"fde under his per- CJiyffljtjtOts sonaI BUPervi-ii,"i lnce its infaucy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiinei.t. c What isCASTORIA Castona is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil Paregoric, Drops and Soothing SyTups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness aririuL therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sle;p. The Children's Panacea Ihe Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMI CNTUH COMPANY. THE BANK OF WEL00N WKLDOX. . ('. Organized Under the Laws of the State of North Carolina. Slate of North Carolina Depository Halifax County Depository, l ow ii of Weldon Depository. Capital and SiiriJlQs, $55,000. For over 21 year tlna hiistitution hu provided .mnk.nif fuilitkn Tor this section. Its Ntockhulder ami nllii't i uir identified vt ith the himi iipkh interests or Halifax aul Northampton count ten A Saving Department is rnaintuuu'd for tlie heiietil of all who desire to deposit in u SavmuH Hank. In tlutt Department interest m allowed as follow h: For Deposits allowed loremaui tlmv mouth 01 loutfer. '2 per cent. Six month or ton ire r, .'I per eenl. Twehe months or Ioiilti . t perceut. uy iiifonnation will lie furnished on application to the rreidt'iitorCahiei tMlKrUDBNT : W. K. DANII.I.. VII K rilKMDKVI : W. It. SMITH. I- V. IH.Ai'KlJ, Telle. (AhMIRh. I O. DKAKK. DlUKOToKS W. (. Smith, W. K. haiiiel. .1, O. Uruke, W. M. Cohen, K. T. Daniel, .1. 1.. Shepherd, V. A. herce, l It. Zollipotlei, .1 . W. sledie OE 3E 30 Mr. Automobile Owner Attention! Send Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 to 5,000 Extra Mile Service Readily from Bell 2 in 1 Tire Co., (Incorporated) 202 W, Broad St. RICHMOND. v . Phone Randolph 62NI gy We buy Old Tires. 30EaCC3C 3N T 7 A l A O i . zj a u a , nfw spring niPi fl y pnn sihk t nucnnniK lia.ii UllllllU WIUI ari IVII VUIIVU WILD JUHIU ytk I Uke your meuiurv and makemiit toonleron my bench, full and km V inspect ilne line of piece iroodn anil nuuiples, Satisfaction u;uaruiitei!l 4i laotaoai & i j D 1L 0, Only the boy knows, I am sure, whin ilie brook is really like, espe cially ihe brook in iis deep pool under ihe highway bridge. The t;i'own man (joes over in larm wagons, motor cars, on hayricks or on toolbut to him it is a brook under a bridge, no more. But the boy turns down through the black berry tangle or tall ferns, perches himself in the tork of the willow that bends its knees to the brown peaiy water and is at home in his surroundings. If he is lucky en ough at the moment to be bare footed lie dips his toes to see how cold it is after the rains. He notes the swirl of the current and the little overflows which are like pat terns raised on the surface of the water by a master hand. He hears the brook's song as well as the cat bird's ditty from the bough. He looks under the bridge to the sun lit pool on the other sidi and sees the swarming midges light against the sky, not dark against the wa ter, as they appear from above. Sedge and watergrass are his com panions on the washed sand by the willow trees. He sees the troui leap and the minnows swim and ihe water thrush busy in and out among the tonh-ihrusting roots and branches of the streamside trees. He is a hsherman, hunter, explorer, citizen in a world of ad venture and romance which he has no means of sharing, except by a sympathetic silence in companion ship with a fellow adventurer of his own age. It is a world which ever his sister and his mother do not enter. SOMI: WITNESS. The prosecuting attorney had encountered a somewhat difficult witness, Finally he asked the man if he was acquainted with any of the men on the jury. "Yes, sir," announced the wit ness, "more than half o' them." "Are you willing to swear that you know more than half of them?" demanded the lawyer. "Why, it it conies to that I'm willing to swear that I know more than all of them put together." NOT EXPKCTKD. "I understand that Jim, who was very enthusiastic about it be forehand, is now deeply disap pointed in the bliss of marriage." "Yes; as soon as they were mar ried his wife threw up her job." NERVOUSNESS AND BLUES Symptom of More Serious Sickness. CoCOfOfE $KIi WtjlfEfEII 25c. BOX FREE. A Skin Bleach or Whitener for Dark or Brown Skin, Removing All Blemishes and Clearing all Swarthy or Sallow Complexions and Causing the Skin to (lrow whiter. Don't Hnvy a Clear Complexion Use Cocotone Skin Whitener and have One. WHAT USERS THINK OH COCOTOM-. Macon, Ua. Cocotone Co Dear Sirn: Si-nil me hy return mail two huxeH of Coeutoint Skin Whitener ami three cakes of Coeotone kin Soap They are line and i du not care to he without them, Kudosed is money or der forl.-r. Yours truly, CI AKA M JACKSON WuycioKH, ia. Cocotone Co. Dear Friends: Your Cocotone skin Whitener is lhelirjcnt thins I ever saw, My skin isvry dark and the lind hox has made it many shades lighter, ami my friends all ask ine what 1 have hceo usjiitf F ne lowed you will lind $L'.uo. I'lease send me six boxes of Skin Whi tener and two oaken of soap. Youth truly, ANNA M. WII1TK. We have bought out the Fire In surance business and good will of ,the late D. E. Stainback, and this is to announce that we will continue the business in Weldon. For rates call Ben Rodwell, Phone 72. iSmith&Rodwell. Montgomery, Ala. Cocotour ( o, I ii ur Sir: I lind that Coeotone Skin Whitener is the hest preparation 1 have ever used to clear the skin, and wish you would mad two boxes at once. (Signed) Mils. ('. l', JnilN iN. Do not accept substitutes or Imi tations. Cut This Out TIIKCOCOTONK CO., Atlanta, (ia. I have never uwed Cocotone Skin WliitemT, but if you will semi ineal'-ic box free, will be pleased to try it. I en el seHixl'c. stamps to cover cm of mailintr, packing, etc. Name. ... Address. Waahinfrton Park, III. "I am the mother of four children and have suf fered with female trouble, backache, nervous spells and the blues. My chil dren's loud talking and romping would make me so nervous I could just tear everything to pieces und I would ache all over and feel so sick that I would not want anyone to talk to me at times. Lydia E. Pink ham 'a Vegetable Compound and Liver Pills re stored me to health and I want to thank you for the good they have done me. I have had quite a bit of trouble and worry but it does not affect my youth ful looks. My friends say 4 Why do you look so young and well ? ' I owe it all to the Lydia E Pinkham remedies." Mrs. Robt. Stoimel, Sape Avenue, Washington Park, Illinois. If you have any symptom about which yon would like to know write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., for helpful advice given free of charge. Sale for Taxes, 1 will Hell for cash to lb InirheNl bid der at the Court limine door in Halifax Mouday, June Hh, 117, the follow hik dcMcntted lands m Weldon Township for taxes due IIHil: Tax A Cost Salhe Itruwn. acres laud fl.ti Huvcr Coward, 1 town lot 10.42 N. V. havm, I town lot. 4.HS (teo. lianiel j acre, Ited Cut, 5.12 Kaiiuic laniei, 1 house aud lot tt.l.H tireen Katou, I towu lot H.93 I'ompey Kdwards, 1 town lot, 17. Lucy Kpps, 1 town lot, 8.113 V. M. Kpps estate, 1 town lot 4.5r Alice Jacknon, 4 acres land, 1.17 Lucy Jones, 1 town lot, 4.;V Frances Johnson, 7 acres land, l.tHJ Nancy Loun estate, 1 acre land. 1.11) Patsy' Lou, t acres laud, l.titi Kmify Mutable, I town lot I'aul .VI alone, 1 town lot ft,7H Kobraim Mohh. 1 towu lot. 11.78 llenrv Keid. I towu lot, 15.70 Laura Kidley, 1 town lot, 0.94 Kzekiel Simms, 1 towu lot 8.26 liev .1. W. Wood. 1 town lot. 10.34 Win Williams, 1 town lol, fl.HH I ock shearin, 1 acre land, (1.7 J. L. HAKRIB, Tax Collector Weldon Township. AGKN'TH WANTKD. YOUR MOTHER, . She'll never forget you, whatever you do, Were you down in the gutter she'd kneel beside you, Were you covered with shame she would stand at your side, And the hurt in her heart, for your sake, she would hide. She will stick to you, lad, though you lose every test, So the least you can do, is to give her your best. All others may quit you and mock at your fall, But your mother, undaunted, will corneal your call. She will follow you down to the deep depths of sin And love you and nurse you, through thick and through thin. And though she may suffer through what you have done She will never forget or desert you, my son. And lh( ugh you should rise to the top rung of fame And honors and titles should win for your name, Though you should bring her new joys every day And keep every sorrow and burden away, Though never one moment you caused her to fret, To the mother who bore you you'd still be in debt. So long as she lives you are sure of a friend On whom, at all times, you may safely depend. You may wound her by sinning and hurt her with shame Should you fail to be true, but she'll love you ihe same. So remember, my lad, as you stand in life's test That you owe to your mother your Knestand best. OUT OF DOORS, I couldn't stand up by a sunset and not believe in God, I couldn't sit down by a lily and call man merely a clod; I couldn't climb over a hill top and come suddenly on a sea And not feel that more of the Master had suddenly entered me. For this is the creed that it teaches This book of the out-'-doors That the more God shines in the sunset The more you have made Him yours couldn't find summer some morning in a walk through a meadow-space And not stand up for the doctrim. of l.fe as a special grace; I could lie down in a hollow of the warm south side of a hill And deny God unto a turnip if t song-sparrow started to trill. For the creed that the out-doors teaches Is the creed to embrace and include, And to find in the beautiful moment The spiritual side of the mood. A BROKEN KNIFE POINT, Piece of Knl' Wade Wrecxcd the Vessel. JHNNY LINO'S JOY. A ship was once wrecked on the Irish coast. The captain was a careful one. Nor had the weath er been of so severe a kind as to explain the wide distance to which the vessel had swerved from her proper course. The ship went down, but so much interest at tached to the disaster that a diver was sent down. Among other portions of the vessel that were ex amined was the compass, that was stvuugon deck, und inside the ompass box was detected a bit of steel, which appeared to be the sm.ill point of a pocket-knife blade. It appeared that the day before the wreck a sailor had been sent to clean the compass, had used his pocket-knife in the process, and had unconsciously broken off the point and letl it remaining in the box. The bit of knife blade ex erted its influence on the compass and to a degree that deflected the needle from its proper bent and spoiled it as an index of the ship's direction. The piece of knife blade wrecked the vessel. Even one (riffling sin as small as a broken knife-point, as it wece, is able to rob the conscience of peace and happiness. CASTORIA For Infants and Children - In Use For Over 30 Years Always beuv tht Signature of Jenny Lind made $154,000 on her American tour under the man- agement of Barnum: but of this she invested $100,000 for benev olent purposes in Sweeden. For herself she kern oulv what was necessary for a living and for buy ing a cottage on the Malvern Hills, Lngland. Her wants were few. and she would not have complain ed if reverse of fortune had com pelled her to live literally in accord ance with the recipe for true hap piness contained in the following lines, written in one of her letters from Boston : "Few susnect how unutterably little the world and its splendor have been able to turn my mind giddy. Herrings and potatoes a clean wooden chair, and a wooden spoon to eat milk- soup with that would make me skip like a child, fur joy. And this without the slightest trace of c.oggeration. ' New York liven ing I'ost. WASTE OF ENI:OY. Clarence announced his coming by a series of howls. "Oh. mv finger, my linger!" he said. "Poor little finger!" mother cooed. "How did you hurt it?" With the hammer." "When?" "A long time ago," Clarence sobbed. "But, I didn't hear you cry." "I didn't cry then; 1 thought you were out," said Clarence. Children dry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA DOG VISITS GRAVE DAILY. This Is Surely a Test that would Put to Shame a Human He-Inu - ! A most remarkriblr story ol the ' love mill dcvoiKin ol ;i ilop lor his master has rwcnily come in liglu in Lancaster. , I luce years ago tins c mg summer the six-ycar-old son of a I well-known Lancaster family died ' Willi colitis, which at that time j claimed 28 victims in this city. J The chief playmate of this little' fellow was a brown and white bull-1 dog, belonging to his father. The ! dog and the boy were inseparable j companions aud were well known figures among the city streets, j Since then the dog has made daily visits in me grave ot nis lormcr playmate. Mr. A. J. Mills, the elficieut superintendent ol Llwoou, sees the dog make his daily visits and states that "sometimes he will re main on the grave lor sometime j and again but a lew minutes. Du- j ring the recent deep snow the dog pawed through the grass when the thermometer stood below zero." There are other children in this Lancaster family'and Jim perhaps will be playing with them in the yard, when he will suddenly re member his little master who sleeps 'neath the willows at F.lm wood and be oH like a flash to pay homage to the grave of his first love. The love, devotion and grief as displayed for nearly three years by this dumb animal at the grave of his playmate is most remarkable and might well prove an inspira tion to mankind. The next time we meet the "Graveyard dog" we're going to tip our hat to him. Fairfield County Democrat. DON'T FORGET "DEAR OLD DAD " ' MAKE YOUR OWfi PAINT with LA. M SEMI-PASTE PAINT and your own Linseed Oil. You obtain greatest durability and covct iriK powr. The L & M PAINT is o positively nood that it is known as Ihe "Master Paint." Wheuas the U-st of other hinli hi u paints cost you $2.75 u gallon, our L & M P:iint - ... ...I I.. I it . - IVUUj 'lul Will lUni U.drl.l.o.K.ut.. you Qny 3,2 qq B gaon Tat Sale bf VOU SAVC 7Se. A CALLON ON evIRr GALLON I. l'U IN i I.i;k. h,i. II. U.'IH H AlthW Mil-. I II., s,-,,ll:iil i ,1 Mill. VII. I. K IMIIIH.Y. 1 1 . -,i . . i . i , fig? ii rx Uniteil Stat. (iooilritli fll kellv Sprinjffii Id Ii have on sale in mtr salesroom now the largest stock of Ant mobile Tires ever shown in Weldon. Three i the best makes on the American market Tires that will give you more miles for your money tha i any other make. Our tires are guaranteed hy the manufacturers on mileage basis of .5500 to SOOO miles. w I: have in stock almost any si.e or style---LMain Tread. (JSlO I read. Chain, Nobby and Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest (iurage In Weldon I Republic Trucks There Should He at Least Day Set Apart for -'l)ad. One j hy not :i 'Ktither's 1:i.' is the timely siiLTtfestion of Rev. j L. II. Jones. Yi's, it in often I the ease that- poor old "Dud," , who must provide the sinews i of war iiinl m ar ,js life nwav trying to keep the pantry sup plied with the necessities of life, buy new shoes, stock inns j and the thousands of other I things for u liasehnll team of ' kiddies, keep the tires going in ; till' kill-lieu slove and tile wood pile heaped with fuel, meet ihe taxes, rents, doctor's Wills, dodge tin- butcher, the linker and the hook agents and, after n day of endless toil and struggle, fall to sleep while dreaming of a similar program for the follow ing day. Yes, hy all means, there should at least he one day in every live or ten years when "Dad" can bo discovered by his own family and friends long enough to take a day off and hear his feelde praises sung liy some one who believes him to be at least entitled to some recognition. Hut, alas, it seems both ''Mothers' Day" and "Fathers' Day ' must be side tracked for the pleasure of that giddy-headed a n d llossed-up young female member of thn family w ho can find nothing to do but play rag-time mimic on a cheap piano and then llouuce out the house like a hand full of soap suds in a March wind to roam down the streets in search of some cigarette-smoking dude whose hair is parted in the middle and with just about enough brain in his cra nium to make a sandwitch for u gnat, but who has in his "geans" the price of a saucer of oream. Everything. The man who says "I didn't think" has a worse excuse than he who proclaims that he didn't know it was loaded. Summer lik H!iWI!iaiiit)iWilUIKlitSit!itiiW I lWli AilON.I Vou are invited to open an account with the I S BMK OF iflfl'LO, S I Efi FIELD, ll. C. I i I V-tr c.ent. allowed in the Savings Depart-!! ii f- n.ent Compounded Ouaitti . 8 Si!" VOU can bank In n ail ,riti''rci'Eiw!iUira g Uaiversitv of North Carolina, CIlAPKLIIII.L, S C. June 12 to July 27 (Write for rompletf announcement) Able Faculty Complete Curriculum Moderate Hatett Credit Coursefl helivhtful KnTironment Excursion Kate Tickets. The Summer Law School June M August 24. Regular Session Opens Sept. IJ. HtudentH who expect to enter for the I arat timcMhould complete their arrange menta as early aa poaaible l-'KOU W I I I ON TO WASHINGTON ACCOUNT CONFEDERATE VETERANS REUNION Selling Dtr From Virginia and the Carolina, Juno 2nd-7th, inc From C orgia, Florida and Alabama, 'une ltt-6th, inc Jf"L Yf Ticlirts limited to r i i final deatination XwrV.T l V not lator than midni(( June 21 M.exten- f ,on "mit to July 6th. 1917, may ur ou"wa oy aepom wiin i erminal "KCTvoay mem ot lee ot &U eti, i 7? LOWFST RA It'S FVKR OfFKREO ' nc nni lunAL l.Arl I Ai. Fot rcirrvtttona or n information, ddrtu any nrnl nf ihr ATLANTIC COAST LINE T. C. WHITE. C P. A. Wilmington. N C. A ti Mi You Will Be Entirely Satisfied With your SPRING .Suit if you let us take your order for it, and dress the "STROUSE WAY." We know how to incorporate your ideas. Strouse & Bros., custom tailors, whose line we show are past masters at the High Art ot Styling and TaU loring. If you want the best, if Style, Price and Fit appeal to you, come to us by all means. FARBER & JOSEPHSON. MliN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTERS. WELDON, N. C.

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