L ; LM BSTMJLISHBD IN 1866. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of SubscriDtion--$l.f.C Per Annum NO. 1 1 1 3 WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, .JULY 2!, 11117, iixtqi II IP mmi , i r:1---- i it . m ' , Nt Cnntonti 15 Fluid Prachri . 1 1 I'll 'Hi L ALCOHOL'S r' C AVeIbk;Pfo)iMaliotlirM '.Yuh.lmdlhcFwrilwIWuUV I UniltheStomsdBatf BwlJO cctyPromo'iln4I)i4, ClKerfulneatidni ;ttu,..nni,im Moamuienl' Mineral. NotNabcotW )ifai.iiT ! 1 holnfnl Remedy for Constipation and Durrhoe' and Feverisnnra Loss or Sleep resuUinittiwfron!!!"1' fac-Simile Sin", of 1l I GASTOniA For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tho Signature, of IF In Use For Over Thirty Years -it CASTORIA 1MK HtTW MMM( MCWHirV THE BANK OF VELDON .1 IV k' I I W 1 V! 1 ! Organized Under the Law of the State of North Carolina, State of North Carolina Deposiio. Halifax Coutny Depository. Town of Weldon Depository. Capital and Sarplns, $55,0Q0. For over 21 years thi institution has provided banking facilities for bis section. Its stockholders aud o (beers are identified with th. hnii. ness interests of Halifax and Northampton counties. , I . A Having Department in maintained for the benefit of all who desire 4o deposit in a Savings Hank, lu this Department interest is; allowed as follows: , For Deposits allowed to remain three months or longer, 2 per mot. Hiz months or looter, 3 per cent. Twelve months or lonirer. 4 percent. Anv information will be furnished on application to the PreaidentorCaahier fibsidint: W. E. DANJKL, VUll-ttEHIUtNT: W. K. HM1TH. L. C. IKA PER, Teller. cashiik: J. O. DRAKE, DIRECTORS W. K. Huiith, W. E. Daniel, .1. 0. Drake, J. 1. Wythe, R. T. Daniel, J. I.. Shepherd, W. A. Pierce, D. B. ZollicoHer, J . W. Sledge. 'Mr. Automobile Owner Attsntion! iend Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 b 5,000 Extra Mile Service Readily v from ell 2 in 1 Tire Co., tyfi (Incorporated) 11202 W. Broad St. RICHMOND,. VA. 4 Phone Randolph 6281 If r-y We buy Old Tires. lb iv nanononiN Jf T V A "D A to i . Zi n. u ii , O ARTISTIC TVLORWQ, J ft" o NEW SPRING DISPLAY F0R SUITS OVERCOflTS o I take jrout measure and make luit to order ou my bench. Call and hat I i V inspect ne line of piece a-oodii and samples. Satisfaction guarautmrV l Vii ii in r in i 11 JAP" Smith &Rodwell. BY INSURING WITH SEA SOLDIERS GOOD SHOTS. There Ii a Story From Vera Cruz That Telia of the Marksman ship of Uncle Satn'i Marines. ' The mariniiH know how to hiimlW a rille; 30 per cent, of the force are qualified, listed shots. There is a story from Vera Cruz thnt tells of good shooting and a sure eye, Hen ry Reuterdal writes in the Youth's Coiiipunion. Our bluejackets were march iK up the street from the pluza between rowH of two-story houses. A well dressed Mexi can, with a newspaper over his knee, was sitting on the bal cony of his house, apparently watching our sailors advance; but hidden under the paper he held a big revolver, and as our men went by he fired. The bul lets were striking, but our of ficers could hardly suspect a well-dressed Mexican,' reading a paper and looking peacefully on from his own house.of being the sniper. Dropping his paper, the Mex ican went inside to reload. When he came out again on the balcony the glint of the gun caught the attention of Lieu tenant Colonel Neville on horseback in the plaza, 1,000 yards or more away. Through his eight-power field glass the colonel saw plainly the flash of the shots under the newspaper. "Get him," he said, turning to his orderly. The man raised his rifle, press ed the trigger and the Mexi can fell out of his chair. "Got him, sir," said the marine. ROOM AT THE TOP. Little Jennie had been eating very heartily, but she asked for another piece of cake. "Jennie," said her mother, "I don't believe I ought to give it to you. You're about as full as a little girl can possibly be. Another mouthful, and you'll burst I" "But, mamma, my neck's left yet!" said the little girl, persua sively. THE EXCEPTION. "I am going to call up that pret ty telephone girl and ask her to marry me." Then you won't get the usual answer. "What do you mean ?" "She'll hurry to reply, 'Ring on. A man seldom says what he thinks. Instead he says what he thinks you think. Biliousness and Stomach Trouble. Tfto yearn ago 1 autfered from fre quent attacki of stomach trouble and biliomneaa," writes Miei Emma Ver bryke, Lima, Ohio. "I could eat very tittle Food that airret-d with me and I became n diny and lick at my tom- ach at time that 1 had to take hold of something to keep from falliojr. Seeing Chamberlain's Tablet's advertised I de cided to try them. I improved rapidly.' Obtainable everywhere. . Phone 72 ' Office next to Farber Scijosephson WELDON, N.C Words resemble sunbeams the more they are condensed the deep er they burn. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Success is a matter of buying ex perience and selling it at a profit. Like a Boy at SO Bubbling Over , With Vitality-Taking Iron Did It Doctor say Nuxated Iron la greatest of all strength builders. Often increases tha strength and enduranca of delicate, nervous folks 100 per cent, in two weeks' lima. yOU ANDJHE TRUTH. Truth Does Not Belong to Us, It U W Who Belong To The Truth. Nw York, N, T Not Ion tfo a van cam to in who wa ntarlr half a aturr wlrf and ailitd m to rfiv him a prolHulnftry m km l titt Ion for lit linur ac. I was toDlhti to find him with th blood pr-tuur of a bur of Id and u full of vigor, vim and vitality as youBf mta; In fact, ft young naa h lMllj wv notwithstanding bis in. Th crtt h said u taking Iroa Nuxfttvd ron had filled him witb rnsw4 lift. At 10 h was In bad naalth; at 41 h was cartwurtt and nearl? all In. How at to, afir taking Nuiatsd Iron, a nttr acls of vitality and bis facs bcanilag with th buoyancy at youth. As I bavt said a hundred tlmci ovar. Iron Is th gratst of all strength bull dim. If paupl would only tak Nutated Iron whm thy fl weak or run down, in stead of doalag thmlvM with hablt formlng drug, stimulants and alcoholic brrags 1 am convinced that la thi way tfiy could ward off dlas, pre venting It becoming organic la thou sands of cases, and thereby th live of thousand might be saved who now die everr year from imeumonla. ii-Idd. kidney, liver, heart trouble and other dangerous maladies, Th real aud true cause which etarted their dleea waa aothlag more uor leas than a weakened condition brought on by lark of iron la th blood. Iron Is absolutely neces sary to enable your blood to change food Into living tlinuv. Without It, no mat ter how inut'h or what you eat, your food merely pruuM through you without doing you any Kod. Tou don't get the atranaTth out of it. mid an a ('nnmtiinence -ou become weak, pule and sickly look ng, Junt like a plunt trying to grow In a son ac iic lent in iron, ir sou are not strong or well, you owe It to youraslf to oiak tha following cast: Is how long you ran work or how far you ean walk without becoming tired. Ntt tak two rtve-grain tablet of ordinary Nux ated Iron three times per day after meals for two week. Then tvst your trength again and see for yourself how much you have gained. I have sven duiens of nervous, run-down people who were ailing all the while double their strength and endurance and entirely get rid of all ayniploniH of dypepla, liver and other troublce In from ten to four teen tlayt' time simply by taking Iron In the proper form. And this after they hud In oiii caeea been, doctoring for month without obtaining any benefit. Rut don't take th old forms of reduced Iroa, Iron acetate or tincture of Iron Imply to save a few cant. Tou mutt take Iron In a form that ran be eaally absorbed and assimilated Ilk Nuxated Iron If you want It to do you any good, other wine It may prove worse than use lens, Many an athlete or prizefighter has Won the day simply because he knew the secret of sreat strensth and endurance and tilled his blood with Iron before he went Into the a (Tray, while many another has gone down to Inglori ous defeat simply for the lack of iron. K. Hnuer, M l), XOra-Suiatacl In twununwM tboft t TH I. Bautf. ! iwe Uu atwat org auk I roc txjia tMtuidj Dalit l o)er Isutguile In prodtf t II ll Mstllr aaalwHalW. Sow Utr Ut Ik em bltok. ior aacat ika atoaiai'a; uu th MaUtrr It li a it (wtaet raaiadr la aawly ill fonu at tadlNll, wall M fur iarrotn run -doa majAIUuii. Tha Uaaufaituran kaia mtb grrl nMnn la NuiaiH Iroa that laa oaTar U forfait 111 M to aay aharltahla luititutlua If U uiiaot Uae HT mm w wnuian tudrr II wkn luki Iron aa4 UerMM lartr lit tug ta II par aaM. ar arar In fuav ' llait protidad Uta lata atriaua or- (aala Uoabla Taer aJaa afar M rafaaS aur nuaaf f it aot at laaat Ion alt roar auangta aaS an Svaece La tea ear' Una. U U SlavaaaaS is laM THE NIGHT ROAD, Truth dues not bidong to us, it is we who bulong to the truth ! Woe to him who pos sesses it and treats it as some thing that belongs to himself. Happy is he who is possessed by it! No preference, no kin ship no symputhy counts here. Alas! It is not thus that men understand it It is for thiH reason that they degrade truth and that it becomes without power in their hands. Instead of winging its way heavenly vigorous flight, it crawls along the earth, like an eagle whose wings have been broken. Nothing is sadder than to see how those who ought to end their voices to truth turn it to their own uses and play with.it. The voice, human speech, that sacred organ whose whole worth lies in sincerity, has in all ages been the victim of odious profanations. But in this age it is more than ever attained. .The evil from which suffers is defilement. Ex- hange. I love ihe little highway beneath the golden stars, That wanders through the pastures and leadeth through the bars, The little road of nighttime all quiet, still and deep That leads us with the children to the merry land of sleep. The night road o'er the meadows, And by the winding stream, Till through the tender shadows We find the home of dream. I love to walk the night road, so winding and so fair, , To listen to the music of the magic lutes of air; ' The little road that wanders from all the roar and strife Unto the pleasant country of the sweet and restful life. The night road, the bright road, The fairy road again " That winds through sleepy hollow To the tents of fairy glen. There are no fifes or bugles and no rolling drums where runs The night road in its beauty to the land of setting suns; But evermore the angels with their while wings kneel in prayer -At the shrines along the highway where our hearts forget their care. The night road, with its magic, Its beauty and its glow, Where with the little children To the sleepy land we go. Here's the way the Arkansas Gazette looks at it: "Some men Work on PerpeXual motion Machines. And some men Try to lift Themselves By their bootstraps And some men Argua with women And I can't see Where there is Much choine Between the three." BIBLE IN THE TRENCHES. The Only Book to Bring Cheer and Inspiration to the Soldiers. BY REV. CHARLES STELZLE. II SLUGGISH LIVER OraahM Into tour bile, silking yoa tick and you lose a day 's work. Calomel salivates! It' mercury. C&lsvcl icU like dysisi'u && a sluggish liver. When calomel coma is to contact with sour bile it crashes into it, causing cramping and nausea. If you feel biuous, headachy, cou tipautd and all knocked out, just go to your druggist and get a 69 cent bottle of Dodson'i Liver Tone, which is a harmless vegetable substitute for dangerous calomel. Take a spoonful and if it doean't start your liver aud straighten you up better and quicker than katty calomel and without mak ing you sick you just go back and get tout money. If fou take calomel today you'll be ick and nauseated tomorrow; be tide, it may aalirate you, while if you take Dodaoa'a Liver Tone you will wake up feeling great, full of ambition and ready for work orplay. I It it harmke, pleasant and af to give to children; they like it. A close-up experience in the trenches and hospitals will convince LSI any man that the Bible is the greatest comforter and inspircr in the world. 1 his is why n is the best seller" in the world. The Bible was written thousands of years ago, but nothing that has since appeared in printed form has had anything like the same circuta' tion. v Men may talk as they please about oiher books being "inspired,1 but when a soldier is about to go to the from, or when he realizes that he must get ready for "the roll call up yunder," he doesn't ask ihat tne cnapiain or nurse reaa sometmng 10 nun trom Shakespeare or Milton he wants the Bible. And because this is true, it's a fine iliing that the American Bible Society has for just 1 00 years been placing Bibles with soldiers in every notable war on American or foreign soil. It prints the Bible in 1 50 languages, and employs over 2,000 cor respondents for distributing the Bible, in whole or in parts. Last year about 8,000,000 volumes were distributed, and during the 100 years of its history nearly 1 18,000,000 volumes. Hundreds of the society 8 correspondents are now busy in the trenches and training camps giving copies of khaki-covered Bibles and Testaments to the soldiers. Hundreds of the society s correspondents are now busy in the trenches and training camps giving copies of khaki-covered Bibles and. Testaments to the soldiers. . And it isn't done in a perfunctory fashion, either. For there's al ways a word of advice as how to read, so that the soldier may get the best use of the Bible. As he reads for inspiration, suddenly the old book ol Psalms lakes on a new meaning, t-or many of these pld songs were written in tunes of war or in preparation for war. You can almost hear the sounds of martial music and the shouting of fighting men. And when comfort is needed, the 1 weniy ihird Psalm stands out, familiar, and tilled with memories of childhood days when mother taught him "The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want," and all the rest of it, even down to the "valley of ihe shadow of deaih,'" where he'll "fear no evil." Other scripture there is, to satisfy every mood and every need. What tht Bible is doing for the men in the army no man can kIL but here are few snap shots A professional man who had been drinking hard and living high was tired out, badly wounded, between the Canadian and German lines, "It waa all right, though, he said, "for thanks to ihe silent influence of this little book (pulling a Testament oil of his, pocket,) I was able to 1 make my peace with my Maker." They found a Testament in the hands of a dead soldier on the battle Acid, with words written on the By-leaf: "Be thou faithful unto death, and 1 will give thee a crown of life. Who can deny that this made him a better soldier.) To a correspondent who had given a soldier a New Testament came a letter in which the soldier wrote: "I have found the pearl of great price referring to what he had discovered in the Bible. 'We are coming fac to face with deaih-we have mighty need of consolation, wrote another. The Bible keeps men human, and often makes them divine. This what is needed in the great war we are now fighting, SOME MEN. CocojofiE Ski1 WtjijE(lEi 25c. BOX FREE. A Skin Bleach or Whitener fur Dark or Brown Skin, Removing All Blemishes and Clearing all Swarthy or Sallow Complexions and Causing the Skin to Grow whiter. Don't linvy a Clear Complexion Use Cocotone Skin Whitener and Have One. WMAI UShKS THINK Ol' COCO I ONI!. MuiitKotnt'i y, A Is, .Mufou, da. Coeutime t'o Hear Sirr. Semi me hy it-turn mail two boxes of CocoUm Skin Whitener and three oaken of Cocotone Skin Soap They arc line and I do oot turn to he without them Kueloncd is money or der fur t.!j". Yours truly, CI.AhA M JACKSON. Wayi'tosB, (ia. Cocotoue Co, Dear Friends: Your Cui'otoue Skin Wtuteuer is thelliiest thiuK 1 evur nun. My skin it very dark and the liibt hox has made tl many tdiadeH lighter, aud my friend all auk me whut I have been using Kudosed you will find 00. 1' leant- Mcud me six boxes of Skill Whi te uer and two cukes of soap. Yours truly, ANNA M. WHITE. Ctietiloiic ( 'o, liear Sum: liud that Cocotoue Hkiu Whitener is the bent preparation 1 have ever lined to eleur the h k in. and wish you would mail two boxes at once. (Miini-d) MRS. C. P. JOHNSoN. Do not accept substitutes or Imi tations. Cut This Out . TH K COCOTONE Co., Atlanta, ta. 1 have never utted Cocotoue Skin W hiteoer, hut if you will send me a -."o. hox free, will he pleated to try it. I eu el np nix lie stamps to cover cost of mmliutf, packing, etc. Name Address. ., AH i:nth wantku. For Sale by the W. M. Cohen Druir Company. MMMXMIIUSDHKKMM THE ANSWER. "None but ihe brave deserve the fair?' Well?" 'Don't you know the answer?" 'No." 'linlisi first mid propose Co me uFterwards." Most men's idea of justice is to get what they want instead of what ihey deserve. Si ti.oi.i. Ih Health About Gone Many thouatadi of womea niileruig tram womanly trouble, have tMn benefited by the in ol Cardul, the woman' tonic, according to letter we receive, similar to thi onelromMn.Z.V.SpeU, olHayne, N.C. "I could aot stand on my teet, and )ust differed terribly," she uyt. "A my suf lering wit io great, and he had tried other reme dies, Dr. had u get Cardul. . , I began Improving, and It cured me. I know, lad my doctor know, whit Car dul did for me, tor my nerves and health war bout go." TAKE INVITATION. I. You are invited to open an account with the g Burnt of mmio, j WIELD, C. I 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-jj ment Compounded Quarterly. g pgr YOU can bank by mail B atiwManraaransnCT North CarolinaStateCollege f AgriclltureEngineering T Ci. 'i,V f'-'l.i. 'f'1!' ' ' ' WEST RALEIGH, N. C. An institution where younir men of diameter, energy and a'ii!iti.n may lit themselves for useful &uA hoimral le work In many lines tjf tiidiwtrv which require tr.iiuiii" am) skill for success. Thorotu'h uud practical eournos am otlvivd hi Agriculture; Horticulture; Ani mal Industry; Civil, Mrhiniril ;"d Klectricai Knifineprin -; lieni- istry; Oyeinir and Tvli Industry, Facility f fit instructors. Twenty-M'wn building. Kipliteen ih ;;ir( metits. Military features. For cataloeue and entrance Hunks, write E. B. OWEN, Raglitro. f 7tiY Sped LL You Effi? You might get sick or hurt- be prepared for it You might want to make an investment start now. " lakes money to make money," you know. You might be visited by thieves or l'ire--an account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to ret into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts a THE BANK OF HALIFAX & HALIFAX 1S.C. N. L. Stedman, rresiripni P. C. Uregory. Vi(HtTl(ii-it. P. H.aregory TheWomtn'i Tonic 31 I She writs further! "I mln splendid health . , . CiiiiOft-i. tied! owe It to Cardul, tor I wa la dreadful coaditloa." If you are nervous, ma down and weak, at tutler ftom headache, backacht, etc., every . moath, try Cardul. Thousands ol women praise thi medi da tor th good H ha done them, aad auay phyitdaa who hav wed Cardul (ucctsahUly with their woo pattest, lot ana, endorse OU audi da. Think what it mean to be In tplendid health, lik Mi. Spik Ova CarduiatriaL Pale Faced Women Take Phosphates !o Mate Bosy Cieels 3d Beautiful Furms. . Mod "Heel Phosphates to Male Stroni, Healthy. Yiprois Bodies. Athletes Increase their strength, energy and en durance 200 or more by simply taking a few week's treatment of Argo.Phosphate. 0 i I AllDngisU Atlanta, lr. K A. .lacolisoo says tht Phosphates are just as ettseutial to auy in an or Komaii alio lire eaady, is nervous, or irritable, worn out, or looks hatfKSid and pale to wake a strong, Ao bust, vigorous healthy H6xly, as they are to cotton to make it fro The lack f Achate is me C2u:c cfazi cikss.o conditions and tha atimmstratioa of 6- graiu Anro-Phosphate tableta aill iu create the strtofth aad en durance ol weal, nervous careworn men aud women SOU per ceut. in two or thrve weeks bine io maoy tnslanees, and their continued use will hntld up the whole oerTont system, and (rive new life, Tim, viiror, and vitality to the whole body. 1 always preacribe Atro-Phot-phate to patients who are pale and col drlens, and it is surpnsiiiK; to sue how auicklva few weeks ireauncnt will trans -tortn a pale face to a rosy-cheeked beau ty 1 here can be no .osy-cne-aea, healthy, beautiful women, without their system is sumcieoUy supplied with Phosphates In recent interviews with physicians on tbe grave and serious con sequences of a deficiency of Phosphates in the blood of American men and wo men, i have strbngiy emphasised the fact tiiat doctors should prescribe more Dhoatnhates in tbe form of A ryo-Phos phate for weak, worn-out, ha?frrd look mr men and women. Viheu the skm ta pals, nd the Itesb ttabby, it ta a tfa of anema. n oen toe poospai-ia fro irum the bloody the pink cheeks go, too. The vous. imtahle, despondent,melancholy, the hiam fairs, and the memory taiU. Theitore if you wish to preserve your healthy vim. vitro r aud vitality, to a rip old ate, you must supply thedeticteucy of I'oRpWe lacVinj in your food by ut Attiw- uMfiuti Uaaj tvliU 11 Hhoaphatss most easily assimilated. NOTICE Aitfo-PhoaphaU'ahich larecomiueud d and preseribiNl by physietnns m all enemic cases, 1a not a secret or patent , medicine, but one that I sold and n c oro in ended by well known diuinrute evervwher", and phyicians are daily suhscribioi the constituents cuntatnrd in it. Heinu; eutirely unlike many other Phosphates, it is easily ansiunlstedaud will ! found rllective in the trnatmeut of inditrestion and sloduach troubles, s well ai for careworn, nervous conditions. The manufacturers of Arfro-Phoephate will forfeit to any charitable institution . t'HJ On if they ca.iuot treat any man or woman under too who lacks Phosphates and increase their strength and eudtir ance from 100 per cent to Sou per eent or more in one month s time, if they are free from organto troaWe. ' It is dispensed by the W. M Co be a Urua; Company Free sample mailed by the Arg Lab oratoyiea, Atlanta, Ok ' x- ... "ir

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