is& w4 ij 1 qnsffiHn HSTABLISHliD IN I860. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms ol Substriution--$1.50 Per Aniiuin VOL. LI I. WELDON, N. C, THURSDAY, AKil ST US. 15)17, NO. 14: fg(mmimmmmpFQ5mggmsm Children Cry for Fletcher's Th Kini You Hav Always K. and which has been la UM tor ovtr over 30 yetu, .. ,..e the alt-nature of i and huj l,u, made under his per sonul buperviiiun aince its infancy. lll.u nn ... . l- All Counterfeits. Imftfitinnfi nnA ' Th II afo R..a. V " J mi-M-JWU Ml O lUl SxprimenU that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. . What is CASTOR I A Castorla if a harmless substitute fur Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age Is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wini Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. Th Children's Panacea The Mutter's Friend. GENUINE C ASTORIA ALWAYS Bears the Signature of J In Use For Over 30 Years Th Kind You Have Always Bought thi emu I COMMNV, MW United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield WE have on sale in our salesroom now the largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other mae. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. E have in stock almost any size or style-- VV Plain Tread. USCO Tread. Chain. Nobby and T T Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros, Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Weldon Republic Truiks Mr. Automobile Owner Attention! Send Us Your Old Tires! 3,500 to 5,000 Extra Mile Service Readily from Bell 2 in 1 Tire Co., (Incorporated) 202 W, Broad St. RICHMOND, VA. t Phone Randolph 6281 We buy Old Tires. e o o PltAYER OF AN UPRIGHT MAN. I . Z A l ' A , WSTIC TMLORWQ, utw cpdivg ntQPiav cnoQiiiKfc nvcornnn: im 1 take your measure ft nil make suit to order ou my bench, ('all and fe J Inspect Hue liue of piece good and samples. Satisfaction guaranteed A J 5' BV INSURING WITHi At End, Make Ceremony Short and Hpltaph Simple, "Here I. let a Man," Ih I Inal Supplica tion. "Publicity Magazine," contains the lullowing prayer, contributed by Homer McKee. Anyone who can utter this prayer in sincerity and truth must be an upright man, observes an exchuuge. Here is the prayer: Teach me that 60 minutes make an hour, 1 6 ounces one pound and 100 cents one dollar. Help me to live so that I can lie down at night with a clear consci ence, without a gun under my pillow and unhaunted by the Faces of those to whom I have brought pain. (Irani, I beseech Thee, that I may earn my meal ticket on the square, and in doing thereof that I may nut stick the gatf where it dues not belong. Deafen me to the jingle of taint ed money and the rustle of unholy skirls. Blind me to the faults of the other fellow, but reveal to me my own. Guide me that each night when I look across the dinner table at my wife, who has been a blessing to me, that I have nothing to con ceal. Keep me young enough to laugh with my children and to lose my self in their play. And thn when comes the smell of flowers and the tread of soft steps, and the crunching of the hearse's wheels in the gravel, out in front of my place, make the cer emony short and the epitaph sim plest: "Here Lies a Man." SUCH IS LIFE. "George," she said, "am I really and truly your little popsy wopsy?" "The sweetest peachy weachy in existence," declared George. "And you've never, never loved another girl?" "There isn't another girl in the world worth a thought, sweet." "What makes you love me so, George?" "Just because I can'l help it, preciousest.' "Am I an angel, George?" "An elf, petsie. The daintiest little fairy that ever drew breath." "Oh, my true knight!" she sigh ed. "Good night. Good night." And five minutes later the dain tiest littie fairy that ever drew breath was snapping ma's head off because the bread and cheese and pickled onions were not laid out for supper; whilst the true knight was whispering sweet nothings to the golden haired barmaid at the l-an and heathers, and asking her if she had a fancy to go to the pic- London I it- Smith &Rodwell. Phne 72 Officenext lOiFarber&tJosephson WELDON, N C tures Bits. next Friday. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean the Signature of NOT WORTH FOOLINU. Harper You can't fool all the people all the time. Sharper I don't want to. Lot's of people haven't any mone. WOMAN COULD HARDLY STAND Restored to Health by Lydia L Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. I urn rolton. N. Y. "Why will women pa out their money fur treatment and receive no oeneni, when to many have. E roved that Lydia !. Hnkham'i Vege table Compound will make them well? For over a year I suffered eo from female weak ness I could hardly stand and was afraid to go on the treat alone. Doc tors said medicines wen uteleai and only an operation would help me, but Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound bu proved it otherwise. 1 am now perfectly well and can do any kind of work." Mrs. N w.i.ik Phelps, care of R. A. Hider, K.F.D. No. 5, Fulton, N. Y. We with every woman who suffers from female troubles, nervousness, backache or the blues could see the let ters written by women made well by Ly dia K- Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. If yon have bad symptoms aod do not understand the cause, write to the Lydia . Pinkbom Medicine Co., Lynn, iiW. for hMpfui aovwe firee ino. 0 PASSIONATE LIPS. O passionate lips of the South ! come, kiss me again, Passionate lips that burn with the flame of despair ! Leave on my face Love's burning marks and stain So the witless world of dreams may know yo" were there ! Alas ! what is life wiihmn your immaculate glow ! Outside of your arm is a world with never a sun, Kiss me, O passionate lips of the South, and so Thus make me your male, as a bird, when the day is done ! 0 restless lips of the sea, with your sting of the brine, With your breast ol repose or stirred by a passionate thrill, Kiss me, with all the fervor, that ever was thine And all of my aims enslave by thy changing will. Kiss me as one who is thrilled by the passions that wake The soul from its sleep like one who trembles between The thought and the kiss all that is mine, ah I lake, And fold me close, where thy soul is at rest and serene I Kiss me, O winds of the West, that steadily blow I'roni mystical lands where the wild rose scents the air, Waking the tulips, wherever your foot steps go And bidding them bloom, in the whispered words of prayer ! Far back in those mystery years of a childhood's day When you came from out of a land all dreams to me, 1 hedged with palms and blooms your mystical way And linged your breath with a smell of the salty sea; But never since then in the years thai followed and lied Have you wrecked the lips I buildi d so well and stnmg. For now there's a smile and a thrill at your voice and your tread And threats once silent and still have a new, sweet song. There's a soul in the wind of the South and a soul in the Sea, And a passionate soul blows out of the scented West; All these awaken their trial of dreams in me These sweeten the burden of toil and the gift of rest. BEYOND, We call our friends, and our loved ones, dead, When from the eyes their beaming light has tied, While words of mystic meaning seem to rest Still on their lips, in death left unexprest. We call them dead, when on the coffin lid The clods lie heaped, and the deep grave has hid Their shrouded forms forever from our sight -Then grope we blindly, lost in utter night. By grief o'erwhelmed we, for a time, forget That those whom we call dead are living yet, Living in spirit form, for these Death dowers, Forevermore, with Life's divinest powers. Whom he has borne to some sublimer sphere, Unlike the narrow one that held them here, Therein in boundless glory to expand, Learning what here they could not understand So let us say, "not dead, but none bel'me," Sometime, somewhere, we'll mt.ei them all mice e, Those whose dear dust rests under (lowers and sod, But whose freed souls Death look and gave to God. FAMILY TRAIT. At the annual prize day of a certain school, the lii'iul hoy rose to give his recitation, " "Friends, Hoinans, country -men,' " lie vociferated, "lend me your ears !" "There," commented the mother of a defeated pupil, stieeriiiKl.v, "that's Mrs. Biggs boy ! He wouldn't he his moth er's son if he didn't want to borrow something." Loudon Timus. A SUSPICIOUS MOVH. A well-to-do manufacturer who made a luibliy of uri'hit'O- logieul research was traveling in Palestine when the news reached him of un addition to his family. The manufacturer sacrificed archaeological to pa rental joys. Providing himself with some water from the Jor dan to carry home for the chris tening, he at once set out for Kentucky. On the morning appointed for the baptismal ceremony, he ar rived at the church ahead of the rest of the family in order to hand over the precious wuter to the preacher. Ashe pulled the flask from his pocket the preacher held up a warning hand. ''Not now, not now,'' he said softly. "Maybe ufter churi-li is out." Albany (N. Y.) Times I'nion. WOULD IMVK KISKBD NUHBV. Hhe hud been culled hoiui suddenly, leuviug her husband to follow with their belongings When she met him at the dock slier xrluimed," Where's KidoV" "Dearest," he replied, ''he fell overboard." She wrung her hands. "Vhv didn t the steamer stop to rescue him ?" "They only stop to save hu man life," he exclaimed. "Then Henry, why didn't you jump overboard " Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA OUICLASSI-D. "Does your dog ever growl?" "No. He knows that my hus band has him hopelessly outclass ed " : Helps Sick Women Cardui, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, ol Hazel Hatch, Ky. Read what she writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. I was in bed lor weeks, unable to get up. I had such t weakness and dizziness, ... and the pains were very severe. A friend to, J me 1 had tried every thing else, why not Cardui? . . . I did, and soon saw it was helping me . . . Alter 12 bottles, I am strong and well." TAKE n i in The Woman's Tonic Do you teel weak, du ty, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from any of the com plaints so common to women? Then why not give Cardui a trial? It should surely do for you what it has done for so many thousands of other women who suffered it should help you back to health. Ask some lady friend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. All Druggists i. t fKW .AAioMKZIKi &3Tr$&F No Wonder ihis Man Smiles! LIE has found a real Non-Skid 1 1 tire one of the few tires with tread so constructed that it actually protects against dan gers of wet pavements and muddy roads. And the price is fair and right. BP' ' I'"' . ris1SHw J. S jf , d-MWr-WLsfaestfH Jk I' ) T ' ..sW-ftSsiat BsfeasssBSssi "When you pay molt than Fitlf prices, yoa pay fm Himcthing thai Jots not uiit," IflKUEO Standard of Tire Value Fak Tira Fur Sale By BARNES & GREGORY, WKLDON. N C. A girl never objects to the cold I treatment of a young man who orders ice cream. i Sk WOMEN! 0THERS DAUGHTERS r You who tire eiiMily, ro pale. Iwic fc a r (I it it J wuin; iitrvtutt or Irritable, who are tub )fct to ftts t melancholy 01 th ''bints," get your blood examined for Iron deflcl s?nry, IVXATID i.o ii men a ii r t r will Increase Vimr str. I'iU per t-eht In t. -i't- ka,' many caten. FerdlHtkvf Ivinu :.ivjl n )WuTtD in I to obuim til in m fuaraiit.v fu itltd usually i let I ' WOil,- tn I f K. Kins, stag I. C0C0T0E SKIfl WlflfEtElf 25c. BOX FREE. A Skin Bleach or Whltener for Dark or Brown Skin, Removing All Blemishes and Clearing all Swarthy or Sallow Complexions and Causing (he Skin to Grow whiter. Don't Envy a Clear Complexion Use Cocotone Skin Whitener and Have One. WHAT UStRS THINK OP COC0T0NH. Mucou, tia. iitniit- ' W n,u ''" V M I'olu'll I'llli! l i i-Uluu I M UK I'u HI-MAIN SliATKI). At a rliuiTh adjacent to a hitf mililary camp tt service was inviitly held fur soldiers only "Let all vim Inave fellows w tin ha e tiiiuliles stand oi." shouted the preacher. Instantly every man rose ex -ceil one. "Ah!" exclaimed the (Headi er, pcei inn at this lone individ ual. "You are one in a thousand." "II ain't that," piped had; the only man who had remain ed seated, as the rest of his I'oinpanioiis ua.ed suspiciously at him "Sonieliody's put some collider's wax on the seat and I'm stuck.- San Kiancisco Ex aminer. OUTOKTHK MOUTHS Op BABKS. llorothy, aged four, was pres ent nl dinner the other evening when a liumhel' of xuests were hciiiK entertained by her par ents, and during the lull in the conversation she heati to talk very earnestly: Why do you talk so touch, Dorothy?" asked her father " ' I'uuse I s dot nut li 11 ' to sav," was the reply. ' V 'Maniinu," said lillle Hetty, "my kilty is sick anil I have heeii ll inn In unr her si ine of my medicine, hut she won't take it." "tlf ciiur-e not," re plied her lout her. "lutsliever lake medicine when Ihev are ill." "Well, I declare!" ex claimed Hetty. "Who'd think a little kitten like, that would use the faith cure ?" I i.-ar Sn n : Seint me hy li'lum mail two lux s nf ('uiitiiii skill W'hiU'oer uud 111 re.- euM'N ofl 'upnlulH- Skiu Soap They ttic til,;' mitt 1 lo nut run- tu lit1 without tli,-in Kudos,-,! ih uioiu-y or der foi tl Youl tnily, I'l.AltA M KSUN. VVnyeioHn, lis. I oc-otuui' I 'o. Ili-ai l'l ii'inln: Your I'ocotoue Skin W'hitener ii the lini'tit thuiK I evi'r hsw. My Kk 111 la vei y iluik and the llrnt tiox ha mud,- it tuaiiy hhadt'H hifhtrr, sud my rnt iidi- all ank me what I have lieeu uMiiir Cm-loMed yuu mil liud r-Oii. I'lease rud me tux t)oxen olskiu til tenet and tun cakes of noai. Youm truly. ANNA M. WlllfK. Foi Ssle by the VY. M f Montgomery, Ala. I Cocotone t'o. I Hear siis: I liod that Cocotone Skin I Whitener ia the bent preparation I hare v,ei lu i-uui iiieSKiO, SOU WISH yOU would mail two nbxes at once, (sijrued) M1W. C. I. JOHNSON. Do not accept substitutes or imi tations. Cut This Out THE COCOTONE IX)., Atlauta, Ga. I have never used Cocotone Skiu Whiteuer, but if you will send me a 2m. hoi free, will be pleased to try it. I en cl sesix'Je stauipa to cover cost of mailing, packing, etc. Name. Address AUHNTs wanted. Cohen llrug Cooipaoy. Ww SpsD 4u You EhI? You might get sick or hurt--be prepared for it You might want to make an investmentstart now, " l akes money to make money," you know, You might be visited by thieves or firean account with us prevents loss. The saving habit is a mighty good one to jret into. We pav 4 per cent on Sav ings Accounts THE BANK OF HALIFAX g HALIFAX JNT.C. N. I.. SteJman, I'reHidenl Njturxlly the family tree of the grafter is a plum tree. Circulation of the blood is an af fair of the heart. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA - P. C. Uregory, Viee-HreNidenl. P. tl.ureforr Cashier. Pale Faced Men Need Tute Phosphates :o Mate Rosy Cheeks and Beautiful Farms. tes to Mt Strong Healthy, Bodies. Athletes increase their strength, energy and en durance 200 or more by simply taking a few week's treatment of Argo.Phosphate. muse I et lack tone. Tbey bocome aer- At'unt, 5a. Or. F A. .lacoiwon yh thai liioHphates re jut eiwotml to any limit ui woman who tint easily, it ut'iioui, or mitaUc, woiu out, ui lww luk'ifAitl bdiI (jie to make a strong, ro- t, vi.rt.iiuuH healthy body, an they me tttcollou to make it if row The lack I ritKMphate i the cause of all enemic fiMt.lUmui aiitl lite atlmiuHtiatiuD ol i- ttiiiH. Aitfo t'lidMpttate tahlets will id nasi' me treu(fth and en Itiiance ol wtak, nervous caie wort. mt'D aut) woiueu 3U per cent, iu two or three Ae.-fcs time iu tnaoy instances, and llttii coutmutd use will bnild up tue wlioif uc'iviHiB system, aDtl give new lite, viui, viKoi, a Qil vitality to ilie whole tiotly. I always prescribe Argol'hos phate to palieiits who are pale ami col oilcrss, autt it it surprising to see how quickly a lew weeks treatment will trans form a pale face toa roBy-cheeked beau ty Ttieie can be no tosy-cheeked, he-ilthy, beautiful women, without their systfiu is hurticiently supplied with l'iius)battH In recent interviews with uhrtiiutaii ou the grave and serious con- Hen ueuces of a detioiency of fhosphates in the htood oi American men ana wo men, I have strongly emphasised the fact that doctors should prescribe mora pbon hates in the form of Anro-rboa- pbate for weak, worn-out, haggard look niif men and women. When tha akin ta pale, aud the tih flabby, it is a sign ol aiiema. When the nhospataa ro from the blood, the pink cheeks io, too. Th vous, irritable, despoodent.melancholy, me uinu nil, iuu tue memory una. auviiuiv ti yuu wisii io pirwrvt your KmIUiv im an,l ..t.l.l. 4 old age, you most supply toe d'enoiency va i iiUKaaic vkiuf ib your rooa oy usiiitf Aigo-Fbospbale, the form of ruunpuBiea must tasiiy assimilated. NOTICE Argo-fhosphate which isreeommand ed and prescribed by physicians in ail enemic cases, it oot a secret or patent mediciue, but one that is sold and rec ommended by well known dniRVisU everywhere, and physicians are daily subscribing the constituents contained in it. Being entirely unlike many other Phosphates, it is easily assimilated and will be found effective in the treatment of indigestion and stomach troubles, as well as for care worn, nervous conditions. The manufacturers of Argo-Phoephate will forfeit to any charitable institution $'40.Ut if they cannot treat any man or woman under 65 who lacks Phosphates aqd increase their strength and endur ance from 100 per cent, to 800 per cent, on more in on noath'e time, if they art free from organic trouble. It is dispensed by th Wt M. Cousa Drug Company. Free earn pie mailed by th Argo Lasv oratories, Atlanta, Oa