TP 941 IIP I- si ilk US I A11LISHUI) IN 1806. A NEWSPAPER FOR THE PEOPLE. Terms of Subscription $1.50 'cr Allium VOL. LI I. WKLDON, X. (, THURSDAY, (KTOBLK 4, HH7. NO. '21 Nl'l LI'T "1 1 riHlilVMMI GASTORIA Ij.r Inf'iitfH unt Children, ". . "..i, .t Tin. fi ili-:nP ' "3" J'1 V'''!Mt'Pi,pnfl,il,hf,A!, i ' vl :t h niliiiiiUiol'oodbyKi'tiula- t .....ill.Unf , i.ii'.' lju lomaun mi" "j lli.Tcliyl'ranio'iiiiiiDiioilln ,-. n.iUadf'Aintaub i,!U TlUlllVSa"" - neither Opiuni.Mcrphuie nor Mineral. Not Naiicotic ,-WjV .!( hirm U i.tnfifi "teg? Jlwfrww' tew AhoIpfutlicnK'dyf.'i ConslipMion and Diarrhea, .nut Ki-vcrishness ana njiwUiiitn,Braluy" Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tin: j Signature 1 .'ft'- tT 01 r IT J r 'i;H I ittrtii"we"4W- .1 fcxact Copy of Wrapper. In If UbB vi For Over Thirty Years mm u fomn oitv K United States Goodrich Kelly Springfield B have on sale in our salesroom now the largest stock of Automobile Tires ever shown TT in Weldon. Three of the best makes on the American market. Tires that will give you more miles for your money than any other make. Our tires are guaranteed by the manufacturers on mileage basis of 3500 to 5000 miles. I; have in stock almost any si.e or style V Wain Tread, USCO Tread, Chain, Nobby and Silvertown Cord Tread. The market is un settled now, and Tires may advance at any time, buy now, save money, get the right tires at the right prices. Also carry in stock a full line of all Automobile supplies and accessories. Batchelor Bros. Chalmers and Chevrolet Automobiles Oldest Oarage In Weldon Republic Trucks iU Dress Up AND YOU'LL Cheer Up ! The country is alright, and you are alright, if you will just dress up. The prudent suc cessful man knows this to be true. Try it und see how good you'll feel. You'll feel like a real somebody, and just like facing the world's opportunities to win. At VINSON'S, the De Luxe Clothier, you will find these cheerful, good-looking clothes, and at prices that are making friends for these good clothes. COME AND SEE IS ALL I ASK You know that fortune favors a well-dressed man. Great preparation has been made for you. The prices now are a great deal lower than they will be again for at least two years. C. S. Vinson, TMIi OUTH I TfcK TO MANKIND WELDON, . NORTH CAROLINA. PRICE LIST BELL 2 IN 1 TYRES 600 W. Biu.,1 SI., RICHMOND, VA. Your Old Tyres Made Into One HIZK iMxa :w.v;t .nuaj i-Mi ati4 3814 1 J3U 8414 i',xl 3tiH 34l4j 8514 8,14 :lff 8tllo .W. I'l MTOIIKH HI, H "I l( I'HII'K KIHMNHIWU 11 II.NIMH UMi trull COM l-ua'K TIIU'.S UO'lll CAHl.MW ,'AHIM, 1! I N I T MK $;t mi n 7u HII t '-' mi 8 Mil ,"i t;r. 7 k'i 4 :t ir, u wi u m ! i1 4 mi ? ,r vi 4ii 3 a.' 4 Hf H Vi till 4 a l 4 HO 8 llll HU 4 4 i f, 50 tt Si, 18 HO 4 'ill 5 75 111 411 14 HU 4 UU 6 BO 10 HII 15 till '' D IK 1125 15 SHI SHU (I 50 10 llll 15 ft, 5 tl 6 95 11 70 15 Ho fl HU (i HO II HO Hi HU U "II 7 60 12 HO IH 70 li 10 7 .50 12 HII IK Hj U W 7 75 18 HO 1H !K, II 5(1 X 110 14 (III 24 70 11 75 SHE HAD WAYWARD DAUGHTER, Neighbor wus Surprised When She I'ound Cause lor Severe llehiike Amlnlstered by Miilher. A l;iily living in a large apart miiil hiuise relates the following: "I had occasion one day to visil the apartment nl a neighbor. Such grave and earnest nines ol remon strance reached my ears, us 1 up. prnached my friend's room, that I hesitated about intruding. I found her winsome young daughter with her, and ihe mother had evidently been rebuking her, fur the girl's face was Hushed, and there were tears in her eyes. "Come in," said my friend. "I have finished what 1 was saying to Jenny, and I hope she will remem ber my wishes." "Ah, these children these chil dren!" thought 1 to myself. "1 have jusi been telling her," continued my friend, "that she must not wear her evening gloves when she goes shopping in the morning. In the first place, it is not genteel; and in the second place, it is extravagant." Her evening gloves! And yet, I ii.ssure, her tone and expression and the impression made on the child, would have befitted a serious wrong-doing one that had issues in time and eternity. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will Increase Strength of Delicate People 100o in Ten Days Im Dtinjr itinlitin I'mt Imivh unf itted iiiituhl ntf.'iiy t'u' yn ii (toil rlikf fl)l 111 Vtm V nkllulM, titulllltlll, 11VM (if kliluy (lliBima ul' U"Hin utlior ullii.ont wlitrn tliali riml t run lilt wmi lack uf Uuu 10 til llloa-Huvr to tall, in . w ihk V"i i el In M Helps ji E Sick 1 B Women K JK ... .......... - Cardui, the woman's tonic, helped Mrs. Wil liam Eversole, ol Hazel Patch, Ky. Read what she writes: "I had a general breaking-down of my health. I was in bed lor weeks, unable to get up. I had such a weakness and dizziness, ... and the pains were very severe. A Iriend to i me 1 had tried every Ih ig else, why nol Cardui? ... I did, and soon saw it was helping me . . . Alter 12 botdes, I am strong and well." TAKE 1 The Woman's Tonic Do you leel weak, diz zy, worn-out? Is your lack of good health caused from any ol the com plaints so common to women? Then why nol give Cardui a trial? II should surely do for you what It has done for so many thousands of other women who sutfered it should help you back to health. Ask some lady Iriend who has taken Cardui. She will tell you how it helped her. Try Cardui. All Druggists EVER SALIVATED 6Y 1 Ynl'k. In ml ill -4 YOUR OLD TYRKS MADE 2 IN t. 'Jti't throw way your old tires, send them to ua, we may 1,6 a,jle lo. m.akt! ii in 1 for you; let us be the judge, no deposit necessary, wa make all slnp iihuib subject to your examination; it they are not worth making 2 in 1 we will Bill for you at the highest Hiefcmond laiies (the highest anywhere) and return i):t? amount to you. We yj charge on incoming. Calomel is quicksilver and acts like dynamito on your liver. CuloiiH'l jWj yon a day! You know what f.iloiiii'l in. ' tni'v. cui'v; tuirUilT. Culomt'l U tft'rliim. It li'anlh'M inio nmip lutr like ilyiiiimiti', (Taiiini and uick- I'lllll VOU. I'lllollH'l llUlU'k-4 llin hoiu'H aiiw should iH'Wr In- put inlo your ayaU'iii. V Ik'ii vou fed hil'mm, iHilffii roiwlipali'd and all knovUil out and .flii-i'you mvd a ilo-', -d' .fcangcr.)! ralouu'l jtwt ivitii'inln r .that your tlrugint srlls for 5 vt'uts u large hotlle of l)udcou'.-i Liver Touc, which is entirely vegetable and pliant to take and ia a perfect suhstittitp for ralnniel. It ia gtiaranicod to start your liver without s'irrit you u. insidi1, and oau not walivutc. Don't take calomel ! 1 ' makea ymi sick the next dhy ; it lo.-u s you a da . V work. Dodaoo's Liver Tone nh'aMkt ens you right up and yon fi ! ri-v,.t. Oiv it to tlie children Wvaust it is porfijctlj lurultss aad doesu't gripe. rtiuint- IT. K. Hituar. ri I lor-1 ' 1 1 p h m 1 I i n whi' him MudlM v lit' y ln-t h in ihii country ii nd In k rent l-Ui r v ji n mi'ti'iil lnmiin!iMii, unht. It y,m w 10 tn nmlw Mil ii 'tint I hli"i(l I Ml on llll iii i)lr v. hn arf Ml ynu Wnulil j'rilnilily he nn-nily nut mi iHlict nt t Im fi ceil ImkIv 1 1 r - tiiitiitn-r who liti'lt Irmi uml who nrt til fur rid oiht-r r,iiHnii tliuti Ihe huh nt lrti. 'I'ln ii ioi ne ill I r un In mhii1!-i1 nil Ihflr until Until- ut i:inni'rnn h -1 1 i I r 1 1 1 dltmuiJirir. VSOhoiil Iimii Oh' lihunl til ii lire InHi-H t li(! dowtT lo c hall K1' f'ul liitu living t!nnm niiil lliPicftHf iiuili tng you oat iloi .t you nny gaotl ; ymi dun't K-'t the mr'tinUi out of II. Vmir ftnid rut: rely ihihbcm Ihrouifh yuur ms tem llki corn thniuRh a mill with tin: rullers Hu wlile Hpnrt that the mill run't grlrnl. Ah a result of thlH contlniKnis blood Hful m-rve Htarvnlion, nrtopl- bi oorntj gftit rtilly i 1'itkfMid, ticrvoiiH rind all run down inul fn-iunt ly dtvi loii nil or In r I'undii Ions. Oiip In too thtu, anotln r is h'.inlent'd with unhi'iilthy f nl ; on ib it rt; wt'iik lin y tun Imrdly walk ; hoimc !li ink they hit ve tl VM'iMin, kldii-y or liver trouble: Hium- ciui't lt'-l nl hIrIiI. olhiTH are h'i'ly mill tired all dii ; muiiu" tiiHfiy nnd Iri'itnMc; aonie skinny anil b!ii(n!h'nn, hut all lin k phyHiral mwi'i' and eridiiniiifH, In surii OaHeH, It if Wnr.1i' (It nil forth Hit III'MM lt Jaktt Htlrnilliilhik' inedh-tniH or nnrcntlr mgA, win. It only whip up your f:iy.aiK vital po.-r. for (lie niouienl, nutyhf at the expense uf your lit', later on. No matter what any one h-ll you, If you ara not .urmiK and well you own It tt fuurtielf to make the fallowing tuat; Hm . l. Cohen I mo Co. uii n- ihr. t or how dir you niiiK Hud NeU ib im ot iitillinuy da y I t. .'Hi mkIIi a u a 1 1 1 mi'! to r rr lotiMO'lr how inii'h you have Kaliii-,1, 1 ,n- Heeri doi-M of IH'Ioiiik, I'll Ii down people who wi te itlliitK all the 1 1 n it- iotl,1e, nnd "en Iripie, Ihelr flti-fii',l!i and einlui'- Jtl I I'l y ii't ml of tin If '. . ip- Id. mil of d . hi I d hv i II. (Hill tt; X he idttnl yon i aiHlM -hi. Ih.T i id i alter tin y doetorihK f j rr i tiK any lu neiii, i am- a hoi 1 1 all elm id- alk Mesh the.- hut down to hard fails lln-r- la Ke i: I old iron lo mil rotor leeks and tfnod Hmind. he.ttihy "Uf hoti.'rt. It i:. tiKii H (treat I Mnnmi'li t rent;t liein-r and eni inoou laiihier in ie wor t , ne !oni Irouhle wan Unit the old forms of , luiJi'nanli: Iron, like tlnrtim of Iron, inm iieelate, etc., often rtlinid Jieople'a ; leelh, upset their Hloinai'liH inul Were I not aHHlinilfiled, and for these reason tln-y ireiiuenlly tint mure harm than guiaj. Hut with ihe dl.-fovery ut the newer forum of nri;anic ii-oii nil ihist hail heen ovr-renme, NuMlled Iron, for ex ample, la pleiiMant tu lake, doen not In line ttift teeth and la alinuBt ftiuncdl ately hetiellclal. APPARI-NTLY SO. "It yuu refuse me my hie will he ;in jelling void. " "Another suitor mkl me ttiat (HlCi. " "W hat lhiipeiied'" "II' has a wile weighs over 2t)0 putinds and it sit ikes me ih;ii hi; lifr is miher lull, " Mrs Smith iV;icoiniiuinls Chnnt hiThiin's Tahkts 'i have I nil 1 tnoic im Ion st MitUf j i troiilili. !oi - ciirht iir ten yeut;i." wtilcs Mim. i. II Stnith, Itrcttcrlon. N V "W lo n sulleiiiiir fro to uttiiekH uf iili gt'si inn ami heuviiiesB al'tci' culine;, tmc or no of Chuiuhfilaiii's 'I'utdtds huc always iclievfil me, I have u!m fuuml thifiii ti itcus:int Iti.Milivt' " These- tuli h t-i tone up tin' Nloiuat'h ami eimlilr it l) peiloiiii its I'tiiictions iiatiiiully. I f you au Irutilileil Willi iiiilict Htioii L'ivc tli. 'in a inul, m-t wt'll and slay well. SOTB Tli ininurfturer (rt iiiull Irm ilrli initaiiinttrtf f initlilmne In Ui i-ih'iuT ttatl tuUiu the I HO oo to HIT riiihutile iititlluiiiiii If Uih U wij ii'Hii ir wiiiiibii unilur titty wtn i-if in rmir kii time imantnl lliey Imi iwlmii orEkiilu lnubl JlIsii llte hIII nhn.A In H'K '. in Will, U Numltd hull (!-. it I -ml tluuMi i ur it i fii gtli lu U'u tUn' Him ll ditniiioJ in (Lit Olu b) til tfuutl diunlil 'Hit Wuldon Ih'utf f'o. WHEN' 'POSSUM'S COMIN' IN. Vi'hen ole Br'er 'Possum's coinin' in, Know des whur you ut ! Mos' ei sweet 1-2 smokehouse niciti, Streak o' lean und fat ! You never ux him wliur he been When ole lir'er 'I'ossuin's coiniu' in ! You say : "De latthstring's throwed away, An' heuh's de ole home-place : It's col' tonight, But Hre is bright De table's sol fer grace !" An' den 'taint long you has ler wait 'Fo' ole Br'er 'Possum's on de plate ! You don't keer ef de ole meat trus' Put all de prices high; Wid 'Possum-fat An' likes o' dat, Ole Hard Times say : "Good-bye!" Don't ax de Good Times whar lie been When ole Br'er' 'Possum's comin' in ! Stanton. WHY IT IS SO. Some find work where some lind rest, And so the weary world goes on; 1 sometimes wonder what is best; The answer comes when life is gone. Some eyes sleep when some eyes wake, And so the dreary night hours go; Some hearts beat where some hearts break 1 often wonder why 'tis so. Some hands fold where other hands Are lifted bravely in strife; And so through ages and through lands Move on the two extremes of life. Some feet halt while some feet tread In tireless march a thorny way; Some struggle on when some have fled ; Some seek, where others shun, the fray. Some sleep on while others keep The vigils of the true and brave; They will not resi till roses creep Around their names above the grave. l-'atlier Ryan. SHORT METER. The twins, just arrived at the creeping age, were visiting grand ma's. Now, grandpa, after work ing in the fields all day, rested his feet by going barefoot. The first night at family prayers the family was much surprised at grandpa's agitation and very short prayer. Being questioned, he replied : "Guess you'd be agitated with those two rascals tickling your feet." AND HE WAS (1001). "Now, Tommy," said Mrs. Bull, "1 want you to be good while I'm out." "I'll be guild for a nickel," re plied Tommy. "Tommy," she said, "I want i"ii cuimm be u Son of mine unless vou are good for nothing." Si. Paul Dis patch. Croup. If yuui rhililri'li all' ulij,Tt lo rump, Kt't H laltlll' Ul' rtiaiiilpt'lltllll's C.MIiill Kenittly, uml w 1,,-tl tin utliu'li cointff: on to ! cau lul U, lullmv tin plum piuite.l tliii-elioiis. Vou mil lie sur-Piihi-lI al llif iiuu'k relief which it af fontrt. OIV1NO HIM A SCARE. A young soldier had gone to the theater with a friend. The play dragged and he fell asleep. An hour later he was awakened by the voice of an actor saying: "We have been here five days." "Bless me ! and I had only leave to stop out till midnight !" NOTICE TO SICK WOMEN Positive Proof That Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Relieves Suffering. Says Phosphates Make Beautiful Women and Strong, Healthy, Vi porous, kohust Men Physitiuns all over the world are prescribing phosphates to build run ilnwn enemic conditions and those who have treated their patients with Argo 1'husphute are changing thin, enemic women with toneless tissues flabby llesh, Into the most beautiful rosy cheeked and plump round formed w o men imaginable Atlanta, Ga Dr. Jacobsun said in a recent interview that 90 per cent, ol enemia comes from nerv ous breakdown which can only be corrected by supplying the neces sary phosphates lo the nervous system that is lacking in the food you eat, and this can be iiuiekly supplied by taking one or two 5 grain Argo-Phosphate Tablets after each meal, and at bed time. Ii w ill in many eases make a pale, scraw ney face ihe picture of health, in a few days I have seen women that I expected would have to be kept under treatment for mouths restored to perfect health in one or two weeks time. Special Notice. -The Argo Phos phate recommended by Dr. I-'. II. Jacobson contains phosphates such as are prescribed by leading physi cians throughout the world, und it will he found ihe must elf'eenve form for treating patients with Nervous Dyspepsia, Stomach trou bles, Brain l-'ng, and Nervous Pros tration. It will renew youthful vim and vigor, and build up the whole body. Argo-Phosphate is dispensed by W. M. Cohen Drug Co. l-'ree sample mailed by the Argo Laboratories, Ailania, Ga SAYS LEMON JUICE WILL REMOVE FRECKLES Glrlil Make this cheap beauty lotion to clear and whiten your kin. TOILET if IB IIS !, T here's yreat satis faction in usiny; toilet I goods that come from , our store, in tliem ' you have the assur ance of honest ma terials a ii d pure chemicals. HOME AND SEE our display of line soaps for the complexion and hath-. .scented waters, perfumes, cold creams, cosmetics, manicure sets, lotions, hair tonics, combs, brushes, sponges. w. 1. Ook Drug Company, (Successors lo W, M. Cohen.) Weldon, North Carolina. 1 SOLI: AGUNTS l:OI 1 1 Nl 'NNAI.I.Y'S AND j ( NYAL'S RHMKDIHS. i i Nl IRKMS' ( :AM)IHS. ) a...,.., o o .0 e o OE30EZ3IZ 5v I . Z A B A , 3 ARTISTIC W LOR I HQ, new vuBimii niQPi nv enn ciiitc , nurnrnnTi O I1L II ill II II! U Uivi in i i u 1 1 vun u M u r i.iiwvn I u x 1 lalvt viiiu tiii'UMH'f uno make Miit to uhli'i on my heiieh. Call aim V UiMn i'l line hue ofpieev tiouils ami sampli's s-ati!j.i't mu kfuaiautei Squeeze tlie juiw of two lemoim into & hut tl' ountainirtu three ovincen of orchard white, aliake well, and you have a quarter pint of the hent freekle and tan Intinii, and cnmjilexiou heiiutitltT, at very, very small font. Your proeer Ima the h monn Hiid any drug store or toilet oounter will supply three ounees of orchard white fur a few cents. Manaape this sweetly fragrant lotion into the face, neck, ann and hand eaeh day and nee Imw freckles and bletnitiheH disappear and hw clear, Boft and white the ukm hcouuieu, e! It U haJiulww. - When Shall I R wear liiassesr' Y Ask HALL. Norfolk Piikmonrl Lynchlmrir 144 c :: i r. lirc.a I3 i)G W . 1 Arc H'::s! m ! ohoes iitiiiiiiiiiiTifiliiiii CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Brldgeton.N.J. "I cannot speak too highly of Lydia ii. Pinkham's Veguta- jjuie l ompouna lor II11IKU1UIMUUI1 k ii a other weaknesses. I was viry Irregular and would have te r rible pains so that 1 could hardly take a step. Sometimes I would be bo misera ble that I could not swep a room. 1 doctored part of tha time but felt no change, 1 later took Lydia E. Pink- ham'a Vegetable Compound and soon felt a change for the better. 1 took it until 1 was in good healthy condition. 1 recommend the Pinkham remedies to all women as I have used them with such good results. "-Mrs. Mlt.HiKi) T. Cum mings, 322 Harmony St., Perm's Urove, N J. Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence of the excellence of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound as a remedy for the distressing ills of women such as displacementa.inflammation, ulceration, backache, painful period, nervouBnesa and kindred ailment. 1 1 he I te"l Hni'lWti I'attern ante lor every lu-le. Also a com i plole line ol Children's Skuffers To lie convinced call and inspect i my Hall and Winter Slock. ! fiTTfKlC SHOEiRtPAlRINO SHOP. i All Shoes repaired promptly and 1 at reasonable prkes. Wr.LDON SHOt STORE, I I.. KII'TNliK, Prop. S (l'0ile ItOMtoltiea, VT.I.IION, N.C. No betier lime than nov to Ret the buy his seliiml suii. "TheMighty Good" The only real suii for serviee. Ask the boy thai wears them. We are showing some of ihe newest siyles in early fall patterns, Sizes li tu 'Jll Shoes, Caps, Underwear. Everything Bovs Wear FARBER & JOSEPHSON, Ml-N'S AND 1-iUYS' OUTFITTERS. Wl-LDON, N. C. KlkllkXIMSlMmWWKMrilM'Jkl(MttlllkiIIIIK RUB-MY-TISM Will cure Rheumatism, Neu ralgia, Headaches, Cramps, Colic Sprains, Bruises, Cuts, Burns, Old Sores, Tetter, Ring-Worm, Ec zema, etc. Anliseplio Anodyne, used internally or externally. 25c INVITATION. j You are invited to open anJaccount with the BUHK OF EttFKLD, Eft FIELD, fl. C. 4 Per Cent, allowed in the Savings Depart-9 ment Compounded Quarterly. YOU can bank by mail B iilWmMWIUlWlltiWIUBRIIiM -4 r ... 1 ,V i,V . '

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